WOOF, WOOF to all Dogs of the Order, Shortly after I submitted my last article, PCDD George Barrows, our 50th Chief Devil Dog, passed away in January. I attended his wake and funeral in Jackson- ville, NC where he was remembered fondly by many members of the NC Pack who were in attendance also. PCDD Barrows was a community leader and was revered by all. He will be missed by those who were fortunate enough to know him. While on the east coast, I also had the privilege of attending the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball which was attended by more than forty Medal of Honor recipients. What an awesome and unforgettable experience! In February, I ran up to Peoria Heights, IL for a Grand Pound 1000 celebration of 50+ years of service to the Order by PDD Bob Whitledge. I was invited to attend by an old Boot Camp buddy, PDD Jack Ford, who is currently serving as their Sir Pound Keeper. Congratulations to PDD Whitledge on his many years of dedicated service. I also spent an afternoon calling Bingo at the Illinois Veterans’ Home in Quincy for my detachment. We had a productive and FUN time at the Mid-Winter Conference in March. The amendments to the Ritual were ap- proved by the Kennel Board of Trustees, and the updated document has been posted on the Kennel website. Thanks to Kennel Webmaster PCDD Leanna Dietrich and Kennel Smart Dog PDD Jeff (J. D.) Jones for their joint efforts. It was my honor and privilege to present checks to the Marine Corps Youth Foundation, the MODD Fleas, and Operation Little Angel in the amount of 1250 Big Bones each on behalf of the Order while in Fredericksburg. Although we were a bit short-pawed in the Dog House, the entire staff present stepped up to fill in for those unable to attend. I would like to offer special thanks to PDD Leonard Spicer, Senior Vice CDD, who spent many hours selling the Junior Vice Sweepstakes tickets while our Junior Vice CDD, PDD Hazlett, attended to his other duties as MCL Executive Director. PDD Ray Carrier, Kennel Operations Dog, and his Deputies, made sure that everything ran smoothly. Thanks to the Kennel Watch Dogs and Kennel Police Dogs, under the tutelage of PDDs Mike Lamb and Rod Hoffman, for ensuring that only those eligible to enter were so allowed and for collecting lots of Big Bones. Also, there is no more valuable member of the Kennel Staff than PDD Terry Hightower, our Kennel Koncierge, who made sure that signs were posted everywhere. I don’t think we had any lost Dogs, thanks to his efforts. My Kennel Aide-de-Kamp, PDD Tom Geise, again made sure that I had everything I needed and that I was in the right place at the right time. Kennel Lucky Dog PDD Evelyn Remines and her Deputies sold lots of raffle tickets as always. In addition, our Kennel Dog Trainer, PDD Bill Barta, provided outstanding spiritual guidance. Final- ly, the Past Chiefs in attendance were full of sage advice, which I, personally, very much appreciated. If I missed anyone, I apol- ogize. You are all essential personnel! The Mini-Growl was also a big success. I believe everyone had a FUN time. Once again, I enlisted the help of PDD Helen Hicks, PNC, with another “frenzy” of collecting bones. As I stated in the Growl before the challenge began, no Dogs were required to jump into the fray of donating. It was strictly voluntary; however, we had many Dogs lined up to dig deep to contribute lots of Big Bones to the Kennel “koffers.” I can assure you that they will be put to good use. PDD Tom Hazlett, Junior Vice CDD, introduced a “William Tell” game that kept everyone entertained and having FUN! As he always says, “Make it FUN, and they will come!” Thanks, Tom, for your efforts. On Monday following the conference, Major General Michael Regner, USMC (Retired), MCL Executive Director Tom Hazlett, and I attended a meeting with the USMC Trademark Attorneys at the Pentagon with regard to our MODD Trademark. In brief, our Trademark, when submitted several years ago, was approved erroneously. The Eagle, Globe, and Anchor emblem was already trademarked by the United States Marine Corps. It was a very congenial meeting with a successful outcome. It was agreed that the Military Order of the Devil Dogs may keep the Trademark as issued, minus the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor; how- ever, we have been granted permission to continue to use it. Enough said! (Cont. pg 3) WOOF~O~GRAM MILITARY ORDER OF THE DEVIL DOGS SPRING EDITION 2017 It s an HONOR to be a DEVIL DOG! A WHISTLING FROM THE 57 TH CHIEF DEVIL DOG

WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the

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Page 1: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the

WOOF, WOOF to all Dogs of the Order,

Shortly after I submitted my last article, PCDD George Barrows, our 50th Chief Devil Dog, passed away in January. I attended his wake and funeral in Jackson-ville, NC where he was remembered fondly by many members of the NC Pack who were in attendance also. PCDD Barrows was a community leader and was revered by all. He will be missed by those who were fortunate enough to know him. While on the east coast, I also had the privilege of attending the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball which was attended by more than forty Medal of Honor recipients. What an awesome and unforgettable experience!

In February, I ran up to Peoria Heights, IL for a Grand Pound 1000 celebration of 50+ years of service to the Order by PDD Bob Whitledge. I was invited to attend by an old Boot Camp buddy, PDD Jack Ford, who is currently serving as their Sir Pound Keeper. Congratulations to PDD Whitledge on his many years of dedicated service. I also spent an afternoon calling Bingo at the Illinois Veterans’ Home in Quincy for my detachment.

We had a productive and FUN time at the Mid-Winter Conference in March. The amendments to the Ritual were ap-proved by the Kennel Board of Trustees, and the updated document has been posted on the Kennel website. Thanks to Kennel Webmaster PCDD Leanna Dietrich and Kennel Smart Dog PDD Jeff (J. D.) Jones for their joint efforts. It was my honor and privilege to present checks to the Marine Corps Youth Foundation, the MODD Fleas, and Operation Little Angel in the amount of 1250 Big Bones each on behalf of the Order while in Fredericksburg. Although we were a bit short-pawed in the Dog House, the entire staff present stepped up to fill in for those unable to attend.

I would like to offer special thanks to PDD Leonard Spicer, Senior Vice CDD, who spent many hours selling the Junior Vice Sweepstakes tickets while our Junior Vice CDD, PDD Hazlett, attended to his other duties as MCL Executive Director. PDD Ray Carrier, Kennel Operations Dog, and his Deputies, made sure that everything ran smoothly. Thanks to the Kennel Watch Dogs and Kennel Police Dogs, under the tutelage of PDDs Mike Lamb and Rod Hoffman, for ensuring that only those eligible to enter were so allowed and for collecting lots of Big Bones. Also, there is no more valuable member of the Kennel Staff than PDD Terry Hightower, our Kennel Koncierge, who made sure that signs were posted everywhere. I don’t think we had any lost Dogs, thanks to his efforts. My Kennel Aide-de-Kamp, PDD Tom Geise, again made sure that I had everything I needed and that I was in the right place at the right time. Kennel Lucky Dog PDD Evelyn Remines and her Deputies sold lots of raffle tickets as always. In addition, our Kennel Dog Trainer, PDD Bill Barta, provided outstanding spiritual guidance. Final-ly, the Past Chiefs in attendance were full of sage advice, which I, personally, very much appreciated. If I missed anyone, I apol-ogize. You are all essential personnel!

The Mini-Growl was also a big success. I believe everyone had a FUN time. Once again, I enlisted the help of PDD Helen Hicks, PNC, with another “frenzy” of collecting bones. As I stated in the Growl before the challenge began, no Dogs were required to jump into the fray of donating. It was strictly voluntary; however, we had many Dogs lined up to dig deep to contribute lots of Big Bones to the Kennel “koffers.” I can assure you that they will be put to good use. PDD Tom Hazlett, Junior Vice CDD, introduced a “William Tell” game that kept everyone entertained and having FUN! As he always says, “Make it FUN, and they will come!” Thanks, Tom, for your efforts.

On Monday following the conference, Major General Michael Regner, USMC (Retired), MCL Executive Director Tom Hazlett, and I attended a meeting with the USMC Trademark Attorneys at the Pentagon with regard to our MODD Trademark. In brief, our Trademark, when submitted several years ago, was approved erroneously. The Eagle, Globe, and Anchor emblem was already trademarked by the United States Marine Corps. It was a very congenial meeting with a successful outcome. It was agreed that the Military Order of the Devil Dogs may keep the Trademark as issued, minus the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor; how-ever, we have been granted permission to continue to use it. Enough said! (Cont. pg 3)


S P R I NG E D I T ION 2 0 1 7

“ I t ’ s a n HONOR t o b e a D E V I L DO G ! ”


Page 2: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the

Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country;

I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking

forward to a Howling good time at the upcoming Supreme Growl which will be

held the 16th of August 2017 in Overland Park, Kansas. Since I am Barking about

a Growl; we had a great Mini-Growl in Fredericksburg, VA. in March during the

Mid-Winter Conference. For those of you Dogs who were astray in other areas,

we had a huge turnout with a lot of fun and many Big Bones were collected that

will go to the children in Overland Park.

I have always stated that if you keep it fun, they will come and the Mini-

Growl was no exception; the Chief sure knows how to add fun to a Growl and has

always made his Growls a great way to spend time together. Thank you all for

your generous contributions; it is unfortunate that we all cannot be a part of a hos-

pital visit when the Chief makes the contribution to them. The kids will put a tear

into any Dog, no matter how vicious you might be. It is indeed an honor and priv-

ilege to be a Dog.

