World History Part 1

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  • 8/3/2019 World History Part 1


    World HistoryPart I

    In human history, its important to study world history and the history occurring now in 2011. The

    reasons are lessons can be learned from the past, discovering the past can inspire culture

    development, and seeing our ancestors can motivate us to live into possible higher heights of

    constructive civilization. So, this is why Ive written this precise article on world history. Ive

    decided to write many more related articles in the future from prehistoric times to 2011 or 2012.

    To understand world history, you have to understand art & architecture, language, governmental

    structure, dwellings or locations, religion or spirituality, and other cultural aspects of a

    fundamental civilization. The reason is that civilization has the rise of cities, organized

    government, complex religion, job specialization, social classes, art & architecture, some form of

    writing or linguistics, and public works.

  • 8/3/2019 World History Part 1


  • 8/3/2019 World History Part 1



    African history is interesting and fun to know about. The past is not only a reminder of what

    we were, but it can be utilized as a method of forming of better present and future. As time

    goes on, many things stay the same. African history is world history since all of modern

    humanity has their origin from the motherland of Africa. I am an African too. I just happen

    to be born in America, but my black ancestors originated from Africa. So, if youre a human

    being, you must learn about Africa beyond simple comprehension of wordplay. You have to

    understand the culture, history, language, geography, and a wide spectrum of social

    dispositions that adequately and eloquently found in the beautiful location of Africa. From

    the Pyramids to Presidents is a great reminder of the strength of black people. Black people

    are strong in the past, in the present, and will be strong in the future. Thats the truth. Even

    before ancient Egypt, ancient Nubia was a great civilization with a government, language,

    irrigation systems, religious structure, a potent empire, and filled of intelligent, strong black

    men including intelligent, strong black women. The Nubians ruled the Kingdom of Kush

    famous. They existed again even before the ancient Egyptians were an Empire. Back in the

    7,000s B.C, the people in Sudan had a Neolithic (or the New Stone Age) has a sedentary way

    of life. There were mud brick villages and hunting, plus fishing on the Nile. There was grain

    gathering and cattle herding. The Sahara was drying in this time, so Neolithic peoples

    traveled into the Nile Valley to develop agriculture, etc. In fact, both the ancient Egyptians

    and the ancient Nubians traded with each other.

    Also, the ancient Egyptians adopted a lot of the culture form the Kushites as well. Both

    civilizations were based on the Nile River for transport, trade, agricultural development, the

    growth of cities, and a wide spectrum of reasons. Both civilizations made pyramids too, which

    occurred before the pyramids found in China, Peru, Mexico, Indonesia, etc. Black people live

    in both nations as well, so we who are black are the first in civilization and the first in human

    existence indeed. Now, ancient Nubia had city capitols like Kerma, Napata, and of course

    Meroe. Ancient Egypt made strong accomplishments in medicine, astronomy, mathematics,

    literature and the arts, paintings plus sculpture, etc. The ancient Egyptians have had the black

    ink, paper, ox-drawn plows, organized labor, boat sails, and made the hieroglyphics. There

    was river culture in the Niger and Congo rivers as well. The Meroitic script was an alphabet

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    system as well. One Queen Candace of Ethiopia held off Alexander in battle and prevented

    the conquest her empire. The Roman Empire was repealed by the Black Queen (or Candace)


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    The civilizations in Mesopotamia or the Fertile Crescent surrounds the modern day Middle

    East from Kuwait, Iraq, to Israel. Mesopotamia is nicknamed as The Cradle of Civilization.

    This area is in southwest Asia. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are found in this region as well.

