Wonderland By: Gabriel Common EXT. OUTSIDE OF WONDERLAND - MORNING It is a warm Monday morning of June 2245, only two hours after sunrise. There is a line of people stepping on a boat just outside of the Massive city called Wonderland. The water is crystal clear, and the bright colored fish are swinging around energetically. The air is clear; the bright blue sky is full of white puffy clouds, and the sun is shining down making the temperature perfect for the day. The beautiful site of Wonderland, behind a huge gates at the end of the river, is causing the people getting in the boat to constantly stop and pause for a second to gaze at it. There is a young woman who is sitting in the boat waiting patiently for them to all get in. Everyone is finally seated in the boat and ready to get underway. The young women stands up and begins to speak. MICHELLE Hello my name is Michelle and let me be the first to welcome you to our glorious city. We are very sorry for the lost, or your city, and we assure you that you'll be well taken care of here. Michelle taps the shoulder of the boat driver who is behind her. MICHELLE As we travel through Wonderland towards the laboratory I'll give you the tour. The driver takes up the anchor and the boat begins to move steady through the water making gentle ripples.

Wonderland By: Gabriel Common EXT. OUTSIDE OF WONDERLAND ... · EXT. OUTSIDE OF WONDERLAND - MORNING It is a warm Monday morning of June 2245, only two hours after sunrise. There

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  • Wonderland By: Gabriel Common


    It is a warm Monday morning of June 2245, only two hours after sunrise. There is a line of people stepping on a boat just outside of the Massive city called Wonderland. The water is crystal clear, and the bright colored fish are swinging around energetically.

    The air is clear; the bright blue sky is full of white puffy clouds, and the sun is shining down making the temperature perfect for the day. The beautiful site of Wonderland, behind a huge gates at the end of the river, is causing the people getting in the boat to constantly stop and pause for a second to gaze at it.

    There is a young woman who is sitting in the boat waiting patiently for them to all get in.

    Everyone is finally seated in the boat and ready to get underway. The young women stands up and begins to speak.

    MICHELLE Hello my name is Michelle and let me be the first to welcome you to our glorious city. We are very sorry for the lost, or your city, and we assure you that you'll be well taken care of here.

    Michelle taps the shoulder of the boat driver who is behind her.

    MICHELLE As we travel through Wonderland towards the laboratory I'll give you the tour.

    The driver takes up the anchor and the boat begins to move steady through the water making gentle ripples.


    They come to a huge gate opening with an arch over it with the words Welcome to Wonderland.

    MICHELLE Wonderland has three gates. This is the river gate.

    The gate opens and just as the boat goes through it closed. Many of the people gasp in amazement of the beautiful site. The river stops at a waterfall then continues to stretch across Wonderland. The laboratory stands on a hill on the other side of the city towering into the sky. As the boat comes to the waterfall it continues going straight, flying through over the city.

    MICHELLE Down to your left you can see the school, and next to it the library.

    As Michelle talks a young man named Bryan stands up and walks over to her.

    MICHELL Can I help you?

    BRYAN Yes, where is the Laboratory?

    MICHELLE Oh, that's our final stop.

    BRYAN Great because I'm going work there. (holds out his hand) I'm Professor Bryan Simmons.

    Michelle grabs his hand and shakes it.

    MICHELLE Oh it's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard about you.

  • BRYAN You have?

    MICHELLE Yes, everyone here knows when we get a new scientist, and I'm sorry about your civilization.

    BRYAN It's okay, at least we were able to get most of the people out. Anyway I'm so excited about meeting Wonderman.

    MICHELLE (Gazes into space) Yeah, he's one in a million.

    BRYAN You say that like you know him.

    MICHELLE (Snaps out of it) We all know him.

    BRYAN But you say it like you know him personally.

    MICHELLE Well, he has saved my life a few times.

    The boat comes to a stop.



    MICHELLE Okay this is our stop. This is Wonderland's famous laboratory. This is where Wonderland was began. Please watch your step and have a good day.

  • As they step off people in white coats greets them.

    BRYAN Hi I'm Professor Bryan Simmons from Elton.


    Ah yes we've been expecting you. Right this way.


    The man leads Bryan though a hall and introduces himself as Professor White.

    WHITE I'm Professor White, it's a pleasure to meet you. Let me be the first to welcome you to Wonderland's lab.

    BRYAN (looking around) Wow!

    PR. WHITE Yeah this is where it all started hundreds of years ago.

    White leads Bryan to the a metal door at the end of the hall. Professor White takes out a card and slides it in a slot on the side. The door opens.


    As they walked in Bryan is stunned at the site of the huge Laboratory. The people in the lab are moving around quickly to get their work done.

    BUSY Wow everyone is so busy.


  • Well we're constantly trying to find ways to improve Wonderland. Now if you would follow me to the elevator I'll introduce you to Professor McKnight. He's the head scientist here.


    Bryan and White are standing in an elevator heading to the top floor.

    BRYAN So how is Professor McKnight?

    WHITE He's a good guy. You'll like him.

    As the elevator climbs They could see the view of wonder growing through the glass door.

    BRYAN So you guys here are like in charge of Wonderland?

    WHITE Wonderland has no leaders. Yes we protect and watch over it, But The people here make their own choices. Every idea concerning Wonderland is made by voting.

    BRYAN That's new.

    WHITE This is a free civilization. People should be able to make their own decisions.


    The elevator comes to a stop, before red double doors. The Elevator doors opened and Bryan notices White staring at

  • him.

    WHITE This your stop, I'd love to stay and talk old man Mcknight but I have lots of work to do.

    Just as Bryan steps off the elevator Professor White presses a button and the door close then the elevator sinks down, leaving a cylinder window with a view of the city. Bryan stares out of the window for a second in amazement then turns and walks towards professor Mcknight's door.