I’ve noticed quite a few Red Collared Devil Dogs out there and I hope you

will all be in Overland Park to Obligate to PDD; it will be an event you will never

forget and it is important that we keep our PDD rank renewed with fresh members

who are hopefully filled with good ideas. We have so many MCL members out

there that would make great Dogs, seek them out and invite them to join our


I want to thank the Chief for attending the meeting with both General

Regner (who should be ready to join our ranks as a Pup) and along with me, we

visited Headquarters Marine Corps and met with the Trade-Mark Attorneys.

(cont. pg. 2)

Bone 2

Sr. Vice Chief Devil Dog thanks you for your support


Jr. Vice CDD has some bones to raise

Woof Woof Dogs of the Order,

Mid-Winter has come and gone. The Mini

Growl went well and the Conference had a great turn

out. The weather was unusual and great unlike what

the East Coast is going through now. Good luck keep

your paws and all other extremities from frost bite.

Hope everyone had a great time these past 3 months

and tons of fun. The numbers reflect that we

need to stay on task, continue to focus on recruitment/membership. PDD Joppa

inform us that there are 982 unpaid members and 211 new members. Let’s work

on this so we could be above 6,000 again.

Make sure all paperwork is submitted to the proper places, i.e. Incorporations 990;

Marine of the Year, Dog robber of the Year. Your all know who your motivated

Marines are that deserve that recognition. The deadline is June 30th.

(Cont. pg. 10)

Military Order of the

Devil Dogs, Inc.

Kennel Web Site:


Kennel E-mail: [email protected]


April, May, June


Sr. Vice CDD & Jr. Vice CDD 2

57th CDD cont. 3

Mad Dog 4

Police Dog & Jr VCDD cont. 5

Executive Director 6

New England 7 & 9

North West 8

Barking Dog 9

Sr. VCDD cont. & Operations Dog 10

Central & Rocky Mtn 11

South East & Lucky Dog 12

South West 13

Dog Robber & Mid Winter notes 14-15

Southern 16

Jr. Past CDD 17

Smart Dog 18

Delinquent Pounds & Packs 19 & 21

Veterinarian 20

Proposed Bylaw Amendments 24-27

North East 26/27

Quartermaster List 28-31

The Devil Dog’s Creed 32

Bonus Bones in this Edition:

~ PCDD Barrows Memorial~

Pages 22 & 23






Page 3: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the


Photo below finds Pound 1000.

Members in attendance at celebration of PDD Bob Whitledge’s 50+ years of service to the Order (seated)

(Chief cont. from cover pg.) Moving on, I just returned home from my own Central Division Conference in Richmond, IN where National Commandant Richard Gore was the Keynote Speaker. The 45th Chief Devil Dog, PCDD Bill Taylor, was also onboard as an honored guest. Thank you to PDD Ann Hunsinger, Dept. of IN Commandant, for hosting a FUN weekend and for the outstanding hospitality of the Whitewater Valley Detachment and Auxiliary Unit. The IN Pack ran a FUN growl where I had the honor of elevating several Pups to Devil Dog. Congratulations to PDD Al Pierson, MI Pack, for being selected as the 2017 Central Division Marine of the Year. I’ll report on upcoming romps to Department Conventions in WI, ID, MD, IL, MO, and OR in the next edition.

If you plan to advance at the Supreme Growl in Overland Park, KS, get your applications submitted to your respective Pack Dog Robbers ASAP. Applications must be in the paws of the Kennel Dog Robber no later than 01 July 2017...NO EXCEPTIONS! Bring a copy of your paperwork with you.

We have several members of the Kennel Staff with medical issues. Please keep them in your prayers.

Remember to keep me in the loop. It is truly an HONOR to be a DEVIL DOG!

Semper Woof,

C.O. Smith

CDD C.O. Smith, 57th Chief Devil Dog

[email protected] 217-245-8918 (home) 217-473-1160 (cell)

“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog!”

~Archie Griffin, Cincinnati Bengals

Page 4: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the

Despite a temperature of 16 degrees on my outdoor thermometer this morning, I see on the calendar that we

are less than a week away from the first day of Spring, March 20th. That means those of you thinking about advancing

at the 78th Supreme Growl in Overland Park, Kansas this August have just over 100 days to let your Pound Dog Rob-

ber know, so they can fill out your advancement paperwork, have you sign it and send it on to the Worthy Pack Dog

Robber, (in States with a Pack), for their paw print and forwarding to the Honorable Kennel Dog Robber to arrive by

the July 1st deadline. The Pound Dog Robber should give you a copy to carry to Overland Park too.

While barking about the APPLICATION FOR DEGREE ADVANCEMENT, (try the new online version, it

is pretty slick), I would like to remind all Pound and Pack Dog Robbers, as well as, those Dogs planning to advance at

the Supreme Growl that you now have a way to check and see if your paperwork has been received and processed by

the Kennel Dog Robber. As I barked in the December WOG, the new “Supreme Growl Advancements” tool is up

and running at www.moddkennel.org and may be accessed by placing your cursor over “GROWL INFO” and then

selecting “Supreme Growl Advancements”. There you will see a scrolling screen with the names of Dogs whose paper

work has been processed for this year’s Supreme Growl. Names should normally post within a week of receipt by the

Kennel Dog Robber, possibly sooner as the July 1st deadline nears. Of course, the wise Dog will get with their Pound

Dog Robber well ahead of the deadline to allow plenty of time to take care of potential problems, I’m sure you recall

Murphy, SNAFU, FUBAR, etc., all of which seem more prevalent as deadlines near. If after a week your name does

not appear in the online list, you should ask your Pound Dog Robber to check the status of your advancement paper-

work prior to making the trip to Overland Park expecting to advance there.

Some final advice for Dogs traveling to Kansas for advancement, remember what Glinda told Dorothy, “Just

close your eyes and tap your paws together three times. And think to yourself, there’s no Dog like a Pedigreed Devil

Dog, there’s no Dog like a Pedigreed Devil Dog, there’s no Dog like a Pedigreed Devil Dog.” Hey, I’m not saying it

will help, but, Glinda was a good witch so what could it hurt, right. Ahh, so little time and so many Toto’s; Dog Han-

dlers and Station Monitors, I think you’re going to have your paws full this year, but, I am sure you are up to the chal-


Barking of Dog Handler’s, any PDD’s that feel up to the challenge and would like a rewarding experience, you

might consider making a positive contribution by being a Dog Handler, Assistant Handler or Station Monitor. Submit

your name, contact info, your interest and any questions to me at [email protected] and as we get into June I

will request further info from you.

Semper Latratus!

PDD Alan Sanning

Kennel Mad Dog

[email protected]

Bone 4

Mad Dog wants you to plan ahead


Page 5: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the


(cont. from pg. 2) We made a great stride forward on our use of the EGA in our emblem and hopefully the Chief will

brief us up on the progress and what we will need to do to put this issue behind us.

Keep growing your Pounds and Packs; remember to make your Growls fun to attend. The only thing worse than a

boring Growl is to not have one at all. Keep it fun, they will come! Please also remember to purchase your Sweepstakes

tickets to help support the Kennel; if you cannot find them in your Woof-O-Gram or in the Semper Fi Magazine, I will

gladly send them to you if you contact me or you can support us at the 2017 National Convention. Thank you, Evie, our

Lucky Dog and her Staff for the great job at the Mini-Growl selling raffle tickets. We will have a very special prize for the

Chief’s Raffle at the Supreme Growl

Please remember our Dogs who are sick or in distress; see if you can lend a paw to help them along to recovery.

Also, keep our Troops who are deployed in your thoughts and prayers, especially those in Harm’s Way; and pray that they

return home safely to their families and loved ones.

As I announced at the Mini-Growl, I am seeking office as your Senior Vice Chief

Devil Dog and would greatly appreciate your support!

Semper Woof!



Woof Woof!

A few weeks ago, I returned home from this year’s National Mid-Winter Conference in Fredericksburg, VA.

Once again, our Chief was on his game helping to create an atmosphere of fun and revelry while we collected copi-

ous amounts of bones.

As we prepare for our respective Grand Growls, please be mindful of those who passed to the Big Kennel in the

Sky; I know my Pack lost PDD and PDC Allan Pomeroy as well as one of our Detachment

Charter members and a fellow Devil Dog, PDD Paul Yaukey.

I would like to congratulate Chief Smith on another outstanding Growl and thank all Dogs

present for generously giving up their bones.

Special thanks and a scratch behind the ears for my “Deputy Dog”, PDD David Miller for

doing a fine job!

See you in Overland Park!

PDD Rod Hoffman

Kennel Police Dog

Police Dog plans to be very busy collecting fines in Kansas

Jr. Vice CDD continued...

Page 6: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the

Woof Woof all you Karniverous Kanines;

For some of you, this is an important year. You have made the decision to advance in your Degree to Pedigreed

Devil Dog. This is the most important step in your membership, as it is the last step in advancement. By doing this, you

may be surprised to realize that now you will become a mentor as well as a student of the Order.

You will become a mentor of those who follow you, the existing Devil Dogs and Pups you come in contact with,

and also to the new Pups who become members later. Your attitude and demeanor not only at growls, but in general, will

help mold those in lower degrees to learn about the Order and to make things fun. To help your Pound and Pack grow

and flourish. To bring a positive attitude with you in all you say and do.

