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    Pachyderm: (n)derm=skinSo pachyderm can beremembered as thick skinned

    animal.Meaning:>> Any of the thick-skinned,nonruminant ungulates, as theelephant, hippopotamus, andrhinoceros.pachyderm (Antonym)

    a) parchedb) piedc) touchingd) sub rosa.e) subpoena

    pacifist: (n)

    Person who believes inpacifi sm; pacify: v.calm or soothe theanger or distress of(sb).

    padre: n.

    (used esp as a form of address ) clergyman in thearmed forces.

    paean: (n)

    (fml) song of praise or triumph.

    painstaking: (adj)

    Pain..Painstaking tasks are thosethat give you a lot of pain.Eg:She did her painstaking

    homework.Syn:>> scrupulous, exacting, meticulous,conscientious, scrupulous, careful,

    conscientious, fussy, meticulous.Ant:>> careless, (N ear Antonyms---- cursory;heedless, inattentive, incautious, mindless,unguarded, unsafe, unwary; lax, neglectful)

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    palanquin (n) A palanquin or palki was a kindof li tter used in I ndia for theconveyance of travellers. I t wasa wooden, rectangular box wi thmovable sides and was large

    enough to allow the passenger to sit or lie down.I t was carried by four bearers, by means of twopoles passed through rings attached to the

    paladin (n)Aladdin was paladin (champion)of the magic world.

    Eg: a paladin of liberty.

    Syn: guardian, hero, knightAnt: coward, loser

    palate: (n)

    Roof of the mouth; palatable: adj. pleasant totaste.

    palatial: (adj)

    like a palace.


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    paleontology: study of prehistoric life.

    palette: (n)

    Thin board on which an artist mixes colourswhen painting. with a hole for the thumb to holdit by.

    palimpsest: n.

    Manuscript from whichthe original wri ting hasbeen removed in orderto create space for newwriting.

    pall: v.

    ~ become uninterestingor boring by beingexperienced too often.

    pallet: (n)

    large wooden or metal

    tray or platform forcarrying goods. esp onethat can be raised usinga fork-li ft truck.

    Palliate: (v)make(esp a pain ordisease) less severe orunpleasant. Withoutremoving its cause;alleviate.

    PALLIATE(A) increase the intensity of(B) expand the scope of(C) enhance the appeal of(D) extend the endurance of(E) increase the frequency of

    PALLIATE(A) terminate(B) color(C) drain(D) aggravate(E) freshen

    pall id: (adj)

    pale. esp because of illness.

    palm: (n)

    inner surface of the hand between the wrist andthe fingers.

    palpable: adj.that can be felt or touched.

    PALPABLE(A) phantomlike(B) insecure(C) distinctive(D) insubordinate(E) revolutionary

    PALPABILITY(A) infertili ty

    (B) inflammabili ty(C) intangibili ty(D) intractabili ty(E) intolerabili ty

    palpitate: (v)

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    beat rapidly.

    paltry: (adj)

    very small; unimportant.

    pan: (n)

    wide flat (usu metal)container. with a handleor handles. used forcooking food in.

    panacea: (n)

    remedy for all diseases or troubles.

    panache: (n)

    Pan + ache. Myfriend after doing his MBAmaking ache (good) panreally he has panache for it.

    Eg:>> H e entertained with

    great panache.Syn:>> brio, charisma, dash, flair, flamboyance,flourish, style, swagger, verve, vigor, lan

    pandemic: (n,adj)

    disease occurring over a whole country or thewhole world.

    Pandemonium: (n)

    wild and noisy disorder or confusion.

    pander: (v)

    pander to sth/ sb (derog ) try to satisfy (a vulgar.

    weak or immoral desire. or sb having this);gratify sth/ sb.

    panegyric: (n.)

    speech or piece of writing praising sb/ sth.

    pang: (n)

    sudden sharp feeling of pain.

    panorama (n)Manorama year book gives apanoramic review of allincidents of the year.Eg: A panorama of the politicaleventsSyn: spectacle, scene, scenery,prospect

    panoramic: adj.a panoramic view from the top of the tower.

    pantomime: n.type of play with music. dancing and clowning.based on a traditional story or fairy-tale and usuperformed at Christmas.

    papyrus: (n)Papyruspaper..

    Papyrus is a ancient papermade from the stem ofpapyrus plant.

    Syn:>>composition, parchment,vellum, tablet, stone, paper,

    document, original, copy, typescript, scroll,letterpress, autograph, translation, facsimile,palimpsest.

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    parable: (n)

    story told to il lustrate a moral or spiritual truth.

    paradox: (n)

    statement that seems to be absurd orcontradictory but is or may be true.

    paragon: (n)Paragon Hawaii chapel is aperfect example of goodquali ty in the industry.Eg:>> A paragon of virtue.Whither pullest thou menow, thou paragon and

    tomboy?>> Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book For All AndNone by Nietzsche, FriedrichSyn:>>apotheosis, archetype, beau ideal, beauty,best, champ, champion, crackerjack, cream,

    criterion, cynosure, epitome, exemplar, gem,ideal, jewel, last word, love, lovely, masterpiece,nonesuch, nonpareil, paradigm, prototype,quintessence, standard, sublimation, ul timate

    parallel: (adj)

    (of two or more lines)having the samedistance between eachother at every point.

    parallelism: n. state ofbeing parallel;


    parameter: (n)

    quantity that does not vary in a particular casebut does vary in other cases.

    paramount: (adj)

    having the greatest importance or significance;supreme.


    ill icit lover.

    paranoia: (n)

    mental illness in which a person is obsessed bymistaken beliefs. esp that he is being badlytreated by others or that he is somebody veryimportant.

    paraphernalia: (n)

    numerous small articles or personal belongings.esp the equipment needed for a hobby or sport.

    paraphrase: n.

    re-wording of a piece of writing. statement. etc.esp in order to make it easier to understand.

    parasite: (n)

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    animal or plant (eg mistletoe) that lives on or inanother and gets its food from it.


    [ parch: ] to deprive or be deprived of water; dryup.

    parchment: (n)heavy paper-l ike material made from the skin ofsheep or goats and used for writing on.

    pare: (v)

    trim by cutting away the edges.

    pariah: (n)social outcast.

    parish: n.

    area within a diocese. having its own church andclergyman.

    parity: (n)

    state of being equal; equality.

    parlance: (n)

    particular way of speaking or use of words;phraseology.

    parley: (n)

    (esp formerly) meeting between enemies oropponents to discuss terms for peace. etc.

    parochial: (adj)

    of or relating to a church parish.

    parody: n.

    ~ (piece of) speech. writing or music thatimitates the style of an author. composer. etc inan amusing and often exaggerated way; comicimitation.

    paroxysm: (n)

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    sudden attack or outburst.

    parquet: (n)

    flooring made of wooden blocks arranged in apattern.

    parry: (v)

    turn aside or ward off (a blow or an attack) byusing one's own weapon or one's hand to blockit .

    parsimonious: (adj)very careful in spending money or usingresources; mean; parsimony: (n): excessivecarefulness in spending money or usingresources; meanness ;.

    partial: (adj)

    of or forming a part; not complete.partiality: n. ~ being partial(.

    partisan: (n)Partisan person supports aparticular partyEg: Partisans fighting amongpartiese

    Syn:>> adherent, supporter, sympathizer, follower,disciple, sycophant, devotee, zealot, backerAnt:>>unbiased, unprejudiced, disinterested,detached, objective, neutral

    partition: (n)

    action of dividing or state of being divided into

    parts. esp the division of one country i nto two ormore nations.

    parvenu: (n)

    person who has suddenly risen from a low socialor economic posit ion to one of wealth or power.

    passive: adj.

    not active; submissive.

    paste: (n)

    moist soft mixture. esp of a powdery substanceand a liquid.

    pastiche: (n)

    Past + iche you know this is 21stcentury a lot of fertile writers do nothing butbelieve in copy & paste philosophy. Imitation ishis way of li fe & he gives us old wine in a newbottle.

    Pastiche: (n)

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    artistic work in a style thatimitates that of anotherswork, style of an artist,parody, imitation.Eg:>> Niles Bohr believed thatmicrophysics had to be

    content with pastiche of concepts for the samephysical system.>> H is speech is a pastiche of false starts andunfinished sentences.>> In . . . a city of splendid Victorianarchitecture . . . there is a rather pointlesspastiche of Dickensian London down on thewaterfront.

    pastime (n)Pass+time.. Passingtime doing enjoyablethings or in which yourinterested in rather thanwork.

    Eg:>> Krishnas name,qualities, form, pastimeand other paraphernaliaassociated wi th him reidentical to him.

    >> Sail ing is her favorite pastime.Syn:hobby, interest, pursuit

    pastoral: (adj)

    relatingto or portraying country l ife. thecountryside or shepherds. esp in an idealizedway.

    pastry: (n)

    Mixture of flour. fat and water baked in an ovenand used as a base or covering for tarts. pies. etc.

    pass (v)Game of pasa.. SakunisGame of Pasa now becomespass, No one play it. I t seems itis become archaic in thisfashionable world.

    Syn:ancient, antiquated, antique, bygone, obsolete,outmoded, primitive, superannuated,antediluvian, demode

    patent: adj.

    ~ obvious; clear; evident.

    pathetic: (adj)

    causing one to feel pity or sadness.

    pathological: (adj)

    of or relating to pathology.

    pathos: n.

    quality. esp in speech. writing. acting. etc that

    causes a feeling of pity or sadness.

    patina: (n.)green coating that forms on the surface of oldbronze or copper.

    patois: (n)

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    dialect spoken by the common people of a

    region and differing from the standard languageof the country.

    patriarch: (n)

    male head of a family or tribe.

    patrician: (n)

    member of the aristocracy.

    patrimony: (n)

    property inherited from one's father orancestors.


    to be kind or helpfulto. but in a haughty orsnobbish way. as ifdealing with aninferior.

    paucity: n.

