WORK PROGRAMME April 2016 Safe and Strong Communities Select Committee This document sets out the work programme for the Safe and Strong Communities Select Committee for 2015/16. The Safe and Strong Communities Select Committee is responsible for scrutinising: Children and adultssafeguarding; Community safety and Localism. The Council has three priority outcomes. This Committee is aligned to the outcome: The people of Staffordshire will feel safer, happier and more supported in and by their community. We review our work programme at every meeting. Sometimes we change it - if something comes up during the year that we think we should investigate as a priority. Our work results in recommendations for the County Council and other organisations about how what they do can be improved, for the benefit of the people and communities of Staffordshire. Councillor John Francis Chairman of the Safe and Strong Communities Select Committee If you would like to know more about our work programme, please get in touch with Tina Randall, Scrutiny and Support Manager on 01785 276148 or by emailing [email protected] Membership County Councillors 2015-16 John Francis (Chairman) David Williams (Vice-Chairman) Margaret Astle Charlotte Atkins Maureen Compton Michael Davies Terry Finn Robert Marshall Mark Olszewski Stephen Sweeney Calendar of Committee Meetings 2015-2016 Wednesday 10 June 10am Tuesday 14 July 10am Monday 7 th September 10am Tuesday 6 th October 2pm Thursday 5 th November 2pm Monday 14 th December10am Monday 18 th January 2016 10am Monday 7 th March 2016 10am Wednesday 6 April 2016 2pm Monday 9 th May 2016 - 10am Meetings usually take place in the Oak Room in County Buildings.

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WORK PROGRAMME – April 2016 Safe and Strong Communities Select Committee

This document sets out the work programme for the Safe and Strong Communities Select Committee for 2015/16. The Safe and Strong Communities Select Committee is responsible for scrutinising: Children and adults’ safeguarding; Community safety and Localism. The Council has three priority outcomes. This Committee is aligned to the outcome: The people of Staffordshire will feel safer, happier and more supported in and by their community. We review our work programme at every meeting. Sometimes we change it - if something comes up during the year that we think we should investigate as a priority. Our work results in recommendations for the County Council and other organisations about how what they do can be improved, for the benefit of the people and communities of Staffordshire. Councillor John Francis Chairman of the Safe and Strong Communities Select Committee If you would like to know more about our work programme, please get in touch with Tina Randall, Scrutiny and Support Manager on 01785 276148 or by emailing [email protected]

Membership – County Councillors 2015-16 John Francis (Chairman) David Williams (Vice-Chairman) Margaret Astle Charlotte Atkins Maureen Compton Michael Davies Terry Finn Robert Marshall Mark Olszewski Stephen Sweeney

Calendar of Committee Meetings 2015-2016

Wednesday 10 June – 10am

Tuesday 14 July – 10am

Monday 7th September – 10am

Tuesday 6th October – 2pm

Thursday 5th November – 2pm

Monday 14th December– 10am

Monday 18th January 2016 – 10am

Monday 7th March 2016 – 10am

Wednesday 6 April 2016 – 2pm

Monday 9th May 2016 - 10am

Meetings usually take place in the Oak Room in County Buildings. Meetings usually take place at County Buildings, Martin Street, Stafford ST16 2LH

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Work Programme 2015-16 Date of meeting

Item Link to Council’s Commissioning


Details Action/Outcome

Wed 10 June 10am

Update on work to address child sexual exploitation (CSE) in Staffordshire Cabinet Member: Mike Lawrence Officer: Mick Harrison

Resilient Communities Build a joint approach to crime and addressing the causes of crime. Enable people to access appropriate intervention at the right time. Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities

In 2012 a Working Group of the predecessor Committee carried out a review on CSE and internal trafficking which resulted in a number of recommendations which the Executive responded to. An update was presented in November 13 and more information was provided in December 14 and March 15

Details about the Families First CSE Coordinator post were shared & the mapping document was circulated on the 11/08/15. How success could be measured was discussed. It was queried if information about taxi licenses was correlated against those with late night refreshment licences. In addition the vetting of private landlords was raised and an Officer agreed to investigate.

Building Resilient Families & Communities Cabinet Member: Mike Lawrence Officer: Pat Merrick

Resilient Communities Build a joint approach to crime and addressing the causes of crime. Enable people to access appropriate intervention at the right time. Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities

The Building Resilient Families & Communities programme is Staffordshire’s response to the Government's troubled families work stream. The programme brings together partners to work together and build on current strengths to create solutions within families.

More information on the programme’s performance was requested. This information was circulated to the Committee on the 02/07/15.