You also continue as a student in the Order, learning its’ history, the various functions and Officer responsibili-

ties, how a growl is conducted, and our main objective of raising funds to donate to children’s hospitals around the coun-

try, which not only is our annual donation during the National Convention, but also is done at the Pack and Pound levels.

Your final initiation and obligation, held at the National Convention site, should be the most enjoyable one you

have ever participated in. The Kennel Mad Dog, his deputies and the Platoon Handlers have events planned from Sunday

through Tuesday to teach you many of the items listed above, to work as a team, to enjoy the camaraderie all Marines are

known for, to ensure that you return to your Pack and Pound ready to be a mentor to all dogs who follow you in the Or-

der. Come to the National Convention with a spirit of fun. Come Early! Register as soon as you can, because if you delay

your registration even a day you will miss important events and, in my opinion, ‘cheapen’ your enjoyment of the advance-


Make sure you complete your advancement form, and that your Pack Dog Robber gets it mailed in to the Kennel

prior to 1JUL. You can actually do this step right now. Don’t wait until the last minute, and be sure it gets done. I can tell

you from prior experience that the late ones will have to meet with the Chief Devil Dog to determine why the paperwork

was late. And that is not a good thing. Keep a copy of your completed advancement form, with all appropriate signatures,

on your person and bring it to the Convention, just in case there was a glitch with the Postal service and the paperwork

was either not received or on time for the deadline.

When you get to the Convention, register with the Marine Corps League National Convention Credentials Com-

mittee, which open at 1400 on Sunday, first. This means you need to make sure your Detachment pre-registers you for the

Convention as a Delegate, Alternate, or Member. Do this as soon as your Detachment gets the National Convention Cre-

dentials form. If you do not pre-register, you can expect to have to wait 24 hours for that committee to receive and pro-

cess the form, and also means you will probably need to find your Detachment Commandant and Paymaster as well as

possibly your Department Commandant and Paymaster to verify your status and registration with your Detachment. This

all spells out one word – delay – in processing your

credentials. Once you have your MCL credentials in

hand you will be able to complete your registration

with the Order and your initiation.

Bottom line – get the paperwork in as soon as you

can and prepare to have fun. See you in Overland



49th CDD Doug Fisk

Kennel Executive Director


Kennel Executive Director has something to share

Page 7: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the


Many Barkings from the New England Division

At the beginning of December I traveled to Massachusetts to join with members

of Pound 64 dogs in a growl and to join with the dogs in preparing for the holiday sea-

son. Scratching were read from the previous growl and approved by the 10 dogs present.

There were no reports presented. Two Pups were presented to become members of the

pound. One of the new Pups was a Korean War veteran.

A 92 year old widow requested help from someone to get her house ready for

the winter by getting the storm windows installed. Some Devil Dogs from Pound 159 in

NH got this job done for her. Its tasks like this done by various pounds throughout New

England that make me proud to be associated with the dogs. During the past quarter I

was proud to represent the dogs at a number of Eagle Scout Ceremonies. Thanks to the

New England Vice Commandant, and the NH Department Commandant I was able to

attend the Semper Fi USMC luncheon representing the dogs. There were over 2000 Ma-

rines at this function which is held in Boston. A great deal of support throughout the past few months has been given by

dogs to the Toy for Tots campaign. I personally was able to place over 70 boxes in the area in which I live. Another Marine

and I participated in school programs in support of Toys for Tots that resulted in the collection of 6000 toys. I have visited

veterans at the veterans home in NH and have been informed that other New England dogs also visit hospitalized vets

which I strongly encourage all dogs to continue to do as often as possible. One of the other programs I participated in was a

project to send to send Christmas packages to troops overseas.

In December I attended a growl of Pound 62 and unfortunately just because I’m from NH was fined for anything

that Pound Keeper PDD Larry Rice could think of. I had to skip eating out for a few weeks to recover financially. As I at-

tend various Pounds and Packs in New England under the good of the league the importance it is to have all of the dogs pay

their dues on time. Dues notice should be sent out in June, follow up during July, and make sure the dues are all sent in to

the Kennel Dog Robber by 1 September

On January 29 I attended the MA Pack growl. There were 19 dogs in attendance. The growl started 25 minutes late

and the dogs in attendance started howling about the late start so the Pack Leader fined himself. I introduced myself but not

to the quality level that the Pack Leader thought I should of and I was fined. PDD Bob White was fined a number of times

for being a squealer. A question arose about the mental ability of the dogs present so the Pack Leader PDD Manna fined all

dogs present for being mentally incompetent. Under the good of the order the importance of Membership and the need to

continually focus on recruiting. Noted was the current membership vs 5 years ago, how there has been a decline of 59 mem-

bers but during that last year they stopped the losing members and in fact had an increase of members. I also discussed the

importance of making sure the yearly dues are in the hands of the Kennel Dog Robber by 1 September.

Unfortunately as of 31 December 31% of the dogs that pay their dues annually have failed to do so. Suggested that

all Pounds start collecting the dues for the coming year in June so they can follow up in July and make sure the dues have

been submitted during early August at the latest. All Pounds need to make sure that they hold their election for the coming

year before the first of November allowing an installation report to be submitted before 1 December. The bylaws state the

roster should be received by Kennel 45 days after the end of the Supreme Growl each year. And a document of increasing

importance is the filing of the 990n form with the IRS. The IRS is becoming increasingly strict about this filing and in fact a

couple of non-profit organizations that I know of are currently in litigation because they filed to fine, a local American Le-

gion Post has been fined $2,500. MAKE SURE YOUR POUND/PACK FILES. (Cont. pg. 9)

Page 8: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the


North West Division…12th Dog in the Kennel

Just returned from the Mid Winter Convention in Virginia. There are changes on the

horizon for the Oath for all levels. Rituals will be edited in the future more on this as it

becomes available.

North West Division dogs have been busy this quarter. Idaho has reinstated the

Treasure Valley 270 Pound after it had disbanded in 2006. This took a lot of effort from

the Idaho Dogs and especially Walt Modler.

Oregon sent me a report and they have many several new Dogs they are joining

with some already joined and others in the works. I will be attending the Idaho, Mon-

tana, and Washington Conventions this year in May and June looking forward to seeing

all the Dogs in these areas.

We all need to review our records and make sure that our ROI's, Secretary of

State, and 990's are complete and up to date. If you do not have

them up to date you need to get working on these items immedi-


Have a great spring as soon as all the snow melts.

Semper Woof

PDD Bonnie Holden


Photos clockwise from left: Pound 270, Treasure Valley, Idaho sets its course with a reinstated charter by PDD Bonnie Holden, NWD VCDD. Many hours of hard work by DD Walt Modler to make this happen (again). They have some new pups and old Dogs to move forward. WOOF WOOF!

Page 9: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the

Bone 9

Woofings to all Dogs of the Kennel!

I certainly understand that all dogs are busy, busy, busy and even busier with their

lives outside of the Pound, Pack, Kennel and the MCL. Yet, let’s not forget the reason we are

apart of these great organizations...WE ARE MARINES, CORPSMEN and CHAPLAINS! IT



With that being said, quite of few of us need to pull up our big dog britches/panties

and get to work on the task at hand. It doesn’t matter if you are a Pup, Devil Dog or PDD,

we all have the same Bylaws. They are readily available online and in your Pound.

I challenge all dogs to become their own best resource to answering questions about

the rules of the Order and its many policies. The Bylaws are written so that any dog can

read them. The Ritual Manual is just as organized. Far to often I hear questions/complaints

about not knowing what’s going on or what’s expected of me.

Everyone was given a Passport and Ritual handbook in their Pup kit. These are some

great resources for just that purpose. I know, “but I don’t want to ask a stupid question.”

And to that I say, “the only stupid question is the one that goes unasked.”

We are here to have fun with our brother and sister dogs.

Let’s do that! But let’s also make sure the paperwork gets done in a

proper and timely manner. That is all! Carry on! PDD OTTER

NE Barkings continued...


Barking Dog appreciates your input & assistance

(Cont. from pg. 7) I attended the mid-winter growl in Fredericksburg VA this year and would encourage everyone in

the future to attend as it is a fun time and a great time to meet other dogs and learn more about the dogs. The location was

great in Fredericksburg for not only the growl but at a location where there were numerous restaurants and shops for your

spouses. Be assured that you attend next mid-winter growl.

Last week I attended the CT Pack growl conducted by Worthy Pack Leader PDD Jack Savage. There were 14 dogs

present. I unfortunately forgot my vest and my passport was in the vest so I was fined a number of bones. It was 180 miles

to drive back and I surely wasn’t going to do that so I was fined once again. Nearly all of the dogs were fined for mum-

bling the Devil Dog’s Greed. I was put under so much pressure that I forgot my name and was fined again. Luckily, my

wife drove me from New Hampshire to Connecticut and home again or I wouldn’t have the

funds to get home after all of the fines.


Vice Chief Devil Dog

New England Division

Please put the following date in your calendar as the next WOG deadline:


Page 10: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the

Sr. VCDD finishes his barking


The Operations Dog

Greetings Dogs in Kennel Land.

Any of you planning to advance in Overland Park in August, please get your applications started with your Pound

and Pack Dog Robbers. Be sure to carry a copy with you to convention, “just in case”. One more note. Registrations for

Advancement close at end-of-day Monday (1700). Late arrivals will face the Chief. You better have an excellent excuse,

with documentation.

