~ Words of Wisdom ~ A quarterly newsletter from Wisdom of the Earth Spring 2012 Issue 47 Greetings to all who read this Spring Equinox 2012 newsletter. This is the year that many of us have been waiting for. Why? Because there is a growing consciousness in many humans world-wide that there are huge changes in the air with Gaia. Explicitly, this means that All Conscious Life on Gaia will, in turn, meld with Her changes or not. The Tree and Plant Kingdom is a major player in this, as far as conscious beings are con- cerned on our Mother Earth. I am reminded of the Hathor channeling via Tom Kenyon a while back, where They mentioned,” This hidden danger has to do with thought forms perpetuated by some of your major religions and spiritual traditions. These thought forms and belief systems maintain the notion that there is a separation between the physical and the inter-dimensional (spiritual) aspects of your existence. The physical world is viewed as tainted; nature is seen as something to be subdued and dominated (as opposed to co-creating with the natural world), and in essence, the world is viewed as something to be escaped from. We do not share this belief. Our experience is that consciousness is one continuum from the highest vibrations of light into the lowest vibrations of matter and that the very atoms and subatomic particles that comprise your world are, by their very nature, sacredif by sacred you mean related to the whole.” The point here is that all things that have been created has consciousness. So the Tree and Plant Kingdom is changing right before our eyes, as are all others. So what does that mean for Medicinal Aromatherapy? For starters, it means that, as you have known through personal relationships with the many essences that you have used over the years, if you take the time to in- vite Them now to communicate with you, you will no doubt be in for a surprise as to what They say to you about Their own evolvement and ascension. Be open to this, because from my own experience, I can share with you that this is happening. No, Hyssop officinalis is still Hyssop officinalis, just like Debbie is still Debbie, but new breadths, depths and heights are unfolding. This opens new doors to facilitate faster results as you choose to continue to use the essences in your own evolvement and ascension. It is exciting to know, once again, that we can interface with other species and They can impart to us secrets that will help us along on our path. Again in summary from the Hathors, feel your heart as you ponder the following. “This “secret of secrets” is quite simply that you are creator beings (both human and divine). This knowledge, as to your nature, has been purposefully hidden from you by your religions and some of your philosophies. These secrets are, of course, forbidden fruits, for were you to partake of them you would gain knowledge of your own divinity, even as you live in materiality. You would gain the knowledge that you are creating your (continued on p. 2) Editorial: The Source of True Freedom Barry Kapp, Master Medicinal Aromatherapist and founder of Wisdom of the Earth, has studied aromatherapy interna- tionally, and shares his experiences, explorations, feelings and knowing via seminars, his books, and through his own medicinal aromatherapy practice. He has had many human mentors, but believes that his Tree, Plant and Animal friends have influenced him even more. A life-long student and practitioner of herbalogy, Barry was introduced to the wonder of the Natural World by his Mother and Father as a child, and his passion is still the same today. Formerly a dairy farmer, Barry grew his own crops and used herbs to treat his animals; they, in turn, taught him many truths about all beings’ true connections to Mother Earth.

Words of Wisdom - Shining Sun Aromatherapy...— The Hathors August 10, 2009 Many blessings as we go forward from this day onward towards the remainder of 2012. We can do this! With

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Page 1: Words of Wisdom - Shining Sun Aromatherapy...— The Hathors August 10, 2009 Many blessings as we go forward from this day onward towards the remainder of 2012. We can do this! With

~ Words of Wisdom ~ A quarterly newsletter from Wisdom of the Earth

Spring 2012 Issue 47

Greetings to all who read this Spring Equinox 2012 newsletter. This is the year that many of us have been

waiting for. Why? Because there is a growing consciousness in many humans world-wide that there are huge

changes in the air with Gaia. Explicitly, this means that All Conscious Life on Gaia will, in turn, meld with Her

changes or not. The Tree and Plant Kingdom is a major player in this, as far as conscious beings are con-

cerned on our Mother Earth.

I am reminded of the Hathor channeling via Tom Kenyon a while back, where They mentioned,” This hidden

danger has to do with thought forms perpetuated by some of your major religions and spiritual traditions.