    Bryan walks up to the doors and knocks on it. The doors opened to a big oval shaped room with a desk on the other side of it. Professor Mcknight is sitting behind the desk staring at him.

    MCKNIGHT Professor Simmons I presume.

    BRYAN Yes.

    Bryan walks up to him and they shake hands. Bryan then takes a seat in front of the desk.

    MCKNIGHT I'm sorry to hear about you home. The Magaknights are a ruthless bunch.

    BRYAN Thanks for your sympathy.

    MCKNIGHT Now you've probably heard this all day, but welcome to Wonderland. Here we live peaceful, relaxed lives, and we'd like to keep it that way.

    BRYAN Yes sir, I completely understand.

  • MCKNIGHT You'll be working in the defense division.

    BRYAN When do I get to meet Wonderman?

    MCKNIGHT In time; he used to always stay in the lab, but I started to notices a decline in motivation from him. So I gave him a bit of freedom. In fact your job will be to monitor him.

    BRYAN Monitor?

    MCKNIGHT Wonderman is a creation of Wonderland scientist. We must always monitor him to make sure he is always one hundred percent combat capable. Remember we have no military, so Wonderman is our only defense.

    BRYAN You're only defense?

    MCKNIGHT Well, we do have a police force called Guardians, but they're just used to keep the peace with in Wonderland. Everything bigger is handled by Wonderman. Any questions?

    BRYAN Just one. (points to a picture on the wall) Who are the people in that picture?

    McKnight stands up and walks over to the picture

  • scrutinizing it.

    MCKNIGHT These are the founders of Wonderland.

    Mcknight points to a man in the center of the picture with short black hair and brown eyes.

    MCKNIGHT This man is the one who lead the great rebellion where thousands of people left their homes to start a new life. His name was Josh Alcrez. But enough talk for now. You have to get acquainted with your new co-worker professor Williams.

    BRYAN What's he like?

    MCKNIGHT I'll say this, He's one in Wonderland. you're actually  replacement. (sighs) It'll be the first time anyone's ever gotten fired from a job in Wonderland, but he's what you call a black sheep. He's been caught selling our technology to other civilizations behind our backs.

    BRYAN Wow.

    MCKNIGHT He was almost voted to be kicked out of Wonderland, but he was lucky. Now go down to the fifty-third level. That's the defense division, they're expecting you.


  • The elevator doors open and Bryan steps off in front of a big green door with a black line running down the middle and a control panel on the right side.

    He walks up to the control panel and presses the buzz button.

    VOICE Defense Division.

    BRYAN I'm Professor Bryan Simmons from......

    Before he can finish his sentence the door opens splitting from the black line.

    As Bryan walks in he is greeted by a professor David Chris.

    DAVID Welcome to Wonderland. I'm Professor David Chris

    BRYAN Professor McKnight told me that I'd be working with professor Williams.

    DAVID Yes, right this way.

    David leads Bryan though the lab. Bryan looks around as they walk watching the people move around and work.

    BRYAN Doesn't anyone ever take a break here?

    DAVID We do get down time every once in a while.

    David takes Bryan to a desk with a big computer that stretches across it next an opening in the near by wall that leads outside.

  • DAVID This is your work space.¬†

    BRYAN Why is there no glass on that window, aren't you guys worried someone would fall out.

    DAVID It's not a window, it's Wonderman's enter point, he flies remember.

    BRYAN I guess that makes sense.

    VOICE OF WILLIAMS (behind them) Who is this?

    They turn a see Williams standing behind them.

    DAVID Williams, where have you been?

    WILLIAMS Taking a break, now who is this?

    DAVID This is your co-worker professor Simmons.

    WILLIAMS You mean replacement.

    DAVID Now Williams......

    WILLIAMS No need to explain. I knew it would happen sooner or later. (turns towards Bryan) no hard feeling.

    BRYAN Really?

  • WILLIAMS Don't worry I'll teach you well before I go.

    DAVID Then I guess my work here is done.

    David turns and walks away. Williams and Bryan stand staring at each other for a minute. Williams begins to pace himself around Bryan.

    WILLIAMS So you're supposed to replace me eh.

    BRYAN Look, I'm sorry. This is what Professor McKnight assigned me to do.

    Williams stops and stares him in the eyes.

    WILLIAMS Okay, let's work.

    Williams presses a button on the computer and a diagram of a Wonderman comes up.

    WILLIAMS This is Wonderman. He is the perfect being. His body temperature is always at ninety-eight degrees. His heart rate is always at Fifty.  vitals, are always normal he is immune to any and every illness known to man. If any of this ever changes even by a hair, then something's wrong. He has the strength of one hundred men, he can move faster then the speed of sound and he's body is tougher then diamond. He can fire heat beams from his hands. He has no weakness,

  • and last but not least he doesn't age, past 25 any questions

    BRYAN Wow, he's is everything I thought he was.

    WILLIAMS Well don't get your hopes up. He isn't exactly the nicest person you'll meet.

    Bryan's facial expression slowly changes to a look of confusion.

    BRYAN What do you mean by that?

    WILLIAMS Why do you think he isn't here right now? Old man McKnight had to give him some freedom in hopes that it would change his attitude a bit.

    BRYAN I don't quite understand what you're saying. I mean Wonderman is a hero to Wonderland right?

    WILLIAMS For the most part. Anyway I'm sure you know in the year 2025 a huge meteor crashed into the earth spewing an alien radiation which changed the world as everyone knew it.

    BRYAN Yes, that's when rapid evolution took place and hundreds of new species were created.

    WILLIAMS Well, it was alien elements from that meteor which allowed the Wonderland scientist to the create

  • Wonderman.¬†

    BRYAN Why didn't they make more like him?

    WILLIAMS One is all we need, plus the journey back the Meteor to get more elements is too dangerous for anyone to take.


