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I Nyambuga Omido Julie declare that the information in this dissertation is my original

work and it has not been submitted or presented anywhere else for the purpose of

examination or fulfil lment of any degree.

I further declare that all the information obtained in the course of the study was for only

the specific purpose.


.......... .... 3.~ ..... ~ ........... ~~· ' ·~?:-J :?-.C?.'?~ .... ....... .. ......... .. ............... .... .. .. . Nyambuga Omido Julie

REG No BHRJ5504/42/DF


• I certify that this research is the original work of the above student and it has been under

my supervision. The work has never been submitted for any award of a degree in any

Institution of higher learning.

..... ..................... ~1.~ .~.~:. ~~ .: .... .. ..... .................. ...... .............. .......... . Mr. Augustine Wandiba




I dedicate this book to the sweet loving memory of my mum Jacintah and my parents Mr.

and Mrs. Omido for having sparked off abiding interest in academics and tirelessly

ensured that I become what I am. Thank you and May the almighty God bless you




I acknowledge with sincere gratitude the contribution of all those who willingly

contributed towards the completion of my research work.

Special thanks to my lectures and my ever dedicated supervisor Mr. Augustine Wandiba

who with his guidance and support saw to it the completion of my project

My parent for all the financial support they gave me,

My siblings Charles, Jackline and Vanessa for never letting me give up.

The management and staff of Housing Finance Eldoret for their honesty, time and the

necessary assistance they gave me in the course of my research .

To my ever supportive friends Shasha, Annah, Carol, pacifique, nyambu and Anthony.

To Mr. Sawe of (K.O.F.C) for the wonderful experience and ideas he shared with me.

My appreciation also goes to all those who assisted me in all ways and made it possible

for the completion of this research.

Finally, I thank the Almighty God for giving me the strength and favor to complete this


Thank you all and may the Good Lord bless you.



BFOQ - Bona Fide occupational Qualification

COTU- Central Organization of Trade Unions

EEOC -Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

EEU -Engineering and Electronics Union

EPA - Environment Protection agency

1-IF - Housing finance

JEIA -Japan Echo Insight Analysis

OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Act

TMAB- Toyota management Administration Board

UASU - University academic Staff Union




I.OBackground .................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of problem ............................................................................. 3

1.3 Objectives ........................................................................................ .4

1.3.1 General objective ..................................................................................................... .4

1.3.2 Specific objectives ............................................................................ .4

1.4 Research question ............................................................................................ 4

1.5Hypotheses ........................................................................................ .4

1.6 Scope of the study ............................................................................... .4

1.6. Time scope ....................................................................................... 5

I. 7 Significance of the study ........................................................................ 5 •


Literature review ................................................................................................................ 6 2.0 Introduction ........................................................................................ 6

2.1 Conceptual fi·ame work .......................................................................... 6

2.2 Theoretical flame work .......................................................................... 7

2.3 Welfare and organization performance ........................................................ 7

2.4 Supervision ...................................................................................... I 0

2.5 Job Design .................................................................................................................. 12

2.6Working performance .......................................................................... 13


Methodology ......................................................................................... 17

3.0 Introduction ......................................................... ! ............................ 17

3 .I Research design ................................................................................. 17

3.2 Survey population .............................................................................. 17

3.3 Sampling size .................................................................................... 18

3.4 Types of data and source ...................................................................... 19


3.5 Data collection method ........................................................................ 19

3.5.1 Data processing and analysis ................................................................ 19


4.0 Empirical Analysis ........................................................................... 20

4.1 Findings on the Response Rate ................................... • ........................... 20

4.2 Employees who had knowledge about the meaning of welfare in an organization ... 23


5.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 30

5.1 The implication of the findings on employee's lmowledge about welfare ........... 30

5 .1.1 Implications of the findings of authorities of the top/middle manager/

Supervisor ................................................................................... 31

5 .1.3 Implications of findings on job conditions in housing finance ....................... 32

5.2 General Conclusion .......................................................................... 32

5.3 Recommendations ........................................................................... 33

5.6 Areas for further studies ..................................................................... 33

Reference .......................................................................................... 35


Table .i. number of questions responded to ...................................................... 20

Figure.i Shows the number of questions responded to ......................................... 21

Table ii. Showing period worked with housing finance ....................................... 22

Figure ii shows the period worked with housing finance ...................................... 23

Table iii: Knowledge about welfare .............................................................. 23

Figure iii: shows the knowledge about welfare ................................................................ 23

Table iv: Number of welfare practices ........................................................... 24

Figure iv: Shows the number of welfare practices ............................................... 25

Table v: Authorities of top I middle manager I supervisor. ................................... 26

Figure v: shows authorities of top/middle manager/supervisor .............................. 26


Figure vi: shows the impact of supervision ..................................................... 27

Figure. vi: shows the impact of supervision .................................................... 27

Table. vii: Job conditions in housing finance ................................................... 28

Figure vii: shows job conditions in housing finance .......................................... 28

Table viii: the impact of job conditions on employees ........................................ 29

Figure viii: Shows the impact of job conditions on employees .............................. 29

Appendix I questionnaire

Appendix 2 introductory letter




The study was intended to investigate work environment and pe'rfonnance in the

organizations/ companies

The study was carried out in Housing Finance (Eldoret) with respondents being identified

from their work places.

The objectives of the study were to examine employee's welfare practices and their effect

on organization performance, assessing the effects of supervision, evaluating the

employee's perception of their job design and its effects on perfonnance.

Hypothesis of the study included:-relationship between welfare practices and

organizational performance, the relationship between supervision and organizational

performance and the relationship between job design and organizational performance .

Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to come up with the necessary


The result showed that the work environment in Housing Finance was fairly good.

The study gave the impression that good work environment positively affects the

organization performance, there's a great relationship between good working

environment and performance, performance is greatly affected by organizational work

environment and dissatisfaction is brought by poor working environment.