    The Mediterranean Sea is near the Fertile Crescent as well. Egypt is to the west of the Fertile

    Crescent with the Nile River and various fertile locations. The Fertile Crescent is filled with

    fertile farmland, trees, and urban locations not just rural places. The Euphrates River was near

    the places of Ur, Nippur, and Babylon. The Tigris River housed the city of Nineveh and Susa

    was next to the rivers in Elam. These rivers were key locations for the purposes of trade,transportation, religious actions, agriculture, and a myriad of activities. Permanent settlements

    came about in the river valley in the Fertile Crescent by the Neolithic Age (or the New Stone

    Age) in ca. 4,000 B.C. River valleys were used for crops because the soil was rich and it

    protected people from invasion from other nomadic peoples. Nomadic describes people who

    travel in search of food. The famous civilizations in the Fertile Crescent are plenty like Sumer,

    Babylon, Assyria, Israel, Persia, Elam, Aram, and others. Mesopotamian civilization deal with

    agriculture, the building of temples called ziggurats, trade and commerce, and slaves were cut

    of their hair. Slaves were in the bottom of the class system. They used labor with metal, metal

    weapons, and used irrigation methods to create more food in a surplus. They had the wheel

    plow and of course the Sumerians invented the model day wheel. Sumerians used cuneiform

    as a means to write information. Scribes existed in Sumerian and Sumerians were polytheisticby worshipping many gods.

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    Mesopotamia had some of the first modern city states, kingdoms, and Empire. Babylonia wasfamous for the Code of Hammurabi (or a law that Hammurabi supported in Babylonian.Centralized governments existed in the region with priests as its rulers first). TheHammurabi code from ca. 1700 B.C. called for a harsh eye for an eye policy in dealing withdisputes or crimes. Massive trade existed in the region, it was a crossroads for migration ofpeoples, and it topography might of caused invasions to occur. Flood control technology existedand flooding made rich soils vital for agriculture. Sumeria came before Akkadians (or a moreSemitic people). Kish, Nippur, Lagash, Uruk, Eridu, and of course Ur were major cities in

    Sumeria. Sumerians believed in a more negative afterlife. Sumer was famous for cuneiform andziggurats as well. After Akkad, the Babylonian Empire came in the 1800s B.C. and the AssyrianEmpire reached its peak in ca. 650 B.C. The Babylonians developed the Hanging Gardens inBabylon. The gardens were created by Nebuchadnezzar. They develop math (like algebra,geometry), astronomy, and formed a basic calendar. They had literature like the epic poemcalled The Epic of Gilgamesh from Babylon.

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    Ancient India is known very readily by the Indus Valley civilization. In that time, the Hindus

    Kush Mountains, the Indus River, the Ganges River, the Bengal Ocean, and the Indian Ocean

    were geographic points where civilization flourished during ancient times.

    The Dravidians made their civilization in ancient India. Today, the descendants of the

    Dravidians live mostly in the southern part of India.

    Hinduism has had a long history in ancient India. It came about in 1500 B.C. It was a mixture ofthe Aryan religion and the indigenous Indus Valley civilizations religion (that focused on naturegods). Their books deal with the Vedas and the Upanishads. Their Bhagavad Gita deals withethics or moral lessons. Hinduisms symbol is the Aum symbol. Hinduism is polytheistic, but theyworship Brahmin as the Supreme God. Brahman is pantheist or viewing Brahmin as a part of allliving things. To Hindus, one goal in life is for man to reach unity with Brahmin. Brahmin has itsmanifestations of Vishnu and Shiva. Vishnu refers to preserving the Earth and Shiva is the god ofdestruction (or recycling the path of birth, life, death, and reincarnation). Reincarnation is whenthe soul is transferred from a human to other human or even animals depending on karma.Karma is the concept of the sum total of your decisions that you make in your life. Dharma inHinduism is the work that you do in this life. The dharma is determined by personality, age, sex,and social class. Dharma promotes harmony and people to leave the wheel of fate. So, youdharma determines your karma. If you karma is bad, you could reincarnate into a lower class, ifyou karma is more positive then you can ascend into a higher class. There are castes or classesin Hinduism. The atman in Hinduism refers to the soul or ones essential self. The gods inHinduism can take human or animal form. The moksha is the union with Brahman to be releasedfrom samsara (or the process of reincarnation). Hinduism also believes in ahimsa or nonviolence.

