World Religions

World Religions

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World Religions. What is religion?. According to Sociologist Emil Durkheim: "[Religion is] a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden--beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community.” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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World Religions

What is religion? According to Sociologist Emil Durkheim:

"[Religion is] a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden--beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community.”

According to Webster Dictionary: the belief in a god or in a group of gods an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies,

and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods

monotheism vs. polytheistic vs. nontheistic

monotheism: the believe that there is only one God

polytheistic: the believe that there is more than one god

nontheistic: the believe that there is no god

There is no “culture recorded in human history” which has not practiced some form of religion.

As religions moved across space, they also changed. religious leaders interpreted doctrine differently interaction with indigenous religions

Buddhist in China = shaped earlier Taoist beliefs.

Religion has always influence governments, families, daily habits, etc. Jews and Muslims are forbidden to eat pork; code of behavior in a person's relationship with other

people = Golden Rule of "doing unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Paleolithic to Neolithic

Cave paintings and artifacts shows there was belief in a supernatural The use of a shaman = a person who is especially

attuned to the spirit world and called upon to deal with it on behalf of others

Domestication of animals and agricultural revolution led to a belief in goddess of fertility Animism = belief that all sorts of motion- less objects

as well as living and moving creatures possess souls or spirits,

every human being has a soul or souls leaving the body temporarily during dreams and finally at death.

Religion conflict conflicts around the world:

Arab/Israeli in the Middle East Taliban/less conservative Muslim/Western in

Afghanistan Muslim/Sikh/Hindu in Kashmir Catholic/Protestant in Northern Ireland Fundamental Christian/Chinese Communist in China Fundamentalist Muslim/Copts/Egyptian government

in Egypt Tibetan Buddhists/Chinese government in Tibet Hindu Tamil/Sinhalese Buddhist in Sri Lanka Muslims/Christians in Eastern Europe

Top world religions Christianity: 2.1 billion Islam: 1.5 billion Hinduism: 900 million Chinese traditional religion (includes Taoism):

394 million Buddhism: 376 million Sikhism: 23 million Judaism: 14 million

Judaism Originated in Ur - Mesopotamia

Now Middle East – Iraq Followers are descents of Abraham Leaders (Prophets ):

Moses – introduces the Torah Isaiah Jeremiah

Leaders (Kings): Saul David Solomon

Monotheistic In exchange for all the good

that God has done, people keep God’s laws and try to bring holiness into every aspect of their lives.

Holocaust = Genocide Jewish = not just a religion but

defines a group of people / culture.

original of faiths: Christianity and Islam

Christianity most popular religion in the world originated in Jerusalem Founded by Jesus of Nazarene, a Jew monotheistic

Christians believe that Jesus was the Messiah promised in the Old Testament (Bible)

Spread of Christianity first is Roman world Jesus disciples: Paul, John

Roman persecution of Christianity Constantine – influenced by his mother, granted

freedom to worship Theodosius – made Christianity official religion

Division in the Church Roman Church Greek Orthodox church Protestant reform

Islam Second largest religion in the world Originated in the Arabian Peninsula Followers of the teaching of Muhammad The word Islam means 'submission to the will

of God’. Monotheistic

According to Muslims, God (Allah) sent prophets to mankind to teach them how to live according to His law.

People of the Book Jesus, Moses, Abraham and Muhammad.

Pillars of Islam: declaration of faith, praying five times a

day, giving money to charity, fasting, and a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Islam is both a way of life and a religion

Sharia Laws interpreting sacred book, Quran,

indicating moral conduct, family life, business, political practices

Hinduism majority of people in India and Nepal. In some ways Hinduism is the oldest living

religion in the world originated around the Indus Valley, near the

River Indus in modern day Pakistan. no single founder, no single scripture, and

no commonly agreed set of teachings. 'a way of life' or 'a family of religions' rather

than a single religion.

The origins of the term 'hindu’ cultural, political and geographical. caste system Teaching of karma and

samsara (reincarnation) Debate raises between the

concept of Hinduism being polytheistic or monotheists.

Most Hindus believe in a Supreme God view in multiple forms

Buddhism Originated in northern parts of India focuses on personal spiritual development

Obtaining enlightenment. Nontheistic

There is no belief in a personal god. Buddhists believe that nothing is fixed or

permanent and that change is always possible. Buddhists believe that life is suffering uncertainty. not centered on the relationship between

humanity and God, but rather individual drive

The Buddha Siddhartha Gautama, born into a royal

family. He lived a life of privilege and luxury until

one day he left the royal enclosure and encountered for the first time, an old man, a sick man, and a corpse. \

Siddhartha meditated and reflected on his experience of life until he became enlightened.

Schools of Buddhism Theravada Buddhism = popular in Sri

Lanka, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and Burma (Myanmar)

Mahayana Buddhism = strongest in Tibet, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and Mongolia.