These thought forms and belief systems maintain the notion that there is a separation between the physical

and the inter-dimensional (spiritual) aspects of your existence. The physical world is viewed as tainted; nature

is seen as something to be subdued and dominated (as opposed to co-creating with the natural world), and in

essence, the world is viewed as something to be escaped from. We do not share this belief. Our experience

is that consciousness is one continuum from the highest vibrations of light into the lowest vibrations of matter

and that the very atoms and subatomic particles that comprise your world are, by their very nature, sacred—if

by sacred you mean related to the whole.”

The point here is that all things that have been created has consciousness. So the Tree and Plant Kingdom is

changing right before our eyes, as are all others.

So what does that mean for Medicinal Aromatherapy? For starters, it means that, as you have known through

personal relationships with the many essences that you have used over the years, if you take the time to in-

vite Them now to communicate with you, you will no doubt be in for a surprise as to what They say to you

about Their own evolvement and ascension. Be open to this, because from my own experience, I can share

with you that this is happening. No, Hyssop officinalis is still Hyssop officinalis, just like Debbie is still Debbie,

but new breadths, depths and heights are unfolding. This opens new doors to facilitate faster results as you

choose to continue to use the essences in your own evolvement and ascension. It is exciting to know, once

again, that we can interface with other species and They can impart to us secrets that will help us along on

our path.

Again in summary from the Hathors, feel your heart as you ponder the following. “This “secret of secrets” is

quite simply that you are creator beings (both human and divine). This knowledge, as to your nature, has

been purposefully hidden from you by your religions and some of your philosophies.

These secrets are, of course, forbidden fruits, for were you to partake of them you would gain knowledge of

your own divinity, even as you live in materiality. You would gain the knowledge that you are creating your

(continued on p. 2)

Editorial: The Source of True Freedom

Barry Kapp, Master Medicinal Aromatherapist and founder of Wisdom of the Earth, has studied aromatherapy interna-

tionally, and shares his experiences, explorations, feelings and knowing via seminars, his books, and through his own

medicinal aromatherapy practice. He has had many human mentors, but believes that his Tree, Plant and Animal friends

have influenced him even more. A life-long student and practitioner of herbalogy, Barry was introduced to the wonder

of the Natural World by his Mother and Father as a child, and his passion is still the same today. Formerly a dairy

farmer, Barry grew his own crops and used herbs to treat his animals; they, in turn, taught him many truths about all

beings’ true connections to Mother Earth.

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~ Words of Wisdom ~

future in this very moment and in every moment of your life: through your

thoughts and your feelings, and by what you choose to think and feel about

yourself and each other.

The “secret of secrets” frees you from the imprisonment of human limitation. It

frees you from the constraints of your time, place and circumstance. It does this

by opening the doorway of your own mind, freeing it from the mental imprison-

ment projected onto you by those forces which would contain and manipulate

human destiny, for their own selfish ends.

The “Secret of Secrets” has four aspects:

One is your ability to attain spiritual insight, or vision, i.e. to see through the lies that are being projected

onto you. And to see the “right path,” even in the greatest darkness.

Two is your ability to feel. This is the core of the secrets. It is your greatest treasure, although it is also

your greatest quandary. Those who wish to control and manipulate you know that freezing, or paralyzing,

your ability to feel anything but the lower emotional spectrum will serve their end.

The third aspect is your ability to speak your truth. For many of you, the coming times will demand that

you speak your truth clearly, even when it is diametrically opposed to those around you.

And the fourth aspect is your ability to take action. These four aspects are rooted together and are the

source of your freedom.

Within the nature of your heart is your capacity to feel and this is the deepest secret of all. For this allows you

to change your vibratory field and this is the key to transcending collective mind control.

Although it sounds ridiculously simplistic, the essential truth of these secrets is what you call joy, appreciation

and gratitude. Discover the things in your life, the situations, the people, your own thoughts and feelings,

whatever gives you a reason for joy, appreciation and gratitude. Cultivate this like a precious garden in the

midst of poisonous weeds, for then this garden will grow and give you sustenance.