    *Buddhism in a way was a reaction to Hinduism since Hinduism back then was rigid and used adiscriminatory caste system. Hinduism has no real founder since it was developed in a gradualfashion. Yet, Buddhisms founder is named Siddhartha Gautama in ca. 566 B.C. Gautama was aprince in a warrior family. He was living in an enclosed environment and he wanted to find thedeeper meaning in life. A soothsayer said that he would be a wandering holy man. He saw a poorman and destructive events that caused him to re-evaluate the priorities in his life. He mediatedfor 48 days in order to develop his life. He became the Buddha or the enlightened one. So, he

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    developed the Four Noble Truths as a means to permit his philosophy. It details that life is aboutsuffering and that humans want use the eightfold path to overcome desire. The desire for life orriches is illusions according to Buddhists. The Eightfold Path deals with behavioral changes likethe right views, the right aspirations, the right speech, the right conduct, the right livelihood, theright effort, the right mindfulness, and the right contemplation. Buddha taught many teachings onmorality.


    Ancient Chinese has one of the most interesting parts of human history in general. Ive

    known numerous people of Chinese descent in real life that are sweet, nice, understanding,

    and tolerant. In ancient China during the Neolithic age (or the new stone age), the Xia

    civilization existed. The Xia dynasty isnt discussed a lot, because even now, not much is

    known about it. In ancient China, there are numerous clans. A clan is a group of people

    united by actual or perceived kinship or descent. That means that a clan is group of people

    presumed to be related to each other. China geographically has the loess plateau. Its called

    the Huangtu plateau found in the upper and middle of Chinas Yellow River. The significance

    of loess is that is that the region loess is found is the most erodible soil on Earth. It covers

    most of the Shanxi and Gansu provinces. Loess is a sediment that created by wind blown silt.

    The loess can promote shelter in the cold winter and summer. In ancient times, the loess

    was fertile to build civilizations though. Ancient China had feudalism. Feudalism is when

    society is run by controlling land in a fashion (that rewards people who does work).

    The first civilization in China that gets a lot of attention is called the Shang Dynasty that

    lasted from 1766 B.C. to 1122 B.C. The Zhou, Qin, and Han Dynasty came after the Shang

    Dynasty. Zhou lasted from 1122 256 B.C., the Qin Dynasty lasted from 221 B.C. to 206

    B.C., and the Han Dynasty lasted from 202 B.C. to 220 A.D. The Shang Dynasty was located

    in the northeastern part of China in the Yellow River. The Yellow River and the Yangtze River

    were key places where crops grow, cities were organized, and trade flourished. Turtle shells

    show bears glyphs which bear the first recorded Chinese characters. Shang capitals have

    been called the ruins of Yin. It is said in Chinese tradition that Shang was created after the

    rebel King Tang of Shange overthrew the last Xia ruler in the Battle of Mingtiao. The royal

    palace of Yinxu had tombs of royals.

    Also, Shang is marked by ancestor worship or the worship of your dead ancestors (according

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    to them can give people inspiration or strength to move forward in life). The Shang people

    fought nomadic herdsmen and other tribes trying to come into their territory. Shang rulers

    ruled in religious ceremonies. Their high god Di was responsible for the rain, wind, and

    thunder. Bronze and jail objects plus pottery is found in the Shang civilization. Horse drawn

    chariots were found in the Shang dynasty as well. In astronomy, the Shang Dynasty

    produced the calendar on the cycle of the moon. The calendar of the Shang Dynasty was

    differentiated into big and small months, and it regulated that 366 days formed a cycle.

    Besides, in the 'inscriptions on oracle bones' of the Shang Dynasty, there are many records

    about solar eclipse, lunar eclipse and nova. In mathematics, there are big numbers up to

    thirty thousand and specific conceptions about decimal system, odd numbers, even

    numbers and multiple numbers, according to the 'inscriptions on oracle bones'. It indicates

    that people of that time had preliminary capability of calculating. Additionally, optics

    knowledge was also used then. The excavated convex mirror of the Shang Dynasty can

    mirror the whole face of a person completely. Shang was a bronze age advanced civilization.

