I Fagel4 : Telephone 2-3111 SYEACUSE JOUKNAL •«— Mothers and Oamighiters of Legion Post AinxIIlary Bnjoy Party Telephone 2-3111 Tuesday, March 19,1935 MRS. RUSSELL HUMPHREY MISS JANE MARIE ARNOLD Not to be outdoie bj father-son ałtaiis, mothers and daughters of tbe W omen's Auxihary to Post 41, American Legion, staged a parent-child party last nigbt. Mrs. Ryan, wbo was first presi- d**t ad tbe awiiliary; Mrs. Humphrey, present leader, and Miss Arnold, president oi tbe junior awńliary, were all in attendanee. ' - : • IN THEc MJSS MYRL ROSĘ CROCKER SOCIAL WHIRL With Letty Longstreet C ORSAGE BOUQUETS were given to each of the 200 gueats at the tea announcing the en- gagement of Miss Myrl Bose Crocker, daughter of Mr. • and Mrs. Głyndon Crocker, and Charles Walrath Talbott, Ifcturday, at & e Crocker home in Cortland. Cards making the betrothal known were concealed in the bonąnets. Mr. Talbott, whose home is now in Cortland, is a former Syracusan and abrother of Mrs. Percy M. Hughes Jr. of Euclid av. and of J. Bobert Talbott and Thomas G. Talbott, both of University av. Miss Crocker attended Emma Wil- lard School and was graduated from the Wheelock School in Boston. Mr. Talbott is a graduate of Syracuse University in the class of 1934 and is a member of Psi Upsilon fraternity. No datę has been set for the wed- ding. Among the Syracuse guests at the tea wera Mrs. Percy M. Hughes, Miss Eleanor Hughes, Mrs. Percy M. Hughes Jr., Miss Marjorie Hughes, Mrs. J. Bobert Talbott, Mrs. Thomas G. Talbott^ Mrs. Harold Joy, Mrs. Glenn W. Wolcott, Mrs. Albert H. Pox and Mrs. Harold M. Day. Mr. Hughes Jr., Robert and Thomas Talbott, Dr. Joy, Mr. Fox and Mr. Day drove to Cortland for a buffet dinner for fifty guests whieh was given by Mr. and Mrs. Crocker that evening. » # AMONG SOUTHERN VISITORS who are returning to their homes are Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Scott Jr. and their daughters, Caroline and Pbyllis, who arrived at their home in Brattle rd. yesterday, after spending some time in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Jfn. Harrison D. Sanford of Sum- . mit av.» who have been in Miami, have started north and are xpee ted at, their home Friday. * * PROF. ANP MBS. AN&BE POLAH were honor guests at a supper party last evening following the Syracuse Symphony eoncert, giwen by Mrs. Chester Harding King at her home in i Bewitt st. Mrs. William C. Blanding, president of Morning f Musicals, Inc., and Mrs. Charles W. Andrews presided in the . dining rdom. » * m "• * •. i. Visitors Enjoy Visits To Atlantic City and New York NEW YOBK FOB A BIT OF SHOPPING, or Atlantic CSty for a breath of spring air, is taking several persons in town away. Among them is Mrs. Joseph F. Friedel of Brat- tle rd., who left for White Plains, Sunday, to be joined by her sister, Mrs. Bobert Clark, who accompanied her to At- lantic City yesterday, They will stay at the Marlborough- Blenheim for ten days. Mrs. Parker Allen Stacy of Brook- ford rd. left for New York yesterday for a stay of a few days. During Mr. and Mrs. Huntington B. Crouse's visit in New York before sailing Saturday for Italy, they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Crofoot of S. Orange, N. J., who saw them off. "Mr. and Mrs. Crofoot have % visited in Syracuse several times and have a number of friends here. Mrs. Harold J. Ringer of Kensington rd. has relurned from Buffalo, where she has been the guest for a week of Dr. and Mrs. Walter S. Goodale at their home there. # * THE LAST IN THE SERIES of teas whieh are being given by Dean Eugenie A. Leonard of Syracuse University at Ser home in Waverly av. for graduating seniors of Syracuse high schools was given this afternoon. North and Eastwood high schools studenta were inyited. Mrs. Pearl S. Wood of the North High School facułty poured from 4 until 5 o'clock and Mrs. Paul Whitney of Eastwood High School faculty, presided at the tea table from 5 until 6 o'clock. Dean Eunice »HiIton assisted Dean Leonard in entertaining the guests. fDeans or representatives from colleges of the university at- I tended and diseussed college aspects informally. * I MR. AND MRS, ALVIN J. GRAB AU are in their new { apartment at 3^5 Roosevelt av. Mrs. Grabau was Miss Flor- tence Horstmann, daughter of William D. Horstmann of I Rochester, before her marriage in February. ' * CONGRATULATIONS to Dr. and Mrs. Ferdinand J. Schoeneck of Scott av., who are the parents of a son, bora Sunday at the Syracuse Memoriał HospitaL 1 Mrs. French To Address 'Y. w ; ciub An lnformal birthday party for members of the Y.W.C.A. Aloab Club will be part of the program Wednesday nigrht at 6 o'clock, Miss Ruth A. Jones being In charge of arrangements. Mrs. M. J. French will address the club, her topie being "Cecil Rhodes, the Empire Builder." Fol- lowing the supper, Miss Bessie Montague will conduct a class group in "speaking