Would YOU Change It? - shotpeener.com 1955... · On Tha Cour The Informal pkturt11 on th cove-r will gtve you a good Jd a or the spirit and mood of the Julianna Club An· nual PICmc

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On Tha Cour The Informal pkturt11 on th� cove-r

will gtve you a good Jd�a or the spirit and mood of the Julianna Club An· nual PICmc. The alfa1r was held h usual at Washington .,._rk 11'1 M•ch•glln C1ly, SaturdA-y, July 23.

The &lrl• d�lan!d a holldl:l)' for all diets as they pull� no purn:htt in thctr au�k on the temphn& food �prcad on the strv•na: lable. There was bakM ham, fried cllkken, pouuo and Man salad, pick!"' ohves. rolls. pte-, rotT� and pWlch.

You take ol\e hdpma, Tt1k� a .second, llopmg 10 heavi"M Tht>J,.II go unr�ckoned, Attd �u 1,0011'1 C'OVJJI 1llem, But r�M.ron poles AI the /tconduhReU OJ rhe btHhroom .scales/

Never mmd, W1nter will 1100n t-e h(!t(', and you can d1et all you want.

Afttr � food had partially settle1d, the �:aU were otT to the bc!ach and fun. Your photo�:rapher tned lO catch C\'eryone 1n a picture, but U he missed anyone, well-wert> you ever the only guy tryinc lO krM!p up w1th 40 gal$?

Ya Old Soh 011,:,.'!:'�� :', .. ��}·:;;:::;j 11'"��::.:'::'�,. o.":.�� ,:. ':::!,h�nlu Otordlil4i.dlprll•ltt�lllu-pkoi/flf,

Alld 4rf'<lll"'jod Oto.t drHMI U dUWrn 4o \'OIItN'I'"'I�aoJifp--.lll'IIU/II...,II,..)Iftl. w�n MOf�f'r relld 10 ... old u.ru • ...,.., IIIC.IIIf' ..... I:Oflln�f.,..mOiliiiUII.�r.!lold n-o,....,.,...Upoille'Jt'II"'"'·O'd.utofOCd'. -'""O'tl b)IOIII Ol'ld"HFird ...,..,

O..rdntroldlriolOd, lriiJilNomd 11'110!' Vra�. 'ul fl'llllllrc<f ._...,)'Oil OIOCII

W•llll'l-rrolllat"""'''"'"'"1111•-"""''"· WI •Ill If_.,. Moe h .... J1GU JroiJI .,.,...,. ""'"'-· To liar ot.lllf' ·--INII t'lcr- plllnr. N��;;�U:��::!r�d,.":;!:';'..;� Ll.lr"..;::;: ol ooor <'i'llldWI drHfJU. abo

1'orll.,..,oldfrWJWJ,IIftld!IIUio.klll. - D.l'.T.

Would YOU Change It? We t!'C'ently had tlw prwllegl" of

thattrn& wuh Nathan ShcJTcrmnn, na· uonally known labor relatton� per· wnality whose! work and darma m hill speecheJJ to both mana��:cment and labor hu created a new cyc:le of thou.s.ht in relation to this >mportant th..,me 10 Atn<-rlt'&n hfe_ Mt ShelTer· man Sl)('lllu lor many small o.nd li('Ver· al of the large!lt f\M1U1 as a representa· th•t! o[ Industry and 1s h•mSt>l! f:JCecU· U\'C Director of Labor Relation$ A;a,.

i()('llll� Inc. Yet he IJJ an indrvrdual as hi(lhly thouRht of tn labor crtcle!Ji as In thoM" of man.:r.gemcmL

AfiA'r talkmg vmh Mr. She1Jerman one ill unable to concewe of any �ne pl'rson doubllrq;: that our Anw:ncan 'YJIA!m of free enterprise ls the �� in the world One could wrtte a vol­ume on Mr. Shdf�rntan and the things he ft,;hu for, but spat.'C doe11 not pl'r· mtl. Here, briefly, is wh�t he 11 •trw· rna to lmpre�s upon u many Amerr­eaM u pouible:

"Pr1vate enpttahsm has .:r.lwayl OOcn supl'nOI' to state! cap1taham �n produt"-

COMPANY CHANGES NAME By the tl� you �ad this, our eor·

pOtation name. Amet1c$1n Wheclabra­tor & Equ1ptnent Corporaoon, wrll h a v � b e e n off1dally ch•ng<!!d to WIIEELABRATOR CORPORATION Thb doe� not anect the owne!'lhtp, Opt"rDlJOO or managemtnt or the Com· pany In any way.

inc und m�>rkctmg goods. and promot­'"1 gencr11l w�ll·beilll Wrlh leu \.han aevl'n J)l'I'Cent of the ���rth's popula­tion. we tu:n·e crelltcd more ...,-e•lth that� the rcst of the 2 b1lllon people on thf:' ('arth . , v.·r should be llratc­ful lor our bl�mgs wht:!n v.·c oon­srd"'r that more po_-oplr 10 other pam of the world h�<c m huts of 6traw and roots thnn m a n y othertypocofll�ltcr

"Mort people all over the "''Orld tra�:cl on the!lr own fttt or on the bAck$ of lmllll anrm.:r.ls hke the burro than rn any o\.her fbh1on hl"re WI:' hAve! a t'ar fort!Ve!ry four pc-oplt>. More people all over the world, ex«"pl hNe, hve! I'I'Uhout the ht'lp oC a doctor whcm they ran ill. Mort' moth�n: all O\'t'r the world. except here, 111-atc:h chrl­dnon d11.' befor�: rt':u:hmg maturity

Am�rlcan Industry has brought the h1(lh�t �tandord of hvtnJ tnto the world d ue to frl't' labor, lndl\'rdual enterprise! in a hl&hly competih"e C'C'Onomy, �urase. ingenuity. JnrtiA· u,·e 1md n�k·takn>K by lcadt'rt of flnliiiCt'. comn\etec! and JaboT."

Otd )'I:Ju ever won.dl"r about the mea.ntng of thc pynm1d and thr eye abovc ll. on the back of a dollar bill' '11M' p) ranud aymbohus the atrrngth of the un1on of ala It'� which make up our land The! top or the pyramrd 1s un· finuhed, m<.'anlng then! is IIIII work to be done to make our llyatcm cvt'n better. The eye 1hlnds fllr the all-1ieetn4 Cod, Suprt'me Burld�·r or the uni\'('�.


Cumulation Through Cumulation June 30 Through $175,939 June 30


Mechanica l Giant Hurls 8 TONS of Shot per Minute!

l)orln�t the pmst jC,VC"I"III )'t'lf'll tlwrco has IW"C'n • dec1ded Up$Utle m the •t«.�l tndu•try toward m«hamclll d«. >eahnc of hot rolled product. "'"P· ..twoc.>t, bar. Wltl' rod. J.la� and b1llt't nus •• not only dllt' to the- fact that ptckh� "'" f'llhM" br «"''� Of' cohm•natcod ent•rt>ly, but fw othe-r �110-. 1l ha:J, brc!n found lhllt pla1n hot rollf'd &�ll'a.n ncnr.· br u"'l'd wh(>r'(' hot roll<'d p1ckkd and o•l('(! .,t'rt' necrouary Wfor�t the met'hanieal p�• Mt'lll dNned by th1s nt'VIf't proct'U 1.1 round to C'Old rolland draw,

A�rulve Dlvlslu Muts 11 Ho•e Office

All rm:mb•:" of our J\tw..1u Oni· 100 m('l J"ff't'Oti)" In tht' Homt' Qn�

Th•·>· art' hown here 1ft the (.'(\tlft'r· t'll«' room 5<.-ated, lt'rt to rl,;ht, are C:t"uru l'hff, Atrred "Rkk'' Childs, Jr., llllrold Hillman and Koy lillY• '<'Orth, Jr. Standmg, In tMJamt' order, •rt' Hill Suthc>riJnd. Gewa:e Sp;arh,

John Oe Gro.t. Jobn l'loon.an, lA-O O'Hrlt'n, J�li: lbn.wn. Ji111 lhntn and John J.tatd�Hl. Jr.