    The citizens of Wonderland are moving about calmly, with their daily lives The city is decorated in bright colors and beautiful paintings on some building walls. There are small huts as well as skyscrapers. The vehicles hover around the city and zeppelins fly around the air. Throughout the city a crystal clear river flows in from the southeast side and divides into two when it reaches the center. There are bridges over many parts of the river, and a big park in the center of the city. The citizens begin to notice a dark shadow descending over the city.


    Professor McKnight is sitting at his desk but stands up as he notices the shade slowly covering the light from his window. He turns and sees a huge airship hovering over Wonderland. The citizens watch in helpless fear. Professor McKnight quickly picks up a phone on his desk dials three numbers then shouted over the receiver.



    A door on the bottom of the ship opens, a huge metal robot falls to the ground, and begins to swing its arms around and tear the buildings apart one by one.


    Professor McKnight could do nothing except watch his beautiful city turn to rubble. With the phone up to his

  • right ear he yells again over the receiver.



    Wonderman is lying on the grass with his arms spread out watching the clouds move through the bright sky. He is wearing a red vest with a black W on it in a black ring. He has black short sleeves coming out from under his vest, red paints, a black caped, and a black mask covering only his eyes and the top his noise.

    The watch on his arm starts to beep. He rolls his head looks at his watch then rolls it back towards the sky and sighs.

    WONDERMAN What now? 

    He hears a tiny voice coming from his forehead.

    VOICE Hey Wonderman wa cha doin?

    He rolls his eyes up and sees a tiny figure standing on his head. It is shaped like a human but six inches tall with wings on its back.

    WONDERMAN Nitch, how many times to I have to tell you, don't stand on my head. 

    NITCH You know ya watch is beeping.


    NITCH Why don't ya answer it?

    WONDERMAN I'll get to it; eventually.


  • It could be important.

    WONDERMAN It's always important.

    NITCH (Nitch crossed his arms) Hu and you call ya-self a hero.

    Wonderman plucks Nitch and he falls off Wonderman's head to the ground. Wonderman then he sits up, presses a button on his watch, and speaks.

    WONDERMAN What is it?


    NITCH Won't say ah told ya so.

    Wonderman stands up, runs to the edge of the cliff, jumps off, and begins soaring though the air towards Wonderland.


    The robot rampages through Wonderland tearing it apart piece by piece. The people are running around in terror with nothing to do but watch their beautiful city get torn to Pieces. A man who was running suddenly stops as he sees a shadow move quickly on the ground he looks up.


    The rest of the people all stop running and begin to cheer as Wonderman flies though the city towards the robot. The robot looks up and notices it's ship flying away.


  • Hey!

    The Robot turns sees Wonderman floating by him with his arms cross.

    WONDERMAN So you're the one who's got Wonderland all worked up.

    The robot swings and Wonderman lifts up his left arm and catches the robot's arm. He then holds up his right palm and shoots a beam of fire at the base of the robot's arm melting it off.

    Now, holding the robot's arm, he swings it around and hits the robot knocking it down towards Wonderland.

    Wonderman throws away the arm, and quickly flies under the robot, catching it. He lifts it up into the air, flies outside of Wonderland, and throws it into the distance. The citizens of Wonderland cheer him own as he flies around in a circle then up towards the laboratory.



    WONDERMAN WELL, I SAVED WONDERLAND DIDN'T I? For the thousandth time.

    MCKNIGHT (takes a deep breath and relaxes his angry) Listen Wonderman, you're our only defense. We can't afford for you to be late. Now we have to rebuild the parts of the city that was destroyed.

    WONDERMAN With Wonderland's technology you guys could rebuild it in no time.

  • MCKNIGHT That's the not the point, try to focus more on your work. I don't know where you go when you leave the laboratory, but if you want to keep that privilege show up when we need you.

    McKnight turns begins to walk away. He then stops and looks back.

    MCKNIGHT We're lucky no one was killed.

    McKnight turns his head back forward and continues to walk away.

    Wonderman walks over to a chair by Bryan's computer, sits down, and puts his hands on his head. Bryan walks to his computer and sits down behind it. He suddenly notices Wonderman sitting next to him.

    BRYAN (in excitement) Wonderman!

    Wonderman slowly takes his hands off his head and looks at Bryan.

    WONDERMAN Who are you?

    Bryan quickly stands up wipes his hand on his shirt then holds it out.

    BRYAN I'm Professor Bryan Simmons, I'll be monitoring you from now on.

    Wonderman stares at him in silence for a moment.

    WONDERLAN (sarcastically)

  • Wow! Another baby sitter.

    Bryan pulls his hand back.

    BRYAN Maybe this isn't the best time for introductions.

    Bryan sits back down and begins to work. Wonderman puts his hands back on his face. After a few seconds Bryan begins to scrutinize Wonderman. After a minute Wonderman gets annoyed.

    WONDERMAN (angry) What?

    BRYAN (a little frightened) Nothing, you just look a little like that guy from the picture hanging up in Professor McKnight's office.

    WONDERMAN You mean Josh Alcrez?

    BRYAN Yes.

    WONDERMAN He was my father.

    BRYAN You're father?

    WONDERMAN Well I didn't just appear out of then air.

    Williams walks up to them.

    WILLIAMS Wonderman! I see you've manged upset old man McKnight again.


  • And I see they've finally found your replacement. Now if you would excuse me I'll be on my way, this lab is just too boring for me.

    Wonderman stands up, walks over to the opening, then looks back at Bryan.

    WONDERMAN Call me when he's finally fired.

    Wonderman jumps out and begins to soar away.


    Far from Wonderland the Magaknight drop ship docks in a huge city. Unlike Wonderland this city is dark and mechanical. The people of this city relied on machines, to survive. This civilization is known as the Magaknights.