well, If not wisely,** A social hour will follow. Th© first breath of spring weather awakens thoughts of camping In the minds of many girls, and those who went to Camp Avałon, the summer camp of the Y.W.C.A. on Tully Lakę last summer have planned a re- union for this Saturday afternoon, March 23. The reunion will begin at 4:30 o'clock with a splash party, in charge of Miss Hope Carpenter and Miss EJvelyn Stults. At 6 o'clock there will be a pienie supper in the reereation room, followed by games there and In tbe gymnasium, and a camp sing, led by Miss Elizabeth McNary. The Y.W.C.A. camp committee, of whieh Mrs. Glenn Wolcott is the new chairman, is sponsoring the reunion, and will meet at. the association building on Wednes- day at 11 o'clock to make plans for the supper, and to discuss other matters pertaining to the next camping season. Other mem- bers of the committee who are ex- pected to attend are Mrs. Ray- mond Barnes, Mrs. John T. R. Bell. Mrs. John K. Brown, Miss Hope Carpenter, Mrs. Martin Hil- finger, Mrs. George F. Lindermer, Mrs. Gerard McKee, Mrs. W. W. Street, and Mrs. Carroli Van Denburg. Lafalot Club Has Card Parły Plans The regular meetłng of the Lafalot Club was held recently In Kirk Park community house. Plans were madę for a public card party to be held March 25. A smali admission fee will be charged. There will be a prize for each table. Those on the committee are: Chairman, Gussie Stewart; Bessie Quackenbush, Matie Sayles, Lillian Kuhn and Lillian Walsh. Parents Announce Daughter s Wedding The marriage of Miss Ann Bianca, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bianca of Townsend 'pi., to Dan Ventura, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cafarelli, has been an- nounced by the bride's parents. Th« marriage took place last Fri- day at St Stephen's Church in Phoenix. Rev. Joseph B. Toomey performed the ceremony. The couple will make their home at 508 James st. Professional to Hear Miss Tarbell Interpretting the school to the public will be the topie of Miss Emily Tarbell, when she addresses the March meeting of the Profes- sional Women's League at the Kanatenah clubhouse this Tues- day evening. Miss Georgia L. Barnes, president, will preside. Hostesses for the evening will be Mrs. R. B. Roantree, Miss Helen Rutledge, Miss Gertrudę Caswell and Miss Thelma Mac- NeU. At St. Albans The women of St. Albans Epis- copal Church, Meadowbrook and Scott avs., will serve a pancake supper Thursday evening at 5:30 o'clock. Mrs. Arthur Horrocks ła chairman. MISS SARAH BOYLE MRS. L. J. GOULD . Tbe oldest member of tbe group at tbe enter tainment last nigbt was Miss Boyle, wbo is ptc- tured above witb Mrs. Gould, wbo is Mrs. Humphrey's mother. Gold Star mothers, their children and grandcbildren all took part in tbe program. Special dancing and musical numbers were given dur- CYNTHIA WORTHINGTON MRS. T. S. WORTHINGTON Little Cynthii Jeanne, 13 months old, attended ber Hrst Legion awiiliary party last night with her mother, pirs. Worthington. Each mother was presented with a rosę and every daughter with , a basket ot candy. Legion Auxiliary Launches Initial Mothers-Daughters' Social Entertainments By THE CHAPERON. Mothers and their daughters were in the spotlight last Mon- day night when the women's aux- iliary to Post 41, American Le- gion, held its firat entertainment of this kina at the clubhouse in W. OnOndaga st. The. entertainment followed the business meeting. Gold Star mothers, their children and grand- cbildren were prominent. Mrs. Peter L. Ryan, the pro- moter of tbe ausiliary and its first president, was given a rbusing welcome after her talk relative to the progi*essiveness of. the aux- iliary. She stressed the excellent work being accomplished by its cbild welfare committee. Marle Jane Arnold, president of the junior auxiliary, presented Mrs. Ryan with a- shoulder bouąuet of spring flowers, each mother with a red rosę, Gold Star mothers eaełT receiving a pink rosę and every daughter a basket of candy. Mrs. Russell Humphrey, presi- dent of the auxiliary, presided during the evening. Mrs. Florepce Saaler, chairman of entertain- ment, was assisted by Mrs. Charles L. ,Bubbs, Mrs. Sanfórd Locke and Mrs. P; Russell Mc- Known. . . A special dance and musical program was presente by Carleen, Mary Margaret and Richard Cashman, Mary Elaine 0'Keefe, Katherine and" Betty Healey, June and Beatrice Fogarty, with Mrs. Healey as the pianist. Banquet Is Held For New Members New members of Kappa Zeta chapter of Delta Gamma Delta, national sorojrlty, were honored with a banąuet at the Gypsy Tea Shoppe recently. Miss Gertrudę Gaaley* the president, gave a speech on "What a Sorority Means to a Girl." The committee in charge consisted of Miss Una Kleiner, chairman; Miss June Evens and Miss Lucille Smith. The sorority's new members ąre the Misses Dorothy Cornwall, Mary Lou