1md work better in lft'nt-ral than ml"tftl that hu bcoen pickled only

RK-oatn•:lmJ th•• tnmd, our c:ompany 111 taktnl cov•ry �van'-lf' of 11 by de­

''"'"1 and bulld•nl machlnN to lulndlll" any probk-m wh..-h ma1ht arut" an On.s vtil 8rki t�or exampk', 11M! laf'J""'llnft'han.:al IMwtllt'rt'\C'r m.adt' ., .. ansta.llrd 1n tho- null of Empal"i" SlN-1 Company, M•n�ld, Otuo "Mm Wtu•t"labrator Sptt1al Cabmt't 11 equ1ppt.>d "'11h II v.ht"C'b., t'IM"h nlpa· ble of hurhnt 1,000 pound• ofabn�i\'t' pt>r minute ror a tol111 of t-llhl ton:��.

Tht' ovt'rlll Jen«th of th1s 11ant IS 6� f<'<!l ll wall handte steel �tnp 24� to $4• 1ft wadlh at the rate of 250 fet>t ptr minute J*o.•lnl thf1)U.J.h. Ellbt of lht' wtw.Lii ll'f' poat!OIWd abcwe, •nd t"llhL btiO'<', lJ\t- •tnp, � th.at both ••<k• o1 t� won _.,11 McJH.ncod at ont'C' 1'1w wtwo.labntor SPK._I Cab1t1t't a• PI" of a rompk'tt'ly auto­maiM; ct-::ahn,: hnc' H) ft"C't an knclh

Comph;:una thl� hu� 11\Slallaoon 11 • Wh('('labrator Du•tubr Coii«IOr for ,-cntttaunc thl' Wheelabrator

HOW to Win Word C'OnV'I that OM of our Whft-1·

abrator follu �ntiY •on a It"" Mo­

torola tolor TV ""' at thf' annual Dr· troll t'oundrymt'n't ouhnlt The luc-kY

ft>liO"" ••• Gordon �oud" Ur)'ant,

D1 trkt M��ona1wr of lhc ONro1t Ofhc� The pll·turc twrt' Is prt'UY �ood au­

thorhr th41 Bud rt-ally DID w1n the

TV \d. but IIOW h• turl"'«< tiK' lt1tk 11 110mNhllll tiM• Tho'i(' or us who

kno��o Bud rllht-r v.ell nuaht haH! t.Omc- que t1on� on «ruun lbPt"Ct� or

h ... ""'otory.• �� hnl' 11 t.J tn hu o•n


•·You unck-ntancl of coune. •·h1� I

•on Oua TV W't. It 'a'IU lhc.o n!SUII ot

a ahrr'Oiod anahu. cot a pc"'b�m •nth \tW u�l �U'OII oft\.;(• :10hd C'r\&IM'C''I'·

1n1 ap�h � p«<b�m •·u to 1..,_ lhft •ralht of a M�btc foot of

-.haktoUt ,..nd froM a 11wr1 foundry

Know Your Profit Sharing Plan!

Q. H I dit' bt"lOrt' I t�Eiirt', v. hat ho.ppeM to my �:Itt' in Ole Tr�l ..... d!

A Your • •llrY .haft: '" lhot" 1'fu-!;t t'und ... u br � )d to ttw- brfK'Ikl· ar)' )' OU h.a\'(' dHI111:na� « d you ha\'(' not nanwd a �Rctary ""hO u. then hvtnc. 10 your C"'Uit'

Q. U I do not �lirf' at :a,t' Cl nuy I ro•tln- 10 m1•e paymt'nb and ,hJort' M"drr the Tru!>l f"und!

A l'f"'

Q. Oo I r«eh·r lii"Y twnelll'J front the 1'ru't 1-'u11d If I 1111 temporarily cuntt'd aiUH!ofrabsr:nce!

A VM pro\·ldtnl thot" Company of·

fklally ���:ranlS you a lt"'l\'t' or .� �ncf' for mlhtary ..,.rvl«', kmpor•

81'7 dt.abthty or otMr aood cau.M' Durtnl authonud �'�of ahwnn­

)'OU Will not bot" r«itl.ll� or pf't• matwd to ck.-,at .. , ani!''!. In tM Tru t Fund. but )'01.1 w1ll parltc't•

��· tn \he Com�y's ('(ll'llrabu·

t .. •n for 81\Y , . ....,. durtnC ..-h��:h you

r�l\t'd C'(NIIpenA\101\, and your

ac"C''Unl v.·tll be cn."dalt'd or ckbawel v.·tth )'OUr' propt'rllha�Ofn<'l.ant·

Q. DO I ""''"'"' --� a P;artle'l�nt of lM Pb" b IOftlll: a!lo 1 am t'mployt"d, afttr tu'lnc -c joh1t"d!

A y, t h t'mPIO)('(' •M � br­('(>'T" a t•art>< opanl m 1M Plan C'OI'I·

t>nYo. t4 tw • I'Jirtlo<'•patll dunnlt I� t RlH\C prrtod t>f t'MPIO)·mrnl

v.;h� tho. r tor""'' hot dt·plll'tl>l or ('(In·

IIR'-"' \0 lhp(lll .. \U\1 In tht_ TN I f'und

(l, l)o I hill\f 10 Q\1' In ordl'f to p:t.r· UdtJ.tll" ht thr l'lo.n!

A No. thr tlhm I d1· t)tn� to ,·1\able

auy •·mp!O}� to JOin th1: Plall and partatop;,ih' tn thl· bt•nt'ftl., wheWr

h\· 1<01H1 or nut 'nw Plan lA not 1n

t"ndo-d to ptnah'" • J'Oirtto:Jpilfll

v.;ho throuae.h fOI'I'il' 1,1nfoctun.at•· car­

nom U.lk"':" u unablot" to N\C part

cot h • rompr�t.on If you an tn

d"' l1'1an but •ft' not N\'IRII' \OU

a"' t\111 • !I'M'mbtr and v.;tll par·

tlt·plllt' 1n W ComJMn�'' ('Ofl\n· butKom to tht- Tru t t'und ..nd an

lhfo prn1n111:1 of tht- Tfu I .'\and ap­

phUbl� to )·our a«QUnt

a TV Set ac-t'OUI matt'rl&l thrn addrd 10 pound 8 our�N·• f()f' an t 11matcod S .. mot�tu«' ('()rl!tl•l aM raiTM' up ""'th a

fll:ut\' or 64 pc..u!1d, t. ou .... _.., .... ''"11Hs ft�tun ..... ,..,nfirJT��.>d b)' the

fDt\ th\111 II )II,Jj)Jlt'llt-d 10 bt• 1}\(' (("3d

11\f: on my f>C'"'tlt•rtWit·r at tlw tmtot"

