Wordpress Site Magic How to Optimize Your Wordpress Site and Skyrocket Your Google Rankings Host: Ronnie Nijmeh of PLR.me [email protected] www.plr.me 1-877-438-3048 Special Guest: Tim Waddell of Mediatricks [email protected] www.mediatricks.biz/blog

Wordpress Site Magic - PLR.me · 2019-11-24 · 5. In Wordpress go to Add Page and add a title, but do not add any content. In this case, the page template will automatically insert

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Page 1: Wordpress Site Magic - PLR.me · 2019-11-24 · 5. In Wordpress go to Add Page and add a title, but do not add any content. In this case, the page template will automatically insert

Wordpress Site MagicHow to Optimize Your Wordpress Siteand Skyrocket Your Google Rankings

Host: Ronnie Nijmeh of PLR.me • [email protected] • www.plr.me • 1-877-438-3048

Special Guest: Tim Waddell of Mediatricks • [email protected] • www.mediatricks.biz/blog

Page 2: Wordpress Site Magic - PLR.me · 2019-11-24 · 5. In Wordpress go to Add Page and add a title, but do not add any content. In this case, the page template will automatically insert

WORDPRESS STRUCTUREWordpress has four main content classifiers:

๏ Categories are your way of segregating your articles into main areas

๏ Posts are articles that will be filed into categories

๏ Tags can be added to Posts to Cross link themes and subjects

๏ Pages are static URLs that offer readers fixed content or a collection of Posts. Pages are much like your old html style flat structure and make the best foundation for a menu bar or site structure.

WORDPRESS CATEGORIESThis is really the starting point for designing your site in Wordpress. Think about your future content and decide on a set of categories that best sub-divide what you are writing about.

A well planned category structure should allow you to add posts to a single category for hierarchical organization. Then add additional classification terms using tags.


๏ Spend time thinking about your category list

๏ Avoid overlap

๏ Sub-Categorize where relevant

๏ Change the default uncategorized category to a better name like (“News”)


๏ Over-Categorize a Post (Use Category + Tags instead)

๏ Use really long category names

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Need implementation help? Save your time and your sanity.Call: 1-877-438-3048 x. 2 or email: [email protected] or visit: http://www.plr.me/wordpress

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WORDPRESS POSTSPosts are your sites articles. They can be found in the Archives, Categories, Recent Posts, and other widgets. Posts are also displayed in the RSS feed of the blog.

The default URL for a post includes the date the post was published like this:http://blogname.com/2008/11/30/post-id/

๏ For SEO, the best way is to set the permalink to:/%category%/%postname%/

Your links will then appear as:http://blogname.com/post-category/post-name/

๏ To update your permalinks (the displayed URL of a post), go to:DASHBOARD > SETTINGS >PERMALINKS

๏ To control how many posts are displayed at a time on a page, go to: DASHBOARD > SETTINGS > READING

Creating Excerpts of Articles on your Homepage or Archive Pages

By default Wordpress prints the entire content of posts on archives and category pages.

You can trim the content to display a more user friendly excerpt that links to the full post. See the screenshot below:

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Wordpress displays your content in the homepage by using the code:

<?php the_content('Read the rest of this entry &raquo;'); ?>

A better way to trim posts is to use the “New Limit Posts Plugin” by Tim Waddell:


Using this plugin you can set up your theme pages to automatically create an excerpt of 250 characters by using:

<?php viva_content_limit(250,”Read More”); ?>

instead of:

<?php the_content('Read the rest of this entry &raquo;'); ?>

Note: Auto-excerpt plugins strip out all HTML tags and just return the text. If you’d like to add a thumbnail image automatically to your theme code, check out Viva Thumbs which auto-generates thumbnails of any size from the first image uploaded within a post: http://www.mediatricks.biz/products.php?id=31&group=3


๏ Update your Permalinks to make them more SEO Friendly

๏ Set your homepage and archives to use Post Excerpts


๏ Set your permalink structure to just /%postname%/ as this will interfere with the way Wordpress uses Page and Category urls

See Posts at the Wordpress Codex for more detailed information.

