PROGRAMME MOTTO- "For Home aod Country" JUNE 18 ··True worth is in being not seeing." t; nited Church l<oll l joined the Institute." Music-Miss S. Stafford Home Economic:.-Mrs. Turner rs. Bertram keports of Wiudsor Convention and District Annual Ccnvention JULY 25 "!\ot this or that is always or alway$ swee t'' J losteo s-Mrs. H. Keillor l<oll Caii-"'A l\'otcu Canadian Woman." Music-Miss llcne Gilbert Short talk s on "Canadian Girls who have maO<! good," -Madeline Mcuormick, Estelle Fu lton, Ger trude Sells, I na Atkin son L' urrent Evc:nts-Phyllis Sells Tea AUGUST 22 ··T.:a ch us dc:li{:l'tt in simple things" l:nitcd Church Holl Caii- "Book J have r ecently enjoyed." :\lusic-Mis s Meek Topic- ""\\' hat 10 Read," Mrs. Reicbbeld Bawtenheimer. Miss K. Raynham Home Economics-Exchange of Pickle Recipe lona ancJ Middlcmarch In stitute s will be guests SEPTEMBER 27 ··East, West . Hom e is Best" I ro,tc ss- Mr s. W. Atkinson Holl Caii- "Namc for a. country home." Paper- "Master Homemaker," Mrs. M. D. Me. Cor mick lh ·acling- Mrs. M. Atkinson nsic-M r s. P. C. Sells Home Economics-Hints on stori ng vegetables ----- --=- --: · OCTOBER 24 "Livt! fo r ,omething. Good deeds will shine as tlie s tars of heaven" Hoste ss-Mrs. ]a s. Bainard Roll Call- ·· first photo" . Grandmoth ers' Meeting-They will pr<?vjde the programme under the superviSion ol Mr:.. M. B. Stafford, Mrs. W. G. O' Hara, Mrs. Reich held Home Economics-Mrs. L. Wood East Group Tea NOVEMBER 28 " The hills and h:a Acs s forests slowJy yield to the thick driving snow" · Host l"Ss- Mr s. W. Franc is l<oll Ca ii -" Demonstration of Christmas gih s and sale proceeds for Christmas cheer" usic- M iss Campbell Papcr- Re11o rt London Convention Re ading- ··Suggestions for Christmas Gift s," ' M urkar Sugge;.tions for Christmas Candy-M iss Elstc Hamilton DECEMBER Happy Bells across the snow" ll osic;;:.- M r s. Cl (•nJcnt CaJI-··A Golden Deed Recalled" Music - Millv and Beatrice Clement Lillie Kin d Acts that Add Joy to Other Lives." Mrs. M clandress usie -I kl cn Graham !\ew Yrar' ; Re ading-Mr s. C. jack s 'On I I om .: F.conomics-M rs. Ed . Moor e JANUARY 23 ··A Thing oi Beauty is a Joy Forrver" Els il Hamilton Roll Cali- ""The Chri st mas Gift I Appr eciated"' F. Trace. Talk-"The Influence oi th e Modern Magazine ami Motion Picture on our Youth of To da y" Curr ent rs. C. E. Moort' FEBRUARY !'Fait h. };ope and Charity- T-he greatest ot these is Charity"'

Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

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Page 1: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled


MOTTO-"For Home aod Country"


··True worth is in being not seeing." t; nited Church l<oll Caii-~Why l joined the Institute." Music-Miss S. Stafford Home Economic:.-Mrs. Turner ~peaker-M rs. Bertram k eports of Wiudsor Convention and District

Annual Ccnvention


"!\ot this or that is always ~harp or alway$ sweet''

J losteos-Mrs. H. Keillor l<oll Caii-"'A l\'otcu Canadian Woman." Music-Miss llcne Gilber t Short talks on "Canadian Girls who have maO<!

good," -Madeline Mcuormick, Estelle Fulton, Ger trude Sells, Ina Atkinson

L'urrent Evc:nts-Phyllis Sells Tea


··T.:ach us dc:li{:l'tt in simple things" l:nitcd Church Holl Caii- "Book J have recently enjoyed." :\lusic-Miss Meek Topic- ""\\'hat 10 Read," Mrs. Reicbbeld ~lusic-Mrs. Bawtenheimer. Miss K. Raynham Home Economics-Exchange of Pickle Recipe lona ancJ Middlcmarch Institutes will be guests


··East , West. Home is Best" I ro,tcss- Mrs. W. Atkinson Holl Caii- "Namc for a . country home." Paper- "Master Homemaker," Mrs. M. D. Me.

Cormick lh·acling- Mrs. M. Atkinson ~1 nsic-M rs. P . C. Sells Home Economics-Hints on storing vegetables


OCTOBER 24 "Livt! fo r ,omething. Good deeds will shine

as tlie stars of heaven" Hostess-Mrs. ]as. Bainard Roll Call- ·· ~ly first photo" . Grandmothers' Meeting-They will pr<?vjde the

programme under the superviSion ol Mr:.. M. B. Stafford, Mrs. W. G. O'Hara, Mrs. Reich held

Home Economics-Mrs. L. Wood East Group Tea

NOVEMBER 28 "The hills and h:aAcss forests slowJy yield to

the thick d riving snow" ·Host l"Ss- Mrs. W. Francis l<oll Ca ii- "Demonstration of Christmas gihs

and sale proceeds for Christmas cheer" ~~ usic- M iss Campbell Papcr- Re11ort London Convention Reading- ··Suggestions for Christmas Gifts," '

~Irs . M urkar Sugge;.tions for Christmas Candy-Miss Elstc


DECEMBER "!{in~ Happy Bells across the snow"

llosic;;:.- M rs. Cl(•nJcnt l~oll CaJI-··A Golden Deed Recalled" Music - Millv and Beatrice Clement Paper--"Th~ Lillie Kind Acts that Add Joy to

Other Lives." Mrs. M clandress ~I usie - I klcn Graham !\ew Yrar'; Reading-Mrs. C. jacks'On I I om .: F.conomics-M rs. Ed. Moore

JANUARY 23 ··A Thing oi Beauty is a Joy Forrver"

Hostcss~Miss Elsil• Hamilton Roll Cali- ""The Christmas Gift I Appreciated"' :\fu sic--~lr~. F . Trace. Talk-"The Influence oi the Modern Magazine

ami Motion Picture on our Youth of Today"

Current l~cnts-:\1 rs. C. E. Moort'

FEBRUARY !'Faith. };ope and Charity- T-he greatest ot

these is Charity"'

Page 2: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

~oil Call--"Biblical quotations" Paper-Christmas Spirit-Mn. Eddy. Music-:-Chris tmas Carols. Report of London Convention Contest--In charge of M!ss Morrison.

January 22nd, 2.30 p . m . "Better loae a supper than hove a hundred

doctors." llostus--Mias E . Morrison, assiated by Mrs.

Turner, Mrs. A. E. Orchard and Mrs. McLaudress.

Roll Call---A Simple R emedy. Paper--"Health" Music--- Miss S. Stafford Heading-Mra. W. F . Moore Contest--Ten Commandments on Health. I lome Ecouomica.

February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far"

Social Evening

March 26th, 2.30 p. m. " T hey who never think alwaya t alk"

Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled by Mrs. White, Miss E. Sells, Mf«,rB. Schrader.

Roll Call-I louse bold biota. Paper-Worth while life p urposea by M n .

Bainard. Music-Community Songs. Shor t talka on home decoration. Con test--Cookies llome Economics

April 23rd, 2.30 p . m . " Strive to learn from all things."

llostess- Mra. F . Trace, aasisted by Mrs. Skipper, Mn. Clements, Miss Hamilton.

Roll Call- Payment of Dues. Paper-"Making the best of what we have."

Mrs. M. Horton Music-Community Songs. Current Events. Contest---In charge of Mrs. C. E. Moore. Election of Officers.


Women's Institute

PROGRAMME 1929-1930

We want YOU at our Iastilute Meetings held on t he fourth Wednesday of each

month at 2.30 p . m.


Honorary President .................... Mrs. W. Gueat

President... ................................... ~Irs. G. O'Hara

First Vice-President ............ Mrs. Morley Stafford

2nd Vice-President ........ Mra. M. D. McCormick

Secretary T reasurer .................. Mn. Preston Sella

Asaistant-Secretary .................. Miss Mae Jackson

Directors- Miss Eliza Sells, Mrs. W. Moon, Mrs. A. E. Orrbard, Mrs. M. Atkinson

District Director .................... Mrs. A. E. Orchard

Organiat ................ .... ...................... Stella Schrader

Aasb tant Organiat.. .............. Mrs. M. B. Stafford

Audi tors ................ ........... .'Mn. Wm. McLandreu Mrs. W. H . Turner

T hose on the programme unable to act .kindly supply aubatitutea

Page 3: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled



MOTTO- " For Horne and Country"

May 22nd, 2.30 p. m. \Vomen's Work is Never Done.