This applies to all Dogs At convention, you MUST register with the League first. You cannot register with the

Dogs until you first register with the League. And don’t forget your passport, Dog tag, ID cards, cover, and six bones,

exactly. That being barked, your processing will be a piece of cake, a fun experience. Have a Good Time.


PDD Ray Carrier, Kennel Operations Dog

(cont. from pg. 2)

Continue to recruit, retain and help all Marines. The target Cpls and Captains, not the rank but the age group, average

25-26 years. It should be 50/50. 50% above 50, with 50 under 50. This is the MCL Sr. Vice Commandant’s goal and we

should tap into this.

To wrap it up at Mid-Winter I declared that I, PDD Leonard Spicer, your Sr. Vice Chief Devil Dog, would be

running for the office of the 58th Chief and I would like your support, also the Dog to your left and right Woof Woof.

See you in Overland park if not sooner. Turn those sweepstakes tickets in and review the By-Laws.

It is an honor to serve, Semper Fi

Woof Woof, PDD Leonard Spicer,

Sr. Vice Chief Devil Dog,

247 S. Union Ave,

Jackson, MO 63755,

[email protected].

Left: WOOF WOOF! Says the Chief at the Central Division Conference. Right: Quartermaster, PDD Wendy Zamora, 57th Chief, and Deputy Kennel Veterinarian and Dept. of IN Commandant PDD Annie Hunsinger

Page 11: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the


Rocky Mountain Division…Let the games begin

Central Division Dogs are trying to stay warm & dry

Woof, Woof Rocky Mountain Division;

Having just returned from the Mid-Winter Conference, what enjoyable time was had by all that were present. The

Honorable Chief Devil Dog along with PDD Helen Hicks once again had the Growl and Dogs present into a fun and great

time. With their attitudes on Fun and Kids they were able to round up 1400 Big Bones. The Kennel Dog Robber has

posted information with the Woof Gram as well as I have sent each Worthy Pack Leader this information to pass along. In

this there is data about each Pack / Pound - Installation, EIN / 990, Pass Port Fees. Each Pack / Pound Dog Robber

must ensure this information is up to date (This is an yearly task). Once an Installation takes place ensure a copy is sent to

Pack / Division VCDD and Kennel. This also applies to the Pack / Pound 990. Each and every Pack / Pound should be

holding 4 Growls per year. I recommend that the Dog Robbers not sit on those Pass Port Fees. As soon as a Growl is

over send them in, this way the Dog Robber gets those Bones to the Kennel and recorded. So many have failed to send

any Pass Port Fees in to this date. I like to remind all that the Honorable Chief has once again challenged each

Pack / Pound to collect 1 Big bone for each Dog with their miss, and to remember the Devil Dogs are about fun and

kids. The Maryland Pack has also challenged the rest of the Packs / Pounds to give more and

take the award away from them. Also I like to remind all that the Kennel is less then 10% of the

Marine Corps League. Why? I ask all Devil Dogs to be on the look out for new Dogs and help

their Pounds grow. I like to Thank all the Devil Dogs of the Rocky Mountain Division. If there

is any question I can answer or any assistance I can provide you let me know. I welcome any and

all questions. Woof, Woof.

PDD Tom Krueger

VCDD / RMD 303-915-1602 [email protected]

Woof Woof from Central Division,

First I'm sorry, due to family obligations, to have missed Mid-Winter.

I hope all the dogs of the realm are well. I'm sure many of you have big things in the works for the coming months. We

are now looking forward to upgrades at Convention in Overland Park, KS. Remember to get your paper work in early if

you think there is a possibility of going to upgrade to PDD.

Congratulations to PDD Robert Whitledge of Pound 1000, Illinois Pack on 50 years as a faithful

and involved Dog. I had the pleasure, along the 57th Chief and Illinois Pack Leader PDD Greg

Baker, of attending a nice ceremony honoring him.

By the time this is printed, Central Division Conference will be history. I hope it was a good time

for all. Now we can all gear up for our Department Conventions and Grand Growls.

I can be reached at : [email protected] OR (815)252-4769

Semper Woof

PDD Dale Munson

Central Division VCDD

Page 12: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the

Mid-Winter Conference in Fredericksburg, VA was cold but full of good information. Honorable Dog Robber

PDD Steve Joppa has done an excellent job getting information out about installation reports and EIN/990 numbers and

filings. That will continue to be the focus for this year. There are certain penalties and circumstances attached for not get-

ting an EIN and update your filings with a 990.

First; If you are not operating as a 501C-4 organization, you are not part of the Marine Corps League or Military

Order of Devil Dogs! This is a must! Not optional. You are not covered under the blanket MCL IRS group and you are

not covered by the MCL insurance policy and Bonds. You are personally vulnerable to law suits and liability claims! If you

are not operating as a 501C-4 organization, you need to contact the IRS and file form 1024 to ask for permission to oper-

ate as a 501C-4.

Second; If you do not have an EIN number, operating as a 501C-4 organization AND up to date on your 990

filings with the IRS, you are in danger of losing your Charter. This is very serious business guys and gals. We have to com-

ply with the Federal Law, State Laws and the IRS regulations to operate. If you are not up to date on ALL of the items

above, you are subject to liability claims personally and may lose your Charter.

If you need help determining whether you are in compliance, call or e-mail me anytime and I will do what I

can to get you up to date. But, get busy on this issue now before it’s too late. On a lighter note; we are hosting the S.E.

Division 2017 Conference in Mobile 30 March through 1 April. There will be a Alabama Pack Growl with all S.E. Divi-

sion Devil Dogs participating. All Dogs are welcome. Come prepared to help support our initiative of helping Children

through our passport stamps. You can receive a Alabama Pack Stamp and a Southeast Division Vice Chief Stamp. All

stamp bones will be sent to Kennel for application to the fund for Children. Chief C.O. Smith has challenged all Packs

and Pounds to collect extra bones this year to push the donation over $30,000 at the National Convention in Overland

Park Kansas.

Keep up the good work on sending the installation reports in and lets all get compliant so we can continue to

have fun and support our cause.

Woof Woof

PDD A.B. Grantham, Vice Chief Devil Dog, Southeast Division

South East Division can’t wait to see you in Kansas 2017


Kennel Lucky Dog wants you to buy tickets and WIN!!!

Woof! Woof!

Winter is being very resistant in leaving us in the Mid East! I may have to go out and

do a “Hurry Up Spring” dance soon! I hope wherever you are, your paws are warm and

toasty! If you made it to the Mid Winter Conference, I hope you had a great time! It was a

record attendance and the growl was especially rambunctious! I think all the dogs had a great

time and hope that we can have as much fun at the National Convention in Kansas City.

Remember to buy your sweepstakes tickets from Jr. Vice Chief Devil Dog PDD Tom Hazlett. If he isn’t available,

I’m always here to get his back and help you out. I will have those tickets as well as other special raffles & challenge coins at

the National Convention, so be sure to find me! You can’t win if you don’t play!!

I look forward to seeing you in Kansas City! Make sure your Devil Dogs moving up to Pedigree gets their paper-

work filed with your Dog Robbers on time or PDD Joppa will be snapping at them!!

Respectively yours, PDD Evie Remines Kennel Lucky Dog

Page 13: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the



This old cur has been digging through all the mud around looking for bones and scraps

to munch on since my bone locker was invaded and emptied out at the Midwinter Mini Growl.

Really got nailed this time! Had to go into my deepest stash to survive California Pack’s Special

Growl at the Dept of CA’s Spring Conference in Clovis (where in hell is Clovis?) Had a great

time, though! Hope I can scrape up some more by the time I get to Nevada Pack’s Grand

Growl in Carson City in May.

At the Midwinter Staff Growl the Trustees voted to eliminate the phrase in the oath

taken by new PUPS about “never revealing by word, act or deed…the ceremonies and rituals of the Order” because nu-

merous pictures of the initiation and torturous procedures suffered by the poor applicants to the degree of Pedigree have

been repeatedly published in social media and in the “Semper Fi”. Oh, well, why take an oath if you can’t adhere to it. It’s

a new day!

It seems some of the Pounds have been having difficulty with the IRS requirements of filing 990’s annually. Also

some are not regularly having growls. That’s unsat! If you’re in that category let the Pack Leader know. The Pack Leader

and Division Vice Chief may be able to help. If they can’t you may as well surrender your charter and transfer to another

Pound or become a stray because if you lose your non-profit status it will cost a fortune to regain it, and that’s not good.

Don’t forget, recruiting is good, but not all MC Leaguers can become Devil Dogs. (Cont. pg. )

(Cont. from pg. 13) They have to be recommended by their Detachment Commandant and have to be active in the De-

tachment. The few, the proud is a motto that really applies to become a member of the fun & honor society. See y’all in

Kansas in August.

Stay well and happy!

PDD Bob Villalobos 00-228 SWDVCDD

South West is soaking up the winter sun


Left Photo: (L to R) Deputy Kennel Police Dog and Bylaws Committee member PDD Ron Burns, CDD C.O. Smith, IL

Pack Dog Robber PDD Mike Malmstrom, Kennel Budget Committee member and Dept. of IL Commandant PDD Greg

Baker, PDD Joe Pollack, Deputy Kennel Watch Dog PDD Randy Weber

Right Photo: Grand Pound 1000 Sir Pound Keeper PDD Jack Ford and CDD C.O. Smith.