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Need implementation help? Save your time and your sanity.Call: 1-877-438-3048 x. 2 or email: [email protected] or visit: http://www.plr.me/wordpress

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WORDPRESS TAGSTags are the new “keywords” meta tag.

What’s the difference between categories and tags?

๏ Categories organize hierarchically

๏ Tags provide meta information

๏ Tags cross-connect content

You can add tags to your site easily from the Tags page:

You can also add tags in individual posts from the sidebar:

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Need implementation help? Save your time and your sanity.Call: 1-877-438-3048 x. 2 or email: [email protected] or visit: http://www.plr.me/wordpress

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How to Display Tags:

You can easily display a posts tags in your theme using the following code within the Wordpress loop: <?php the_tags(); ?>

The output of the above code will generate something like:<a rel="tag" href="http://www.yoursite.com/index.php/tag/banana">Banana</a>

The rel="tag" designates the word inside of the link as the tagged word and will be

referenced by search engines that follow tagging like technorati.

WordPress features automatic pinging, and will send a “note” to the tag service that says:

“Hey, I’ve updated my blog and I have tags, come search and find them and list me in your tagging service database where people can find me!”


๏ Use tags wisely, only add relative keywords that will help cross link your content within your site and within external sites


๏ Add the same tags to every post because you think it might help you get SEO on a main keyword. It won’t!

๏ Tags must be relevant or they will be ignored and search engines that “read” your content will penalize you.

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Need implementation help? Save your time and your sanity.Call: 1-877-438-3048 x. 2 or email: [email protected] or visit: http://www.plr.me/wordpress

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WORDPRESS PAGESWhat are “Pages?”

๏ Pages are static and are not listed by date.

๏ Pages do not use tags or categories.

๏ Think of pages as landing pages for your site, i.e. thank you pages or sales letters.

๏ The URL for a page looks like this: http://blogname.com/page-title/

๏ All pages are displayed in the sidebar or on the menu bar (depending on your Wordpress theme)

EXCLUDE PAGES TIP: If you don’t want to display all Pages in your navigation, you can download a plugin called: “Exclude Pages” This gives you the option to “hide” download links, thank you pages, or landing pages:http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/exclude-pages/

NO INDEX/NO FOLLOW TIP: You can control the nofollow and noindex tags of pages by adding custom header information to a page using Custom Fields. Tim developed this handy plugin that will help you control your page header info, including adding javascript or custom CSS:http://www.mediatricks.biz/products.php?id=31&group=10


๏ Create pages for your static content like About Us / Contact Us / Finding Us

๏ Create Page Templates and set up Sales Letters, Landing Pages

๏ Create Category Archives using a Page Template

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WORDPRESS PAGE TEMPLATESThe beauty of pages is that you can apply different templates so they are displayed by Wordpress in different ways.

Using page templates you can format sales letters, landing pages, and download pages differently, adding different headers, sidebars and structure as required.

What is a Page Template?

๏ A page template is any php file in your theme folder that has the following header information at the top of the file:

<?php/*Template Name: Page Template Name Here*/?>

If your theme folder contains any Page Templates you will see the template chooser in the sidebar of the add/edit page screen:

See Pages at the Wordpress Codex for more detailed information.

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CREATING A SITE MENU AND NAVIGATION FROM CATEGORIES AND PAGESMany themes include a drop down Menu Bar that generates a list of your sites categories or pages. Some themes have both a categories menu bar and a pages

menu bar, but this can lead to an overwhelming set of navigational links.

About Category Menus:

A category menu directs users to a list of all categories in your site and, when clicked, the user is taken to an archive page showing all posts in that category

Category menus can only be ordered in two ways:

๏ Alphabetically

๏ In the order the top level Categories were added to your site

A categories menu displaying site categories alphabetically. If you add a new category, there is no control over where it goes in the menu.