1.0 Background



Work environment is a vital issue in every working environment. Employees feel more

confident and at peace in a good working environment. Armstrong (1996) and Cole

(1997) defined work environment as the terms and conditions of employment contained

in the employment contract as requirements which binds the employer and employee and

acts as a start of a healthy relationship between the two parties. Employees are free and

more relaxed to express their feelings towards one another in the organization. Good

interpersonal relationship fosters team work and hence it increases the levels of

performance. On the other hand non conducive work environment causes a lot of

conflicts and stress in the organization and hence employees will not have the urge and

will to perform their duties accordingly. Hence performance in the organization will

decrease. Therefore for an organization to perform highly and to meet its set goals on

time, it is important to create a working environment which is suitable and favorable for

each and every individual in any organization. •

Employees spent major part of their days in the work environment, needing working

conditions to be conducive. They expect policies which are fair to meet acceptable

standards of work. In case of external degree of risk or difficulty to employees, they are

meant to be provided with additional benefits and incentive. The conceptual environment

in the organization should be such as to enhance the employee's confidence and faith in

the organization affairs as much as possible especially in formulation of polices affecting


These days unfortunately, there have been increased industrial and civil service dispute

leading to serious confrontation between employees and employer much of this attributed

to unfavorable environment of employment and over total disregards of the worker's

rights by certain employers. In most cases the employer dominates the employment

affairs; the dominance enables them to determine many unfavorable terms and conditions

in the employment contract. The terms are poor in that they disregard the laid down

polices such as employment procedure and handling employment grievance hence

• affecting employees performance, (Cole 1997) suggests that offering better terms and

condition of employment leads to high performance and to ensure this employees must be

given reasonable assurance of job security and this greatly improves the sense of

production, shared responsibility and this builds loyalty to the organization, economic

security brings about indication of sincerity and a sense of belongings.

This refers to reasonable conditions and terms of employee to make him /her refonn and

utilize his ability on his duties as greed upon between the employee and employer. Good

remuneration package is seen as a mechanisms in which organization plan to attract

retain, reward, and motivate employees. Favorable hours of work, equal opportunity,

incentives, health and safety, welfare as well as lying down appropriate polices on

grievances. Conductive work environment increases employee's morale, self pride, trust,

promote corporate image. Japan echo (1996) Okito quotes that, "the most and foremost •

duty of an employer is to establish, build and develop heath relationship by offering

conductive environment of employment to its workers"

Kauli Mwemba a business writer of Kenya Times wrote on several strikes arousing in

Kenya civil service and other bodies. 109 strikes were recorded in 1987; most strikes are

short lived, wildcat actions which center on local issues according to the ministty of

Labor. Although increased dialogue between employers and unions may have lessened

tension, many workers are fearful of losing their jobs if they join a strike in an economy

with high unemployment. There are more than 1.5 million people in Kenya's workforce

and approximately 550,000 who are eligible to join COTU.

Striking flower workers attacked with tear gas: Police fired tear gas and fought running

battles with the thousands of flowers workers at the Oserian farm near Naivasha on 30'11

• January who was demonstrating in protest at mass dismissals. Several demonstrators

were injured. The company had fired more than 1,000 of its 4,500 employees, claiming


that they had failed to give the obligatory in 21 days' notice before taking strike action.

The strike was ever workplace injuries and discrimination in allocating places in an

education programme.

Striking tea workers fired: James Finlay Company fired 28 workers for striking over

working conditions on 30111 May. Both the Kenya Plantation Union and Minister of Labor

supported the workers, and asked for them to be reinstated. Collective agreement ignored

at Athi River EPZ: over!, 000 workers from the Rising Sun Cumpany in the Athi River

EPZ were laid off, and their termination benefits were not paid. The company then

rehired some of the workers on a casual basis, ignoring the existence of a collective


University lecturers sacked and umon leaders arrested: key umon officials from the

University Academic Staff Union (UASU): Nation Chairman Dr. Sammy Kubasu,

General Secretary Muga K'Olate, Kenyatta University UASU Chairman Joseph

Kinyanjui and Secretary Richard Wafula, were among 50 lectures that were either sacked

or suspended at the end of October during a strike at the country's public universities.

The strike began on 23'd October after negotiations over salaries broke down. The court

immediately declared it illegal, and arrested the union leaders and other strikers. The

government also withheld the October salaries of the strikers. And all these were due to

non favorable conducive work environment to workers.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Despite the clear roles of management, polices, laws, Trade union, human right bodies

and government effort to protect workers, there have been registered cases of unfavorable

conditions, strike, high labor turnover, government mismanagement and corruption as it

had been presented in the country news papers for example the Daily Nation (13

February 2003), The Standard (22 March 2004) and business annalists writer' Kauli

Mwembas' book Kenyan labour Post colonial era. These have continuously made

employee perfon11ance in formal employment sector in Kenya to deteriorate. It's not

clear whether the negative effect is because of poor conducive work environment.


Therefore this has raised the interest of the researcher to go .and investigate about the

effects of work environment to an employee as well as employer.

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1 General objective.

To asses the effects of work environment on both employees and employers

perfonnance with particular attention to Housing Finance in Eldoret .

1.3.2 Specific objectives

(i) To examine employee welfare practices and their effects on organization


(ii) To asses the effects of supervision on organizational performance.

(iii) To evaluate the employees perception of their job design and its effect on

Organization performance

1.4 Research question • (i) Do the employee welfare practices have an effect on organizational performance?

(ii) What is the effect of supervision on organizational perfonnance?

(iii) What is the effect of job design on organizational performance?

1.5 Hypothesis

(I) There is a relationship between welfare practices and organization performance.

(2) There is a relationship between supervision and organizational performance.

(3) There is a relationship between job design and organizational performance.