    The leader Rapid sits at a desk in his office in a tall tower in the center of the city.


    There is a sudden knock on the door.


    A man walks in with a patch on his left eye. He walks up to Rapid takes a knee and greats him.

    GENERAL Sir.

    RAPID General I take it you have news from the attack.

    The general rises.

    GENERAL Sir, we thought this weapon would be unbeatable. Our men worked really hard on this one, but it

  • still was no match for Wonderman.

    RAPID That's what I was expecting.

    GENERAL But Sir, this was our strongest weapon yet. Maybe Wonderland is a lost cause.

    RAPID Do you have any idea of the technology Wonderland possess. With it we'll be unstoppable, even the Locus will be at our mercy.

    There is a another knock on the door.

    RAPID Enter.

    The door opens and another Magaknight soldier walks in. He walks up to Rapid takes a knee then rises.

    SOLDIER Sir there is a visitor here to see you.

    RAPID Visitor?

    SOLDIER It's Max and two of his men.

    RAPID Max? (Thinks for a sec) Ha, speak of the devil. I admire his bravery, send them in.

    SOLDIER Yes sir.

    RAPID And make sure our guess are well accompanied.

  • The solider steps out, while Rapid rubs his hands in anticipation. After a few second the door opens and three men walk in dress all in black. Accompanied by Magaknight Soldiers. The one in the middle has long black hair that hangs down to his shoulders and black eyes. His skin is pale, and from the bottom of his eyes to top of his head is painted black with black stripes going down from the ends of his eyes to the middle of his check, then splitting and running down the rest of his face. His name is Max, lord of the Locus.

    RAPID (to his General) You are dismissed.

    GENERAL Yes sir.

    The General quickly turns and walks out the room. The three Locus walk closer to Rapid's desk. Rapid leans his chair back and puts his feet up on his desk.

    RAPID So what brings the great Max himself shows up to my door step? You've got some nerve coming here after our last encounter.

    MAX You were lucky last time Magaknight. Don't push it.

    RAPID What are you saying? That you could have beaten me and my army? No one is powerful enough to defeat the Magaknights especially a group of magical clowns.

    MAX Well as I recall the great Magaknights ran away with their tails between their legs.


  • (stand in anger and slams his palms on his desk) You talk tough but don't forget where you are Locus.

    The Magaknight guards slightly lift their weapons.

    MAX (laughs) Don't worry I didn't come here to settle old scores. I'm here because I have a proposal.

    RAPID I'm listening.

    MAX Both our civilizations have been traveling the world and invading others. You want technology, and I want resources. But there is this one civilization that just doesn't know when to give up. They have technology that you can only dream of and enough resources to last 2 life times, and I guess you have a pretty good idea as to what civilization I'm referring to.

    RAPID So what's your point neither the Magaknights nor the Locus can stand against Wonderman.

    MAX What if we knew his weakness.

    RAPID (sits back down in his chair and kicks his feet up on his desk) You have my attention.


  • You see I will soon be acquiring the blueprint of Wonderman, but once I have it, it really isn't going to be much use to me, being that we Locus aren't exactly proficient in science, but that's where you would come in.

    RAPID Can you really get the blue print.

    MAX The operation is already begun. So what do you say we set aside our differences just this once. Once Wonderman has fallen we invade Wonderland together.

    RAPID I still don't trust you Locus and I never will, but if you can really get the blue print, then you have a short alliance with the Magaknights.

    MAX I just have one request.

    RAPID What?

    MAX I want to be the one to kill Wonderman.

    RAPID He's been a bigger menace to me then to you. Why should you get the glory.

    MAX Because he took the life of my father, and I swore I would get revenge.


  • Fine, you can take him, But I don't want you or any of your men near the Lab.

    MAX Fair enough.


    The sun begins to set upon Wonderland and the sky falls dark, as Wonderman flies across the night sky over Wonderland.


    Michelle is standing on her balcony in an evening gown staring at the night sky. The light from the stars and moon are bright enough for her to see most of Wonderland. She notices a figure in the sky getting closer and closer towards her. Michelle knows it is Wonderman right away and smiles. He flies up to her balcony and lands in front of her. Michelle smiles at him.

    MICHELLE Now how did I know you'd come here.

    WONDERMAN Maybe because I come here every night.

    Michelle hugs and kisses him. As he stares into her eyes she notices a depressive look in his face.

    MICHELLE What's wrong?

    WONDERLAN What do you mean?

    MICHELLE Come on, you know you can't hide anything from me.

    Wonderman brushes her hair back.


  • Don't worry I'm fine.

    MICHELLE Don't tell me not to worry, if your not happy then I'm not happy.

    WONDERMAN Michelle please, can we just drop it. 

    MICHELLE stop trying to shut me out.

    WONDERMAN I'm not. I just don't want to talk about it, that's all.

    Michelle lets go of Wonderman wan walks into her room, Wonderman follows

    MICHELLE It's like you keep changing on me. (Sits down on her bed) you're becoming a completely different person then when we first met.

    WONDERLAN What are you talking about?

    MICHELLE You don't care anymore.

    WONDERLAND Of course I care; most of the time.

    Wonderman Kneels in front of her and grabs her hands

    WONDERMAN I care about you.

    MICHELLE What about the rest of Wonderland.

    WONDERMAN Them to.

  • MICHELLE Then why were you late today?

    WONDERMAN I have my reasons.

    MICHELLE What? What could possibly be more important then protecting the people who rely on you so much?

    Wonderman stands up steps back and puts his hands on his head.

    WONDERMAN Well maybe they should start becoming more self dependent.

    MICHELLE Come on Wonderman. You know that no one in Wonderland can take on any of the civilizations that threaten us.


    Michelle stares at him in salience unable to believe what she is hearing. After a few seconds of them not saying anything to each other, Wonderman sighs walks to the balcony and flies away.


