i WingStop Employee Manual Wingstop at Denton Austin Mitchell

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Employee Manual

Wingstop at Denton

Austin Mitchell

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Table of Contents iii


INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ V

COMPANY POLICY ....................................................................................................................................... VII PURPOSE OF THIS MANUAL ........................................................................................................................ VII A. COMPANY POLICIES .............................................................................................................................................. 1 1. Hiring Policy ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 a. Equal Employment Policy ............................................................................................................................. 3 b. Conflict of Interest ........................................................................................................................................... 3 c. Outside Employment/ Moonlighting ........................................................................................................ 3 d. Drug- Free Work Place/Smoking .............................................................................................................. 3 e. Training Period ................................................................................................................................................. 4 f. Confidentiality at Wingstop .......................................................................................................................... 4 2. Internet/ E-mail Policy ...................................................................................................................................... 5 3. Public/ Media Contact .................................................................................................................................... 5 4. Harassment- Free Work Place Statement .............................................................................................. 6 5. Weapons, searches, and Threats ................................................................................................................ 6 6. Recruitment/ Job Posting ............................................................................................................................. 7 7. Normal Working Hours ................................................................................................................................. 7 8. Hours and Pay Roll Practices....................................................................................................................... 7 9. Working Overtime ........................................................................................................................................... 8 10. Advanced Pay/ Employee Loans ............................................................................................................. 9 11. Company Logo ................................................................................................................................................ 9 12. Property Damage ........................................................................................................................................... 9 B. BENEFITS OFFERED ........................................................................................................................................... 11 1. Group Health Insurance ............................................................................................................................. 13 2. Continuation of Hospitalization coverage Important Notice ...................................................... 13 3. Funeral Leave ................................................................................................................................................. 13 4. Jury Duty ........................................................................................................................................................... 14 5. Leave of Absence ........................................................................................................................................... 14 a. Military Leave ................................................................................................................................................. 14 b. Personal Leave ............................................................................................................................................... 14 c. Family and Medical Leave .......................................................................................................................... 14 6. Rest and Lunch periods .............................................................................................................................. 15 7. Holidays/Vacations ...................................................................................................................................... 15 8. Suggestions and Complaints ..................................................................................................................... 16 9. Bulletin Board ................................................................................................................................................. 16 C. EMPLOYEE STANDARDS .................................................................................................................................... 17 1. Change of Address ........................................................................................................................................ 19 2. Attendance at Wingstop ............................................................................................................................. 19 3. Dress Code........................................................................................................................................................ 19 4. Solicitation at Wingstop ............................................................................................................................. 19 5. Injuries and illnesses ................................................................................................................................... 20 6. Personal Telephone Calls ........................................................................................................................... 20 7. Performance at Wingstop .......................................................................................................................... 20 8. Relationships Between Employees ........................................................................................................ 21 9. Personal Conduct .......................................................................................................................................... 21 10. Termination at Wingstop ........................................................................................................................ 22 11. Employee Duties ......................................................................................................................................... 23

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a. Operating the Cash Register ..................................................................................................................... 23 b. Answering the Phones ................................................................................................................................ 23 c. Cleaning/ Tidiness ........................................................................................................................................ 23 Definitions ................................................................................................................................................................ 25 Index ........................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Statement of Employee ....................................................................................................................................... 29

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Introduction v

Introduction Welcome to the WingStop family. WingStop launched the ultimate Buffalo- style chicken wings in 1994 and has been flying high ever since! Our proprietary recipes, outstanding food and superior customer service created a demand that could only be satisfied by the Wingstop Franchise Program. Today we have more than 500 restaurants open and continue to add new stores across the United States and Mexico. As we continue to expand, we hold true to our original concept, that our fresh, made-to-order chicken products remain the only center of the plate item on the menu. Our objective is to create a safe and efficient work environment for the employees as well as the customers.

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Company Policy Is to provide the consumer with consistently high quality products and friendly service. We strive to provide all our employees with equal opportunities for advancement. Last but not least provide you with good working conditions, to pay you a fair wage and promote your welfare.