H ostess- Mrs. l\1. D . McCormick. assisted by 1\fra. A. Mci ntyre. !\Irs. 1\1. A. Stafford. and !\ Irs. G. II. O' Hara.

I loll Cnii-"A Place l would like to visit." Home Economics-Mrs. M . A. Stafford . R eadinR- Mra. Dan Campbell. TaiiJi'l lville Institute will be our guests. I lu111e Economics.

June 26th, 2.30 p. m. •·Seek till you find , and you'll not lose

y our la bor."

Host cs~-1\I r~. C. Hamill on. assist cd by 1\'l rs. II. Keillor, Mrs. C. J ackson, M rs. W. Staffon l,

Roll Call- "Product ol. ,Eigin." Report or District Annual. Paper- "Elgin's Induslries"- M rs. C. E . Moore. Reading- Ina Atkinson 1\Jusic- .Mrs. Harvey Keillor Current Events- Mrs. B. Schrader

July 24th, 2.30 p. m. "i\s sure as sun brings morning, wh atever is­

is best: • llo~tess-1\lrs. M. Atkinson, asKisled by Mrs.

Bawtinheimer, Mrs. F. Trace, Mra. W. Atkinson.

Roll Call- Sing, say or pay. Girl's 1\leeting- Estelle Fulton and Madeline

M cCormick- Commilee.

August 28th, 2.30 p. m. "Spare the rod and spoil t he child."

tl usless - 1\lrs. G. II. O'Hara, assisted by 1\ln. 1\l cCormick, Mrs. T. Wride, and Mrs. E. C. Moore.

------- - ----- ·-

Roll Caii - ''Hat Speeches." Paper- Rural Scbools-Past-1\lrs. Ross

P resent-Miss A. Ron M usic- l\tarion Little Home Economic•

September 25th, 2.30 p. m . ''lly all these lovely toke111.

September days a re here." Hostess- Mra. W . F. Moore, assiated by Mrs.

C. Moore, Mrs. Horton and Mrs. C. L. Stafford .

Roll Call- Proverb. Paper- "llow to a rrange a Perennial Garden."

M rs. J. Martin Music- Chorus Paper-Fall Fairs-Miss M orrison llome Economics

October 23rd, 2.30 p. m. "And the gnbblins will gel you if you

don't watch out." llos les~-Mrs. W. Atkinson, assisted by Mrs.M.

Atkinson, 1\lrs. Hoss and Mrs. Cann. Roll Call- "Hallowe'en P ranks." Paper-"Possibilities or Country Li fe. "

Mrs. Bawtinheimer Music-Miss 1\leek Hcading-1\1 ra. E. C. l\1oore Current Events--Mrs. R. Schrader

November 27th, 2.30 p. m. " Good Council has no Price"

I losless - l\1 rs. L. A. 1\·loore, assis ted by Mrs. Mary S tafford, Mrs. F rnucis, Mrs. 1'.-Junro.

noll Caii-" Scolch Jokt-" Puper---"On tari o laws rela ting to women and

children."-Mrs. Waller StafTord. Music-1\lrs. F . Trace Talk and discussion on making a will by Mrs.

Harvey K eillor. Con test-Singing.

December 18th, 2.30 p. m. · ' Peace On Earth Good Will to Men ."

llostess-·-Mrs. Ross Schrader, assisted by Misa May JacksQn, Mrs. llepllurn and Mrs. Woods.

Page 4: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

Roll Call-Something I plan to accomplish the coming year.

Music-Mrs. M. McArthur. Paper-1931 Women's Opportunities-Mrs. C.

Hamilton. Community Singing. A New Year's Reading-Mrs. C. Jackson. Contest--Mrs. Morley Stafford. Jan. 28th. 2.30 p.m.

"Joy and temperance and repose, Slam the door on the doctor's nose".

Hostess-Miss E. Morrison, assisted by Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Schraeder, Mrs. F. Trace.

Roll Call-Something to laugh at. Paper-Posture and Personality-Mrs. W. F.

Moore. Music-Miss Stafford. Address-Value of Periodic Health Examina­

tions. Home Economics. Feb. 25th, 2.30 p.m.

"To-night is the time to be happy, We all meet on one common level."

Social Evening. _ Programme Committee--Mrs. C. Hamilton,

Miss E. Sells, Mrs. A. E. Orchard. March 25th, 2.30 p.m. "The stormy March has come at last With wind and cle,11d and changing skies." Hostess-Mrs. Morley Stafford, assisted by

Mrs. Ross, Mrs. A. Mcintyre, Mrs. Ba wtinheimer.

Roll Call-Breif sketch of some famous women Paper-Elgin of to-day and yesterday- Mrs.

C. E. Moore. Community Singing. Reading-Miss Morri!.-on. Current Events-Mrs. Clare.nce Orchard. April 22nd, 2.30 p.m.

"All Nature springs to life once more, And earth is set with many a gem."

Hostess-Mrs. Bawtinheimer, assisted by Mrs. W. Atkinson, Mrs. Bainard, Mrs. M. Atkinson.

Roll Call-Payment of dpes. Paper, "Springtime of Life"-Mrs. J. Orchard. Music-Ladies' Chorus. Reading, "Art of Dressing"-Mrs. H. Keillor. Home Economics.




Women's Institute PROGRA~lME 1930-1931

I• +

We want YO'U at our Institute Meetings held

on the fourth Wednesday of each month

month at 2.30 p.m.


Honorary President _ .. , ............. _ Mrs. W. Guest

President .................................. Mrs. Leonard Moore

1st Vice-President .............. Mrs. Morley Stafford

2nd Vice-President _, _______ , Mrs. A. Mcintyre

Secretary-Treasurer ___ Mrs. M.D. McCormick

Directors-Mrs. W. Atkinson, Mrs. W. Moore, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Hepburn

District Director ----··--- Mrs. Ross

Organist ------------.Mrs. Trace F lower Convenor ______ Miss Eva Morrison

Auditors ______ Mrs. Ross, Mrs. E. Moore

Those on the programme unable to act kindly

supply substitutes.


Page 5: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled


M ay 28th, 2.30 p.m. "The only way to have a friend is to be one"

-Emerson. United Church. Lunch Committee-Mrs. P. C. Sells, Miss Mor-

rison, Mrs. Clements. Roll Call-Quotations on Friendship. Music- Mrs. H. Keillor. Paper-" Friendship"-Mrs. M. B. Stafford. Co10munity Singing. Reading-Mrs. Hepburn. Current Events-Mjss lna Atkinson.

J une 26th, 2.30 p.m.

"What is so rare as a day in June? Then if ever come perfect days".-Lowell

Hostess-Mrs. W. G. O'Hara assisted by Mrs. T. Wride, Mrs. M. B. Stafford, Mrs. M. D. McCormick.

Roll Call-Favourite Flower and why. Community Singing. Report of District Annual. Address-Miss Slicter. Home Economics.

July 23rd, 2.30 p.m. "It's the songs you sing and the smiles you wear That makes the sunshine everywhere.'' Hostess-Mrs. C. E. Moore, assisted by Mrs .

C. L. Stafford, Mrs. W. J. StatTon!, Mrs. C. R. Hamilton

Holl Cull-My First Reau. . Girls' Meeting- Marsraret Mclntyre, Beatrice

Meek, Maxine McCormick-Committee.

Aug. 27th, 2.30 p.m. .. An old lane, an old gate, an old home by

a tree, 1n girlhood I knew them, and still they cling

to me". Hostess-Mrs. T. Wride, assisted by Mrs. W.

. Turner, Mrs. Raynham, Mrs. Munro, Mrs. Cann.

RQll Call-Grandmother's Birthplace. Grandmother's Meeting -Mrs. Ross, Mrs.

White-Committee. 1\lusic- Mrs. M. B. Stafford.

Sept. 24th, 2.30 p.m.

"A mother is a mother still, The holiest thing alive."

Hostess-Mr.;. McLandress, assisted by Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Martin, Mjss Jackson, Mrs. J. Meek.

Roll Call-Child's Prank. Music-Children's Chorus. Paper--''Mother", a five minute talk.

"What she owes to herself"-Mrs. Bawtin­heimer.

