Age Spots An old French recipe uses fresh cucumber juice. Cucumbers are said to be excellent bleaching agents for the skin, and can be used on brown spots. To make a lotion, mix 1 tsp of the cucumber juice with 2 tsps of water. Apply once in the morning and once at night, letting it dry on the skin. Dry skin mask - Obtain a smooth paste by mixing 6 ounce of unflavored yoghurt, few finely crushed almonds, 2 tsp honey and wheat germ oil each. Apply and massage of your skin for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water. Crushed almonds exfoliate and eliminate dead skin, honey aids in adhering mask to skin and vitamin E in wheat germ oil fights radicals. Before bath, apply a mixture of 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp orange juice, 1 tsp olive oil, few drops of rose water and lime juice on your skin. This is a good morning skin cleanser. 1 egg, 1 tsp honey, ½ tsp olive oil and few drops of rose water makes a good beauty mask for dry skin. PREVENT AGING * Massage increases blood circulation, which results in a tightening of the muscles and tissues, thereby reducing the fleshiness of the skin and restoring a young look. Keep in mind that this process will take time. *Blemishes and age spots can be made fainter by applying lemon juice a few times a day. *Apply a paste of turmeric powder with sugarcane juice to remove wrinkles and to prevent skin ageing. *Rub the core of a pineapple on the face for a few minutes and leave on for 10-15 minutes.This is excellent for controlling fine lines. *Apply the juice of green pineapples and apples daily on the face and leave on for 10-15 minutes.This is excellent for fine wrinkles and cracked skin. *Apply pure castor oil to prevent wrinkles. Homemade Face Masks For Ageing Skin

Wrinkles Age Spots

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Age Spots 

An old French recipe uses fresh cucumber juice. Cucumbers are said to be excellent bleaching agents for the skin, and can be used on brown spots. To make a lotion, mix 1 tsp of the cucumber juice with 2 tsps of  water. Apply once in the morning and once at night, letting it dry on the skin.

Dry skin mask - Obtain a smooth paste by mixing 6 ounce of unflavored yoghurt, few finely crushed almonds, 2 tsp honey and wheat germ oil each. Apply and massage of your skin for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water. Crushed almonds exfoliate and eliminate dead skin, honey aids in adhering mask to skin and vitamin E in wheat germ oil fights radicals.

Before bath, apply a mixture of 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp orange juice, 1 tsp olive oil, few drops of rose water and lime juice on your skin. This is a good morning skin cleanser. 1 egg, 1 tsp honey, ½ tsp olive oil and few drops of rose water makes a good beauty mask for dry skin.


* Massage increases blood circulation, which results in a tightening of the muscles and tissues, thereby reducing the fleshiness of the skin and restoring a young look. Keep in mind that this process will take time.

*Blemishes and age spots can be made fainter by applying lemon juice a few times a day.*Apply a paste of turmeric powder with sugarcane juice to remove wrinkles and to prevent skin ageing.

*Rub the core of a pineapple on the face for a few minutes and leave on for 10-15 minutes.This is excellent for controlling fine lines.

*Apply the juice of green pineapples and apples daily on the face and leave on for 10-15 minutes.This is excellent for fine wrinkles and cracked skin.

*Apply pure castor oil to prevent wrinkles.Homemade Face Masks For Ageing Skin

1. Sugar mask: This mask works well for ageing and maturing skin that uses sugar, since it is a natural exfoliant and will help soften the lines and wrinkles on your face. Take 2 spoons powdered sugar, 4 tbsp warm water and dissolve. Apply to the face and leave for 10 minutes. Gently massage and wash off.

2. Banana Mask for wrinkles: Mash 1/4 banana until it is very smooth. Apply on face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Then use cold water to close the pores.

3. Egg White Mask: Simply apply eggwhite on your face covering all your wrinkles and fine lines. Wash off after half an hour

Banana Face Pack- An Anti-Ageing Treatment

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1/2 banana2 tablespoons yogurt1 tablespoon honey

Mash the banana with a fork then mix in honey and yogurt. Apply to your face evenly. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with cold water for that glowing skin.

Cucumber Face Pack(A Refreshing mask) 1/2 cucumber1 tablespoon yogurt

Puree cucumber and yogurt in a blender, apply to your face evenly. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. Its a refreshing mask specially for summer time.