Tiw !«"lual wt·lllhl of tht• I f'Ubtl' foot

..ample' turn•'(! out 10 bt· 66 pnund� 4 oun•>t·• v. hKh v. a tuldouhu.-d.ly duc:o 10

the f<N."I thott th(·n· ...,.l"'hlll:hlly � mm IUIT than I h.;od ltJI:Uf(-d on In

dd,·nto�ll)' •""' � 11y tht: 4� foundn·

m.-n ti'K-r..· rantrd frN"n 4 pound to

ID poun•l I th•llk tht-•· tv.o e'l:

ln'-1 v.tn.• \>\ p�.on.h.altR#; •a:.,fll • Wtth thb h•rmulot p11 <"d alon•

r:rahs ,,, Uud v.l' t'llpl't1. utht"'' \\"ho..�l­abrator �k to ta..h tn Oft \ar-

WhHIIbr•tor Folh on tho Job

tA VUNl uuon. �� n .... c­._. M - · ,. ,__.,, lUI .. �-�MIIoM ..,. ..., ... j.,._o-, .......... ,_ ........ � -- · · .... .. _ ... ,...._ .. _ ... _ _., __ ............... -.4 .... _ ... ,_ . ......... .... .... .

... . _..... .......... ___ .. ,. • ., .... .,_Oot'/'f. ....... ........ .......................................

__ , ........ ��o-

FACT or Fallacy? t:n•ry day IH! ht'ar romln('nt1 or

dlsc:union1 conrt'rn•nl d1e-ts and r�loril"S. and the•r l"f'la tlon&hlp to our lft"lknl he.lth w._. oftt'f\ lll.th('r our •nformatKm frum IOUn:a ll'h.eh a"' m&�IHdtnl and unrf'hablt-. Below a"' 11 ftw qu�Hvl\l w1th answtn which rt�aY ..-ult' IOmf' doubu "' your mtnd. IIN'l' thot antWH"J: att,m from autbo­ntali\ .. IOUtftt

Is Mftf d:oppi•" • lfOOd pn&d�C1: !or _,"rurt•chtd!OI'"'

No. It Is pnctkally 1�bk- to h.a"" • d�rt adrqu:.te for Jood hNith unl� ttu-«- mf'ala •� e.h"n daily. lklearch ltud� &how lhat people who eet \hrt't' rq��ular mt"ala eadi day rt'du« mort' t'OS•Iy, have lr'Nll'r re­$1tlllnt"t to fiiiiiiU'l' al'\d are mort' al�rt and ('fJ].('h"nt.

Do /ntll JIHC"I "ham•" CGI01"1f'l1 v ._ ... t�rult )ul«-� C(lntaln the natural

•ugara of th<' or11dnal rruu and may lulve tuaar added bt-fore cannma or trerzlnl- A h1r•e &II.M (I oz.• of fi'Hh ounce Juu:e will yil'ld about 10 nlurlft. If lwt'tttnfd nnn«l Jo� b 1&!«1. thf- c:•k>rltt would amount to 100« ITton'

b tocur �., feUt"lflllf llan brf'lld"' No. A IIK't ot bftoM, tout«! or not.

Ylt'kll lhf' •me n!,lmbt'-r of c-alon('S. Ta.•l•na tkl8 JK�t ft'd� calories. but It does fed� moJSIUR". 1ben!fore,

Wallace, Crissler & Wallace, Inc. To 0.0.. of you who ha� not mf't

lbt:m. thiJ wtll lntt"'d!M'e anothe-r ot the- maR)' family �lftll at �t.bn­tor It W suit a dtfrC'rcont t'Omb&natJon than thok -.·e ht�t Wlfd m tM put. and the! q"' lt'\"t!l 11 abo �r

Bar•ara Wallaee, Parts SerYICC', work� part tlmt' for r W Wool­••orth Company before ('Om inc here 1n September, 11»4)_ llcr tint JOb was typinl "8" lnvol«t for /'tl:uy Gcllbil, B11lina llcr abler, ltosemary Mcln­tyrt', who workt'd �n 0111101 from lH6 until lt$0 htd Nktd 0Arbara to C'Ome '" to Rt- about t� Job SM cot the Job and tla)'� on �� unt 1l �mber, lt$3, whcon ahco •·u traNfC'rn<l to Parts SofO't«" O.rban� ty� ro,..._ pondf'� for Paul �lyt:n; .-orU on quot.attoru and � kttl'n for Okk f'eMka; ltd\•1..- nllll4)mt,rs or slupp.na JWOmllft for P111t lbrt'flidr.. She! -marr� 1n May, lt$3 to D<Off \\'all�.

toaJ<t ll not )(',. fattl'mntt than the b�d from whkh 11 1.t made- un!H:S 11 b "burnt" t011st

Do all /ood.l ''""' IO /at'' m aorne �pl ...

No P�l'-' attUITIUIAte body fat or mcrea.M in weiRht whc11 ttw! calor•e vaiiH' of Uw.> d1t.•t ""C'ft'ds the body fM."«< for calor� �h individual'• MCd for calor'"- Is cktcrml� by many factors On.. of t..M mo.t �.m­�nt �;� phJ'IIOI Roetl\'lty. It IS only the- food Nl� '" ueftf ot calorte­� that •·turN to taL"

A� t>•lru fn�•l• ·and·/orwu"" .. '" thr boodw"'

No C•tnll fnuu an- acid tn �•r WIJ.inalltale Aftt'"rd•lettw.on and ftnal use by the body Cl'lb, fruits are chlnxec:t '" cht.•mJcal form and )('aft' an alk.ahm- rr111duf' In the blood 11nd tiU�1et,

Can vlfan1111 p1llf rf'place IIAU&rolli /oodA'

No. Nutrlt•e>n al.lthorstlee a .. r� that foods al"i! thf' �� IOU I'« of v•tamuu. Natunl foods «>fltaln many otht:r nu· trw,nts as well ., v•tamtna: Vttamlt\1 as pills or tr. othf-r for-m. arf' valuable add.JIIons lO dlf'U of Infants. erowmg ch 1 ld r e n. f'XPt-ttant and nunan& mothen., conva�nll and persons w1th apM"IIII c-ond•lloru. A phy��n�on aboukl prHtnbf' lM vtt.amU\1 � 11M'no It no oomp14'tlf' 1ubsututf' for the! C'Omb1naUon of foods that make an adequate! d�rt

But.n's .... tu, N•..cy Crilmer, � �tan u Maal C1rl on a part tame- baP5 m Au.:ust. 11$3 nua wu a dllf' a,caan of-- &lrl tC'Ihna anothrr,R asNanry C"anw MH! at the •u.ccm•on of �r­bua. She be�tan workan« full tune m Ft>bru.f.J'Y, 1$)4 ., Te�tYPf' O�n.tor llt'r �nt job 11 on 1� Card:atyl)f! Nai\C"y iJI a ITIO\'It' and lpot'll ('1\lhUJt• ast and hkH lO try htor aklll at bak1n1 Nancy it from a Rn• fam,Jy of ••x­g!rls and thr«> boy•

Hob Wallatr., UArbara'l hu�band, worU u an Order F"1llcr m the Stock Room. lie worked for 8 &. C Con· s-truf'tion Company btofore 1tart1n1 her� m Apr.! of th.- )'Nr Bob .., a qu�t �of ft-llow, but ,., •• did man· a� to KN orw ra:�wn from hiM. Althol.l&h lw ta ratMr M'W �� M AY' that "'thta .. a nt«" plKe to WOf'"k. � Wr *Cr'M With lhat,and •-ould bke lo add that Bob ll l.n a pnoUy �n,ao pl-� r1.1ht ht-� '" lhtt pM:"lUn!

