Wk 10a- IT Auditing.ppt

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  • 7/28/2019 Wk 10a- IT Auditing.ppt


    Conducting the IT Audit

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    Audit Standards

    AICPA Statements of AuditingStandards (SASs)

    ISACA IS Audit Standards, Guidelines,and ProceduresAICPA Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE)IFAC International Auditing StandardsISACA CobiT

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    The IT Audit Lifecycle

    PlanningRisk Assessment

    Prepare Audit ProgramGather EvidenceForm Conclusions

    Deliver Audit OpinionFollow Up

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    Scope and control objectivesMateriality

    OutsourcingGain an understanding of the client andclients industry, business risks

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    Risk Assessment

    Shift is to risk-based audit approachWhat can go wrong

    High risk areas require more audit effortMateriality important

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    The Audit Program

    Includes: Scope Audit objectives Audit procedures Administrative details such as planning and


    Generic audit programs are customized for the client and clients technology

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    Gathering Evidence

    Evidence includes: Observations Documentary evidence Flowcharts, narratives, written policies CAATs procedures

    Sampling Attribute sampling used by IT auditors

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    Forming Conclusions

    Identify reportable conditions

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    The Audit Opinion

    Per Guidelines 70, should include: Name of organization being audited Title, signature, and date Statement of audit objectives and whether these

    were met Scope of the audit Any scope limitations Intended audience

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    The Audit Opinion (Contd.)

    Standards used to perform the auditDetailed explanation of findings

    Conclusion, including reservations or qualificationsSuggestions for corrective action or

    improvementSignificant subsequent events

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    4 Main Types of IT Audits

    AttestationFindings and Recommendations

    SAS 70SAS 94

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    Standard is SSAE 10 Includes:

    Data analytic reviews Commission agreement reviews Webtrust engagements Systrust engagements Financial projections Compliance reviews

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    Findings and Recommendations

    Consulting, or advisory servicesInclude: Systems implementations

    Enterprise resource planning implementation Security reviews Database application reviews IT infrastructure and improvements needed engagement Project management IT Internal audit services

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    SAS 70 Audit

    Applicable to any service organization thatwishes to assure its clients of the existenceand effectiveness of internal controlsrelative to the service providedTwo types of SAS 70 audits Type I Type II

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    Types of SAS 70 reports

    Type I: A walkthrough, that describes acompanys internal controls but does not

    perform detailed testing of these controlsType II: Detailed testing of controls aroundthe service provided

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    SAS 94

    Requires the auditor to: Consider how a clients IT processes affect

    internal control, evidential matter, and theassessment of control risk;

    Understand how transactions are initiated,entered and processed through the IS, and

    Understand how recurring and nonrecurring journal entries are initiated, entered, and processed through the IS

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    Components of a SAS 94 audit

    Physical and environmental reviewSystems administration review

    Application software review Network security reviewBusiness continuity review

    Data integrity review

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    Using CobiT to Perform an Audit

    If no audit program exists, use CobiT todevelop the audit program, or Map existing audit program to companyobjectives