Page 14: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the



8617 Knob Hill Ct. New Port Richey, FL 34653

[email protected] (727) 372-9358

It is that time of year again when anyone wishing to advance to PDD at the Supreme Growl in Overland

Park needs to get their request to me. They must be in my hands prior to July 1. If the Advancement papers are

not in on time you may be denied the opportunity to go through initiation and be obligated as a PDD. Please re-

member that the Pack Dog Robber must sign the request for advancement and that a copy should be kept by the

Pack, Pound and by the individual Dog. Please bring your copy of the request with you as insurance against any-

thing going wrong. Please remember that the bylaws have changed. You must be in attendance by 5:00 PM on

Monday. You may check to make sure I have received the form on the Kennel web site.

Passport funds continue to arrive with many more Pounds contributing. However there are still way too

many Pounds and Packs that have not sent in their bones. Pounds and Packs are required by the bylaws to hold

at least 4 Growls per year. If you are holding the required Growls then the fee for stamping the passports should

be sent in. The children’s hospital in Kansas will be very grateful for your contribution.

I continue to receive Installation Reports with dates other than Sept through Nov. The bylaws state

that Pound elections are to be held within that time period. We are not the same as the League. All Packs and

Pounds should be incorporated in order to protect themselves and to allow them to legally collect donations.

Each should also have a EIN number from the IRS and be filing 990 forms annually. Send the information to the

Kennel Dog Robber. If you do not file your taxes the IRS will revoke your tax exempt status. Trust me, you do not

want to go through the hassle of all the paperwork and time to get re-established as a tax-exempt organization.

There is a new version of the Installation Report on the Kennel web site and new hard copy forms will be availa-

ble shortly. Please use them.

Many members have still not renewed their membership for 2017. Dog Robbers: Please follow up on

this and get them paid!

At Mid-Winter the Board of Trustees made some changes to the ritual. Please download a copy from

the web site and use it at future growls. Three major awards are presented at the Supreme Growl, Kennel Dog

of the Year, Kennel Pound Dog Robber of the year and Kennel Pack Dog Robber of the year. Nominations have

been pitiful! If you have a Dog that you think is worthy of this honor please take the time to make the submis-

sion. Follow instructions in the bylaws and get them to me prior to July 20.

Up to date manuals are available on the internet web site. Please make

sure you are using current versions of the Bylaws, Dog Robber manual Ritual and


Page 15: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the


Mid-Winter Mini Growl March 3, 2017

The growl was opened at 2000 by Chief Smith with the usual ceremony.

The charter was draped by the Kennel Dog Trainer in honor of PCDD Barrows and all others we have lost this year.

The Deputy Executive Director called the roll with all present or accounted for.

Dignitaries on board included PCDD Taylor, PCDD Garland, PCDD Dietrich, PCDD English, and HPCDD Severn.

Dogs of the Year: HPCDD Severn, CDD Smith, PCDD Dietrich, PDD Hazlett, PDD Terry, PDD McLain and PDD

Remines. PNC on board PDD Hicks.

The scratchings of the Supreme Growl were published in the WOG. PDD Villalobos moved to accept and 2nd by PCDD

Garland, passed.

Sickness and distress: PCDD Williams has ongoing health issues. PCDD Gallagher’s wife passed away and PDD Sanning is

having health problems. PDD Sheila Clifton had both knees replaced and now has broken her hip. PDD Pugliese’s wife

lost one leg and now is going to lose the other.

Reports: All reports received are attached at the back.

Old Business:

The Dog Robber manual and Handbook have been revised and are posted on the Kennel website. Please use the new edi-

tions. The Board passed the proposed changes to the Ritual at the staff growl. The revised ritual will be posted to the web

site as soon as possible.

New Business:

Proposed amendments to the bylaws must be to the Smart Dog no later than March 15!

New charters have been issued to:

Pioneer PD 373 OH Pack Lyle Gillette PD 374 MT Pack

Surprise Devil Dogs PD 375 AZ Pack Jack Lucas PD 376 MS no Pack

Treasure Valley PD 270 ID Pack (reinstated) Salty Swamp Dogs PD 299 (name change only)

For advancement at the Supreme Growl you must get your papers to the Kennel Dog Robber before July 1. A list of those

received is posted on the Kennel web site. There will be no exceptions for missing the deadline.


Jr. Past Chief: CDD Smith

Chief: PDD Spicer

Sr. Vice: PDD Hazlett

Chief: PDD Jones

Jr. Vice: PDD Sanning let it be known he is interested, he was ab-


Smart Dog: PDD Kruger

Police Dog: PDD Hoffman

The growl was closed with the usual ceremony.

Respectfully submitted

Stephen Joppa

Kennel Dog Robber

A preview of the 100th Anniversary Patch/Coin

being worked on by HCDD Jack Severn

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Page 17: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the


Jr PCDD has a lot on her plate

Woof Woof Dogs of the Order, The updated forms are POSTED. Many thanks to the dogs who reported discrepancies with the forms; the feedback was greatly appreciated. At this time all forms appear to be working properly. The proposed bylaws changes to be considered at the 2017 Supreme Growl have a link on the Publications page and the Supreme Growl page. We have also posted the UPDATE Ritual on the Publications page. We are working on some new pages; one will go live on 16 August 2017. None of these updates would have been possible without TEAMwork. Enjoy your Grand Growls!!!!! Woof Woof, PCDD Leanna L. Dietrich Kennel Webmaster The 56th Chief Devil Dog

Right: Check presentation of 1250 Big Bones by CDD C.O. Smith to Madam Big Flea Rogene Hackbarth at Mid-Winter. Left: Check presentation by CDD C.O. Smith to Marine Corps League Auxiliary President Karen Aune of 1250 Big Bones for Operation Little Angel at Mid-Winter.

Page 18: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the

Woof Woof Devil Dogs,

I have been staying busy since the Supreme Growl in Tulsa,

Oklahoma. As I continue to answer all types of Bylaw questions

from Dogs around the Kennel, I find there have been many ques-

tions regarding whether the posting of activities during our Growls

is considered contrary to MODD Bylaws. (i.e. social media)

I personally feel that what we are currently doing is in con-

tradiction to our Bylaws and Rituals. With guidance from the Past

Chiefs and other Kennel officers, some minor adjustments to the

Ritual Foreword & Oath of Obligation have been submitted and

approved by the Kennel Board of Trustees.

I attended the Modern Day Marine in Quantico, Va. And was

privileged to see the weapons of tomorrow, today. Craig Reeling, VCDD Mid-East and I had the

honor and privilege to advance a WWII Marine to the degree of Pedigree Devil Dog. I have at-

tended 7 Pound Growls, from 6 different Pounds, 1 Pack Growl and installed 3 slates of Pound


Over Thanksgiving weekend I, along with PDD Rick Thomason (Pound 210) & DD Steve

Tracy (Pound 370), had the honor to build a handicapped ramp for PCDD George Barrows’ dog

house. George’s declining health had confined him to a wheelchair or bed for much of his day.

Intent was to allow ease of access to his house and some degree of exercise.

January 13th, 2017, the 50th Chief Devil Dog, PCDD George M. Barrows Sr., received his

Permanent Change of Duty Station and is now guarding (Or telling the Marines there how to

guard) the Supreme Commandants residence. I attended the funeral with 4 other Kennel Offic-

ers: Chief Devil Dog C.O. Smith, Deputy Kennel Police Dog PDD Rick Thomason, Kennel

Concierge PDD Terry Hightower, & Kennel Auctioneer PDD Charles Minton, & 50 Dogs from the

NC Pack.

At the culmination of the Mid-Winter Mini Kennel Growl I announced my intention to run

for CHIEF DEVIL DOG of the Order. I would appreciate your support, your vote and your in-

put as I lead the Order into the Future.

Semper Fi,

PDD J.D. Jones 09-019

Honorable Kennel Smart Dog

6300 US Hwy 264 Alt W

Sims, NC 27880-9300

(252) 205-6506

[email protected]

Smart Dog shares a story of Hope & Goodwill


Page 19: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the


Delinquent Pound/Pack Report

Woof Woof Dogs of the Order, According to the Kennel Bylaws, all Pounds and Packs will be listed in the Spring Woof~O~Gram if they are in a delinquent status. This means you are doing something wrong! You must fix it! Or face to consequences of having your charter suspended. A. A Pound/Pack shall be in Default if: 1. It is indebted to either Kennel or its Pack. 2. It does not have a valid Installation Report on file with Kennel by 30 June. B. No Dog of a defaulted Pound may serve as a Kennel or Pack Officer. C. Notification of any Pound without an Installation Report must appear in the Spring Edition of the WOOF-O-GRAM. Suspension C. The Charter of any Pound/Pack may be suspended for any period not ex-ceeding ninety days for violation of the Laws of the Order or the violation or refusal to carry out the lawful orders of superior authority or for conduct or actions detrimental to the best interests of the Order, or for violation of the laws of the state in which it is located, or the laws of the United States. With that being said, the following list of all Pounds/Packs are delinquent in their duties to the Kennel: Central: 012 1000 226 285 341 359 006 138 174 156 164 241 282 373 014 044 IL PACK, MI PACK, WI PACK, KY PACK, OH PAK Mid East: 204 302 344 143 210 319 127 139 247 NC PACK, VA PACK Mid West: 122 186 217 094 280 110 239 330 252 289 334 IA PACK, KS PACK, MN PACK, SD PACK North East: 096 227 366 011 037 069 113 120 134 137 140 149 283 368 019 020 022 031 109 132 133 169 275 NJ PACK, NY PACK

Page 20: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the

Kennel Veterinarian Howls


It’s snowing outside and most old dogs are staying inside keeping their paws dry and chowing down on their favor-

ite biscuits. Most of us do not have much fur on top of our heads to keep our ears and scalp warm and need to wear

something to fight off that coldness. It won’t be too long until our Supreme Growl in Overland Park, Kansas so it’s time

to get focused and get your gear in one sock.