Purpose of this Manual This manual is for the information and use of all employees of the company. It contains the Policies of the company relating to hours, wages, employee benefits and conditions of employments. These policies have been established for the benefit of the employees and management in order to provide the best working conditions possible. It is the duty of the management to administer fairly without discrimination these policies, and all employees are expected to abide by and follow these policies. In the event you have any questions concerning the application of any procedure or policy, you should first ask your supervisor, if possible. Any employee who feels that a policy has not been administered in accordance with this manual should refer the problem directly to his/her supervisor or to another member of authority. No employee shall be penalized or discriminated against in any way for having requested consideration of the application of these policies or questioning the application of a policy in any situation. Every employee should feel free to discuss his or her problems and any policies contained in this manual with members of management we welcome suggestions from you that will aid in maintaining constructive and friendly relationships throughout the company. Please read this manual carefully and review it with whomever you like- your family, your fellow employees, or your supervisor. Once you have completed your review, please sign the form at the end of the manual stating that you have reviewed the manual, understand it contents, and agree to abide by it.

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Chapter One

What You Can Expect From The Company

A.Company Policies

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1. Hiring Policy

The company hires individuals on the basis of their qualifications and ability to complete the responsibilities and tasks of the job to be filled. The Hiring Policy of Wingstop at Denton, includes the following:

a. Equal Employment Policy Wingstop is an equal opportunity employer. It is our policy to grant equal employment opportunities to qualified persons without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, age, veterans’ or military status or non-job physical or mental handicap or disability or other classification protected by applicable federal, state, or local laws, except where there is a bona fide occupational disability. The company will provide equal opportunities in employment, promotion wages, benefits and all other privileges, terms, and conditions of employment. All recruiting, hiring, training, and promoting for all job classifications is done without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, or national origin. All decisions on employment are made to further the principle of equal employment. All promotion decisions will continue to be made in accordance, with Equal Employment Opportunity principles, and only valid job requirements will be used.

b. Conflict of Interest

All persons employed by Wingstop owe a duty of fidelity to the company. Employees must never place themselves in a position where their self- interest may conflict with this duty. Any employee who breaches his policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. If there is a possible violation consult management and consent by management should be given.

c. Outside Employment/ Moonlighting Employees may take on other employment as long as it does not interfere with duties as an employee of WingStop or impair the ability of the employee to perform company duties. Employees must advise supervisor in writing that they have or want a second job. All outside employment shall be subject to departmental rules and regulations, and the prior approval of the supervisor.

d. Drug- Free Work Place/Smoking Employees of Wingstop are expected and required to come to work on time and in the appropriate mental and physical state for work. It is our duty to make sure the work environment is drug-free, healthful, safe, and

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secure. On occasion new and preexisting employees may be required to take a drug-screening test. To make sure that the company’s employees remain drug free, of illegal drugs, controlled substances, and alcohol during working hours, which means periodically there, may be random drug-screening tests. Any violations of the Drug Free Work Place Policy can and will result in termination and legal consequences. Manufacturing, distributing, possession, or the use of a controlled substance on company premises is completely and absolutely prohibited. Employees who are involved in an accident (of any type whatsoever) while on the job may be asked to take a drug-screening test at the discretion of management. If there is suspicion that an employee has taken part in the distribution, in the possession of, or is under the influence of illegal drugs while on the job, the employee may be asked to take a drug-screening test. And if the test proves that illegal or controlled substances/drugs, which were not prescribed by a physician, the employee will be terminated and the cost of the test will be deducted from any accrued wages.

Smoking This policy is for the health and safety of all employees. No smoking is allowed inside of a Wingstop facility at any time. Smoking will be allowed only in the designated areas outside the facility.

e. Training Period

The first three months (90 days) of your job at Wingstop are considered a training period and will be used to verify your skills, capabilities and suitability for our company. Also, this gives new employees the opportunity to evaluate the company as a place to work. As previously stated in this manual, during the training period at any time during employment, your job may be terminated at any time without any reason or notice.

f. Confidentiality Being employed with Wingstop at Denton., you may be authorized with confidential and proprietary information, materials and information that are crucial to the success of Wingstop at Denton specific information may include operations systems, software, management philosophies and techniques, marketing strategies, recipes, formulae, ingredient specifications and other elements of operations. Under no circumstances shall any of this confidential and/or propriety information to any third party not employed with Wingstop at Denton

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Company Policies 5

2. Internet/ E-mail Policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure the proper use of the company’s internet system and make its employee and users aware of what Wingstop at Denton considers as acceptable and unacceptable use of its internet system. Wingstop at Denton provides some employee access to internal and external E-mail and the internet. Personal use of both is allowed, and common sense would generally by your guide. However, some specific rules must be established. 1. Personal use is limited to non-work time and must not interfere or

distract from work performance. 2. Storing personal documents should be extremely limited. 3. Caution must be taken when sending confidential information to clients. 4. Forgery or attempting forgery of E-mail messages is prohibited. 5. Attempting to read, copy, modify, or delete E-mail messages of other

users are prohibited unless it is done for a legitimate Wingstop at Denton purpose.