Paradoxically on many levels (not just emotionally and psychologically but spiritually and even physically)

when the power of joy, appreciation or gratitude reaches a certain amplitude or strength, it can literally cause

manifestations of physical reality. And so even in the darkest moments, if you hold the spiritual mastery to

transcend fear and cultivate joy, appreciation and gratitude, unexpected auspicious moments and situations

will present themselves to you.

And, finally, we wish to be clear that these dark times can be your grandest hours. You hold within you the

Secret of Secrets. Use them. Pass through the veil into the new world that awaits you. And may your path to

this new dimension of being be strewn with auspicious blessings. — The HathorsAugust 10, 2009

Many blessings as we go forward from this day onward towards the remainder of 2012. We can do this!

With love and great anticipation, Barry

Editorial: The True Source of Freedom...continued

Key essences that support the four aspects of “The Secret of Secrets” include Frankincense, for attaining

spiritual insight; Geranium, known for re-connecting us to our “feeling-life” (Mojay); Laurel Leaf, which we

have taught for years enables us to “speak our truth”; and Cedarwood (Atlas), an essence that powerfully

supports us in taking action for our own good, or the common good. —Ed. Note (Audre)

The “secret of

secrets” frees you

by opening the

doorway of your

own mind, freeing

it from the mental

imprisonment pro-

jected onto you...

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Spring 2012

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In Closing: Finding Your Voice...And Your Message

I had an incredible group of women in my Level 1 class in Santa Fe last weekend...it was a wonder-

ful time of reconnection (to the Earth, to each other, to ourselves) and exploration (of the multitude

of essences, of the causes of illness/isolation, of how this all relates to our lives). Some themes that

emerged had to do with feeling a greater desire to protect the Earth and her beings, more self-

acceptance, more alignment of our values and our words/actions, and greater self-knowledge.

When we deepen our connection to the natural world...and so many

of us have very little exposure to landscapes or animals that aren’t

“domesticated”...things become clearer, including our own values

and priorities. As I thought about the weekend, I started considering

the relationship between finding one’s voice and finding one’s mes-

sage. I think that, as we become more deeply connected to the

natural world (and the essences are one magnificent way to do that),

we begin “becoming real”...becoming who we truly are, who we

were meant to be. This becomes possible because we get clearer on

what is important to us, what we value, what we stand for. That clarity is what enables us to make

better decisions about what is right for us, and what is not. And, as we become more authentic,

that clarity also creates a priority, a great value, upon being true to ourselves and our path.

These are the elements that make up our message: who we are, what we believe in, how passion-

ately we believe in it, and why we believe in it. And, once we have a message...a true mes-

sage...finding our voice becomes more important — important enough to overcome our fears of

speaking out, important enough to take some risks along the way. While ongoing use of virtually

any pure essences will support this, most notably, Laurel Leaf, Blue Spruce, Rosemary, Patchouli, Red

Spruce and Wild Tansy help us clarify our message and find our voice to express it.

Our message is not only conveyed by words, but as we get stronger in our convictions, it is also con-

veyed by our actions (and we all know which one speaks more loudly!). So, we may find ourselves

becoming not only more vocal about issues and events, but becoming more willing to make that

precious investment of our time, resources and energy to act. And that is when what we stand for

becomes what we, literally, stand for.

In these times, when Mother Earth is undergoing momentous changes, when our man-made institu-

tions are becoming more and more invasive vis-a-vis our personal business and our private lives, and

as transparency becomes the universal law, finding our message/finding our voice and acting in

passionate alignment with them, are vital to creating a future that is, indeed, heaven on earth.

Sending you love...and eager to hear your voice...Audre

Audre Gutierrez is a Master Medicinal Aromatherapist and a partner in Wisdom of the Earth. She has studied in France with Dr. Malte Hozzel, and in the US with Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt, John Steele, Barry Kapp, and others. Audre consults with clients on using medicinal essences to bring more harmony, joy and health into their lives. She is also the editor of the WOTE Newsletter, Words of Wisdom. She left the corporate world in 2001, believing she could better utilize her healing gifts outside of that system. She shares her time between Sedona and Shining Sun Farm in Santa Fe, where she lives with her husband, Leonardo, and their wonderful menagerie of animals. Her personal aromatherapy practice in Santa Fe, Shining Sun Aromatherapy (www.ShiningSunAromatherapy.com), is housed there.