    ~ (fml ) smallness of number or quantity.

    pauper: n.

    very poor person.

    peccadillo: (n)

    small unimportant offence or sin.

    pecuniary: (adj)

    of or concerning money.

    pedagogue: (n)


    pedagogy: (n)

    study or science of ways and methods ofteaching.

    pedant: (n)

    person who attaches too much importance to

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    detail or to rules. esp when learning or teaching.

    pedantic (adj)

    Pundit Ji of my locali ty is pedantic person. Hereads lots of books all the time.Eg:>> A pedantic writi ng style.>> H e is never pedantic, and, for all his closeadherence to broad principles, he is ready toadmit that no two ships can be treated exactlyalike.Syn:> abstruse, academic, didactic, doctrinaire,

    erudite, hairspli tting, learned, nitpicking,ostentatious, overnice, pedagogic, priggish,punctilious, scholastic, sententious, stiltedAnt:>> ignorant, practical, real world, rough-and-tumble, unschooled, untaught, untutored

    Peddle (v)

    go from house to house to sell goods; be a pedlar

    ;" ,


    base of a column" ,

    pedestrian: n.

    person walking in the street.

    pediatrician (n)

    expert in children's diseases" ,

    pedigree (n)My friend as you knows thatmale female ratio reducingglobally. So possessing agood degree will be notenough to find a bride. Youhave to come fromexcellence pedigree too.

    Eg:>> A woman of good pedigree.Syn:>> lineage, clan, ancestry, genealogy, blood line,bloodline, ancestry, lineage, blood, line of

    descent, stemma, parentage, origin, descent,stock, line, pedigreed, pureblood, pureblooded,thoroughbred.Ant:>> Descent, Strain, Stock, H eri tage, I ll -bred

    pegasus (n)Pegasus is an ancient Greeknorthern constellation,situated south-east ofAndromeda. The threebrightest stars of Pegasusform a square with

    Andromeda, called the square of Pegasus. The

    constellation, which is named for the wingedhorse of Greek mythology, is usually seen upsidedown in the sky, wi th only the head, neck, andfront half of the animal represented by the stars.

    peck (v)Peck ...pick ...............quick I fyou peck at your food, you pickup only a small amount foreating because you are ill or nothungry. H owever, i f you pecksomeone on the cheek you givehim or her quick light kiss.

    Eg:>> Kimi gave me a quick peck on the cheek.Ash

    is not now averse to a peck i f the role demandsit. The bird pecked insects from the log.>> He pecked at his dinner.A peck of troubles.>> Now you're in a peck of troubleSyn:>> pinch, tap, rap, slew, spate, tidy sum, wad,whole lot, whole slew, stack, raft, pile, plenty,mass, batch, heap, deal, flock, pot, mess, sight

    penury (n)Penurious person fight

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    for saving even a single penny due to lack offunds.Syn:indigent, needy, impecunious, penniless,impoverished, poverty-stricken, destitute,pauperism, pauperization, beggary

    perch (n)

    Originally, a perch was a variable linear uni t ofmeasurement equivalent to between 14 and 28feet. Later the term became known as the rod.

    pergola (n)

    A pergola is a horizontal trellis supported oncolumns or posts over which vines or othertrailing plants are trained.

    pesticide (n)

    Pesticide used for destroying pests (insects)Eg:Pesticides are harmful for plants.Syn: insecticide

    pestle (n)

    A pestle is an instrument used for pounding andgrinding substances in a mortar.

    peer: n.

    person who is equal to another in rank. status ormerit.PEER(A) a complicated structure(B) an insignificant explanation

    (C) a subordinate person(D) an inept musician(E) an unreliable worker

    peerless: adj.

    superior to all others; without equal ;.

    Peevish: adj.

    easily annoyed (esp by unimportant things);

    irritable ;.

    pejorative: (adj)

    expressing criticismor scorn; derogatory;disparaging.

    pell-mell: adv.

    in a hurrying. disorderly manner; headlong.

    pellucid:(adj.)Pellucid water has a lucid colour.Eg:>> Pellucid water. Pellucid prose. A pellucidstream. the pellucid waters that lap upon thatisland's beachesSyn:>> Crystall ine, transparent, translucent, crystals

    clear, transparent, limpid, crystalline, lucid,lucid, luculent, perspicuous, crystal clear, limpidPELLUCID(A) putrid(B) acrid(C) frigid(D) turbid(E) squalid

    PELLUCID(A) similar

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    penury: (n)

    extreme poverty.

    percussion: (n)

    cussion = = cushion ( sofa ), small children playwith the cushion by beating i t, so percussion arethe instruments that you play by beating them,ie., drums.The striking together of two bodies, especiallywhen noise is produced.Meaning:Metallic percussion like the stroke of ablacksmith's hammer upon the anvilSyn:>> pleximetry

    perdition: (n)

    everlasting punishment of the wicked afterdeath.

    peregrination: (n)


    peremptory: (adj)

    (esp derog ) (of a person. hismanner. etc) insisting on

    immediate obedience or submission;domineering

    perennial: (adj)

    lasting for a long time.PERENNIAL(A) predictable(B) latent(C) engrossing

    (D) infertile(E) fleeting

    perfidious: (adj)

    (fml ) treacherous. deceitful or disloyal.PERFIDY(A) thoroughness(B) generosity(C) gratitude(D) tact(E) loyalty

    perforate: (v)

    make a hole or holes through.

    perfunctory: (adj)

    (of an action) done as a duty or routine. withoutcare or interest.

    perigee: n.

    point in the orbit of the moon. a planet or aspacecraft at which it is nearest to the earth.

    perimeter: (n)

    outer edge of a closed geometric shape.

    peripatetic: (adj)

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    going from place to place.PERIPATETIC

    (A) stationary(B) enclosed(C) discrete(D) essential(E) careful

    peripheral: (adj)

    of secondary or minor importance (to sth).

    periphery: (n)

    boundary of a surface or an area.

    perjury (v)Speaking the untruth infront of fury is perjury.Eg:>> I t would, indeed, be

    the means of muchperjury, and of muchwhipping, fining,imprisoning, transporting,

    and hanging.Syn:>>canard, deceit, deception, dishonesty,dissimulation, distortion, equivocation,erroneousness, error, fable, fabrication, fakery,fallaciousness, fallacy, falseness, falsity, feigning,fib, fibbery, fiction, figment, fraud, half truth,hogwash, li ne, mendacity, misstatement,Ant:>> fact, truth

    perjury: n.

    action of perjuringoneself.

    PERJURE(A) depose truthfully(B) remember vividly(C) listen attentively

    (D) disclose hesitantly(E) fabricate dishonestly

    permeable: (adj)

    that can be permeated by fluids or gas; porous ;.

    permissive: (adj)

    allowing great freedomof behaviour. esp to

    children or in sexual matters.

    pernicious: (adj)

    (to sb/ sth) having a very harmful or destructiveeffect (on sb/ sth).

    peroration: (n)

    I f you are not a good orator, it is diff icult for youto give a striking peroration; Peroration: theconcluding part of a speech.>> The summing upEg:>> One of the Churchills famous and resonantwartime perorations. This was their first time.Syn:>> discourse, talk, lecture

    perpetrate: (v)

    commit (a crime. etc).

    perpetual: (adj)

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    continuing indefini tely; permanent.PERPETUAL(A) antecedent(B) coincident(C) intermittent(D) precipitous(E) languorous

    perpetuate: (v)

    cause to continue.

    perquisite: (n)

    (fml ) (infml perk) money or goods given orregarded as a right in addition to one's pay.

    persevere: (v)(with sb) (usu approv )continue trying to do sth.esp in spite of difficulty.PERSEVERE:(A) put into(B) send out

    (C) take away(D) give up(E)) bring forward

    persist: (v)

    continue to do sth. esp in an obstinate anddetermined way and in spite of opposition.argument or failure.

    personable: (adj)

    having a pleasant appearance or manner.

    personify: (v)

    treat (something) as if i t were a human being.perspicacious: adj. having or showing greatinsight or judgement; discerning.


    plain to the understanding especially because ofclarity and precision of presentation.

    perspicuous: (adj)

    expressed clearly.

    pert: (adj)

    not showing respect; cheeky.

    pertinacious: (adj)

    holding firmly to an opinion or a course ofaction; determined.

    perturb: v.

    make (sb) very worried; disturb.

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    peruse: v.

    read (sth). esp careful ly or thoroughly.

    pervasive: adj.

    present and perceived everywhere; pervading.

    perverse: adj.

    (of a person) deliberately continuing to behavein a way that is wrong. unreasonable orunacceptable; perversion: n. : changing sth fromright to wrong; perverting.

    pervert: (v)turn away from its proper nature or use.

    pessimism: (n)

    tendency to be gloomy and believe that the worstwill happen.

    pest: n.annoying person or thing.


    causing plague; baneful.

    pestle: (n)

    heavy round-ended tool used for crushing andgrinding things to powder. esp in a special bowl.


    Take away power to feel through terror; turn tostone.PETROUS(A) coarse(B) soft(C) withered(D) volatile(E) fluffy

    petulant: adj.

    unreasonably impatient or irritable.

    phalanx: (n)

    Phal + an ----phalIt is awise saying the enemys

    foe is ones friend. In theelection time, different parties feel no qualm tojoin another party for the shake of getting theirdesired phal (Result). Phalanx: a closely packed group of people who are united for aparticular purpose, for example a fight.Eg:>> Appeal for forging a solid phalanx of secularpoli tical forces to take on the BJP led NDA thepoll. There are hitches in Jethemalani beingaccepted by the entire opposit ion phalanx.