    Bryan and Williams are finishing up for the night.

    WILLIAMS Bryan I have a favor to ask you.

    BRYAN What?

  • Williams hands him a disc.

    WILLIAMS This is some important information; I need you to deliver it to a friend for me.

    Bryan took the disc in his hand.

    BRYAN What is it?

    WILLIAMS Oh just some research he and I have been working on. Now that I won't be working here anymore, I gotta do something with my life right.

    BRYAN Sure, I'll help.

    GREAT He'll be waiting at in the center of the park, I would do it myself but I'm swamp with other work.

    BRYAN Okay.

    WILLIAMS Thanks and hey; no hard feeling about you talking you my job. I mean, I knew it would happen sooner or later. After all I do deserve this.

    Bryan holds out his hand.

    BRYAN Thanks, maybe after all of this we can be friends.

    WILLIAMS (shakes Bryan's hand) Maybe we can.

  • Bryan turns and walk away, as he does Williams watches with a sinister smile.


    Bryan looks at his watch and notices the time is eight thirty PM.

    BRYAN Where is this guy?

    He suddenly hears a deep voice, behind him.

    VOICE Hey.

    Bryan turns and sees a man standing behind him dressed in black.

    BRYAN Are you a friend of professor Williams?

    MAN Sure, do you have the disc?

    Bryan hands him the disc that Williams gave him. The man takes it and looks at it. He then looks at Bryan's clueless face.

    MAN You have no idea what's going on right now do you?

    MAN I'm helping professor Williams with his research.

    The man begins to laugh then gets interrupted by the sound of sirens. Bryan turns towards the sounds and sees Guardian vehicles land a few yards behind him. He then turns back and sees that the man is gone. The Guardians all step out of their vehicles grab Bryan and handcuffs him.


  • Professor Bryan Simmons, you under arrest for giving away classified information.

    BRYAN What?

    GUARDIAN I guess that anonymous tip we got was right.


    Wonderman is sitting on Shyrock cliff gazing down on Wonderland, his thoughts are on Michelle. The small voice of Nitch suddenly comes from on his right shoulder.

    NITCH Hey Wonderman wa cha doin?

    WONDERMAN What do you want now Nitch.

    NITCH It looks like somethings on ya mind, and ah bet it's her.

    NITCH I don't know how much longer I can put up with this. My life will never go anywhere. It's just the same thing everyday. And what separates me from the rest of Wonderland, is that I don't have a choice.

    NITCH But you're their hero.

    WONDERMAN And that's the curse my father gave me.

    NITCH Come'on people love ya.

  • WONDERMAN Nitch you'll never understand what it's like to be human. My whole life was scared, scared of losing the ones I cared about the way I lost my father. That's why I avoided getting close to anyone, and it was easy until I met her. She changed everything and eventually she'll leave too and I'll live on continuing to do the same thing for the rest of eternity. I just wish there was some way I could be normal.


    Bryan is sitting in Wonderland's court handcuffed. In front of him is professor McKnight, Officer Aucoin the head of the Guardians, Mr. Stagg the man in charge of the well being of the residents, and Ms. Guillory the representative of the citizens of Wonderland. It is a hearing for Bryan.

    AUCOIN Professor Bryan Simmons, We were kind enough to take you in after your home was destroyed by the and you repay us by handing over top secret information to another civilization. Why would you do such a thing?

    Bryan stands up and sighs.

    BRYAN My intentions were good but my luck was bad. (sighs) I was only trying to help a co-worker. Professor Williams asked me to deliver a disc to a friend for him and I did it. I was trying to fit in with your society. I wanted too so bad, I would have done anything without a second thought.

  • MCKNIGHT Wonderland was founded as a socially free civilization. It was meant for people to be able to express themselves without having to worry about being ridiculed or looked down upon. That's how the first scientists were able to get such advance technology in compared to the rest of the world. They put their differences aside and worked together. It was founded by open minded people. No one has ever acted or needed to try and fit in.

    AUCOIN Now, we've looked at the surveillance videos from the park. The man who you gave the disc to has been identified as part of the Locus civilization.

    STAGG Why would the Locus want our technology?

    MCKNIGHT I don't know, this is unlike them. Bryan do you have any answers for us? Did Williams tell you anything.

    BRYAN No, he just told me it was research for a project he was working on.

    AUCOIN Didn't you even talk to the man, you handed the disc to.

    BRYAN No, as soon as I gave him the disc he left.

    MCKNIGHT This is an unexpected move for the

  • Locus. We tried to find Williams, but he was long gone.

    GUILLORY So what are we going to do about this? We have to find out what they're planning.

    AUCOIN And how do you expect we do that?

    Mcknight thinks for a second.

    MCKNIGHT You guys might not like this idea, something but I feel it's necessary in a time like this.

    STAGG What?

    MCKNIGHT We have to send spies to go to Darkwood Canyon the location of the Locus city and find out what they're planing.

    AUCOIN Even if we did try something like that we don't have anyone who would be capable of doing it. We can't send Wonderman because with this unexpected move the Locus can attack anytime and none of our Guardians are trained for that type of mission.

    GUILLORY Wait! McKnight is right but so is Aucoin. We don't have anyone from Wonderland who can do this task, but who's to say we don't have anyone.

    AUCOIN What do you mean?

  • GUILLORY We send the prisoners Vince and Tyler, we strike a deal and make them work for their freedom, at this point they'll do anything to get it.¬†

    AUCOIN Come on, Vince is a Locus and Tyler's a Magaknight. Who's to say they won't betray us.

    GUILLORY Remember, Vince was betrayed by Max, he'll jump at the chance to revenge, and Tyler sees the Locus as enemies, so he'll gladly to this for his freedom. Look I really don't think we have a choice, and I don't think any of you want to just sit around and wait for the Locus to strike.