6. Sending harassing, threatening, obscene, inappropriate or other objectionable messages via E-mail is prohibited.

7. Sending unsolicited junk mail, “for profit” messages or chain letters is prohibited.

8. Visiting pornographic sites or sites containing sexually oriented materials is prohibited.

9. Downloading of any programs, data, or other material except as expressly approved by Wingstop at Denton, Director of Human Resources is prohibited. If approved, any downloading must be done to the individual’s specific hard drive and not to the company’s network servers.

10. Playing computer games or other video related games while on duty at work is strictly prohibited.

11. Creating or maintaining any distorted inaccessible files to our Systems Administrator is strictly prohibited.

As with all Wingstop at Denton policies, violations of any of these rules and regulations will result in discipline, up to and including termination. If an employee is not sure if something is appropriate, it’s best if they consult with the Director of Human Resources with those questions.

3. Public/ Media Contact Wingstop at Denton knows that online social platforms, including blogs, wikis, message boards, video and photo sharing websites, and social networking services, are constantly transforming the way we interact. We also recognize the importance of the internet in shaping the public view of our company. Wingstop at Denton enjoys an excellent reputation in the community. Every employee protects and advances this reputation in every contact with the public. An employee may not act as a spokesperson for Wingstop at Denton or give information, which leads to any form of publicity

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about the company or its operations, employees, activities, or policies unless told otherwise by management. Any unauthorized disclosure of Wingstop at Denton information is grounds for dismissal.

4. Harassment- Free Work Place Statement Wingstop at Denton is committed to providing an environment for our member’s directors, officers, employees, volunteers and persons served by Wingstop at Denton that is comfortable, safe and free from harassment of any kind. Any type of harassment is a violation of this policy and may be illegal. When Wingstop at Denton becomes aware of harassment, it is obligated by law to take prompt and appropriate action, regardless of whether the victim wants the company to do so. Any employee who believes that he or she has been a victim of harassment in violation of the Harassment Policy should take the following actions: 1. If you are able to do so without conflict or danger, tell the harasser as

clearly as possible that the behavior is unwelcome. 2. If the behavior continues, advise your direct supervisor of your

complaint. Clearly identify the behavior surrounding the complaint. All persons to whom a violation of this Harassment Policy has been reported and persons, who have become aware of a complaint, must maintain confidentiality, to the extent possible given the need to investigate. All complaints shall be considered confidential to the maximum extent possible. No conduct that constitutes harassment will be tolerated. Every employee is responsible for behaving in a professional and courteous manner that promotes a professional and harassment free work environment. Any employee who behaves in a manner that is inconsistent with this policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

5. Weapons, searches, and Threats Wingstop at Denton prohibits possession or use of weapons, including firearms, on company premises. Company vehicles, as well as private vehicles parked on Wingstop at Denton premises, are locations included in this prohibition. In accordance with Texas law, employers retain the legal right to prohibit weapons in the workplace. This prohibition includes those firearms that are carried in compliance with Texas law. Any employee who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment. Due to the serious nature of this offense, an employee will be terminated unless certain circumstances warrant a lesser punishment.

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Company Policies 7

If knowledge of a weapon on the premises, employees must report is they see any violations. Failure to report a violation is prohibited and any employee who fails to make such a report is subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment. Wingstop at Denton reserves the right to conduct searches or inspections of employees and their personal briefcases, purses, book bags, and other personal containers located on Company premises, as well as employees’ private vehicles, if parked on the premises of Wingstop at Denton Entry on to Wingstop premises constitutes consent of a search or inspection. Searches or inspections may be conducted at the discretion of the Company from time to time without prior announcement. When inappropriate items are discovered as a result of the Company’s searches or inspections may be taken into custody and may be turned over to the proper law enforcement authorities. Any employee who refuses to consent to or permit a search will be terminated unless extraordinary circumstances warrant a lesser punishment. Threats are included with harassment. Verbal threats of violence or threatening behavior are prohibited. Violation of this policy will subject the employee to disciplinary action, including termination. If you receive a threat or are treated in a hostile manner, you must not respond, but should report it to your supervisor who will deal with the situation. Responding in kind, except to legitimately defend yourself if in physical danger, is a violation of this policy and will result in discipline, up to and including discharge.