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    >> Six hundred marchers set off, led by aphalanx of police.>> Formed a solid phalanx in defense of theConstitution and Protestant religion.>> A phalanx of armed guards.A phalanx oflawyers.Syn: formation, legion, toe.


    pertaining to the Pharisees who paid scrupulousattention to tradition; hypocrit ical.


    (Judaism) a member of an ancient Jewish sectthat was opposed to the Sadducees. teachingstrict observance of Jewish tradition asinterpreted rabbinically and believing in life afterdeath and in the coming of the Messiah.


    observable facts; subjects of scientificinvestigation.

    philanderer: (n)

    man who does this.

    philanthropist: (n)

    person who helps others. esp through charitablework or donations of money.

    philatelist: (n)

    person who collects postage stamps.


    Prevalent People offil istine isunculturedEg:>> Our plastic,violent culture, withits phili stine tastesand hunger fornovelty.

    >> The town's philistines who think thatspending on the arts is a waste of taxpayers'moneySyn: conformist, conventionalist, pedant,sycophant, boor, common, pragmatic, lowbrow,materialist.PH ILI STIN E(A) trader(B) connoisseur(C) atheist(D) commoner(E) cynic

    philology: n.

    science or studyof the development of languageor of a particular language.

    phlegmatic: (adj)

    calm and even-

    tempered; showing thequali ty of phlegm.PHLEGMATIC(A) showing excitement(B) displaying

    contentment(C) distractible(D) self- conscious(E) innovative

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    PHLEGMATIC(A) vivacious(B) valiant(C) arid(D) healthy(E) mature

    phobia: (n)

    extreme or abnormal dislike or fear of sth;aversion.

    phoenix: (n)

    Mythical bird of the Arabian desert. said to livefor several hundred years before burning itselfand then rising born again from its ashes ..phylum: n. (biology ) major division in theanimal or plant k ingdom.

    physiognomy: (n)

    features of a person's face.

    physiological: (adj)

    of or concerning physiology.

    piebald: (adj)

    covered with irregularly-shaped patches of twocolours. usu black and white ..

    piecemeal: adv.

    piece by piece; a part at a time.

    pied: (adj)

    having mixed colours. esp black and white.PIED(A) delicately formed(B) precisely detailed(C) solid colored(D) smooth(E) luminous

    piety: (n)

    devotion to God and respect for religiousprinciples; being pious.

    pigment: n.

    colouring matter used for making dyes. paint.etc.

    pilfer: v.

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    ~ (from sb/ sth) steal (sth. esp of small value orin small quantiti es).

    pillar Box (n)

    A pillar box is a postbox shaped like a pillar. I nBri tain, postboxes are painted a bright redcolour and bear the royal crown and ini tials ofthe reigning monarch at the time when the boxwas erected. Thus, pi llar boxes erected after 1952are marked 'E I I R' signifying the reign of queenElizabeth II.

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    pil lage: (n)

    (esp formerly) stealing or damaging of property.

    esp by soldiers in war ..

    pillory: n.Wooden framework withholes for the head andhands. into whichwrongdoers were lockedin former times. so that

    they could be publicly ridiculed.PILLORY(A) foster

    (B) lament(C) forgive(D) enjoy(E) exalt

    pinch: (v)

    take or hold (something) in a tight grip betweenthe thumb and finger.PINCH(A) important accomplishment(B) apt translation(C) abundant amount(D) opportune acquisition(E) unfamiliar period

    pine: (n)

    (also pine tree) any of several types ofevergreen tree that bear cones and have needle-shaped leaves growing in clusters.PINE(A) fall apart(B) become invigorated(C) become enraged(D) move ahead(E) stand firm

    pinion: n.

    outer segment of a bird's wing.

    pinnace: (n)

    small motor boat carried on aship for takingpeople ashore. loading goods. etc ..

    pinnacle: (n).

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    small pointed ornament built on to a roof orbuttress.

    pious: (adj)

    having or showing a deep devotion to religion.

    piquant: (adj)H aving a pleasantly sharp taste.PIQUANCY(A) delicacy

    (B) solidi ty(C) acidity(D) wholesomeness(E) blandness

    pique: v. hurt the pride or self-respect of (sb);offend.PIQUE(A) poke fun at(B) give hope to(C) neglect(D) mollify(E) dissuade

    piscatorial: (adj)

    of or concerning fishing or fishermen.

    pitfall: (n)

    unsuspected danger or di fficul ty.

    pith: (n)

    soft spongy substance that fills the stems ofcertain plants. eg reeds.PITH(A) unsound opinion(B) previous statement(C) erroneous judgment(D) insignificant part(E) inconclusive evidence

    PITH(A) untimely action(B) insufficient attention(C) routine treatment(D) rigid formulation(E) superfi cial element

    pithy: (adj)

    concise and full of meaning; terse.PITHNESS(A) elegant expression(B) attractive subtlety(C) unusual pungency(D) unwarranted verbiage(E) impertinent speech

    pittance: (n)

    very small or insufficient amount of money paidor received as wages or an allowance.

    pivotal: (adj)

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    of or forming a pivot.placate: v. make less angry; soothe or pacify.

    placebo: (n)

    (medical ) harmless substance given as if it weremedicine to calm a patient who mistakenlybelieves he is il l.

    placid: (adj)

    Calm and peaceful; undisturbed.PLACATE(A) avert(B) antagonize(C) procure(D) subside(E) revolt

    plagiarize: (n)

    steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another)as one's own:use (another's production) withoutcrediting the source.

    plaintive: (adj)

    sounding sad; sorrowful.

    plait: (v)

    weave or twist ( three or more lengths of hair.straw. etc) under and over one another to make

    one rope-like length.

    planchette (n)

    A planchette is a piece of heart-shaped board,mounted on supports, two of which are casters,fixed at the broader end, with a pencil at theother, so that i t can move easily over a sheet ofpaper when hands are placed lightly on it. Theplanchette is used by some mediums andmystics for supposed contact with spiri ts, whocause the pencil to write without volit ion fromthe person touching the board.

    plane: (n)

    (geometry ) surfacesuch that a straight l inejoining any two points in it touches it at allpoints.

    plaster: (n)

    soft mixture of l ime. sand. water. etc thatbecomes hard when dry and is used for making asmooth surface on walls and ceilings.

    plasticity: (n)State or quality of being able to bemoulded or shaped.PLASTICITY(A) purity(B) solidi ty(C) rigidity

    (D) sternness(E) massiveness


    (A) tightness(B) contiguity(C) stasis(D) rigidity(E) order

    platitude: (n)commonplace remark or statement. esp when itis said as if it were new or interesting.PLATITUDE(A) concise formulation

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    (B) original observation(C) insubstantial claim(D) relevant concern(E) insincere remark

    platonic: (adj)Platonic of or concerning the Greek philosopherPlato or his teachings.

    plaudit: n.

    (fml ) applause. praise or some other sign ofapproval.

    plausible: (adj)

    seeming to be right or reasonable; believable.

    plebeian: (adj.)

    of the lower social classes.

    plebiscite: (n)

    (decision made by a) direct vote by all quali fiedciti zens on an important poli tical matter.

    plenary: (adj)

    attended by all who have the right to attend.

    plenitude: (n)

    full supply.

    plethora: (n)quantity greater than what is needed; over-abundance.PLETHORA(A) degradation(B) flourish(C) paucity(D) vacillation(E) affirmation

    PLETHORA(A) viciousness(B) narrowness

    (C) choice(D) dearth(E) confusion

    pliable: (adj)

    easily bent. shaped or twisted; flexible.

    pliant: (adj)

    bendin g easily; supple.

    plight: n.

    serious and dif ficult situation or condition.

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    plenary (Adj).

    E.g.: Ple means all. So in plenary meeting all

    have to present.Related root Words: Plethora, Plenty

    ploy: (n)words or actions. eg in a game. intended to winan advantage over one's opponent.

    pluck: (v)

    sth gather or remove sth by pulling; pick sth.

    plumage: (n)

    feathers covering a bi rd' s body.

    plumb: n.

    piece of lead that is tied to a cord and used tofind the depth of water or test whether a wall. etcis vertical ..

    plumber: (n)

    person whose job is to fit and repair water-pipes.water-tanks. cisterns. etc in buildings.PLUMB(A) examine superficially(B) agree(C) feel(D) feel(E) abstain

    plume: (n)

    feather. esp a large one used as a decoration.

    plummet: (n).


    plump: (adj)

    (esp of an animal. a person. parts of the body)having a full rounded shape; fleshy.PLUMP(A) lofty(B) light(C) thin(D) reversed(E) horizontal

    plush (adj)

    P + lush In front of your home where is a lushfree park how is it ? Too luxurious, if we add pwith lush then it becomes p + lush = plush i.e.richly luxurious & expensive.Eg:>> A plush campus of I IM Ahmedabad.I t was avery embarrassing moment for Sachin Tendulkarwhen he sought duty exempted for his the plushFerrari 360 Mondeina.Syn:>> lucullan, plushy, lavish, lush

    plutocracy: (n)

    government by a rich and powerful class.

    podiatrist: (n)

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    podium: n.

    small platform for the conductor of an orchestra.a lecturer. etc to stand on.

    pogo Stick (n)

    A pogo stick is a child's toy invented in the early1920's consisting of a pole with two handles atthe top and two foot rests at the bottom,attached to a powerful spring at the bottom sothat by standing on the foot rests and holdingthe handles one can propel oneself along byjumping.

    pogrom (n)

    An official prosecution program which usuallyleads to mass kil li ng of a group of people,usually for racial or religious reasons. Pogrom isa program of official mass killing.Eg:State organized pogrom after the Godhera traincarnage. A pogrom ordered by H it lerSyn: slaughter, mass murder, massacre,butchery, ki ll ing, wholesale slaughter, generalslaughter, carnage, blood bath, genocidePogrom (Antonym)A) slaughterB) scheduleC) renaissance

    D) persecutionE) peonage

    poignancy: (n)

    state or quality of being poignant.

    poise: (v)

    be or keep balanced or suspended.

    polar: (adj)

    of or near the North or South Pole.

    polarity: (n)

    possession or location of negative and positivepoles.

    polarize:to break up into opposing factions or groupings.

    polemic: (n)

    During polling, Opposit ion parties trying tocreate polemic situation.Eg:>> Exclaimed litt le Alice, who contrived to feel ahuman interest even in these discords of polemicdivinity. Grandfather's Chair by Hawthorne,NathanielSyn:argumentation, assertion, contention, debate,defense, discussion, exchange, expostulation,questioning, remonstrationAnt:agreement, unanimity

    polychromatic (adj.)