.IAMU 'UUI&ll, s-1 ,....,. ...... -'.loof '- AWKO lol ......... lUI ...... . _, w. ...... ....., ... .., .,..._. "'--f" ...... c..,..._ M-.A . .. .. ... _...._. ..... _ _._....,_..... __ -...,.,..,.. .. �-c.......w.&.-w _. .... _......_ ,... ....... _. flf .... __ ......_..., .... -'-11 .. ... _

ifhe Passing Parade Golf Greotttc of Wheelabr1tor

Sc,o, ton folk• from Wh«olabr��tor bet· tert'd lhl' KOn.l' (72) or Ed f'ur1ol. U. S Open Golf Champion, on Na· uonal GoU Day 1n June. Pr�s from the tourn1mc-nt weriD turned ovt'r to American Red Crot� and other worthwhl� �UI8.

W1th tht'lf total, handic-ap ond mot h"ted tn that orMr, follow•n• ar-e the Wt'lftilbfltor Wlftrvn: l..ell l.Ht�r.l2· 22-12; CluK'III Boob. ?S..a.-6$; Arak �h:lni,I0-11-G; Ocnn.l"' Ulnaltra�&�b, 81·21-M. J.tln h.-.. wsll.l, IO..lt-'l'O, \\'all (bl;re'IIII"N.l, 7f..f.-70,Joe Kunutt· nln,KZI-71

Our b•rth c::onautul•tions th1s month 10 lO Mr and Mrs. Woodrow Cutc::r al� tho K..I.J \'IIW'Hit family On May 27, 11 'Itt AS a boY, Gary, to the VmC't'nU. al'ld a a•rl, Pamela Mane, on JuM 0, to the Carters.

Wt'ddlna l'OnlratuluionJ arc In order tor Ralph l'lall and Margawt Vat"- who ""'""' murled on the 28th

PAIADt HII'OIIIt(H 0� 1!¥"'"'•9 "_,._ c; ... Jii'UJU!MSIIOII .\"lQC'II HIM"' lh...-noo ooar--t.U>< ro.t...tr11 K,. .... u-sc•ellllot ,. .... , s .. MAt<:ttrrn: Slul 811.011 Mun• G-o;oo.


of Junt' ae.t of IUII!k to both of you and -..·to ""l� you man)' yH.rs of hap­P� t�et.hH"

\'lr-.:11 l':ppe1'Mft and fatruly "-"'f' movt'd t.ck to Mt\hawak.a from South Bend II� .. ,� h .. �alOft tor mo,·•na: .,. to M ""'"'r to •·ork Wt"� &lad t o "-'"� y o u bM" k 1 f t ou r nt)' �n. Vartll

Our1e "\Yhtonsln Klncflsher-" Lynn ldt on a ",.h�n1 tnp to W1K()t\· 1m In hiR nt'W Mertury. If ht caught as many 1\t.h nt plannNI you Qthtr folks mtkht b well c•n• up youndeu ofatoodUI.(b, for the only on�you"ll

n... ,..._.. ., .. tolo- .t DlUOH toUUCIC. ltMI � - .. ...., t>f ... .....,__ .__...tot tdaw �- ........... -- ..... .,h.._ ... .,._�

o-.� ................ � . •• .,., , .-4 .......... _t...,-_., ... _ M.,.&- .. _ ..................................... ...-..._ ... ...,. ... -� • .__ .. ...,.....-4�•11io* .... .tW..-Ioo .. ....,._, T_ ...... _ ................. �

c:alch up thtre a"' lhC' onn ke threw l>oclL

AmNIUn Soclt'l)' of M�hanlcal &ncmeers ha• tntuatcd a project c ovtrma fundomtntol• of pC"rfonn­an«" of eii\U<'nl atr and 11•• clnn•nl tqulpmtnt. 1\ IICC"Uonal comm•ll"' has t!Hn forme-d 10 dc\·elop fltandarcb on the tlUbJ�I AI ilf rt"prftlf:ntaiiV� 10 th•• commllt� m. •·oundry Equip-­ment Manuf-.:turcn A.-.octallon bu appotn\.td Koltut Prln1. Ttochn�al 0trt"C:t.or of our Ou.t II t\unt D•', 10n Amtf'K'an f"oundryft"'f''\'• Soat-ty hu abo appotntH Uob to rtprt:ttnt t�

Dolfi know )"t't 1M '""lu of � "bi& on•lauaht" b)' the f"oundr)' Ana� up around llaward, W�ie'OO· 1110 f're4dl� 81-.bop, Dt'I!Kri Klaney and CafOI Shlull\&ll (')aim that tomf!

WhMiabrator Folks on the Job

lttNAitO II.IOHIWiftt•. S...-1 � (N .... t.l. ... .....,. ... .., AWICO .. ........... 19)1 •••• ,. ••• , .. .... '"""'"'" ... c..a,.- .. ...,.c:.,...--.... ,.. ....... _ .. ........ -..... _ _ .._ _... ... .. . ...... .. - ....,_ ............... _ ..... .................. a.. • ..-. ..........,.._....-4 .......

WltWO ._'"- � .,._, ._ ............ .-..�,ltSl'­.....tr""tr.M�..tfeo...,._tt... �" M'ot"k,...._ol...., ,_. ,....r.-4 .. , ,.,. c.., .. , "• .. _..,. ..... �wo . . ..... tl ......... . � ................... � . . .... , . ... " ,.,..., ...., .. If .... ,... ._. wlltth --� .. - .. -.-.

or ow 1\ah \ned to chue w boilu oft' lhco lake llt'&rd that .. BoUle U.. .. •fff' "'•lly h•lllftl and lh8t Carol n!Aiht the bnut.

lto•ard tiPk WH" Sh�fu, Ma.rhll\4" Shop, and Jdr&. Sh.a!..-:r vat>atwnt'd 1n Wa h•ncton, o.c

Hob Olbben.s. Stock RooM, nnut hnt> rovf'red most of Flonda on h\1 vanuon lit! 18)'S. .. You name 1t and 1 "'u th��·

('bl� Wllsen, M.ad\Jrw Shop t'_.. � fn��:htsl, vanuorwd at r.w r.w Lak«>. h1 umlftH' p�

Mr and Mn. Louis Cook�, Jr,. I'R· t�l"t.alnf'd Mrs. Cook•�·· �rr:nu: tt\4" wN!k or July 4th The J«<nd ,..N!k or thrtr va�llllon was a�nt m Kentuc:k)'

Good·By •nd Good Lwdc To lht follow•nt: vrls who lco rt UJ

n<-tntly afler several yean of faith� ful�trvK'It· \'lrclnb \'edu.Saan. wbo � to Wheoelabntor In Apral, 11Hl, �-- St .... biM. Bllhn& who alarkd in

Septt'mber, IIMI, AI•• llue.-.•er. Ou"lt & •"\lme. who bqan 1n .luM, liM; lkryl Pled••di.I,C:O..t, ••hoc-*me akMl,: .lanuaf')', JMI lfopt" •·t' haven't ""aseda.nyonoel.nthJstt.�

Also leavtnJ lo rcoUrt' 111 Guard l.erra t1Vicr. Lorm hu bt-t'n wnh lhl' com· p;�ny ••nee April, 1&42.