Any dog who needs medicine for any reason needs to ensure they bring those pills with them and take that medi-

cine daily. In addition, if you use a cane or other device to assist you with walking be sure to pack it too. Those with rascals

need to ensure your battery pack is ready to go. Your Kennel Veterinarian staff will be at the ready for any dog that needs

medical assistance.

Veterans who have medical conditions like diabetes, heart problems, PTSD, defibrillator implant or injuries like

embedded metal fragments can get a Medical ID bracelet or pendant at no cost from the VA. Medical ID is jewelry that

could save your life. Medical conditions can be engraved onto the surface of a medical ID bracelet or necklace. A veteran’s

medical ID can also include prescribed medicines and emergency contacts.

In the event of an emergency, this important information can help first responders and/or doctors in providing

veterans with the precise treatment at the right time. Wearing a medical ID protects against potentially harmful medical

errors and eliminates unnecessary trips to the hospital. It is easy to claim your veteran medical ID with the help of your


If you want to get a Medical ID go to this site https://www.americanmedical-id.com/media/wysiwyg/PDFs/AMI

-VAHandout2016v3.pdf. Download and print the VA information sheet to bring to your VA clinician. Stay safe, watch

out for each other and hope to see a whole pack of dogs in Kansas waiting to howl so loud that a mere coyote will be afraid

to join in. Hopefully none of our dogs will get rabies in Kansas.


Doc Roger Ware

Page 21: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the


New England: 131 141 002 064 219 276 318 159 249 NH PACK, MA PACK North West: 270 291 305 329 374 104 218 315 118 211 287 353 ID PACK Rocky Mtn: 128 281 367 181 203 342 324 250 CO PACK, NM PACK South East: 184 233 363 079 115 116 124 160 175 183 192 232 258 263 273 278 297 298 336 372 212 317 322 350 354 360 364 168 172 261 376 228 246 313 328 155 209 271 337 AL PACK, FL PACK, LA PACK, GA PACK, TN PACK Southern: 357 178 308 356 087 098 152 177 361 TX PACK South West: 065 099 112 244 245 332 375 047 049 257 323 007 176 AZ PACK, NV PACK ATTENTION: IF YOUR POUND NUMBER OR PACK IS ON THIS LIST, THEN YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR POUND/PACK DOG ROBBER TO GET THIS FIXED. PERHAPS IT’S A FORM THAT NEEDS TO BE UPDATED, OR A 990 FILED, OR PASSPORTS TO BE SUBMITTED, OR THE INSTALLATION REPORT IS OVERDUE/MISFILED/OUT OF DATE. WHATEVER IT IS, IT NEEDS TO BE FIXED ASAP!

Delinquent Pound/Pack Report

Page 22: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the


JACKSONVILLE - George M. Barrows Sr.,

87, of Jacksonville, NC passed away at his

home on January 13, 2017 surrounded by

his family. Funeral services will be held at

12:30 PM on Wednesday at Jones Funeral

Home, Jacksonville Chapel, with Rev. Jeff

Andre officiating. Burial, with full military

honors, will follow at the Coastal Carolina

State Veterans Cemetery.

He was born April 30, 1929 to the

parents of Phillip F. Barrows and Leila J.

Barrows in Binghamton, NY.

On April 30, 1945 at the age of 16,

he quit high school to join the USMC. His

military assignment covered the bases of

Camp Lejeune, Camp Pendleton, Quan-

tico, Paris Island, MCAS Cherry Point, and

Santa Ana, California.

Barrows was a recruiter in Ports-

mouth, Ohio, and was the voice of the Ma-

rine Barracks at 8th & I Street, Washing-

ton DC where he performed the Battle

Colors narration during the Friday night

parades at the barracks and special occa-

sions away from the Barracks during 1959


A 3-time War Veteran serving in

WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, he retired as a

SSGT on April 30, 1967 After retiring from

the USMC, he became a life-long member

of various military organizations which in-

cluded the Military Order of the Devil

Dogs, Marine Corps League, VFW, Vet-

erans of Foreign Wars, American Legion,

2nd Mar. Div. Retirees Association, Am.

Vets, Vietnam Veterans of America,

Base Retiree Council, Onslow County

Council of Veterans.

He was a past member of the NC

Governor’s Advisory Board for the Divi-

sion of Veteran Affairs, Commandant of

the North Carolina Marine Corps League,

Past Chairman of the Onslow County

Veterans Council, the Vietnam Vet Me-

morial Commission.

In 1988 he was elected as the Na-

tional Marine of the Year through the

New York Marine Corps League and then

again as National Marine of the Year

through the North Carolina Marine Corps

League. In 1989 he was awarded by NC

Governor James Martin “The Order of

the Long Pine.”

In 1993 NC Governor James B.

Hunt awarded him a Certificate of Ap-

preciation. Both awards were for his

work in helping veterans. Other awards

received were The Four Chaplains Le-

gion of Honor Membership, the NCOA

Super Saxon Merit Award, Onslow Coun-

ty Veteran of the Year, and numerous

“Outstanding Veteran” awards.

A tribute to PCDD Barrows

Page 23: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the


In loving memory of:

PCDD George M. Barrows 1929 – 2017

USMC Veteran: WW II, Korea and Vietnam


Final Dog Salute by attending members

Photo Credits by: CDD C.O. Smith and PDD Jeff Jones Page layout: PDD Don Haines

Submitted by: Bill Barta, Kennel Dog Trainer

PCDD Barrows’ Casket being transported by Caisson

Flowers from Kennel Staff Flowers from Past Chief’s Society

Page 24: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the

Proposed Bylaw Change #1 ARTICLE I - MEMBERSHIP Existing Wording:

Section 101 - Eligibility E. A candidate for election and initiation to the Degree of Pedigreed Devil Dog in this Order must comply with all the following requirements and conditions:

1. All requirements set forth in paragraph A. of this Section;

2. Fully complete and sign their Application in triplicate on official forms, for election, obligation and initiation to the Degree of Pedigreed Devil Dog;

3. Certify that they have been a member of the Marine Corps League, Inc., for at least three (3) full years; Exhibit their current years Membership Cards in the Marine Corps League, Inc., and this Order.

Proposed Wording:

Section 101 - Eligibility E. A candidate for election and initiation to the Degree of Pedigreed Devil Dog in this Order must comply with all the following requirements and conditions:

All requirements set forth in paragraph A. of this Section; 1. Fully complete and sign their Application in triplicate on official forms, for election, obligation and initiation to the Degree of Pedigreed Devil Dog;

2. Certify that they have been a member of the Marine Corps League, Inc., for at least three (3) full years;

3. Exhibit their current years Membership Cards in the Marine Corps League, Inc., and this Order. Attach to their application a letter from the Pound Dog Robber and/or Pound Keeper of their Pound certifying that the candidate has served as a faithful Devil Dog for a period of at least 12 consecutive months; Accompany their Ap-plication with any required election fee. Rationale:

During the 74th Supreme Growl in Grand Rapids, MI the 12 consecutive month’s clause was inadvertently re-moved. This bylaw change will only replace the requirement.

Respectfully Submitted,

PDD J.D. Jones 09-019

Honorable Kennel Smart Dog


Page 25: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the

Proposed Bylaw Change #2

Existing Wording

Section 218 – Pound Default A Pound shall be in Default if:

It is indebted to either Kennel or its Pack. It does not have a valid Installation Report on file with Kennel by 30 June.

No Dog of a defaulted Pound may serve as a Kennel or Pack Officer. Notification of any Pound without an Installation Report must appear in the Spring Edition of the WOOF-O-GRAM.

Proposed Wording

Section 218 – Pound Default A Pound shall be in Default if:

It is indebted to either Kennel or its Pack. It does not have a valid Installation Report on file with Kennel by 1 March.

No Dog of a defaulted Pound may serve as a Kennel or Pack Officer. Notification of any Pound without an Installation Report must appear in the Spring Edition of the WOOF-O-GRAM.


The date can not be 30 June and still be able to be put in the Spring Woof-O-Gram. Needs to have a date of 1 March to be able to be put in the Spring Woof-O-Gram.

Respectfully Submitted,

PDD J.D. Jones 09-019

Honorable Kennel Smart Dog


Page 26: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the

Subject: Proposed Bylaw Change #3

In accordance with Kennel Bylaws, Article Eight, Section 1301, the following Bylaw change is submitted for consideration at the 2017 Supreme Growl.



