2014 wingman recognition

Wingman Photo Album

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Page 2: Wingman Photo Album

Wingman“Never leave your wingman” is a phrase borrowed from naval aviation. The wingman positions his aircraft out-side and behind (or on the wing of) the fighter pilot and is tasked with protecting the fighter pilot while he or she is engaged in combat. The wingman is also responsible for alerting the fighter pilot of trouble. Simply put, a wingman has your back!

In the air and at Regional West, a wingman is more than a peer or a fellow employee—your wingman helps keep patients safe by providing:

• Cross Monitoring to prevent a co-worker from making a mistake.

• On the spot second opinions. • Positive feedback to reinforce safe behaviors.

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4 l Wingman Recognition 2014

Joni Bruce Nominated by Lucrecia Spady

Joni has stepped up to the plate to help me out whenever possible. I can count on her to be in charge in my absence and trust everything is taken care of. Joni is our always keeping an eye out for safety issues and does an awesome job educating staff. She is a team player and goes above and beyond to make sure patients are safe. Thanks Joni for all you do!

Mr. Burry is always ready to help, even in the most dangerous of situations. Even in trying situations he uses the lightest touch possible and is always looking out for the patient to ensure the safety of patients and staff.

Brent Burry Nominated by Brian Weinmaster

James Cabral Nominated by Rich McGlynn

Although James is new to the Regional West family, he has a very strong desire to help others whenever and where ever they need it, to learn all that he can, and a drive that will let him achieve his life’s goals.

Tobie was hired as an HR Assistant and Hospitalist Coordinator when the program was brand new. Tobie quickly came in and started wading through the processes, learning all she could about HR and benefi ts in addition to the Hospitalist program. After about a year and a half, the Hospitalist program stole her away from me! But wait, that is not true! Tobie continues to support me and the PC staff when needed, even when she is up to her ears in other duties. She ALWAYS steps up when needed to help cover the offi ce in my absence. She is knowledgeable and helpful to anyone who comes to the offi ce. I would not want to fl y without my Wing-Woman!! Thanks Tob!

Tobie Copp Nominated by DeAnna Pierce

Lucrecia Spady and Joni BruceRich McGlynn and James Cabral

De Pierce and Tobie CoppBrian Weinmaster and Brent Burry

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Alice FillinghamAlice consistently dots my “I’s” and crosses my “T’s” for me by doing details, including but not limited to researching lit., writing policy, procedures, education plans, and making forms to ensure compliance with regulations and best practice is carried out for our patients. She always does this with a smile on her face.

Linda FowlerLinda is my wingman in watching out for me by deviling in the details to develop an idea into reality. Linda makes sure all staff have been educated and understand the importance for changing processes to improve care.

Alicia KunzAlicia is my wingman because she sees that follow-through is completed on many, many aspects. Her am-bition never stops and she continues to fi nish the “list.” Her follow-through and follow-up are impeccable.

Stephen MatthewsStephen consistently carries the CICU forward with his huge emphasis on staff feelings and improving the work environment through recognition and taking time to refl ect on ideas and impact. His calm de-meanor helps me not go too fast and ensures different points of view are considered.

Nominated by Nancy Hicks-Arsenault

6 l Wingman Recognition 2014

Lita Delcamp Nominated by Lisa Steele

Lita is a very conscientious employee and credentials all of the providers including locums that we hire. She never complains about the changes and the short deadlines and always has my back covering for me during a visit or just chasing the necessary documents down, etc. I can’t say enough about how much she does to ensure that the providers are able to work when needed and have all the necessary things done in order for them to do so. Lita makes my life so much easier and pleasant on a daily basis!

Alice Fillingham, Alicia Kunz, Nancy Hicks-Arsenault, Linda Fowler, and Stephen Matthews

Lita Delcamp and Lisa Steele

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Irene Garcia Nominated by Cindy Morrison

Irene is on top of everything and is always willing to go the extra mile for you. We have been short on employees and she has stepped up to the plate and done more than her share.

Nominated by Teresa (Terri) AllenWhen an employee does his/her job, you may think that it’s just to be expected. But Irene has gone above and beyond her duties in helping me with my learning experience here at Regional West. I just came on board six months ago and with so much to learn, I needed a wingman. I don’t work in the same department or offi ce as Irene, but we do the same type of job. Irene has always been my support system with my new job, assisting me with many answers to unanswered questions. Irene is a true wingman assisting me so that we can provide the best possible service to our patients.