Louie Dowdy and nyron Willian� are now sporun.a butch halrl'"uts. and Mve been n.med Shaktout T-..·1ns.. 'Jbcoy are rcoal �t'OOI"" ln all Ow hee&t.

Job• Lalli, S'AIRI Crindl'r, has rt-nted a traJI4!r to hC'ad northw·rort to'A-.rd Lakl' Centva. Wt�n. Tins uon't too far, but could �m to be- • lon1 way w•ith a lnll�r hooked onto the r(!ar end or • blcyC'I�.

On lhl.' tui>Jf!oel of vacation� Bob Hror:khoft', Plant No Z. t�nt hb va­tallon in Pl.tubur&h

Ror Guilt hu jou\ed lhco Whftl.a· bntor t'amll,. and Is •-otkanc al'l the F�ndry Lab RoY's mot.ht-r ._ "'t>ll known to many ptOp� u W til a 1r1t1nber or Jduhawaka School BMJ'Cl.

As usual � Juhanna Club annual p1c-mc at Wuhlnaton Park. M•c-h1aan City, was I IUC'WU �oocl t'OI"nP"ftY -plenty to cal. l'tt E\'et,vbOdy att •· pl�nty

l'bU JUJ.Lnt. Machlnt' Shop. and wlft' 5K'ftt theu vacation luh1n1 '"up


P,tWII. Mrttl, ,_ .......... wM­..,.......,�--�lt41 .................... _.. ... ,.. ......... , .... t ..... ., ..... , ... o.Mt1.. Ke lt. ..... ........ ,.._ .... �... ,_ . .... ........ � ......... -,_.-�. P...!k-w.Hto .. _,...... """'"" , .... ....... "' ... , ......... ...

.,.. ....... .. w. ...... ...... _"" -ot·...W�t ... _ . . � .. ..... ..... R�te ....... , .......... ...... . ..... ........... .....,.. ........... .... ,.....,......., , ..... . ......... _ .. ... - ...... oA ·"-""* J..,_

l-' ......... OOH 'IAJol OOT14MO..-" tiN. liolou -• -'M W"r .,.._ .. '' ......... a...• .... _ ...... ... ....... . 1(. fiiC..Ito& .... ....,.._... ..... .....,._'"' ............. � ....... . ..... n.. ..... .. .. ...., ................. . _..,_..."'""'-........ ......._

"Bill"- a Versatile Hobbyist Francis "'IIIII" Gebt, S*l Shop

Wrkkr, u CNW pc'l'won ..-e know who nc,.�, hu liMe to � bond. He has not one hobby but se'�l Prob­ably h11 two favontes are akctc:hl�t� •nd rnak•na .r\llk:••l batts.

8•11 uya he 1tarted makm& "'-Its benust" mc»t ol lhe onH hot' n� for htJ own UH y.·e� too latce for ftstlinc 1n lh11 .,__ n-.� he bepn maJuq etrQ.II\ b111U at the IUIIN· t 1 o n of has fr1�ck. After IIHIRI wt..t he could do lh<'Y had him make up 10me for them. Other ordert came from fishcr�n wh014! fa\•orlte plua• Md b«ome damaged and wrre no Jonler on thto INirkel. 10 11 Ill'., up to B1llto makc�

Rqa.nhnc tools Mel equipment ht AYS that he � a pod sharp poc:kct

knife, undplper. a M'lfft•on of &ood cnamc"l, lnblc books and CY"o "What )"01.1 �Ow"""'' oilS patH'� ... Bill rtmarb

As for h�t art work, 8•11 UY!I he has l»H-n dolna that ·-as lo ne u I un �­member. tond I ftnd it enJ�yable end nolu:•nc" Ills tools aM" a Rltctton of 110ft ptfl('llt. Pf'R. 1nk, htbocrapb pen· t"IIA. t":k' To om. form ll bulc and <"Oior 11 �ry • .to black and .,.-h•� lJ wh-at � works in � tly llco N$ done" � p&unl.nJ but ttau-. that � dOH not aet as much s.u.dact1on fr(IM this medium.

811l's tUbJtoct mattr-r Is qu11� variN. -an1mlill. th1ps. plane.. land..JaJ)C"S and h\IMIII\L lie AYI that althoueh ht has c1oew- \�ry !Itt� tom�rcaally -.·•th hlt art, hr' hopH II Will bt dJf. fe�nt � of these> da)'S.

From Assembler to Steel Shop Foreman

We Knew Him When

MARY POWEll .Man Powf!ll eame to work for the

Company In January, 1137. l:>revlous to that he had WOf'ked u auto �· c:hank-. JUs Ant job htre wu on T\tm· bla5t Assembly lAlft' he •'U made Croup �r In lt47 he wu pro. moled to his prewnt po��uon. WMn Marv Wt.J on AJtembly he was J•ven the �ob of workina on m01l or the ma· c:hlnes whieh were to be exhibited at lnd�&tlrlaJ 5t\oWf;.

GET the MOST from YOUR


Thc:rc- an! timet when It 1.$ un· portent for ut to C'Oilt\lll the I<)('Jal «'<'l.lr•tY om� lie-N' ·� thrc:-r 0('('11· ttOnt upon .. )uc-h II C"'Uid be> t'Speo('IAI· ly 110 1f -.e are ('Oft('t'rrwd an f"C'C'("IV· IJ\I m.x1mum bt'nc:-flla under the pro. vu.�nnaoltheac:t

l.IY YOU ARE 0181-\PLt'..:O BEf"OK£ AGE 15 tr dJ,..bllity occ:un that prt'ventt )'OUr worlun& at all ror an m<k'ftmtC' hnw. alter you ha,·e bN-fl recularly t-mplo� 1n 'III."Ork C'O\f"f't'd by soeaal IC'('Urll,1. �:et an touch •·•lh your so­c:aal K'<:unty � You may ......ta to apPly t o ha\·e your earnln_, ac:· count frozen to pro\('('t your be-nl.'th riJhL

Whfon you are 65. IC't an touch w1th your aoc:aal K'("unty oMt:c! promptl y fOf' anronnauon about your .uc-... 1 secun1,1 ridlts. H your t'llm•n,.. from all types of employment a� not mort! than $%080 a year, or 1f th�ft' lire c\-'t'n 111 fi.'W month$ wh<-n you do not work aft('r you an' 65 y�rt or qe. you may bt ehJiblt­for IIOIYH' paymenu.. WtM:-n )"OU read\ a� 72, )"01.1 5hould eheoek t"� If you � aull tully t-mploy..t. If you a.,. 1ruurN. bc-:nt'fttt arl! payabko at 72 T"C'IOrdlbt of whc:othlf'r you are ,.orlunc.