1.6 Scope of the study

The research investigated the effects of work environment on both employees and

employer performance. The study was carried out in Housing Finance Eldoret. It was

mainly focusing on Housing Finance employment managtment and environment.

Housing finance was selected because it's a very big company with very many workers

approximately !50 who experienced very many different working problems. The study

established the effects of work environment on employee's performance.


The study assessed the effects of work environment of employment between 2003-2007,

secondary information between those periods was considered.

1. 7 Significance of the study

The study would be useful to the following patties:-

To the student since the study was an academic requirement leading to the award of

bachelor of Human Resource Management of Kampala International University, •

therefore the study helped the student to meet her academic requirements.

To the government of Kenya since the study aimed at identifying the effects of work

environment on employee's performance. It would help the government of Kenya in

designing policies that would help to improve work performance in all the formal

employment sectors.

To the employee since the employee would know the indicators of work environment as

it was revealed by this study. That would be very imp01tant to them to demand for their


To the researcher the findings provided up to date literature and open area of further

research to academician and researchers who may be interested in areas of employee's •




2.0 Introduction


This chapter presents literah1re on employee welfare practice and organization

perfom1ance, effects of supervision and organization performance, employee perception

of the job design and effect on performance and ways of improving working conditions.

2.1 Conceptual frame work


'IRONMENT dits& incentive. orable hours. .lth, stays healthy. pute procedure.

Source: self initiated

EMPLOYEE/ORGANIZATION ROLES -Planning -Organizing. -Leading. -Controlling.

POSITIVE EFFECTS - Production and

Commitment -Improvement. -Positive attitude -Relationship . -Moral. Satisfaction.

PERFORMANCE -Clear communication. -Good supervision. -Helping employees. - Orientation process


TERMS AND CONDITION -Express term. -Incorporate. -Implied.

According to the above conceptual framework, different incidents indicated played great

roles in creating positive effect in work performance. In the middle of the conceptual

framework outlines the positive results of effect after each incident has been handled in

appropriate manner. Despite the clear indicators and results of conducive work

environment shown in the above conceptual framework, it however appears that

managers/ employers do not follow them as expected. The abqve conceptual framework

is drawn in such a way that for work performance to increase there is need to consider the

issues of employers /organizational roles, tenns and conditions, performance and it

should therefore be looked at seriously.

2.2 Theo1·etical flame work

Armstrong (1996) and Cole (1997) defined work environment as requirements which

binds the employer and employee and acts as a start of a healthy relationship between the

two parties. The study was based on the theory of contracts as outlined by Beardwell

(200 1) that states that a legally binding contract of employment must be reasonable.

Both employer and employee must enter freely into contractual arrangement and jointly

determine favorable conditions that will enhance a conducive work environment hence

improving his performance at the work place.

The proponents argue that a reasonably work environment will positively affect

employee performance and thus the overall performance.

If the work environment is favorable to the employees, it will affect them positively in

that they will put more effort in their work places due to increased moral leading to high

employee performance.

2.3 welfare and organization performance Michael Armstrong (2006) defined welfare as matters concerning employees which are

not immediately connected to their jobs although they may be connected generally with


their place of work. These matters will include individual services relating to employee's

welfare and these are private help with counseling on personal problems, assistance with

problems of health or sickness and special services for retired employees and group

services which include the provision of social and supporting activities and restraints.

Childcare facilities also should be provided for individual employees but on collective

basis. Welfare services fall into two categories which include individual or personal and

group services. Individual welfare services include concern. for employees Sickness.

These provide help and advice to employee absent from work for long periods due to

illness because it help to speed the return of the employee to work, it also provide the

employee with support and counsel where need exists, this is done by simply writing to

sick absentees, expressing general concern and good wishes for a speed recovery and

reminding them that the firm can provide help and if they wish there may be alternative

arrangements made for a colleague to pay a visit, the aim is the concern about their

welfare, to alleviate the loneliness and provide practical advice.

The other serviCes are Bereavement where the organization extends some funds or

properiies for the basic aim of aiding with funeral arrangement and dealing with will and

probate mater. This is in case the organization employee dies or looses a beloved one.

Domestic problem and here the employee can get counseled on how to help themselves

or where to go for expeti advice. Counseling services are provided by company staff or

employee or through the employee assistance programme. This is so important in that it

provides the oppmiunity for employees to talk through their problems with trusted


Others include; Employment problem; This is done through discussion between

individuals and his or her manager or team leader, through the company's grievances

procedure employees always find problems like interpersonal relations, bullying or

felling an adequacy about which they want to talk about as a means of relieving their

feelings and helping people who are involved.

8 •

Elderly and retired employee; Some compames have special provtston for elderly

employee by setting a side jobs or work areas for them and Group welfare service

category which consists of restaurants, sports and social clubs and nursery facilities. For

example company restaurants are desirable where when employees are broke they can

use a voucher.

According to Toyota Motor Manufacturing Co-operation (UK), the Bunaston

development set out a plan of reducing new Carina E model in earnest in late 1992,

towards the initial target of 100,000 vehicles per annum, due to its developed plan to

introduce interesting personnel related practice by creating conducive environment to its

employees, led to employee commitment and production and that was because the

corporation had a principle of taking people as the greatest asset. Good conditions and

terms motivates workers, when employees are treated with 'respect they show great

commitment to fulfill the companies objectives, fundamental to the philosophy is to

provide equal opportunity and term and conducive work environment. Japan (Echo


Goldhorpe ( 1968) notes that pay, benefits and incentives are some of the principles of

conducive work environment, it is a dominant factor in the choice of employer and

consideration of pay seems to be most powerful in building people to their present job.