Handorff, Nina Kath, Virginia Keller, Althea Stoffle and Arlene Laher. Formał initia- tion was held recently at the home of Miss Hotaling. Masonsof Manlius Hołd Annual Fetę The annual corned beef and cabbage dinner given by the Masons of Manlius will" be helcj on March 25. The affair has grown yearly sińce its institution seven years ago. It has become so well known that visitors from all parts of Central New York attend. There will be excellent entertain- ment and speeches. , • ing the evening. Pictures by DeBiase, Journal stafł pbotographer. Has Memoriał For Mrs. Dey Members of the Syracuse Gar- den Club met Monday afternoon Iwith Mrs. George B. Broad, 815 Comstock av., and carried out the plans arranged by the late Mrs. Robert Dey, one of its officers. Mrs. Dey, at an earlier meeting, presented each member with min- iaturę white urns in whieh they p 1 a n t e d spring flowers, each member bringing their gifts to ' Monday's session, whieh was ded- icated as a memoriał to Mrs. Dey, • resolutions being* passed by the < club. Jn the absence of the president, ; Mrs. William Buell Gere, who is &attending the flower show in.New York City, Mrs. Harry A. Smith, • vice president, presided, Mrs. Simon Olsen prepared a paper relative to wild flowers, whieh was read by Mrs. Edward D. Tor- bert, as Mrs. Olsen is in Florida. Mrs. Robert Bryant featured spring gardens in a number of songs, Miss eGrałdine Arnold be- ' ing at the piano. Mrs. C. M. Edwards Jr. con- . sen ted to take the place left va- cant by the death of Mrs. Dey, who always took charge of the spring flower shows, whieh this year will be conducted May 17 at the home of Mrs. Daniel M. Edwards. t New Beth Israel I Purim Festwal A Purim party including an • entertainment will be held at the Tempie New Beth Israel, 601 • Irving av., at 8:30 o'clock this | Tuesday evenlng. A fifteen piece orchestra under the direction of Dimitri Peters, will provide the musie. Dialogues will be presented i by Miss Marion Stewart. Shep- pard Bartnoff will give Yiddish frecitationś and vocal seleqtións will be given by D. S. Altfield, I Mrs. Rosę Glinsky will accompany j Mr. Altfield, the latter of whom is chairman of arrangements. Chaperon Notebook - . . : •• : ' i " . ' When the Onondaga County Women's Republican Club con- ducts its style sbow Wednesday afternoon at beadąuarters in the Denison building, E. Fayette st„ Mrs. Clarence R. King will be one of tbe members dispensing hospitality at tbe refresbment table.—Barnard studio* r A ' meeting of the Evening Branch of the Womatfs Guild of Grace Bpiscopal Church will be held Tuesday evening. A cov- ered dish supper will be served at 6:30 0'clock. r - * Mrs. Ramona Baxter Bowden will review some recent plays nt the East Syracuse Library Club at 8 Cclock'Tuesday evening. Miss Helen Tooke will be host- ers for members of Circle M of First Baptist Church at her home, 107 Ballard av., Tuesday evening, The Women's Missionary So- ciety of Centeńary Church will meet at the home of Mrs. G. A. Young, 103 Onondaga av., at 7:45 o'clock Tuesday evenign. Mrs. G. B. Price and her group will be hostesses. Gifts for the fairy basket will be taken. The legał status of women group of the Onondaga County League of Women Voters is meet- ing Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. W. Hansen, 830 Sumner av. Mrs. Ward will lead a discussion summing up the ac- tivities of the group. Onondaga Yalley W.C.T.U. will meet at the home of ,Mlss Fanny C. Spaulding, 3710 Midland av.. at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Eastern Star Friendly Club will meet Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Hattie Flagg, 113 Beard pi. After luncheon there will be an apron sale. Danforth School Mothers' Club will give a dessert bridge at the school on Wednesday at 2 p. m. The club invites all prospective members to attend as special guests. Mrs. Melvin Denny is generał chairman. assisted by Mrs. Fred Jibson, Mrs. William Hahn and Mrs. Henry Coolidge. Evening Star Rebekah Lodge, 52, will meet Tuesday evening. The past noble grands will have a dinner. Reservations are re- ąuested by noon March 17 with Vice Grand Emma Hale, 710 Hill- side st. Phone 5-3314. Onondaga Chapter, 144, Order of the Eastern Star, will conduct a free "cooking with cold" hostess party in the Masonie tempie next Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Gladys Piron is in charge. There will be several door prizes and refreshments served. The Women's Missionary So- ciety of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will conduct their regular monthly business meeting Wednesday evening after the Lenten service. The Women's Auxiliary to the House of Providence will meet at 2 p. m. Wednesday at the institu- tion to sew. There will be a Centeńary Church family supper in the church house Wednesday night at 6:30 p. m. Trinity Service League