Tues 14 July 10am

Update on the Council’s Supporting People approach to Providing housing support Cabinet Member: Alan White Officer: Pat Merrick

Living Well Support independence at all ages and for those with disabilities or illness. Resilient Communities Strengthen community capacity to create a stronger and safer community. Enable people to access the appropriate intervention at the right time.

Corporate Review considered the call in, in March 14 of the Cabinet decision in Feb 14, to begin a review of the Council’s Supporting People approach to providing housing support. Following discussions, as agreed the Committee received an update on the transition process in Aug 14. In Jan 15 Members referred to the consultation that sheltered housing providers were undertaking with their tenants and the impact of changes in the fully chargeable community alarms service.

It was agreed that the effect of the reconfiguration of services on people with learning disabilities should be an item for consideration at the Triangulation meeting. Members asked for a further progress report on the reconfiguration of services in January 2016 and this was added to the Work Programme.

Youth and Community Service update Cabinet Member:Mike Lawrence Officer: Paul Woodcock

Living Well Enjoying Life Resilient Communities

In Jan 15 an update on property issues was provided, highlighting the cessation of open access centres, the roll out of the Localities Fund, the counter proposals received to support young people with learning disabilities, work on the future of the Duke of Edinburgh award, the participation framework and the tracking of use. Mapping software used by SCVYS was presented.

In response to questions information was circulated to the Committee on 11/08/15 regarding the numbers of people employed in the youth sector in Staffordshire. A link to SCVYS activities and a breakdown of activities by age, an update on the Bremen exchange and information regarding youth staff was provided on 10/08/15. Information regarding the take up of the Youth Travel Card was circulated on the 12/08/15.

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Best Start in Life update on implementation Cabinet Member: Mike Lawrence Officer: Paul Woodcock

Best Start

In June - July 14 Members visited Children’s Centres and fed back findings. In Sept 14, Cabinet agreed to consult to help shape a new approach to ensure that all young children aged 0-5 years would have the opportunity to get the best start in life. In Jan 15 the Committee considered the outcome of public consultation. The Committee will consider progress with implementation.

Changes to commissioned services were raised as an area of concern, specifically the loss of anti-natal and breast feeding classes in areas of the Moorlands. The Cabinet Member agreed to look at where funding in one area had impacted on others, undertaking to speak with colleagues about health visitor provision and how to re-invest in peer to peer support. Details of the district offers and new providers were circulated to Committee Members on the 03/08/15.

Mon 7 Sept 10am Adult Focussed Meeting

The Care Act: Safeguarding implications Cabinet Member: Alan White Officer: Nicola Glover Edge & Susan Harrison

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities Enable people to access the appropriate intervention at the right time.

In Feb 15 the Committee considered the implications of the Care Act for safeguarding vulnerable children and adults. There were new responsibilities in regard to adult prisoners and people residing in approved premises. An allocation of £675,000 had been received from the Home Office. Inter-agency adult ‘protection’ guidance now focussed on adult ‘safeguarding’ concerns and the definition widened to include domestic abuse, modern slavery, sexual exploitation and self-neglect. Members expressed concern about the lack of a formal Section 75 agreement with mental health trusts and it was acknowledged that major revisions were necessary, and it would be reviewed to take into account the Care Act. Members raised concerns regarding the potential increase in the number of adult protection referrals.

A presentation on the adult safeguarding referral process was provided. Recognising the increase in demand due to the number of cases being reported to the Contact Centre and the national lack of clarity regarding arrangements for delegable functions, Members sought reassurances. It was confirmed that the level of resource would be considered when arrangements for delegable functions had been clarified. Phase 2 of the Act which could have had a significant financial impact had been put on hold, however Members requested that details of 2016/17 financial settlement be shared when available. The Cabinet Member undertook to explore the advice provided to people with adult safeguarding concerns who raise these outside the opening hours of the Contact Centre. This information was shared with the Committee on the 09/10/15. Following a letter from the Cabinet Member to the Committee Chairman, the report made reference to the impact of the Care Act on the Care Director IT system.

Tues 6 Oct, 2pm

Commissioning for better outcomes for children, young people and families Cabinet Members: Mike Lawrence/Alan White Officer: Mick Harrison

Resilient Communities Living Well Best Start Ready for Life Enjoying Life

Work to examine the future operation of Families First went through Cabinet in 2012. In Oct 14 agreement was sought to continue the viability work and to return to Cabinet in Dec 14 and May 15 with a series of more developed proposals. In Sept 14 the Committee received a report on transforming the approach to delivering better outcomes for children and those in need of support. The Committee agreed to form a working group; however this work was put on hold.

