Working During & After your Studies

Working During & After your Studies. Sharon BoltonShahida Osman International Student SupportCareers Consultant International OfficeCareers Advisory Service

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Page 1: Working During & After your Studies. Sharon BoltonShahida Osman International Student SupportCareers Consultant International OfficeCareers Advisory Service

Working During & After your Studies

Page 2: Working During & After your Studies. Sharon BoltonShahida Osman International Student SupportCareers Consultant International OfficeCareers Advisory Service

Sharon Bolton Shahida Osman

International Student Support Careers Consultant

International Office Careers Advisory Service

Level 3 Sherfield Level 5 Sherfield

Who we are

Page 3: Working During & After your Studies. Sharon BoltonShahida Osman International Student SupportCareers Consultant International OfficeCareers Advisory Service

• Level 5, Sherfield Building • Tel: 020 7594 8024

• Opening hours: • Mon – Fri - 10.00 – 17.15

• 20 minute Consultations: – must book on-line on the day10.00 - 12.30pm & 2.00 – 5.00pm• 40 minute Consultations:– book in person or telephoneto discuss any career related issues

© Careers Advisory Service

Careers Advisory Service www.imperial.ac.uk/careers

Page 4: Working During & After your Studies. Sharon BoltonShahida Osman International Student SupportCareers Consultant International OfficeCareers Advisory Service

Careers Advisory Service at Imperial College

What can the Careers Advisory Service offer? Provide individual guidance about career options Check CVs, applications and covering letters and provide feedback on a one-to-one basis. Help you to identify next steps for job hunting in the UK & abroad Provide information about careers, job sectors and further study to assist you with your own research Advertise job vacancies for graduate jobs, internships and other opportunities on behalf of employers

Page 5: Working During & After your Studies. Sharon BoltonShahida Osman International Student SupportCareers Consultant International OfficeCareers Advisory Service

International Graduate Destinations

Destination data - 2011 undergraduate International students • Response rate = 19% • Of those 2011 graduates who reported as being in Employment 45.2%

had remained in the UK.• Further study 45.5% (78% = Masters & 22% = PhDs) • 80% of these had stayed in the UK• 50% of these remaining at Imperial College.• The next most popular destination in the UK was University of Oxford.

10% chose to move to Australia to continue with their studies.• Graph 13 shows the main areas of activity for the 2011 international cohort • Graph 14 provides an indication of location of first employment for this group.

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Destination of International Students - 2011

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Destination of International Students - 2011

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Job Market & Recruitment in the UK

• Competitive?

• Recruitment – Where are the jobs advertised?

• Selection – not simply about sending out a CV

• When should you apply? How many applications?

• How can you improve your chances

• Improve your fluency in written & oral English

• New Regulations will affect your job prospects

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How do Employers Advertise Graduate Jobs in the UK?

• Careers Advisory Service - “JobsLive”; Careers publications,

Careers Fairs etc; via Department,

• Specialist Graduate Publications, Employer Directories;

• Careers Events

• Prospects website

• Advertise via own website

• National / Regional press; Trade press / Specialist Periodicals

• Professional bodies / websites – Networking Events

• Recruitment Agencies

• Hidden Job Market – very large!

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What are Employers looking for in recruits?

• Willingness to learn

• Team players

• Communication skills - clear oral and written English

• Analytical thinking and problem solving skills

• Interpersonal skills / Persuading and influencing skills

• Leadership qualities

• Drive and resilience

• Enthusiasm & motivation

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Resources for Graduate Job Search

FREE – available to collect from CAS

• GET Directory

• Prospects Directory

• Times 100 Directory

• Target Guides

• Inside Careers Guides – range of career areas

• “Imperial Guide to Career Planning” & “Careers Choice”(CAS pubs)

• Events at Imperial

• JobsLive – www.imperial.ac.uk/careers

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Dates for your diary!Careers Fairs• Engineering Fair – 25th October 2012• ICU Careers Fair – 31st October 20112• IT & Technology Fair – 15th November 2012• Science Fair – 31st January 2013

Careers Forums: 18:00 -21:00 • Investment Banking Forum - 4th October • Energy Industry Forum - 11th October • Consulting Forum – 18th October• Science forum – 1st November • Manufacturing Career Forum- 8th November plus many more....