Section 901 - Pound

The Officer installing the new Officers of a Pound shall be a Pedigreed Devil Dog, shall be a Past Pound Keeper, or an incumbent or Past Pack Officer. Immediately following the installa-tion, the Installing Officer shall make a full report to the Worthy Pack Dog Robber, the Hon-orable Kennel Dog Robber and the Vice Chief Devil Dog of the Division. The report shall in-clude the date and place, names, addresses and titles of all Officers installed.


Section 901 – Pound

The Officer installing the new Officers of a Pound should be a Pedigreed Devil Dog if possible, or shall be a Past Pound Keeper, or an incumbent Elected Pound Officer or Past Elected Pound Officer or Current/Past Pack Elected Officer or Current/Past Kennel Elected Officer. Immediately following the installation, the Installing Officer shall make a full report to the Worthy Pack Dog Robber, the Honorable Kennel Dog Robber and the Vice Chief Devil Dog of the Division. The report shall include the date and place, names, addresses and titles of all Officers installed.


The current bylaw is contradictory when stating the Installing Officer “shall” be a Pedigreed Devil Dog when it is possible to also be a Past Pound Keeper, who still may hold the degree of Devil Dog, which his allowed per Section 208 (A)(1) of the Kennel Bylaws. Also, Pound Elected Officers can hold the Degree of Devil Dog and these members may not have the op-portunity to ever advance to Pedigree in the future. It also states that any PDD Officer, whether Elected or Appointed, at the Pack level, is allowed to perform the Installation of Of-ficers for the Pound. The recommended change now includes and allows only Current/Past Pound, Current/Past Pack and Current/Past Kennel Elected Officers. I believe that this sol-emn ceremony should only be conducted by Elected Officers to preserve the full importance of the responsibilities and duties being taken on by the new Officers. It does not seem cor-rect for an Appointed Officer to be inducting in a higher ranking Officer. This proposal also shows consistency with Section 903 (Installing Officer for the Kennel). If accepted, the MODD Ritual would also have to be updated under the section titled “Installation of Officers” for consistency.

Respectfully Submitted, PDD Bruce Rakfeldt Worthy Pack Leader North Carolina Pack


Greetings to all the Devil Dogs from the North East.

I have been asked to help bring the Pound and Pack records up to date for the Kennel. Please send your latest in-

stallation report and a copy of your 990 to [email protected]. There are also Pounds that have not sent in their

Passport fees in sometime, let's help the Chief reach his goal of $40,000 to present at our Convention in Kansas City.

I realize this is a lot for some of you Dogs but the health and welfare of your respective Pounds and Packs depends

on the Kennel having up to date information, to remain under the Kennels tax exemption we need the information. The

last thing any of us want is the IRS sniffing at your hind quarters. (cont. pg. 27)

Page 27: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the

Proposed Bylaw Change #4 In accordance with Kennel Bylaws, Article Eight, Section 1301, the following Bylaw change is sub-mitted for consideration at the 2017 Supreme Growl. ARTICLE IX - INSTALLING OFFICERS – SECTION 902 - PACK CURRENTLY READS: Section 902 - Pack The Officer installing the new Pack officers shall be a Pedigreed Devil Dog, shall be a Past Pack Of-ficer or an incumbent or Past Kennel Officer. Immediately following the installation, the Installing officer shall make a full report to the Honorable Kennel Dog Robber, via the Vice Chief Devil Dog of the Division, including the date and place, names and addresses and titles of all Officers installed and the current condition of the Pack. RECOMMENDED CHANGE TO READ: Section 902 - Pack The Officer installing the new Pack officers should be a Pedigreed Devil Dog if possible, or shall be a Past Worthy Pack Leader, or an incumbent Elected Pack Officer or a Past Elected Pack Officer or Current/Past Kennel Elected Officer. Immediately following the installation, the Installing officer shall make a full report to the Honorable Kennel Dog Robber, via the Vice Chief Devil Dog of the Division, including the date and place, names and addresses and titles of all Officers installed and the current condition of the Pack. RATIONALE: The current bylaw is contradictory when stating the Installing Officer “shall” be a Pedigreed Devil Dog when it is possible to also be a Past Pack Leader, with the Degree of Devil Dog, per Section 308(1)(a) of the Kennel Bylaws. Also, Pack Elected Officers can hold the Degree of Devil Dog and these members may not have the opportunity to ever advance to Pedigree in the future. It also states that any PDD Officer, whether Elected or Appointed, at the Pack level, is allowed to perform the Installation of Officers for the Pack. Additionally, only Past Kennel Officers, whether Elected or Appointed, can only perform the Installation of Officers. The recommended change allows only Current/Past Pack Elected Officers and Current/Past Kennel Elected Officers. I believe that this sol-emn ceremony should only be conducted by Elected Officers to preserve the full importance of the responsibilities and duties being taken on by the new Officers. It does not seem correct for an Ap-pointed Officer to be inducting in a higher ranking Officer. This proposal also shows consistency with Section 903 (Installing Officers for Kennel). If accepted, the MODD Ritual would also have to be updated under the section titled “Installation of Officers” for consistency. Respectfully Submitted, PDD Bruce Rakfeldt Worthy Pack Leader North Carolina Pack


(NE cont. from pg. 26)

I know this is short and not sweet but we just closed on our property in CT and are trying to settle in to our new

state and home. Just coming over from the League side and making the transition from NVC to VCDD will no doubt cost

me quite a few bones. This old Bloodhound is prepared to track down anyone who resists, please , let's get this done so we

all can have some fun!

PDD Rich Harrington

VCDD Northeast Division

Page 28: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the


EFFECTIVE AUGUST 2016Code Description Price Code Description Price

App 01 Golf Shirt; Blk, Red, White, Grn, Blue 36.00$ AWD 21 MODD Distinguished Service Awar 2.00$ App 03 MODD Baseball Cap, Black 12.00$ AWD 22 MODD Certificate f/All Occasion 2.00$ App 04 Mock Turtlneck, Jersey White Only 32.00$ AWD 23 MODD Cert wFoil Logo Black 2.00$ App 05 Sweat Shirt Navy w/EGA "USMC" 30.00$ AWD 24 MODD Cert w/Foil Logo Color 2.00$ App 07 T-Shirt Red or Gold 11.00$ AWD 25 Pack DOY Certificate 2.00$ App 12 Vest, Red size S to 3xl 46.00$ AWD 26 Pound DOY Certificate 2.00$ App 13 Blue Denim Shirt w/MODD S/S 35.00$ AWD 27 Pack DOY Large Medal 15.00$ App 16 Black Denim Shirt w/MODD S/S 35.00$ AWD 28 Pound DOY Large Medal 15.00$ App 17 Vest, Red w/MODD Logo on Back 78.00$ AWD 29 Award Presentation Folder 2.00$ App 18 Jacket Black w/MODD on Back 80.00$ AWD 30 MODD Life Membership Certificate 2.00$ App 20 MODD Beret, Black,Red, Gold 25.00$ BUC 1 Buckle, These Colors Don't Run 13.00$ App 24 Jacket Red w/MODD on Back 70.00$ BUC 2 Buckle, USMC w/M-16 13.00$ App 25 Shirt Dress Maroon w/MODD L/S 35.00$ BUC 3 Buckle, Pewter Iwo Jima 13.00$ App 26 Shirt Dress Maroon w/MODD L/S 35.00$ BUC 5 Buckle, Onyx w/Bulldog Head 30.00$ App 27 Shirt Dress Forest w/MODD Logo 35.00$ Flag 10 Flag, MIA/Pow 3' x 5' 7.50$ App 28 Shirt Dress Green L/S w/USMC 35.00$ Flag 11 Flag, USN 3'x 5' 7.50$ App 31 Misc Baseball caps 12.00$ Flag 12 Flag, USA 3'x 5' 7.50$ App 33 Shirt Maroon w/MODD S/S 35.00$ Flag 2 Flag, USMC w/Bulldog 3' x 5' 7.50$ App 34 Shirt Maroon w/USMC S/S 35.00$ Flag 6 Flag, USMC 3' x 5' 7.50$ App 35 Shirt Green w/MODD S/S 35.00$ MAS 2 Magnet, "I Love My Marine Bulldog" 3.00$ App 36 Shirt Green w/USMC S/S 35.00$ MAS 22 Magnet, MODD Logo 6" Square 7.50$ App 39 Shirt, White w/MODD Logo on Back 42.00$ MAS 26 Magnet, 12" Round USMC Logo 10.00$ App 40 Jacket, Gold Heavy w/MODD Logo 80.00$ MAS 27 Magnet, USMC Emblem 5 1/2" 5.00$ App 41 Shirt Dress Red w/MODD S/S 35.00$ MAS 38 Devil Dog Stone Bottle Topper 11.00$ AWD 01 Disc f/MODD Pk/Pd Awards 18.00$ MAS 40 MODD Bones Bag 2.50$ AWD 02 Pack Dog of the Year Plaque 50.00$ MAS 41 USMC Swagger Stick 30.00$ AWD 03 Pound Dog of the Year Plaque 50.00$ MAS 42 Magnet MODD 12" Logo 15.00$ AWD 04 Pack DOY Lapel Pin 3.50$ MAS 43 MODD Blazier Crest w/Pins 18.00$ AWD 05 Pound DOY Lapel Pin 3.50$ MAS 44 MODD Blazier Crest w/o Pins 17.00$ AWD 06 Pack DOY Mini Medal 12.50$ MAS 46 Marine Brat Dog Tag 7.00$ AWD 07 Pound DOY Mini Medal 12.50$ MAS 47 Minn Challenge Coin 10.00$ AWD 08 Pack DOY Ribbon 5.00$ MAS 50 Idaho Challenge Coin 10.00$ AWD 09 Pound DOY Ribbon 5.00$ MAS 51 MODD Money /Cap Bag 25.00$ AWD 10 Pack Leader Comm Ribbo 2.00$ MAS 52 Alabama Challenge Coin 12.00$ AWD 11 Pack Leader Comm Certificate 2.00$ MAS 54 Mich Challenge Coin 12.00$ AWD 12 Pound Keeper Comm Ribbon 2.00$ MAS 55 Marine Corps Cigarette Lighter 10.00$ AWD 13 Pound Keeper Comm Crtificate 2.00$ MAS 56 Hitch Cover 10.00$ AWD 14 Past Pack Leader Large Medal 15.00$ MAS 57 Spring Assisted Knife 12.00$ AWD 15 Past Pack Leader Mini Meal 12.50$ MAS 58 Knife w/tacticle pen set 30.00$ AWD 16 Past Pound Keeper Large Medal 15.00$ MAS 59 Dog Tag Knife 5.00$ AWD 17 Past Pound Keeper Mini Medal 12.50$ Mold 1 MCL Candy Mold 3.00$ AWD 18 MODD Certificate of Appreciation 2.00$ Mold 2 MODD Logo Candy Mold 3.00$ AWD 19 Past Pack Leader Ribbon 2.00$ NPK 1 New Pup Kit (****) 20.00$ AWD 20 Past Pound Keeper Ribbon 2.00$ Pass MODD Passport 5.00$