The Committee received a presentation highlighting the case for change and work undertaken to date. The next steps were to continue stakeholder engagement, take the emerging models of new ways of working to the Districts, seek partnership endorsement, work up plans with partners and develop with partners integrated commissioning, outcomes, performance frameworks and governance for families. It was agreed that an update would be brought to the Committee in six months time.

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Update on work to address child sexual exploitation (CSE) in Staffordshire Cabinet Member: Mike Lawrence Officer: Mick Harrison

Resilient Communities Build a joint approach to crime and addressing the causes of crime. Enable people to access appropriate intervention at the right time. Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities

In 2012 a Working Group of the predecessor Committee carried out a review on CSE and internal trafficking which resulted in a number of recommendations which the Executive responded to. An update was presented in Nov 13. In Dec 14, March 15, June 15 and Oct 15 Members considered the preventative work by partners in Staffordshire. In June Members raised concerns re the licensing of landlords and the cross referencing of taxi licensing with late night refreshment licensing. Members were keen to see the outcome of the mapping exercise to identify gaps in service provision. At the Sept 2015 meeting it was suggested that Members be alert to any issues in Staffordshire regarding young people who are abused by fellow pupils in schools.

Members requested that the Committee had sight of the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Child Sexual Abuse Forum (CSAF) Action Plan which needed to be developed to bring actions together and to make it easier to report against. Work was being undertaken to map CSE and education in schools. The Cabinet Member had sent a letter suggesting that schools accessed the Local Communities Fund to access Chelsea’s Choice. Service specifications would be shaped in April/May 2016 and a CSE and missing children service could be commissioned. A breakdown of the length of time children had been missing was requested and this was circulated on 27/10/15. It was agreed that the Committee would have sight of the new risk factor matrix. The Committee requested the outcome of the consultation reviewing CSE Panels. The Committee’s concerns regarding licensing enforcement would be fedback to the Responsible Bodies Group.

Thurs 5 Nov 2pm

Staffordshire And Stoke on Trent Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Partnership Board Annual Report 14/15 Cabinet Member: Alan White Partnership Chair: John Wood

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities. Build a joint approach to addressing crime and the causes of crime.

The 2013/14 annual report was presented in Nov 14. Members raised concerns regarding the skills of staff in care homes and it was confirmed that the Partnership would be exploring leadership capacity in residential care homes and in private domiciliary care. A report of the Burstow Commission on the future of the home care workforce – Key to Care was published in Dec 14 and outlined clear recommendations on what needed to change. At the September 2015 meeting Members agreed that questions would be sent to the Scrutiny and Support Manager in advance on the meeting.

This item was brought forward from the Dec 2015 meeting. The impact of the increase in the applications of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding (DoLS) was queried and it was confirmed that presentations had been received by the Board on how the backlog would be addressed and that Staffordshire had contributed to a Law Commission Review intended to improve the process. Additional funds from the DoH were not adequate to address the issue but had been used to streamline the process. Cabinet had approved additional funding. It was agreed that written examples would be produced to a future committee meeting, together with the “Risk Matrix” applied to determine levels of risk. Members agreed to re-visit the resource issue at future meetings. The Cabinet Support Member noted the concerns of the Committee and advised that he would continue to monitor and bring any future issues to the notice of the committee Transition was one of the 3 SSASPB Strategic Priorities and that both Staffordshire

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and Stoke on Trent Safeguarding Children Boards had agreed to work together with the Adult Board in reviewing the current position. Seven focus groups were to work across all levels of risk for young persons during transition and that progress would be reported on in the Annual Report 2015/16. Complex Case Forums, were referred to. To assist in understanding of the complexities it was agreed that case studies would be included in future reports.

Impact of re-commissioning drug and alcohol services on children’s services Cabinet Member: Mike Lawrence Officer: Mick Harrison

Living Well Resilient Communities

The Commissioner for Safety suggested that the Committee consider this item. The Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee considered the Strategy in November 2014 and agreed to review progress 12 months after.

Alcohol and drugs services were redesigned in 2012/13 resulting in a prime provider contract, however local innovation could still be fostered. The new service was called One Recovery and interfaced with Families First. Work was being undertaken to monitor outcomes. The Council and partners were in a position to invest in a specialist team to work with Families First. A Member commented that it would be helpful to receive the figures on the outcomes of the service and it was confirmed that more information would be provided. The Cabinet Support Member undertook to find out how the One Recovery service was being publicised.

Customer Feedback &Complaints Adult Social Care Annual Report 14/15 Cabinet Member: Alan White Officer: Kate Bullivant

Running the business well

Adults’ Services have a statutory obligation to submit the Annual Report on complaints and representations. They have regularly reported to this Committee to ensure an overview of complaints in regard to adults services.

