Women Entrepreneurs Final

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  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final














    Entrepreneurship is consiere !s one o" the #ost

    i#port!nt "!ctors contri$utin% to the econo#ic e&e'op#ent o"

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    the societ() Entrepreneurs h!&e $een consiere instru#ent!' in

    initi!tin% !n sust!inin% socio*econo#ic e&e'op#ent) There !re

    e&iences to $e'ie&e th!t countries +hich h!&e proportion!te'(

    hi%her percent!%e o" entrepreneurs in their popu'!tion h!&e

    e&e'ope #uch "!ster !s co#p!re to countries, +hich h!&e

    'esser percent!%e o" the# in the societ() The( isco&er ne+

    sources o" supp'( o" #!teri!'s !n #!r-ets !n est!$'ish ne+

    !n #ore e""ecti&e "or#s o" or%!nis!tion) Entrepreneurs

    percei&e ne+ opportunities !n sei.e the# +ith super nor#!'

    +i'' po+er !n ener%(, essenti!' to o&erco#e the resist!nce th!t

    soci!' en&iron#ent o""ers)

    De&e'op#ent o" entrepreneurship !#on% +o#en is !

    #!/or step to incre!se +o#en p!rticip!tion in the process o"econo#ic e&e'op#ent) It +i'' spee up econo#ic %ro+th, !n

    pro&ie e#p'o(#ent opportunities "or +o#en resu'te in

    i#pro&in% the econo#ic inepenence) Pro&ision o" econo#ic

    opportunities "or +o#en c!n !'so i#pro&e the soci!',

    euc!tion!' !n he!'th st!tus o" +o#en !n their "!#i'ies) In

    !&!nce countries, there is ! pheno#enon o" incre!se in the

    nu#$er o" se'" 0 e#p'o(e +o#en !"ter the Wor' W!r II) In

    U)S)A, +o#en o+n 12 per cent o" !'' $usiness, e&en thou%h

    their s!'es on !n !&er!%e !re 'ess th!n

    t+o 0 "i"ths o" those o" other s#!'' $usiness3) In C!n!!, one*

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    thir o" s#!'' $usiness is o+ne $( +o#en !n in Fr!nce it is

    one 0 "i"th)


    The Unite St!tes Dep!rt#ent o" Co##erce 456789

    e"ines entrepreneurship !s one +ho t!-es !n !cti&e ro'e in the

    ecision #!-in% !n ris- t!-in% in $usiness in +hich she or he

    h!s #!/orit( o+nership)

    :o+en !n His rich456789 re%!rs entrepreneurship !s the

    process o" cre!tin% so#ethin% i""erent +ith &!'ue $( e&otin%

    the necess!r( ti#e !n e""ort, !ssu#in% the !cco#p!n(in%

    "in!nci!', ps(chic, !n soci!' ris-s; !n recei&in% the resu'tin%

    re+!rs o" #onet!r( !n person!' s!tis"!ction)


    An entrepreneur is ! se'"*e#p'o(e person +ho h!s to "!ce

    uncert!int(, !n +i'' ne&er $e tie o+n to the tr!ition!' +!( o"

    #!-in% e!'s) An entrepreneur is

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    Wo#!n he! o" the $usiness enterprise, +ho !ssu#es the

    responsi$i'it( !n ris-s o" the enterprise)

    Su$$ess%u& '!"en entrepreneurs:

    The oper!tion!' e"inition is %i&en !s those +o#en

    entrepreneurs +ho h!&e $een runnin% their $usinesses "or #ore

    th!n three (e!rs !n h!&e tot!' !nnu!' s!'es e>ceein%


    Pers!n#& $h#r#$teristi$s:

    Description o" the person!'it( !n ps(cho'o%( o" the

    +o#!n entrepreneur !n ho+ she percei&es herse'" !n thesurrounin%) A#on%st these !re perceptions o" success, ris-

    t!-in%, etc) :usiness*re'!te ch!r!cteristics@ Description o" the

    $usiness &enture in ter#s o" its c'!ssi"ic!tion, !%e, t(pe o"

    o+nership, p!i*up c!pit!' !n tot!' s!'es) Non*$usiness re'!te

    ch!r!cteristics@ Other "!ctors +hich escri$e the $usiness, such

    !s the t(pe !n n!ture o" e>tern!' !ssist!nce the &enture


    St#te"ent !% Pr!(&e":

