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    (The study literature review and the results of studies that have been done in


    By Observer Helminthiases: Arifah Ma'rufah

    Worm infection disease is a disease that is still a lot going on in the community

    but received less attention (neglected diseases).Diseases included in the group of

    neglected d iseasesdoes not cause outbreaks that appear suddenly or causing many

    casualties, but it is a disease that slowly undermined human health, causing

    permanent disability, decrease children's intelligence and ultimately can also cause


    One type of disease of this group is a disease caused by infection wormy

    worm Soil Transmittedgroup helminths(STH), the group of worms through the soil

    life cycle. Parasitic diseases which belong to the neglected diseasesthat are hidden

    or si lentdisease diseases,and less monitored by health workers.

    Wormy disease caused by infection with helminth s Soi l Transmitted is one

    disease that is still a public health problem in Indonesia. This worm infection can lead

    to declining health conditions, nutrition, intelligence and economic productivity of the

    patient so much cause harm, because of the loss of carbohydrates and protein and

    blood loss, which in turn can reduce the quality of human resources. The prevalence

    of worm infection in Indonesia is still relatively high in 2006, amounting to 32.6%,

    especially in the segment of the population who are less able than the economic side.

    The weak economic group possessed a high risk of contracting diseases due to lack

    of ability to worm infestation in maintaining hygiene and sanitation neighborhood.

    Intestinal worm infestation which is transmitted through the soil Soil

    Transmitted Helminth s (STH) is a public health problem in the world, especially in



    tropical and subtropical regions, including Indonesia Based on research conducted In

    ten provinces in Indonesia found 30.4%prevalence of Ascaris lumbric oides, Trichuris

    t r ich iura21 , 2% and Ancylostom a duodenaleand N americ anus ecato r 6.5% ..while

    the prevalence in children in three provinces (Jakarta, Yogyakarta and North

    Sulawesi) in Indonesia was 12.9% for Lumbricoides A scar is , Trichuris 19.8% for

    t r ich iuraand 7.8% for Ancylostom a duodenaleand Necator americanus.

    Most worm infections occur in the tropics that in countries with high humidity

    and mainly infects communities with poor hygiene and sanitation. Intestinal worms

    infect humans often transmitted through the soil is Ascar is lumbr icoides

    (roundworm), Trichuris tr ichiura (whipworm), Ancylostoma d uodenale and Necator

    americanus(hookworm) and Strongy loides stercoral is.

    A study in Indonesia stated that family defecation (Babs) and do not have

    latrines at risk children affected by 1.32 times and 1.43 times of acute diarrhea deaths

    occur in children under five years of age (15) and latrine facilities at risk 17, 25 times

    greater risk of diarrhea in infants and toddlers. (16) Research in Hanoi Vietnam states

    that do not have a latrine 2 times the risk of infection Ascariasisworm and hookworm.

    In Indonesia, people who still defecate in the open area of 5% reflects 26% of

    the total population of Indonesia. Riskesdas 2010 showed the population defecate in

    the open area of 36.4%, while access to basic sanitation by 55.5%.

    The high prevalence of this worm disease can have an impact on public health,

    especially children's nutritional status in infancy. As one example is Ascar is

    lumbr icoidesworm infect ion.These worms live in the human gut cavity and take food,

    especially carbohydrates and proteins. As a result, children may suffer from

    malnutrition could even end up with protein-calorie deficiency (CTF). In addition,

    worm infections can also cause cognitive disorders. According Samidjo

    Onggowaluyo, there is a causal relationship between school-age children are infected



    with worms with the ability of cognitive function despite what factors cause cognitive

    impairment directly on worm infection is unclear

    As animal parasitic worms not only take the nutrients in the intestines of

    children, but also damage the intestinal wall so that interfere with the absorption of

    these nutrients. Children who are infected with worms usually experience: lethargy,

    pallor / anemia, weight loss, listlessness, lack of concentration studied, sometimes

    accompanied by coughing. Although the disease does not kill intestinal worms, but

    undermined the health of the human body so that the resulting decline in nutrition

    and public health conditions. In the long term, this will result in decreased quality of

    resources intestinal worms manusia.Infeksi a chronic infection most common in

    infants and children of primary school age. High and low frequency of worm infection

    is closely related to personal hygiene and sanitation lingkungan.Cacing-worms which

    infest the child with a high prevalence of this is the roundworm (Ascaris

    lumbricoides), whipworm (Trichuristrichiura), hookworms (Necator americanus)