    AUCOIN (sighs) Okay I guess that's what we'll do, but we should send one of ours with them to make sure they don't try to double cross us.

    BRYAN I'll do it.

    They all look at Bryan.

    MCKNIGHT I think you've done enough.

    BRYAN Please, look I did what I did cause I was trying to do the right, thing. So please give me a real chance to do the right thing I promise I won't let you down.

  • The court looks at each other, then turns back towards Bryan.

    AUCOIN Fine, we'll give you this chance, consider it your penalty and if you mess this up, you'll be banished from Wonderland forever.

    BRYAN That's fare.

    MCKNIGHT And after you do complete this mission you'll still be banished from the lab.

    BRYAN What!

    MCKNIGHT I'm sorry Bryan, but you've proven your self untrustworthy, which makes you unable to be trusted around our technology.

    BRYAN (puts his head down) I understand.


    Officer Aucion is walking through the prison with two other Guardians. He comes to a section between two cells one on his left and one on his right. In the cell on his left is a man sitting down dressed in black. He was wearing black pants with a black short sleeve shirt and a black jacket that's hanging to his ankles. There are spikes on the sleeves of his jacket. He has short black hair, black eyes, and pale skin. He is the Locus named Vince.

    In the cell on his right is a man in brown pants and a brown short sleeve shirt. He has a muscular body with dirty blond hair, green eyes, and a scar going diagonally down his face from right to left across his left eye. He is the Magaknight named Tyler.

  • Aucoin stands in the center of their cells.

    ACOIN Tyler, Vince.

    The both look up at him.

    VINCE So what brings the head Guardians to our humble abode.

    AUCION A proposal.

    VINCE Well I've got a proposal for you, get this Magaknight trash out of my site and I won't have to kill him.


    AUCOIN I'm glad to see you boys getting along, cause if you both want to earn freedom you're going to have to work together.

    TYLER What are you talking about?

    AUCOIN We have work for you.

    VINCE What could possibly make Wonderland ask their enemies for help?

    TYLER Why don't you go and ask the great Wonderman, I'm sure he'll save the day again.


  • You two have been here longer then all the other prisoners. And unlike them you two are never getting out. Now you can stay in those cells until you rot, or you can swallow your pride to take this one chance for freedom.

    VINCE Okay you have our attention.

    AUCOIN Yesterday top secret scientific information was stolen by the Locus.

    VINCE Why would the Locus want scientific information?

    AUCOIN That's where you two come in. You two are going to go to Darkwood Canyon as spies to find out what they are planning.

    TYLER What makes you think we won't runaway?

    AUCOIN We'll put a special devices on your arms. If you turn on us we'll activate it and it'll freeze you still and act as a tracking device so we can find you. The control for it will be able to be operated from the laboratory plus the one we're sending with you will have a portable control of his own.

    VINCE So we're getting a baby sitter?

    AUCOIN Call it what you want.

  • VINCE Fine I'll do it.

    TYLER We'll I guess we really don't have a choice.

    AUCOIN Good, follow me, we'll get you prepared.


    Bryan, Vince, and Tyler are riding in a hover car on their way to Darkwood Canyon. Bryan is driving and the other two are sitting in the back.

    Tyler is wearing a brown trench coat. With guns holstered on each side. He also has a holster on each of his legs with guns, and an ax on his back. Vince speaks and brakes the silence.

    VINCE Hey Magaknight!

    TYLER What?

    VINCE You do know that when this is all over I'll kill you right.

    TYLER Ha, you'll try.

    VINCE What kind of name is Magaknight anyway, if your civilization is so smart why couldn't you guys come up with a name that makes more sense?

    TYLER Just keep talking Locus, while you still can.

  • BRYAN Calm down both of you.

    VINCE Oh I'm sorry, we all can't be perfect like the great Wonderland.

    BRYAN I'm not from Wonderland. I'm from Kinder.

    TYLER So you're a prisoner like us whose got a deal?

    TYLER My civilization was destroyed by the Magaknights, so Wonderland took me in along with a few others.

    VINCE Figures they won't send one of their own. Cowards, they're always hiding behind Wonderman.

    BRYAN Wonderland is a good civilization; they just have different beliefs then the rest of the world. But hey, it works.

    TYLER Well they can't hide behind their beliefs forever eventually they well fall.

    BRYAN Well they haven't fallen yet so they must be doing something right.

    The Craft hovers across the plain.


    The sun is beginning to set on Wonderland and Wonderman is sitting on the top of the laboratory looking down on the

  • city. He jumps off and begins to sore through the air.


    Michelle is standing on her balcony gazing down on Wonderland when she suddenly hears the small voice of Nitch.

    NITCH Hey Michelle wa cha doin?

    She looks down and sees Nitch standing on the railing of her balcony.

    MICHELLE Hey Nitch, haven't seen you in a while how have you been?"

    NITCH Good, just thought I'd stop by

    MICHELLE Have you seen Wonderman?

    NITCH No, why ya lookin?

    MICHELLE Well I'm worried about him; he hasn't been himself lately.

    NITCH He's kind of lonely.

    MICHELLE Lonely? Why would he be lonely? He's got me.

    NITCH Well ya know, the hold immortal thing.

    MICHELLE Why hasn't he just talked to me about it I could make him feel better I always do.

  • NITCH He's just stubborn.

    MICHELLE Hm, believe me I know.


    Wonderman flies to Michelle's balcony and knocks on the glass door. She opens it and hugs him. He brushes her hair back and looked into her eyes.

    WONDERMAN I want you to know that I didn't mean anything I said last night...

    MICHELLE It's okay. I understand how you feel.

    WONDERMAN You do?

    MICHELLE Yes, I do think you deserve a break but that doesn't change how much this city needs you.