6. Recruitment/ Job Posting Before filling any approved position vacancy, current employees who apply shall be given equal consideration for transfer or promotion. Any interested employee may apply by filling out an application and forwarding the completed form to the applicable supervisor for consideration.

7. Normal Working Hours Wingstop at Denton working hours is dependent upon the hours during which it serves the customers. Supervisors and/or other management will provide schedules of working hours and will post such schedules on the bulletin board. For hourly employees, management must first approve any hours in excess of 40 hours per week.

8. Hours and Pay Roll Practices Wingstop at Denton’spaydays are the fifteen (15) and the last day off each month. All employees are paid by check or direct deposit on the above-

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mentioned payday. If the regular payday falls on a weekend or company holiday employees will be paid on the last business day before the holiday and/or weekend. Each regular part-time, temporary, or training employee may be provided a personal clock card. This “clock card” may be in the form of a physical time card, electronic software based time card system or other company approved time tracking method. If you are an hourly employee, your clock card is your record of employment from which your pay is computed and from which all is determined. It is absolutely necessary for each employee to “clock in” at the start of work and “clock out” when he or she leaves. In the event that an employee fails to “clock in” or “clock out” a supervisor’s approval and signature must be received prior to the submission and payment of any wages. Repeated failure to accurately log hours may result in disciplinary action. The following are important rules to remember:

1. Never punch anyone else’s time card and vice versa. 2. If you forget to clock in or out tell your supervisor, do not try to doing

anything manually yourself. 3. You may clock in when you are ready for work and in uniform, not

when you enter the premises, that being said 4. Employees may clock in no more than six (6) minutes before the time

they are scheduled to work and clock out no more than six (6) minutes after your work schedule ends. But on occasion due to business of the store you may be let off early; supervisor or other management only allows this action.

5. Do not go to work until you are clocked in at your scheduled time. If you work without clocking in, disciplinary action may be taken.

6. You must not remain on the premises unless you are on duty or scheduled to work.

7. Overtime may be worked and paid only if your supervisor had authorized the overtime in advanced.

8. The time clock records in hundredths of an hour instead of minuets.

9. Overtime Due to the nature of our business, situations frequently arise which require overtime work. In order to meet customer requirements, overtime work may be essential. In such cases, your supervisor will give you as much advance notice as possible. Non-exempt employees will receive one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 per week.

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Company Policies 9

10. Advanced Pay/ Employee Loans Wingstop at Denton does not loan money or other advance pay to employs under any circumstances.

11. Company Logo Wingstop at Denton logo should appear on all materials that reach the public. To preserve the integrity of Wingstop at Denton logo, only prescribed materials should be used. Design alterations or characterizations of the logo are prohibited.

12. Property Damage In the event that an employee willfully or carelessly damages company-owned equipment or property, the employee will be responsible for reimbursing Wingstop at Denton for the cost of repairing or replacing such items. Upon resignation or termination, any assigned tools, equipment, uniforms or any other property of Wingstop at Denton must be returned and/or replaced and be cleared by the employee’s supervisor to be in good condition.

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Chapter Two

B.Benefits Offered

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Benefits Offered 13

1. Group Health Insurance

All permanent, regular full-time employees are eligible for our Group Health Insurance Plan. The employer is responsible for payment of the insurance policy. But this applies to employees and their families that qualify with group health insurance coverage. Group health insurance coverage takes effect as outlined in written materials provided by CNL WINGS CI, INC. health insurance provider.

2. Continuation of Hospitalization coverage Important Notice In compliance with the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), Wingstop at Denton will continue to offer hospitalization insurance for employees and their “qualified beneficiaries” (generally spouses and dependent children) for up to eighteen months after layoff or termination of the covered employee for reasons other than gross misconduct. Qualified beneficiaries of the covered employee are entitled to hospital insurance coverage for up to thirty-six months after:

a. The death of the covered employee b. Separation or divorce c. Covered employee becomes entitled to Medicare benefits d. Age or other restrictions to coverage contained in the Company’s

health plan becomes effective. e. Also, if the covered employee becomes “disabled” (according to the

Social Security Act) at the time of the event causing the employee to lose coverage, the employee may be entitled to up to twenty-nine months of continued coverage.

Any employee or qualified beneficiary who participates in the continued coverage shall be subject to any and all changes in the health plan being offered to current Wingstop at Denton employees. Also, any employee or qualified beneficiary deciding to participate in the continued coverage shall be required to pay all premiums and costs of continued coverage. For more information, contact your supervisor.