Aftt'r the dN.th ot a penon whow 'III.Of'lil wu CO\""C'i8 by .oaal s.rc-ur· tty, IOfTioe m('mbrr of hiS famtly ahould anquare promptly at the nt-<��Tt'St .ocial Sl'C"Urtty office to team �f aurv•v oN btonents •� payable.

Your nea�t IOt"l&l 11«\lr••Y omct lalocatC'Ciat IHI Ebt JtJfc.'"f*lft Boule vwd, South Bend.

To lht' man who d� not v<tlue 11ftlt', lt't 1M h.and a •tnlchllhot: Soon your <>pportum\K"$ wtll bt-ILnlO IH�otn, )"our ablltl� to be dU('()Unltd, your ambi­I)Oft wall ,-row lf'"M and � and the .....-t ,-.lu.ablt' Ulid yuu ha\"C', tune, Will bt'a1n to aenn -. 5hort that you will &N ovt'ranxloua about your aitua­tlo n, and in your arc:oat anxilf'ty to do sonwthmc you w111 do nuthinc.

"There'll Come A Day ... "

v.htn alarm C"IGC:'k.�o and 11m1: dOt'"k� Will """�' lo ix' a part of your d:uly routu\1' Your 11m•• w•ll be- your own to do >A •th 111 you pleal'C W1ll ;.ou lK' n·ady to dcrl\'l' tht· ma:'lllmum b.-ndlt from )'Oo,Jr rC>Iirl!nocnt'" Wh\'lht'r thlo J)('flod 14 10. 20 Of' 30 )'e"'lU'll dHUII\\ makn hult> d•n""'�- J�t .o lon• a v.r an m.k•n.: our plans for''

In talk•"« "'''h �C'rlll n-tu-�d folk ••u· 6nd that �•r aftn-work )Un. do prnd upon \'anou• fac"tun If Uwy an to � rNIII>· kappy l�bably lht­''' 1 �ldtf'IUlOn B f�um from nn .. n..·aal \\-Otl"Jh That " .. hy 11 •• IMIJ()t'tlnt !hat all ofld ... hOllld t'J'IJ;I�•· In "'int' Jo.)'JI('MOIIIC ITK'lhod Uf .a\'lnJC• Whl·n Wl' lll"(' �till On lh{" JOb Nl')C\ In •mporta•�rt·e I• lh<- M'C'� 11y or ho\•lnlll 1 homo: poud for v.h1·n n:-t•r�nK'Ill """'"'

AhH t.ollun,c "''th lhr.e old\(',_ I hao\<" ..._and ._ hk•n« for tk. IC'nt'l ·r�t•rf'm('nt,• .-luch •uii!IIC'Jh th•t

UNION OFFICERS MEET \\';· h..d .-antt'd f« •1'1'1(' !In» to

Jt\ a l:•t.up podun< of wr 1,11\uon vf· rln•r Kf.,.·tntly tbr opportunll� ptl" i.RII<d ll'l.•lf a tht-.)- j[llllht'rt-d f or R ""'·llnJI II\ 1\h K:ay Sl�lt'. (ilrnn f'ul· mf'r 1• l'n· trknt and C;arol .Shlrt'nllln 1• V�tT l'n•�tknL

&<!It'd INX.tnd tht' UJbl<'. kh to ra��:hl. ah· Elmt'r Ryrd, (';��lvln Kf'Uy, f'11rol l!ohlrrnun, (a('nn f'uiiU('r. Wal. lt'r �hoolt'), l)tm;otld 1.;� 1'1.tf't'. \hl­lt'r lltl..rr. Ab -"'t from t� mt"t"ttna a a. C�l'l'ltU�rn.an. Ct•t•' Gurlt'y.

wlt(on you lt'IH' your work )'OU mu•l of!kY�•lY I� do""n It'd b«-onw •n­lkh\C" w� l•k(: to lh•nk or t� lawr ) i"ttr.& a_, a ptnod of ltam.fonna.twn or A'IIIIIDIIIOI\, rath(>r tha" �dltnt"U. � •r"' man.) ... a.) f. by��oh..-h Y.C"("aft makt! thuo pot'tiOfl of our l•fr Of'll' of fulfill· mo.·nl tfl»l<'ad of fn1 trauon

Th<' tu)pJHC t folk• arc th()!oe' 10oho lt,..rn to hH• tl\dq)(>n<lt·rHiy of thrar thtldrrn or otlwr m;:mlx'u of lh(' farn-11;.' Th•� dOl." nol I'I'W'nn thnt tht-'\· hould br('ak ofT t"nnta< 1 1 nt1rt·h Y.1th

old fnt·nd and rr-13\Wt•t It t• 1\nC' to mam�m old n•lahnn h1Jl"' I( 11 �" not at thl' l'.!Cpl"n.o;o.· of ybUr ov.n IK'o.on&l ,........._

h lY •• l.._.. .net Ul'tp()flotnl 10 t'Urt· lll'luro an lol;tn(' lnt•�l ltl l1fl" ltoa •bout doanJ �<Omt· of lho to th1nc• ahwh )'CMI of\M'I ,.HI )'IIU a·oold d4t 1f )'OU only h.ad th<· \11'11(' Maybto II II aardl"mnJ, kmtUniZ. t'OU�:Itnt �Uimll'J'. lk('IC"htnA, makmA mottt'l• of wood or o1htor rn.att'nal, n •. tuna - or Ju�t 1:<'1-

tma uut 1n thto btl outdoora to &<"I on J)O.•idUtlit lt'tm" WHh 1'11.'\Ur�

You don'! nt"'<'WtrJly han• to �lin enthu t.ot.•ti(' hobbya�t 10 be happy If .)'OU h.:.�co 1>0nwthm11 10 d.illtm 111 fa1r rllul' of t.:>ur lln'\4.' P.,.rhaps )'OU hkf' lo ffad If lll), ttM- pubiK' library ., 111 � a bonn 10 )'�Jot.� a 1th II� thousand• of \Ohur- CW1 a Y. kk• \iar!C'I)' of -ub1not.' Ont- achlll'lt:al:f', �t,·rr. 10 hli\IJ'tJ a dorlln1W hot.loy 11 thA� 11\AD)' t•n"IC'II It nn kttd to fh,.ncul I"C'a·ard. and tNt f('w t'.!Cin doll.an b alwa)·� v.�IC'Onw

In th1 final an.aly.t..., C"\"<"fY<mC" mu.'t do thl' thmJI.• 'Aht<h "''II rruo.�(' ham f«'l that two •� not JUt .. hana:•n.tJ. Around" .,.,111111111 tor th� old man wtlh the- «)tilt' to C"Ut htm down-thAt he> �t1ll ha• a dt>tlnttr funcuon 1n hfl", and lhat Olht·N look to htm for IUid· alloC(' and m purallon It'� up to C'IK'h one' of u to loi»k ah(o<od af""· yNtn and d«tdto •hf'tht"r thai prf'OHI shsll ""' an ll'nd•nt� or a bt-t'lni'IRit