"What she owes to the home"-1\lrs. Morley Stafford.

''What she owes to the community"-Mrs. Eddy.

"The confidence of mother and daughter"-Mrs. Horton.

Community Singing. Health Hints for Babies-Mrs. (Dr.) Potter.

Oct. 22nd, 2.30 p.m.

" For it's always fair weather When good women meet together."

United Church. · Lunch Committee-Miss Morrison, Mrs. Trace,

Mrs. Hepburn. Roll Call- Sing, say or pay. Kensington Club and Iona Institute will be

our guests.

Nov. 26th, 2.30 p.m. ''Books are the playfellows of chiltlhood, the

companions of youth and the frit!nds of old age."

Hostess-Mrs. Mary Stafford, assisted by Mrs. L. Moore, Mrs. A. E. Orchard, Mrs. C. E. Moore.

Roll Call-Quotation from a Canadian Author. Five minute talks on "Reading Habits"-

Mrs. A. E. Orchard. L. M. Montgomery-Mrs. A. Silcox. Nellie McClung- Mrs. Turner . Peter McArth11r- Mrs. G. O'Hara.

Community Singing. Report of Convention. Curr ent Events-Mrs. J . Meek.

Dec. 31st, 2.30 p.m. ''A good conscience is a continual Christmas" Hostess-Mrs. A. Mcintyre, assisted by Mi~s

E. Sells, Mrs. W. G. O'Hara, 'Mrs. E. C. Moore.


Page 6: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

. children. - Mrs . C. Hamilt on

Musi c Mrs . Neil Campbell Art Contest - Mrs . Ross

------February 22nd -----­

Legislation Host ess - Mrs . B. Morse, a ssisted by Mrs . W. Sells,

Mrs . M. Atkinson, Mrs . Raynham

Roll Call - Premiers of C&r~ada since Confederation. Duet Mrs . T. Wride , Mrs. Bawtinheimer Paper Mrs . H. Turner Reading Mr-s . Ayling

Demonstration - Opening of Sugar Sacks - Mrs. Trace

- March 22nd --­

Historical Rosearc~

Hostess - Mrs . L. Woods, assi~ted by Mrs . L. ~oore,

Niss E. Sells, Mrs. Hepburn Roll Call - An Ontario County and Capi ts.l Paper Mrs . A. E. Ol'chard Music Old-time ~uartette Current Events - Miss E. Jackson Cont est •_ Tea Biscuits

---- · April 26th ---­


Hostess - Miss E. Hamil ton, assisted by Miss Morr ison, Mrs . Meek, Mrs. C. E. MM.vo::re

Rol l Call - Weather Signs . Payment of Dues . Paper

Music Pa.per

Common Bi.rds useful to the farmer - Mrs. W. Selle .

Community Singing The Cultural use o'f Spare Moments

- Mrs. A. Silcox Contest - Mrs . Hepburn

------ ---.,

- - PROORAMME 1932-1933 - --

Fourth Wednesday of each month at 2:30 p . m., sparp. I


OFFICERS ! Ho::'!. .• Pres . Pres ident • •

Mrs. W. Guest I Miss E. Morrison I

Mrs. L. Woods Mrs. C. E. Moore

.Mrs. M. D. McCormick Mrs. W. Sells, Mrs . A. Mcintyre

Mrs . L. Moore , Mrs . A. E. Orchard

llst . Vice-President 1 2nd . " •

Sec. Treas. Directors:

Dist Director Organist Flo'l7er Con. Press Reporter Auditors

• Mrs. L. Moore Mrs . F . Trace

Mlss E. Hamilton Mrs . C. E. A~oore

Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Turner


Convenors of Standing Cormni ttees --­

Mrs . B. Morse .Agriculture Home Exonomi c s Historical Ressarch Education Legislation Music Community Act i vities

I __ _ _

Mrs . Bawtinheilner Mrs . W. Sells ·1

Mrs . A. E. Orchard Ml;s . Ross

Mrs . H. Turner Mrs . F. Trace

Mrs . K. D. McCormick


Page 7: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

--- .June 22nd ----

Hostess - Mrs . H. Turner, assisted by ~lisses Estelle and Madeline Fulton.

Roll Call - Place to spend a vacation. Report of Convention - Delegates Paper - A Profitable Way of spending a Vacation -

Mrs. P. C. Sells Talk on the Canning of Fruit and Vegetables -

Mrs. W. F. Moore Community Singing - Mrs. K . Raynham

.July 2?th --­

Hostess - Mrs. C. E. MOore Basket Picnic

Roll Call - A Conundrum Sports Com.- Mrs. C. Orchard, Mrs. Ross,

Mrs . L. Moore Table Com. - Mrs . C. Harr.ilton, Mrs . Edgar Moore

August 24th

United ..qhurch R~ll Call - Favorite Fruit Lunch Com. - Group Convenors

Iona Institute and Lawrence Kensington CluL will be our guests .

---September 2.Bth ---·--

Home Economics Ho:;tess - Mrs. C. Hamilton, assisted by Mrs. W. F.

Moore, Mrs . C. L. Stafford, Mrs. Mary Stafford.

Roll Call - Favorite Hobby Paper - Preparing the co::1peny dinner in advance .

- Mrs . F . Trace Paper - The Home - Mrs. Eddy Demonst ration - Miss E. Fulton Solo - Miss K. Raynham - "ltv Task';

---October 26th

Guest Day HoL ss - trrs . A. E. Orchard, assisted by Mrs. L.

?roods, Mrs. H. Turner, Mrs . P . C. Sells . Roll Call - Name of your Guest . Two-minute talks from Convenors of Standing

Committees. Address - Mrs . McLevey, Rodney Music - Mrs. Trace. Contest - Miss E. Sells .

--··- November 23rd - -­

Community Activities Hostess - Mrs. M. D. McCormick, assisted by Mrs •

M. B. Stafford, :Mrs. Humphrey, Mr-s. Mcintyre

Roll Call - Nace for a Country Home. Co~ity Activities - l~s . C. E. Moore Music Mr·s. A. D. Turner Report of London Convention Apron Parade - Exchange of Apron Patterns A:t'usi c Miss Burwell Current Events - Miss Newton

December 28th

Health Hostess - tliss E. Morrison, assisted by Mrs. Eddy,

Mrs. Munro, Miss E • .Jackson Roll Call - Horne Remedy Paper - Mrs . Morse Demonstration- Invalid ' s Tray. -Mrs . Potter Music - Miss Beatrice Clements Contest - Mrs . Humphry

January 25th --­

Education Hostess - Mrs . Trace , assisted by Mrs. Ross, Mrs.

Silcox, Mrs . Bawt i nhe im.er Roll Call - A Favorite Picture Paper - What Art can do for me - Mrs. Lloyd

(Atkinson. Paper - Manners as an art, and how to teach them to

Page 8: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

-· May 26 -

"The on l y way to have a friend 1 s %o be dhe 11 •

Ro ll Roll - Sing, Say or Pay Re·- ... t of District Annual-

! ~ · G. O'Hara,Mrs.W.Ross,Mrs.C Orchard , Mrs. L. Wood

Music - Mrs . P.S.Croft and Miss s. Stafford

contest - Miss Maxine McCormi ck Commi ttee- Mrs.J.Telford ,Mr s . Ray­

ham , Miss E. Morrison

- June 23 -

What is so rare as a day in June? · Then is ever come perfect days." i Eostess-Ro 11 Call- A conumdrum Community Singing . Paper- Mrs. G. Ayling Music - Music Committee Reading- Marion Orchard •.. contest - Madeline Fulton

- Ju l y 28 -"There is no r oyal road to learning" Education-Convenor-Mrs.A.Mcintyre committee- Mrs. M. Atk in son ,Mrs.Ho rton Miss E. Sells, Mrs . Wride Eof+~ss- Mrs. Geoffrey O'Hara

( (ovsr)

Travel Talk- Miss S .stafford Roll Ca ll- Name your first teacher . community Singing Fs~er- Good For m in Public Places­

Mrs . Kenneth McLaughlin Duet - School Day s- Jean Trace and

Franc es Mcintyre

- August 26 -"Good Council has no price". Legislation- Convenor- Mrs.S.B rovm Co muittee- Mrs. s.C.Moore, M::~~. w .F.