Merchandise Price List

Page 29: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the


Code Description Price Code Description Price

Pat 1 MODD Cap Patch (Official 3.00$ Pin 27 Lest We Forget Pin 3.00$ Pat 2 MODD Shoulder Patch (Official) 4.00$ Pin 75 75th Anv Lapel Pin blue or tan face 3.00$ Pat 3 Patch White w/Bulldog Head 3.00$ Pin B Rubber Back f/Pins (50 per pack) 2.50$ Pat 11 MODD Patch 10" w/Letters 35.00$ Pub 1 Kennel By Laws w/chages 6.00$ Pat 12 Hollywood Marine Patch 5.00$ Pub 2 Kennel Ritual (Large Edition) 3.00$ Pat 13 Parris Island Patch 5.00$ Pub 4 Dog Robbers Manual 3.50$ Pat 14 Patch, USMC Emblem 9 1/2 Round 12.00$ Pub 5 Bulldog Sketch 8 1/2" x 11" 2.00$ Pat 15 Patch USMC Emblem 6" x 8" 12.00$ Pub 6 MODD Logo Inside Decal 2.00$ Pat 16 USMC Bulldog 1775 x 10" 13.00$ Pub 7 MODD Logo Outside Decal 2.00$ Pat 17 Patch MODD 11 1/2" w/Letters 45.00$ Pub 8 MODD Logo Sticker Sheet 24 1.50$ Pat 18 Patch Bulldog Head Small 3.00$ Pub 9 MODD Ribbon Chart 2.00$ Pat 19 Patch Bulldog Head Lg 10.00$ Pub 11 MODD Logo Rubber Stamp 1" 14.00$ Pat 20 Pack Leader 7.00$ Pub 14 MODD LogoDisc Enameled 10.00$ Pat 21 Pound Keeper 7.00$ Pub 17 MODD Collar (Ribbon) Chart 2.00$ Pat 22 Dog Robber 6.00$ Pub 18 Kennel Ritual (Small Edition) 2.00$ Pat 23 Sr Vice Pack Leader 8.50$ Pub 19 Handbook, f/New Pups (large) 1.50$ Pat 24 Sr Vice Pound Keeper 8.50$ Pub 20 Handbook, f/New Pups (Small Ed) 1.00$ Pat 25 Jr Vice Pack Leader 8.50$ Pub 22 MODD Get Well Cards 5.00$ Pat 26 Jr Vice Pound Keeper 8.50$ Pub 23 1" MODD Rubber Stamp Self Ink 25.00$ Pat 27 Smart Dog 6.00$ Pub 24 2" MODD Rubber Stamp Self Ik 30.00$ Pat 28 Watch Dog 6.00$ Pub 25 Note Pad 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 2.00$ Pat 29 Dog Trainer 7.00$ Pub 26 MODD Stationary 8 1/2 x 11 6.00$ Pat 30 Barking Dog 7.00$ Rib-DD Collar, Red f/Pedigree 1.00$ Pat 31 Police Dog 6.00$ Rib-DD Collar, Red w/grommet 1.50$ Pat 32 Mad Dog 6.00$ RIB-PDD Collar, Gold f/Pedigree 1.00$ Pat 4 Patch Red w/Bulldog Head 3.00$ RIB-PDD-G Collar, Gold w/grommet 1.50$ Pat 5 Patch "DEVIL DOG" Letters Only 3.00$ Rib-Pup Collar, Black f/Pup 1.00$ Pat 6 MODD 8 1/2" Cap Patch Design 30.00$ Rib-Pup Collar, Black w/grommet 1.50$ Pat 7 Bulldog w/Green Helmet 3.50$ Tag 1 MODD Dog Tag 3.50$ Pat 8 White Bulldog w/Helmet Standing 3.50$ Pat 9 Black Bulldog w/Helmet Standing 3.50$ Pat Conv AL, ID, A, M, FL, M, NC, MI , CO 4.00$ Pin 1 MODD Lapel Pin (Pat 2 Design) 3.00$ All apparel comes in S to 3XLPin 2 Pin, Small Dog Standing 1.50$ Pin 3 Bulldog in Globe and Anchor 3.00$ **** NPK 1 The New Pup Kit contains thePin 4 MODD Life Membership Pin 3.00$ following items: Black Collar w/Pin 5 Pin, USMC w/Bulldog Head 3.00$ grommet, Dog Tag, Lapel Pin #1, Pin 6 PIN, USMC as above w/Wreath 3.00$ Passport, Cap Patch, Shoulder Patch,Pin 8 Pin, Bulldog w/White Blanket 3.00$ and Small HandbookPin 9 Pin, Bulldog Running Front 3.00$

Pin 10 Pin, Bulldog w/Helmet 3.00$ Kennel Website

Pin 11 Pin, Bulldog w/Barracks Cover 3.00$ moddkennel.orgPin 12 PIA Medal and Ribbon 13.50$

Pin 13 Pin, Yellow Footprints 3.00$ Kennel Quartermaster Email:Pin 14 Pin, These Colors Don't Run 3.00$ [email protected]

Pin 15 Pi, USMC Air, Land ad Sea 3.00$

Pin 16 Pin, Medium Bulldog Standing 3.00$ Phone: (517) 541-1501Pin 18 Pin, Cross Flags 3.00$

Pin 20 Pin, Retiree's Unofficial 3.00$ PDD Wendy Zamora

Pin 21 Pin Iwo Jima 3.00$ Kennel QuartermasterPin 24 I rec'd my PDD at the 75th 3.00$ Pin 26 Arizona 76th Growl Pin 5.00$

Page 30: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the



Code # Size Quantity Price Total

















Address Check #

Pound #


$0- $40 add $4.00

$41 - $250 add 10%

$250 and up add 5%

412 West Harris Street

Charlotte, MI 48813-1437

Tel: (517) 541-1501

CVC is 3 digit number on back of card

E:mail "[email protected]"

The Kennel Quartermaster will accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover Cards, Checks, Money Orders and Travelers Checks

Shipping Rate

Degree / MODD Tag #

Military Order of the Devil Dogs


Telephone #

Mail to: PDD Wendy Zamora, Kennel Quartermaster

Make checks payable to "Kennel Quartermaster" only



Merchandise Price List / Order Form

Effective Aug 2016


Page 31: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the


From around the Kennel and the 57th CDD’s journeys are some photos taken at random.

Top: The always gracious if not sometimes boisterous 45th CDD, Bill Taylor.

Middle: The Kennel Dog Trainer, PDD Bill Barta with Ray Dailey.

Bottom: PDDs Ray Dailey and Dave Masunas (Deputy Kennel Quartermaster) with the photo bomb.

Page 32: WOOF~O~GRAM · Woof, woof to all the Dogs across our great Country; I hope you are all getting ready for some springtime weather and looking forward to a Howling good time at the

Good night, Chesty, wherever you are!

Military Order of the Devil Dogs, Inc.

Woof~O~Gram Winter Edition 2017

C/O: PDD Randy Ott, aka: “Otter”

Kennel Barking Dog

3924 N. Sunderland Ct.

Spokane, WA 99206-4457

Return Services Requested





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A 99206

DEVIL DOG’S CREED By PDD George E. Williams

I am an American, I was born in France. I hold the title of

United States Marine, and understand the commitment of

holding the title, Devil Dog. It is a tradition born at Belleau

Wood in the year 1918, of a force in readiness and the “First

to Fight.” As a Devil Dog, I ask no quarter and give no quarter.

I will do everything in my power to uphold the objectives of

the Military Order of Devil Dogs and to carry out my duties

to a swift and satisfactory completion.