Human Resource Manager, HF (1999) in the company's annual prospectus, stresses that

pay incentives and other benefits are the key elements in improving performance of

employees. She further noted that relation between motivation and performance enriches

the morale of the workers. Gravens and Bm·let (1998) quotes that "the single most

impmiant obligation owed by an employer to employee is to pay him good wages. He

sees that pay is competitive tool of achieving high performance~

Engineering and Electronics Union (EEU) its membership is about 45% of workforce,

this is in regard of assuring the employees the job security, to acquire that was because of

Conditions related to work. Composed of joint management employee form called

Toyota management administration board (TMAB) which included terms and


conditions/conducive work environment, quality matters and other general issues (Japan

Echo Magazine 1998)

According to Garquas (1998) noted that due to equal opp01tunity at work, fosters

employees to become more objective and less fixed in the ideas about people who are

different from them, equal opp01tunity principle, brings out tb.e best work force, guide

employment practice as they fall where employees work. Lack of interpersonal

relationship in an organization creates grievance and disputes which are discontent or

dissatisfaction between workers and employers. When employees feel that they are not

treated fairly, it leads to decreased interest in work, unwillingness to cooperate, increased

absence and slow down on the job.

Armstrong (1996) gave effects of contusive work environment as:­

(i) It increases employee commitment in the organization

(i) Increases employee morale and performance

(ii) Increase interpersonal relationships between employees and employers

(iii) Reduces labor turn over

(iv) Help in achieving high performance and satisfaction in the job

(v) Enhances the organization reputation.

2.4 Supervision and employee's performance

By federal law the supervisor is considered to a number of management and is defined

as:- Any individual having authority, in the interest of the employer, to hire, transfer,

suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, assign reward or discipline other employee

or responsibility to direct them, or to adjust their grievances, or effectively to

recommend such action if in connection with the fore going exercise of such authority is

not of a merely routine or clerical nature but requires the use of independent judgment.

The successful petformance of supervisors duties are independent upon his identifying

himself closely enough with the employees whom he supervises in order that his

leadership may be accepted by his subordinates. The fact that their attention and loyalty


must be divided into subordinates and higher management, a supervisor at work is "a jack

of all trades" and engages in activities like planning, ordering materials and equipments,

monitoring records preparing reports and many activities relating directly to the teclmical

places of his job.

Supervisor roles include; Motivating and controlling employee performance which seems

to be the most important function performed by the supervisor. It's the supervisor's

responsibility to establish goals, standards and to create conditions that will provide

incentives necessary to motivate employees towards achievement of the departmental

objectives .He must determine the extent to which goals being achieved and whether or

not prescribed by the management by law or professional.

A supervisor is viewed as "adviser" or a "bull" of the woo,ds". He must be able to

promote good relations with individual employees as well as his work group and at the

same time must ensure that they meet production standards and requirements. The

democratic approach is typically emphasized in most supervisory training programmes

because it has shown to result in more relations in the work group while democratic

leaderships tends to focus on group relationships and role of the group in decision making

it also characterized as one who emphasizes common goals and spends more time talking

with employees. The autocratic supervisor makes decision himself, use of arbitrary

method giving orders, and controls employee behavior though disciplinary action and

legalistic approach.

Consideration includes behavior indicating mutual trust, respect, and certain warmth and

report between supervisors and his groups. This dimension appear to emphasize deeper

concern for group members needs which includes, allow,ing the subordinates to

participate in decision making and encouraging a two way form of communication.

Struch1re include behavior in which supervisor organizes and defines group activities and

his relation to the group. Thus it defines, assigns tasks, plans ahead, establishes ways of

getting things done and pushes for production.


The supervisor provides the necessary training that will permit employees' potential

from the time one is assigned the work to the time he leaves. He assists the employee in

solving problems that may be directly or indirectly related to his employment with the

company and that are likely to affect the employees' efficiency and adjustment. The

importance of developing employees is the evaluation of his performance and the

communication of his information to him in language that one can understand and with

an attitude that will motivate him to better performance.

Goldhorpe (1968) noted that pay is the dominant factor in the choice of employer and

consideration of pay seems to be most powerful in binding people to their present job.

Hnman resource manager HF ( 1999) in the company annual prospectus stresses that;

Incentive and other benefits are the key elements of enhancing employee's performance.

According to Okundo (1980) in Japan Echo insight and analysis (JEIA) "the most

impmtant responsibility of a manager is to find ways of making most of the ability of

workers and this is done by putting in place an incentive policy.

According to Cole (1970) the issue of work hours has always been an important one for

trade unions, flexible working hours, short working hours and break interval during

working hours seems to give high productivity as it helps an employee to have time for

training to improve their performance, ensures staff motivation hence reduces

absenteeism, stress and attracts competent staff. Unfavorable working hours can lead to

sickness, absenteeism, poor performance and low output.

It's important that employers must genuinely protect their employee's right and accept

this spirit and not just the letter of the requirements on health and safety. Employers act

ways down that "it shall be the duty of employers to ensure reasonably protected health,

safety and welfare of employees at work" thus the employer must ensure sufficient

information, instruction, training, supervision to ensure health and safety of its



Grievances are discontent on dissatisfaction expressed openly by a worker. It grows out

of bad relations between the workers and the employer when workers feel that they are

not being treated fairly. Main cause can be attributed to communication breakdown,

hostile management and disagreement over wages and fringe benefits, distrust of

authority and external forces.

2.5 Job Design and employees performance

Job designed has been defined by Davis (1966) as the specification of the contents

methods and relationships of jobs in order to satisfy technological and organizational

requirements as well as social personal requirements of the job holder. Job design has

two aims which are to satisfy the requirements of the orgapization for productivity,

operational efficiency and quality of product or services and second is to satisfy the need

of the individual for interest, challenge and accomplishment thus providing for job

engagement: commitment to carry out the job well. The overall objective is to integrate

the needs of individuals with those of the organization.

Job design has to take into account the following factors;

• The process of intrinsic motivation

This entails that the effective performance and genuine satisfaction in work follow

mainly from intrinsic content of the job. This related to fundamental concept that

people are motivated when they are provided with the means to achieve the company's

goals, provides the means to earn money which as an intrinsic reward satisfies basic

needs and instrument in providing ways of satisfying higher level needs, and also

provides intrinsic rewards which are under due control of the, work.