Moore , M~s . J . Ttlford Ho~tess- Mrs. J. Telford Roll Call - A current event Paper- Laws concerning I~~eritance

and Property rights- Mrs.Tclford Mu sic - Mrs. w. F. Moore Paper- Changes in Leg i slat i on in the past year which have a direct

Coinf'lu.ence. on the home-Mrs. s .Bro'm nt est - .Mrs. E.1!oore - Sept ember 22 -

"A good way to relieve the monotony ot any job , is to think up ways of improv ing it" ,

Canadian I ndustries and Asricu lture Convenor- lJrs.Geo .S i l cox Committee- Mi ss E. Morrison ,Mrs.c.

Raynham, .Mrs. George Bradd on Host ess- Mrs. Raynham Roll Call- Uses for Waste paper,

rags, and old st ockings.

Page 9: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

-----------------------i..£u s i c - Aiu s ic convenor Pa-:> e r- :Mrs. George Brad.don l.iusic - Miss K. Raynhuril Con test - Miss Eva Morrison

- October 27 -Whateve r is worth doing, is worth doing well. McCo nD:ick

~8fr ~g~£~~R~tc~8J~R0~~~\~j~ten uti~xpectea gu~sts arrlve.

Committ e e- Madel1ne Fulton, Mrs. B awt inheime r ,i\1 r s . A· He-, burn

lio s tess- Mr-s . iri . D. McCormick Demon strat ion - Madeline FUlton Uustc - Convenor & G. llcCormick Rea ding - hlrs . c. Hami l ton conte s t - Fancy Apron and Work Apron

- November 24 -:·.£ eace on Earth , ()oodwi.ll toward it1en·: reace ~!d International Relationshi? Conv eno r- Mr s . 'furner ·- · commi ttee - Miss .&iary .Plyley,Mrs.D.

Munro e , Mr s . :U. l!o ore Hoste s s -Roll Cal l - Nation and 1~s Ru l er Cu rrent Events- ldrs. Dan Afunroe t iu s i c -Readiug - llir s . Leonard ~oore ~usic - .i . ."usic Convenor Ea Jer- ~i ss Mary Plyley Contest - Mr s . Turner


December 22 -"There is neither Jew nor Greek There is neither bond nor free, There is neither male nor female, For ye are all one i n Jesus Christ .

canadiani zat ion-Convenor- Mrs. Chas Hamilton committee- Mrs. Ayling ,Miss Elsie

Hamilton, Mrs . w. Sells Hostess - Mrs. vH tt s Roll Call-Quotation on giv i ng Music - Miss E· Hamilton PaJ;>er- Mrs. Chas Rami 1 ton Mn sic - Music Convenor Reading- Marion Atkinson Contest- Mr s . Ayling Christmas Cake Contest .

- January 26 -"Cherish Hea l th"

.\ Health and ,: e l.rare Convenor-~ Mrs . Chas. Moore

Committee- Mrs. MD. McCormi ck Mrs.Mo rley Stafford ,Mrs . L. ':Jood

Roll Call- What I have in my Medicin e Cabin&t.

Music - Mu sic Convenor Paper- Pa rent s ' attitude t oward health- .Mr s .1i . D. McCor1D1ck

Duet- Mr&.T . VIride & Mrs . Bawt i nheimer Pa)er- Childrens' Heal t h -lirs .1.-to rley

Stafford Health Contest - Mrs. Chas Moora


Page 10: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

- February 23 ... "The~e is no foo 1 so foolish that a vnse man may not learn from him".

Histo rical Researoh- Convenor­~rs . A· A· Silcox

Committee- Mrs. A· E. Or chard, Mrs.N . Cam!)bell , Mrs . Gosnell

Hostess-Roll Call - Name a former industry

of the village Music- Music Oonvenor · Paper- Historical Research-Mrs.A.A.

Silcox Music - M:r.s. N. CamJ?bell Current Events- Mrs . A . ~.Orchard Contest - Mrs. Go snell

- March ~3 -"It's the songs you sing and the 1

s.niles you wear Th~t makes the sunshine everywhere~' :\

Muslc Conveno r- Mr·s. E . s . Croft \l Committee- 1drs. C. Orchard ,i4rs . G.

0 'Hera, Miss K. RClynham Musical .Progrsc1.

- A~rll ~7 -'~o something for others always Whatever may be our creeds ' There's nothing on earth oan help

ourselves. As much as kindly deeds."

Community Activities and Relief­'1onveno r- hlrs. F. Trs.ce

-co.~:1itt ee- Mr s .Q.L •. Si.<lfford,

Mrs. White, Mr r. . G3o Ross Hostess -Roll Call-Wi:.y I b ~.· long to the

Institute Pc:Je r- Mrs. Clarence Ord.harC:. lAu.sic - com.nn1nity S1.nging Reading- Mrs. ·Chas .Staffo.rd Music - Music convenor current EVents- Mrs.Geo.Ross contest .. Mrs. 'tthite -------------

ODE A goodly thing it is to meet In friendship ' s circle bright When nothing st ains the pl?asure

· sweet o; aims the radiant light. No unkind wo rd our lips shall :>ass No envy sour the mind But each shall seek the common weal The good of all mankind.

Page 11: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

r f

l I



Theme-Canadian Industries. "Buy Canadian Goods"

Committee-Mrs. D. Brown, Mrs. N. Campbell, Mrs. B. Marr, Mrs. M. Atkinson, Mrs. N. Telford. ·

Roll Call-A noted Canadian industry, This meeting will take .the form of a visit to

the PINECROFT CERAMIC ART STU­DIO at Aylmer with either a picnic or .Tuncheon. . ,


Theme--Horticulture. "It matters not what goal you seek, Its secret her.e reposes; You'~e got to dig from week to week To get results or roses."

Committee-Mrs. G. Silcox, Mrs. B. ·Trace, Mrs. E. McFa~lane, Mrs. G. Ayling.

Roll Call-Sing, say; 'play or pay. c;. Current Events-Mrs. E. McFarlane. Music-Guest Speakers-Mr. and Mrs. AI Burrell, of

Burrell Gardens.


Visitors' meeting. "It's always fair weather,

When good friends get together." Committee-Mrs. E. S. Down, Miss G. McCor­

mick, Mrs. E . McColl, Mrs. H. Parks. Roll Call-What I like about the Institute.

· Current Events-M.rs. H. Parks. Speaker-Music-Mrs .. E. McColl. Contest-Miss G. McCormick. Report of London Convention.

'· I I ~

I .\


NOVEMBER 22 Theme-Community Activities. "Family Night."

"Sweet are the joys of home And pure as sweet, for they Like dews of morn and evening

come, · To make and close the day."

Committee-Mrs. J. Mcintyre, Mrs. C. Miller, Mrs. R. 1'4clntyre, Mrs. W. Hepburn. Mrs. C. Palmer, Mrs. M. D . .McCormick. ·

Roll Call-Ways of helping in our community. Current Events-Mrs. R. Mcintyre. Program in charge of Mrs. C. Palmer and Mrs.

M. D. McCormick. Contest-Mrs. W. Hepburn.

DECEliBER 27 Theme-Music.

"0, for the Christmas spirit That lasts all through the year; The spirit of love and kindness That brings with it comfort and

cheer." Committee-Mrs. F. Henry, Mrs. T. McArdle,

Mrs. G. O'Hara, Mrs. H. Koyl. Roll Call-Two lines of my favorite Christmas

carol. Current Events-Mrs. G. O'Hara. Musical Entertainment.

JANUARY 24 Theme-Citizenship and Education.

"All the world is my neighbor." Committee-Mrs. S. Brown, Mrs. H. Turner,

Mrs. C. Orchard, Miss E. Hamilton, Mrs. G. Butterwick.

Hostess-Mrs. S. Brown. Roll Call-Characteristics of a good citizen. Current Events-Mrs. G. Butterwick. Sneaker-Music-Nancy Carr, Isabel Brown, Patricia Music~Nancy Carr, Isobel Brown, Patricia



! ·l

· .. ! 'I

....................... .. .... ~ ........

'r o gramm.e

Shedden Women's





AT 2:30 P.M.


A goodly thing it is to mttt In frimdship's circle bright,

Where nothing stains the p/e.u11re su,et Or dims the rtlditmt light/

No MUind word o11r lips sb.Jl p.us Nor nwy sour the ,;fill/

&t e11ch shill/ suit tbe co"'"'"" UleM Tbe good of .Jl ~i.J.