Homemade Remedies For getting rid of SUNBURN

1. Mix honey and egg white , apply on your face  and wash it off after20 minutes for one week. 

2. Apply fresh tomato on your face and wash it off after 20 minutes.

3. Apply lemon juice and cucumber juice on your face and wash it off after 20 minutes. (This one suits oily skin)

4. Aloe Vera gel's  very effective for sunburn.

Sunburn Soother1 cup white wine vinegar5 tablespoons salt5 tablespoons plain yogurt2 tablespoons aloe gelCombine the ingredients and stir briskly until smooth and creamy. Pour into a pump-type container and store in the refrigerator. Shake well before using. Smooth on affected areas every hour or so until the burning sensation is gone. Or, you can saturate a clean washcloth with the solution and gently lay it on the affected area.Makes 8 ounces.Home Remedies for Sunburn Treatment *Drink lots of water and make sure to drink at least 2 glasses of water before going in the sun. You can even drink lemon water, orange or watermelon juice or coconut water. They all keep the body hydrate and diminish the strong harmful effects of the sun.

*Cucumber has cooling agents. When there is a burn on the skin, keep chilled cucumber slices on it or dab cucumber juice with the help of a cotton ball. You can even grate the chilled cucumber and apply it on the effected part of the skin.

*Keep rose water in the refrigerator and apply it on the skin to soothe the sunburn. *Calamine powder is one of the best things to be applied on the affected skin. Make a paste of it with the help of rose water or cucumber juice and apply it regularly on the skin.

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*Apply thick chilled curd on the affected skin. You can mix it with calamine powder or sandalwood powder.

*Sandalwood powder paste made with rose water, watermelon juice or cucumber juice helps a lot.

*You can keep chilled watermelon slice or juice on the effected skin to soothe it from the sun damage.

*Buttermilk too is a good option to heal sunburn. You can wash off the effaced skin with the chilled buttermilk to heal it.

*A paste made of neem stems if applied on the skin, helps a lot in healing the burn fast. You can make the paste and keep it in the fridge for further usage.

*A mixture of olive oil and vinegar can be applied on the skin few hours before the bath. It might give a little itching to the skin but is quite helpful on the burns.

*Plain odorless aloe Vera gel helps in healing the burns faster if applied on them.

*When the burning is unbearable, you can keep some ice cubes made by rose water, cucumber juice or watermelon juice wrapped in a cotton cloth on the skin. You can try this method out on your skin every time when you come back from the sun. It protects the skin from the sun damage.

Sunburn Remedy Lavender essential oil (pure, grade A) : 2-3 drops mixed in with a small amount of chemical-free lotion applied to sunburn will take away for hot, burning pain.

Sunburn Home Remedies 1. Mix olive oil with equal quantity of vinegar and apply an hour before your bath for sunburn relief.

2. Another effective remedy for sunburn. Grated cucumber can be applied all over the face. The juice is good for the skin around eyes too. Helps to tighten the skin and has a cooling and refreshing effect.

3. try using vinager. it really works. just put it on a cotton ball and rub on the burnned area. You may stink for awhile, but the burn goes away. after it does, wash and lotion up to help with the pealling. also if you get a minor burn, put mustard on it!

4.Soak in a tub of cool water and add a cup of white vinegar to the bath. Apple cider vinegar Remedy for sunburn:  Apply apple cider vinegar to the burn with a cottonball to relieve the pain. Keep the skin moistened. This remedy will prevent blistering and peeling.

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5. To relief a sunburn pain apply over the affected area cool water compresses or fill a bathtub with cold water and dissolve one pound of baking soda or oatmeal in it. Soak in the bath for 30' approximately, until you feel relieve.

6. Apply aloe gel to any burned area. A remedy that will give relief from sunburn.

7. Baking soda sunburn remedy  Dissolve some baking soda in water and make a compress using a clean cloth. Another remedy is to add 1/2 cup of baking soda to a tepid bath and soak. Instead of drying the affected area with a towel, let it air dry. Baking soda is cooling and will help the skin retain moisture.

8. In bowl, mix noxema and corizone 10 together. Rub mixture to affected area. Place remaining mixture into noxema jar. For best results, chill before applying. Will be very cold, but feels great on sunburn. Reapply as needed. Some other effective and commonly used homemade remedy/ and tips on sunburn:

** Drink plenty of fluids to keep your body hydrated, and to replace the lost by the sunburn.

** Do not apply any creams, butter, petroleum jelly or any other greasy substance to a sunburn. They only cause more damage by trapping the heat and can make a burn deeper. The sunburn will heal faster if left exposed to the air.

** In high fever, the application of cool sandalwood paste on the forehead brings the temperature down, just like a cold compress does.

** Make a compress of whole milk (or buttermilk) and apply to the burned (sunburn) area for 20 minutes; repeat every two to four hours. Wash the milk off so you won't smell sour! The fat content of the milk is soothing for sunburns.