Most complaints related to case management, and cases not being closed within the required timescales. Concerns were raised regarding the percentage of complainants who had not received a formal response letter within the agreed timescale from SSOTP. In addition it was queried why Newcastle had received the highest proportion of complaints in the north of the county and why over half of complaints related to the Independent Futures service. The Commissioner for Safety, Children and Families undertook to investigate and it was confirmed that the delay was not with the investigation but the issue came from the Executive Board needing to sign off the responses. It was suggested that the use of Care Director by adult services be added as a future item on the Committee’s work programme. The Customer Feedback and Complaints Manager explained that fees had been refunded and waivered in respect of SSOTP but she undertook to provide

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a breakdown and detail of the figures. It was confirmed that it would be possible to provide six monthly or quarterly reporting to the Committee in the future, The Cabinet Support Member suggested that the relevant Head of Service could be invited to attend the meeting to discuss what had been undertaken to address issues raised in complaints. The performance of SSOTP was queried and it was explained that the number of complaints had to been seen in the context of how many interactions social workers and staff had with people on a daily basis. A Member referred to pages 18 and 20 of the report regarding complaints upheld and suggested more detail regarding the number of complaints partially upheld should be shared with the Committee and it was agreed that this would be taken on board.

Customer Feedback & Complaints - Children’s Social Services Annual Report 14/15 Cabinet Members: Mike Lawrence Officer: Kate Bullivant

Running the business well

Children’s Services are required to submit an annual report on complaints and representations to the relevant County Council Committee. The reports are a useful source of information regarding what issues the Committee might wish to prioritise for scrutiny this year.

It was noted that Stage Two complaints now had to be investigated whether the investigation has been upheld or not. This had increased the number of complaints slightly. Concerns were expressed about ten complaints upheld in relation to Independent Futures and the lack of recommendations and it was confirmed that Independent Futures had picked up issues regarding Occupational Therapy but the service had been turned around with lessons learnt. One complaint was still being investigated by the Ombudsman and a Stage Three panel was to be held the following day regarding Independent Futures. In response to Members questions regarding Independent Futures it was confirmed that this service was on the Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee’s agenda. The Cabinet Support Member suggested that in future the provider of the service should attend the Committee meeting to answer questions properly. Quarterly information could be provided if required.

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Mon 14 Dec 10am Adult Focussed Meeting

Staffs Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) Annual Report 14/15 Cabinet Member: Mike Lawrence Chair SSCB: John Wood

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities Build a joint approach to addressing crime and the causes of crime.

SSCB is a statutory inter-agency forum for agreeing how different services and professional groups should co-operate to safeguard children throughout Staffordshire and, for making sure that arrangements work effectively to promote better outcomes.

Members heard how a challenge for the Board was to maintain focus on the most important areas as there was a wide breath of activity undertaken. The lack of registered children’s domiciliary care providers was identified by Members. The Early Help Assessment that could be used by any professional who had contact with families was referred to. This could be considered by the Committee’s low level neglect working group.

Quality of care in adult Residential Care Homes Cabinet Member: Alan White Officer: Helen Coombes/Laura Johnston

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities.

At the 6th Nov 2014 meeting Members raised concerns regarding the skills of staff in care homes. In March 15 a Member suggested that the Committee should investigate Care Homes in more detail. Members requested that the Committee consider the robustness of quality assurance processes and any audits undertaken. Member visits to Care Homes were suggested. Members also requested that scrutiny work include care homes for adults with learning disabilities. National guidance was anticipated in late 2015. At the Sept 2015 meeting, Members requested that visits to care homes be considered and the Chairman undertook to discuss this with the Interim County Commissioner.

The Committee received a presentation detailing the quality assurance process for adult care homes. The Council’s role in visiting settings and encouraging improvement was discussed. Members sought reassurance about the effectiveness of the assurance process and if action plans were implemented. It was confirmed that more information could be made available on the impact of visits. The introduction of the National Living Wage was referred to and the Committee was informed that this was the number one issue raised by providers. Training for care home staff was queried.

Domestic Homicides Cabinet Member: Mike Lawrence Officer: Julie Long

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities. Build a joint approach to addressing crime and the causes of crime.

In October 13 the Committee held a working group session to consider the learning from Domestic Homicide Reviews. There have since been other domestic homicides in the county.

