Letter from our President Greengs to all, and especially our new members. We have had another very success- ful year both socially and financially. My sincere thanks to our hard working Commiee members, and you our loyal members who support the Club both on and off the court. Our recent Trivia night was a huge success with maximum numbers filling the Clubrooms, and we made a profit of $2,582. Our excing news is that we have been successful in obtaining a $20,000 grant from the Federal Government, and $5,000 from the Yarra Ranges Council to proceed with resurfacing Courts 1 & 2 with arficial grass. The cost is $41, 214. 00, and the Club will pay the deficit. Stay tuned!! HEALESVILLE TENNIS CLUB INC. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Monday 14 th August- 7.30 pm at the Club rooms All posions are vacant. Some Commiee members are not renominang for various reasons, including myself, so I strongly request that other members be prepared to take on a small task, and become pro-acve for this great Club of ours. The Agenda is on page 2 of this newsleer, and the Minutes of our last AGM may be obtained from the Secretary, Chrisne Wikopp [email protected] HEALESVILLE TENNIS CLUB 2017-18 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL. There is no change to the membership fees for 2017-18. The new Membership year commences on 1 September and payment is due before or on 30 September, 2017. Healesville Tennis Club informaon forms will be available on our website, and hard copy brochures format in the Club rooms. www.healesvilletc.org.au Thank you to everyone who updated their membership details/joined via the Tennis Vic online portal, that enabled HTC to collect $400 tennis rewards points. Best wishes to the incoming Commiee ~ Beth Honeycombe. HTC 11th Mid Week Ladies Tournament was again a most successful event. Winners trophy - Kathy Cameron presenng the winner's trophy to Michaela Scully. Winner of the Veteran's trophy was Dot McMaster. Presented by Kathy Cameron. COMMITTEE President Beth Honeycombe 5962 5493 president@ healesvilletc.org.au Vice President Kathy Cameron 5962 3639 Treasurer Irene Leonard 5962 9271 [email protected] Secretary Christine Wittkopp 5962 4304 secretary@ healesvilletc.org.au Convenors: Senior - Alan Honeycombe Phone: 5962 5493 Junior - Mark Nikcevich Phone: 0457 769 215 MWL - Dot McMaster Phone: 9737 6309 Night - Janet Flamsteed Phone: 5962 5331 Social - Peter Brown Phone: 0414 558 598 Membership Secretary Jenny Parker 5962 1248 Committee Member Evelyn Dennis 5962 4384 Cathryn Cosson 5962 9475 Newsletter Paula Pearce 5962 1350 [email protected] Website Manager Giselle Maassen 5962 4641 Club Coaching Wayne Broom 0437 008 788 [email protected] Winter Edition 2017 Healesville Tennis Club PO Box 586, Healesville, VIC, 3777 Clubrooms phone: 5962 3774 Email Secretary: [email protected] www.healesvilletc.org.au

Winter Edition - healesvilletc.org.auhealesvilletc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/HTC-Winter-newsletter-2017.pdfNight - Janet Flamsteed Phone: 5962 5331 Social - Peter Brown Phone:

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Page 1: Winter Edition - healesvilletc.org.auhealesvilletc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/HTC-Winter-newsletter-2017.pdfNight - Janet Flamsteed Phone: 5962 5331 Social - Peter Brown Phone:

Letter from our President

Greetings to all, and especially our new members. We have had another very success-

ful year both socially and financially. My sincere thanks to our hard working Committee

members, and you our loyal members who support the Club both on and off the court.

Our recent Trivia night was a huge success with maximum numbers filling the

Clubrooms, and we made a profit of $2,582.

Our exciting news is that we have been successful in obtaining a $20,000 grant from

the Federal Government, and $5,000 from the Yarra Ranges Council to proceed with

resurfacing Courts 1 & 2 with artificial grass. The cost is $41, 214. 00, and the Club will

pay the deficit. Stay tuned!!


Monday 14th August- 7.30 pm at the Club rooms

All positions are vacant. Some Committee members are not renominating for various

reasons, including myself, so I strongly request that other members be prepared to

take on a small task, and become pro-active for this great Club of ours.

The Agenda is on page 2 of this newsletter, and the Minutes of our last AGM may be obtained from the Secretary, Christine Wittkopp [email protected]


There is no change to the membership fees for 2017-18. The new Membership year

commences on 1 September and payment is due before or on 30 September, 2017.

Healesville Tennis Club information forms will be available on our website, and hard copy brochures format in the Club rooms. www.healesvilletc.org.au

Thank you to everyone who updated their membership details/joined via the Tennis Vic online portal, that enabled HTC to collect $400 tennis rewards points.

Best wishes to the incoming Committee ~ Beth Honeycombe.

HTC 11th Mid Week Ladies Tournament was

again a most successful event.

Winner’s trophy - Kathy Cameron presenting the winner's trophy to

Michaela Scully.

Winner of the Veteran's trophy was Dot McMaster.

Presented by Kathy Cameron.