8 l Wingman Recognition 2014

Kelsey Kriewald Nominated by John Nygard

As my wingman, Kelsey is invaluable in so many respects that it’s hard to list all the ways. One example is that she protects and defends by drawing fl ak away from me so that we can accomplish our mission of trying to provide safe medication therapy to our pa-tients. Another way is that she is good at developing our mission objectives. We can then both be on the same operational page and anticipate, formulate, and improvise on our sorties so that we don’t get shot down by the enemy and return home safely.

Peter has been my wingman since the fi rst day I started working at Regional West Medical Center-ER. Peter has been there when I needed him for any consultation regarding patient care, and it does not matter how busy we are in the ER, he never shows any sign of distress or push back. I also see him as a man who put other people fi rst—patient, coworker, or his family, it doesn’t matter, he will put himself there for you. I have a lot of respect for this man, not only as a coworker but also as a family man. We often joke that he could start his own religion and people would follow him. Peter can make anyone believe on himself, and I believe he is a true leader in this hospital.

Peter Meyer, MD, FPC Nominated by Gatbel Chamjock, MPAS, PA-C

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Cindy Morrison, Irene Garcia, and Terri Allen

Gatbel Chamjock and Peter Meyer

John Nygard and Kelsey Kriewald

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Terri Morehouse and April Strom Nominated by Amy Schmunk

We all sit next to each other and answer phones in the back at the Women’s center. Terri and April can hear what I say to patients and correct me or help me in giving the patient the correct information or who the call needs to go to. The communication between them and myself is consistent and great—we all work together as a team. If they ever feel that I have made a mistake, we can discuss it and come up with a solution—I never feel as if a patient is not taken care of.

Becky anticipates what others will need for meetings and projects and goes ahead and takes care of it. Becky is quietly competent, staying calm. She does things to just brighten my day, and she is always there when I need her. I get a lot more done when she is here. I count on her and count her as one of my gifts in life!

Becky Nerud Nominated by Shirley Knodel, MS, RN, Vice President Patient Care and Chief Nursing Offi cer

10 l Wingman Recognition 2014

Ellen Otto Nominated by Kim SmithEllen is my wingman, not only at work, but outside of work as well. While at work here in Interventional Radiology, Ellen is an amazing resource and is always willing to give a second opinion so that the patient is always kept safe. She is always willing to be a second set of hands whether it just to get a diet coke for you when you just can’t take any more or if it’s being available to place a patient on the monitors prior to a sedation. Ellen makes me a better nurse by encouraging me with positive feedback and by cross monitoring me, and that is why she is a great wingman. When Ellen is not at work, the atmosphere changes; the entire institution is better be-cause Ellen is here. Outside of work, Ellen is also the driving force for most of her co-workers to stay in shape.

My wingman, Deana Spreier, is vigilant at consistently working be-side me to identify our trauma patients, opportunities for improve-ment, and coordinating the Performance Improvement process for the safety and quality outcomes of our trauma patients. Deana is also a safe sounding board for me to discuss thoughts and ideas. Deana is a constant reassurance that someone has my back. Her intuition and insight are very helpful in continuing to mature our trauma system and trauma service.

Deana SpreierNominated by Shermaine Sterkel

Kim Smith and Ellen Otto

Deana Spreier and Shermaine Sterkel

Shirley Knodel and Becky Nerud

Terri Morehouse, Amy Schmunk, and April Strom

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Jeanette Weimer Nominated by Kara Plett

Last week during one shift, Jeanette ended up catching a order entry error that a physician en-tered. In general Jeanette knows/keeps up with patient care/procedures to be taken place. She is an extra eye on us/for us to make sure our patients receive the needed care. I feel if this had not been caught right away, the patient who was supposed to actually get the test never would have and the patient it was entered on would have been shocked/confused as to why they were having a procedure done. She also is very good at alerting nursing staff when she sees orders that require our patients to be NPO or to do certain requirements for and is quick to alert us. I think all in all we know how great of a resource she is to our medical fl oor staff; therefore she is an awesome WING-MAN - we don’t like to ever fl y without her!!