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    A #!/or i#petus to rese!rch into +o#en in $usiness in the

    '!st ec!e or so, h!s $een the reco%nition o" the incre!sin%

    contri$ution o" +o#en to $usiness o+nership, !n hence to

    societ( !s ! +ho'e) This h!s 'e to !n interest in "e#ini.in%

    rese!rch into entrepreneurship !n $usiness o+nership


    A'thou%h e""orts h!&e $een #!e $( the %o&ern#ent &i!

    the Ministr( o" Entrepreneuri!' De&e'op#ent !n other re'e&!nt

    $oies to up%r!e entrepreneuri!' s-i''s o" e>istin% !n !spirin%

    entrepreneurs, the nu#$er o" re!''( success"u' +o#en

    entrepreneurs h!s not risen !s #uch !s their #!'e counterp!rt)

    There is !'so &er( 'itt'e rese!rch on the ch!r!cteristics o"success"u' entrepreneurs In e&e'opin% countries) Hence there is

    ! nee "or this stu( to eter#ine the ch!r!cteristics o"

    success"u' +o#en entrepreneurs in the conte>t o" the +ho'e

    entrepreneuri!' +or')

    A #!/or rese!rch Buestion to $e !resse is Wh!t !re the

    ch!r!cteristics o" the success"u' +o#en entrepreneurs Another

    Buestion +hich shou' $e !resse is Wh!t !re the pro$'e#s

    encountere $( these +o#en entrepreneurs in their $usiness



  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    ,ener#& O(-e$ti.e

    The %ener!' o$/ecti&e o" this stu( is to e>!#ine the

    ch!r!cteristics o" success"u' +o#en entrepreneurs in Ini!

    Speci"ic O$/ecti&e the speci"ic o$/ecti&es o" this stu( !re !s


    5) To e>!#ine the person!' ch!r!cteristics o" the success"u'

    +o#en entrepreneurs)

    1) To e>!#ine the $usiness*re'!te ch!r!cteristics o" the

    success"u' +o#en entrepreneurs)

    3) To e>!#ine the non*$usiness*re'!te ch!r!cteristics o" thesuccess"u' +o#en entrepreneurs)

    ) To e>!#ine the e#o%r!phic $!c-%roun o" the success"u'

    +o#en entrepreneurs)

    2) To e>!#ine the pro$'e#s +o#en entrepreneurs "!ce in their

    $usiness &enture, i)e) !t the $e%innin% !n urin% the runnin% o"

    the $usiness)

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final



    This stu( is intene to pro#ote ! $etter theoretic!'

    unerst!nin% !n reco%nition o" the co#p'e>ities !ssoci!te

    +ith the success o" !n entrepreneurship) Moreo&er, it c!n

    si%ni"ic!nt'( contri$ute to+!rs theoretic!' !&!nce#ents in

    success"u' entrepreneurship #oe's, !n speci"ic!''(, to

    stren%then the "ie's o" Wo#en Entrepreneurship !n Wo#ens



    The pri#!r( !ssu#ption in this stu( is th!t thech!r!cteristics o" success"u' #en entrepreneurs !re tre!te to

    inc'usi&e'( to re"er !'so to ch!r!cteristics o" success"u' +o#en


    The stu( !'so !ssu#es th!t the rese!rch #oe' +hich is

    #!in'( $!se on +or- in the West is !'so !pp'ic!$'e to the

    M!'!(si!n settin%s)

    The entrepreneurs in the stu( !re !'so !ssu#e to $e

    +o#en +ho !re success"u' in runnin% their o+n $usinesses or

    !re p!rtners in the $usinesses +hich h!&e $een run "or !t 'e!st

    three (e!rs)

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final



    Aroun 2? per cent o" Ini!s popu'!tion is +o#en) Yet,

    $usiness spheres such !s tr!e, co##erce !n inustr(, is sti''

    consiere ! #!'e preser&e) Entrepreneuri!' +or- h!s !'so $een

    ! preo#in!nt'( ! #!ns +or' in Ini!) This is $!se on the

    "!ct th!t on'( se&en per cent o" the tot!' entrepreneurs in Ini!