mem- bers will meet to sew Wednesday after the service in the church at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Frederick D. Hix- son, Mrs. S. E. Rhodes and Mrs. Henry B. Neejer will have charge of the sewing, and Mrs. William E. Acker, Mrs. Charles M. Mc- Intyre, Mrs. Clarence Sharkey and Miss Josephine Howe will as- sist with the luncheon at 12:30 noon. Mohawk Council 117, Degree of Pocohontas, will hołd a special business meeting at 8 p. m. this Tuesday night in the Larned building. , Finger Painting Technique Demonstrated at Muśeum Miss Ruth Faison Shaw will give a lecture and demonstration on Wednesday at 4-o'clook at the Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts on "Finger Painting Techniąue." Miss Shaw conducted an ex- perimental school for children at Romę, Italy, observing the diffi- culty with whieh children handled brushes and paints led her to dis- cover nonpoisonous paints whieh can be applied on pictures and designs by using the fingertips and hands. Miss Shaw has traveled exten- sively and has taught in several foreign countries, giving her first lecture ana demonstration on finger painting at the Sorbonne, France. Mieś Edna Andrews, supervisor of the School Art League art classes, has arranged this talk whieh is being spon- sored by the league. The lecture is open to all art teacbers, stu- dents and to the members and friends of the School Art .Deague. Miss Shaw is also lecturing be- fore the city grade art teacbers on Wednesday morning at Madi- son school. On Thursday morning she will demonstrate before a group of senior art students at the College of Fine Arts and tat City Normal School at noon and In the afternoon. Units Plan Special Meets Four meetings are scheduled by various organized groups of Cen- tral City Business Institute dur- ing the coming week. I A banąuet, a dancing party and the first public presentation of the min- strels is promised as the result of these meetings. The tap dancing class will meet Wednesday at Huntington hall, when the committee, comprising Miss Edith Barrus, Miss Rita Allen, Miss Elizabeth Dong and Miss Karen Ekstrom, will place before the class finał plans for a dance and party at the Y.W.C.A. The boys' and girls' basketball teams will hołd a practice and meeting at Washington Irving School, when plans for a banąuet to be given jointly will be dis- eussed. The banąuet committee, composed of Miss Franees Nellis, Miss Jean Frost, Miss Marjorie Elliott, Kenneth Crofut and Miles Signor, will make their report Republicans\. Style Show The latest word in style for this spring will be featured at the On- ondaga County Women's Republi- can Club, Mrs. Irving. Ludwig, wig, president, meeting Wednes- day afternoon at the Denison building, E. Fayette st. Tea will be served during the "paradę" and dispensing refreshments at * the service table will be Mrs. Rolland B. Marvin and Mrs. Clarence R. King. Miss Dorothy Brigett of Dey Brothers and Company, will direct the show, members of the club modelling, and will also give a talk relative to ber recent trip to Hollywood and what the "stars" are wearing. Women of the Eleventh ward club will aid in dispensing hospi- tality as follows: Mrs. William Lane, Mrs. H. Douglas Johnson, Mrs. Laurence Vieau, Mrs. Flor- ence Sheehan, Mrs. Bessie Blood, Mrs. Edna Copp, Mrs. Alice Quim- bly, Mrs. Dorcas Hyland, Mrs. Laurence Sennott, Miss Helen Oley, Mrs. Harold Martineau and Mrs. John Metzger. Mrs. Irving Ludwig, president of the club, is in charge of arrangements. * Pupil ils Present Insh Program Mrs. George Hayward's pupils gave a St Patricks day recital last Sunday, 114 Linden st., songs, violin and piano numbers forming the program, given by Marion, Carol and Gloria Morrison, Dor- othy and Eunice Taylor, Shirley Newcomb, Dorothy Doust, Melba and Elaine Gruninger, Rita Bueh- ler, Ruth King, Kenneth Vernier, Marion Secor. George A. Hay- ward, vocalist; Mrs. George A. Hayward and Mrs. H. Morrison, pianists, assisted. Onaway Club .The Onaway Literary Club will meet at the home of Mrs. F. J. Holzworth, 911 Walnut av., Tues- day afternoon. Mrs. F. E. Cudde- back and the hostess will present the papers of the afternoon, deal- ingf with "The Towering Andes" and "Winter Sports." H* TIRED, WORN OUT, NO AMBITI0N "O W m a n j women are just dragging them- selves around, all tired out witb pen- odic weakness and paio? They should know that Lydia E. Pinkham's Tab- lets reliere peri- odic pains and dis* comfbrt. Smali si2e only 25 cents. Mrs. Dorsie Williams of Danville, Illinois, says, **I had no ambition and was terribly nervous. Your Tab- lecs helped my periods and boilt mc up." Try them neat month. Catehing Col< YICKS "" VA-TRO-NOL Heips PREVENT many colds Wms 0 *OIC*T*« to out *** announcWg clie ntele 4 -3fc0b O fot •! 2.-8f>»i fat%t»' ^^awłoocn^ f - - - Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