    Poly + chromatic ....... polychromatic objects

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    have many colors but monochrome computershave only two colors i.e. Black & white.Eg:>> These thoughts strayed dreamily through themind of Prince Michael, as he smiled under thestubble of his polychromatic beard.>> Polychromatic light.Syn: colourful


    man who practices this.

    polyglot: adj.

    knowing. using or written in many languages.

    pomposity: n.

    being pompous.POMPOSITY(A) honesty(B) humility(C) competence(D) composure(E) originality

    ponderous: adj.slow and awkward because of great weight.

    pontifical: adj. of the Pope.

    pore: (n)

    any of the tiny openings in the surface of theskin or of a leaf. through which moisture canpass.

    porous: adj.

    allowing liquid or air topass through. espslowly.

    POROUS(A) inadmissible

    (B) intractable(C) impermeable(D) impalpable(E) implacable

    porridge: (n)

    . soft food made by boil ing a cereal in water or


    portend: (v)

    be a sign or warning of (sth in the future);foreshadow.portent: n. ~ (fml ) sign or warning of a future(often unpleasant) event; omen.

    portly: (adj)

    (esp of an older person) having a stout body; fat.

    poseur: n.(derog) person who behaves in an unnaturalaffected way in order to impress others.

    posterity: n.following or future generations.

    posthumous: adj.happening or given after death.


    occurring after death.

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    postulate: (v)

    put (something) forward as a fact or accept(something) as true. esp as a basis for reasoningor argument.

    posture: (n)

    attitude or position of the body.

    potable: (adj)

    fit for drinking; drinkable ;.

    potent: (adj)

    (of drugs. etc) having a strong effect.


    ruler wi th direct power over his people;autocratic monarch.

    potential: adj.

    that can or may come into existence; possible.

    potion: (n)

    drink of medicine. poison or a liquid used inmagic.


    heterogeneous mixture;.

    poultice: (n)

    soft heated mass spread on a cloth and put on asore place on the body to soothe pain. reduceswelling. etc.

    practicable: (adj)

    that can be put into practice; workable.practical: adj. concerned with practiceand actionrather than theory.

    pragmatic: (adj)

    treating things in a sensible and reali stic way;concerned with practical results.

    pragmatist: (n)

    person who acts in a practical way.

    prance: (v)

    move jerki ly by raising the forelegs andspringing forward from the hind legs.

    prank: (n)

    playful or mischievous trick.

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    prattle: (v)

    Rattle....... Rattle on someone is a prattling;prate: v. ~ (on about sth) talk or chatter too

    much (about sth).Eg: She listened to their foolish prattle.Syn: blubbering, burble, chatter, clamor, drivel,gab, gabble, gibberish, gossip, gushing, idletalk, jabber, jabbering, jargon, murmur,mutteringAnt: quietness, silence, stil lness

    preamble: (n)

    opening statement explaining the purpose of thebook. document. lecture. etc that fol lows.

    precarious: (adj)

    Take care of precarious situation while drivingbecause of dangerous traffic.Eg:>> A precarious solution to a difficult problem.

    >> H is kingdom was sti ll precarious; the Danesfar from subduedSyn: borderline, chancy, contingent, dangerous,delicate, dicey, hairy, hazardous, iffy, indecisive,insecure, loaded, perilous, problematic, risky,rocky, rugged, sensiti ve, shaky, slippery, t icklish,touchy, tricky, uncertain, unhealthy, unreliable,unsafe, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, unsureAnt: safe, securePRECATIOUS(A) sensitive(B) natural(C) eager(D) intentional(E) well balanced

    PRECARIUS(A) safe(B) covert(C) rescued(D) revived(E) pledged

    precedent: (n)

    earlier decision. case. event. etc that is regardedas an example or rule for what comes later.

    precept: (n)

    rule or guide. esp for behaviour.

    precinct: n.area enclosed by definite boundaries. esp thewalls of a cathedral. church or college.

    precipice: n.very steep or verti cal face of a cli ff. mountain or


    precipitant:Moving onward quickly and heedlessly..

    precipitate: (v)

    cause (something) to happen suddenly orsoon(er); hasten.PRECIPITATE(A) desperate(B) determined

    (C) dissident(D) deliberate(E) divided

    PRECIPITATE(A) valid(B) rugged(C) cautions(D) weightless(E) spectacular

    precipitous: (adj)

    dangerously high or steep.PRECIPTIOUS(A) dim(B) pointed(C) old(D) dry(E) level

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    precise: (adj)

    stated clearly andaccurately.

    preclude: v.~ sb from doing sth prevent (sth. or sb doingsth); make (something) impossible.

    precocious: (adj)

    (of a child) having developed certain abili ties atan earlier age than usual.

    precursor: (n)

    Pre+ cursorWhen I want to dosomething my cursor always precedes myaction. That is the attitude of a precursor in thesocietyEg:>> Colonial opposition to unfair taxation by theBri tish was a precursor of the Revolution.>> The new principal' s precursor was aneminent educator.A precursor of insulin.8thcentury poets like Robert Burns were precursorsof the Romantics.Syn: harbinger, herald, forerunner

    predator: n.animal that ki lls and eats other animals.

    predatory: adj.(li ving by) kil ling other animals for food.

    predecessor: (n)

    person who held an office or position before sbelse.

    predetermine: v.decide or f ix (something) in advance;prearrange.

    predicament: n.

    difficult or unpleasant situation. esp one inwhich sb is uncertain what to do.

    predilection: n.~ (for sth) special liking (for sth); preference.

    predispose: (v)

    sb to/ towards sth influence sb (in a specifiedway) in advance.


    having paramount rank. digni ty. Orimportance: OUTSTANDI NG.

    preempt:to replace with something considered to be ofgreater value or priority:take precedence over.

    preen: (v)

    My washer man's wife waspassionate about her looks.She even uses Rin detergentcake to preen herself.Sopreen means spruce

    someone.Eg: She would begin to preen herself.Syn: spruce, trim, primp, attire, beautify,embellish, comb, curry, nurture, prep, pretty up,prim, prime, primp, sleek, spruce up, tend, tidyAnt: fustigate, slog, slug, take downPreen (Antonym)A) PrimpB) PlumeC) RagamuffinD) H abileE) Tidy

    prefatory: adj. acting as a preface; introductory.prefigure: v. represent beforehand (sth that wi ll

    happen in the future); foreshadow.prehensile: adj. able to grasp and hold things.prelate: n. high-ranking clergyman. eg a bishopor an archbishop.prelude: n. ~ action or event that happens beforeanother larger or more important one and formsan introduction to it.

    premeditate: v.

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    plan in advance.

    premise: n.

    statement or idea on which reasoning is based;hypothesis.

    premonition: n.~ feeling that sth unpleasant is going to happen.

    premonitory: adj.giving a warning.

    preponderance:superiority of power. quantity.

    prepossessing: adj.makinga good impression; attractive.

    preposterous: adj.completely contrary to reason or common sense;

    absurd or outrageous.

    prerogative: n.right or privilege. esp one belonging to aparticular person or group.

    presage: n.sign that sth (esp sth unpleasant) wil l happen;omen.

    prescience:foreknowledge of events:a:divine omniscienceb:human anticipation of the course ofevents:FORESIGHT.

    presentiment: n.vague feeling that sth (esp sth unpleasant) willhappen; foreboding.

    prestige: n.respect based on good reputation. pastachievements. etc.

    presume: v.suppose to be true; take (something) for granted.

    presumptuous: adj.(of a person or his behaviour) too bold or self-confident.

    pretend: v.make oneself appear to be sth in order to deceiveothers or in play.

    preternatural: adj.beyond what is natural or normal; unusual.

    pretext: n.

    ~ reason given (for doing sth) that is not the realreason; excuse.

    prevail: v.

    ~ exist or happen generally; be widespread.


    Pre +valentine ....... valentine day is prevalent inthe whole worldEg: A prevalent opinionThe kinds of accidentsseen in places where snowmobi les are prevalent.Syn: widespread, accepted, rife, prevail ing.prevaricate: v. try to avoid telli ng the (whole)truth by speaking in an evasive or a misleadingway; equivocate.

    prey: n.

    animal. bird. etc hunted and killed by another forfood.

    prim: adj.(usu derog ) (of a person) disliking anything that

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    is improper. rude or rough; prudish.

    primal: adj.first or original; primeval.

    primary: adj.earliest in time or order of development.

    primate: n.archbishop.

    prime: adj.most important; chief; fundamental.

    primogeniture: n.fact of being a first-born child.

    primordial: adj.existing at or from the beginning. esp of theworld or the universe; primeval.

    primp: v.