    Selanjunyat when considered carefully, worms that live in the human intestine

    contributes greatly to the incidence of other diseases such malnutrition with

    roundworm infestation who likes to eat carbohydrates and proteins in the intestine

    before being absorbed by the body, and anemia (lack of concentration blood) as

    hookworms suck blood in the intestine, whipworm and tapeworm like to interfere with

    the growth and development of children and affect non-health problems other such

    decline in learning achievement and drop out is elementary school children

    A general description of the factors that contribute to intestinal worms and

    worm infestation can cause occurred in DIY. This is from the 2012 health profile of

    housing conditions in the province of the results of monitoring conducted by the

    district / city showed that 64.65% of the new fall into the category of a healthy home.

    The monitoring program itself has been able to reach some 38.89% of the expected

    target. However some parameters in healthy homes in the community has been pretty



    good DIY shows including the utilization of clean water (94%) and healthy latrines


    Details of the percentage of the population will Diy mnum ases water, drinking water

    quality and the use of family latrines as follows:

    % Population who have access to drinking water, water quality% drinking qualify,% ofpopulation using latrines per Regency / City of the Year 2011

    Based on the above table the percentage of the population that has access to drinking

    water in the province has reached 90.09% (the lowest in Bantul 81%) while the

    percentage of drinking water quality meets the requirements of 62.02% (the lowest in

    Gunung Kidul 20%). Percentage of population using latrines still amounted to 78.78%.

    Parameters trash healthy and unhealthy waste water still needs to be improved is

    shown of the new achievements for trash 50.23% 65.47% healthy and healthy for

    waste management.

    Here one faktot worm infection that causes Healthy Lifestyle DIY Society

    Health is an asset of the future and the creation of a capital of a prosperous life. To be



    able to achieve health status, disease prevention efforts should be made, of which the

    first level is to perform a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBs). PHBs this pattern should

    be implemented by all communities in various places / levels are in public places, at

    work, at school, in health institutions, and in the household. PHBs in the household is

    an effort to empower members of the household in order to know, willing and able to

    implement PHBs and actively participate in the movement in public health. Based on

    the evaluation, then the indicator development PHBs household order began to be

    improved. Of the 10 indicators that are still using the original sound stratification I -

    IV, then nationally has increased to 10 indicators of quality indicators that are

    composite / composite, so the 10 indicators of household order PHBs should all be

    fulfilled. Ten indicators of household PHBs are births assisted by skilled health

    personnel, exclusive breastfeeding, infants were weighed, the use of clean water,

    hand washing, use of latrines, the eradication of larvae, fruit and vegetable

    consumption, physical activity and not smoking in the house. DIY provinces have

    implemented such as evaluation indicator in order PHBs households began in 2010.

    The achievements in 2011, of 341 362 households were monitored showed as much

    as 31.40% of households have applied PHBs, as shown in the figure below. Of these

    achievements, which contributes to low and still a public health problem in general is

    no smoking in the house, which reached 46.67%, exclusively breast-fed infants of

    77.70%, fruit and vegetable consumption by 83.35% and activities Physical by 87.48%.

    Overview achievements rumaha Appliances berPHBS in the province as follows:



    Figure Achievement Househo ld Air-PHBs in the provin ce in 2011

    IN Yogyali

    Based on the above review of DIY is one of the provinces in Indonesia which

    has facto factors that contribute to the onset of events wormy, following search

    results literature study conducted research in DIY. Further information can be read in

    the paragraphs below.

    Has conducted research on the effects of intestinal helminth infections with

    nutritional status of children in kindergarten-ABA Patehan Yogyakarta to support the

    program is in place. The sample consisted of 47 boys and 30 girls. Determination of

    nutritional status is done by measuring height and weight were matched with the

    norm Chiang samples of feces examined by the method of Kato. Statistical analysis

    using Spearman rank. The prevalence of intestinal worms in boys is as follows:

    10.67% A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura 23.4% and 10.67% mixture. Being in girls

    respectively 3.37%, 6.77%. and O%. Statistically, there was no significant difference

    between the prevalence of the three figures. Measurement of nutritional status

    showed 73 children including adequate nutrition, 3 with PCM 1, and one with PCM 2.