The Committee received a report on learning from Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs). Since 2011 there have been 12 cases referred for consideration, eleven of which proceeded to be reviewed. In all cases it had not been reasonably possible to predict and prevent the events that had taken place. In a couple of DHRs the vulnerability of the adult had been masked by other issues. An issue was raised about how support could be put in place for those who contacted the Samaritans and how information could be gathered about those who suffered domestic violence and abuse. Integrated work was taking place with partners to commission domestic abuse services, this was the biggest single referral issue into the MASH.

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Mon 18 Jan 10am

Progress report on the Review of the Supporting People Programme Cabinet Member: Alan White Officer: Mick Harrison

Living Well Support independence at all ages and for those with disabilities or illness. Resilient Communities Strengthen community capacity to create a stronger and safer community. Enable people to access the appropriate intervention at the right time.

In July 2015 the reconfiguration of services previously delivered through 190 contracts and 43 provider organisations was discussed. In Phase 1, 90% of those affected had a care package in place and provision continued. The majority of Phase 2 work was around exit planning. A provider had left the market and it was confirmed that the mental health service users had found alternative provision. Some sheltered housing providers had chosen to continue to receive 100% funding for a shorter period, ending on 31 March 2015 whilst others were to absorb a 50% reduction over a longer period. In many cases the service user would be signposted to third sector service with charges made for some services. Members asked what measures were in place to track previous service users and Officers offered to discuss s specific case with the Member.

Concerns were expressed that a provider that ran a supported housing scheme had only just informed tenants that they would be withdrawing support and that they would need to pay for support themselves if they wished to continue receiving it. It was confirmed that extensive engagement had been undertaken with providers and the Council had been very upfront about the changes, the case would be investigated. It was suggested that male victims should also be considered and supported. Suicides in men were referred to and the response of mental health services It was queried what was being done to prevent the MASH being overwhelmed and it was confirmed that there was a MASH Doing More Project which was looking at an IT platform which would enable information to be shared much quicker and deal with more volume. The Commissioner for Safety, Children and Families suggested that there would be some steer from the Leadership Group at the end of January 2016 and timescales would be shared with the Committee.

Re-commissioning of domestic violence services, March 2016 with Stoke-on-Trent City Council and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Cabinet Member: Alan White Officer: Mick Harrison

Resilient Communities The Commissioner for Safety suggested that the Committee may wish to consider this in more detail as the contract is up for renewal next year. At the Sept 2015 meeting information a Member queried the criteria for the re-commissioning of domestic violence services and what it was anticipated that services would provide. At the November 2015 meeting the Commissioner for Safety, Children and Families explained that learning from the co-design of the drug and alcohol service, particularly the interface between drug and alcohol workers and social workers would be helpful when considering the recommissioning of services.

There had been a twenty percent reduction in funding for domestic violence services as a result of the Supporting People grant reductions. Existing grant agreements would be in place until the end of March 2016 and then carried forward until the end of September 2016. There would then be a new service commissioned jointly by the County Council, Stoke on Trent City Council and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner which should commence from the 1 October 2016. The pooling of budgets would enable best value for money.

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Update on work to address child sexual exploitation (CSE) in Staffordshire, to include progress against the CSAF Action Plan Cabinet Member: Mike Lawrence Officer: Mick Harrison

Resilient Communities Build a joint approach to crime and addressing the causes of crime. Enable people to access appropriate intervention at the right time. Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities

In Dec 14, March 15, June 15 and Oct 15 Members considered the preventative work by partners in Staffordshire. At the Sept 15 meeting it was suggested that Members be alert to any issues in Staffs regarding young people who are abused by fellow pupils in schools. At the October meeting, progress towards the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Child Sexual Abuse Forum (CSAF) Action Plan was requested and issues about licensing enforcement raised.

The education workforce plan could be shared with the Committee when developed. The Child Sexual Abuse Forum had been set up by both Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Safeguarding Children Boards and was putting together a joint plan across both areas which would be shared with the Committee. Opportunities to provide emotional wellbeing were being considered . Learning from the review of CSE Panels included; that a methodology was required to have oversight of low risk cases, a post eighteen Panel would be helpful and there were fewer referrals about boys and young people with learning disabilities than anticipated but that this was not peculiar to Staffordshire. There had been progress on the Council’s CSE action plan. Concerns were raised about a wall of silence in some communities about over eighteen year olds with learning disabilities who were being exploited. A communications campaign that was about to be launched to raise public awareness of CSE. A report back on the Midlands Regional Network meeting discussion was requested. It was suggested that the local Member be informed of the one school had not had the Chelsea’s Choice production. A service to support children that go missing and provide CSE was being commissioned jointly with Stoke on Trent City Council and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. The first bidder event had taken place. Standardised taxi licensing policies were welcomed. All taxi data could be uploaded onto an IT system called E-CINS. Five of the nine local authorities had either adopted new policies that were stricter on convictions or were consulting on them. The trafficking of UASC was taking place and there were many potential risks and dangers. Future updates would come on a biannual basis.