    The Shang dynasty used oracle bones. Oracle bones were from ox or a turtle that were used

    for divination (or the process of using the occult by some in claiming to see the future or

    gain insight). The bone has Chinese characters. And the bone is heated, then it cracked to dodivination. Monopolies in ancient China deals with one corporation running the entire

    market or most of it in an usual hardcore fashion.

    Zhou came after Shang of course. Zhou saw the introduction of iron in China. According to

    Chinese tradition, Wens son (named King Wu of Zhou) led an army of 45,000 men and 300

    chariots across the Yellow River in 1046 B.C. King Wu then conquered the Shang Dynastys

    King Di Zin in the Battle of Muye. This was the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty. Zhou saw the

    Mandate of Heaven (which runs in contrast to Shangs divine rule of the kings). The Zhou

    leaders used a feudal system in order to maintain Zhou authority over a large area of


    *Now, the Mandate of Heaven is a philosophy. It teaches that rule is from divine power, but

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    it is predicated on the conduct of the ruler in heaven. In other words, Heaven (or Tian)

    would bless the rule of a just ruler, but will be angry with despotic (or tyrannical) ruler and

    would withdraw its mandate (that will lead into the overthrow of that ruler). So, the

    Mandate of Heaven wants the best ruler to rule an area. This concept is a part of Chinese

    culture. Its used to curtail incompetent or corrupt ruler. It abhors the abuse of power.

    The period of 476 D.C. to 221 B.C. was the time of warring states. This was when differentfactions in China wanted to compete for you know power and influence. During the period ofwarring states, metal coinage was widespread. There were hundreds of schools of thought.Legalists were active. There were crossbows, writing brushes, and chopsticks were used. Ming Ziand Zhuang Zi were in power in this time. The Qin Dynasty came about from 221 to 206 B.C. TheQin Dynasty conquered all of the warring states. Qin Shi Huangdi (or Shi Huangdi ) was the firstEmperor from the Qin dynasty to rule China as a centralized unified state. He linked existingwalls to form the Great Wall of China. He did a lot of policies in improving Chinese infrastructurelike: having a standardized coinage, weights and measures, script and width of cart tracks, andConfucian ideas were spreading in this time. The Han Dynasty came from 206 B.C. to 220 A.D.The magnetic spoon was used for divination. Civil service exams began and the Silk Road to theWest was opened up. Eastern Han invented paper (from 24 B.C. to 220 A.D.). Buddhism comesinto China as well. Zhang Heng (78-139) invented the seismograph and calculated pi in 5 decimalplaces. Hua Tuo (150-200) developed acupuncture and moxibustion. Emperor Wu is a famousEmperor of the Han Dynasty. During his time, he made territorial expansion (or using force toexpand his land or territory to gain power). Wudi centralized China. Wudi lead his empire toKyrgyzstan, Korea, northern Vietnam, etc. We repelled the Xiongnu. Emperor Wudi promotedConfucian thought. Laozi promoted Chinese philosophies as well. He is considered the founder ofTaoism.

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    Confucius promoted filial piety. Filial pietyis the Confucian view that youhave to respect your parents and ancestors as a key part of daily living

    among people. China has many more dynasties after the Han Dynasty.

    There was the Three Kingdoms system in China. They are the Wei, Shu, and the Wu. EachKingdom was headed by an Emperor that claimed to be a legitimate succession from the HanDynasty. This period lasted from 220-280 A.D. In many dynasties, changes, there is a peasantrevolt, civil war, and other bad events that come up. Wei conquered the Shu in 263 A.D; there isthe overthrow of Wei by the Jin Dynasty in 265 A.D., and the destruction of Wu by Jin (from 280A.D.). The Three Kingdoms period was one of the bloodiest in Chinese history. The Eastern HanDynasty had about 50 million people. During the early Western Jin Dynasty, there was a report ofonly ca. 16 million people. The figures of Jin may be suspect, because of Jins census being lesscomplete. During this 3 Kingdoms period, technology advanced significantly. Shu chancellorZhuge Liang invented the wooden ox. The wooden ox was suggested to be an early form of thewheelbarrow. Liang also improved on the repeating crossbow. Wei mechanical engineer Ma Jun(considered to be the equal of Zhang Heng) made a hydraulic powered mechanical puppet