    WONDERMAN Michelle to tell you the truth, for the past two years I've only been doing this for you. I've just been thinking a lot lately and I have no real future and...

    MICHELLE Wonderman I understand you, and I feel bad. I wish that you could grow old with me, but it's selfish of both of us to think like that. If you're father was still hear what do you think he'd say.

    WONDERMAN He always knew what to say. Come to think it it's kind'a selfish, he

  • gave his life for Wonderland, and it don't protect it he would have died in vain . I'm so sorry Michelle.

    Michelle wraps her arms around him.


    Bryan, Vince, and Tyler are standing over Darkwood Canyon looking over the Locus city. The buildings are made from giant rocks with monstrous creatures walking around the city and flying over it as guards.

    VINCE Home Sweet home. They shouldn't have kicked me out, now its pay back.

    TYLER So Locus, what's the plan?

    VINCE Why do I have to come up with the plan?

    TYLER Because this is your turf.

    VINCE Well you're supposed to be the smart one Magaknight. Why don't you come up with the plan?

    TYLER If it's up to me I say we should kill every Locus in sight starting with you.

    BRYAN Come on guys. We're only here to gather info. We're trying to find out exactly what information the Locus stole from Wonderland and why.


    They walk down the canyon where a four legged creature, is guarding the entrance.

    BRYAN How do we get past that thing?

    VINCE The creatures we use are wild but we control them with spells, I should be able to gain control of it.

    Vince slowly walks to the creature. It looks at him and begins to growl in a stance ready to pounce. Vince holds his right hand forward and closes his eyes. He slowly begins to sway it left and right. The creature body begins to sway along with his hand. After a minute the creature lies down and falls asleep. Bryan and Tyler comes out.

    TYLER Wow, I guess I didn't have to kill it after all.

    Bryan and Tyler begin to walk ahead but Vince stops them.

    VINCE Wait!

    TYLER What is now Locus?

    VINCE We can't just walk in there, I mean I'd be okay but anyone could tell you're not Locus.

    TYLER Then what do we do?

    VINCE I've got an idea. Wait here I'll be back.

    Vince walks into the city then comes back a few minutes

  • later with two cloaks.

    VINCE Here wear these.

    Bryan and Tyler puts on the cloaks and covers their heads with hoods.

    VINCE This should work.

    As they begin to walk though the Locus city they noticed a dark shadow descending over the canyon. They looked up and see a huge ship over them.

    TYLER Hey that's a Magaknight ship.

    BRYAN are they attacking?

    VINCE (looks around) None of the Locus are reacting, it seems like an everyday thing to them.

    BRYAN So are the Magaknights and Locus allies now?

    VINCE That would explain why they would want scientific information.

    The ship lands right outside of the Canyon. Rapid along with a many other Magaknights walk out. They walked though the city to a center building. Bryan, Vince a Tyler follow them.


    The Magaknights are posted around the room and Rapid walks to the center straight to Max. Bryan, Vince, and Tyler blended in.

  • MAX Did you find the information useful?

    RAPID Yes, and I think you'll like what I've come up with.

    VINCE Enlighten me.

    RAPID Well from the blueprint we were able to find out how Wonderman was created. Not only that, but we were able to create a device which well break apart the elements in Wonderman's blood which gives him his powers without it he's just an normal human.

    VINCE And you're sure you can do that.

    RAPID Yes, but we'll only have one chance.

    MAX Then we'll need a good plan. One that will make Wonderman come to us.


    Bryan grabs Vince and Tyler and leads them out.

    BRYAN We have to get back to Wonderland and let them know.

    They hear a sudden growling sound. Then turn and see a creature standing behind them. Tyler quickly pulls a gun from his jacket and shoots it in the head. The sound from his gun echoes across the whole canyon.


    Before they know it they are surrounded by both the Magaknights and Locus. The Magaknights has there weapons pointed at them and the Locus pulls off their hoods.

    Vince and Tyler look at each other, then quickly points to Bryan.

    VINCE/TYLER He's a spy for Wonderland.

    BRYAN Traitors!

    TYLER Hey, it's not like we're doing this cause we care about Wonderland.

    Max and Rapid walks up to them.

    MAX Well what do we have here, Spies?

    Max notices Vince.

    MAX Well if it isn't old Victor's son. I thought you'd rot in that prison, but I guess you decided to take the high road and join Wonderland.

    VINCE Whatever it takes kill you Max.

    Tyler throws off his cloak and pulls out two guns holding them in each hand waving them around, while Vince begins to wave his hands around ready to use his black magic.

    RAPID Do you guys really think you have a chance against both the Magaknight and the Locus armies?


  • No, but if we're going down then we'll do it in battle.

    Rapid motions to his men and the three are knocked out from behind.


    Mcknight sits at his desk going over work. He suddenly gets a call, and presses a button on his desk and a screen comes up in front of him with with Aucoin on it.

    MCKNIGHT Morning Officer Aucoin, do you have news from our spy team.

    AUCOIN Yes I've just received a distress call from Bryan. They need Wonderman.

    MCKNIGHT Okay, I'll send him right away.

    As McKnight presses a button turning off the screen he hears the tiny voice of Nitch.

    NITCH Hey professor, wha cha doin?

    He looks and sees Nitch standing on his desk, in front of him.

    MCKNIGHT Hey Nitch, have you seen Wonderman?

    NITCH No maybe he's wit is girlfriend.

    MCKNIGHT What! he has a girlfriend?

    NITCH (covers his mouth) Oops, you didn't hear it from me.

  • Nitch flies away.


    Tyler kicks the bars of the cell in anger.


    VINCE Well this if your fault, If you hadn't fired your weapon we would have made it out of here.

    BRYAN Vince?

    VINCE What?

    BRYAN Why haven't they killed us?

    VINCE Don't know this is unlike Max, he isn't the merciful type, but then again it does seem like things have changed within the last few years.