    !re +o#en)

    Ini!n +o#en !re in no +!( in"erior to #en in !'' +!'-s o"

    'i"e !n the( c!n $e !s %oo entrepreneurs !s #en in the countr()

    There"ore, it is essenti!' to e>p'oit the potenti!'s o" Ini!n

    +o#en) Wo#ens p!rticip!tion in tr!e, inustr( !n co##erce,

    reBuirin% entrepreneurship, is sti'' poor #!in'( $ec!use o" the

    pro$'e#s !ssoci!te +ith their %ener ro'es) There"ore,

    pro#otion o" entrepreneurship !n econo#ic e#po+er#ent o"

    +o#en poses ! ch!''en%e to the %o&ern#ent, "unin% !%encies

    !n non*%o&ern#ent or%!nis!tions) It is i#port!nt "or these

    peop'e to "ocus on the 'i#it!tions "!ce $( the +o#en !n to

    p'!n supportin% s(ste#s to enh!nce the +o#en entrepreneurship

    in Ini!)



  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    It is i#per!ti&e to note the p!rticip!tion o" +o#en in

    econo#ic !cti&ities !s se'"*e#p'o(e ini&iu!'s) M!n( o" the

    tr!ition!' occup!tions open to +o#en +ere #!in'( $!se on

    c!ste, cree !n the n!ture o" se'"*e#p'o(#ent $!se on the

    st!n!r o" 'i&in%) Present'(, +o#en !re %ener!tin% e#p'o(#ent

    "or the#se'&es in !n unor%!ni.e sector !n !nother c!te%or( o"

    +o#en +ho pro&ie e#p'o(#ent "or others)

    The countr( nees to #o$i'i.e !n uti'i.e "u''( !'' its

    resources inc'uin% hu#!n resources) The p!rticip!tion o"

    +o#en in econo#ic !cti&ities is necess!r( not on'( "ro# !

    hu#!n resource point o" &ie+ $ut !'so is essenti!' e&en "ro# the

    o$/ecti&e o" r!isin% the st!tus o" +o#en in the societ() The

    econo#ic st!tus o" the +o#en is no+ !ccepte !s !n inic!toro" ! societ(s st!%e o" e&e'op#ent !n there"ore it $eco#es

    i#per!ti&e "or the %o&ern#ent to "r!#e po'icies "or

    e&e'op#ent o" entrepreneurship !#on% +o#en) The 'on%*ter#

    o$/ecti&es o" the e&e'op#ent pro%r!##es "or +o#en shou'

    !i# to r!ise their econo#ic !n soci!' st!tus in orer to $rin%

    the# into the #!instre!# o" n!tion!' 'i"e !n e&e'op#ent) For

    this, ue reco%nition h!s to $e !ccore to the ro'e !n

    contri$ution o" +o#en in the &!rious soci!' econo#ic !n

    po'itic!' !n cu'tur!' !cti&ities)


  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    The following are the major factors influencing the women


    Econo#ic inepenence)

    Est!$'ishin% their o+n cre!ti&e ie!)

    Est!$'ishin% their o+n ientit()

    Achie&e#ent o" e>ce''ence)

    :ui'in% con"ience)

    De&e'opin% ris-*t!-in% !$i'it()


    EBu!' st!tus in societ()

    Gre!ter "reeo# !n #o$i'it()

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final




    1 #n#e"ent #n C!ntr!&:

    A +o#!n or ! %roup o" +o#en #!n!%es the +ho'e

    $usiness o" enterprise) She prep!res &!rious p'!ns !n e>ecutes

    the# uner her o+n super&ision !n contro') There #!( $e

    so#e persons to he'p her $ut u'ti#!te contro' 'ies +ith the


    2 E"p&!"ent t! !"en:

    A +o#!n entrepreneur #ust pro&ie !t 'e!st 25 percent o"the e#p'o(#ent %ener!te in her enterprise to +o#en)

    3 Ris7t#in:

    Ris- #e!ns uncert!int() It is the conition o" not -no+in%

    the outco#e o" !n !cti&it() A +o#!n entrepreneur t!-es

    c!'cu'!te ris-)

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    She "!ces uncert!int( con"ient'( !n !ssu#es ris-) She

    h!s to tie up c!pit!' !n +!it "or %oo returns) A +o#!n

    entrepreneur 'i-es to t!-e re!'istic ris-s $ec!use she +!nts to $e

    ! success"u' entrepreneur)

    4 ,!! !r#ni8er:

    The #ost critic!' s-i'' reBuire "or inustri!' e&e'op#ent

    is the !$i'it( o" $ui'in% ! soun or%!ni.!tion) A +o#!n

    entrepreneur !sse#$'es, co*orin!tes, or%!ni.es !n #!n!%es

    the other "!ctors n!#e'( '!n, '!$or !n c!pit!') She o$t!ins

    "!ctors o" prouction "ro# the societ( !n supp'ies the#

    "inishe prouct)

    5 Se&% $!n%ien$e:

    It is essenti!' to $e ! se'" con"ient "or ! +o#!n entrepreneur)

    She shou' h!&e "!ith in herse'" !n in her !$i'ities) She shou'

    h!&e the con"ience to i#p'e#ent the ch!n%e !n o&erco#e !n(

    resist!nce to ch!n%e) A +o#!n entrepreneur shou' h!&e

    cour!%e to o+n the #ist!-es !n correct the#)

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    6 De$isi!n7"#er:

    The #!in "unction o" ! +o#!n entrepreneur is to #!-e

    ecision) She t!-es &!rious ecisions re%!rin% the !cti&ities o"

    her enterprise) She ecies !$out the t(pe o" $usiness to $e one

    !n the +!( o" oin% it) A +o#!n entrepreneur #ust $e c'e!r

    !n cre!ti&e in ecision #!-in% process)

    9 +isi!n#r:

    A +o#!n entrepreneur is one +ho incu$!tes ne+ ie!s,

    st!rts her enterprise +ith these ie!s !n pro&ies !e &!'ue to

    societ( $!se on their inepenent initi!ti&e)

    H#r '!rer:

    A istin%uishin% "e!ture o" ! +o#!n entrepreneur is the

    +i''in%ness to +or- h!r) She h!s to "o''o+ the princip'e, H!r*

    +or- is the -e( to success)

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    ; A$hie.e"ent !riente:

    A +o#!n entrepreneur is !n !chie&e#ent oriente '!(,

    not #one( hun%r() She +or-s "or ch!''en%e, !cco#p'ish#ent

    !n ser&ice to others) Achie&e#ent orient!tion is ! eri&e to

    o&erco#e ch!''en%es, to !&!nce !n to %ro+)


  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    12 )!& #n (r#.e:

    Wo#en entrepreneurs "!ce the !&ersities $o''( !n

    $r!&er() She h!s "!ith in herse'" !n !tte#pts to so'&e the

    pro$'e#s e&en uner %re!t pressure)

    13 ent#&& s!un:

    A +o#!n entrepreneur is ener%etic, sin%'e*#ine, h!&in%

    ! #ission !n ! c'e!r &ision) She shou' $e ! '!( o" cre!ti&e

    thin-in% !n !n!'(tic!' thin-in%) She #ust $e inte''i%ent,

    !!pt!$'e !n pro$'e# so'&er)

    14 Le#ership:

    Le!ership Bu!'it( is one o" the #ost i#port!nt

    ch!r!cteristic o" ! +o#!n entrepreneur) It is the process o"

    in"'uencin% !n supportin% others to +or- enthusi!stic!''(

    to+!rs !chie&in% o$/ecti&es)

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final




    H#.in thi$ sin:

    I" (ou t!-e e&er(thin% person!''( (ou +i'' h!&e ! #uch

    h!rer ti#e !cceptin% ie!s !n ch!n%e, !n (ou +i'' ne&er %et

    the #ost out o" (our $usiness or (our e#p'o(ees)

    To $e success"u' (ou nee to $e +i''in% to 'isten to ne+

    ie!s !n !cti&e'( so'icit the opinions o" others) Tre!sure ne+

    ie!s !n opposin% opinions; not re$u-e the#)

    The !$i'it( to !ccept constructi&e criticis# +i'' he'p (our$usiness st!( on the cuttin% e%e !n !&oi potenti!' pro$'e#s

    (ou #i%ht not $e !$'e to see on (our o+n) Si#p'( $( sho+in%

    th!t (ou &!'ue the opinions !n !&ice o" others +i'' #!-e (ou

    !ppe!r #ore !ppro!ch!$'e to (our peers, e#p'o(ees, !n


    E&en i" (ou o not !ctu!''( "o''o+ their !&ice, the #ore

    (ou !s- +h!t the( thin-, the #ore &!'ue the( +i'' "ee') The

    #ore &!'ue the( "ee', the #ore 'o(!' the( !re to (ou !n (our

    $usiness) In other +ors, si#p'( $( so'icitin% input "ro# other

    peop'e (ou cre!te ! positi&e #ini pu$'ic re'!tions net+or-)