About Page Menus:

A page menu displays all pages in the site (other than those excluded with an Exclude Pages plugin) and when clicked takes the user to that page.

A Page menu can be ordered:

๏ Alphabetically

๏ In the order Pages were added to your site

๏ By the page order you define in the Dashboard (each page can be given an order value)


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In this page driven menu the “Happiness & Self Fulfillment” link takes visitors to an archive of specific categories while other links go to sales pages and other fixed content.

Recommended: Use a page driven menu that includes pages acting as category

archives, by using page templates. In this way you can have a single menu that includes a mixture of static pages (such as sales letters and promotional offers) and category archives.


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STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL: CREATING A PAGE TEMPLATELet’s walk through how to create a Page that acts as a category archive. First we need to create a Page Template. We are going to use our theme’s archive.php file as the

starting point.

1. Create a copy of the file archive.php and name it Page-Archive.php

2. Right at the top of the file before anything else add:

<?php/*Template Name: Category Display*/?>

3. Now look for <?php get_header; ?> and replace it with the following:

<?php get_header();$pageid = $wp_query->post->ID;$catcar=get_post_meta($pageid, "catlink", true);$page = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; query_posts("cat=$catcar&showposts=5&paged=$page"); ?>

4. Save your page and upload it to your theme folder

5. In Wordpress go to Add Page and add a title, but do not add any content. In this case, the page template will automatically insert the content.

6. Assign the Page Template: ‘Category Display’ in the Template drop-down box:

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7. Next, you must add a Custom Field to this page with the Category ID of the category you want displayed in this Page ‘Archive’

8. Set the Custom Field KEY to ‘catlink’ and the Value to the Category ID number.

9. Save your new page and preview it. It should now display an archive of all the posts in the category number you put in the Custom Field value.

10. You can further edit the page layout using standard PHP or html to make the page display exactly the way you want.

With a little styling your finished Page looks just like an Archive or Category page.

QUICK TIP #1: You can create page templates based on any of the existing files in your theme. Easily create sales letters, landing pages, archive listings, and then combine them in your Menu to create a dynamic, auto-updating navigation.

QUICK TIP #2: Try creating a Page Template based on the normal page.php file. Maybe delete the sidebar link or add some extra filed information or styling.

The scope of Wordpress is really unlimited when you think about your site being driven by Pages that use custom Page Templates.

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CAN YOU DO ALL THIS YOURSELF?Absolutely! It’s not hard if you’re familiar with HTML, CSS, Wordpress, web code, and so on.

But if none of that sounds appealing, here are 2 simple “Done For You” Packages:

✴ Gold: $249Three Custom-Designed Page Templates – Archives, Sales Letters and more

Tim’s team will create three page templates that are search engine optimized and match

your Wordpress theme. You can create an Archive page template, a Sales Letter

template, and one other of your choice.

This includes custom coding to generate page titling on the fly, automating excerpts

and image thumbnails, ad banner break points, and more as required. You’ll also get

access to a free multi-site license for the Viva Thumbs plugin, which auto-generates

attention-grabbing image thumbnails on the fly, a savings of $59.95.

✴ Platinum: $749Complete Custom-Designed Wordpress Layout With Custom Page Templates

Tim’s team will create a custom 2 or 3 column Wordpress layout that includes page

templates for sales letters and category archives, drop down page menus, and full

support for widgets. Provide Tim with the header image and your color scheme and your

custom theme template will be fully optimized and ready to go – just add content.

Prices may vary based on any additional requirements beyond the standard Wordpress

theme functionality. Tim will work with you to develop your specific site requirements.

➡ Choose your implementation package at:


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Need implementation help? Save your time and your sanity.Call: 1-877-438-3048 x. 2 or email: [email protected] or visit: http://www.plr.me/wordpress