. ... .. . .. .. ....... .. ... .... ................... .. , . . ,. ;f NUNV %A tuUUV rua

Page 12: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

, ''>


1 1~0- llf5 i


Past President ................................ Mra. E. Baker Prel!ident .......................................... .Mrs. E. Down First Vice-President .................... .Mra. E. McColl Second Vice-President .................. Mrs. H. Parks Secretary-Treasurer ...... Miss Grace McCormick Hospitalization Secretary .... Miss Eva Morrison Directors ................................. ... Mrs. P. C. Gosnell

Mrs. R. Mcintyre Miss F. Campbell

District Dfrector .............................. Mrs. E. Baker Pianist ............................................ Mrs. F . Henry Remembrance Convener ... _ ........... Mrs. F. Trace Press Reporter .......................... Mrs. C. E. Moore Auditors .................................... Miss Eva Morrison

Mrs. W. Ross


Honorary President ...... Mrs. G. Silcox, Shedden President .................... Mrs. R. Kerr, Ion a Station First Vice-Pres ....... Mrs. M. G. Graham, Dutton Second Vice-Pres . ............... Mrs. P. Schleihauf,

West Lorne Secretary-Treasurer ...... Mrs. H. Carroll, Cowal


Theme-Historical Research. "There's a history in all men's lives:"

Committee-Mrs. T. Silcox, Mrs. C. Silcox, Mrs. A. Mcintyre, Mrs. W. Sells.

Roll Call-Toys for the Sick Children's Hospital.

Current Events-Mrs. C. Silcox. Paper- Mrs. A. Mcintyre. Music-Mrs. T. ~~CC?~! ~rs . . ~· Sells.


t ~



t l: r ..


{ · I

I r I

MARCH 28 "Sincere friendship never diee."

Committee-Mrs. F. Trace, Mrs. G. Rosa, Mrs. P. Gosnell, Mrs. C. R.. Hamilton.

Roll Call- What have you done to benefit your · organization?

· Installation of new Officers. Guests-District Officers. •

MARY STEW ART COLLECT Keep us, 0 Lord, from pettiness; let us be

large in thought, in word and deed; Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off

self seeking; . May we put away all pretence and meet each

other face to face, without self pity and without prejudice;

May we never be hasty in judgment and always . generous;

Teach us to put into action our better impulses straightforward and unafraid;

Let us take time for all things; make us grow calm, serene, gentle; ·

Grant that we may realize that it is the little. · things that create differences ; that in the big things of life we are one,

And may we strive to touch and know the great human he4ft common to us all, and

0 Lord God let us not forget to be kind. APRIL 26

Theme-= Agriculture. "He that soweth good ·seed

Reapeth good grain." Committee-Mrs. L. Stafford, Miss Eva Morri­

son, Mrs. S. Orchard, Mrs. A. E. Orchard. Hostess-Mrs. E. McColl. Roll Call-Payment of dues and kitchen shower

for Elgin Girls' Camp. Current Events--Miss E. Morrison. Papor-:Pome Fr<><> :>.ing. Music-Mrs. S. Orchard. Contest-

,( •I

) r

MAY 25 Theme-Public Relations •nd Resolutions.

"There is no far." Committee-Mrs: C. E. Moore, Mrs. G. F.

Braddon, Miss F. Campbell, Mrs. W. Ross, Mrs. D. Orchard.

Hostess-Mrs. G. F . Br!lddon. Roll Call-A subject f or a resolution. (.;urrent Events-Mrs. D. Orchard. Address-Mrs. W. Ross. Reading-Mrs. G. F . Braddon. Music-Miss F. Campbell. Contest-,Mrs. C. E. Jrioore.

J UNE 28 Theme-Health.

"He who bas health has hope, He who has hope has everything."

Committee-Mrs. L . Wood, Mrs. M. Stafford, Mrs. L. Atkinson, Mrs. F. Teetzel.

Hostess-Mrs. L . Wood. Roll Call- A daily health habit. Current Events-Mrs. F. Teetzel. Music- Gids. · Speaker-Public Health Nurse. Contest-Mrs. M. Stafford.

. J ULY 26 Theme-Home Economics.

"If there's another world, She lives in bliss,

If there is none, She made the best of this."

-Robert Burns. Committee-Mrs. E. Baker, Mrs. B. Clements,

Mrs. F. Miller, Mrs. L. Moore, Mrs. L. McLean.

Roll Call- The most neighborly thing that ever happened to me.

Current Events-Paper-A journey from our chair . Contest- Br ing an old snapshot of your mother

and yourself.

Page 13: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

.. .! t

. .... :


.. ,

. . . .. ' + • ' . ·- .... , .

·:· ."

.. , .: - . :

. ,.

• • + • ~ •• ;· _ , •

- -- . Pi'Ogr§riiziiEf-- . .. .. .

- ~?~2 -~1~~~


The Institute meets the Fourth W~dn~sday of Each Month,

at 2:30 P.M. in the

I. 0 . 0. F. Hall .

A goodly thing it is to meet In f r i endship's circle bright,

Where nothing stains the pleasure sweet Or dims the radi~t light ;

No unkind word our lips shall pass Nor envy sour the mind;

But each shall seek the common weel, . The good of all mankind .



Keep us, 0 Lord, from Pettiness; let us be large in: . .thougb,t,:. in word and deed;

Let us be-done with fault- finding and leave. ,of~ , self-p~~~ng; .

May w-~=~awaY·"a.'li:·.:;pF-etEmce,,;and meet each other face to face, without self­pity and withput prejudice;

May we never be hasty ir). judgment and al­ways generou~;

Teach us to put into action our better impulses straight-forward and unafraid;

Let us take time for all things ; make us grow calm, serence, and gentle;

Grant that we may. r ealize that it is t hd little things that crea~e differences; that, in . the big things of life , we are one, ' . · · . ·

And may we: ~trive .tp · touQh: anct ·• know the great human hear t common · to us all, and

v Lord . God, let us ·not forget. to be kind!


- - - ----- April 22, 1953 - -------

·· 11 Canadian Industries 11

. . . My heart Will keep the ·couTage of the quest---will never lose life's · zest, .and hope the road's l~st turn will be the best .

Convenor '- lirs . G. 0'Har~ · ·

Conun.i t t~e - Hrs . M. MGC~rinJ;9k, Mrs . W. 0 1 Har a , .. Mrs ~ G. Silcox, Mrs. \'Jm . Trace, Mrs. B. Clements, ·_Mrs.· s. Brovm , Mr s . N. Telford, Hrs·. L.Mocre

A tour of vlonder ·Br ead ·Bakery and HcCormicks Biscui~ Factory is planned . : . .

Page 14: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

------ May 28, 1952 - -----.

( "Citizenship"

"This is the month of Hay Bees, Don't let t~em strangle you, When your ne~ghbor goes to lnstitute Say, 11Wait, I'm coming t oo ."

Convenor - Mrs . E. ~ . Down . Corilllri; ~ t~e - t/J.rs· •. E.; B~ke r, _tvir s . N. Stafford, ~~

Mrs . P •. Gosnell, Mrs. · W. Thompson Mrs . li . Turn~r ' · Mr s . G. Ross , l M~ss ·.E. 11orrison, Miss F. , C.~_pbell . '

Roll Call ~ . Nati9nality of ~cestors Current Events·:_ ·Mr s . M. Stafford

Singsong - Mrs~ E. Baker · - -·· .. Oo - 00 O F

Film Family Tree

Contest - Mrs . P. Gosnell ~. •

- ·- - -~ -

..... ----~~August 1952------~ . ). .. . . . -

St .~ Thomas and ~lgin Centennial " : · , . ... ... : .

~eptember 24, -~952 - -----

'"'Canadian Indust!'ies.u -

He who is not contented with what he has would not be cob-tented with what'·he would like to have. . ' .. ' .. f

Convenor - Hrs. G. u'Hara· Commit tee - hrs . lV1 , t'·~cCormick, Mrs . W. U 1 Har<'

~trs . L . Moore, ~~s. G. Silccx, ( Hrs . Wm. Trace , 1-lrs. B. Clements .

~~s . ~ . Bro~~-~rs . N. Telford

This meeting will be in the form of a Bus Trip to the H;intz Factory, Leamington .

- ,. _ ---~- - - __ ....__

- - ----- July 23, 1952 ----~--

"Historical Research"

"The old order changeth for the new''

Convenor - Mrs . A. Mcintyre

Commi tte·e - M.rs . W. Ross, Ivirs . H. Kayle Mrs . L. D. Palmer

Roll Call - Your Grandmother's Picture (named)

Current Events - Mr s . H. Kayle

Husic - Colleen NcCardle

Address - Ivirs . w. Ross

Reading - ~irs . A. M.cintyre

- ------ October 22, 1952 ---- ---


A man should never plant more garden than his wife is able to hoe .