PhD Events• PhD Careers Forum – 24th January 2013 – 18.00 – 21.00• PhD Careers Fair – 16th May 2013

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Other events running throughout the year…

• Employer Presentations - evenings

• Careers Talks – Tuesdays & Thursdays at 1.00 – 2.00pm

• Employer Lead Skills Workshops – Wednesdays 1.30-3.30pm

• Recruiter in Residence - regularly

• Employer Mock Interview sessions - several

• More details: Career Choice Book – available from CAS

• www.imperial.ac.uk/careers >>>>>> “JobsLive”

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Temporary work /Part-time Jobs

• Casual work during term time

• Vacation work

• Internships (Fairs)

• Resources for vacancies

• Local & Free Newspapers

• “Cold Calling”

• “JobsLive” – registration required!

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Careers Website – “JobsLive”

• Only open to IC students but need to REGISTER

• Log-in >>>User Name / Password follow instructions

• Specify types of Emails & Jobs you want to receive

• Register for Weekly Newsletter

• To look at Vacancies and Events on JobsLive at:


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Immigration Rules on Working DURING studies

Non-EEA students can work:

• Up to 20 hours per week in term time

• Unlimited hours in holiday time

• PG students – up to 20 hours until dissertation submitted / viva & corrections done

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Permission to Work: visa wording

Work / Business as in Tier 4 Rules

Work 20 hours max in term-time

No recourse to public fundsWork (and any changes) must be authorised

Limited Leave to remain in the UK. No recourse to public funds. Able to work as authorised by the Secretary of State.

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EEA Nationals

Special Rules for Bulgarians & Romanians:

• apply for a Registration Certificate confirming that you are a student (application form BR1)

• Apply as soon as possible if you intend to take a job (can take 3-4 months)

• permission to work up to 20 hours per week in term-time

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• UKCISA Guidance notes: www.ukcisa.org.uk

• www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/visas-immigration/working/

Useful Sources of Information

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Student visa holder after end of course

(short-term but full-time)

Long-term and full-time (current options)

Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur

Tier 2 Skilled Worker (Work Permit)

Tier 5 Youth Mobility / Temporary Worker

Work AFTER studies

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Tier 1: Graduate Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur, Investor, Exceptional Talent, Highly Skilled / Post Study Work

Tier 2: skilled workers with a job offer, to fill gaps in the UK labour force

Tier 3: low skilled workers to fill specific temporary labour shortages: (dormant)

Tier 4: students

Tier 5: youth mobility, temporary workers, sponsored researchers

Points Based System

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“for graduates who have been identified by UK Higher Education Institutions as having developed world class innovative ideas or entrepreneurial skills, to extend their stay in the UK after graduation to establish one or more businesses in the UK”


Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur

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• 10 visas available at Imperial• Call for applications: July and November• Panel of entrepreneurial experts• Students eligible to apply when degree is awarded• Will need letter of endorsement from Imperial and £900 for

previous 3 months when applying• 1 year initially, possible to extend for a second year• Permission to work 20 hrs p/wk in addition to project• Monitoring on a quarterly basis• More information & application form: w


Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur

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• UG and PGT students on student/Tier 4 visa who have been awarded their degree (or PhD students who have completed at least 12 months) are eligible to switch into Tier 2 if they have a job offer

• Employer must be on list of registered sponsors

• No Resident Labour Market Test (RLMT) required if switching within UK

• Not part of the 20,700 cap if switching within UK

Tier 2 General

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• Open to those already in the UK as a student, who want to switch into the Government Authorised Exchange category to do work that is directly relevant to their qualification.

• 2 years visa: professional post-qualification training • 1 year visa: work experience (e.g. volunteering, internships)

• Sponsor has no intention of employing applicant in UK after training concluded www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/visas-immigration/working/tier5/government-authorised-exchange/

• List of schemes: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/


Tier 5: Temporary Workers / Government Authorised Exchange

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• Things are changing – check you have latest advice, application form and follow UKBA guidance

• Maintenance requirement: £900!

• Don’t breach your student visa conditions!

• Complete applications only – keep a copy

• Biometrics

General Tips on Points Based System