• Characteristics of task structure

Job design requires a number of tasks into a job or a group of jobs. An individual may

carry out one main task which consists of a number of interrelated elements or

functions. Individual may carry out variety of connected tasks, each with a number of

functions. The function or tasks are allocated to a team work or individual between

them and requires skills in order to work flexibly. Complexity in a job may be


reflection of the number of tasks to be carried out, different skills or competence to be

used the range and scope of decisions to be made.

• Motivating characteristics of jobs

This involves empowerment, giving individuals and team~ more responsibility for

decision marking and ensuring that they have the training support and guidance to

exercise responsibility properly.

There are three characteristics of providing intrinsic motivation established by Lawler

( 1969) these are required for the job to be intrinsically motivating and these include;

(I) Feed back; individual must receive meaningful feedback about their performance

(2) Use of ability; the job must be perceived by individuals as requiring them to use

ability they value in order to perform the job effectively.

(3) Self control; individuals must posses high degree of self control in setting they own

goals and over defining paths to the goals.

2.6 Work performance

Work performance is the ability of a worker to attain his goal by using the available •

resources in an efficient manner (Draft 1991 ). Performance is also an individual ability

and knowledge. According to Paul (2000) organizational performance is the product of

many factors such as organizational structure, knowledge, non human resources, strategic

positioning of human resource and the human resource.

Researchers show that control is the best factor where people feel comfortable. The more

control people have over their work the greater their job satisfaction, the higher the work

quality and low dissatisfaction. Giving employees, power to make job related decisions,

the flexibility of the organization in their work in a way that they find optimal and the

authority to make improvement on how their work requires, providing them with training,

coaching, and information they need to make intelligent decision.

The greatest source of employees discomfort is failing to know about the changes taking •

place within the company/ organization, not knowing their supervisors job and


performance expectation and not !mowing if they are acting according to the expectations

of the organization. Communicating clearly in these areas not only reduces employee's

discomfort (stress) but also help to improve their performance. Talk to the employees on

issues that make the organization great and how employees will make that possible.

People want to feel part of something great and they want to be recognized

that they are making significant contribution to the organization. When they feel this way

they not only become organized by challenges but they will also be able to endure

difficulties without becoming burn out. This principle should be put into action making

sure that it will always deliver a high quality product or sources by talking positively to

the employees.

Supervision plays a huge role in employee's moral perfonnance and discomfort.

Supervisor who knows how to provide guidance, support and encouragement creates

employee's comfort. Personal problem are tremendous source of discomfort, stress and it

cannot improve employee's performance. The time and financial resources invested in

reducing employees' discomfort and stress to increasing productivity and minimizing

labor turn over, encourage employees to talk freely and support one another " work and

no play" environment burns out so quickly.

Although not all jobs are equally rewarding and fulfilling, much can be done to make

even the least desirable ones' more enjoyable. The opportunity employees have to make

decision, use the mind and take responsibility, the more fulfilled they will be, to make

this work, employees need to be involved in job enrichment pro.cess, if changes are made

without putting this in consideration it will most likely back fire. If employees have

worked for years in an environment where they are dictated on what to do it might take

time for them to learn how to take more responsibility and active approach to their jobs

before handling challenging tasks.

The first months on any new jobs are often the most discomfort or stressful, new

employees are vulnerable to accident and injuries. For companies that have a sink or

swim approaches to new employee, the first months are also a time of high turnover, the


more effective hiring new employees, orientation and training is more likely to be applied

to the new employees so as to make them be well prepared for the job ahead of them.

The general result of this body of law is that employers should not discriminate in

employment decisions on basis of gender, age, religion, color, national origin, race or

disability. Employment decisions should be based on factors that are "job related".

"Reasonably necessary" or "a business necessity" for successful job performance. The

only time that gender, age, religion can work is when they are considered as Bona Fide

Occupational Qualification (BFOQ). This law, prohibits non equal pay for males and

female doing substantially similar work, it prohibits discrimination on basis of race, •

color, religion, gender or national origin, it further prohibits discrimination in

employment decision against pregnant women, strengthened the provision of the civil

Rights Act of 1964 by providing jury and positive compensation. Unintentional

discrimination in which there is a substantially different rate of selection in hiring,

promotion or other employment decisions that makes it to the disadvantage of members

of a particular race, sex, age, ethnicity, or protected group.

This is a form of discrimination in which unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual

favor or other verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature occurs while performing one's

job. There are two kind of sexual harassment-Quid pro quo sexual harassment, this is a

from of sexual harassment in which employment outcomes such as living, promotion or

simply keeping one's job depend on whether an individual submits to sexual harassment.

Hostile work environment; This is a form of sexual harassment in which non welcome •

and demeaning sexually related behavior creates an intimidating work environment.

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA,) this reqmres the employers to provide

employees with work environment that is free from recognized hazards that will cause a

likely outcome of death or serious physical harm. OSHA sets safety and health standards

for employers and conducts inspection to determine whether these standards are being



Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has the power to investigate company practices

and take legal action to ensure compliance with the laws. Bodies available to protect the

rights of employees and employers in their places of work.

(i) The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

This is a body based in the USA that investigates gender and equal oppmiunity.

(ii) Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) this requires the employers to provide

employees with work environment that is free from recognized hazards that will cause a

likely outcome of death or serious physical harm. OSHA sets safety and health standards

for employers and conducts inspection to determine whether these standards are being


(iii) Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has the power to investigate company

practices and take legal action to ensure compliance with the laws.


3.0 Introduction



This chapter discussed the back ground against which the findings assessed the validity,

liability and the basis upon which the conclusion was made. This chapter also focused on

the research design, survey population, sampling size, data collection method, data

processing and analysis.