    Statistically no significant correlation between ascariasis and nutritional status of




    Research Latif, 2008, the students of SDN Sewon I Sub Sewon, Bantull to take the

    external variables of family income and the level of damage to the house after the

    earthquake in Bantul, 2006. The results showed 15% of students infected with

    intestinal nematodes, including infected with Ascaris lumbricoides (10%) and

    Trichuris trichiura (5%). Statistical analysis showed that there is a relationship

    between the income of parents after the earthquake with the intestinal nematode

    infestations in elementary school students (p = 0.018) and there was no correlation

    between the degree of damage to the house, the availability of sanitation, education

    level of parents and the quality of health care after the earthquake with nematode

    infestations intestinal elementary students (p = 0.903; p = 0.772; p = 0.208; p = 0.184).

    Research Windyasari Hendra Nur, 2007, this study berujuan to determine the

    relationship between hygienic behavior with intestinal helminth infections in

    elementary students Kintelan II. The sample in this study were students of elementary

    Kintelan II as many as 90 children. The results of this study are two children infected

    with intestinal worms and there was no correlation between intestinal worm infection

    with hygienic behavior in elementary students Kintelan II Yogyakarta.

    In 2007, reported by sexy Prevention of diseases and promotion campaign,

    worm infection that occurs in children 6-12 years in Yogyakarta at 6.85%.

    Epidemiological studies have been conducted in almost all provinces of Indonesia,

    especially the school children and generally found high prevalence rates varied. The

    prevalence of worm infestation can be seen in table



    Prevalence Helminthiases In Some Propisi In Indonesia Year 2007

    Finally found kore Outcome analogy that the human environment contribute as a

    medium of transmission, from the library to search results no results on transmission

    media worm infestation.Research conducted by Cahyono, 2010, the traders of food

    vendors in the square wonosari yogyakara using cabbage vegetables as fresh

    vegetables, is derived as follows: There intestinal nematode egg contamination by

    38.89% on vegetables cabbage (Brassica oleracea) which are used as a vegetable raw

    vegetables at a food stall in the city Lesbian Gunung Wonosari Yogyakarta.Species of

    intestinal nematode eggs that contaminate vegetables cabbage (Brassica oleracea)

    which are used as a vegetable raw vegetables on the stalls in the city Lesbian Gunung

    Wonosari Yogyakarta, include species of eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides (50%),

    Hookworm (12.5%) and Trichuris trichiura ( 37.5%). 3). Infective forms of intestinal

    nematode egg species that contaminate vegetables cabbage Brassica oleracea) which

    are used as a vegetable raw vegetables at a food stall in the city Lesbian Gunung

    Wonosari Yogyakarta, is a form of infective eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides species.

    Another study by Sofiana, 2009, at an elementary school in Puskesmas in Yogyakarta

    in October to December 2009. Of the 211 subjects, 52 (24.6%) students suffering from

    intestinal worms and the vast majority were Trichusis trihiura, while Ascaris



    lumbricoides worms, while mixed infections of Trichuris trichiura and hookworm are

    very rare. The highest risk (2.8-fold) occurred among students who mempuyai

    dibandngkan finger nail biter with that does not have this habit [adjusted relative risk

    (RRA) = 2.80;95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.22 to 4.04].Subjects who did not wash

    their hands before eating or No. wash hands with soap after defecation had 2.2 times

    the risk for terinfeksicacingan.

    For detailed information such as worm infestation in the table below

    On district Kokap worm infestation in 2008 reported prevalence of 9.8%,

    (Puskesmas profile Kokap I, 2009). Another study in the area of Kulon Progo ever

    done for elementary school children in the region of Kulon Progo Kokap II conducted

    by Farisa, 2011. This study aims to determine the relationship between worm infection

    in elementary school children with anemia. Of the 400 children were taken stool

    12.75% (51 children) suffering from intestinal worms. Of the 51 children infected with

    Ascaris l 13.7%, 49.1% were infected with Trichuris T, 29.4% were infected with

    Ascaris and Trichuris mixture, 5.9% Trichris dah hookworm infection, and 1.9% were

    infected with three types of nematode worms. The results of these studies there was

    no association of anemia with the incidence of worm infection.



    Thus the simple result of a literature review and the results of that research is

    very limited, but hopefully able to contribute to the occurrence of intestinal worms in