Nominated by Lenae SnyderJeanette has been the unit secretary on 3rd fl oor for many, many years. As most of you know

and have talked to her, she knows exactly what is going on with our fl oor. She is the go-to person

with everyday things. Whether it be paging someone, fi nding things, looking up info, patient info,

procedures, etc... she knows the answer. She is a wealth of knowledge that needs to be recognized

for all of her hard work and dedication to 3rd fl oor. She is always a team player, always willing to

help others, and pretty much is the BACKBONE of 3rd fl oor. She always dresses appropriately,

has a smile on her face, and rarely is overwhelmed with her job that requires so much of her each

and every day. As a charge nurse, describing her as my wingman would be putting it lightly. You

know that things will always go smoothly during your day knowing that Jeanette is there from 6:30

a.m. to 3 p.m. and when she goes on vacation, which is rare, everyone panics and wonders how we

will all survive without her. Jeanette, thank you for all your hard work, knowledge, and patience

with all the staff on 3rd fl oor. It never goes unnoticed and we all thank you from the bottom of our

hearts. You are my wing-gal...From your favorite charge nurse and friend! =)

12 l Wingman Recognition 2014

Kara Plett, Jeanette Weimer, and Lenae Snyder

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Mike ArmstrongNominated by Sarah HenryMike is a wonderful team leader; he is fair and patient with co-workers, patients, and most anyone he encounters throughout his workday. He is a team player and works hard to rally us when it seems like we are completely overwhelmed. Mike is always willing to take time out of his already insane list of duties to help keep everyone safe, whether it be answering questions, helping to safely transfer, or just lending a hand. I think he is a great example of a worker we should all strive to be.

Brian never says no or ignores a help request. He is always willing to offer a helping hand and is a great teacher. He is very knowledgeable and can think through problems while considering any possible issues from multiple angles. Brian is always a great person to bounce ideas off of because he knows so much. He is always safety-minded and has a calm temperament, which allows him to enlighten those around him as to why and how something works the way it does or how something needs to be changed. Brian is a great person to bring along to a situa-tion that needs urgent attention because his composure really helps to ease anxiety and allows for clear-headed problem solving.

Brian BealNominated by Charlie Knapper

Sarah Henry, Mike Armstrong

Brian Beal, Charlie Knapper

Keli Brehm Nominated by Diana Rohrick

Having recently lost my wingman in Home Care, Chris Centgraf Baker, Keli took over assisting me in whatever way she could to ease my burden. Her spirit and fortitude are amazing and I am totally in her debt for getting me through each day. Thank you, Keli!

14 l Wingman Recognition 2014

Keli Brehm, Diana Rohrick, Suzy Solano

Suzy Solano Nominated by Diana Rohrick

Taking on another department and being new to Hospice was scary and a little overwhelming. As my clinical team leader, Suzy has not only been my support and mentor but has been my guide through the regulatory maze that is Hospice. She has become a trusted teammate and confi dant and I wouldn’t fl y without her!

October 13-17

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Jennifer GriebelNominated by Nancy Miller

Jennifer has only been my “wingman” with the Nephrology team for a little over a year but she is a true asset. She is always eager to learn new information, quick to contribute to problem solving, always willing to lend a hand, and maintains a positive attitude - someone I can truly depend on. She is the BEST!!!

Sara and I work a lot of shifts together, for which I am grateful! She is exactly what a “WINGWOMAN” should be. She always has my back, and she not only helps me all the time, but is wonderful to other staff members. Coworkers come to her often for support and advice, which she is always willing to help. She picks up extra shifts, is organized, and is a graceful, quiet leader. Patients adore her and are well cared for when under her supervision. She is a real team leader and team player. Everyone enjoys working with her and appreciates her eager-ness to help out.

Sara HarrisNominated by Robin Cushing

Jennifer Griebel, Nancy Miller

Robin Cushing, Sara Harris

16 l Wingman Recognition 2014

Interventional Radiology Techs/Support Nominated by Cathy Bowman

I have to include all fi ve of the interventional technologists, along with the interventional radiology scheduler I have the pleasure to work with. They stand up for each other, work together as a team, and support each other professionally and personally. When I am off I never worry about things not getting done. They always pitch in and cover my duties. When I feel a chocolate or Cheezits moment coming, I fi nd a snack on my desk. I couldn’t ask for a more supportive group of people to work with! They are my second family. They rock!!