Beth Honeycombe

5962 5493 president@


Vice President

Kathy Cameron 5962 3639


Irene Leonard 5962 9271

[email protected]


Christine Wittkopp

5962 4304 secretary@



Senior - Alan Honeycombe

Phone: 5962 5493

Junior - Mark Nikcevich

Phone: 0457 769 215

MWL - Dot McMaster

Phone: 9737 6309

Night - Janet Flamsteed

Phone: 5962 5331

Social - Peter Brown

Phone: 0414 558 598

Membership Secretary

Jenny Parker 5962 1248

Committee Member

Evelyn Dennis 5962 4384

Cathryn Cosson 5962 9475


Paula Pearce 5962 1350 [email protected]

Website Manager

Giselle Maassen 5962 4641

Club Coaching

Wayne Broom 0437 008 788

[email protected]

Winter Edition


Healesville Tennis Club

PO Box 586, Healesville, VIC, 3777

Clubrooms phone: 5962 3774

Email Secretary: [email protected]


Page 2: Winter Edition - healesvilletc.org.auhealesvilletc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/HTC-Winter-newsletter-2017.pdfNight - Janet Flamsteed Phone: 5962 5331 Social - Peter Brown Phone:

Events, Activities and club news

Night Convenor’s Report Next season starts at the end of July. If you are interested in playing either Tuesday night or Wednesday night tennis please contact Janet Flamsteed on 0400350321 or [email protected]

Congratulations to the Tuesday Night Tennis Premiers White team defeated Black team by 1 game, 3 sets all. From L-R, AndyMarinkovic, Leni Harrison, Kate Bray and Rowland Crozier.

Wednesday Night Tennis Premiers Team Aqua defeated team Brown, 4 sets to 2. From L - R , Tony Mann, Kate Bray, Karl Jones and Tim Smith.

Winners and Runners up players joined together to celebrate the inaugural Wednesday Night Grand Final.

Senior Convenor’s Report

At the time of writing, our Winter Saturday ERT teams are doing really well, with the OS 2 team in second place and the OS 7 team on top of their ladder. We are now exactly half way through the season, so we need to maintain the good form. If you intend to play Summer Saturday afternoon ERT tennis, you will need to sign up on the sheet on the clubroom noticeboard, or let Alan Honeycombe know by Saturday 9th September. The Summer season will commence on 14/10/17, after the school holidays. Our club singles and doubles championships are scheduled for November, but the Sunday dates have yet to be decided. Lists will be on the noticeboard to sign in due course. Junior Convenor report

The Junior teams continue to have a mixed bag of re-sults with a couple of teams finding it a bit tougher in the higher divisions this season. The good news is that all the players are continuing their tennis development with lots of improvement in skill level, especially from the younger teams and, as always, are playing with great sportsmanship.

If you would like to play ERT Junior Summer Tennis, you will need to sign up on the sheet on the Club rooms notice board by Saturday 9th September, or let Mark Nikcevich know on 0457 769 215. The summer season commences on 14/10/17, after the school holidays.

Working With Children. WWCC is a live document, renewable every 5 years via email. A WWC certificate is required for anyone who has any form of communi-cation with children. ( Oral, electronic & written) ERT have suggested that tennis clubs not become involved in Junior transportation and allow teams to sort out their own transportation to games to reduce parents being required to obtain a WWCC.

Mid-Week Ladies Convenor’s Report New ladies always welcome to join our Tuesday or Thursday teams. Contact Dot: 9737 6309. Rotary Club of Healesville

The Healesville Tennis Club have received a very gen-

erous donation of $600 from the Rotary Club of

Healesville, to replace our broken TV and DVD player.

Christine Wittkopp our Secretary attended the presen-

tation evening, and accepted the gift on behalf of the

Club. We hope to purchase and install the new unit by

the beginning of term 3.

This newsletter is sponsored &

printed by Vicforests

Page 3: Winter Edition - healesvilletc.org.auhealesvilletc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/HTC-Winter-newsletter-2017.pdfNight - Janet Flamsteed Phone: 5962 5331 Social - Peter Brown Phone:

Events, Activities and club news

Trivia Night

Thank you everyone who supported the HTC Trivia Night. We raised a resounding $2582

We especially want to thank our very generous sponsors whose donations were an integral part of the fundrais-ing effort.

Adella Taylor Four Pillars Gin Memo Hall

Badger’s Brook Winery

Fudge by Rich Punt Rd Winery

Beechworth Bakery

Giant Steps RACV Heales-ville

Boat O’Craigo Haircutters Gal-lery

Ricci’s Bikkies

Bodyglow Skin & Beauty

Healesville Chemist

RSL Healesville

Old Bullock Dray Healesville Driv-ing School

Soumah Winery

Bunnings Healesville Har-vest

Tennis Victoria

Charcoal Chick-en

Innocent By-stander

Val Amour

Cindy McLeish Johnny Boys Pizza

Warramunda Estate

Coombe Estate Kathy Cameron Watts River Brewery

De Bortoli Mark Gunther First National Real Estate

Yarra Valley Cider

Yarra Valley Railway

Social Media

Thank you to the following HTC members who have

helped us get our Social Media accounts up and run-

ning: Giselle Maasen (Website Manager) and Evelyn

Dennis (Committee member) for our new Facebook

page & Janet Flamsteed (Committee member) for our

Instagram page. Please support these great initiatives:

Website ~@ www.healesvilletc.org.au

Facebook ~@ healesvilletennisclub

Instagram ~@ instagram@healesvilletennisclub


People’s Choice Community Lottery

Thank you to all members for participating in the sale

of Community Lottery tickets. One ticket sold by a

HTC member won prize No 113. The project raised

$780 for the Club.