    (derog ) tidy (oneself. one's hair . etc) in a fussyway.

    pristine: adj.in its original condition; unspoilt.

    privation: n.lack of things necessary for li fe; deprivation.

    privy: adj.

    private; secret.

    prize: n. award given to the winner of acompeti tion. race. etc.

    probe: n.tool for examining a place whichcannot bereached otherwise. esp a thin implement wi th ablunt end used by a doctor for examining awound.

    probity: n.quality of being honest and trustworthy; integrity;.

    proclivity: n.~ (fml ) natural inclination to do sth (esp sthbad); tendency.

    procrastinate: v.delay or postpone action.

    procurement: n.obtaining.

    prod: v.~ (at sb/ sth) push or poke (sb/ sth) wi th a fingeror some other pointed object.

    prodigal: (adj)

    Guys are always ready to be aprodigal for the gals.Eg:>> Mans prodigal habits diehard.Prodigal expenditures onunneeded weaponry; a prodigallife.>> Prodigal outlays for her

    clothesNature has been so prodigal of herbounty.>.> The prodigal child always spent herallowance the minute she got i t

    Syn: lavish, extravagant, squandering,scattergood, spendthri ft, Profuse, L avish,Prodigal, Luxuriant, Lush, ExuberantAnt: conserving, economical, economizing,frugal, scrimping, skimping, thrifty.

    prodigious: adj.

    very great in size. amount or degree. so as tocause amazement or admiration; enormous.

    prodigy: n.

    person with unusual or remarkable quali ties orabilities.

    profane: adj.

    not sacred; secular.

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    profligate: adj.recklessly extravagant or wasteful.

    profound: adj.deep. intense or far-reaching; verygreat.

    profusion: n.~ of sth abundant supply of sth.PROFUSE(A) sequential(B) shoddy(C) scant(D) surly(E) supreme

    PROFUSE(A) lucid(B) concise(C) erudite(D) affluent(E) candid

    progenitor: n.ancestor (of a person. an animal or a plant).

    progeny: n.offspring.

    prognosis: n.(medical) forecast of the likely course of adisease or an illness.

    prognosticate: v.tell (something) in advance; predict.

    prohibit ive: adj.

    intended to or tending to prevent the use orpurchase of sth.projectile: n.object (to be) shot forward. esp from a gun.

    proletarian:member of the working class.

    proliferate: v.produce new growth or offspring rapidly;multiply ;.

    prolific: adj.producing much fruit or many flowers oroffspring.

    prolix: adj.(of a speech. wri ter. etc) using too many wordsand so boring to l isten to or read.PROLIX(A) lucid(B) concise(C) erudite(D) affluent(E) candid

    PROLIXITY(A) intense devotion(B) vehement protest(C) serious offence(D) exact measurement(E) extreme brevity

    prologue: (n)

    introductory part of a poem or play.PROLOGUE(A) soliloquy(B) trilogy(C) analogue(D) dialogue(E) epilogue

    prolong: v.make longer. esp in time; extend.

    prominent: adj.jutting out; projecting.

    promiscuous: adj.not careful ly chosen; indiscriminate or casual.

    promontory: n.

    area of high land jutting out into the sea or alake; headland ; ..

    promulgate: v.

    make (something) widely known; disseminate.

    prone: adj.

    lying flat. esp face downwards.

    prong: n.

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    each of the two or more long pointed parts of afork.

    pronounced: adj.

    very noticeable.

    prop: n.rigid support. esp a piece of wood. used toprevent sth fall ing or sagging.

    propagate: v.increase the number of by a natural processfromthe parent stock.PRPAGATE(A) hesitate to join(B) hope to prosper(C) decide to accept(D) begin to falter(E) fail to multiply

    PROPAGATION(A) regulation(B) emulation(C) extirpation(D) infiltration(E) revelation

    propellant: n.propelling agent. eg an explosive that propels abullet from a weapon. a fuel that provides thrustfor a rocket. or compressed gas that forces outthe contents of an aerosol container.

    propensity: n.~ (for doing/ to do sth) (fml ) inclination ortendency.

    prophetic: adj.of or l ike a prophet or prophets.

    prophylactic: adj.tending to prevent a disease or misfortune.

    propinquity: n.

    nearness in space or t ime.

    propitiate: v.win the favour or forgiveness of (sb) (esp whenhe is angry) by a pleasing act; appease orplacate.PROPITIATE(A) antagonize(B) discourage(C) repress(D) forsake(E) deceive

    PROPITIATE(A) arbitrate(B) clarify(C) seek refuge(D) arouse hosti li ty(E) disagree violently

    PROPITIATE(A) elate

    (B) pester(C) incense(D) distract(E) forgive

    propitious: adj.~ (fml ) giving or indicating a good chance ofsuccess; favourable.

    proponent: n.~ person who supports a cause. theory. etc.PROPONENT(A) detractor(B) skeptic

    (C) agent(D) disciple(E) enemy

    propound: v.put (something) forward for consideration orsolution.


    Propriety is a proper way of doing things.Eg: She behaves with proprietySome peoplemiss the straitlaced propriety that was largelyabandoned in the 1960s.Syn: aptness, suitabili ty, advisabil ity,accordance, agreeableness, compatibility,consonance, seemliness, appropriateness,congruity, modesty, concord, expedienceAnt: indecorum, indecorousness, unseemliness,indiscretion

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    propulsive: adj.

    that drives sth (esp a vehicle) forward.


    Reading a prose (a piece of writing) i s prosaictask in comparison of poetry.Eg:>> A prosaic description of her journey.Prosaicadvice.H eroic characters wasted in prosaic lives.>> My job at the TV station dealt wi th the muchmore prosaic business of cleaning the floors.>> Prosaic advice on how to remove common

    stains from clothing.Syn:mundane,humdrum, unglamorous,unglamourous, commonplace

    proscenium: n.

    the part of the stage in front of the curtain.

    proscribe: v.state officially that (something) is dangerous or

    forbidden.PROSCRIBE(A) exert(B) permit(C) occupy(D) subsume completely(E) placate lovingly

    PROSCRIBE(A) predict(B) sanction(C) reciprocate(D) delineate(E) codify

    proselytize:to recruit or convert especially to a new faith.institution. or cause.

    prosody: n.science of verse forms and poetic metres.

    prosper: v.be successful; thrive.

    prosperity: n.state of being successful or rich; good fortune.

    prosperous: adj.successful or thriving. esp fi nancially.

    prostrate: adj.stretched out on the ground face downward. espbecauseof exhaustion or in order to showsubmission. respect. etc.

    protagonist: n.(fml ) chief character in a drama; hero.

    protean:(adj)Protein can take protean(many form)Eg:>> H e loved to show off hisprotean talent" William >> A.H enry I II .>> A protean actor who is

    equally comfortable with light comedy andserious drama.Syn: mutable, variable, unsettled, labile.Ant: rigid

    protocol: n.system of rules governing formal occasions. egmeetings between governments. diplomats. etc;official etiquette.

    prototype: n.first or original example of sth that has been orwill be copied or developed; model orpreliminary version.

    protract: v.make (something) last a long t ime or longer;lengthen or prolong.

    protrude: v.~ ( from sth) (cause sth to) jut or stick out from asurface; (cause sth to) project.

    protuberance: n.being protuberant.

    provenance: n.(place of) origin.

    provender: n.

    food for horses and cattle. eg hay or oats; fodder.

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    proverb: n.short well-knownsaying that states ageneral t ruth or givesadvice.Eg: I t takes two tomake a quarrel' or`Don't put all your

    eggs in one basket' .

    providence: n.

    way in which God or nature cares for andprotects all creatures.

    provident: adj.

    having or showing wisdom for future needs;thrifty.

    provincial: adj.

    of a province.

    provision: n.~ of sth giving. lending. supplying or making sthavailable; providing sth.

    provisional: adj.for the presenttime only. with the possibility ofbeing changed. etc later; temporary.

    proviso: n.clause. etc that is insisted on as a condition of anagreement.

    provocative: adj.tending or intended to arouse anger. annoyance.controversy. etc.

    provoke: v.make (sb) angry or annoyed.

    prowess: n.outstanding skill or ability; expertise.

    proximity: n.

    ~ (to sth) nearness in space or time; closeness.

    proxy: n.person authorized to act on behalf of another.

    prude: n.person who behaves in an extremely orunnaturally proper manner. esp one who is (too)easily shocked by sexual matters.

    prudent: (adj)A Prudent person uses prudenttoothpaste because it is cheaperi.e. value for money.Eg:>> No prudent money managerwould authorize a loan withoutknowing its purpose.

    >> Prudent investors.prudent adviceSyn: cautious, circumspect, provident, frugal

    prune: n.dried plum.

    prurient: adj.

    having or showing excessive interest in sexualmatters.

    pry: v.

    ~ (into sth) inquire too curiously or rudely aboutother people's private affairs.

    pseudonym: n.

    person's name that is not his real name. esp oneused by an author; pen-name.

    psyche: n.

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    human soul or mind; psychiatrist: n. specialist inpsychiatry; psychic: adj. concerned withprocesses and phenomena that seem to beoutside physical or natural laws.

    pterodactyl: n.

    extinct flying reptile.

    pucker: v.~ (up) (cause sth to) form small folds orwrinkles.pudding: n. (Brit) (dish of) sweet food eaten atthe end of a meal; dessert.

    puerile: adj.showing immaturi ty; childish and sil ly.

    pugilist: n.professionalboxer.

    pugnacious: (adj)

    inclined or eager to fight; aggressive.

    puissant:powerful; strong; potent.PUISSANCE(A) powerlessness(B) baseness

    (C) liberality(D) skepticism(E) knowledge

    pulchritude:physical comeliness.

    pulmonary: adj.of. in or affecting the lungs.

    pulpit: n.

    raised and enclosed platform in a church. wherea clergyman stands when he is preaching.

    pulsate: v.expand and contract rhythmically; throb.

    pulse: n.regular beating of the arteries as blood ispumped through them by the heart. esp as felt atthe wrist.

    pulverize:to reduce (as by crushing. beating. or grinding)to very small particles:ATOMIZE.

    pummel: v.strike (sb/ sth) repeatedly. esp with the fist(s);beat.

    punctili ous: adj.

    very careful to carry out one's duties. etccorrectly; very attentive to details of behaviour orceremony.

    pundit: n.

    very learned Hindu.

    pungency: n.

    quality or state of being pungent.

    pungent: n.