    theatre designed for Emperor Ming of Wei, square chain pumps for irrigation of gardens inLuoygang, and the design of the South Pointing Chariot. This chariot is a non-magneticdirectional compass operated by differential gears. The Emperor He from the Eastern HanDynasty experienced depressed and the 3 Kingdoms came about to rule in China. The 3Kingdoms focused on 3 regional markets and the Grand Canal (this merged the Yangtze River tothe Yellow River). Other dynasties came about in Chian like the Jin Dynasty, Sui Dynasty, theSong Dynasty, etc.

    The Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties of China represented a huge development in ancient

    Chinese history. Many of those dynasties (rulers based on bloodlines) extended the

    improvements made by the Han dynasty. After the disunity and chaos of the 'three

    kingdoms' period General Yang Chien rose to power and reunited China under Emperor

    Weng, the first emperor of the Sui dynasty. The Sui dynasty lasted from 580 AD to 618.

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    Weng wanted to light the burden of the Chinese peasants, so he made reforms like the

    elimination of the harsh parts of the penal code. He made a census to find populations and

    he lightened the military service requirements. The 2nd

    Sui Emperor Sui Emperor Yant Ti

    made an exam programs to gain more people as officials. Under Yang Ti, the Imperial or

    Grand Canal was built that connected the Yangtze and Huang He rivers together. He made

    or conscripted 2 million workers to finish the project. The regime was oppressive like taxing

    people in advance of years. This caused states and peasants rising and an army coup. One of

    the successful rebel army officers, Li Shih Min installed his father as emperor, founding the

    Tang dynasty. After ten years eliminating his rivals Li Shih Min forced his father to abdicate

    and took the throne himself as the emperor T'ai Tsung. The Tangs had one female Empress

    named Empress Wu (683-705 A.D.). During this dynasty, poetry and painting was much

    more abundant. Buddhism spread more rapidly into China. Sculpture and other inventions

    grew. There were the wars later in the end of Tang that lead to the Song dynasty under

    General Kuang Yin. The Northern and Southern Song dynasties caused them to expand their

    lands. They forces places to have tribute or bribes to nations in order for them to not

    subsequently invade those nations. The Northern Song dynasty was defeated by the Jurchen

    invading tribes.

    These tribes formed the Chin Empire. Tons of inventions came in the Southern

    Song dynasty like:






    Under the Song, Confucianism was dogmatized with an achievement of a state wide moral

    code. Confucianism became more cohesive under the Song dynasty.

    The Mongols invaded China and caused many changed to ancient China. Chinese scholarscriticized harshly Mongols for their destructive acts on people and their damage to the mainstreamlife of ancient China. A Persian historian from the 13

    thcentury said the Mongol caused the lands to

    be desolate and regions were like a desert. It is true that the Mongols lead a brutal conquest ofChina, Asia, and as part east as Europe plus the Middle East. North China was damaged heavilyby the invasions. The civil service (or one of ancient Chinas famous institutions) was eliminated bythe Mongols. The ban remained until 1315. There was no long the officialdom for the YuanDynasty. This dynasty was the Mongols were founded in 1271 A.D. China was to the Mongols asone part of their huge empire. They made the Chinese to have a social structure that made theMongols in the top, the non-Han in the next level (or being mostly from the Islamic population thatwas brought to China by the Mongols to help rule them), the Northern Chinese, and the SouthernChinese. The Confucian scholars werent in top positions of the ruling Mongol government,because the Mongols didnt trust a different path for China that wasnt pro-Mongol. Kublai Khanruled China. He restored rituals at court that dealt with Confucian ideology, music, rituals, etc. Hesupported ancestor worship. He gave his son Jin Chin a Chinese style education that included theteachings of Buddhism and Confucianism. The Mongols supported the peasants since thepeasants were key in the Chinese economy. They united the peasants to promote a ruralcooperative to increase agricultural resources in ancient China. Censuses were done in thecooperatives. Some peasants didnt like the Mongols public works projects in China since hugelabor was required by the peasants (like the extension of the Grand Canal to Beijing). Artisanswere treated with benefits in China. Cultural exchange from China to Persia existed in the Mongolrule. Many Muslims were inspired to come into China to build upon studies of astronomy, medicine,


