1 World History 3rd Nine Weeks Test Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1 One of the most important motives for the European “Scramble for Africa” in the late 1800s was that Africa provided a source of A raw materials used in industry. C free labor for the Americas. B religious inspiration. D technologically innovative practices. 2 The Berlin Conference affected European imperialism in Africa by A defending the rights of African citizens to participate in colonial governments. B developing guidelines to regulate joint-stock trading companies. C establishing partnerships with local kingdoms to promote trade. D supporting the establishment of colonial possessions. 3 In the years following the Meiji Restoration in Japan and the unification of Germany in the 19th century, both nations experienced A a reduction in tensions with neighboring nations B a decrease in the reliance on industrialization and trade C a restructuring of government that included popularly elected monarchs D an increase in military production and strengthened military forces 4 The White Man’s Burden Take up the White Man’s burden Send forth the best ye breed Go, bind your sons to exile To serve your captives’ need; To wait, in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild You new-caught sullen peoples, Half devil and half child...” —Rudyard Kipling, 1899 This verse from Kipling’s poem is most closely associated with the belief that it was the duty of Western colonial powers to A teach their colonies how to produce manufactured goods. B welcome less developed countries as equals. C learn from the people they conquered. D civilize the people they controlled.

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World History 3rd Nine Weeks Test

Multiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1 One of the most important motives for the European “Scramble for Africa” in the late 1800s was that Africa provided a source ofA raw materials used in industry. C free labor for the Americas.B religious inspiration. D technologically innovative practices.

2 The Berlin Conference affected European imperialism in Africa byA defending the rights of African citizens to participate in colonial governments.B developing guidelines to regulate joint-stock trading companies.C establishing partnerships with local kingdoms to promote trade.D supporting the establishment of colonial possessions.

3 In the years following the Meiji Restoration in Japan and the unification of Germany inthe 19th century, both nations experiencedA a reduction in tensions with neighboring nationsB a decrease in the reliance on industrialization and tradeC a restructuring of government that included popularly elected monarchsD an increase in military production and strengthened military forces

4 The White Man’s Burden

Take up the White Man’s burdenSend forth the best ye breedGo, bind your sons to exileTo serve your captives’ need;To wait, in heavy harness,On fluttered folk and wildYou new-caught sullen peoples,Half devil and half child...”

—Rudyard Kipling, 1899

This verse from Kipling’s poem is most closely associated with the belief that it was the duty of Western colonial powers toA teach their colonies how to produce manufactured goods.B welcome less developed countries as equals.C learn from the people they conquered.D civilize the people they controlled.


5 Which region was protected from outside influence by the Monroe Doctrine?A 1B 2C 3D 4

6 In the late nineteenth century, the British commonly referred to the Suez Canal in Egypt as the “Lifeline of the Empire” because itA linked ports in China and Japan to India.B enabled the discovery of silks and spices in South America.C established a direct sea trade route from Europe to east Asia.D allowed for European access to India around the southern tip of Africa.


7 Which of the following developments in the period 1878-1922 best explains the change in Japanese trade patterns shown in the graphs above?A Japanese manufacturing output rose as a consequence of industrialism.B Japanese manufacturing output decreased because Japanese leaders restricted

commercial ties.C Export of manufactured goods declined because United States tariffs on Japanese goods

increased.D Japanese imports of raw materials increased as a consequence of extensive immigration

to Japan.


8 “Not by democracy or liberal standards will our goal be achieved but by blood and iron. Then we will be successful, no nation is born without the traumatic experience of war.”

— Otto von Bismarck, 1861

The excerpt above is used to justify Bismarck’s policy belief ofA containment.B militarism.C appeasement.D ethnocentrism.

9 Which factor most influenced the growth of Japanese imperialism during the early twentieth century?A The desire to recover territories lost in previous wars.B The need for new territory to address the problems of population growth.C Industrialization allowed Japan to expend resources on military and colonial expansion.D Japanese trade wars against the United States removed regional competition for colonies.

10 The opening of which canal significantly reduced the time and money required to ship goods between the East Coast and the West Coast of the United States?A Erie Canal B Panama CanalC Suez CanalD Grand Canal

11 During the 19th century, European nations established spheres of influence in China mainly toA profit from ivory trade.B introduce Islam to the Chinese people. C gain commercial advantages in China. D obtain human rights for Chinese citizens.

12 Why did most of the combat on the Western Front in World War I take place in a relatively small area?A The armies became immobile because of trench warfare.B There is only a small amount of flat land in all of Europe.C Each side cut off the fuel supply of the other.D Germany’s military tactics were based on “static warfare.”