Convenor - Mrs. D. ·orchar d

Conmittee - Hrs. G. Br addon , Hrs . F. Trace, Mrs. L. Stafford, Mrs . J _. 1-icCardle, Mrs. 'A . E. Orchard , Mrs . H. Silcox,

_..,._ -

}!iss E . Hami.l ton, Mrs . D. "Br add on

Roll Call - Something of interest I saw at the Fall Fairs.

This rneeting ·will be in the form of a visit to the Agriculture School, Ridgetown.

- ---- --

Page 15: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

------ November '26, 1952

"Public Relations 11

.. . . . .. Well~arranged tim~ is the surest

mar k of a well-arranged min? · Pitman

Convenor - Mrs . G·. Grayling

Committee, Mrs . -~ . f~P.bell, Mr s . c . . Or~ha?Xl , Mrs . c.. Hamil t~m , Mrs . L.

Atkinson, ~lrs .• -.W ! ~ells,. . I·lr~ . W. Hepburn

Roll Call ~ Do you vots?

Report of Convention

Reading - Mr s . C. Hami·l t dn

husic - Mrs. C. Palmer & Junior children

. . ... ....... ...... -- --- - - December , 1952 - -----

11Forgetting those things which 'are behind, I Press toward the mark of th~ _ high call­ing iri Christ Jesti"s . 11

Convenor - Hrs . C. E. Moor e ,

~ Committee - Hrs . C • . Palmer, llfrs . L. Wood ~ Mrs . W. J. Y.eith

Roll .cail -.On~- -thing 1952 taught me .

Current ~vents ~ pertaining tb the Home - · l·lrs . W. Keith · Church - hrs . ·c . Palmer ·

Season - Nrs. L. Wood

l•!usic - Ladies 1 ~uartette·


·- ---- - -----

--- - - -- January 28, 1953 ------

·rrAgriculture 11

Cour:te..sy is that which overlooks your friend 1s broken gateway, but sees the rose which blossoms in his garden .

Convenor - Mrs . D. Or char d

Commit tee - Mrs . G. Braddon~ Mrs. F. Trace Ivirs . L. ~tafford , _ Hrs . J . McCa.rdle Mrs • 'A. E. 0rchard, Hrs . H • ~ilcox Miss E. Hamilton, Mrs . D. ~raddon

Roll Call - Something.new for 1953

Guest Speaker and c.tuestion Box

Curr ent Events -

husic - ~trs . J . NcCardle

February 25, 1953

"Fam:i:ly 'Night"

We 1r e he~e for fun ri~ht ~from the start , Pray drop your dignity;

. Jus~ -laugh and sing witR all your heart, ~ -And show.your loyalty.

Convenor .., H~s . G. Ayling ,.

Committee - Mrs . N. Campbell, l1rs. C. Orchard, Mrs . C. Hamilton Mrs . T. Atkinson, 'Mrs : N. ·Atkin­son, Mrs . H. Sells, Mrs . -41 .· Hepburn.

Program - - - COl•JE and Sl!:E ! ! !


Page 16: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

_ (

( ----- ¥~rch 25, 1953

' 1 •I

He who has health has hoPe; He who has hope has everything.

Convenor - Mrs . E •. Silcox

Corranittee - Mrs·. T. Silcox, Mrs,. H. Green, Mrs . G. Butterwick, !>irs . L . Rankin, Mrs . C. Silcox, Mrs . D. Br own, l1rs • F. Miller, Mrs • B. Marr

Roll Call - My favour~te_ho~e. remedy

Music - Mrs. B. i•Iarr .

Paper -

Reading - Mrs. D. Brown


.-._ .. - ... _ ... ______ .. __ .. _ ~

------ June 25, 1952 -------


Let me do all· t he good I car., in all the ways I can, as I pass this way only once .

. . . . Convenor - Mrs . E. S. Down Committee - Mrs . E. Baker, Mrs . M, Staffo~

Mrs . H. Turner., Miss E J•1orrisoJ Hr s . G. Ros~ , Miss F. Campbell Hr s . H. Thompson, Mrs . P,

· Gosnell ·.

Roll Call - Your early .. ambition -·(say or pay!

Current Events - Mrs. H, Turner

fllusic - 1-rrs • E . Baker Film -Contest - Miss E. Morrison

___ __.__ ___ ~ -

------ --- May 27, +9J3 ---------

"Home Economics" Variety is the spice of life

Convenor - Mrs. T. Silcox

Committee - hr s . E. H, Silcox, Mrs. G. _Butt e rwick, Mrq. H. Green, Mrs . L. Rankin, Mrs . C. Silcox, Mrs. F. Miller, Mrs .. D._ Br own, Mz:s . B. Marr

Roll Call - A Prover b

Current .Event's - Mrs. C. Silcox

Paper ·- ·. Mrs . E.· H. · Sil:cox

Music - Mrs . G. Butt erwick

Contest - l-Irs . H. Gr een

------ OFFICERS ------Pas t President Mr E s D · . s . . . o•m President . • . • Mrs. E. McCall 1st Vice- Pres . . Mrs . L. Stafford 2nd 11 11

• • • Mr s . T. Silcox Sec .-Treasurer ... • •• Mr s . H. Parks Hospitalization Sec . • , • Mrs. H. Green District Dir ector M E s D rs . • • own Directors M w H • · • • • • • rs. • epburn

. Miss F. Campbell • • • •• Mr s. H. Green

Piani st M J M • • · • . r s . • cCardle Asst. Pianist • . . . Mrs . F, Trace Remembrance Convenor • M G Ro . • r s. eo . ss Auditor s • • 1-irs . W. Ross

Miss E. Morrison

District Officers

~o~orary President -f l'\:sident -:;t Vice- Pres. -

.... "ld Vice- Pres . -..;•-·c. -Treas . -

Page 17: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled





1~55 - 1 S56

Meetings held the f'ourth Wednesday each. mbnth~ at 2. 30 ?• ) .:.

----- Officers-------

Past president • • • • • • • • • i~s . E. ib Call President • • • • • • • • • • i j iJ.·s . 1Iugh Silcox 1st. Vice-?resident • . ; rs . z. H. Silcox 2nd. Vice-.t:lresicl.ent • • •• • I.!r-s . G. l cy-lins Sec- Treasurer • • • . • • · :~3 . H. Parks Directors. • • . • . • • • • • • Lr3. c. Orchard

JJrs . G.Ross i!rs . R. :?elmer

District Director • • • • • • • . ~~. r; • . l.iceo.ll LJ:oc. <r. !.:cCBrdle . . i irs . F. Trace

.. iDi an.ist . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant _ ianist • . • • . . : Rerobr ance Convener . • . . . Press Reporter • • • . Good ~·!ill Convei.ler . . :aaby Clinic Convener • Auditors • • • • . • .

Iirs. iT. L . Cai.'l!'b€Hl • • i~s . c. E • .!ioore . . ~irs . Ted •. n ilcox

! x:.;· •. E. ritiker • • j.£rcr•·. s •.• .ar ccm

i.irs . D. Dr mm

A goodly t h iig, tt J> «Jd, 11eet In Friendshi~' s circle bricht, ~?here nothing stains t ile 9le asure s; :eet , Nor diiilS t he radiant lic;l1t . No unlcind n ord our ligs shall .!_)ass , Nor envy sour the lilind, But each shall s eek t he co":u.10n vreal-­The good of all Llal1l:in<1.

Page 18: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

Historical ~eseerch - June 22 "And de)a::ting, l eave behind us ,

t •Jrint s on t he sands of t ime. 11

t.uJlliilfttee - Iirs . A. Mcintyre , lb.'s . 11. Atkinson iirs . s . Br own, lb.'s . E. ·Uc Call

Roll call - " 'llle birth.t>lace of your ancestors Reportof Distr ict Annual - 5 Iilinutes iiusic - t...rs . l!i. At kinson Paper - Lirs . A. Mcintyre Contest I.fr s . s . Brorm

Socia l :lelfare - J uly 27

11Sym.r>athy is never v1asted exce.:.lt \'Ihen you give it to yourself . " Conn.tittee - lfrs . G. Br addon, 1irs . ":'!m. Trace

Mrs . IJ.oyd Atkinson, Urs·.- F . Trace Roll Call - "Name a Social 1Jelfare Ort;anization

Tri.P to 'l\·ree~pmuir liall 96 Ridout Street


Comr.1unity Activi ties - August 24 a Its alnay f a ir weathe1· , nhen good friends get


l '!ljlitee - 1.irs . L . iloore , lirs .- ~-: . Hepburn -

Bra . R. Thomson, i irs . L. Stafford Roll Call - A highli ght of my swumer holid::zy Basket ) iCJ1ic - : . ..'inafore :.>arlc G. 50 ~'. E.