3. Funeral Leave Regular full-time employees are eligible for funeral leave with pay beginning after their first year of employment. But this policy is subject to change depending on the circumstances.

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4. Jury Duty Any employee who is requested to perform service as a juror shall be given time off while serving on the jury, but must submit the summon to his/her supervisor in order that the supervisor will know the court name, location, date to report and approximate length of duty.

5. Leave of Absence There may be times when it becomes necessary for you to request an unpaid leave of absence, but must be known at least a week in advance. The purpose of the leave of absence is to protect your service record during periods when you are authorized to be absent from work. Leave includes military leave, personal leave, and family/medical leave.

a. Military Leave Regular full-time employees will be granted unpaid leave to perform military service as prescribed under federal law. Where possible, employees are urged to provide their supervisor with a schedule of planned training periods.

b. Personal Leave Is for a specified period not to exceed fourteen days and may be granted only for unusual or extenuating personal or family reasons. You must submit to your supervisor a written request for personal leave, which tells us the reason why a leave of absence is necessary. For a leave to be granted, the reason must be acceptable to management. If pregnancy is a reason please speak to your supervisor for details.

c. Family and Medical Leave All employees who have been employed with Wingstop at Denton for at least twelve months, and has worked for at least 1,250 hours during the twelve months prior to the leave request, are eligible for an unpaid family and/or medical leave of absence under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 for a period up to twelve weeks during a calendar year under the following circumstances:

1. For the birth of a child of the employee and to care for the newborn child, if completed within twelve months of the child’s birth.

2. The placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care is completed within twelve months of placement

3. To care for the spouse, son, daughter, or parent of the employee and if either one of those person(s) has a serious health condition; or where a serious health condition makes the employee unable to perform the functions of his or her job

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Benefits Offered 15

4. Or the active military duty of a spouse, child, or parent of the employee creating a qualifying difficulty

5. Or the need for a spouse, child, parent, or nearest blood relative to care for a recovering service member who suffered an injury or illness while on active duty (26 weeks per 12-month period).

Employees generally must provide 30 days’ advance notice when the leave is “foreseeable.” Wingstop at Denton may require medical certification to support a request for leave because of a serious health condition, and may require second or third opinions (at employer’s expense) and a fitness for duty report to return to work. Taking of leave may be delayed if all requirements are not met. For the duration of FMLA leave, Wingstop at Denton will maintain the employee’s health coverage under the group health plan. Upon return from FMLA leave, most employees will be restored to their original or equivalent positions with equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms. For complete details employees should contact their manager or Human Resources.

6. Rest and Lunch periods Non-exempt employees scheduled to work more than five hours in a workday are provided with a thirty minute paid, but are not duty free period. Supervisors will schedule meal periods to accommodate operating requirements.

7. Holidays/Vacations Wingstop at Denton observes the following holidays:

o Thanksgiving o Christmas day o Easter Sunday

Vacation Employees become eligible for vacation time after one full year of employment. In order to be eligible for vacation pay, the employee must work the last and first regularly scheduled workdays before and after the vacation. For non-exempt employees, vacation entitlement shall be calculated by averaging the number of hours worked each week by an employee during the year prior. The year is determined by the anniversary date of the employee. If a holiday falls during a scheduled vacation, the holiday will be considered the next scheduled workday. Managerial employees are entitled to two weeks of vacation per anniversary year; one (1) week of such vacation may be taken after the first six months of employment. Vacation time must be taken in increments of not less than one day

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and must be scheduled and approved by your supervisor at the convenience of the Company. Nor more than one week of vacation may be taken at a time. Every effort will be made to coordinate vacation time with the request of the employee. Request for vacation time must be made in writing, and be submitted not less than one month prior to the requested time for vacation. Make note that vacation time does not accumulate or roll over from year to year; stated differently, employees must “use or lose” vacation time in a particular year. If an employee is terminated involuntarily for any reason, any earned but unused vacation hours will not be paid. If an employee resigns without first providing two weeks’ notice, all earned vacation time is forfeited and will not be paid.

8. Suggestions and Complaints In any business where individuals are working together, employee complaints or ideas for improvement are bound to arise. It is the desire and responsibility of management to attempt to answer and solve problems, whether of a business or a personal nature. Wingstop at Denton maintains an open door policy so that any employee has the right to discuss matters directly with any member of management he or she selects. Generally, complaints or suggestions may be taken up with your supervisor or the Human Resources Department. We recognize and value our employees’ suggestions. Fresh ideas are essential as our business moves forward and meet competition. So please, when you have an idea, let your supervisor know about it! If you are not satisfied or have any concerns that were not fulfilled please don’t hesitate to speak to owner Mr. Charles Loflin.