With Letty Longstreet 'Y. w; ciubfultonhistory.com/Newspaper 17/Syracuse NY Journal... · With Letty Longstreet CORSAGE BOUQUETS were given to each of the 200 gueats at the tea announcing

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Page 1: With Letty Longstreet 'Y. w; ciubfultonhistory.com/Newspaper 17/Syracuse NY Journal... · With Letty Longstreet CORSAGE BOUQUETS were given to each of the 200 gueats at the tea announcing

I Fagel4 : Telephone 2-3111 SYEACUSE JOUKNAL

• « —

Mothers and Oamighiters of Legion Post AinxIIlary Bnjoy Party Telephone 2-3111 Tuesday, March 19,1935

MRS. R U S S E L L H U M P H R E Y MISS J A N E M A R I E A R N O L D Not to be outdoie bj father-son ałtaiis, mothers and daughters of tbe W omen's Auxihary to

Post 41, American Legion, staged a parent-child party last nigbt. Mrs. Ryan, wbo was first presi-d**t ad tbe awiiliary; Mrs. Humphrey, present leader, and Miss Arnold, president oi tbe junior awńliary, were all in attendanee. ' - : •



SOCIAL WHIRL With Letty Longstreet

CORSAGE BOUQUETS were given to each of the 200 gueats at the tea announcing the en­gagement of Miss Myrl Bose Crocker, daughter of Mr.

• and Mrs. Głyndon Crocker, and Charles Walrath Talbott, Ifcturday, a t &e Crocker home in Cortland. Cards making

the betrothal known were concealed in the bonąnets. Mr. Talbott, whose home is now in Cortland, is a f ormer Syracusan and abrother of Mrs. Percy M. Hughes Jr. of Euclid av. and of J. Bobert Talbott and Thomas G. Talbott, both of University av. Miss Crocker attended Emma Wil-lard School and was graduated from the Wheelock School in Boston. Mr. Talbott is a graduate of Syracuse University in the class of 1934 and is a member of Psi Upsilon fraternity. No datę has been set for the wed-ding.

Among the Syracuse guests at the tea wera Mrs. Percy M. Hughes, Miss Eleanor Hughes, Mrs. Percy M. Hughes Jr., Miss Marjorie Hughes, Mrs. J. Bobert Talbott, Mrs. Thomas

G. Talbott^ Mrs. Harold Joy, Mrs. Glenn W. Wolcott, Mrs. Albert H. Pox and Mrs. Harold M. Day. Mr. Hughes Jr., Robert and Thomas Talbott, Dr. Joy, Mr. Fox and Mr. Day drove to Cortland for a buf fet dinner for fifty guests whieh was given by Mr. and Mrs. Crocker that evening.

• • »

# AMONG SOUTHERN VISITORS who are returning to their homes are Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Scott Jr. and their daughters, Caroline and Pbyllis, who arrived at their home in Brattle rd. yesterday, after spending some time in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Jfn. Harrison D. Sanford of Sum-

. mit av.» who have been in Miami, have started north and are xpee ted at, their home Friday.

• * *

PROF. ANP MBS. AN&BE POLAH were honor guests at a supper party last evening following the Syracuse Symphony eoncert, giwen by Mrs. Chester Harding King at her home in

i Bewitt st. Mrs. William C. Blanding, president of Morning

f Musicals, Inc., and Mrs. Charles W. Andrews presided in the . dining rdom. »

* m • " • * •. i .

Visitors Enjoy Visits To Atlantic City and New York

NEW YOBK FOB A BIT OF SHOPPING, or Atlantic CSty for a breath of spring air, is taking several persons in town away. Among them is Mrs. Joseph F. Friedel of Brat­tle rd., who left for White Plains, Sunday, to be joined by her sister, Mrs. Bobert Clark, who accompanied her to At­lantic City yesterday, They will stay at the Marlborough-Blenheim for ten days. Mrs. Parker Allen Stacy of Brook-ford rd. left for New York yesterday for a stay of a few days. During Mr. and Mrs. Huntington B. Crouse's visit in New York before sailing Saturday for Italy, they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Crofoot of S. Orange, N. J., who saw them off. "Mr. and Mrs. Crofoot have% visited in Syracuse several times and have a number of friends here. Mrs. Harold J. Ringer of Kensington rd. has relurned from Buffalo, where she has been the guest for a week of Dr. and Mrs. Walter S. Goodale at their home there.

• # *

THE LAST IN THE SERIES of teas whieh are being given by Dean Eugenie A. Leonard of Syracuse University at Ser home in Waverly av. for graduating seniors of Syracuse high schools was given this afternoon. North and Eastwood high schools studenta were inyited. Mrs. Pearl S. Wood of the North High School facułty poured from 4 until 5 o'clock and Mrs. Paul Whitney of Eastwood High School faculty, presided at the tea table from 5 until 6 o'clock. Dean Eunice

»HiIton assisted Dean Leonard in entertaining the guests. fDeans or representatives from colleges of the university at-I tended and diseussed college aspects informally.

• * •

I MR. AND MRS, ALVIN J. GRAB AU are in their new { apartment at 3^5 Roosevelt av. Mrs. Grabau was Miss Flor-tence Horstmann, daughter of William D. Horstmann of I Rochester, before her marriage in February.