Games -'rizes

rrealth - September 28

r.ducat; on - October 26 '"Jisdom is oetter than ruhies. " Comrilittee - Urs . c. Palmer, i.irs. J. Schram.

Iltslil E. Halltill.mon , l.b.-s . B ~ Cl ement ; iirs . ~·1 . Ross

:doll Call - iiy first School T. V. Program Channel 1 Shedden

Promtors The lllnateur Club Sponsors - Slledden -~ iomen' s Insti tute

Turn in at t he r .o.o. ::'. Jiall at 2 . 50 i~ . l i.

Citizenship - llovember 23 "Good citi~enshi9 is deterLlined by the \'!ay rre live. Commit tee - l :rs. G. llyling, I~~s . Ted S ilcox

Urs. G. Silcox, i.(rs . E. Dorm Roll Call - EOi'r to be a better citi zen Current Events - i~s . Ted Silcox llisic - Bon:lie Jean Ross lteo.ding - ia:s . c. Silcox

Canadi an Industries - December 28 "The nind is chill, -·but let it vrhistle o.s it nill , ~·!e • ll kee,9 our Institute still. 11

CoLllilittee - iirs . s . Orcha rd , l.irs. D. Grcnard Ers . G. Ross , frs . , .. . H. Turner

Roll Call - Im Onta rio Industry ToJ ic - Urs . D. Orchar d 1.iusic - ChristraJns Carols Contest - l.u·s . Geo . Ross

ilesolut ions - Jan. 25 - 1956 "A- tasl~ nitb.out a vision is drudgery. A vision ni th a task is dream

1'Your health fs your greatest asset - Guard Col.n.li ttee - Ur s . ~ -. Stafford;- . :rs . D. Bronn

I.irs . :t ~. :;?arks~ Urs . T. lie Oardle

it r!e~' a tb':sl: rJ"ith Q Vision is t lle ho.!_)e of the norl<l - c . Mair

.Roll Call - A health r ule Paper - Liiss ,J .)~·c e Stafford Reading - ~ :rs . n. ~r·y:::n:· : :uzic - : ~ ::.. . T. i'ic Cardle c urre:1t Events - Mrs. H. Pa:daJ

Comr.llttce - Urs. c. E . !!oor e , 1([-s. L. ~·.-oo ci ilrs . E. Bakei·~ i..Liss E . iiorrison

Roll Call - Subject for resolution ilusic - ixs. E. Baker -Rending - : :iss E . i:Orrison Current Events - iirs . L. --:oo·

Page 19: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

Agriculture - February 22 - 56 nA little more determination A little more pluck A little more ·fork - that ' s Iuck. 11

Colillllittee - L!rs . H. Green, Ur."s. 1T. CamPbell Mrs. R. Palmer, lirs . A. E. Orchard

Roll Call - A tip on gardening Speaker

Contest - Vegetable Salads

Ho~ Economics - liarch 28 - 56

·Face Powder may catch a man But it takes baking powder to hold him. CoLlElittee - . r.irs. C. Orchard, l~s . P. Gosnell

ILO:-s. H. 1~yle , l'ers . 1'1. Sells Roll Call - A household task I love to do Speaker - 14-s. J. .Anderson Curre~, Events - Ifrs . 1'! . Sells Contest - Urs . H. ~~yle

Visitors l~eting - April ·25 - 56 . 11A goodly thing it is to meet in Friendship' s circle bright.

Visitors lieeting Roll Call - i.Jhy I like the 1:Tomen' s Institute

Current Events - l~y 25 - 56 11 To-days ' l'~ews is to- morrow·' s h istory Cc;,r. .. hlttce - l.lrs. E. Silcox, i:rs . G. O'Har; .

iirs . li. l :CCorm.ick, l liss F. Campbell

Roll Call - Nevrs Item Subject - Current ~vents 1rusic - Uiss F . Campbell

Page 20: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

I ! I !/ I

June 27 Historical Research

"A wise nat i on preserves its ovni records11

Conunittee - l irs • . A .. licintyre, :t.trs • .P. Gosnell !U-s. Ted Silcox, hlrs. s . Orchard

Roll Call - "iib.at article would you like to give or lend to the Uuseum?

Music - lirs . s . Orchard Paper - The· bistory of textiles by i.U's . T. SEcox Contest - hlrs . P . Gosnell

July 25 Community Activities

"United we stand, Divided Yre ·r all11

Coli'.r.ti.ttee - Mrs. L • .iioore, lir·s . Ti . Sells Mrs . G. Silcox, i ll's . L . Stafford

Roll Cal l - i'lhat I like ·most ·about· this month Basket ?icnic at Piruifore ?art for t he co; .tr.~uni.ty .

August 22 Home Economics

,r:tt t ruces a hea]? of livir.c; to .::!4',ke n hotice n hoi..1e . ;: Cor.iiu.i.ttee - Ets . L . '.1ood, ilrs . D. 07:'chard ,

l irs. H. Parks, J.Iiss F. C3I.l£lbell ~oll Call - i ~Y f avourite r eci.:_)e Current Events - Mr-s . D. Orchard Husic· - Ei.ss F . Campbell, Louise Pa.r.ks

Bonnie Ross, Bill Orchard Pa1Jer - tirs. R . Parks Contest - 5 drop cookies on c. 9 l nte

Septe:ml:er 25 :rtearth"

11A sick man, wailing of ·rroes , vrit h idleness impatient grows .

It's hard to understand why he a patient patient ought to· be." · ·

Conu:aittee - llrs . c. Orchard , ilrc . ~'! . Turner Urs. E. Dorm, l.irs . t;T . Trace

Roll Call - GrandLln ' s cures Syeaker - Dr. Eunice ilcKishriie , nest Lorne CU1'Tent events - Hrs . i'i . Turner Contes t - :i.iJ:os . s. Dovm

Page 21: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

October 24 Canadian IndUstries

' non' t worr y and fret faint hearted, the chances have ~4~t oecun. For t he best jobs haven' t been started, ·- t e .;est vmr k-·hasn' t oeeri done." .;o. ~.ittee - Ur s . G. 0'1Iaro , Hrs. G. Ross

Mrs·. A. Orchard , iirs . D. Lumley Tour Of A St . Thoraas Industry

November 28 Citizensh:f,9

c!"-"1 Gilpin nas a citizen o'i: credit and renolm, Can · . . : ..,c said of you an.f.. r::.e , uho live in lovely

~ ·on t ovm?" .. tee - tits . F. Ross, lirs . L. J\tkinson

t:trs. H. Koyle , l irs . B. Clements . 1 Call - Nationality and Fhere born

Sal ute The Flog


_ ::...:.ute t he flag, the embleLl of my country , and to Her,\ .·-O?'l~e my love and loyuEy •

. :.:-..::; - 0 Canada

.. ::.e: s t

Decer.fu·er 19 Christmas Part~r For T he School Children

"-··:"ce on earth , Good ' Till trn.;;ard men. 1:

;.., . .:..ittee - The executive

January 25 1~57

Social tielfare "Good cheer is t he halr mark of ~ave and healthy soul' (;o •. :.ai..ttee - lirs. E . St afford; Urs. 11. l!IcCormick

lirs. s. Brm·m, 1b.·s . \7 . Hepbtn•n i11sic - School children c~~~l·ent events - ?.irs . ii. 1icCormi ck ~ _JCQ.ker Roll .CaH: =-Your favourite

Page 22: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

February 27, 1957 Resolutions

"?here' s something about a smile I k:novr, It never stays in one place , As sure os you smile it' s bound to go and appear on another ' s face . 11

Connittee - Mrs . F. Trace, lirs . G. Brandon l!irs. D. Brown, Mrs . c . E . lioore , Lirs. Bert 1iarr

~ Roll call - One of -my 1957 'rtesolut i.:>ns '. c urrent events - Mrs. G. Braddon \ s.!-'eaker \Contest - AU-s . B. !iarr

March 27, 1957 CutTent Events

"The world ·will never be a better pl ace unless t>re are~" Committee - Mrs . R. Pa1Jne1•, Mrs. T. licCardle

'·• Mrs. E . 11cCall, hlrs . il. Atkinson Roll Call - The most important nens item you have r eaq

in the last three months . S~leaker -current Events 1iusical Contest - iirs . T. licCardle

April 25, 1"957 Agriculture

" Go often to the house of thy f riend, for Yieeds choke/ the unused path." CoLl.':li.ttee - lliss E. Morrison, lb:s . E. Baker ,

\ Mrs . J . Schram, ~s . H. Gr een Roll Call - Asound I like to hear on the farm.