9. Bulletin Board Wingstop at Denton may use bulletin boards to post upcoming work schedules, company/employee activities, policies, benefit updates, and other important information. It is the employee’s responsibility to read the information including assigned working hours, safety rules, management Memos, and other items. Be sure to check the bulletin each time you work, information is subject to change. Bulletin boards are not to be used to post political material, propaganda, or slanderous comments of any form.

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Chapter Three

What Wingstop Expects of You

C.Employee Standards

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Employee Standards 19

1. Change of Address

When you change your address or telephone number, Wingstop at Denton needs to be notified. This allows the company to keep in contact with you, or, in the event of necessity or emergency, with members of your family, and this can only be done if an accurate record of your address and telephone number is on file. We should always be able to contact you. The company would also like to know of any personal accomplishments or achievements or if you have furthered your education in any manner, for example, attending a college or university. All notices or other communications required will be sent only to the address last on file with the company.

2. Attendance Punctuality and good attendance are essential for the smooth operation of the company. Good attendance is an extremely important job requirement. Failure to meet this requirement and/or dishonest use of sick leave or workers’ compensation benefits will result in termination of employment. Excessive absenteeism without an excuse may result in termination. Please remember “no call, no show” is considered job abandonment and may also result in termination.

3. Dress Code What we wear to work is a reflection of the pride we have in our company, in what we do, and in ourselves. Employees who are issued Wingstop at Denton uniforms are required to maintain those uniforms in a neat and clean manner at all times. Facial hair shall be limited to mustaches groomed to above the upper lip. All Wingstop at Denton employees must maintain a hair length must be able to fit within the required caps. Visible tattoos of any form are prohibited, so please keep them covered at all times if this pertains to you. Artificial nails, nail polish, or nail jewelry may not be worn while working in the stores. Jewelry is not to be worn, but stud earrings are okay.

4. Solicitation Person(s) not employees by the company may not, at any time, solicit or distribute literature or other printed materials without the permission of management. Any employee who violates any of the above rules will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

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“Working time” is the time employees are engaged, or should be engaged, in performing their work tasks for the company. “Working time” does not include the time when employees are properly not performing their work duties, for example, scheduled mealtimes and breaks. If you have any questions or concerns regarding solicitation, please speak with your supervisor.

5. Injuries and illnesses Also related to attendance: whenever you feel ill, you should immediately inform your supervisor that you are ill. In the event the illness prevents your continuing work, the general manager shall be notified and you shall be advised to go home and consult your family physician. If necessary, some other person will accompany you home. In the case of injury of any kind, no matter how minor, you should immediately report the injury to your supervisor. In the event of a serious injury, arrangements will be made to take you to the hospital. Only authorized personnel may dispense first-aid supplies.

6. Personal Telephone Calls Employees are not to receive personal telephone calls while at work, except in emergencies. It is the responsibility of each employee to notify family, friends, and others who might call, not to do so during working time in the absence of an emergency. This also applies to text messaging. Sending text messages on the job is prohibited unless in the case of an emergency and has be approved by your supervisor to do so. If these rules are violated disciplinary actions will take place.

7. Performance This list is not intended to be exhaustive, and other actions on the part of an employee, which negatively affect the interests of Wingstop at Denton may result in disciplinary actions up to and including discharge. Employees who violate these rules may be subject to discipline and/or termination. The following rules apply to your performance at Wingstop at Denton and must be strictly followed: 1. Follow instructions received from supervisors. Insubordination is

unacceptable. 2. Use only the machines or equipment that you are assigned or specifically

told to operate. 3. Wear appropriate uniform for work and take pride in you neatness and

appearance. 4. Cooperate with other employees. 5. Avoid damaging company property or the property of others.

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Employee Standards 21

6. Report any damaged property or defective work immediately upon discovery.

7. Laziness or sleeping on the job or intention to not do any work is prohibited.

8. Misrepresentation of facts or falsification or personal records is prohibited.

9. Employees are required to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, including those enforced by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC). Employees failing to follow TABC regulations may be subject to individual legal liability. Also, employees acquire the TABC at their own expense.