13 Which of the following most affected the course and outcome of World War I?A Allied withdrawal from the Turkish peninsula of GallipoliB American military and financial intervention in the war C British victories in the Sinai that secured the Suez CanalD the switch in allegiance of Italy from the Central Powers of the Allies



Based on the information in the above World War I U.S. propaganda poster, what conclusion can you draw about how German soldiers were oftened portrayed?A unbeatable enemiesB honorable opponentsC liberators of oppressed peoplesD violators of human rights

15 A major goal of France and Great Britain at the Conference of Versailles following World War I was toA create a politically unified Europe.B help Germany rebuild its industrial economy.C keep Germany from rebuilding its military forces.D restore pre-war imperial governments to power.


16 Which title best completes this graphic organizer?A Rise of a Totalitarian StateB Invasion of PolandC Defeat of the Manchu DynastyD Modern Industrial State of India

17 In Europe during the 1920s and 1930s, severe inflation, high unemployment, and fear of communism all contributed to the A overthrow of monarchies in Italy and Germany.B rise of Fascist governments in Italy, Germany, and Spain.C formation of the Common Market in Italy and Spain.D growth of democratic institutions.



Source: Thomas Nast, Harper’s Weekly, June 20, 1885 (Adapted)

The Thomas Nast political cartoon shown above illustrates theA competition between European nations for overseas territories after the Berlin

Conference.B concern of European nations for the welfare of developing nations at the end of the 19th

century.C spread of communism throughout the world during the 19th century.D aggressive action of the Triple Alliance before World War I.

19 President Wilson said that his Fourteen Points would provide a framework forA a lasting and just peace. C expanding colonial empires.B determining war reparations. D punishing aggressor nations.


20 What was one factor that led the German government to dramatically increase the supply of the nation’s currency in the early 1920s, an action that led to hyperinflation?A New European nations had to borrow money to maintain economic stability. B Britain demanded that Germany help rebuild the British navy.C Pacific colonies required increased military protection.D France insisted that Germany pay war reparations.

21 Which time period in German history is most accurately represented in this map?A between World War I and World War IIB just after the Berlin ConferenceC immediately after Congress of ViennaD during unification under Bismark


22 “Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy Form Triple Alliance”“Serbian Nationalism Grows in Balkans”“Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated in Bosnia”

The events in these headlines contributed most directly to the A beginning of World War IB outbreak of the Cold WarC development of communist rule in EuropeD strengthening of European monarchies

23 “Bombardment, barrage, curtain-fire, mines, gas, tanks, hand-grenades — words, words, but they hold the horror of the world.”

– Erich Maria Remarque,All Quiet on the Western Front

This quotation best describes the effects of the A technological developments used during World War IB formation of alliances in World War IIC tension between the superpowers during the Cold WarD protests against reforms during the Indian independence movement

24 Causes Result

• No power to enforce its decisions• United States did not participate Failure

Which of the following does the above table describe?A Monroe Doctrine C Roosevelt CorollaryB World Trade Organization D League of Nations

25 One reason the Bolsheviks gained peasant support during the Russian Revolution was because the Bolsheviks promised A “effective suffrage, no reelection”B “order followed by progress”C “liberty, equality, fraternity”D “peace, land, bread”


26 Particular obstructive workers who refuse to submit to disciplinary measures will besubject, as non-workers, to discharge and confinement in concentration camps.

—Vladimir Lenin, Decree of November 14th, 1919

The excerpt above describes Lenin’s method for dealing with those who opposedA technological advances in industry.B Russian involvement in World War I.C the implementation of a market economy.D the establishment of a communist government.

27 What was one reason that totalitarian dictatorship gained power in Europe between World War I and World War II?A Famine and AIDS spread throughout Europe.B Trade was banned between western and eastern Europe.C Governments failed to meet the needs of the people.D Monarchies were reinstated in many nations.

28 After World War I, the territories of the Ottoman Empire in Southwest Asia were partitioned. Into which area did nearly 400,000 Jewish people immigrate between 1919 and 1941.A AB BC CD D


29 Japan’s industrialization was negatively affected by the global depression of the 1930s becauseA reparation payments required by the Treaty of Versailles became too costly.B the reduction in foreign trade limited its access to natural resources.C occupation forces in China became too expensive to maintain.D the demand for its exported agricultural products declined.

30 Why were the leaders of Western Europe surprised by the event depicted in this cartoon?A The ideologies of these two nations were at opposite ends of the political spectrum.B The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were both democratic regimes.C The Soviet Union had a long history of close relations with Great Britain.D Since 1935, the official government policy of the Soviet Union had supported


31 The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish havebeen so . . . devastating, that civilization cannot toleratetheir being ignored . . . four great nations . . . stay the hand of vengeance and voluntarily submit their captive enemies to the judgement of law . . .

— Robert Jackson, November 21, 1945

This speech was most likely given during theA Yalta Conference C Nuremberg TrialsB drafting of the Treaty of Versailles D creation of the Marshall Plan


32 • Introduced fascism to nation• Attempted to restore the nation to its past glory• Invaded Ethiopia

What dictator took these actions before World War II?A Lenin C Benito MussoliniB Francisco Franco D Hitler

33 Early in World War II, Allied leaders decided that the enemy they had to defeat first wasA the Ottoman Empire. C Imperial Japan.B the Soviet Union. D Nazi Germany.