M-":e MoC..,. 1.&..... • ..,...,... of IN C<lriloooi O._,.._,

,._.._ MtCdy ..,,..,_ .. ••"-"' _ .. , _ _ .... ,_

Foundry L a b N o w B u s y t h e C l o e k ' Round

T o lu'<· P ()a('t' "'nh the lll(:tCilSt_'d voh.u�W or c:J tma�; bemtt turned wt by tht· Whlf't•labrator �-Oimdry 1l hu beC'tltnf' nece �•ry to add anotht'r

chcml•t l4 thl.l •t•tf The !;neat , koy Garth. t� oth�:n bt-1n« Ch1d Chern· I�L, \lsurlc-e l�IC' Cally and Walter l,.utt.. Wuh th1 ptof'"•fUk:l ot •·•II � pcw1bk' to �rly p('tfwm Ow- nn­portllnt fuOchutu of th• d .. partmo n L

Th\· PI'''""':V fu"' tiiDfl of our t"ound­ry Lab 11 to ma1nt.a•n nc•d ph�·<..�cal and c-ht-m�n�l contrvl ot all ttM:- paru btoan1 mkW and 110kt by Ow l"'mpan:v Onto of tht- mu,.t tnk'r�· unc and am­portant pi('!;(' of equtptnt-nl m � '" a ,,.,m•-autoRU�IIC' 1n trum...nt calk•-d a Carbon Ot-lt'rmlniOtur Th11 1n trunw:·nt h a "mu•t'' In a mCKk:rn foundn· l.ab btoc'Au"' or th<- �pt't'd rt'qulrt-d to ob­tam lhef"arbcm analy•'•·

Tht' .umpiC' !�:In• tnh'<l " plot"e'd m a d()O;('(i hlbco that 11 m::untauol.'d at a \('mp.:rmhu·e ot 2600 t' A �tream or o��:yJton ts tht'n �!(J(.>dO\erthe".,.mpll'

Ctlll•lnp. a t·omhu-uon Tht' 1·:\rbon diOXJd(• l{:loi jll\"f'll lllf hv lhlJI \�lllbU�· uon 1• Ul(;J uu-d and tnltlpoiiiR'il a­f!lllfl l l<·mpu.lllurc- ruul IINo»U� rt-l!d• lnJ!I IU J!H• tlw.- J}j 1'\lOI<tiJ:(· of t'llllXm In lht unlt)lt· t .. tlllt h 11-d

An .. ttwr llltf....,.llfll 11.-hmque;o ('01'1• n.nu • rnuU<�Iuh· JHI'••• or ,.q,uprnrm krxn .. n •s • mum. rurn.•· •· llus umt h u t·d for ttu h(",.lti'IJ 11nd 1r,mt1on nf Yan<��aJS "3mplll'S ill h��:h lNT'Ipttlltu"' T'tMo furnao. ... I. o....d prun.u1l)' tor the IIP\IIton ul 11lwon lind n<�k�l pn .. opolal(' on liM- quanti• t•hu· •nahtP. f�r thrso:- IVIO ti('PM:IILJ..

Tbo.• lab 1• t'QUtj.tf)I,J Vooth t>lhoc-r •n· 1'1Nnl(·f11 flor VWti"U tl I' 1111 of 0"-""' \"11111 w u,.. u.,-o:Q or uur prod ud Wuhc�t�\ pr�>p! r toqu•t•m• nt and C<lp!lblt• pt · r <otllwl m thL• dq>;\rtmt"nt to m;�mtoun m;t)(lmum qu>�hty our (-ump:'lny I""OUld lo ,, \tl I �um� m re­dun'd l•u uwu. Tlu ,,. hu tlwr proof tho.t o·q·r) dq;�rtn�tnt ••ld 1"\"ttY ill· d1vutual 111 our flrtnnlllllwn 1" de· J)c"nd<'nt upon t� h or t.tw otht-rw.

"Calling Parts Service • • • E m e rgency!"

W• all knov. ltH! 1mpo.'tantt of •••mnc • nt'W nutomer Somehmn It �� Ju�t u ot»tntW that ••• keep that c-u•tonw-r ... ,.Jk-d Tha oru-n tllk� t>Onf•dtorabl• "�nd•na 0\'t-r bac-k­war<h" but our t-IC�·rltne@ 11 lhat •uth • lloOhcy p:�yt on I am n-mmdt!d or 11 man for whom I once workl"d as a Mle--mon, who w111s n!f�ri'C'd to by hh tUrf u '"Mr t'n·c< f'�r" ThUI mck· namil" ttemmt'd from lhll" faC't that ht' u"'('d to Imp!'('• upon u,. "•·hen you think you"\·<' .:ot th<' auy .tOld. don't br-Jifl ('(MI tanr-that'• ·�tun(' to cn·e tum that old 6 bo11u ,.h.tch ket-p< him happy-b«a;u� tw dohn"t E:."<· PECTtt"

So 1\ u ••lh our WTV I>«' � at W�Labntor S.'e"'l .. -"'ks 11«0 a C'all nmf' "' from C..ntral Foundnn 01\"lt.IOfl or GC'"Mnl Motors for vtt.al pilrlt to k('of'p our tqutp�t ope-rat·


lfll- The- C'all had ('(H1W' 1n the 11fter· noon. se prodUo. Ibn "'IL• �tartt'd on our o.«ond •Juft lkfore I o"C'IOC'k the M'x\ mornlnJ Krnny \'er.:on. ont' of our nl'w En."<·ton. had lOGd1•d thl'l port� 111 hi• own N•r and wa' on for Odl· •nn•, OhtO. Th!! par\1 h11d bt"C'n prOnll�t·d bt'fore noon. JO • hll"n Kt·llJ,)" afl"I\Td tw­fort" th•t hour f'\"t'ryon• •••

Mppy On anothrr or· 1-• v..,..

c-as:�on • cv t.o•mrr In M1lv.aukC't' .K"nl 1n • ··hurT)' up c-all .. for a -lupnk"nl of C'Ontrol ur:u '" unk-r to k('(:p U"M!-�t prodUo�:tlon '""""'"' Tht'Y nftdcd the

pa.r" V.lltun • m&ltt·r or • t.:-w hours. 1liC' folk tn J-.rl S4:r\k"(" v.trU •nto ac"ll•>fl Wh•k tht- n>fltr.,l till-:•·• 11-cr,• bo·ti\J: lu.,d,'il un llf� CJf our trtl("lu,. c-nll Mtrt· p-ul ln 111 Svuth Short' Lm(1; lllnd �(orth Sh(ort 1.1111'!0 Th...- pan" wt·n- ddt\·t·rul In SI:>Uth Short· tat1on m Squth lknd for tlq,.-utun.· on th1• 9 30 A M \rain \k<�IIWhlk orntnatl"­nw·nt h•d IJot't n muolt· ,., tlh till· prupt•r ,....urctl ln tnu1 f1·r ttw n.,m-..·nt from tht &•uth Shoh '" tht �cwlh Sh.urt' L-o,..""l In (.·h.-aall> Ttuna "''"k•-d out k-,e..otdin« hi Kllf'•,hlt. ,., oth th. n-u1t ttuu the> na tomrr '" r..htv.a�tlt.t.,.. ror­n.nt'd th4- part llotO!' n ttw afh ,..,..,., M the- •n� day

n._. an' J�rot two c-\arnpkos (It tht­,...._..,y t·"<tr• '" •� hln• to �::t�;ttod to �t no'llloftk-r ,,, kft"p ham .at•­tk-d and 111 ttko .,nx- tun(' to b\uJd U•v.ilt"d o-ur own futurt