Mon 7 March 10am

Safeguarding implications of the Care Act – progress Cabinet Member: Alan White Officer: Mick Harrison

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities Enable people to access the appropriate intervention at the right

At the Sept meeting concerns were raised regarding the lack of clarity regarding arrangements for delegable functions. This and the increase in referrals meant that the Adult Safeguarding Team at the MASH were holding triple the amount of cases it

An update report was presented to the Committee exploring the progress made, in particular the management of demand.

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time. had been previously The Committee sought clarification on when the Section 75 agreement with SSFT would be signed. It was agreed at the Nov 2015 meeting that as the implementation of Phase 2 of the Care Act had been put on hold the update that was scheduled to come to the Committee in Dec 2015 could be removed from the Work Programme.

Children’s Centre Update Cabinet Member: Mike Lawrence Officer: Paul Woodcock

Best Start In June - July 14 Members visited Children’s Centres and fed back findings. In Sept 14, Cabinet agreed to consult to help shape a new approach to ensure that all young children aged 0-5 years would have the opportunity to get the best start. In Jan 15 the Committee considered the outcome of public consultation. In July 15 an update was provided. Changes to commissioned services were raised, specifically the loss of ante-natal and breast feeding classes in areas of the Moorlands. Details of the district offers and new providers were circulated to Committee.

At the January 2016 meeting, Members agreed to visit their local Children’s Centre in advance of this update being provided to the Committee. Increased Reach figures, the role of the Family Support Service and performance was discussed. It was agreed that the Cabinet Member would raise the possibility of open days at the County Advisory Board and encourage the Chairs of the District Advisory Boards to put these in place next year and that more information on the County Councils Early Years performance would be provided to the Select Committee.

Suicide Prevention Strategy Cabinet Member: Alan White Officer: Chris Weiner

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities Enable people to access the appropriate intervention at the right time.

At the December 2015 the Committee considered the learning from domestic homicides and discussed cases relating to suicide, particularly in regard to males aged 40-50 years. It was suggested that the Committee may wish to consider the Suicide Prevention Strategy in more detail.

There is now a Staffordshire strategy and one Suicide Prevention Group for both Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent,. Work was being undertaken in partnership with Stoke-on-Trent to develop a joint implementation plan which would be made available to the Committee once agreed and ratified.

Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Services – Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee report

Living Well Improve the wider determinates of health to improve quality of life for all

The investigation by the Working Group into the implementation of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Staffordshire and the Strategy for Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health of Children and Young People is now complete and the final report was consideration by the Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee on the 2 February 2016.

The Committee considered the final report of the Working Group on Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Services, and noted that the Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee had endorsed the recommendations and agreed its submission to the Cabinet Member for Health, Care and Wellbeing.

6 April 2016 2pm

Modern Slavery

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities Enable people to access the appropriate

On the 10 December 2015 Staffordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner and Staffordshire Police held a conference to highlight the hidden threat of modern slavery. Modern slavery can take many forms including the trafficking of people,

At the January 2016 meeting, concerns were expressed about the potential exploitation of vulnerable adults and unaccompanied asylum seeking children that go missing. This meeting will be an opportunity to consider the issue in more detail.

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intervention at the right time.

forced labour, servitude and slavery. Victims can be men, women and children but it is most common amongst the vulnerable, and within minority or socially excluded groups. Approximately two-thirds of victims are women, and a third are men. Every fourth victim of modern slavery is a child. There were 1,746 people at risk of trafficking identified in the UK in 2013. This represents a 47% increase on 2012 referrals.

Monday 9 May 2016 10am

Low Level Neglect Working Group Feedback (TBC) Working Group Chairman: Councillor David Williams

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities Enable people to access the appropriate intervention at the right time.

This will be an opportunity for the Working Group to share their findings and recommendations with the Select Committee.

This inquiry has now been scoped. At the Sept 2015 meeting Cllrs Finn, Williams, Compton and Astle confirmed their membership of this working group. Cllr Compton was invited to represent the Prosperous Staffordshire Select Committee and Councillor Greatorex has joined the working group representing the Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee. The Group has agreed to focus on the opportunities to identify children under five who may be subject to neglect and whose families may not come into contact with many services and also ways to tackle the risk factors that may lead to people becoming neglectful parents.

The Prevent Strategy Cabinet Member: Mike Lawrence Officer: Becky Murphy

Resilient Communities Build a joint approach to crime and addressing the causes of crime. Enable people to access the appropriate intervention at the right time.

