MILWAUKEE ADVERT IS EMETS dm. pueusseiUsTco., Importers and Jobbers of Watches, Clocks, OIAMOA DS jewelry, Silver-Ware, Materials, &c. 438 [corner of mason,] MILWAUKEE, was. BLAIR & PERSONS IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF CROCKERY! CHIN -A., CUTLERY LAMWARG, LAMPS, LOOKING GLASSES, FELLOW AND ROCKINGHAM WARE, PLATED WARE, AND FRUIT JARS, 350 Zjjsf Sfreef, Milwaukee, Wis. L. PACKA F5D‘ Machinery Depot No. 130 West Water Street, MILWAUKEE WISC. A Vdiil -/; .if* *C X - I rot. R!RI Wood Working JMUk.OI UTVERY, Stationary, Portable rind Farm 3ES MILL, F C I RY AND BLACKSMITHS’ SUPPLIES. F. F. ADAMS. 11. F. AVERS. BADGER STATE TOBACCO WORKS Nos. 1, 2 and 3 (Bybourn Street, West end Huron Street Bridge, . MIL WA UK EE - WISCONSIN F. F. ADAMS & CO., ROPRIETORS. <>IB I* 1 s!*.! I<lk : CHEWING AROMATIC, MOSS ROSE. AMBROSIA, PH IDE OF THE WEST SMOKING excelsior. PEERLESS. STAND VRD. KILLIKINNICK, DEFTER* PEIRCE & "WHALING, DEALERS IN Iron, Nails, Heavy & Wagon Hardware, ISTEEI. S€KEWS, Superior in every way to Iron Screws, and sold on same list and same discount. Railway and Contract or s' Supplies, CHrome Steel, Flow Material, Etc. ORNAMENTATION work, INCLUDING Stable Fixtures, Vases, Fountains. &c. The trade of dealers and large consumers so- licited. illustrated Catalogues furnished to the trade on application. West Wafer and Sycamore Streets MILWAUKEE WIS. snyyii a ipn i on A D Till/ A D C Afiij tAiilj TINN ERS’STOCK. Corner Reed and South WaeSts . s o UTil Si J) E, MIL WA UK EE. ’Wateliinaki I I would respectfully announce to the citizens of Urana Rapids and surrouding country that 1 hare rented a part f the More Room now oceu- csed by O. C. N eeves and am prepared to eve- tute aH work entrusted to me, promptly and atisfaotonly on either Watcher, Clocks or'dew Iry. ew 11. D. LORD, Practical Watchmaker, tf. TJ ater St., Grand Rapids, Wis. Old Iron, Brass and Copper wanted at the Grand Rapids foundry and Machine Shop. M. JOHN RABUN. PHCENIXKD !! rpilE “RED FRONT” pone, but * Bold Front i against high prices and poor goods is the result of the recent scorching. I have re-opened the Milwaukee Store in the old Cabinet Rooms of Butler & Smith where I am receivingchoice new goods dailyfrom Milwaukee and Chicago, consisting of every- thing wanted for family use, in the logging camp or mill or on the river. MV STOCK or i CLOTHES, DRY GOODS, HATS and CAPS, Boots and Shoes, NOTIONS, Groceries |Provisions is unequaled. and are marked down to thelowest CASH figures. I will compete with any estab- lishment in this city, and will test price and quality. I WILL keep the choicest CANNED and DRIED Fruits to be purchased iu the mar- ets, and at the lowest figures. Particular atten- tion will be paid to keeping the choicest assort- ment of SMOKER’S GOODS. PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. FURS & FELTS BOUGHT AT THE REST GOING PRICES. PHILLIP FALK, will continue with me as- sisting in all branches of my business. I thank my patrons of old and trust they will see fit to continue their patronage, at my new place of business. I guarantee satisfaction Z all my customers. Goods ordered direct from tee Chicago and Milwaukee Markets for parties leaving their orders. REMEMBER my new store, —The Milwaukee store, opposite the old Ferry Landing. Mrs. X. BOGUSLAUSKY. Grand Rapids, April 23. 1874. FOR SALJ? b ■■ >wing to the fact ohat my house is much larger than Ineed. I offer it for sale, ttgether withfou lots. It is beautifully located next door to th Catholic Church, the soii excellent and under high state of cultivation. Will sell It on tim with approved security. Apply on the premite to JOHN McELREA. Kis, ov. 7,1878. 