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    having a sharp or strong taste or smell.PUNGENCY(A) boredom(B) redundancy(C) unresponsiveness(D) blandness(E) insignificance

    punitive: adj.intended as punishment.

    puny: adj.(usu derog ) small. weak and underdeveloped.

    purblind (adj) Blind..... Partly blindEg: Purblind to the feelingsof his lover." A purblindoligarchy that flatly refusedto see that history wascondemning it to the

    dustbin.Syn: blind, shortsighted, superficial, dim-sighted, near-blind, sand-blind, visuallychallenged, visually impaired

    purgatory: n.(in Roman Catholic teaching) place or conditionin which the souls of the dead are purified by

    suffering in preparation for H eaven.

    purge: v.~ sb ~ sth (away) make sb clean or pure byremoving (evil. sin. etc).

    purport: n.~ (fml ) general meaning or intention (of sth).

    purported: adj.alleged; supposed; rumoured.

    purveyor: n.

    person or firm that supplies goods or services.

    pushy: adj.(also pushing) adj (infml derog . ) tryingconstantly to draw attention to oneself and gainan advantage; self-assertive.

    pusillanimous: adj.

    cowardly; timid ;.

    putative: adj.

    generally supposed to be; reputed.

    putrefy: v.

    (cause sth to) rot or decay; become or makeputrid.

    putrescent: adj.

    inthe process of rotting; putrid: adj. (esp ofanimal or vegetable matter) that has becomerotten; decomposed.

    puzzle: n.

    questionthat is difficult to understand or answer;mystery.

    pyre: n.

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    large pile of wood. etc for burning a dead bodyas part of a funeral ceremony.

    pyromaniac: n.

    person who suffers from pyromania.

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    (D) convoke(E) delay

    QUELL(A) plead(B) condone(C) incite(D) rationali ty(E) action

    quench: v.

    extinguish (fi re. flames. etc). esp with water.

    querulous: adj.

    complaining; irritable.

    quibble: n.

    objection or cri ticism. esp atrivial one.

    quicksilver: n.

    = mercury.

    quiescent: adj.inactive; passive; quiet.QUIESCENCE(A) impartiali ty(B) subtlety(C) indictment(D) rationality(E) action

    QUIESCENCE(A) strong conviction(B) restless activity

    (C) rapid decline(D) ambivalence(E) discourtesy

    quietude: n.

    stil lness; calm ;.

    quintessence: n.

    the ~ of sth essential part of (a theory. speech.condition. etc).

    quip: n.

    wit ty or sarcastic remark.

    quirk: n.

    habit or action that is peculiar to sb/ sth.

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    quisling: n.

    traitor. esp one who helps an enemy occupyinghis country ..

    quiver: v.

    tremble slightly or vibrate.

    quixotic: adj.

    noble. unself ish or gallant in an extravagant orimpractical way.

    quizzical: adj.

    in a questioning manner. esp when amused.

    quorum: n.minimum number ofpeople who must bepresent at a meeting(of a commit tee. etc)before it can proceedand its decisions. etccan be considered


    quotidian: adj.

    everyday; commonplace.

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    Rabbi (n)Rab+ bi.arabid supporter of Rab(God) Arabic believes

    that it is God who doeseverything. Then whowill be rabbi? Rabbi aJewish religious leader

    simi lar to the priest of H indus & the mullah ofMuslims,Syn: rebel, preacher, clergyman, cleric, minister

    rabble: n.

    disorderly crowd; mob ;.

    rabid(adj)Rab + bid ........Supporters of rub (God)and bid (lottery) showrabid support for theiropinion.Eg: Rabid hatred. Arabid supporter. A rabidfootball fan. Rabid

    editorials. Soccer fans whose rabid enthusiasmmakes them o berserk when their team wins.Syn: mad, raging, frenzied, deranged, fanatic,

    fanatical, overzealousAnt: indifferent, moderate

    rabies: n.

    fatal virus disease causing madness in dogs.foxes and other animals. transmitted to humansusu by a bite ..

    raconteur: n.

    person who tells stories skilfully and wittily.

    raffle: n.

    lottery with an article as the prize.

    rag: n.

    odd cloth. usu torn. frayed. etc.

    ragamuffin: n.

    person. esp a small boy. in dirty untidy clothes.

    rail: n.level or sloping bar or

    connected series ofbars of wood or metal.eg forming part of afence. the top of abanister. a protectivebarrier. etc.

    raiment: n.


    rake: n.

    long-handled tool with a row of prongs at theend for drawing together fallen leaves.

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    smoothing soil. etc.

    rakish: adj.

    of or l ike a rake.

    rally: v.~ (round/ to sb/ sth);~ (round) (of people)come together. esp tomake new efforts. egafter a defeat or whenthere is danger. need.etc.

    ram: n

    .uncastrated male sheep.

    ramble: v.

    walk for pleasure with no special destination.

    ramification: n.

    part of a complex structure; secondaryconsequence. esp one that complicates.

    ramify (v)Ram+ify... Ram,Ideal of the Hindu, was agreat warrior. I had seenglimpses of Ram-Ravanwar in Ramanand Sagarsepisode Mahabharatwhen lord Ram attackedwith his arrows, itramify.ramify.

    What happened? H is arrow formed manybranches.Ramify: Spreador cause to spread and branchout; divide into branches or subdivisions.Eg:>> The plant started to ramify.>> The problem merely ramif ied after theunsuccessful meeting.>> The rise of cable television ramified theaudience, creating ever smaller segments for anever growing array of programming choices.Syn: branch, fork, separate, complexify, branch

    ramp: n.

    slope joining two levels of ground. a floor. aroad. etc.

    rampant: adj.

    flourishing excessively; unrestrained.

    rampart: n.

    defensive wall round a fort. etc consisting of awide bank of earth with a path for walking alongthe top.

    ramshackle: (adj)Shackled in the chainRamu reached inramshackle condit ion.Eg: Ramshacklebuilding.Syn: crumbling,rickety, dilapidated,


    rancid: (adj)Rain containing acid givesrancid smellEg: A rancid smell.

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    Syn escent, impure, decomposing, putrefied,musty, rank, fetid, foulAnt: aromatic, fragrant, fresh, sweet


    bitter deep-seated ill will.

    rank: n.bad smell.rankle: v. RANKLE(A) assuage(B) duplicate(C) divulge(D) append

    (E) permeate

    cause lasting bitterness or resentment.

    ransack: v.

    ~ sth search (a place) thoroughly.

    rant: (v)Landlord rants at mandy forrent.Eg: Mother ranting withrage.Syn: bombast, tirade, raving,rhetoric

    rapacious: adj.

    greedy. esp for money; grasping.

    rapport: n.

    ~ sympathetic and harmonious relationship.

    rapt: (adj)My many friends readrape news with raptattention. So rapt meansfascinated.Eg: A rapt smile.Syn: absorbed,bewitched, captivated,

    enamored, engrossed, enthralled, entranced,gripped, hypnotized, immersed, spellboundAnt: absent, absent-minded, apathetic, careless,distracted, distrait, distraught, diverted,heedless, inadvertent, indifferent, inobservant,oblivious, remiss, unconscious, undiscerning,unheeding

    Rapt (Antonym)A) DelightedB) SpellboundC) CursoryD) BewitchedE) Beguiled

    rapture: n.

    intense delight.

    rasp: n.

    coarse file with rows of sharp points on itssurface.

    raspy: adj.

    rough; grating.

    ratify: v.

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    make (an agreement. a treaty. etc) officially

    valid. usu by signing it .

    ratiocination: n.

    process of logical and methodical reasoning.

    ration: n.

    fixed quantity. esp an official allowance of food.etc in times of shortage.

    rational (n)Ratio..... Rational numbers arethose which can be written inthe form of ratio.Syn: analytical, circumspect,

    cognitive, deductive, deliberate, discerning,discriminating, enlightened, far-sighted,intellectual, intelligent, judicious, knowing,logical, lucid, perspicacious

    rationale: n.

    fundamental reason for or logical basis of sth.


    to provide plausible but untrue reasons forconduct.

    raucous: adj.

    loud and hoarse; harsh-sounding.

    ravage: v.

    damage badly; destroy.

    rave: v.

    RAVE(A) flak(B) flop(C) cant(D) pan(E) snub~ talk wildly or furiously as if in a fever or mad.

    ravel: v.** ** *RAVEL(A) remain silent(B) increase involume(C) knit(D) omit(E) measure~ (something) (up)(cause threads orfibres to) tangle and

    become knotted.

    ravenous: adj.

    very hungry.

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    ravine: n.

    deep narrow steep-sided valley betweenmountains.

    raze:to destroy to theground: DEMOLISH .RAZE(A) construct(B) amble(C) ruin

    (D) popularize

    (E) sit quietly

    RAZE(A) construct(B) amble(C) ruin(D) popularize(E) sit quietly

    reactionary: n. adj

    opposing (esp poli tical) progress or reform.

    realm: n.


    reaper: n.

    person who reaps.

    rebate: n.

    amount by which a debt. tax. etc can be reduced;discount or partial refund.

    rebuff: n.unkind or contemptuousrefusal or rejection (of anoffer. request. friendlygesture. etc); snub.REBUFF(A) tease(B) defy

    (C) meddle(D) welcome(E) challenge

    rebuke: v.