The Prevent strategy, published by the Government in 2011, is part of our overall counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST. The aim of the Prevent strategy is to reduce the threat to the UK from terrorism by stopping people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

This is an opportunity for the Committee to consider counter-terrorism activity in the County.

The work of Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service in Safeguarding Glynn Luznyj Director of Prevent and Protect Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities

The Fire and Rescue Service is uniquely placed to gain insight into the lives and homes of vulnerable people who may not otherwise come into contact with services. There are opportunities to consider preventative work undertaken, the interface with social care, opportunities to address social isolation and support safer communities.

This is an opportunity for the Committee to consider the work of Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service with partners to identify and respond to the needs of vulnerable people in the County.

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Items for consideration for the Work Programme

Safeguarding Vulnerable Children Item Link to the Council’s

Commissioning Plans Background Possible Option

Customer Feedback & Complaints - Children’s Social Services Annual Report 14/15 Cabinet Members: Mike Lawrence Officer: Kate Bullivant

Running the business well Children’s Services are required to submit an annual report on complaints and representations to the relevant County Council Committee. The reports are a useful source of information regarding what issues the Committee might wish to prioritise for scrutiny this year.

At its 5 November meeting Members requested a quarterly update on complaints.

Update on Commissioning for better outcomes for children, young people and families

Resilient Communities Living Well Best Start Ready for Life Enjoying Life

It was agreed that an update on Commissioning for better outcomes for children, young people and families would be shared with the Committee in April 2015.

To be included on the 2016/17 Work Programme (8 June 2016)

New: Social work staffing levels and caseloads Cabinet Member: Mike Lawrence Officer: Richard Hancock

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities.

Discussed at the March 15 meeting. Within the Specialist Safeguarding Units (SSUs) caseloads of between 17 and 23 were considered acceptable, but in Oct 13 and early summer 14 there was a significant increase in referrals. At the same time the 40 week legal process was reduced to 26 weeks and Court work had to be undertaken by the SSUs. Teams largely fully staffed and the referral rate stabilised but some staff having caseloads are over 23.

This issue could be considered as part of the Committee’s work examining low level neglect, as this piece of work will pick up issues around prevention and thresholds for intervention. A briefing note is to be provided on the current position.

New: Impact of the Staying Put Policy Cabinet Member: Mike Lawrence Officer: Richard Hancock

Resilient Communities Ready for Life Living Well

Staying Put Policy arrangements are where young people aged eighteen and older who were previously looked after, remain living with their former foster carers. Note: the broader policy issue is being considered by the Corporate Parenting Panel on 16 June 2015 and is discussed on a regular basis.

Possible review topic with Corporate Parenting Panel Members. Following discussion at the Triangulation meeting on the 9 December 2015, a briefing note is to be provided on the current position.

New: Fostering and adoption: availability of places Cabinet Member: Mike Lawrence Officer: Richard Hancock

Resilient Communities Enable people to access the appropriate intervention at the right time Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities.

The MTFS report in Feb 15 identified concerns about the non delivery of savings in respect of foster care placements. Adoption support was considered by the Corporate Parenting Panel in March 2015.

Possible review topic with Corporate Parenting Panel Members Following discussion at the Triangulation meeting on the 9 December 2015, which included reference to Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children in Kent, a briefing note is to be provided on the current position.

Evolve YP Pilot Project Cabinet Member: Mike Lawrence

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities

The predecessor Committee evaluated the Social Work Practice (SWP) pilot: Evolve YP. The SWP contract was extended to April 16

To be added to the Work Programme when appropriate. This service will be brought in house in April 2016. A briefing

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Officer: Richard Hancock to allow time for the commissioning for children’s services to become clear and the future role of the SWP contract to be considered.

note is to be provided to the Committee.

Update on work to address child sexual exploitation (CSE) in Staffordshire, to include progress against the CSAF Action Plan

Resilient Communities Build a joint approach to crime and addressing the causes of crime. Enable people to access appropriate intervention at the right time. Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities

This item was considered on a quarterly basis. In January 2016 is was agreed that this would be considered on a biannual basis going forward.

That the Committee receive an update on CSE in June/July 2016.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Item Link to the Council’s

Commissioning Plans Background Possible Option

Customer Feedback &Complaints Adult Social Care Cabinet Member: Alan White Officer: Kate Bullivant

Running the business well Adults’ Services have a statutory obligation to submit the Annual Report on complaints and representations. They have regularly reported to this Committee to ensure an overview of complaints in regard to adults services.

At its 5 November meeting Members requested a quarterly update on complaints.