50-tf NOTICE. My wife and I having divided the blanket and by mutual concent separated. I hereby caution all persons from trusting her on my account as 1 shall pay no debts of her contracting. JOHN HOOFER. Grand BnviJd January 18th. 1875. CENTRAL!A DRUG STORE. H. B.PHILLEO, & Cos. DEALERS 15 DRUGS, 0 MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Glass Putty, Dye Stuffs PERFUMERY, Pure Wines and Liquors, For Medicinal Vsf, FANCY GOODS, WALL PAPER. Uooks, STATIONERY, And everything usually kept in a Drug or Hook Store. We propose to keep our store well stock- ed with Fresh and Pure Drugs and confidently expect a share of the patronage of the people o Wood County. WOflD CD. DRUE STORE. F. J. WOO D, HA\ IXG purchased the Stock and Trade of the old and reliable firm of 11. R. Philleo A Cos., soliciting a share of public patronage, would respectfully inform the people of Wood Coun- ty and vicinity that he will hold himself in readiness, in the future, to supply their wants, with a full line of PURE DRUGS & MEDICINES, * iSlmulard MEDICINES, PAINTS. DYE-STUFFS, OILS, SHEET MUSIC, putty, BOOKS, GLASS, STATIONERY, VARNISHES, PAPER. BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, <tc., <(c. TOILET ARTICLES, etc. A competent Prescription Clerk, Mr. Olias. Slocum, Will be on hand all hours, day or night, to attend to this branch of the business. TwoBoors West ofII House. St, Louis Life Insurance Comp] ST. LOUIS, MO. JAS. B. EADS. Pres’t. S. W. LOMUX, Secy. A. M. BRITTOX. G. W. MANNING, Vice President. As’t Sec’y. BEX WILLIAMS, Manager of Agencies. Cash Capital, paid up $1,000,000. Gross* Assets !^)00,000 Issues ordinary lifa, limited payment and en- dowment policies. Special attention is called to their renewable terra policies. Person* desiring to act as agents in the state of Wisconsin are invited to call or correspond with E. WILLIAMS, Manager, Branch office, 18 NewhallHouse,Milwaukee/Wis HALLET, DAVIS & CO'S PIANOS. SEVENTY-FIVE first premium? awarded for BEST PIANOS, 20,000 here been manufactured and are now in LSE. Erane Liszt, first of living Pianists. says it is the most admirable instrument ever made. fee" These Pianos, both Grand and Square, can be seen in Chicago, in large numbers, with a variety of other manufactures, at the Piano and Organ >\ arerooms of W. W. KIMBALL, State & Adams Sts. A Large assortment of new Pianos and Organs to RENT. . Parties wishing to pay by installments can be accommodated. & €O., Agents, AVood and Adams Cos i V\ isconsin. E CONWAY. Gen’! Trnve* ii. W. LORD. f: : ' '• :: ‘l V" *, M ■■rv ; ,- '■- ' ■*./ •~- *4s e&a& BLACKSMITH! NC WAGON 3IAKING fllllE UNDERSIGNED HOLDS HIMSELF J*- in readiness to do all kinds of Smith Work, Ironing of Wagons and Sleds, Acc., Arc., at hi? Shop in Wood’s Addition. Particular attention given to HORiE SHOEING. In connection with my Smith Shop, i have es- tablished a tirst-class WAGON MANUFACTORY, Where I am turning out as good Wagons as can be bought in the State, and where all manner of Vehicles are constructed. l?o])airir." In all it? branches done with dispatch and on the shortest notice. 3<>-tf J. B. HASBROUCK. Grand Rapids. Sent. 2. 1872. I Manufacturer of, and Dealer in % j Harness, Saddles, WK -'s' Horse Ciothinq of ail Kincis,' Curry (Arabs, Brashes, Interfering Boots, and everything belonging to my line of trade. Fine Driving Harness a Specialty. All orders left with me will receive prompt attention, liepairing done neatly and on short notice. Goods Sold Cheap for Cash ! Persons wishing anything in my line would do well to examine ray Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. WATE It STRICET, 3 Doors South of the Rahiin House. Ayer’s m W 2 o air v igor. For restoring to Gray Eair its natural Vitality and Color. on c o agreeable, color, icith the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin nair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de- stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu- lated into activity, so that anew growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi- ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma- tion of dandruff, which is often so un- cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju- rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not barm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it docs not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cos., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWIiLR MASS, cxEasrTH.A.Xji.A. Glove and Mitten Factory ! The undersigned, are prepared to manufacture to order anything in the line of GLOVES asid MITTENS ; out of the best BUCK, KID. BEAR, WOLF and FOX Skins. We also are prepared to make to "fur COLLARS! All our work is WARRANTED, and entire sat- jisfaction will begiven. in all cases. A fine as- sortment of Gents. Ladies and Misses Kid Gloves ikept on hand. Highest Price paid for DEER jskinj. Remember the place lied Brick Factory, Centralia. N. T. Sc J. F. MOORE. Centralia, Dec. Ist. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla A ft Ts wW v l >; kno,rn /.I /|X as one o! the most j||hft 1H JjsA Actual remedies /Jf AM ever discovered lor ,f>/r : / ; V ; r 'v c^*:in^n the sys- lem and purifying * v * •sS l Sfiio6& the blood. It* has 'aMte’ stoo<i the . •<** * years, wnh a con- stanlly growing rep- intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re- markable cures. So mild as to be sale and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor- ruptions of the blood, such ns the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in tlie system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti- dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and ail scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis- orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores. St. Anthony’s Fire, Rose or Erysipe- las, Tetter, Sait Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, and internal Ul- cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, anti Liver. It also cures other com- plaints, to which it would not seem especi- ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep- sia, Fits, Neuralgia,Heart Disease, Female Weakness, Debility, and Leucorrhoea, when they are manifesta- tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan- guor ofthe season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves ton with renewed vio-or and anew lease of 1 life. PREP An SZ> BY Dr. i. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chetniris. SO hD Br ALL ÜBUG&ISTS EVERYWHERE. CHEAP for CASH! RABLIN BROS., Dealer in STAPLE & FANCY DRY MODS, Clothing, Boots Shoes, HATS. CAPS, Groceries, Provisions CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GREBN. DRIED and CANNED I'f *5? pp Cl .1: &Y yl4 is HARDWARE AND Farming Implements. Also Manufacturers of WOODEN PAILS T übs, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pickets, Ac. 'lV r E have in connection a Large Machine •* fehop, where we are manufacturing JENGSiES, And other classes of Machinery. Merchandise for the Jiillaon -o- r Geo. Jieeves & Son, DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, i- ? Silk Goods, Clothing, Hats it Caps, rha 7 Boots, Shoes, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, And every variety of Goods and Wares afforded by the New York and Chicago Markets, and usually kept in a firsPclas's Mercantile Establishment. Look tn the Specialties! Iu our Dry Goods department will constantly be found Ladies' Dress Goods, Of every variety adapted to the season such as Berages, Grenadines, Lawns, Percales, Booh and Victoria Lawns, Swiss and Nainsook Muslins, Shawls, Skirts , Sacks, Ready Made Suits for Ladies, Japanese Stripes, Black Alpaccas, Alpacca Lustres, Delaines, Irish Linen in Plain White and Figures, Table Linens, Napkins, Such as Cloth Jaquards, Ac., Ac , Ac. 10-4 Sheetings, 5-4 Pillow Case Muslins, Bleached Muslins, In every Variety, Brown Sheetings, In Light and Heavy, of all different qualities. A large line of Gloves and Hosiery. ■Store at end of Bridge, GRAND RAPIDS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, Th Proprietors of the abort InstitulMß har- ing fitted anil furnished it with the latest Im- proved Tools and Maebinerj, art prepared te ill all orders for Engines, Boilers, Mill Machinery, Chair, Pail, Tub, Sash, And in fact, Machinery of every description.— We are prepared to construct anything that is made out of Iron, Brass or Copper. Wo also keep on hand a large stock Of ENGINE TRIMMINGS, STEAM AND WATER PIPE, Steam Guajje. Ac., AND WILL FURNISH Belting:, Saws, &c., &c.. Or anything required in a Saw Mill, as low a good work i ml good material will warrant. Rabilii Bro's A I’atcrlcU. FcrSale. o The Mill and Itooiurge known as* the Garrison Property Togethen with the Extensive Water Power Connected with the game. nniflS property i? situated upon the West side A uf Grand Rapids, in tho City of Ceutralia.and embraces a Natural Boomage Capable of holding and safely keeping 100 Million Feet of Lop, For further particulars, address S. S. HENSLEY, Grand Rapids, Wit. a We have just opened an extensive bed ef FIRE CLAT OF A Superior Quality Which we are prepared to ship in quanti tits TO SUIT CUSTOMER*,