    ~ sb express sharp or severe disapproval to sb.esp officially; reprove sb.

    rebus: n.

    puzzle in which a word or phrase has to beguessed from pictures or diagrams representingthe letters or syllables in it.

    rebuttal: n.

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    act of rebutting or being rebutted.

    recalcitrant: adj.resisting authority ordiscipline; disobedient.recant: v. RECANT(A) propose(B) respond(C) instruct(D) affirm(E) disclose

    formally reject (a former opinion. belief. etc) asbeing wrong.

    recapitulate: v.

    state again or summarize the main points of.

    recast: v.

    ~ sth (as sth) put (sth written or spoken) into anew form.

    receptive: adj.

    ~ able or quick to receive new ideas.

    suggestions. etc.

    recess: n.

    (US also vacation) period of time when work or

    business is stopped. esp in Parliament. thelawcourts. etc.

    recession: n.

    temporary decline in economic activity orprosperity.

    recidivism: a

    tendency to relapse into a previous condition ormode of behavior; especially :relapse intocriminal behavior.

    recital: n.

    public performance of music. dance. etc by asoloist or a small group; recite: v. ~ ( to sb) say (apoem. passage. etc) aloud from memory. esp toan audience.

    reckon: v.

    ~ sb/ sth among sth; ~ sb/ sth as sth (not used inthe continuous tenses ) be of the opinion orconsider that sb/ sth is as specified.

    recline: v.

    lean or l ie back in a horizontal or near-horizontal

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    recluse: n.

    person who lives alone and avoids other people.


    to make consistent or congruous.

    recondite: adj.(of subjects) little known or understood; obscure.

    RECONDITE(A) useful(B) evident(C) restored(D) indistinguishable(E) destructive

    reconnaissance: n.

    exploration or a survey of an area. esp formilitary purposes.

    recount: v.

    ~ sth give a detailed account of sth; tell aboutsth.

    recourse: (n)

    Short term courses can

    be proved a right recourse in difficult situationEg: Death is a last recourseto solution.Syn: appeal, support, refuge, resort

    recreant: n. adj

    (person who is) cowardly. unfaithful ortreacherous.

    recrimination: n.

    accusation in response to an accusation from sbelse; countercharge.

    rectitude: n.moral correctness or straightforwardness;honesty.

    recumbent: adj.

    (esp of a person) lying down; reclining.

    recuperate: v.

    ~ (fml ) recover from illness. exhaustion or loss.etc.

    recurrent: adj. recurring often or regularly.redolent: adj. ~ of/ with sth smelling strongly ofsth.redoubtable: adj. to be feared and respected;formidable.redress: v. put right (a wrong); compensate for(sth).

    redundant: adj.

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    not needed; superfluous; unnecessary.

    reek: (n)

    The body of reech (beer) gives bad reek.Eg: The reek of petrol.

    Syn: stench, stink, smell, miasma

    refectory: n.

    dining-hall in a monastery. convent. college.school. Etc.REFRACTORY

    (A) reflective(B) manageable(C) pastoral(D) relaxed(E) completed

    referendum: n.

    referring of a political issue to a general vote byall the people of a country for a decision; votethus taken.

    refraction: n . refracting or being refracted ..refractory: adj. difficult to control or discipline;wil ful or unmanageable.refrain: n. lines of a song or poem which arerepeated. esp at the end of each verse.refulgent: adj. gloriously bright; shining ;.refurbish: v. make clean or bright again;


    refute: v.

    prove to be wrong.REFUTE(A) reveal(B) associate(C) recognize(D) understand(E) prove

    regal: adj.of. like or fi t for a king or queen; royal.

    regale: (v)

    In the realisms of Akbar the Great what wasBirbal doing..Regale, yes! , Yourguess is as good as mine regale: entertain withconversation.Eg:>> Shekhar Kapoor regaled asan anchor on theSAB TV.>> I used to have gals who regaled me atcollege.Regaled us with tall tales.>> An inn that rightly regales its guests withfive-course meals prepared by a master chef.>> Regaled his grandchildren with stories of histime in Morocco.Syn: delight, please, amuse, treat.........

    regatta: n.

    sporting event at which races are held between

    rowing-boats or yachts.


    spiritual rebirth.

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    regent: n. person appointed to rule a countrywhile the monarch is too young. old. ill . etc. or isabsent.

    regicide: n.

    crime of killing a king.

    regime: n.

    method or system of government.

    regimen: n.

    set of rules about diet. exercise. etc aimed at

    improving sb's health and physical well-being.

    regiment: n.

    (artil lery and armour) unit divided into batteriesor squadrons.

    rehabil itate: v.

    restore to a normal li fe by retraining. medicaltreatment. etc. esp after imprisonment or il lness.

    reimburse: v. ~ sth ~ sb (for sth) (usu fml ) payback to sb (money that he has spent. lost. etc);refund sth.

    rein (v)

    I t is diffi cult to rein the rain.

    Eg:>> Rein your expenditure.>> The reins of government.Gave ful l rein to herimagination.>> After the president resigned, the vice-president stepped in and took the reins of thecompany.Syn: bridle strap, line, control, draw rein, rein in,harness, harness, rule

    rejoinder: (n)George joins the discussion bygiving rejoinderEg: She happily back the

    rejoinder.Syn: acknowledgment,antiphon, clause, comeback, comment, cooler,counterclaim, defense, explanation, feedback,guff, interpretation, justifi cation, key, lip,observation, parting shot, pay dirt, plea, quickfix, rebuttal, refutation, remark, repartee,resolution, retort, riposte, vindication, wisecrackAnt: invitation, question, request

    rejuvenate: v.

    restore youthful appearance. strength. etc to.

    relapse: (v)Re +lapse..After alapse of certain period a diseasewhen haunt again i t is called arelapse.Eg:The vaccine helped to reduce

    the likelihood of a relapse inrecovering addicts.Those participants in the trial who relapsed in totaking cocaine within six monthssaid theeuphoric effect had decreased.Syn: reversion, recidivism, backsliding,regression, recurrence, decline, deterioration,reverse, reversal, setback, backsliding, lapsing,relapsing, reverting, lapse, reversion.


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    banish; consign to inferior position.

    relent: v.

    decide to be less strict . determined or harsh.

    relic: n.

    trace or feature surviving from a past age andserving to remind people of it.

    relinquish: v.

    give up or cease to practise. feel. etc (sth);abandon.

    relish: n.

    ~ great enjoyment of food. etc; zest.

    remediable: adj. that can be remedied.reminiscence: n. recall ing of past events andexperiences; reminiscing ;.reminiscent: adj. ~ of sb/ sth reminding one of orsuggesting sb/ sth.

    remiss: adj.

    ~ (fml ) careless of one's duty; lax.

    remission: n.

    pardoning or forgiveness of sins by God.

    remit: v.

    (fml ) refrain from infl icting (a punishment. etc).

    remit tance: n.

    remit ting of money.

    remnant: n.

    small remaining quantity or part or number ofthings or people.

    remonstrate: (v)

    Remonstration is a demonstration against aparticular decision made by governing body;remonstrance: n. remonstrating; protest ;.

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    Eg: Remonstrate against cruelty to women.Syn: expostulate, demur, cri ticize, animadvert,censure, scold, nag, deprecate, recriminate,decry, frown upon, disparage,

    remorse: n.

    ~ sense of deep and bit ter regret for having donesth wrong.

    remote: adj.

    ~ (from sth) far away from other communities.houses. etc; isolated.

    remunerative: adj.



    r + end ...... Jackal ended the life of innocentchild after renting him apart.

    Eg:>> They rend their clothes in grief.>> " Chip was rent between the impulse to laughwildly and a bitterness that threatened hot tears"Louis Auchincloss.>> A scream rent the silence.>> Tales that rend the heart.>> The prophecy that the disaster would causepeople to rend their garments in mourning.Syn: rip, rive, pull

    render: v.

    ~ sth (for sth); ~ sth (to sb) give sth in return orexchange. or as sth which is due.

    rendezvous: n.

    ~ (with sb) (place chosen for a) meeting at anagreed time.

    rendition: n.

    way in which a dramatic role or piece of music.etc i s performed; rendering.

    renegade: n.

    person that deserts a cause. poli tical party.religious group. etc.

    renege: v.

    ~ (on sth) fail to keep a promise. one's word. etc.

    renounce: v.

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    agree to give up ownership or possession of(sth). esp formally.

    renovate: v.

    restore to good condition.RENOVATE(A) design to specifications

    (B) keep hidden(C) cause to decay(D) duplicate(E) complicate

    renown: n.

    fame or distinction.

    reparable: adj.

    (of a loss. etc) that can be made good.

    reparation: n.

    ~ (for sth) compensating for damage; makingamends for loss.


    In party Atal Ji given witty reparteeQuick repartee.Eg:>> That repartee to his question drew laughsfrom the bystanders.>> I wish we weren't apart, as repartee is harderto do in letters.Syn: retort, quip, banter, sparring



    repeal: v. withdraw officially; revoke ;.repel: v. drive (sb/ sth) back or away; repulse.

    repellent: adj. ~ arousing distaste or disgust;repulsive.repercussion: n. indirect effect or result of anevent. etc; consequence.repertoire: n. all the plays. songs. pieces. etcwhich a company. actor. musician. etc knowsand is prepared to perform.

    repine: v.

    imagine pine tree has grapes, and a cat wants toget to it, but is unsuccessful, then she frets orcomplains that the grapes were sour, thus repineis to fret and complain.~ (fml ) feel or show discontent; fret.

    replenish: v. ~ sth fil l sth again.

    replete: adj.

    ~ ( fml ) well-fed or full ; gorged.

    replica: n.