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    Peop'e +i'' t!'- !$out (ou !n ho+ (our $usiness is run so (ou

    shou' he'p the# "in positi&e thin%s to t!'- !$out

    In $usiness, it is i#port!nt th!t (ou #!-e the ri%ht

    ecisions, !n this oes not !'+!(s #e!n oin% thin%s (our +!()

    Listen to others, e&en i" the( o not h!&e the ri%ht so'ution to !

    pro$'e#, the( $rin% ! ne+ perspecti&e, !n (ou c!n !'+!(s

    st!n to 'e!rn so#ethin% "ro# others)

    Su##in% Thin%s Up !n Gettin% St!rte

    Net'!rin )einnins:

    As- others !$out their ch!''en%es, successes, !n i" the(h!&e !n( !&ice !$out (our o+n $usiness ie!s) This is the "irst

    step to $e%in $ui'in% (our net+or- $ec!use (ou !re !'re!(

    'ettin% others -no+ !$out (our ie!s)

    D! N!t ,i.e Up:

    When the( s!( (ou !re cr!.( 4"inin% initi!' support "or !

    ne+ $usiness ie! is p!rticu'!r'( h!r "ro# +o#en

    entrepreneurs, 'isten to the concerns o" others, $ut inste! o" /ust

    %i&in% up on ie!, re!ssess its &!'ue "ro# others points o" &ie+

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final




    1 Se&% )e&ie%

    The "irst !n pro$!$'( the #ost i#port!nt ch!r!cteristic

    possesse $( success"u' +o#en entrepreneurs is se'" $e'ie")

    Re! the +ritten /ourn!'s or 'isten to the speeches o" these

    success"u' $usiness +o#en !n (ou +i'' o$ser&e th!t the( h! !

    "ir# $e'ie" th!t the( +ere estine to $e %re!t)

    The( $e'ie&e in the#se'&es; +h!t others s!i !$out the#

    int #!tter) The( ne&er 'oo-e "or pro$'e# so'&ers; the(

    $e'ie&e the( +ere the pro$'e# so'&ers !n th!t $e'ie" +or-e"or the#)

    2 /#ith

    F!ith is #o&in% !he!, e&en in the "!ce o" uncert!int() Di

    these success"u' $usiness +o#en h!&e "!ith M( !ns+er is (es)

    No one c!n $ui' ! success"u' $usiness +ithout "!ith $ec!use

    $usiness is ! %!#e +here (ou thri&e on uncert!int() When

    st!rtin% ! $usiness; success is ne&er %u!r!ntee, co#p!re to

    c'i#$in% the corpor!te '!er) I" (ou '!c- "!ith, (ou +ont h!&e

    the ri&e to press on e&en +hen theres no si%n o" pro%ress)

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    3 The #re p#ssi!n#te

    I" theres one thin% th!t prope's success"u' $usiness

    +o#en "or+!r; it is p!ssion) Success"u' +o#en entrepreneurs

    !re p!ssion!te !$out +h!t the( o !n th!ts +h( the( $ui't !

    $usiness !roun +h!t the( 'o&e to o $est)

    4 The #re hu"(&e #n 'i&&in t! &e#rn

    Entrepreneurship is ! 'i"e 'on% process !n success"u'

    $usiness +o#en -no+ this) Thin%s ch!n%e so "!st in the

    $usiness +or'; (ou cou' $e !n inno&!tion to!( !n $eco#e

    o$so'ete to#orro+) To st!( on course !n !!pt s+i"t'( to the

    e&er ch!n%in% tren, success"u' +o#en entrepreneurs -eepstu(in% !n 'e!rnin%)

    The( re! inustri!' /ourn!'s, $oo-s !n #!%!.ines) The(

    !tten se#in!rs !n up!te the#se'&es re%u'!r'( +ith the '!test

    inustri!' tren) Success"u' "e#!'e entrepreneurs -no+ th!t their

    cup is ne&er "u''; the( -no+ th!t the( ont h!&e the ri%ht

    !ns+ers to !'' Buestions) So the( hu#$'e the#se'&es !n 'e!rn

    +hen !&!i'e the opportunit()

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    5 A(i&it t! h#n&e $riti$is"

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    9 Dre#"