    Wonderman is standing on top of the river gate watching the fish swim around when he suddenly hears a tiny voice from his shoulder.

    NITCH Hey Wonderman wa cha doin?

    WONDERMAN Nitch, how do you always seem to know where I am?

    NITCH You know the Professor's Lookin for ya.

  • WONDERMAN He's all ways looking for me.

    Wonderman's watch begins to beep. He puts it to his lips.


    MCKNIGHT (VO) Hey Wonderman yesterday we've sent a team to Darkwood canyon to investigate on what information that the Locus had stole from us and they've sent us a distress call, so we need you to go and see if they're okay.

    WONDERMAN What about Wonderland.

    MCKNIGHT It's shouldn't take you that long, and if something does happen I'll call you. Darkwood Canyon isn't far from here with your speed.

    WONDERMAN Okay I'm off.

    MCKNIGHT Oh and Wonderman.


    MCKNIGHT When you get back we'll have a little talk about this girlfriend of yours.

    Wonderman looks at Nitch in anger.

    NITCH Oops, It kinda just slipped out.

    Wonderman grabs Nitch in anger and holds him to his face.


    Nitch blows dust into Wonderman's eyes, causing him to release Nitch and cover his eyes in pain.


    MCKNIGHT (VO) Wonderman have you left yet?

    Wonderman puts his watch to his lips again.

    WONDERMAN Yeah I'm off.

    Wonderman jumps into the air and begins to fly toward Darkwood Canyon.

    In the distance a Magaknight solider watches Wonderman through binoculars. As he sees Wonderman leaves he takes out a radio and calls Rapid.

    MAGAKNIGHT SOLDIER Sir, Wonderman has just left.

    RAPID (VO) Good stand by.



    Vince, Tyler and Bryan are patiently sitting in their cell waiting for whatever the Locus and Magaknights has planned for them.

    Tyler begins to laugh.

    TYLER Ha ha ha.

  • VINCE What's so funny Magaknight?

    TYLER I was just thinking. We came here to get out of prison. Well, so much for that.

    Vince begins to laugh along with him as well as Bryan.

    They all silence as they hear loud crashing coming from out of the prison walls. They all stand up and begin to look around following the noise with their eyes, the walls of the prison suddenly burst open with Wonderman standing on the other side. They all look at him in surprise.

    TYLER Show off.

    BRYAN Wonderman what are you doing here? You should be be protecting Wonderland.

    WONDERMAN Hey you were the one who sent a distress call.

    BRYAN No we haven't sent.

    VINCE Must, have been the Locus and Magaknights, trying to lore him out.

    BRYAN They must be planing their attack.

    WONDERMAN Both of them?

    BRYAN Just go you don't have much time!


    Wonderman flies off.

    BRYAN Damn I forgot to tell him about the device to take his powers away Come on let's go, we to make it back to Wonderland in time to warn them.


    As Wonderman races through the sky, brings his watch to lips and calls Mcknight.

    WONDERMAN Professor?

    MCKNIGHT (VO) Did you find them?

    WONDERMAN Yes, but we have bigger problems, both the Magaknights and Locus are on their way to attack Wonderland, but don't worry I should be back a minute.

    MCKNIGHT(VO) Okay.


    In the distance Rapid stands waiting by a mounted turret with two other Magaknights.

    MAGAKNIGHT SOLDIER Sir we have a lock on Wonderman. 

    RAPID Fire!


    As Wonderman gets closer to Wonderland he is suddenly hit by

  • a yellow beam of light that illuminated his body for a sec. He begins to feel dizzy and slowly descends.¬†

    WONDERMAN What's happening to me? What is this feeling in my head.

    He watches as the ground grows larger and larger until he hits it rolling land just outside of the main gate to Wonderland. Wonderman stands up holding his head, but his attention is taken by a huge shadow slowly covering the ground. He looks up and sees Magaknight ships heading entering the skies Wonderland.

    Wonderman jumps up and stretches his arms out but falls back to the ground. He tries it again and again but each time nothing happens.

    WONDERMAN Why can't I fly?

    Wonderman runs up to the gate and begins to push but it's too heavy to budge. The harder he pushes the more tired he becomes. He bents down and begins to catch his breath.

    Wonderman he holds out his palm and tries to fire a heat beam to melt the gate but nothing happens.

    WONDERMAN What's going on?

    He puts his watch to his lips.

    WONDERMAN Professor.


    WONDERMAN I can't use my powers.

    MCKNIGHT(VO) What do you mean?


  • Something happened, I was hit by some yellow beam, and now all of my powers are gone. I can't save Wonderland.

    MCKNIGHT(VO) Damn! Listen Wonderman, I want you go get out of here. I'm going to try to evacuate the city.

    WONDERMAN But I can't just leave.

    MCKNIGHT(VO) Look, without your powers you're useless, we'll find out how to restore them later, but we can't do that if you're dead.


    Wonderman lowers his watch, and puts his hands on his head. He then quickly takes off his mask and top part of his uniform then runs to the gate and begins to climb a ladder next to it.


    Max watches in a patient excitement ready to invade the beautiful city. His great army waits behind him for the word from their leader. Max turns toward them and begins to shout.



    The army cheers with excitement. Max turns and faces Wonderland. Then he gives a loud cry while throwing his right arm into the air,


    The army rushes towards the Wonderland.


    Mcknight Walks through the lab as the the other scientist scramble to destroy their equipment and computers. Aucoin walks up to him.

    AUCOIN Is it true, Wonderman isn't going to be able to help us.

    MCKNIGHT I'm afraid so, try to hold them off the best you can while we evacuate the people.

    Nitch flies in by Mcknight's side.

    NITCH You rang?


    Mcknight hands him a small cubed device.

    MCKNIGHT I want you to find Bryan and get