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    The Ming Dynasty is one of the most famous Dynasties in China. It lasted from 1368 to 1644. TheMing Dynasty had orderly government and social stability. During the Ming era, China had a largenavy and a standing army of about one million troops. The admiral Zheng He in the 15


    made a tributary fleet that traveled all over Asia, India, and even Africa to the Atlantic Ocean.During this time, the restoration of the Grand Canal and the Great Wall of China came about(including the creation of the Forbidden City in Beijing during the first quarter of the 1400s). Ming

    had from 160 to 200 million people. Emperor Hongwu (who ruled from 1368 to 1398) wanted a selfsufficient rural community in a rigid system. The Emperor didnt focus on urban life. In the 1500s,the Ming traded with Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, Japan, etc. in this Columbian Exchange (ortrade among the Old World and the New World. Its like the Old World and the New Worldexchanged with each other horse, corn or maize, coffee, etc.). Crop failure, natural calamities,epidemics, and the Little Ice Age (harming crops) caused the Ming Dynasty to suffer economictroubles. The Qing Dynasty came about the Ming Dynasty ended.


    The civilizations of the Americas have existed from prehistoric times. The Native Americans are thefirst people in the Americas. They or the Native Americans traveled from Siberia or Asia into theNorth American continent. To get a picture of the origin of the inhabitants of the Americas, youhave to learn about the Ice Age. The Ice Age covered the northern portion of the globe with ice.The Ice Age influenced the climate, temperature, fluana, and flora of the Earth. This large Ice Agelasted from 100,000 to about 10,000 years ago. Between 12,000 and 10,000 years ago, peoplefirst arrived into the Americas. The Ice caused a land bridge between Siberia and North America.The reason is that water froze into thick ice sheets, the sea level dropped, and these eventsformed the land bridge between 2 continents. This bridge is called the Bering Strait. By the time of10,000 B.C., the Earths climate warmed and the land bridge was covered with water.

    The Native Americans are genetically related to the Asian people groups. Advanced civilizations

    existed in the Ancient Americas like:

    -the Olmecs

    -the Mayans

    -the Aztecs, and

    -the Incas of course.

    Even British diplomat and lawyer John Lloyd Stephens marveled at the Mayan civilization. Helooked at the first Maya city to be re-discovered in the modern era named Palenque. He talkedabout the Mayans great skills in arts, they had great power, and he gazed at the walls from theMayan civilization. A burial mask of Pakal or the ruler of Palenque is known. The Incas madegolden images of the llama, which is an animal from South America. People discovered the ancient

    Mayan site of Bonampak. This site had murals of warriors and nobles. Some musicians are shown

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    performing music at a large celebration too. Even the Inuit peoples had snow goggles. The regionbetween North and South America (or in Mexico and Central America) is called Mesoamerica.Meso- is a Greek prefix meaning middle. The diverse climates of the Americas influenced thedevelopment of ancient civilizations. For example, the Inuits used fur covered clothing to adjust tothe cold climate. In the Neolithic period, the ancient Americas created farms and villages. Some inMesoamerica (in the Neolithic era from 8500 B.C. to 2000 B.C.) cultivated crops like beans, sweetpotatoes, peppers, tomatoes, squash, and maize. Maize is corn. Villages soon evolved into the

    great cities of the Americas. Throughout human history, humans formed cities from the ancientvillages.