Don’t try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It’s the one and only thing you have to offer. —Barbara Kingsolver

Your own voice is the voice that carries you through life the best. —Nanci Griffith

Only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth, and that is not speaking it. —Naomi Wolf

Page 4: Words of Wisdom - Shining Sun Aromatherapy...— The Hathors August 10, 2009 Many blessings as we go forward from this day onward towards the remainder of 2012. We can do this! With

Wisdom of the Earth

2680 N. Page Springs Road

Cornville, AZ 86325

How to contact us:

Via Websites

www.WisdomOfTheEarth.com (Home of WOTE)

www.ShiningSunAromatherapy.com (Audre’s SF practice)

Call us:

Local (AZ): 928-649-9968

Local (NM): 505-438-0855 or 928-300-5090 (Audre’s


Fax us: 928-649-0351

Email us:

Audre: [email protected]

Barry: [email protected]

Cynthia: [email protected]

To place an order:

Please include the specific name of the essence (e.g.,

Basil, Holy), the size (e.g., 2 ml, 5 ml, 15 ml), the

quantity and the price. You can email, fax or call in

an order. We need the billing address of the card for

credit card processing. Also, we do not keep your

credit card number on file, so please have it ready.

To inquire about or schedule a consultation and/or


Consultation and transformational body and energy

work with Barry & Cynthia; call 928-649-9968

Consultation, Reiki and/or Medicine Wheel experi-

ence (the latter is only avail-

able in AZ) with Audre; call


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Upcoming Level I Medicinal Aromatherapy Certification Classes

Please contact the teacher listed to confirm details. Registration: $475 tuition; $25 off for early registration (30 days before class).

4/20-22/12 7-9p Fri; 8:45a-6:30p Sat/Sun Bristol, CT John Odlum 860-922-6846

5/4-6/12 7-9p Fri. Evening, Sat & Sun Los Angeles, CA Siddiqa Salter 484-542-5547

5/19-20/12 8:45a—5:30p Sat & Sun Tesuque, NM (near Santa Fe) Sam Berne 505-984-2030

6/2-3/12 9:30a—6:30p Sat & Sun Santa Fe, NM Audre Gutierrez 928-300-5090/505-438-0855

6/16-18/12 7-9p Fri, 9-6 Sat & Sun Carbondale, CO Kat Diamond 970-366-0963

7/21-22/12 8:45a—5:30p Sat & Sun Tesuque, NM (near Santa Fe) Sam Berne 505-984-2030

8/11-12/12 9:30a—6:30p Sat & Sun Santa Fe, NM Audre Gutierrez 928-300-5090/505-438-0855

Level II—Five Day Advanced Medicinal Aromatherapy Sacred Retreat: April 18-22, 2012 Page Springs, AZ

8:30am-9 pm Wednesday through Sunday (with scheduled free time) Page Springs, AZ Audre, Barry & Cynthia teaching.

Tuition: $1400 50% down, balance due at class. Level 1 Certification is a pre-requisite for this retreat.

Tuition includes most meals and all ceremonies; travel and lodging are not included. This is a life-changing, deep explora-

tion of your connection with Mother Earth, the Plant & Tree Essences, and, most important...yourself. You will develop your

consultation skills, learn about uncommon essences that have powerful healing properties, explore the messages and truth

offered by other species on the planet (including plants, trees and other sentient beings), and deeply examine the role the

essences are playing, and will play, in your life. Experience two medicine wheel ceremonies, including one where you will

be wrapped in a buffalo robe under the stars, harvesting, and an essence distillation.

Some Participant comments: “In facing my fears in a loving and supportive environment, I realized just how strong I am. It

was truly a profound and life-changing experience.” And…”I met the most amazing people here...we became like a family

through the group work and experiences. I will treasure these relationships always. Call 928-649-9968 if you have any

questions or to register. The next Level II will be October 3-7, 2012.