• ' • *

CONGRATULATIONS to Dr. and Mrs. Ferdinand J. Schoeneck of Scott av., who are the parents of a son, bora Sunday at the Syracuse Memoriał HospitaL


Mrs. French To Address 'Y. w ; ciub

An lnformal bir thday pa r ty for members of the Y.W.C.A. Aloab Club will be par t of the program Wednesday nigrht a t 6 o'clock, Miss Ruth A. Jones being In charge of a r rangements .

Mrs. M. J . French will address the club, her topie being "Cecil Rhodes, the Empire Builder." Fol­lowing the supper, Miss Bessie Montague will conduct a class group in "speaking well, If not wisely,** A social hour will follow.

Th© first breath of spring weather awakens thoughts of camping In the minds of many girls, and those who went to Camp Avałon, t h e summer camp of the Y.W.C.A. on Tully Lakę last summer have planned a re -union for th is Saturday afternoon, March 23. The reunion will begin a t 4:30 o'clock with a splash party, in charge of Miss Hope Carpenter and Miss EJvelyn Stults. At 6 o'clock there will be a pienie supper in the reereation room, followed by games there and In tbe gymnasium, and a camp sing, led by Miss Elizabeth McNary.

The Y.W.C.A. camp committee, of whieh Mrs. Glenn Wolcot t is the new chairman, is sponsoring the reunion, and will meet at. the association building on Wednes­day a t 11 o'clock to make plans for the supper, and to discuss other mat te rs pertaining to the next camping season. Other mem­bers of the committee who a re ex-pected to a t tend are Mrs. R a y ­mond Barnes, Mrs. John T. R. Bell. Mrs. John K. Brown, Miss Hope Carpenter, Mrs. Mart in Hi l -finger, Mrs. George F. Lindermer, Mrs. Gerard McKee, Mrs. W. W. Street, and Mrs. Carroli Van Denburg.

Lafalot Club Has Card Parły Plans

The regular meetłng of the Lafalot Club was held recently In Kirk Pa rk community house. P lans were madę for a public card par ty to be held March 25. A s m a l i admission fee will be charged.

There will be a prize for each table. Those on the committee a re : Chairman, Gussie Stewart ; B e s s i e Quackenbush, Matie Sayles, Lillian Kuhn and Lillian Walsh.

Parents Announce Daughter s Wedding

The marriage of Miss Ann Bianca, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bianca of Townsend 'pi., to Dan Ventura, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cafarelli, has been an-nounced by the bride's parents . Th« marr iage took place last Fri­day a t S t Stephen's Church in Phoenix. Rev. Joseph B. Toomey performed the ceremony. The couple will make their home a t 508 James st.

Professional to Hear Miss Tarbell

Interpret t ing the school to the public will be the topie of Miss Emily Tarbell, when she addresses the March meeting of the Profes­sional Women's League a t the Kana tenah clubhouse this Tues­day evening. Miss Georgia L. Barnes, president, will preside.

Hostesses for the evening will be Mrs. R. B. Roantree, Miss Helen Rutledge, Miss Gertrudę Caswell and Miss Thelma Mac-NeU.

At St. Albans The women of St. Albans Epis-

copal Church, Meadowbrook and Scott avs., will serve a pancake supper Thursday evening at 5:30 o'clock. Mrs. Ar thur Horrocks ła chairman.

MISS S A R A H B O Y L E MRS. L . J . G O U L D . Tbe oldest member of tbe group at tbe enter tainment last nigbt was Miss Boyle, wbo is ptc-

tured above witb Mrs. Gould, wbo is Mrs. Humphrey's mother. Gold Star mothers, their children and grandcbildren all took part in tbe program. Special dancing and musical numbers were given dur-

C Y N T H I A W O R T H I N G T O N MRS. T. S. W O R T H I N G T O N Little Cynthii Jeanne, 13 months old, attended ber Hrst Legion

awiiliary party last night with her mother, pirs. Worthington. Each mother was presented with a rosę and every daughter with

, a basket ot candy.

Legion Auxiliary Launches Initial Mothers-Daughters'

Social Entertainments By THE CHAPERON.

Mothers and their daughters were in the spotlight last Mon-day night when the women's aux -iliary to Pos t 41, American Le­gion, held its firat enter tainment of th is kina at the clubhouse in W. OnOndaga st.

The . enter ta inment followed the business meeting. Gold Star mothers, their children and grand­cbildren were prominent.

Mrs. Pe ter L. Ryan, the pro-moter of tbe ausi l iary and its first president, was given a rbusing welcome after her talk relative to the progi*essiveness of. t he aux-iliary. She stressed the excellent work being accomplished by i ts cbild welfare committee.

Marle Jane Arnold, president of

t h e junior auxiliary, presented Mrs. Ryan with a- shoulder bouąuet of spring flowers, each mother wi th a red rosę, Gold Star mothers eaełT receiving a pink rosę and every daughter a basket of candy.

Mrs. Russell Humphrey, presi­dent of the auxiliary, presided during the evening. Mrs. Florepce Saaler, chairman of enter ta in­ment, was assisted by Mrs. Charles L. ,Bubbs, Mrs. Sanfórd Locke and Mrs. P; Russell Mc-Known. . .

A special dance and musical program was presente by Carleen, Mary Margaret and Richard Cashman, Mary Elaine 0'Keefe, Katherine and" Betty Healey, June and Beatrice Fogarty, with Mrs. Healey as the pianist.