34 Which statement is the best example of the similarities between the totalitarian regimes of Hitler and Stalin?A Both were against business ownership and created collective farms.B Both abolished private property ownership and persecuted religious leaders.C Both were fascists and fought together in World War II against the United States.D Both used propaganda and sent people to prison camps during World War II.

35 One specific goal of the United Nations is toA promote economic growth through the adoption of a single global currency.B encourage the development of democratic principles throughout the world.C establish control over natural resources in developing countries.D protect the right of leaders to maintain power over their people.

36 Which factor had the most influence on the outbreak of World War II?A Fascism in Spain C Nationalism in ChinaB Communism in the Soviet Union D Militarism in Germany


Which country completes this diagram?A Spain C JapanB France D Russia


38 Which of the following is the main reason that the United States made the decision to drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?A to stop Kamikaze pilots from destroying American shipsB to prevent further Japanese losses in the warC to free all of the Pacific islands under Japan’s dominationD to prevent losses of life in the invasion of Japan

39 Adolf Hitler rose to power in the 1930s partly because ofA political instability caused by independence movements.B nationalist pride resulting from imperialist expansion.C extreme hardship brought about by economic decline.D political coups supported by foreign allies.

40 During World War II, the Allied invasion of France on D-Day (June 6, 1944) was significant because itA resulted in a successful German revolt against Hitler and the Nazi Party.B led to the immediate surrender of German and Italian forces.C demonstrated the power of the atomic bomb.D forced Germans to fight a two-front war.

41 Which of the following characterized Joseph Stalin’s leadership of the Soviet Union?A censorship, government control of industry, and religious persecutionB the theory of divine right, rule by elites, and laws guided by religious doctrinesC free elections, tolerance of opposition groups, and the encouragement of religious

freedom D centralized royal authority, a hereditary transfer of power, and cooperation between

church and state


This law is an example of policies that eventually led to theA invasion of the Soviet Union. C Great Purge.B invasion of Poland. D Holocaust.



What point of view of the event describe does the speaker express in this excerpt from his speech?A Soldiers must follow the orders of their superiors.B Defeated nations have no rights in international courts of law.C Individuals can be held accountable for “crimes against humanity.”D Aggressor nations must pay war reparations for damages caused during wars.

44 “The important lesson wasn’t so much the Nazis’ extraordinary evil, but that it could happen with the participation of so many, the indifference of many more, that humanity has no guarantees against its vicious streaks except its own conscience, for which each individual is responsible ... the effort for decency and justice must go on every day everywhere.”

---Flora Lewis, The New York Times, July 7, 1987

In the above excerpt, the term “extraordinary evil” refers to theA Great War C Bataan Death MarchB Holocaust D bombing of Hiroshima

45 In what way were the results of World War I and World War II similar?A Harsh peace treaties prevented economic recovery and led quickly to war throughout

Europe.B Hereditary monarchs were exiled and replaced by elected officials throughout Europe.C The political boundaries of Central and Eastern European nations changed significantly.D United States diplomatic programs helped rebuild European economies.



World History 3rd Nine Weeks TestAnswer Section


1 ANS: A STA: 4.2 2 ANS: D STA: 4.2 3 ANS: D STA: 4.4 4 ANS: D STA: 4.2 5 ANS: A STA: 4.2 6 ANS: C STA: 4.2 7 ANS: A STA: 4.2 8 ANS: B STA: 4.2 9 ANS: C STA: 4.2 10 ANS: B STA: 4.2 11 ANS: C STA: 4.2 12 ANS: A STA: 4.4 13 ANS: B STA: 4.4 14 ANS: D STA: 4.4 15 ANS: C STA: 4.4 16 ANS: A STA: 4.5 17 ANS: B STA: 4.5 18 ANS: A STA: 4.2 19 ANS: A STA: 4.4 20 ANS: D STA: 4.4 21 ANS: A STA: 4.4 22 ANS: A STA: 4.4 23 ANS: A STA: 4.4 24 ANS: D STA: 4.5 25 ANS: D STA: 4.3 26 ANS: D STA: 4.3 27 ANS: C STA: 4.5 28 ANS: C STA: 4.4 29 ANS: B STA: 4.6 30 ANS: A STA: 4.5 31 ANS: C STA: 4.8 32 ANS: C STA: 4.6 33 ANS: D STA: 4.5 34 ANS: D STA: 4.4 35 ANS: B STA: 4.6 36 ANS: D STA: 4.6 37 ANS: C STA: 4.6 38 ANS: D STA: 4.4 39 ANS: C STA: 4.6



40 ANS: D STA: 4.6 41 ANS: A STA: 4.65 42 ANS: D STA: 4.8 43 ANS: C STA: 4.8 44 ANS: B STA: 4.8 45 ANS: C STA: 4.6, 4.4