Upcoming Events @ Wisdom of the Earth (WOTE)

The January offering was so affirming and expanding for all concerned, that we have added two addi-tional seminars to accommodate those who wish to deeply and personally explore what ascension is, and how to step into our new consciousness as spiritual beings on this planet. We will again be offer-ing Wisdom of the Heart in Page Springs, AZ on June 16-17 and November 3-4.

We will share with you many tools, techniques and essences for raising your vibration and living from your heart with integrity, transparency and joy. At night, we will vector out under the stars, as am-bassadors to the Universe, and learn how to join energies with our star ancestors. For many in the last class, this was a “coming home” unlike any other. By day, we will explore the depths and wisdom of our hearts via meditation, information and the loving guidance of the essences.

Some sharings from January’s participants: “Thank you, Cynthia, Barry and Audre, for sharing your love and wisdom as we venture into the unlimited universe of expansiveness and experience that is available and calling to us now. The three of you share your wisdom with different perspectives and personalities, like the plant kingdom..the combination creates a beautiful bouquet, and together, be-

comes more powerful and healing.” (Linda) “I was honored to attend such a pow-erful and profound workshop. The way you presented the material with the combi-

nation of oils truly touched my heart and opened me to receive the great wisdom being offered. The vectoring experience reinforced the deep feeling of peace and love that abounds for us all, if we will only trust and surrender to it. WOTH truly changed the way I look at the universe.” (Jody)

This offering is only for people who have been working with the Ascension energies and wish to con-tinue their journey with a group dynamic and in the context of the essences. So, if you are interested, please call us at 928-649-9968 to see if this is a good fit for you. Tuition is $333.

Wisdom of the Heart: Two Additional Dates in 2012

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Beloved Family,

I wanted to share some of the tools we worked with during the Wisdom of the Heart Workshop in January. For years, I have been studying The Ascended Master Teachings from various points of view. I love the Seven Flame work, because it allows you to invoke Sacred Rays/Sacred Flames to work with the human condition and allows our consciousness to expand. Barry has written in this newsletter about the properties of Helichry-sum... did you know that using drops on your head with intention will bring forth the most magnificent Golden Ray of Illumination? This Illumination Ray is connected with the crown chakra. This Ray represents God-Wisdom, true knowledge and enlightenment in all its various aspects. It represents Christ consciousness, un-derstanding, perception and peace from the heart of Creator’s omniscience.

This is a powerful golden Ray from the Mind of God. When you place the es-sences on your crown and invoke the Ray with a pure heart, your ability to think and create with balance and peace becomes magnified. Whatever you want to think about becomes crystal clear and your abilities to create-speak, knows no bounds. I like to put Helichrysum, Goldenrod, Tangerine and Tagetes on my crown before invoking the Ray. And then with a heart of pure intent, I ask that what I need to say or write be clear and true, and that this Ray from the Heart and Mind of Creator join with my own so I communicate from my heart and soul. It is extremely effective. I invite you to try this and see where it takes you. There is so much more to this than I can write about

here, but just this much can help you where need be.

I wish you all a marvelous Spring and a happy transition to the New Earth that fast approaches. We do live in exciting times and remember to love every situation you find yourself in. Self-love is the key that unlocks all

the mysteries. I send you Golden Rays from my heart, Cynthia

Cyn’s Corner...Invoking the Golden Ray with Essences & Intention

Cynthia Olivera de Kapp brings to Wisdom of the Earth many years of experience in the areas of movement education, energy healing and spiritual counseling. She is a certified Medicinal Aro-matherapist and integrates her love and knowledge of plant and tree medicine into her work. Cynthia has roots in the indigenous peoples of theTaino Nation and Corsica. Her channeling and past life regression work helps clients quickly come to a renewed and deeper understanding of their core is-sues. She leads ceremonies on ReclaimingThe Feminine in her Star Lodge.