Update from Staffordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Resilient Communities The Committee has a responsibility to hold the Police and Crime Commissioner to account for safety issues. The Cabinet Member for Health, Care and Wellbeing had suggested that the Committee scrutinise how successful diversion schemes had been. Responses to modern slavery, honour crime and the protection of those who are vulnerable and supporting victims may also be of interest.

At the December 2015 meeting it was agreed that the Police and Crime Commissioner be invited to attend a future meeting and that Members submit lines of inquiry in advance of this meeting.

Protecting from harm those who are vulnerable and supporting victims. Cabinet Member; Mike Lawrence Officer: Mick Harrison

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities.

In December 2015 HMIC published PEEL: Police effectiveness 2015 (Vulnerability). An inspection of Staffordshire Police. This report considered how effective the force was in protecting from harm those who are vulnerable, and supporting victims. HMIC found serious weaknesses in the services Staffordshire Police provides to protect and support victims, most notably victims of domestic abuse. Some staff were focused on identifying and protecting vulnerable victims. Where vulnerability is identified and the risk to victims is assessed properly the force works well with partner agencies to safeguard and support victims. However,

At the January 2016 Councillor Frank Chapman, Chairman of the Police and Crime Panel explained that Her Majesty’s Inspection of Constabulary (HMIC) had undertaken an inspection of Staffordshire Police Force in December 2015 and that the Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief of Staff would be held account at a meeting of the Police and Crime Panel. It was agreed that a copy of the report would be shared with Members. A backlog in the MASH was referred toIn January 2016, the Chairman of the Police and Crime Panel discussed with Suggested that this item

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there are several areas where urgent improvement is needed to ensure that the force provides a consistent service, and that victims are kept safe. HMIC has particular concerns about Staffordshire Police’s poor approach to formally assessing the risks faced by domestic abuse victims. Given the scale of the challenge in this area and the significant risk that these weaknesses pose to some of the most vulnerable people, HMIC judges that overall, the force is inadequate. In many cases, Staffordshire Police responds well to victims but this standard is not achieved consistently.

be programmed as part of the 2016/17 Committee Work Programme.

Honour Based Crime Cabinet Member; Mike Lawrence Officer: Mick Harrison

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities.

In December 2015 HMIC published a report entitled The depths of dishonour: Hidden voices and shameful crimes. An inspection of the police response to honour-based violence, forced marriage and female genital mutilation. Honour-based violence (HBV) is the term used to refer to a collection of practices used predominantly to control the behaviour of women and girls within families or other social groups in order to protect supposed cultural and religious beliefs, values and social norms in the name of ‘honour’. HBV incidents and crimes include specific types of offence, such as forced marriage (FM) and female genital mutilation (FGM), and acts which have long been criminalised, such as assault, rape and murder. HMIC assessment of forces’ own self-assessments identified that Staffordshire was ‘Not Yet Prepared’ in any of the inspected areas.

Suggested that this item be programmed as part of the 2016/17 Committee Work Programme.

Mental Capacity Act review Cabinet Member: Alan White Officer: Peter Hampson

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities.

The Mental Capacity Act provides the legal framework for acting and making decisions on behalf of vulnerable individuals who lack mental capacity. In 2007 the Mental Capacity Act was amended to include the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. It was agreed at the September 2015 meeting that a briefing note on the deprivation of liberty safeguarding referrals be circulated to the Committee.

A briefing note providing an update on DoLs was provided to the Committee on the 26 January 2016.

New: Care Director Running the business well The Chair proposed an investigation into the A letter was sent to the Chairman from

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Cabinet Member: Alan White Officer: Ian Benson

implementation of Care Director across children and adults services, to compare and contrast the implementation.

the Cabinet Member and circulated to the Committee 04/08/15. Information was included in the 07/09/15 Care Act report. At the Sept 2015 meeting the Cabinet Member discussed the work undertaken with the architects of Care Director to ensure that the system was Care Act compliant. At the Nov meeting it was suggested that the use of Care Director in adult services be added to the work programme. At the Triangulation meeting on the 9 December it was agreed that a briefing note would be provided giving an update on the current situation.

Annual review of the Quality Assurance Process Officer: Laura Johnston/Ian Benson

Resilient Communities Ensure effective safeguarding for the most vulnerable in our communities.

At the Dec 2015 meeting a number of issues were discussed and the quality assurance process explained. Members’ visits were suggested and it was agreed that the Quality Assurance Manager would provide more information detailing the impact that quality assurance visits had had on the quality of provision.

This is a report that is presented to the Committee on an annual basis. Members may wish to consider the Adult Social Care Market Failure Policy as part of this item.