Reading Cinema Community Reward Pro-

gram Movie coupons available from the clubrooms

Fundraising (cont’d)

RebelSport Please remember to use your “Loyalty

Members Card”

Sportmart – Club Advantage 6% rewards scheme

Club Merchandise

Polo shirts, hoodies & caps are available. Don’t forget

to order for presents etc. Order forms in clubrooms.

Prize Description Value

RACV Healesville

Overnight Accommodation for 2 in a Premium Mountain View King Room including full buffet breakfast, Unlim-ited golf and use of the coun-try clubs recreational facili-ties, plus double entry pass to Tarrawarra Museum of Art


Val Amour Haircut $48

Yarra Valley Railway

Family Ticket $40

There are a few prizes that are still available for purchase. Send your bid to [email protected] The person with the best bid will win the prize. Bids will be taken until end of July when the winner will be notified & the prize will be available for collection.

Monday Social:

Don’t forget this lovely opportunity for social tennis - open to all - any Monday at QP courts 9 - 1pm. $2

Lost property:

Have a look through our big box under the table in the clubrooms - you might find something? Box will be cleared soon. We have a lot of kitchen plates too - please check the cupboards in the clubrooms!

For Sale: Contact Chris: 5962 4304

A second-hand HTC jacket. Size L. $20

Page 4: Winter Edition - healesvilletc.org.auhealesvilletc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/HTC-Winter-newsletter-2017.pdfNight - Janet Flamsteed Phone: 5962 5331 Social - Peter Brown Phone:


Contact: Yvette Stanley

0417 595 164


Monday 17th Committee meeting 7.30pm at 134 Wallace Parade

Tuesday 18th MALTTA Season 2 commences

Tuesday 18th Tuesday Night Tennis Season 2 commences

Wednesday 19th Wednesday Night Tennis Season 2 commences

Thursday 20th FTGLWTA Season 2 commences


Monday 14th HTC – Annual General meeting 7.30pm at QP

Monday 21st Committee meeting 7.30pm at QP


Saturday 2nd ERT Junior & Seniors Semi Finals

Saturday9th ERT Junior & Seniors Grand Final

Monday 11th Committee meeting 7.30pm at QP

Do you own a business or

know someone who does?

Advertising in our newsletter

is only $15 per issue / $50 per yr

Please contact a member of our

260 Maroondah Highway,


Phone: 5962 6699

[email protected]

Open: Mon & Thur 11 - 6.30:

Wed 3 - 6.30; Fri 11 - 7;

Sat 10 - 6; Sun 11 - 4;

Closed Tuesday

217a Maroondah Highway,


Phone: 5962 4226

[email protected]

Open: Mon - Fri 10 - 5.30;

Sat & Sun 10 - 4:

For court hire, keys are available from the

following 2 local businesses.

Graphic Design competition for our HTC Ladies Round Robin for Mar 2018 flyer.

A mystery prize will be awarded to the winning entry.

Details (including our old flyer) can be requested from me: Kathy Cameron email: [email protected]

or Ph: 5962 3639

Needs to be a jpg document.

Competition closes Friday 29th September 2017.


Wine Store

Page 5: Winter Edition - healesvilletc.org.auhealesvilletc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/HTC-Winter-newsletter-2017.pdfNight - Janet Flamsteed Phone: 5962 5331 Social - Peter Brown Phone:

Healesville Tennis Club AGM

128th Annual General Meeting

Monday 14th August, 2017 at 7.30pm Queens Park Clubrooms

Notice is hereby given that the 128th Annual general Meeting of the Healesville Tennis Club Inc.

will be held at the Queens Park Clubrooms on Monday 14th August, 2017 at 7.30 pm.


1. Meeting Opened

2. Members Present

3. Apologies

4. Approve and Adopt as a correct record, the minutes of the 127th AGM

5. Business Arising

6. Consider the reports of the following:

6.1 President

6.2 Treasurer, Auditor & Financial Statements for the financial year 2016-2017

6.3 Senior Convenor

6.4 Junior Convenor

6.5 Mid week Ladies

6.6 Night Convenor

6.7 Coaches

7. Election of Office Bearers for 2017-2018

8. Fees

Moved to increase all membership categories fees by $5, and leave ball money unchanged for the membership year 2018 -


9. General Business

9.1 Court Upgrade 2017

9.2 On line Memberships

9.3 (Business presented to the Secretary at least 7 days prior to the AGM.)