3.1 Research design

The sh1dy employed both a descriptive and cross sectional research design in the

collection and analysis of data. The two research design were preferred because they had

enabled the researcher to systematically collect and present data to give a clear picture

regarding the effect of work environment of employment on employees' performance.

Across section Sh1dy design was also preferred because the view from cross category

respondents who had rich information on the aspects of perfonnance on employees was


Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used because they involved carrying out

in-depth interviews, conducted focus group discussion. Under quantitative method a

questionnaire was used to establish the effect of the employees.

The design of the study enabled in-depth analysis of responsas assessing the effects of

work environment.

3.2 Survey population.

The survey population constituted 36 people whom were selected to represent all workers

that are employed in Housing Finance.


3.3 Sampling size

A total of 36 respondents were selected from the named Hierarchy; top most managers,

departmental managers and the ordinary workers. Departments available includes: -

Human Resources department, Marketing department, Finance department, Production

department, Sales depmiment.

From each department about six respondents were chosen.

Table: showing sampling frame.

Hierarchy No. of respondents

Overall supervisor 1

Department supervisors 5

Ordinary workers 30

3.4 Types of data and source

Both secondary and primary data was used 111 the process of deducing meaningful


Primary data

That was the first hand information that was collected from the field by the aid of the

data collection techniques, some of the techniques which were used by the researcher are

questionnaire, Interview and Observation.

(i) Questionnaires

These were provided to all except the illiterate casual laborer.

(ii) Interview

Interview was conducted to both literate and illiterate.

(iii) Observation


That was conducted during the time of interview to observe the state of workers and

come up with a repoti.

3.5 Data collection method.

All the selected respondents were served with questionnaires; the researcher took the

trouble to explain the difficult questions to the respondents that was possible because the

researcher herself had delivered the questionnaire.

3.5.1 Data processing and analysis. •

The researcher after collecting the data edited it for the purpose of removing

inconsistence information. After editing the researcher coded similar responses. From

that stage the researcher used the statistical techniques of data analysis for instance she

used percentage to explain the findings.


4.0 Empirical Analysis



This chapter presents the empirical analysis of the data collection from the field. This

presentation is done in accordance with research questions stateji in the earlier chapters.

4.1 Findings on the Response Rate

Out of the 36 questionnaires that were administered in housing finance seeking

information concerning the subject matter of this study 32 were successful collected and

4 were not collected this made the response rate of 88% and 11.2%. This is therefore

shown in the table below.

Table .i. number of questions responded to

Types of response frequency percentage

Response 32 88.8%

Non -response 4 11.2%

Total 36 100%

Source: Pnmary Data 2008


Figure i. shows the number of questions responded to




70.00% CD

9 60.00% ca c: 50.00% CD ~ 40.00% Q) c. 30.00%

20.00% -------10.00% -- ... ' .

0.00% -·~-... -·-- ~

Response Non -response

types of response


The period worked with housing finance

The empirical data collected also analyzed the period different respondents had worked

with housing finance. This was intended to help the researcher to measure the degree of

accuracy of data sources.

The questionnaire concerning the period worked with housing finance provided mainly

three options:-0-3years, 3-6years and over 7 years.

The researcher attached a high level of accuracy on long serving respondents .

Table ii. Showing period worked with housing finance

options frequency percentage

Below 3 years 4 II

3-6 years 9 29

Above 7 years 19 60

Total 32 100

Source- pnmary data

Data from the above table shows II% of respondents worked below 0-3 years, 29% of

the respondents had worked between 3-6 years and above seven years dominated and

constituted 60% of the total number of respondents.


Figure ii shows the period worked with housing fmance

e 70 .----------------------------------. G»

u 60 +----------------------------­c G»

~50 +----------------------------­f - 40 +-----------------------------"C c t'G 30 +-------------------

= s 20

i 10 -1-------­e 8. 0 +---

Below 3 years ~years


Abow 7 years

• Percentages 0 Frequencies

4.2 Employees who had knowledge about the meaning of welfare in an organization

Employees who had knowledge about the meaning of welfare in an organization; Most

respondent had responded positively about the awareness of the term welfare in the

company and the response rates were as follows:-

Table iii: Knowledge about welfare

Responses Frequency Percentage Yes 30 93.7 No 2 6.3

Total 32 100 Source: Primary Data 2008


Figure iii: shows the knowledge about welfare

I 100 .-------------------------_, u 90 -t----------­i 80 +--------­i- 70 -+--------­~ 60 +-----------­i 50 +-----------­c

II ~~

20 10 0

1 2


Table iv: Number of welfare practices

Respondents Frequency 1. Assistance to sick employees 25 2. Advice to employees 28 3. Counseling 18 4. Good interpretation 31 5. Visitation 10 6. Open door policy 30 7. Consideration 20 8. Sharing 2

Source: Primary Data 2008


riYeSl ~

Percentage 78.1 87.5 56.2 96.8 31 93

62.5 6.2

Figure iv: shows the number of welfare practices

(I) CD C)

J! c CD 1:! CD c.

Number of welfare practices in housing finace




60 • Frequency

• Percentage 40


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


From the above graph we can see that most employees observed the welfare practices in

the company which included; assistance to sick employees, advice to employees,

counseling, good interpersonal relationship, visitation, open door policy, consideration

and sharing.

Also from the same graph we see that sharing seems to draw less people, they were not

aware nor influenced by such factors due to lack of these recreational facilities in the

company. Examples are restaurants, sports facilities and social clubs


Table v: Authorities of top I middle manager I supervisor

Respondents Departments Frequency Percentage

1. Hire Top most manager 1 17

2. Transfer All department 6 100

3. Layoffs All department 6 100

4. Promote Top most manager 1 17

5. Reward All department 6 100

6. Discipline All department 6 100 .

Source: Pnmary Data 2008

Figure v: shows authorities of top/middle manager/supervisor

Authorities of top I middle manager I supervisor



Q) C)


"' -c 60 Q)


• Frequency

• Percentage

:. 40


0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Level of authority to each manager

From the above graph (1) Hire and (4) promotion is only authorized by the top most

manager of the company and the rest of authorities are practiced by the other ( 5)

managers of other departments.