8. Relationships Between Employees The company does not wish to interfere with your personal life or control your time away from the workplace. However, we have found that certain relationships between employees may interfere or distract from their jobs. It is important that we all are able to work in harmony and unison and that there are no accusations or suspicions of favoritism, nepotism, or sexual harassment. 1. The employment of relatives is not forbidden, but every precaution is

taken to avoid assigning relatives to positions when a relationship might prove embarrassing to the employee or the Company.

2. Relatives of an employee who is a supervisor may not be placed in a department over which the supervisory employee has authority or control.

3. Dating between supervisor or management with employee is strictly prohibited.

4. Dating is permitted only between employees (not management personnel) at the same level in the Company.

5. Dating may be loosely defined as any situation where employees of opposite sexes repeatedly spend time together by themselves (not as part of a larger group) during nonworking hours.

9. Personal Conduct Breaking these rules constitutes misconduct and may result in discipline up to and including termination. The following rules will apply for all employees.

a. Always be courteous and helpful to Wingstop at Denton customers and fellow employees.

b. Never make false or slanderous statements about Wingstop at Denton customers and fellow employees.

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c. Consider the welfare of the company and your fellow employees. Perform no act that is harmful or hurtful to either.

d. Reporting to or actually conducting any type of work while showing any signs of the use of intoxicants, controlled or illegal substances, or knowingly permitting another employee to do so is prohibited.

e. Must have permission by the Company to distribute or port literature, or remove bulletin board notices.

f. Obtain authorization if soliciting, collecting, or accepting, contributions on company time.

g. Do not use, remove, or borrow company time, materials, or facilities for purposes that aren’t related to company business without permission.

h. Gambling of any kind on company property is prohibited. 9. Horseplay, fighting, or scuffling on company property at any time is

prohibited. 10. Threatening, intimidating, or otherwise interfering with customers

and employees at any time is prohibited. 11. No political activates or solicitations may be carried on company

premises. 12. Dishonesty of any kind in relation to Wingstop at Denton is

prohibited. This includes acts such as theft or pilferage of company property, property of other employees, or property of others entrusted to the Company. Misrepresentation in obtaining employee benefits or privileges may also be grounds for dismissal. If the facts warrant, prosecution will be to the fullest extent of the law. Employees charged with a criminal offense, on or off duty, may be dismissed.

13. The carrying of a concealed weapon on Wingstop at Denton property, while working for Wingstop is prohibited.

10. Termination If you decide to leave the company, we ask that you provide, at least a two weeks’ written notice of your intention to quit. Failure to do so will result in ineligibility for re-hire. Walking off the job or absence for more than seven days without a report to the company, with the reason for the absence will constitute as a voluntary quit. Wingstop at Denton reserves the right to terminate employment at any time without advance notice. Upon termination, the Company’s only obligation is to pay wages or salary earned by an employee to date of termination.

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Employee Standards 23

11. Employee Duties

a. Operating the Cash Register

Employees must operate each cash register with care. The cashiers’ duty is not a difficult job, but is best learned hands on. During the training period, pre-existing employees or managers will provide you with the help that you need to master the use of the cash register. If mistakes are made on the cash register it is the employees’ duty to write an incident slip, report the incident to the supervisor, and the supervisor will fix the problem. If too many mistakes start to occur you are subject to take part in disciplinary action and up to termination.

b. Answering the Phones Employees are obligated to answer each phone call that is received on the first ring. At every answered call employees, usually the cashier and occasionally managers, must greet the customer by stating the following: (names and locations may vary at each WingStop) “Thank you for choosing WingStop on your wing expert, would you like to try one of our family packs?”It is the employees’ job to sell! Sell! Sell!

c. Cleaning/ Tidiness

Depending on each job position, each employee may have different cleaning duties. For instance, if an employee is only a cook he or she must keep the kitchen clean, stock all food items, clean the bathrooms, and keep hands washed clean at all times. If only a cahier answers the stores phones, stocks straws, cups, utensils, napkins, along with other items, also provides great customer service, keeps the front floor area clean, and periodically check on the tables for trash or other items. If an employee works both a cook and cashier, they are responsible for all cleaning duties. All employees must keep their hands clean from bacteria and germs at all times. These duties are subject to change and/or duties added, as long as they are approved by your supervisor.

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Definitions 25


Gross Misconduct: The term “gross misconduct” has a variety of interpretations, particularly as the term applies to employment law, workplace discrimination, financial fraud and COBRA health care coverage typically extended to terminate employees. The subjective term is typically defined in detail by human resources organizations and is based on individual entities’ definitions. In general. Gross misconduct in the workplace is characterized as an objectionable action that is willful and cannot be described as a mistake or an act of negligence.