Now in a "dream" state, Helichrysum Immortelle appears to me as a white fairy. Wearing a long, light, white summer dress and

hovering above a patch of her flowers. Her long silky blonde hair moves simultaneously with her body and dress. As she appears

high above me, all I can see is a vast garden and forest…

When I was first introduced to Helichrysum italicum (Immortelle), I had just come from an invasive surgery done to my young,

human body. I asked Helichrysum to help me, because I was very depressed and in pain. As I applied the first drop from top to

bottom, the whole way down I felt the negativity release. As the essence sinks in, it allows the vein to flow and feel good. I could

feel the pain at the top begin to vanish, and the same occurred going down, until reaching the most painful spot. I feel Helichrysum

opens my veins, allows flow, releases negative pain, brings warmth to my soul, and encourages me to be happy! I can truly feel her

soak into and widen the veins to allow them to function properly.

Before Helichrysum came into my life, the doctors made me take ibuprofen every day. I was getting to the point where it wouldn’t

work and caused me great liver pain. As I stopped the [prescribed] medicine, I applied Helichrysum all over my problem areas. I

could feel the energy blocks move and rearrange to be healthy. Whenever I have a backache, any bone ache or muscle pain, I

know I can trust Helichrysum to come to the rescue. —Excerpted from the Level 1 paper of one of our youngest students, Jamison S.

Thank you for that beautiful imagery, and the reminder of how incredible Helichrysum is at healing the trauma (emotional & physical) of sur-


Helichrysum...The Healing Fairy

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Page 6

The Drugging of America... Interview on “What’s Wrong with Modern Psychiatry” Hits Home

Out newest Level 1 teacher, Sam Berne, recently sent us an interview of Christopher Lane, an English Pro-

fessor at Northwestern University, who has researched the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor-

ders (DSM) and the process by which new disorders are added to it. What he has learned has made him a

critic of much of modern psychiatric theory and practice. The article is entitled “What’s Wrong with Modern

Psychiatry”, and it appears in the March issue of The Sun (a magazine published in Santa Fe).

In our Level 2 class, we touch on this topic in the section on “The Healing Power of

Love & Intimacy” that I (Audre) teach (why is it that we English majors get so in-

volved with psychological labels and the business of psychological “disorders”?).

We talk about the damage done by making human behavior related to inter-

dependence indicative of any number of psychological disorders. The Sun’s inter-

view with Lane reveals the powerful and harmful dynamic of introducing “new ill-

nesses” (creating the need) and then marketing the drug “solution” to address that

need. Lane calls this “one of the givens of pharmaceutical marketing.”

This creation of a perception that we are “getting sicker” as a society is compounded by the fact that these

sicknesses are no longer defined (as of 1980) as “’reactions’ to particular incidents or stressors, but as

’disorders’, which connotes an innate, lifelong malfunctioning of the brain, rather than a moment of psycho-

logical distress that might be due to a brief change in circumstances.” Incredibly, this includes “new” disorders

such as “sibling-relational problem”, “partner-relational problem”, and shyness (seen as a symptom of “social

anxiety disorder”). Even the fear of public speaking — one of the most common fears of all — has been the

subject of a clinical trial with a powerful anti-psychotic drug, which has significant, dangerous side effects.

This overzealous psychological labeling and prescribing has become epidemic in our society, and Christopher

Lane appears to be one of the few “voices of reason” speaking out against these practices. In researching the

DSM, Lane found evidence of drug company influence, questionable research, a degree of inventiveness with

regard to terms and symptoms…and (drum roll…) “dismissal of non-medical approaches to psychiatric prob-

lems”. Those of us who have experienced the power, relief and effectiveness of essences such as Wild

Chamomile, St. John’s Wort, Mexican Lime and Spikenard for anxiety and depression, would, I’m sure, take

issue with that dismissal.

I hope that you will take a few minutes to access this powerful and insightful interview via this link to the

March issue of The Sun.


Be filled with joy, appreciation and gratitude that we have a viable alternative to the situation described by

Christopher Lane…one which he observes daily via his work with undergraduate students and one which

troubles him greatly due to the deep understanding he has gained on just how prevalent and unquestioned

this mass drugging of America has become.