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    exact copy. esp one made by an arti st of one ofhis own pictures. Etc; replicate: v. be or make acopy of (sth); reproduce.

    repose: v.

    rest; lie.

    repository: n.

    place where things are stored or may be found.esp a warehouse or museum.

    reprehensible: adj.

    deserving to be reprehended.

    repress: v. restrain or suppress (an impulse);check.reprieve: v. postpone or cancel a punishment for(sb). esp the death sentence.reprimand: v. ~ sb rebuke sb (for a fault. etc).esp officially.

    reprisal: n.

    Meaning:>>> returning an injury. esp polit ical or mili tary.done to oneself; retaliation.>> > a retaliatory action against an enemy inwartimeSyn: retaliation, revenge

    reprise: recurrent action; musical repetition;repeat performance.reproach: v. ~ sb/ oneself (for sth) criticize

    sb/ oneself. esp for faili ng to do sth.

    reprove: v.

    ~ sb (fml ) blame or rebuke sb; censure;reprobation: severe disapproval; reprobate: adj. n

    immoral or unprincipled (person).

    repudiate: v.

    refuse to have any more to do with (sb); disown.

    repugnance: n.

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    ~ strong aversion or disgust.

    repulse: v.

    drive back (an attacker or an attack) by fighting;repel ;.

    repulsion: n.

    ~ feeling of loathing or aversion; disgust.REPULSION(A) combination(B) elongation(C) attraction(D) oscillation(E) illumination

    requiem: n.

    (also requiem mass) special mass for the reposeof the soul of a dead person.

    requisite: adj.

    required by circumstances or necessary forsuccess.

    requisiti on: n. ~ (for sth) official. usu written.

    demand for (esp) the use of property or materialsby an army in wartime or by certain people in anemergency.

    requite: v.

    To make repayment or return forMeaning: To make repayment or return for~ sth (with sth) give sth in return for sth else;repay sth.

    rescind: v.

    cancel or repeal (a law. contract. etc); annul.

    residual: adj.

    left over as a residue(1); remaining; residue: n. ~(of sth) what remains after a part or quantity istaken or used.

    resili ent: adj.

    springing back to its original form after being

    bent. stretched. crushed. etc; springy ..

    resolute (adj.)Resoluteresolution only aresolute person can make aresolution to score 100% inhis exams. Others alwaysprefer some sort of solutionnot a resolution.

    Eg: A resolute character.A resolute gaze.Wasresolute in my decision to go abroad for my

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    junior year, and nothing my parents said couldconvince me not to go.Syn: determined, resolved, steadfast, constant,earnest, staunch, bold, courageous, serious,deliberate, inflexible, unyielding, unwavering,unfaltering, unhesitating, unswerving,unflinching, obstinate, obdurate, dogged,tenacious, relentless, dedicated.

    resolution: n.

    quality of being resolute or firm; determination.Eg: To make a firm resolution to do something.RESOLUTION(A) vacillation(B) organization(C) condemnation(D) hybridization(E) altercation

    resolve: v.

    ~ on/ upon/ against sth/ doing sth decide firmly;determine.

    resonant: adj.

    continuing to echo; resounding.

    resort: v.

    ~ to sth make use of sth for help; adopt sth as anexpedient.

    resound: v.

    ~ (through/ throughout sth) (of a sound. voice.etc) fill a place with sound; produce echoes.

    respiration: n.

    (single act of) breathing air.

    respite: (n)Sprite cold drink givesus a lot of respite.

    Eg: A respite frompunishment.Syn: recess, lull , hiatus,exculpation, pardon,

    immunity, truce, cessation, interregnum,interruption, surceaseAnt: penalty, infliction, deprivation, penance,retribution, mulct, reparation, forfeiture, forfeit ,confiscation

    resplendent: adj.

    ~ ( fml ) bril liant with colour or decorations;splendid.

    restitution: n.

    ~ (fml ) restoration of a thing to its proper owneror original state.

    restive: adj.

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    restless or uneasy.

    restraint: n.

    restraining or being restrained.

    resurgent: adj.

    rising or reviving after destruction. defeat.disappearance. etc.

    resurrect: v.

    bring (sb) back to life again.

    resuscitate: v. bring (sb/ sth) back toconsciousness.

    retaliate: v.

    ~ repay an injury. insult. etc with a simi lar one.

    retard: v. make (something) slow or late.retenti ve: adj. having the abili ty to rememberfacts. impressions. etc .

    reticent: adj.

    ~ not revealing one's thoughts or feelings easily;reserved.

    retinue: n.

    group of attendants accompanying an importantperson.

    retort: v.

    make a quick. witty or angry reply. esp to anaccusation or challenge.

    retract: v.

    withdraw (a statement. charge. etc).

    retrench: v.

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    make economies or reduce expenses.RETRENCHMENT(A) improved health(B) extensive attention(C) increased expenditure(D) stubborn resistance(E) honest appraisal

    retribution: n.

    ~ (fml ) deserved punishment or compensationfor injury. etc.

    retroactive: adj.

    effective from a past date.

    retrograde: adj.going backwards.retrospective: adj.looking back on the past.revelry: n. noisy celebrations; revels.reverberate:v. ~ echo or resound repeatedly.reverend: adj.deserving to be treated with respect. esp becauseof age. etc ..

    reverent: adj.feeling or showing reverence.reverie: n.idle and pleasant thoughts.

    revile: v.criti cize (sb/ sth). in angry and abusivelanguage.

    revoke: v.withdraw or cancel (a decree. permit. etc).

    revulsion: n. ~feeling of disgust or horror.rhapsodize:recite a rhapsody ; say (something) with greatenthusiasm.rhapsody: n.(often in ti tles ) romantic composition inirregular form.rhetoric: n.using language impressively or persuasively. espin public speaking.

    ribald: (adj)Ri + band . As we, allknow band is a flat,narrow strip of cloth,which is worn around thehead or wrists, quitesimi lar to this band, ribaldis a narrow piece of cloth

    that is used for tying things together or as adecoration.

    Eg: Barbie wore a frock & a red hat with a ribandSyn: belt, li ne, strip, tape, fi llet, sash, twine,cincture, cinch, scarf, bandage, meridi an, ribbandrickety: adj. weak or shaky. esp in the joints;likely to fall or collapse.

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    riband (n)

    As we all know band is a flat, narrow strip ofcloth that is used for tying things together or as adecoration. So same is Riband.Eg: Barbie wore a frock & a red lat with a ribandriddle: n. puzzling question. statement ordescription. esp one intended to test thecleverness of those wishing to solve it.

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    rife: adj.

    (esp of bad things) widespread; common.rift: n. split. crack. break. etc.

    rig: (n)Criminals wears wigto rig the elections.Eg:>> The costumerrigged out the actorsin peasant clothing.Rig a prizefight; rig

    stock prices.

    >> Wore an outlandish rig to the office.>> The costumer rigged out the actors inpeasant clothing.Syn: cheat, swindle, articulated lorry, tractortrailer, trailer truck, trucking rig, semi, fi shinggear, fishing rig, fishing tackle, tackle. sth (withsth) fi t (a ship or boat) with masts. spars. ropes.sails. etc.

    righteous: adj.

    doing what is morally right.

    rigid: adj.

    stiff; not bending or yielding.

    rigor: severity.rile: v. annoy (sb); irritate.rip: v. divide or make a hole in (something) bypulli ng sharply.

    rivet: n.

    metal pin or bolt for fastening twopieces of metaltogether. its headless end being hammered orpressed flat to prevent slippi ng.

    riveting: adj. that holds the attention; enthralling.rivulet: n. small stream.robust: adj. vigorous; healthy and strong.

    rococo: (adj)

    of a style of decorationin furniture. architecture.music. etc with much elaboratedecoration.common in Europe in the 18th century 18.


    when we stir up the liquid, i t becomes somewhatoily or muddy, thus roil is to stir up the liquid.Meaning:>>> To make (a liquid) muddy or cloudy bystirring up sediment.>>> to stir up:DI STURB. DI SORDER.


    having gentle rising and fall ing slopes;undulating.

    romp: v.

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    play about together in a lively way. running.jumping. etc.

    rooster: n.

    cock .

    roseate: adj.

    deep pink.

    roster: n.

    (esp in the army. etc) list of names showingduties to be performed and the times at whichthose named are to perform them.

    rostrum: n.

    raised platform from which publi c speeches aremade.

    rote: n.

    by rote by heart; from memory. withoutthinking of the meaning.

    rotunda: n.

    type of round building or hall . esp one with adomed roof; rotundity: n. state of being rotund.

    rousing: adj.

    vigorous; giving encouragement.

    rout: n.

    utter defeat.

    rubble: n.

    bits of broken stone. rock or bricks.

    rubric: n.

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    words put as a heading. esp to show or explainhow sth should be done. etc.

    ruddy: adj.

    (approv ) (of a person's face) having a freshhealthy colour.

    rudimentary: adj.

    existing in an imperfect or undeveloped form.

    rueful: adj.

    showing or feeling good-humoured regret; rue:n. type of evergreen shrub with bitter leavesformerly used in medicine.

    ruffian: (n)

    A gang of ruffians who works under a famousmafia lives a rough life.Eg: Thieves, murderous, ruffians ..Syn: miscreant, hoodlum, bully, rascal, rowdy,hooligan, desperado, ki ller, malefactor, brut,villain, thug, ogre, disparate, savage.

    rumble: v.

    make a deep heavy continuous sound.

    ruminate: v.

    ~ think deeply; meditate; ponder.

    rummage: v.

    ~ ( for sth); ~ (about/ around) turn things over ordisarrange them while searching for sth.

    runic: adj.

    of runes; written in or inscribed with runes.

    ruse: (n)

    Tricksters use rouge to ruse the peopleEg: A ruse for gaining time.Syn: artif ice, stratagem, ploy, deceit, intrigue,machination, maneuver, pretense, wile, hoax,


    rustic: adj.

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