Table vi: The impact of supervision

Respondents Frequencies Percentage

Yes 5 83.3

No 1 6.7

Total 6 100

Source: Primary Data 2008

Figure vi: shows the impact of supervision

II 90

} 80 70 60

~ 50 40

I 30 ----20 -----10

0 1 2


Out of the total number of managers in Housing Finance, five managers observed

positive impact from the authorities they exercised and only 1 who presented 6.7% did

not observe any impact of his authorities to the employees he manages.


Table vii: Job conditions in housing finance

Respondents Frequencies Percentage

1. Working hour 2 6.2

2.Salary wage 6 18.7

3 .Motivation 25 78.1

4.0vertime 10 31

5 .Level of tasks 5 15.6

6.Skills 30 93

7. Value of control 2 6.2

Source: Pnmary Data 2008

Figure vii: shows job conditions in housing f"mance

Job conditions in housing finance



~lJ 80

0 r:::: (#) Q) 60 Q)"C ar:::: J! 0 40 r:::: D. Q) (#)

u ! ... 20 Q)


• trrquency • percentage

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Frequency of the respondents

Employees were not given specific working hours and in most cases they worked past the

recommendable hours. And that brought about the frequencies of 2 and 6.2%.


Job conditions such as wages and salaries, overtime, level of tasks and value of control

showed negative responses and this was probably due to the employees lacking specific

conducive work environment.

Motivation and skills received positive responses. Out of the number of response got

from the employees we see that motivation had 78.1% and skills held had 93%

Table viii: the impact of job conditions on employees

Respondents Frequencies Percentage

Yes 8 25

No 24 75

Total 32 100

Source: Primary Data 2008

Figure viii: Shows the impact of job conditions on employees




m 50 ----

~ 40

l 30

20 ----


0 Yes No





5.0 Introduction

This chapter presents the discussion, and analysis revealed from the collected data. It

shows the implications of the methodology used, the general conclusions drawn from the

whole process of the studies and identify the areas for further studies.

5.1 The implication of the findings on employee's knowledge about welfare

From the findings it has been revealed that most of employees in Housing Finance had

awareness concerning the welfare practices in their company ai1d only a few had little or

no idea at all.

Regarding on how the compames exercised it's welfare practices majority of the

respondents revealed that there are some types in the individual welfare practices that are

exercised and some were neglected and respondents mentioned the ones practiced as

assistance to siclmess, advice to employees, counseling, good interpersonal relationship,

open door policy and consideration and compassionate . The ones neglected were

visitation and sharing.

The reasons for neglecting the two practices that is visitation and sharing was because

they had little or no time to visit sick employees and also sharing became hard due to lack

of some of these recreational facilities.

Implications of the findings on effects of welfare on Housing Finance Objectives

From the findings it has been revealed that there are several positive effects that were

observed as a result of welfare practices in the company, and the responded mentioned

some of them as follows;

• Increase in production and commitment

• Improvement of employees perfonnance

• High confidence and faith

• Positive work attitude and maximization of the human resource performance


• High relationship between employees and employers

• Reduced labors tumover

The top manager also revealed that before the company introduced the welfare practices,

majority of the employees experienced high labor tumover, decrease in performance,

poor interpersonal relationships and a lot of time wastage due to absenteeism.

5.1.1 Implications of the findings of authorities of the top, middle manager/


On this it was revealed that it was only the duty of the top most manager to hire and

promote employees in the company where as the departmental managers authority were

to transfer, lay off, reward and discipline

Asking why it was only the duty/authority of only the top most manager and not the other

departmental managers to hire and promote, he revealed that he gets the final say on

hiring and promotion, he went on to say that this measure aided the company to avoid

nepotism, corruption and incompetent employees.

Implications of the findings on impacts of supervision in the company

In the discussion it was found out that all supervisors fi·om the top most to the

depmimental saw the impact of their supervision to the employees as being; high

commitment to the company, increased in work speed, increase in production, less

absenteeism, competent workers and high employee morale.

Regarding the impact of supervisor authorities on the ordinary workers, the respondents

revealed that they were not comfmiable with the supervision and they preferred working

with minimal or no supervision at all. The ordinary employees complained about not

given chance to work on their own, to make some decision, and that some of the

supervisors were harsh and overworked them. •


5.1.3 Implications of findings on job conditions in housing finance.

During the discussion with the ordinary employees, they mentioned a number of

conditions which included working hours, salaries ad wages, motivation, overtime, level

of tasks, skills and value of control. Out of these there are some they felt that they were

not conducive to them, this is to say; working hours, with working hours they felt that

they are over worked mostly from sales department they had to be out in the field to look

for clients and this made them leave work late. The administration of salaries and wages

was not on time and at times it passed way into the next month. Assignment of work/task

was not well done as many complained of being given other fasks rather than the ones

they ought to carryout. They experienced that they had no self control in that there was

much supervision at all levels.

5.2 General Conclusion

Under this chapter, conclusions are made in accordance to the research questions set. The

conclusion begins with welfare practices, although housing Finance adopts the welfare

practices in their company there are some necessary welfare practices that are neglected

and these need to be improved. Some of these neglected practices are visitation by the top

most manager and the departmental managers to the sick employees, sharing and this

creates a gap between employers and employees.

The top most managers are given a lot of tasks and authority whereby they hire and

promote employees in the company this may create favoritisll] and hence they can hire

incompetent employees who bring chaos in the company

As much as the management needs its work to be done faster, they need to consider its

human resources and this can be done by paying them on time, coming up with fair

working hours and have a systematic way of assigning tasks to its employees.