Josh Lively, Sarah Houk, Brittney Rubottom, Cathy Bowman, Patty Valentine, Tish Merrills

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Gale Ridgeway Nominated by Evie Russel

Gale is always there for me or any of our coworkers. She never says no if I need to switch a shift or need surgery or whatever I need. She has no problem with jumping in with both feet. After my surgery and my return to work, she has help become my left arm, helping get my job done with as little pain as possible. Gale is always protective and makes sure that I do what I am supposed to. I could not do my job to the fullest if not for her. Gale is a great person and has a wonderful personal-

Gale Ridgeway, Evie Russel

Evie Russel Nominated by Gale Ridgeway

Evie always helps me out; she double checks my work and teaches me how to do many things such as Excel, the schedules, and much more. She is a GREAT coworker.

18 l Wingman Recognition 2014

Blanca Bair, LaNell Dancer, Cateena Hill,

Nicole Smith, Brian Weinmaster

Nominated by Judee Heigel

This may be unique in that I’m recognizing fi ve different indi-viduals as my wingmen. However, without the ongoing help from all fi ve of them, the Medical Staff Offi ce would not be able to get new providers set up on all the necessary programs they will need in our facility.

There are actually more people involved, but without fail, these fi ve main contact people see to it that all the set up work gets done. Not only that, but when the setups are done, they always email that confi rmation to me.

I try to always thank them, but I hope they know how much I truly depend upon them and appreciate all that they do.

Left: Brian Weinmeister, Cateena Hill, Judee Heigel, Nicole Smith, Blanca Bair; Above: Judee Hiegel, LaNell Dancer

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eft: Brian Weinmeister Cateena Hill JudeeLe

October 21

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Gracie BenavidesNominated by Nancy Leavenworth

Gracie is the fi rst to receive the requests from facilities and pa-tients wanting medical records. She makes sure that all the neces-sary information is there and ready for me to process the request. Gracie keeps everything organized and moving forward, and when there is a crunch she will jump right in and offer to help.

Charlie Knapper in IS was a great Wing Man for Janelle Debes and me for the Volunteer and Friends luncheon. I had been asked to give a presentation today at their luncheon, and low and behold the bulb on the overhead projector screen was out! We called IS and Charlie Knapper came to our rescue, bringing us a temporary projector to get us going, then helped me get Internet connection as well! He provided extension cords and then went to get rugs from Environmental Ser-vices to keep us safe! When I thanked him, he just said, “That’s what I’m here for!” I appreciate Charlie’s attitude!

Charlie KnapperNominated by Linda Ferreyra

Nancy Leavenworth, Gracie Benavides

Linda Ferreyra and Charlie Knapper

20 l Wingman Recognition 2014

Vera Morgan Nominated by Kelly Fiesterman

With my transition into a new department and role over the past year, Vera has stepped up and taught me so much. She has shared valuable information regarding the in’s and out’s of the de-partment. She has also shared interventions for patient symptoms and monitored patient care through my transition and still continues to have my back a year later. She is a wonderful team player and is very knowledgeable in her fi eld of expertise. Vera is still my go-to person when I am unsure of the direction to take. She deserves recognition for all that she does and for all the wonderful things that she is.

Vera Morgan, Kelly Fiesterman

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Kim Runion Nominated by Masumi Wilroy, DOKim works as a medical assistant to me in the Rehabilitation Department. She is a team player and has been a “wingman” to the department of Rehab at Regional West for 15 years. She al-ways puts the safety of the patient, the provider, and herself as a top priority. This is particularly important with electrodiagnostic studies, which are performed daily. This includes multiple pa-tient identifi cation checks, location and side of procedure to be performed, and assistance with the electrodiagnostic studies. She goes out of her way to ensure the patient is comfortable dur-ing the electrodiagnostic study, which can sometimes be perceived as an unpleasant study. She is a safety coach for the Departments of Rehab, Neurology, and Pain Management. She goes out of her way to make certain we work in a safe and fun environment. She exemplifi es the qualities of a wingman. Rehabilitation Medicine would not be the same without her!

Kim Runion, Masumi Wilroy, DO

22 l Wingman Recognition 2014

Erika CarmodyNominated by Connie RuppI am nominating Erika Carmody as my wingman because she is, on most days, my right and left hand! With my increased duties related to Paragon, she has stepped up to fi ll the gaps in my ab-sence and has done so without any resistance. It would have been impossible for me to take on extra duties without her assistance. Knowing that our units are well taken care of leaves me with a sense of security. She is an asset to me and to Regional West. I depend on her and I am glad to call her my wingman.