Pe r f or m a n c e Tel l s t h e S t o r y

Tht' p}eturd herf' prove what t-an happen whl'n a quall17 product is In­volved, and when a group of people work lo![eWr to promote that prod­UC'I The Gnll! photo. tak� from the roof of our oftkt>, ahowa the two-car IIUpn'M'nt l'ftftlll)' flnbhcd for t ... bna dto Enloudoa, S.A. In Sa.nU-.tO. Quit'. South Amft'le'a. n.., othtr tho... CH-11 Jade, North Shipptf'llo •• M- atf'ntlb the .tupmenL

The i'qUipment lhlpped ....... a 5 whN'I Whee!Gbnator Monorail for the

c-lunlna of sarutary ware prior to en­amtllnc. � Initial 1nqulry camto 1n July, 19)4. Then followed much erfort on the" part of ���tveral of our people to land thu order, •mona them Eraie (ii!KH. Export Dlvation; Mr Man�! s.,�. one of our •"'- '" South Amtf1Ct;; the- penonntl ot our Cl� land � 'nu$ C"USIOorM-r, to �ttle all doubtl at to the C'QulpmC'nt they ahould buy, lof'nt Mr. lloerbC'rt Thnve�, one (If thoe•r en��:m�rs to thi• ('()Untry 10 look over [nJtallationlll of ,anoulll

God left the Challenge in the Earth Whlon G(Mf � tho!' Nrth Hoe could bavt- ftnbhoed It, but

II• didn'l. lnstNd. lie k-ft 1t u a nw matenal-to tease UJ. to t.ant.ahze uJ, to M't w thmlunc and t'lt�runt-llhJ\1 and r1tkm1 and advellturml- And therein .,.,.e find our 11upn•mc interest in Uvln,.

llave you ever not� that a:mall c.-hildren ln a nurxry will lf.nott de11er mechank'al toy1 m order to b\uld. w1lh •pools and strmp and n�kl and biOC"kl. a workt ot IJwir own •ma�tmataon• And to w1th .cro-·n·uPt. too God �:av• ..,. a wotld ullfln� to !Nit we m11ht aha� In lhl' JOTS and .. ,,�at'bORI or cl'l'Atton.

GOO lEfT US-IIC' k'ft ttw- Oil I ll Ttc'nton I'OC'k. He lll'fl ttw- di!C"Idoty Ill

the cloudJ. He lett tht' r�Vers un-bndged and the m01.1ntalns un-trnlled He left the fort'lts un-felled and tht• cities un­bu•IL lit' left the laboratorit"' un-opened lie leh the d•a· moncb un-a�l. lie lt'h the musiC un-a:unr and � dtam.a.s un-playt'd.. He ldt the poottry un-dreamed. i.n or�r that nwn and w01nen rruttht not � bor'C'd. but t'ft&&Cil" m allmvl.atu\&., �xntlll£ C'rt-all\f' _,llv1ll('t that ke.tp thoem t.tunku\&, worktn&. I'XPt'nmconUI\L and expl'f"W'nctr\1 all the" joy• and durab� aatu.fachons of achM'Vt'mtnl.

blast � mac"hiMrJ manufKlW'ffS. Aflft" Vltl lmJ

plane. of Janltan' wan man�&­f.cturt'rt: In -\�I dllot«. lt1C'Iud•n1 Cle�land and Mll'llrauk�. Mr Thraus was t·o•w•nced that Wheet.brator ,.. ... hll IOilll'f'r

The 111r1t>��t fou!ldry or lu type In Soulh Amerka, fabrlca de £nlo:adM. S.A. CFENSA), w1lh its new plt�rU Will be eq\upl)td to turn out 10 bllhtubl an hour 'l'twy Wlll �xport to ot�r C'Otlnt"" on � -.·m rout ol Soutb Am<n<L

So t��Piible pr,rformar'IC't! of our tna• �hlrwry, bKk� to the limit by C"'). openuon and perfonnaoce of our peoplt', r("f;uiU '" mce b\.IIIJM111 Uke this.

So h 1f; that pro,e�u C'Omt'l. not by _,mt' mlll(tc word and not by covt-mnM'nt edlc.-L but from th� thourhta, the to1l, !he tears. the! trlumphl or ind•vidual� who aii'Cept the chal· l<'ftll:l" of raw mat('r\ala, and by tht' arac.-r of Ciod·a•ven ta14."nts produce r�ults whlc:h •hsly the n�• of men.

'"n..,r• co t•o "'-· M•n I• �It!( a .._1 IOWII IIM• We,rotwOMI II>Iotl!•rUoh.ol protU

.......... ..........



T H E R E' S A

Phantom I N YOUR L I F E

W� all kn<tYt that our company has many COJl'I�UtOf'to. What ,_, .. often faa! to rcali:IX' JS

th•t all of u• aa JndJIIIdi.Lill ha\·e compet•tors - JoOmtYt·hc.._, - In some cap.cilf. T'ht'$t' phantom rountt'rplltU arc �rlonmnc the­,.M4.1 duUH as )'OU and I so. J\l$1 Ill$ a w� bu�mf'U man doe-. 11 ll up to us to oul.do them by uutJAUYe, m�cnulty, enthUJiasm, f'tc. Our fUttt>AI aa indwadual' mean• 5UCC't"$5 for our company, ""hlth jn turn rrur.;r.nshaght'r pront 11harmx and JOb &t<'urny ror each of us.

Why art!' you and I 110 unportanl to the sue·

�·· of �labntor1 Uot's look 11 �t thiJ 10o·ay No OM comp�ny holds a decided ad· vantaae O\'('t a rompemor when �� com� to

buyan1 raw matrrtaiJ. Their producuon .eo&U and tt'('hn�quH d!tTt'r htlle MOoSt c:omPilf\lt'S hav. th� •me biiMe toob and «<UI�nt. AbOut t� only f.c:tor left to t"OMader 1:1 the human elemtnt-t� cahbr��: and qu..hty of ttw Mary SmothJ; and the John Browns-how

Hth tacklft and c:omplor-LH tu. 011on Job. Ttus kl lhe thutl whJC:h nn up tM Kala in fa\·or of OM' parut"Uiar rompa.ny �-"r another

So u 1t PEOPLE that l$ prot:.bly the most vital tnC�i't'nt 1n Ow Jo� fonnua. of rnoft lndu.trws tod&y Ju•t wtwt coach of us doel on h• )Ob. day by day. htlpt; �e many th•ncs - whet.ht'r � CU$lomt-r will buy OUR pnxl� - whtth<-r � ha\·e neady Joba for Ow rutuno - whether Wt' cam cen· ume Mu.ftcUon ft01n our •·ork.

Pw:t� M"' *"' • number of \\"'wt'W.b.-a­UM' folb at lhetr l't"l'pec'tf\"t' po:$tllOfU on lM �labntor tealft. �Y •no not alon(! tn tht'tr clt'OtU to w1n oo.·l"r our compeutors..

Y.'"ffY t>MI)Io)·�. �•rcll� of bJS "'a�" or •lary or tYPf' of -..·ork. a. •n thl" came. an· t>hldlftJ ('\ISIOC:han and thl" ptT'IIdcnt of \he­company Com�ut10n • to bt' recltoned w1th, but not to be fNI'M. We 5hould -..·t>korne •t. for 11 11 only by lh!S chalkon.J" that we art: abl(' to develop lhe pOtenual that h<S WJtlun tht' crt>at majority of us.