Banquet Is Held For New Members New members of Kappa Zeta

chapter of Delta Gamma Delta, national sorojrlty, were honored with a banąuet a t the Gypsy Tea Shoppe recently. Miss Gertrudę Gaaley* the president, gave a speech on "What a Sorority Means to a Girl." The committee in charge consisted of Miss Una Kleiner, chairman; Miss June Evens and Miss Lucille Smith.

The sorority's new members ąre the Misses Dorothy Cornwall, Mary Lou Handorff, Nina Kath, Virginia Keller, Althea Stoffle and Arlene Laher. Formał initia-tion was held recently a t the home of Miss Hotaling.

Masonsof Manlius Hołd Annual Fetę

The annual corned beef and cabbage dinner given by the Masons of Manlius will" be helcj on March 25. The affair has grown yearly sińce i ts institution seven years ago. It has become so well known tha t visitors from all par ts of Central New York attend. There will be excellent enter tain­ment and speeches. , •

ing the evening. Pictures by DeBiase, Journal stafł pbotographer.

Has Memoriał For Mrs. Dey Members of the Syracuse Gar­

den Club met Monday afternoon Iw i th Mrs. George B. Broad, 815

Comstock av., and carried out the plans arranged by the late Mrs. Robert Dey, one of its officers.

Mrs. Dey, a t an earlier meeting, presented each member with min­iaturę white urns in whieh they p 1 a n t e d spring flowers, each member bringing their gifts to

' Monday's session, whieh was ded-icated as a memoriał to Mrs. Dey,

• resolutions being* passed by the < club.

Jn the absence of the president, ; Mrs. William Buell Gere, who is &attending the flower show in.New York City, Mrs. H a r r y A. Smith,

• vice president, presided, Mrs. Simon Olsen prepared a paper

relative to wild flowers, whieh was read by Mrs. Edward D. Tor-bert, as Mrs. Olsen is in Florida. Mrs. Robert Bryant featured spring gardens in a number of songs, Miss eGrałdine Arnold be-

' ing a t the piano. Mrs. C. M. Edwards Jr . con-

. sen ted to take t h e place left va -cant by the death of Mrs. Dey, who always took charge of the spring flower shows, whieh this year will be conducted May 17 a t the home of Mrs. Daniel M. Edwards . t

New Beth Israel I Purim Festwal

A Pur im party including an • enter tainment will be held a t the

Tempie New Beth Israel, 601 • Irving av., a t 8:30 o'clock this | Tuesday evenlng. A fifteen piece

orchestra under the direction of Dimitri Peters, will provide the musie. Dialogues will be presented

i by Miss Marion Stewart. Shep-pard Bartnoff will give Yiddish

freci tat ionś and vocal seleqtións will be given by D. S. Altfield,

I Mrs. Rosę Glinsky will accompany j Mr. Altfield, the lat ter of whom is

chairman of arrangements .

Chaperon Notebook

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: •• : : ' i " . • '

When the Onondaga County Women's Republican Club con-ducts its style sbow Wednesday afternoon at beadąuarters in the Denison building, E. Fayette st„ Mrs. Clarence R. King will be one of tbe members dispensing hospitality at tbe refresbment table.—Barnard studio*


A ' meeting of the Evening Branch of t h e Womatfs Guild of Grace Bpiscopal Church will be held Tuesday evening. A cov-ered dish supper will be served a t 6:30 0'clock. r- *

Mrs. Ramona Baxter Bowden will review some recent plays nt the Eas t Syracuse Library Club a t 8 Cclock 'Tuesday evening.

Miss Helen Tooke will be host-ers for members of Circle M of Fi rs t Baptis t Church a t her home, 107 Ballard av., Tuesday evening,

The Women's Missionary So-ciety of Centeńary Church will meet a t the home of Mrs. G. A. Young, 103 Onondaga av., a t 7:45 o'clock Tuesday evenign. Mrs. G. B. Price and her group will be hostesses. Gifts for the fairy basket will be taken.

The legał s ta tus of women group of the Onondaga County League of Women Voters is meet­ing Tuesday afternoon a t the home of Mrs. J. W. Hansen, 830 Sumner av. Mrs. Ward will lead a discussion summing up the ac-tivities of the group.

Onondaga Yalley W.C.T.U. will meet a t the home of ,Mlss Fanny C. Spaulding, 3710 Midland av.. a t 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.

Eas tern Star Friendly Club will meet Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Hat t ie Flagg, 113 Beard pi. After luncheon there will be an apron sale.

Danforth School Mothers' Club will give a dessert bridge at the school on Wednesday a t 2 p. m. The club invites all prospective members to at tend a s special guests. Mrs. Melvin Denny is

generał chairman. assisted by Mrs.

Fred Jibson, Mrs. William Hahn and Mrs. Henry Coolidge.

Evening Star Rebekah Lodge, 52, will meet Tuesday evening. The past noble grands will have a dinner. Reservations are r e -ąuested by noon March 17 with Vice Grand Emma Hale, 710 Hill-side st. Phone 5-3314.