Marg is the social worker for 2W. She always has our back. She’s on top of everything all the time and we are lost when she isn’t here. She does her best for us AND the patients every time. She makes discharges and transfers smooth, she takes care of any issues we have on the fl oor, and picks up any “pieces” the nurses have dropped (if that makes any sense). She just makes the entire department run better, making sure everything is complete before sending a patient home.

Marg ClarkNominated by Tara Shallenberger

Erika Carmody, Connie Rupp

Marg Clark, Tara Shallenberger

November 3

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Josh LivelyNominated by Kari Flom

Josh has an inquisitive attitude and frequently asks clarifi cation questions that help me use my safety behaviors. He is always available to help correct any problem that has been identifi ed, and never blames or criticizes when there is an error. As a rad tech, he has taken it upon himself to familiarize himself with nursing care of the patients to help keep them safe with the best possible outcomes. Josh is always there, covering my back!

Brenda is always willing to give a helping hand. She stays late and comes in early and never hesitates to offer her help and assistance to whomever may need it in the Ortho clinic. We couldn’t do it without her!

Brenda LooseNominated by Stephanie Catlin

Kari Flom, Josh Lively

Stephanie Catlin, Brenda Loose

24 l Wingman Recognition 2014

Barry MartinNominated by Larry FiestermanBarry is a wealth of knowledge and is more than willing to teach all who want to learn. During my transition into a new position in the Maintenance Department at Regional West, Barry has been a huge asset to not only me, as a new employee but also to the facility. He has made sure that I have been oriented and educated on all as-pects that entail maintenance throughout Regional West facilities. I would like to have Barry honored as my Wingman not only for what he does, but also for the great person that he is.

Barb provides exemplary, timely care for our patients. She is in frequent contact with me to update on patients’ status. She alerts me to IV meds due and any changes in patient condition. My shifts always go better when Barb is my backup.

Barbara StrauchNominated by Connie Morrill

Barry Martin, Larry Fiesterman

Connie Morrill, Barb Strauch

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Susan Backer, Erika Carmody, Amanda Heilbrun, Sara Hessler, Megan Wagoner, Shawna Conn, Cassie Haffelin, Kadie Marez, Danielle Dorshorst, Ramona Giles, Liz Engel, Connie Ruff, Jacqulyn Robison, and Melissa Guerrero Nominated by Connie Rupp and Erika Carmody

We are nominating the CRNs and relief CRNs of the Birth and Infant Care Center and Pediatric Units as our wingmen. These ladies day in and day out help our units run smoothly. They have an eye and ear for safety and strive for excellence. We can rest our heads at night knowing that the units are well taken care of. These ladies are dependable and make decisions that are in the best interest of our patients.

Susan Backer, Erika Carmody, Amanda Heilbrun, Sara Hessler, Megan Wagoner, Shawna Conn, Cassie Haffelin, Kadie Marez, Danielle Dorshorst, Ramona Giles, Liz Engel, Connie Ruff, and Jacqulyn Robison. Not pictured: Melissa Guerrero.

18 l Wingman Recognition 2014

November 14

Mary Skiles Nominated by Marcia BauerFor the past 17 years Mary has been with me in efforts to improve our care as dietitians and diabetes education, so I would like to honor Mary as a precious valued wingman who fi lls in and fi lters for me when a perspective is needed. I know I will get an honest, sincere answer. Mary is willing to help with events and ideas, and work for me if needed when a family tragedy occurs. Mary gives of herself 100 percent plus! We bounce ideas off of one another and come up with some great ideas. We can be honest, sincere, serious, and have fun. We do not always see eye to eye, although can always come to agreement on our goals together; she is my very needed and important wingman!!

Ironically, when Mary was told she was a “wingman” and was nominated by Marcia, she said she would have said the same exact thing about her. They truly are a team that compliments each other.

Marcia Bauer, Mary Skiles

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Patrick SmithNominated by Tara Harpold and all Surgery Center staff

Patrick is our pharmacy tech that goes above and be-yond to make sure we always have what we need to do patient care! Not only is he effi cient and kind, but always does it with a smile on his face! He takes very good care of us, and the anesthesia staff, and he is defi nitely an asset to our team!

Lynn has taken it upon herself to make up an entire asthma educa-tion binder for patients and one for the nurses to teach from with areas to highlight. This way we, as a Peds unit are all teaching the same thing every time to the patients and families to ensure proper education and continuity of care. This in turn, I believe will help these patients and families manage their care at home better and it gives us a better resource at our fi ngertips.

