Worship Ministry Manual Jan. 2011

Worship Ministry Manual - Northstar Churchnorthstarcog.com/.../2011/04/NorthStarworshipministrymanual.pdfWorship Ministry Manual Jan. 2011. ... breakthrough comes. When a special event

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Ministry Manual

Jan. 2011

Ministry Manual


The Purpose of this manual is to introduce you to the ministry of Northstar Wor-ship. It is essential that everyone who desires to be a part of this ministry have a full understanding of the purpose, scope and direction of this ministry. Jesus said that before a person begins a work that he should count the cost. (Luke 14:27-28) We are asking you to count the cost of membership. True ministry is costly - it costs time, it costs energy. it costs prayer, it costs study of the Word and it costs finances.

As you give consideration to joining Northstar Worship, we ask that you do so carefully and prayerfully. If you become a part of this ministry, you will make a commitment to God, the Worship Pastor, and the members of Northstar Worship to give loyal and faithful service as long as you remain a member. The Lord takes such vows very seriously and so do we. (Ecc. 5:4-6) By the same token, the lead-ership of Northstar Worship and Northstar Church of God, makes a commitment to you to give the very best that we have to help you fulfill your calling for music and ministry.

On the following pages you will learn what Northstar Worship is all about. Read it carefully. Look up each scripture and read it. When you have finished you will have a much clearer picture of the ministry of Northstar Worship.


Northstar Worship is committed to excellence in music and excellence in ministry. These twin goals are two sides of the same coin - they cannot be separated. In every rehearsal we give attention to both aspects of our calling.

1, Excellence in Music -

We are committed to singing with good vocal technique, and playing with the highest standards of professionalism.

We are committed to producing a unified sound, both vocally and musically. When we blend together strengths are enhanced and weaknesses are covered.

We are committed to disciplined rehearsal. God’s call demands that we give our best in every rehearsal - we must be disciplined. Every note must be learned and every phrase must be in place.

We are committed to freedom in expression. What is in the heart can flow out un-inhibited IF the proper preparation has been made. We want to sing and play with abandon - holding nothing back. Only music which flows from the spirit of the performer will penetrate to the spirit of the listener.

2. Excellence in Ministry -

We are committed to ministry unto the Lord. The fountainhead of all our activities is worship - everything else that we do flows from that very source. We worship God because of who He is; we worship God because of what He has done; and we worship God because He is worthy of our worship. In all ways, at all times, and in every place, we will worship the Lord of Glory!

We are committed to ministry to one another. The truth is simple; we need each other. Sometimes we give ministry, sometimes we receive ministry, but in either case ministry begins with those who we are closest too.

We are committed to our local church. We are called to usher in a spirit of worship every time we lead the church in Praise and Worship.

We are committed to ministry to the lost. Our evangelism flows out of our worship. The Psalmist said, “Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name.” (Ps. 18:49)

We are committed to becoming men and women of God. We develop an intimate, loving relationship with God 1) through reading and obeying His Word, 2) by spending time in His presence in worship, prayer and quiet listening, and 3) through serving others.



We are committed to the concept of excellence in music. God has called us to be psalmist of honor, i.e., He wants our best. David, Israel’s sweet psalmist, played the harp skillfully. (1 Sam 16:16-18) We minister through music . If the music is bad, just mediocre, nobody is interested in hearing the message. Our practice and our times of preparation are spiritual offerings unto God. Hard work, discipline and faithfulness are the trinity of musical preparation, When we minister in music with skill, with unity, and with the anointing, God moves among His people. (2 Chr 5:11-14)

1. Rehearsals

Be on time. This is the first step of a disciplined life. The opening song is for a purpose - we can’t do God’s work without His presence. We invite His presence into our rehearsal. By the same token, the scripture and prayer is to build up the

body. Nothing else should go on during this time. Everyone must be present for this time of spiritual preparation.

Give your best effort at all times. Excellence is produced in the day to day mun-dane rehearsal times. There may be many days of drudgery, then suddenly the breakthrough comes. When a special event approaches, even the slacker wants to work hard, but it’s to late. (2 Tim 2:15)

2. Personal Preparation

You are personally responsible for learning and memorizing your part. When nec-essary you should take your music home and practice individually.


Without proper spiritual preparation the music will be simply noise. Preparation is both personal and corporate. Personal preparation is your responsibility, If you are to be effective in ministry you must spend time in prayer each day, you must spend time reading the Word each day, and you must be regular in your church attendance. Ministry will be the natural outgrowth of such a life. Without proper spiritual preparation you will not be a minister, you will be a performer.