The general analysis of the findings on working environment 111 housing finance of

Eldoret town in Kenya showed that it was fairly good although some areas of the findings

on the objective were applied but not I 00 percent perfectly.

i) The researcher also concluded the following; good work environment greatly

affects the organization/company performance positively.

ii) There is a great relationship between good working environment and

employee's performance.

iii) Employees performance IS greatly determined by how the organization/

company set there work environment.

iv) Job dissatisfaction is brought by poor working environment.

v) High commitment and retention 1s created by good working

environment/conditions. •

5.3 Recommendations

Basing on the above conclusion made from the findings the researcher suggests the

following recommendations.

Regarding welfare, the company should get committed to all its welfare practices and not

leave any behind as they all play a major role in the company; on supervision department

managers should not exercise it too harshly but rather fairly to all its employees and

finally job conditions should be fairly distributed to all employees.

The government of Kenya should institute job welfare management committee in each

company or organization and whose role should be to oversee and monitor welfare

practices with there staff and instituting measures that will help. to reduce neglect of other

crucial welfare practices.

5.6 Areas for further studies

Basing on the whole study different gaps were identified that calls for further research in

those areas.


i) Effects of welfare on women in the companies or organization

ii) Special welfare treatment on the less privileged like the disabled m the


iii) To establish the comparison of job perception between employees under good

working environment and those in poor working environment.



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School of Management Japan echo magazine 1996 Okito.

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Kissler GD 1994 New employment contract pitman publishers London.

Peason B 1991 Bereau oflabor stastics name pange (http.Stats.bls.gov) tabulate data


Robbins Cuter www.prenhall/robbins Management Steven L MC Shame and mass van

Glinow2003 organizational behaviour energy realities for work place. Revolution second


Seven .P. may 1998 Management sixth Edition.

Wireman U and Berg P 1991 work home role conflict family climate and domestic

responsibilities among men and women.





This questionnaire is seeking information for academic purposes only and the

information from this is to be treated with outmost confidentiality •

Kindly spare some time to fill this questionnaire.


I. Age of the respondent ........................................................ .

A. 18-------------25

B. 26------------35

C. 36------------45

D. Above-------46


2. Marital statns ................................................................... .

3. Current position ................................................................. .

4. For how long have you worked with housing finance

A. 0---------------3 D

B. 3---------------6 D

C. Over 7years D


5. Do you understand the meaning of welfare in an organization?

Yes No


6. In your own knowledge do you experience welfare practices in this company?

7. What are the welfare practices in this company? (Tick where necessary.)

!.Assistance to sick employee 2.Advice to employees 3.counseling 4.Good interpersonal relationship 5.Visitation 6.0pen door policy 7.Consideration in compassionate sharing

8. How are the welfare practices affecting the hosing finance objectives?

............................................................................................ ~ ........................................ .

9. What are some of the ways you think can promote welfare practices in this company?

10. As a top manager of housing finance, what are some of your authorities? (Tick where necessary.)

!.Hire 2.Transfer 3.Lay off 4.Promote 5.Reward 6Discipline

II. As a man in authority have you ever exercised the above authorities?

12. On what grounds did you exercise the above?

13. Has your supervision practice have any impact in this company's performance?



14. What are some of the job conditions specifications in this company? (Tick where necessary.)

Working hours Administration of salaries and wages Motivation Basis of overtime payments Level of tasks to earn less or much Number of tasks • Use of abilities Value of control

15. How do you perceive job conditions in this company?

16. Do job conditions have an impact on you Yes c=J No

17. If yes, outline some of the impacts of job conditions

18. Is there a need of improving these conditions

Yes No


19. What do you think are the possible ways of improving the work conditions?




This questionnaire is seeking information for academic purposes only and the

information from this is to be treated with outmost confidentiality.

Kindly spm·e some time to fill this questionnaire.


I. Age of the respondent ........................................................ .

A. 18-------------25 D B. 26------------3 5 D c. 3 6------------45 D

D. Above-------46 D

2. Marital status ................................................................... .

3. Current position ................................................................. .

4. For how long have you worked with housing finance

A. 0---------------3 D

B. 3---------------6 D

C. Over----7years D


5. Do you understand the meaning of welfare in an organization? Yes D No D

6. In your lmowledge do you experience?

7. What are the welfare practices in this company? (Tick where necessmy.)

!.Assistance to sick employee 2.Advice to employees 3.counseling 4.Good interpersonal relationship 5.Visitation • 6.0pen door policy 7 .Consideration in compassionate sharing

8. How are the welfare practices affecting the hosing finance objectives?

9. What are some of the ways you think can promote welfare practices in this company?


10. Have your supervisor's practices have any impact in this company performance?


11. What are some of the job conditions specifications in this company? (Tick where necessary.)

Working hours Administration of salaries and wages Motivation Basis of overtime payments Number of tasks Use of abilities Value of control

12. How do you perceive job conditions in this company?


13. Do job conditions have an impact on you

Yes No


14. If yes, outline some of the impacts of job conditions

Jnu Q!oi 11 112@@@111


Ggaba Road, Kansanga • PO BOX 20000 Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 (0) 41 - 266 813 • Fax: +256 (0) 41 - 501 974

E-mail: admin@l<iu.ac.ug • Website: http://www.k1u.ac.ug



Dear Sir/Madam,

Date: 5'h February, 2008


This is to confirm and inform you that the above referenced, is a bonafide student of Kampala International University pursuing a Bachelor of Human Resource Management programme in the School of Business and Management of the University.


As part of her studies (research work) she has to collect relevant information through questionnaires, interviews and reading materials from your place.

In this regard, I request that you kindly assist her by supplying/furnish her with the required information and data she might need for her research project and also by filling up the questionnaire.

Any assistance rendered to her in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Yours Sincerely,


"Exploring the Heights"