Lynn ClapperNominated by Jami Kumm

Patrick Smith and the Surgery Center staff

Lynn Clapper, Jami Kumm

John Blomstedt, DO; Halee Brown, Erika Burton Nominated by Laurie Winkler

There isn’t just a wingman for one name, but we have wingmen. I was told the other day, as we are often, that our offi ce is so nice to come to. We hear that the lobby is nice and quiet, (even that it smells good), the staff seem very friendly, caring, and effi cient, and that Dr. Blomstedt actually takes his time to listen to his patients. Where one of us might leave off the other ones take over. We all help each other do whatever is needed for helping patients or co-workers. We all answer the phones, help make appointments, fi nish tasks the same day, and get things ready for the next day. It’s like the sun is to the sky, and water is to the sea! Dr. Blomstedt jumps in if the nurses are too busy, and he always says thank you to his staff. We feel like we welcome patients and staff in other departments into our “home” and really get to know them. It’s like a fl owing circle that we look forward to each day. To do something you love every day isn’t a job – it’s a joy and we are blessed.

Laurie Winkler; John Blomstedt, DO; Erika Burton; and Halee Brown

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Brenda MartinNominated by Liz Ossian

Brenda always puts others’ needs before her own. She volunteered to stay late one night at the clinic so I could pick up my kids on time. She is always doing what’s best for the patient and helps whenever you need her to. She is patient and has a good heart :)

A few years ago I was given the assignment to help with the Docu-ment Catagories for Next Gen scanning/records. Joy was chosen to be the second member of this “TEAM.” She not only helped, but saved me in several instances. This year I had to miss several months due to surgery. While Joy was not only learning new duties for records request, she carried on with the duties of assisting the scanners with correct placement of documentation. I never had a worry knowing Joy was my “Wingman.” She is still my “Wingman,” and her knowledge and willingness to pitch in never wavered.

Joy WeissNominated by Sharon Behrends

Brenda Martin and Liz Ossian

Sharon Behrends and Joy Weiss

Julie FranklinNominated by Kyla Ansley

Julie Franklin is my wingman. She’s always got my back and helps me think of all the little details to help an idea come to fruition, or an event to come together. She works hard to make sure our de-partment has everything we need and puts our needs before hers. She is a great motivator, advisor, and teacher. Thanks, Julie, for fl ying beside me (us)!

Ronna is a Hospice RN. She is my wingman. I am able to call for any concern or question I may have, day or night, weekend or holiday!!! She always answers her phone and never belittles me for calling. She works many hours and never backs down from a challenge. She is a asset to the hospice team and an ap-preciated team player.

Ronna LiederNominated by Rebecca Guerrero

Kyla Ansley and Julie Franklin

Ronna Lieder and Rebecca Guerrero

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Masumi Wilroy, DO Nominated by Kim Runion

Dr. Wilroy is a great wingman! She always has my back, and we double-check each other for great care for our patients’ safety. We work together doing procedures and Nerve Conduction/EMG’s. She is my other half double-checking allergies, correct sides, etc when doing injections. Never once have I felt uncomfortable reminding her of something for the patient’s safety. We even have little secret codes for each other so the patient doesn’t notice. Love having Dr. Wilroy as my wingman as she has my back! Our patients can be sure they are being taken care of in the best and safest environment! Thank you Dr. Wilroy for being my best wingman!!

Kim Runion, Masumi Wilroy, DO

32 l Wingman Recognition 2014

Gracie Benavides, Nancy Leavenworth, and Sherrie HustonNominated by Nicole SmithI’d like to recognize the ROI staff in HIM as my “wingwomen.” These three ladies work very hard to keep release of information within turn around time and do a wonderful job supporting each other when I am not available. Although they are new to working directly with one another, they help each other out whenever and wherever is needed and I truly appreciate them for all they do to keep ROI within compliance.

Jaimie is my offi ce nurse in Pediatrics and I don’t know what I would do without her! She helps keep me organized and always has my back. In fact, I think she can read my mind as she always seems to be prepared for what I am going to ask her before I ask for it (just like Radar on MASH). She and I also manage to have fun in the middle of all the chaos. All of this and she approaches each patient and their family in an enthusiastic, caring, and playful way. She is truly the best!

Jaimie BlankeNominated by Lisa Bewley

Sherrie Huston, Nancy Leavenworth, Nicole Smith, and Gracie Benavides

Lisa Bewley and Jaimie Blanke

December 16

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Kim BrownNominated by Mary Lockwood

Kim is supportive and she listens to my concerns. I can talk to her in regards to staff issues. She is honest with me. She shares ideas and opportunities with me. I can depend on Kim both pro-fessionally and personally.