    The first major, large civilization in the Americas was called the Olmec culture The Olmecs lived inthe tropical forest inside of the Gulf Coast of Mexico. It lasted from 1500 B.C. to 400 B.C. Templesand advanced art were a large part of the Olmec civilization. Stone is commonly used in Olmecarchitecture and art. Colossal Olmec heads (some are 40 tons in weight) are found in ceremonialplaces like in San Lorenzo and La Vente. People dont know too much about this civilization. Wedo know that the Olmec performed trade. They made a calendar and they created a hieroglyphicwriting in stone. There are images of jaguars and serpent decorations in many Olmec carvings.The Mayan civilization was heavily influenced by the Olmec civilization. They Mayan culture spreadgrealty from ca. 300 A.D. City states formed during the Classic period or the peak of the Mayancivilization. These city states were all over the Yucatan Peninsulas in southern Mexico and some

    parts of Central America. Agriculture and farming grew via the clearing of forests (and this clearingof lands was a tactic formulate in order for individuals to create crops). Maize was grown to supportnew cities. Astronomy and mathematics were key parts of the Mayans. They Mayans knew aboutthe concept of zero and formed a 365 day accurate solar calendar. They had a 260 day ritualcalendar as well.


    Ancient Greece has had a long history. Ancient Greece is the first high level modern ancient

    civilization in Europe. It was founded by the Minoans and ironically they werent even from

    Greece. Religion is a huge part of Greco-Roman culture. There were gods and goddesses. The

    ancient Greeks view these gods and goddesses as super human and immortal. The Greeks intheir mythologies believed that these gods resided in Mt. Olympus in Greece. Ancient Greece

    had its people claiming that it was a humanistic society, but that wasnt always the case. The

    gods in ancient Greek mythology intervened in human affairs throughout time. The 12

    Olympian gods and goddesses were ruled by Zeus. Zeus is the god of thunder and the sky.

    Zeus is shown as physically strong. The Greek god Poseidon is the god of the seas

    representing life to ancient Greeks since the sea is in constant change. To them it is a life

    force, since ancient Greek society so relied on the water for food, transportation, trade,

    colony building, and other endeavors. Athena is of course the goddess of wisdom. This relates

    to using thinking about topics. It represents the humanistic quality of learning in their Greek

    religion. Aphrodite is of course the goddess of beauty, passion, and any feelings or emotions.

    To the Greeks, you must be highly fit, loving, and intelligence to seek perfection in everythingyou do to participate all of the time in life. This relates to human nature since many humans

    have that ego to try to be the best (even at the expense of pro-eugenics rhetoric that some

    ancient Greeks have done).

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    The Etruscans were a non Indo-European people, who were pre-Roman. They influenced the

    Roman civilization in many ways. When you look at ancient images of the Etruscans, manyhave light, olive, and some have dark skin complexion. Thats interesting to say the least.

    They possessed great artwork from fine gold jewelry to the bronze statues. They laid the

    foundation for the city of Rome. The Etruscans had their own alphabet and writing system to.

    The origin of the Etruscans isnt totally known. They have had relationship with the Sea

    Peoples form the time of Ramses III (1200-1166 B.C.). The Etruscans referred to themselves

    as Rasenna, but to the Romans and Greeks they were Etrusci, Tusci, Tyrrheni, or Tyrseni. The

    modern Etruscans increased their civilization great around in Italy in ca. 800 B.C. Recent

    studies from across the world claim that the Etruscans are related to people from Anatolia (or

    the Turkey peninsula) and the Near East. To the modern Italians they are still Etrusci and the

    name of the Etruscan Sea is still the Tyrrhenian, after perhaps 3,000 years. The Etruscans

    called themselves Rasenna. The Etruscan arch design has influenced the Roman civilizationtoo. The Etruscans were warlike and fought with each other. Yet, they formed 12 major cities

    near the sea. They made a complex, advanced civilization. The Etruscans had a somewhat

    equality with males and females since the men were busy in warfare in many cases. They had

    the 2 classes of the aristocrats or the rich landowners and the non-aristocrats. Ancient

    civilizations have had classes like:





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    peasants, etc.