Calling All Newsletter Recipients: We are purging the Words of Wisdom Quarterly Newslet-

ter mailing list to assure that the newsletters being printed and mailed are indeed being read!

TO REMAIN ON THE MAILING LIST contact Audre directly at [email protected]

or call her at 505-438-0855 and tell her to keep you on the list. Unless you specifically re-

quest to be kept on the list by May 15th, you will not receive future newsletters. Keep in

mind that we post the newsletter at www.WisdomoftheEarth.com as soon as it’s published.

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Spring 2012

Ahhhhh...to have the priv i lege to experience Hel ichrysum is such a gif t. The high en-

ergy, the gentleness and kindness, the heal ing She brings is beyond amazing and con-

tinues to grow in renown. From using Her neat on the skin,

taking Her in a tea, using Her directly on the most sensi tive ar-

eas of the body, to al l kinds of facial products and for post sur-

gical rapid heal ing abi l i t ies, where does i t end? She comes with

a signif icant price, but i t’s worth i t when She is pure. Have you

ever looked at the prices of high-qual ity, natural facial prod-

ucts? There is much information available about Her physical

benefits , so here I wi l l talk primari ly about the emotional/

spir i tual personal it ies of these Deva sisters.

Hel ichrysum ital icum, whether from Albania or Corsica, grows at approximately

the same latitude on Gaia, which has a very mild, opiate, almost mysterious cl i -

mate that creates a harmony unl ike many other locations on Mother Earth. I t is

l ike feel ing Mother Earth’s Heart. When I travel to Corsica, I feel home, peace

and harmony.. .even with the havoc humans wreak on Gaia. Hel ichrysum ital icum

exudes a f requency that we often label as high, but real ly, for me, i t is about ex-

treme harmony, graciousness, grati tude and love of love, period. This She ex-

udes, moment by moment, when directly appl ied on the skin. As She is absorbed

into the blood capi l laries, She carries these very attr ibutes into our blood stream,

which then quickly enters our CNS, our cerebral cortex and we begin to feel the

emotion of Her personal ity in our whole being. This , in turn, faci l i tates in us ex-

treme harmony, graciousness, grati tude and love of love, i f we choose. She is a

most pleasant experience. Remember, each essence is unique unto Hersel f , yet

one with every other essence.

Hel ichrysum arenarium hail s f rom the same area as Albania, but North in the Bal-

kan Terri tories. The cl imate where She grows is also mild. This area is another

magical place to see and vis i t . Arenarium actual ly, to me, is even a tad more

gentle than the two ital icums, but how can I real ly say that when al l 3 are l ike

tr iplets? The same emotional and spir i tual attr ibutes apply to Her as wel l . There

are times when I put one of the 3 on my face before bedtime and I always can

breathe so clearly, but on an emotional and spir i tual level , I dream profusely, and

those dreams include spi r i tual rememberings, who I am and detai l s about my as-

cension process. Again, I am sharing with you some of my intimate experiences

with these Devas .

Hel ichrysum gymnocephalum from Madagascar i s a very different s ister f rom the

f i rst three. For starters, She has a high ratio of camphor, which real ly sets Her

apart. I t helps one breathe even more easi ly and affects the respi ratory and na-

sal passages in a wonderful way. She opens up those passageways that have

been clogged with emotional and spir i tual baggage to help us faci l i tate a re-

newed and clearer conduit to our higher sel f and oversoul . She actual ly has

opened my dream time in the very same way as I mentioned in point 2, the differ-

ence being that She expects you to be ready for Her (you doing your emotional

and spir i tual work) because She opens the door wide open and says, ‘Let’s do

this’ ; whereas point 1 and 2 opens this door up more gently. She hai l s f rom a hot,

moist, spicy and pungent part of Gaia; home of Cinnamon Bark, Clove Bud, etc.

You get the point. She most magnif icently takes on this personal ity l ikewise and

packs a punch. She wil l real ly, real ly help you. Are you ready? Blessings, Barry

Introducing a Medicinal Angel: Helichrysum—Creating Harmony Amid Havoc