If I had a really hectic day and I am just not feeling comfort-able about something but can’t put my fi nger on it I ask Shannon to recheck my documentation for any gaps. She is a second set of eyes.

Shannon HultengrenNominated by Claudia Simon

Mary Lockwood and Kim Brown

Shannon Hultengren and Claudia Simon

Abel Lucksan, MD and Brent Ellison, MD Nominated by Kim Brown, Marcene Wiegand, Nate Walker, Lily Gamel, Kim Mann, and Dayna Dondelinger

The traditional military defi nition of a “wingman” refers to the pattern in which fi ghter jets fl y. There is always a lead aircraft and another that fl ies off the right wing of and behind the lead. The second pilot is called the “wingman” because he/she primarily protects the lead by “watching his back.”

Dr. Luksan and Dr. Ellison both serve as “wingmen” for our staff in the Operating Room. Both provid-ers view patient safety as the team’s number one priority and live this daily. All of our team feel very comfortable communicating with these two providers regarding patient issues. Dr. Luksan and Dr. Ellison are vigilant “watching out” for our team and providing support as needed to keep our patients safe. Both are very professional and calm during crisis and trauma situations. I would have either one of these gentlemen care for me or my family.

I love the phrase from Top Gun “You never leave your wingman” and I use that on almost a daily basis in the OR. They are the defi nition of a “Wingman.” We really appreciate these two men immensely and their concern for all things surgery. They are our “Maverick and Goose.”

OR staff with Dr. Ellison and Dr. Luksan back row center.

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Renee SalasNominated by Chelsie Weidaman

Renee was scheduled to work until 6 p.m. She stayed past her scheduled working hours to help me with two very diffi cult patients!! It would have taken me twice the time if she hadn’t stuck around to help me out. I don’t know what I would have done without her!!! Thanks Renee!!!

Renee Salas and Chelsie Weidaman

Vern Schaffer and Jenn Vogel Nominated by Faye Splichal

Can I have two wingmen? These two individuals have covered phone duties twice this summer. First, in April when I had emergency surgery and was out on medical leave for six weeks, and then June 16th, my husband suffered a heart attack and required quadruple by-pass surgery and I was out for two more weeks.

Both situations were emergent with no time to prepare. Jenn and Vern took over all work-related is-sues, and never once questioned my absence. AND, it was not an easy summer for them. During my absence, in addition to the normal adds, moves, construction, and changes, the entire key system (phones at the nurse station) on 2-W crashed. Vern and Jenn worked together to resolve a critical situation and were able to restore all services quickly. Another event was the crashing of the PageGate server. Again, Jenn was faced with not just the stress of restoring service, but all the questions of why it had crashed and how do we prevent future issues. This was also during the time that iPhones were being deployed with all users wanting to be fi rst in line for the new cell phone. These two individuals did not just support my duties – they took over and did so in the upmost professional way. They are the best wingmen anyone could have – they had my back.

Jenn Vogel, Faye Splichal, and Vern Schaffer

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Stacy Collins Nominated by Jody Lobner

Stacy always has the safety of residents prioritized as number one, followed by her co-workers and self. She is a team player as she will go directly to staff and address with them any unsafe safety acts she observes or other issues such as attitude or lack of following residents’ plan of care. She does this in a respectful manner and reminds staff we need to keep residents and ourselves safe and treat residents like we would want our loved ones to be treated. Stacy is the go to person that staff use to discuss areas of concern, whether it being safety or care issues and she will bring to the higher up. Stacy never leaves the team hanging when times get tough as evidenced by her always stepping up to the plate and working as an CNA. if we are short. She does this because of 1.) the residents and 2.) her co-workers. I feel Stacy is a true wingman.

Diagnostic Radiology DepartmentNominated by Kelli French

I would like to nominate the entire Diagnostic Radiology Department. We are never sched-uled on the same shifts, and our work group varies most days, but we always work together to watch each other’s backs and make sure our patients are always safe. All departments in Radiology have two to three rooms to manage, but diagnostic manages six different rooms, portables, and surgery with usually fi ve techs per day. With our responsibilities be-ing spread across the hospital, we know how important it is to always have a WINGMAN!!