Onondaga Chapter, 144, Order of the Eas tern Star, will conduct a free "cooking with cold" hostess par ty in the Masonie tempie next Wednesday evening a t 7 o'clock. Mrs. Gladys Piron is in charge. There will be several door prizes and refreshments served.

The Women's Missionary So-ciety of St. Paul 's Lutheran Church will conduct their regular m o n t h l y b u s i n e s s meeting Wednesday evening after the Lenten service.

The Women's Auxiliary to the House of Providence will meet a t 2 p. m. Wednesday a t the inst i tu­tion to sew.

There will be a Centeńary Church family supper in the church house Wednesday night a t 6:30 p. m.

Trinity Service League mem­bers will meet to sew Wednesday after the service in the church a t 10 o'clock. Mrs. Frederick D. Hix-son, Mrs. S. E. Rhodes and Mrs. Henry B. Neejer will have charge of the sewing, and Mrs. William E. Acker, Mrs. Charles M. Mc-Intyre, Mrs. Clarence Sharkey and Miss Josephine Howe will a s -sist with the luncheon at 12:30 noon.

Mohawk Council 117, Degree of Pocohontas, will hołd a special business meeting a t 8 p. m. this Tuesday night in the Larned building. ,

Finger Painting Technique Demonstrated at Muśeum

Miss Ruth Faison Shaw will give a lecture and demonstration on Wednesday a t 4-o'clook a t the Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts on "Finger Painting Techniąue."

Miss Shaw conducted an ex-perimental school for children a t Romę, Italy, observing the diffi-culty with whieh children handled brushes and paints led her to dis-cover nonpoisonous paints whieh can be applied on pictures and designs by using the fingertips and hands.

Miss Shaw has traveled exten-sively and has taught in several foreign countries, giving her first lecture ana demonstration on

finger painting at the Sorbonne, France. Mieś Edna Andrews, supervisor of the School Ar t League a r t classes, has arranged this talk whieh is being spon-sored by the league. The lecture is open to all a r t teacbers, s tu-dents and to the members and friends of the School Art .Deague.

Miss Shaw is also lecturing be­fore the city grade a r t teacbers on Wednesday morning a t Madi­son school. On Thursday morning she will demonstrate before a group of senior a r t s tudents at the College of Fine Ar ts and tat City Normal School a t noon and In the afternoon.

Units Plan Special Meets

Four meetings a re scheduled by various organized groups of Cen­tral City Business Insti tute dur ­ing the coming week. I A banąuet, a dancing par ty and the first public presentation of the min-strels is promised as the result of these meetings.

The tap dancing class will meet Wednesday a t Huntington hall, when the committee, comprising Miss Edith Barrus, Miss Ri ta Allen, Miss Elizabeth Dong and Miss Karen Ekstrom, will place before the class finał plans for a dance and par ty a t the Y.W.C.A.

The boys' and girls' basketball teams will hołd a practice and meeting a t Washington Irving School, when plans for a banąuet to be given jointly will be dis­eussed. The banąuet committee, composed of Miss Franees Nellis, Miss Jean Frost, Miss Marjorie Elliott, Kenneth Crofut and Miles Signor, will make their r e p o r t

Republicans\. Style Show

The latest word in style for this spring will be featured a t the On­ondaga County Women's Republi­can Club, Mrs. I rv ing . Ludwig, wig, president, meeting Wednes­day afternoon at the Denison building, E. Fayet te st. Tea will be served during the "paradę" and dispensing refreshments a t * the service table will be Mrs. Rolland B. Marvin and Mrs. Clarence R. King.

Miss Dorothy Brigett of Dey Brothers and Company, will direct the show, members of the club modelling, and will also give a talk relative to ber recent trip to Hollywood and what the "s tars" are wearing.

Women of the Eleventh ward club will aid in dispensing hospi­tality as follows: Mrs. William Lane, Mrs. H. Douglas Johnson, Mrs. Laurence Vieau, Mrs. Flor-ence Sheehan, Mrs. Bessie Blood, Mrs. Edna Copp, Mrs. Alice Quim-bly, Mrs. Dorcas Hyland, Mrs. Laurence Sennott, Miss Helen Oley, Mrs. Harold Martineau and Mrs. John Metzger. Mrs. Irving Ludwig, president of the club, is in charge of arrangements . *

Pupil ils Present Insh Program

Mrs. George Hayward ' s pupils gave a S t P a t r i c k s day recital last Sunday, 114 Linden st., songs, violin and piano numbers forming the program, given by Marion, Carol and Gloria Morrison, Dor­othy and Eunice Taylor, Shirley Newcomb, Dorothy Doust, Melba and Elaine Gruninger, Ri ta Bueh-ler, Ruth King, Kenneth Vernier, Marion Secor. George A. H a y -ward, vocalist; Mrs. George A. Hayward and Mrs. H. Morrison, pianists, assisted.

Onaway Club .The Onaway Li terary Club will

meet a t the home of Mrs. F . J . Holzworth, 911 Walnut av., Tues ­day afternoon. Mrs. F . E. Cudde-back and the hostess will present the papers of the afternoon, deal-ingf with "The Towering Andes" and "Winter Sports ."



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