    The Etruscans worshipped Nature. The ancestors of the Romans were the Indo-European

    tribes of the Latins, Sabines, etc. Some of them invaded and took over the territory of the

    Etruscans. The Etruscans had land improvement in the form of hydrology and hydraulics to

    build land drainage activities. Even parts of the city of ancient Rome were developed on thefoundation of the Etruscan civilization. The Etruscans have had huge influence in ancient

    Rome until the Romans sacked Veii in 396 B.C.


    Korea and Japan are some of the most beautiful places on Earth (other than Africa of course).There are rivers, great pagodas, and other locations. Korea is near China and across the Sea ofJapan. Korea is a peninsula or a land surrounded on three sides by water. Its very mountainous, sothat is why people live along west coast mostly where there is lower lying areas. Fishing is importantover there since it has 5,400 miles of coastline. The Yalu is a major river border of China. Chinainfluenced Korean culture. It was once a tributary state of the Chinese. A tributary state is when a

    country with more political/military power (like China) will allow a weaker nation politically/militarily(like Korea) to not be invaded if they pay a tribute (or tax) to the stronger nation. Its an ancient formof bribery or extortion to a stronger nation. Korea is a cultural bridge between China and Japan.Korea had 2 separate kingdoms between 300-600 A.D. Their names were Shilla, Paekche, andKaya. Korea was united and ruled by 3 Dynasties form 668-1910 A.D. Korea has a strong centralgovernment. Only the nobility and aristocracy could take the civil service examinations and work forthe government. In ancient Chinese, the poor folks can take it, but mostly rich folks passed itbecause of the resources. Celadon was their ancient pottery.

    Japan is of course and island to the direct east of China and Korea. In fact, Japan is made up of

    a chain of islands called an archipelago. There are thousands of islands in Japan, but the 4

    main ones are the Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Kyushu. There are plenty of mountains in

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    the place, so most people live on the coasts. Rain occurs in Japan, there is a protection from

    the sea, trade is huge in Japan, and the climate is mild. Yet, natural disasters are common in

    Japan like earthquakes, volcanoes, and Tsunami tidal waves. The ring of fire is near Japan. The

    ring is regions on Earth were volcanoes and earthquakes are very common in the Pacific Ocean

    basin. This ring is of course near tectonic Plates. Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan

    (surrounded by 5 lakes). China influenced Japanese history via Korea. Japan in ancient times

    had clans or uji. Yamato united these clans by 500 A.D. by the Yamato clan (they believed that

    they were descendants of the sun goddess, so their rising is the symbol of Japanese emperors)

    to develop its first dynasty. In rural areas, Japanese emperors didnt have much power. The

    emperors were viewed as gods. There were no civil service examinations, but you had to be a

    noble to get a government job. Shintoism (meaning the way of the gods) is the Japanese state

    religion until 1945. This religion believed that person must go through level to find spiritual

    truth or enlightenment (as similar to many pagan mystery religions). Shintoism deals with:

    -nature spirits or kami

    - the worship of the emperor, and

    -ancestor worship.

    The Japanese borrowed many Chinese cultural parts like: pagoda architecture, the Chinese

    system of writing, food, tea, music, dances, gardens, Buddhism/Shintoism, Confucianism, etc.

    Many Japanese students were sent to China to study information. Buddhism greatly spreads

    from 500 B.C. to 600 A.D. into India, Afghanistan, China, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Korea, and

    Japan. Haiku is a system of art that Japanese people used to express emotions and feelings of

    Japanese poets. They are made of 3 lines verses. Some of the Haiku poems describe issues of

    Nature. The Japanese alphabet is called the Hiragana and there is the katakana alphabet. The

    Mongols failed to invade Japan. Japan invaded China and ruled it for a while during WWII.

    Feudalism is common in ancient Japan with the Shogun on top. There is the samurai followingtheir way of the warrior or the Bushido (Some kill themselves by the Seppuku act).

    *Dont Worry since a lot of extra information will be subsequently presented here.

    By Timothy