Front row left to right: Nicole Martischewsky, Rene Salas, Teri Osborn, and Kelli French. Back row left to right: Mike McFeely, Randy Prouty, and Chelsie Weideman. Not pictured: Katy Oliverius, Josh Reynolds, Laura Leever, Mark Bayne, and Morgan Mullins

Stacy Collins, Jody Lobner

February 20


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April MaddenNominated by Maureen ElderIn the outreach laboratory world, I know that April Madden is our ultimate team leader, directing all of her staff located in the various states of Nebraska, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Iowa. In all of the critical situations that arise, whether it is a staff shortage or family emergency, April is there to lead us all through these tough times, sacrifi cing herself. I realize how often she works long hours to achieve our outreach goals for the company and she exemplifi es a “To the stars through hardship” attitude. In fact, not long ago, one of the couriers commented that April was there when he returned from his route late at night and said also that she is one of the hardest working people he knows. I believe she “has a lot of backs” where ever she goes!!

I would like to nominate Linda and Andrea from Environmental Services for helping to make the Birth and Infant Care Center and Pediatric Unit look so nice. Our HCAHP scores greatly improved in the month of October to the 99 and 94 percentile in those areas. While there are many other people who contributed to this score improvement, I feel that these two were key! They obviously take a lot of pride in their work because the units look great! In addition, they are friendly and the patients enjoy them. They are always smiling and willing to do whatever it takes. Keep up the good work! We love having you both as our wingmen/women!!

Linda Martinez & Andrea SterzerNominated by Connie Rupp

Andrea Sterzer, Connie Rupp, and Linda Martinez

Andrea Sterzer, Connie Rupp, and Linda Martinez

40 l Wingman Recognition 2014

Theresa Olson Nominated by Brianna Woodard

Brianna Woodard, Theresa Olson

Theresa is a wonderful manager! She always has a good attitude and is approachable. She encourages all rehab staff members to “keep up the good work” on a daily basis. She calmly organizes the OT staff when we are busy or have stressful days. Her bright and happy attitude each day helps to keep staff morale high.

Connie Morrill Nominated by Sabrina King

Connie has been very patient orientating me. She is an amazing nurse and always makes time for my numerous questions even when she is not orientating me.

Deb Delatour Nominated by Marie Johnson--Regional West Garden County Although Deb is Dietary manager and I am Housekeeping/Laundry manager, we share an offi ce. It

is easy to see that Deb has a wonderful attitude toward her job at Regional West Garden County. Though our departments differ, our daily challenges seem to parallel. The outcome of our discussions are for the most part generally successful. I value her understanding and experience, but mostly how she doesn’t get frazzled and simply pushes on. It is nice to know she is a rock. She is a great team member and I am truly thankful for her!!

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Outpatient SurgeryNominated by Kendra Vera and Michelle Powell

Kendra Vera-I nominate the whole Outpatient Surgery CRU as my wingmen as I cannot pick just one person. I can count on everyone in our department to “watch my back.” Everyone is good at cross monitoring and appreciates this in return. We are not afraid to speak up for patient safety or to ask for a second opinion. Also, everyone gives positive feedback at appropriate times. Everyone is willing to step up and help each other keeping patient safety fi rst, never leaving anyone in an unsafe situation. Our staff works well at covering shifts for one another when needed. We all work as a team! Thank you Outpatient Surgery.Michelle Powell-I am hard pressed to name just one person in my department who is my wingman as I feel all our staff watch out for each other. On any given day, I depend on several of my co-workers to help answer questions or verify/validate information with me. We all seem to have our specifi c “area of expertise” and we use each other’s past working experiences to gleen information pertaining to specifi c fi elds of nursing. We aren’t afraid to cross monitor each other and are receptive to suggestions on how to make our patients safer. There have been many “good catches” made in our department. So not only are the staff in Outpatient Surgery my CRU, but I consider each one of them my wingman as well.

Front row left to right: Bobbi Decker, Debbie Van Noy, Roxie Shaul, Michelle Keener. Back row left to right: Kelsey Judy, Michelle Powell, Karna Kleager, Mary Duncan, Kendra Vera. CRU team members not pic-tured: Marlyce Burkey, Aggie Collopy, Linda Doughty, Allison Furby, Jennifer Meyer, Shon Peterson, Gale Ridgeway, Evie Russel, and Alicia Snelling

4021 Avenue BScottsbluff, NE 69361308.635.3711 | www.rwhs.org42 l Wingman Recognition 2014