Harassment: The act or an instance of harassing, or disturbing, pestering, or troubling repeatedly; (verb) to trouble, torment, or confuse by continual persistent attacks, questions, etc.

Nepotism: favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those with power or influence

Pilferage: The act or practice of stealing small quantities or articles; the amount so stolen.

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26 WingStop Employee Manual

Regular “Full-time” Employee: An individual who has successfully completed the training period as outlined in this Employee Manual and consistently works thirty-eight (38) or more hours per week and at least one thousand (1,000) hours per year as assigned by management. This employee is eligible for all the employee benefits given by the Company such as vacations, unless noted otherwise.

Regular “Part-time Employee: An individual who has successfully completed the training period as is outlined in this Employee Manual and who on average works less than thirty-eight (38) hours per week as assigned by management. This employee is eligible for some of the employee benefits as noted in this Employee Manual.

Social Security Act: A law passed in 1935 providing old-age retirement insurance, a federal-state program of unemployment compensation, and federal grants for state welfare programs.

Temporary Employee: An individual who has been hired for a period of less than ninety (90) days. This employee is not eligible for Company benefits.

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Definitions 27

Training Employee: An individual who has been hired for regular full-time employee job for an indefinite period of time and who had not completed the ninety (90) day training period. “Training employees” will not be eligible for Company benefits unless otherwise so stated in this manual.

Training Period: Each new employee is considered to be a “training employee” for the first ninety (90) calendar days of employment. During this time, his or her qualifications are tested, references investigated, and general fitness determined as to whether or not the employee has the basic qualification to perform efficiently and adequately the work for which he/she was hired and to make the contributions expected of him or her.

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28 WingStop Employee Manual


Address, 19 Approve, 7 Attendance, 19, 20 Benefits, 11 COBRA, 13, 25 Contact, 5, 13, 15, 19 Disciplinary action, 3, 6, 7, 8, 19, 23 Duties, 3, 20, 23 Employees, 3, 4, 8, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22 Employment, 3 Harassment, 6, 25, 29 Hours, 7, 8 Human Resources, 5, 15, 16, 29

Insurance, 13 Non-exempt employees, 8, 15 Policy, vii, 3, 4, 5, 6, 29 Prohibited, 4, 5, 7, 9, 19, 20, 21, 22 Purpose, 5, 14 Rules, 3, 5, 8, 16, 19, 20, 21, 29 Social Security Act, 13, 26 Solicitation, 20 Supervisor, vii, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16,

20, 21, 23, 29 Termination, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 19, 20,

21, 22, 23 Violation, 3, 6, 7

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Statement of Employees 29

Statement of Employee

Note to employee: please read this Employee manual and keep it handy for future reference.

You are required to initial each paragraph and sign this sheet in the space provided and return it to your supervisor and/or Human Resources within ten days after you receive the manual. ___________________ I have received a copy of the Employee Manual. I understand that

this Employee Manual takes place of all previously dated manuals and/or materials. I have carefully read and I understand all of the rules and information contained therein, including the benefits and privileges to which I may be entitles based on continued

employment. My signature below acknowledges that Wingstop at Denton may withhold any sums due to me in the form of wages or commissions for any and all amounts owed by me to the

Company, or for my failure to return any and all Wingstop at Denton property.

____________________ I understand that Wingstop at Denton may from time to time

change, modify, alter, add, or substitute new procedures, policies, rules, or regulations concerning working conditions at the Company. In turn, the company of such changes and the necessary rights, obligations, and privileges as a result of such alterations will provide reasonable notification.

____________________ It is expressly understood and agreed by me, my heirs, and assigns

that nothing contained in this Employee Manual or any subsequent changes or modifications thereto shall act as a contract or guarantee of employment.

____________________ I understand that I am employed at will and either Wingstop at

Denton or I may terminate the employment relationship at any time. I also understand that there is no exception to this relationship unless there is a clearly written document agreeing otherwise that is signed by the Company’s president and me.

____________________ I confirm that I have been made aware of Wingstop at Denton

Harassment- Free Work Place Policy. I understand that the Company policy is a zero tolerance policy in this regard. I understand that I am to report instances of harassment to my Restaurant Manager and/or Regional Manager within 48 hours of their occurrence.

____________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ Employee Print Employee Signature Date

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30 WingStop Employee Manual