    The on'( thin% I h! +!s this recipe, !n +ith th!t

    recipe +!s ! re!#) An those +ere the on'( thin%s th!t I h! to

    $ui' #( $usiness@ ! recipe !n ! re!#) An there +!s no +!(

    I +!snt %oin% to see this re!# throu%h) An, so, #( /ourne(

    $e%!n) I #!e the ecision, !n I +!s %oin% to see it throu%h) 0

    De$$i Fie's

    I" theres !n(thin% th!t -ept the success"u' +o#en

    entrepreneurs %oin%; it +!s their re!# to $ui' ! success"u'

    $usiness !n !chie&e $e(on #eiocrit() Success"u' $usiness

    +o#en en&isione ! 'i"est('e; the( en&isione ! "uture "or

    the#se'&es !n the( +ent "or it)

    The 'ent (e!n their $!"%!rt 8!ne

    Is Opr!h the on'( "e#!'e t!'- sho+ host The !ns+er is no)

    Then +h( i she e#er%e the richest $'!c- +o#!n in the +or'

    The re!son +!s $ec!use she +ent !n e>tr! #i'e th!n others) You

    c!n ne&er $eco#e ! success"u' entrepreneur $( sittin% +ithin

    (our co#"ort .one; (ou h!&e to step out into the un-no+n !n

    th!ts +h!t the success"u' $usiness +o#en i) The( 'e"t the

    co#"ort o" their ho#e !n securit( o" their /o$s to "!ce 'i"e

    sBu!re'() The( p!i the price "or success)

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final


    ; The (#n$e their #$ts

    When #( co#p!n( st!rte re!''( %ro+in%, I int

    h!&e !n( he'p in #( house !t !'') I h! the up-eep o" #( !i'(

    'i"e, I h! ! one (e!r o' !n ! three (e!r o', !n I h! #(

    house) So I h! to prioriti.e) 0 Ju'ie Ai%ner C'!r-

    One o" the -e( ch!r!cteristics o" success"u' +o#en

    entrepreneurs is the !$i'it( to $!'!nce their !cts $et+een "!#i'(

    !n $usiness responsi$i'ities) Its re!''( Buite ! ch!''en%e

    $ui'in% ! $usiness !'on%sie r!isin% ! "!#i'(; !n to succee,

    these +o#en entrepreneurs h! to o&erco#e this ch!''en%e)

    Ho+ i the( o&erco#e this ch!''en%e Ho+ i the( $!'!nce

    their !cts The( i it $( #!sterin% the !rt o" e'e%!tion !nti#e #!n!%e#ent)

    Ho+ i (ou $!'!nce %ro+in% the $usiness +ith

    r!isin% ! "!#i'( You /ust o) I h! ! $usiness, ! 'ot o" orers,

    !n ! $!$( ho+'in% "or supper) You $!'!nce it) You %i&e (our

    $!$( supper "irst !n then %et (our orers in) I h!&e +or-e on

    #ore ho'i!(sK $ut +h!t !re (ou %oin% to o< 0 Li'i!n ernon

  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final



  • 8/12/2019 Women Entrepreneurs Final



    So#e o" these person!'it( tr!its cou' $e e>p'!ine in

    re'!tion to the e#o%r!phic pro"i'e o" +o#en entrepreneurs)

    Since +o#en ten to $e o'er th!n #en +hen st!rtin% their

    &enture, the( +ou' !'so $e #ore #!ture !n there"ore re!'istic

    r!ther th!n "!nci"u' or ie!'istic) A'so, the "!ct th!t the( !re not

    the so'e e!rners in the "!#i'( +ou' reuce their "in!nci!'

    !n>iet( !n ten to #!-e the# so#e+h!t p!ssi&e !n 'ess

    co#petiti&e) The "!ct th!t the( see the#se'&es !s pri&!te cou'

    $e in response to the ne%!ti&e perception societ( ho's +ith

    re%!r to +o#en entrepreneurs) Thus, +o#en entrepreneurs

    co#e !cross !s ! istinct %roup o" ini&iu!'s !n str!te%ies

    "or#u'!te to pro#ote their %ro+th shou' t!-e into !ccount thep!rticu'!r ch!r!cteristics the( possess !s ! %roup, !n the

    constr!ints the( "!ce on !ccount o" their %ener)

    I" (ou !spire to $eco#e ! success"u' $usiness +o#!n; then

    stri&e to e&e'op these tr!its !n I +i'' see (ou !t the top)