1. Prayer - Some define prayer as “talking to God.” This is good as far as it goes, but prayer is also listening to God. Prayer may include meditating upon His Word, or simply sitting in His presence. Prayer is one of the key ways that we build rela-tionship with God. When the woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, she no doubt touched His prayer shawl. She knew the seat of His power - prayer. (Mk 5:25-34; Mt 17:15-21) If Jesus needed to pray while He was here on earth, how much more do we need to pray! The purpose is to build up the body - to pray for one another. You can only give what you have (Acts 3:6), these times of prayer are designed to build the reservoir of strength for ministry.

a, Prayer meetings - We meet every week before Sunday morning service to gather together and pray. This is crucial in bringing us together in one mind and one accord. This time give us the strength we need to usher in the presence of God. It is impossible to fulfill the calling of Northstar Worship without prayer. You are required to attend. If you have no interest in passionately seeking God in prayer, then you won’t enjoy Northstar Worship.

b. Personal prayer time - Without your own personal time with God this ministry will be very hard on you. You are joining a team that has a calling and a great pur-pose and preparing yourself and being filled with strength is needed to accomplish our vision.

2. The Word - “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” (Rom 10:17) A regimen of daily Bible reading is essential for spiritual growth. We rec-ommend the Life Journal reading plan. Each member will receive a Life Journal if

you don’t already own one. Our devotionals will be taken right out of our Life Jour-nals throughout the year. (Ps 119:11-13, Ps 119:89, Ps 119:172, Ps 1:1-3, Ps 19:7-14)

a. Just as it is impossible to be healthy without natural food, it is impossible to be spiritually healthy without spiritual food - the Word of God.

b. As you read the written word - the logos - pray that God will make it become the living word - the rhema - to your spirit.

c. God brings His Word to our remembrance as we witness of His grace. (John 14:26)

3. Church Attendance - Regular attendance is essential to your spiritual life. If you lay in bed on Sunday mornings that you aren’t on the Worship team, it weakens the witness, and even more importantly the integrity of your testimony.


1. God has given us protection. (Eph 6:11-18; Gen 15:1; Ps 34:7)

2. God has given us strong weapons. (2 Cor 10:3-6; Ps 149:6-9)

3. He has given us the authority of His name. (Mt 11:11-12; Mt 16:19; Mt 18:18)

4. He has given us power. (2 Tim 1:6-7; Mt 10:1; Mk 3:14-15; Mk 6:7; Lk 9:1; Lk 10:19-20; Lk 24:49; John 1:12)

5. He has called and commissioned us. (Acts 1:8; Rom 11:29)

6. He has gifted us. ( 1 Cor 12:4-13)

7. The greatest weapon - His love. (1 Cor 13)

D. A New Thing

God is doing a new thing in this generation. (Is. 42:8-9; Is 43:18-21; Ps 102:12-22)

1. A new anointing - The word of the Lord has been given to several people in this generation: “I want to give a new anointing. As the song goes forth the Holy Spirit will go forth in power to save, heal, and set free.” It is not the music or the song, it is the unlimited power of the Holy Spirit!

2. A new model for worship - David’s Tabernacle is being restored. When David brought the Ark back to Israel, he did not return to Gibeon where Moses’ Taberna-cle was pitched. He constructed a new tent at Jerusalem, Mount Zion. He ap-pointed Levites to minister before the Ark of the Lord, “to make petition, to give

thanks, and to praise the Lord, the God of Israel.” (1 Chr 16:4) In this generation God is using music in an unprecedented way - people are being saved and healed and set free during worship. What an exciting day for those who minister through music. (Am 9:11-15; Ac 15:16-18; 1 Chr 15:1-16;42; Ps 96)

3. A new release of power - The Lord is joining two great streams: 1) prayer, and 2) praise and worship. For the last few decades two great have moved forward - powerfully and separately. Now they are being joined together as God intended and with amazing results. (Rev 5:8)


A. Requirements for membership.

1. A born again Christian

2. A member of Northstar Church of God

3. A regular tither to Northstar Church of God

4. Faithfulness

5. Commitment to the Lord, and to ministry.

6. Music gifting

B. Initiation process.

1. Read the entire manual

2. Check off and initial the scriptures listed in the manual as you read them.

3. Sign the commitment pledge.

4. Faithfully attend every practice for one month (four weeks).

C. Installation

1. Consecration

a. Prayer of personal consecration

b. The Lord’s supper (Luke 20:19-20; 1 Cor 11:23-34)

c. Washing of the saints feet (John 13:4-17)


Prayer of dedication to the Lord, the ministry of Northstar Worship, and to one an-other.

3. Laying on of hands

1. Anointing with oil

2. Impartation of new anointing.


Jesus Christ is our example. He showed the way. We are to serve one another. The leadership is here to serve you. We are all members of the body of Christ. We need each-other. On any given day you may be in a position to be the “helper,” or you may be the “helpee.” Be ready to give, and be ready to receive,


I, _______________________ herby state that I have read and understand the North-star Ministry manual. I commit today to follow the guidelines contained in the manual to the best of my abilities, I will give my time, energy and support to this ministry because I believe in it’s vision.

I vow that I am a born again Christian and will faithful attend and support Northstar Church of God through my tithes and offerings.

I will attend required practices and prayer meetings as stated in the Northstar Wor-ship ministry manual.

I understand that if at anytime I, or the leadership, determine that I can’t fully fulfill the requirements listed in the manual, I may be asked to step down until the issue can be resolved.

Date _____ / ______ / ______


Your Name


Worship Pastor


Senior Pastor