WOflD CD.DRUE STORE. CHEAP · 2017. 12. 15. · wellto examine ray Goods and prices before purchasingelsewhere. WATEIt STRICET, 3 Doors South ofthe Rahiin House. Ayer’s H®airmWv

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    dm. pueusseiUsTco.,Importers and Jobbers of

    Watches, Clocks,OIAMOA DS

    jewelry, Silver-Ware, Materials, &c.

    438[corner of mason,]

    MILWAUKEE, was.





    FRUIT JARS,350 Zjjsf Sfreef,

    Milwaukee, Wis.

    L. PACKA F5D‘Machinery Depot

    No. 130 West Water Street,MILWAUKEE WISC.

    A Vdiil-/;

    - .if* *CX-

    I rot. R!RI Wood WorkingJMUk.OI UTVERY,

    Stationary, Portable rind Farm




    TOBACCO WORKSNos. 1, 2 and 3 (Bybourn Street,

    West end Huron Street Bridge, .MILWA UK EE - WISCONSIN


    IB I* 1s!*.! I\ arerooms of

    W. W. KIMBALL,State & Adams Sts.

    A Large assortment of new Pianos and Organsto RENT.

    . Parties wishing to pay by installments can beaccommodated.& €O., Agents, AVood and AdamsCos i V\ isconsin.

    E CONWAY. Gen’! Trnve*

    ii. W. LORD.

    f: :' '• : :‘l V" *, M


    ■■rv ; ,- - '■- ' .



    •~- *4s e&a&


    fllllE UNDERSIGNED HOLDS HIMSELFJ*- in readiness to do all kinds of Smith Work,Ironing of Wagons and Sleds, Acc., Arc., at hi?Shop in Wood’s Addition. Particular attentiongiven to

    HORiE SHOEING.In connection with my Smith Shop, i have es-

    tablished a tirst-class

    WAGON MANUFACTORY,Where I am turning out as good Wagons as canbe bought in the State, and where all manner ofVehicles are constructed.

    l?o])airir."In all it? branches done with dispatch and on theshortest notice.

    3-tf J. B. HASBROUCK.Grand Rapids. Sent. 2. 1872.

    IManufacturer of, and Dealer in % j

    Harness, Saddles, WK -'s'

    Horse Ciothinq of ail Kincis,'Curry (Arabs, Brashes, Interfering Boots, and

    everything belonging to my lineof trade.

    Fine Driving Harness a Specialty.All orders left with me will receive prompt

    attention, liepairing done neatly and on shortnotice.

    Goods Sold Cheap for Cash !Persons wishing anything in my line would do

    well to examine ray Goods and prices beforepurchasing elsewhere.

    WATE It STRICET,3 Doors South of the Rahiin House.

    Ayer’sH® mW2 oair v igor.For restoring to Gray Eair its

    natural Vitality and Color.

    onc o agreeable,

    color, icith thegloss and freshness of youth. Thinnair is thickened, falling hair checked,and baldness often, though not always,cured by its use. Nothing can restorethe hair where the follicles are de-stroyed, or the glands atrophied anddecayed; but such as remain can besaved by this application, and stimu-lated into activity, so that anewgrowth of hair is produced. Insteadof fouling the hair with a pasty sedi-ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous.Its occasional use will prevent the hairfrom turning gray or falling off, andconsequently prevent baldness. Therestoration of vitality it gives to thescalp arrests and prevents the forma-tion of dandruff, which is often so un-cleanly and offensive. Free from thosedeleterious substances which makesome preparations dangerous and inju-rious to the hair, the Vigor can onlybenefit but not barm it. If wantedmerely for a HAIR DRESSING,nothing else can be found so desirable.Containing neither oil nor dye, it docsnot soil white cambric, and yet lastslong on the hair, giving it a rich, glossylustre, and a grateful perfume.

    Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cos.,Practical and Analytical Chemists,



    Glove and Mitten Factory !The undersigned, are prepared to manufacture

    to order anything in the line ofGLOVES asid MITTENS ;

    out of the best BUCK, KID. BEAR, WOLF andFOX Skins. We also are prepared to make to

    "fur COLLARS!All our work is WARRANTED, and entire sat-jisfaction will begiven. in all cases. A fine as-sortment of Gents. Ladies and Misses Kid Glovesikept on hand. Highest Price paid for DEERjskinj. Remember the place

    lied Brick Factory, Centralia.N. T. Sc J. F. MOORE.

    Centralia, Dec. Ist.


    SarsaparillaA ft Ts wWvl>; kno,rn/.I /|X as one o! the mostj||hft 1H JjsA Actual remedies/Jf AM ever discovered lor

    ,f>/r : ■ / ; V ; r 'v c^*:in^n the sys-lem and purifying*v * •sSl Sfiio6& the blood. It* has'aMte’ stoo