1 Panel Discussion

1 Contest Exchange of plants B.il(I- ~bs, f!tc .

-&;y 22, 1957 Education

~ ,

" Life is lilre a G<J.rden, it bec.rs the frait we .CoLU'Jittee .:. . lJrs • .H. Silc.ox., . i:rs . - G. -ll.yl;j.ng

i.irs . ·c . Palmer, lii.ss E. Hamilton ?.oll c all - An anecdote from my school days. Topic - The schoo children 1 ·'•sic - Urs . c. PGJ.mer -------------------------~ .

Page 23: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

I D~ICT Of.FICEHS I Past President ••• ~s. J. S. Lyle, St. Thomas R.rt. #1 President ••••••• •• ••••••••• ·.-. I~. i~. I:c!:oil, Dutton 1st. Vice-President •••••• -.-.M:rs. c.··cooper, West Lorne 2nd. Vice-Pr•esident ••. • Mrs. E. Martelle, Wallaoetown Sec.-Treasurer •• Mrs. H. Jackson, Port Stanley, R.R • .f2 Fet~.nrated Rep ••.•••••• Mrs. R. l&::Lellan, Iona Station Alternate Fed. Rep ••••. IJrs. H. · -ca..-:·•oll, Iona Station Re9. to Fed. of Agric . ~-~n..Bennaot,.Dbhton

IJ.tWcr_ smTA-~ cou.Eer I Keep us, 0 Lord, from pettiness ; let us be large in

thought, in m>rd. and deed. Let us be done with faultfinding and leave off' self­

seeking; ]Jay we put away all pretence and meet each other face

to face, i1ithout self pity and without prejudice; llay we"·!lever be hasty in judgement and alVTays generous; Teach us to put ·into action our better impulses,

straight forward and unafra id: Let us take time for all things; make us grow calm,

serene and gentle . Grant that ''' e may rea lize that--it is t he little things

that create differe1ices; t hat in the big things of' life we are one. ·

.A:.1d may i7e strive to touch and lmow t he great hl.UDan heart common to us all, and

0 Lord God, let us not forget to be kind.

Page 24: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled





1%7 .. 1958



Yeetin8s held tlli . FOURTH 7iednesday Each Month At 2.30 P.Y.

I i:i } ---- --- - ·- - - - ...

June 2f, Historical-Res earch - - -·-

a history in all men' s lives. " - Mrs. A. Mcintyre , Urs. P . Gosnell

Mrs. Ted Silcox, lirs. s. Orchard. - '."ihere did your foref·athers land

when they came to t his country?

u.... Hugh Sil ox Past President •••••••••••••• mL-s. A Tour of t he Elgin County lluseum PrcRidcnt • • •• • ••••••••••••• Mrs . ~ . H. Sil ox - ------- ---- - --- --· - ··-· -· 1st~ Vice-President ••••• • .•• • •• Mr_~· G. Ayltlig July 2~ 2nd. Vice- President •• • • • • • • • • • • Mrs. L . ~· re Communit y Activities Sec. -Treasurer •.••••••••••• • ••• -U.rs . H. ks -Directors • • •••• •• ••••••••• . •• __ Ur~ • • ~. B~~~ 0~~ joy your friends; a fortune in money can be

· .t·ll'~· .u.. At Ll.n °Wi ed anay in a day; an investment in friendshi.~.; lirs . H. Tur 9~a ts a life time."

Distric~ Directo~ • • • . -.-•• • • • • - !.~·~_; __ lit'~h ~-il ~~0 ·ttee - Mrs. L . hloor e , 1irs_._ ·G. Silcox Asst . D1.s trict -D1.rector ••••••• hlrs . ~ . wcC -I Mrs. L. Stafford, ~s. E. Sells Pianist •••• ••••• • •·•• ••••••• • · • urs . F. Tr c~o 1 call - Should we have women on school boards !iemembl'ance &: Goodwill, Convener~ :.trs ~ T:_ S_~l o~ and why? Press Re.J?Orter • • • • • • • ~~ • • • • • }..trs . c . ~ . l.lO rt ic - Urs. G. Silcox Baoy Clinic Convener • • • • • • • • Urs;:~ · ~· B,a·: nstrat~on - 4 H Club Girls Girl's Club Leader s •••• • •••••••.. a-... .he r ·.c-~o t est - Mrs . "I'J . Sells

. Urs . L . MJ re --- - - ------- - - - -- -Auditors ••••••••••••• •• •• • • • •• I~s. G. Sil . ox _~UJgust 28

lit-s . c . Pallper Homa Economics

INSTITtJTE ODE . ·- ·- - ----· ·-··

A goodly thing it fs to meet In Friendship' s circle bright, i1here nothing stains the pleasure sweet Nor dims t he radiant light. rio '"unkind word our lips shall l)O.ss , Nor envy sour the mind, But each shall seek the colilmon ueal-­The good of all mankind.


'"J e the t alent you possess , for t he woods vtoul d be very silent if no oirds , exce9t t he best, sang c Lnu.ittee - Urs. L. Wood, Urs . H. Parks

~ss F. Campbell Call - The t hing I like t o do the least when

sewing? ic - Louise Parks , Bonnie Ross, Jw:ly Searay r-

Co test -

1-- -----1 I

Page 25: Women's Institute · February 26th, 2.30 p.m. "A Hungry Man Sees Far" Social Evening March 26th, 2.30 p. m. "T hey who never think alwaya talk" Hostess-Mrs. M. A. StafTord, enisled

September 25 ·· Health

..._u're vrishing -you a lot of things tba.t Sl.Jeak of Joy and wealth, But most of all we're wishing you; the cro~i.ng joy of health.Jr Coo..o.i.ttee - .Mrs ~ ]!:. Down, ~s'! TJm. Trace,

. ~s. rT. Turner1_, Ltrs. C. Orcha..-rd ~l~ Call- Name a good .health habit? Subject - Cancer in women - lira. A. Ge.llouay

· will . speak and shm• fiJ..rns. ; ~ighbouring Institutes and clubs and all · ·omen in the conununity are invited to attend.


October 23 Canadian Industries

• A good nay to relieve the monotony of any job l.:J to th:i:¥ up weys of ilnprovfn8 it.n CODJ.littee - Mrs. G. O'Haro, Mrs. D. Lumley

· hil-s. G. Ross, Hrs-.. N. Campbell ·lirS. A. ·:i!:. orcJlaX.d . . .

Holl Call - A leading Canadian .Industry • 'Tl • ..e r - lir s. D. Lumley . -:.-e.a - l ~s. N. Campbell

November 27 Citizenship

"I like to see a man proUd of the place in \th1ch he lives, and so live that the place will be proUd'" of hi.Di.~ '~ - Abrah.a:m Lincoln. COD.::Littee - Mrs. G. · Braddon, lirs. F. Ross,

· !Jrs·. L. Atkins~n, :Mt:s• H. Koyle itoll Calr - ·A Canad18i:i iaw .·for the .safety and

protection of citizens . Current Events - Mrs. L. .Atkinson. ~btriotic Program- .Mrs." rf. Ros.a; The School


December 18 Christ~Beeti~

ee.rth; Good \Till tovmrd !.:en." - The executive

~ol Singing

J nnuary 22/ ?.~ Social Welfare

r f ·.1e cannot get vrhe.t we like. r•e s honld try to :r::e what we get . " o.·.:uttee - hrs. i:i. St a fford, l.irs. N. iicCo!"lllick

iii's . s. :Oron n , i i:i:'s. n. Hepburn ·..: l l Call - An im1:x>rtant Socinl :·ielfare ~'Forker

or I nstitution. :~io - School c hildren _:. :. ic S i--enl<Ll.f: - Children rrho competed in

township Oratorical Contest. '-'·!ke r

~' ttt e st - ~.rs . ::I. llcCormick

~~~!\la!'Y 26_ Resolutions

1 :....C::t ' s all j oi!l hands and together do our bit ." .::.;.,1:.1i ttee - Lirs. F. Trace, hirs. c. E. :i'.ioore

Hrs . B. Mru.T, l irs . B. Clerneuts hlrs. Vi . Atkinson

·" , l Cnl l - Ways of helping our community .· -.a c - 1.irs. ~.! . Atkinson ... rrcnt Events - i:'irs . B. l.iarr .cnker - l.J.rs. c. E. Moore

. ontest