Remove Problem of Sunburn (1) Mix two spoon clotted cream and two spoon tomato juice. Keep it in a cool place. Apply it on face with cotton. Keep it for 10-12 minutes.

(2) There is tanning on skin, due to sun. For this make a paste of turmeric & lemon juice. Apply it on face. Massage it in upward movement from both the hands. Keep it for some time, than wash your face.

(3) Apply coconut water with the help of cotton on face. After getting dry, wash your face. This mask removes tanning & spots from face.

(4) To remove the tanning, mix tomato juice & cucumber juice in equal quantity. Apply it on face, it will improve the color of skin.

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(5) Take one cup mashed cucumber . Mix it with one tea spoon glycerin. Keep it in fridge to get cooled. Apply it on effected areas.

(6)Rose Sunburn Lotion: Mix two tea spoon olive oil, two tea spoon glycerin & two tea spoon rose water. Pour it in clean container. Apply it on effected areas.

Homemade masks and remedies for the treatment of sunburn *Use Aloe Vera - Aloe Vera comes from the aloe vera plant and may be squeezed from its leaves. Purchasing and learning to care for an Aloe Vera plant through the summer can be a wonderfully relieving investment. This healthful moisturizer is frequently used for sunburn and is applied to the affected areas of the skin as a rub to re-moisturize the dried and burnt surfaces. You can also purchase aloe vera creams and ointments that may include other moisturizers or treatments for dry or burned skin. *When baking soda is added to bath water, sunburn sufferers often have a notable reduction in pain. Place 1 cup (8 ounces) of baking soda under the running bath faucet so it dissolves completely. Soak in a lukewarm tub for about 30 minutes. Such a bath will soothe the pain--and you won't have to undergo the stinging sensation of a shower. *A hot shower immediately after mild sunburn can bring about peeling sooner and rid you quickly of discomfort. *Dip some gauze into milk and apply it to your sunburned skin. The tannic acid in the tea draws the burn out of the skin and heals it. After just one application, most sunburns are no longer painful and are much less red. However, this treatment will act on the pain but may not prevent peeling. *Mix two teaspoon tomato juice and four tablespoon buttermilk and apply on the face. Leave for 1/2 hour, and wash off. *Vitamin E, one of the antioxidants, can be taken regularly as part of a daily vitamin and mineral supplement or spread as in an ointment on sunburn. Vitamin C is another antioxidant that will help prevent severe damage from sunburn and shorten its effects. Selenium is a mineral that will help fight sunburn. Some Home Care tips for sunburn Sunburn is better prevented than treated. Effective sunscreens are available in a wide variety of strengths. Most doctors recommend a sunscreen SPF level of 30 or greater. Sunscreen should be generously applied. If out in the sun for a prolonged period of time during the day, wearing a hat and other protective clothing is recommended. Light clothing reflects the sun most effectively. Mix olive oilwith some vinegar and apply before bath. Sunburn-SoothersCod-liver oil, often used for baby's skin irritation, helps when applied to painful areas. Or try a mixture of half a pint of milk and a mashed cucumber.

* Vinegar patted on sun burnt areas is very soothing.

* Pat sun burnt areas immediately with half a cup of milk to which a pinch of borax has been added.

* Grate one fresh raw potato. Extract juice by squeezing in a cheese-cloth. Apply to painful areas. This treatment also provides immediate relief.

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* Calamine lotion (available at most chemists) applied liberally on affected areas and left on to dry is also a great sunburn soother.

* To one raw egg white add one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of hazel. Apply on affected areas, leave on for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with tepid water.


Enlarged Pores- Home Remedies

*Mix buttermilk and table salt into a paste and scrub area in a circular motion, let sit for few minutes and rinse with warm then cool water. Continue until enlarged pores are no longer visable. After doing this 2X I could really see a difference.

Smaller Pores In A SnapTo make pores look smaller, put orange juice on a cotton ball and swipe on your face, and DONT WASH OFF. You can blot it, but do not wash it off. Ta da! Smaller pores in a snap.

1.Rose extract helps to close the enlarged pores and improves skin texture.

2. Crush a cucumber and add a few drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of rose water. Keep this paste between 2 layers of cloth and apply it on your face. Clean the face after 15-20 minutes.

3. Mix table salt and buttermilk into a paste, apply on enlarged pores and massage well. Rinse with warm water.

Natural Home Remedies for Large Pores – Tips for Large Pores * Buttermilk has superb astringent qualities. It he1ps to reduce oversized pores. Pat it on your face with cotton wool and leave on for 7-10 minutes.Wash off with cool water.

* The juice of lettuce leaves is also a good astringent which can be used in the same way.

* Slices of raw fresh tomatoes left on the skin for 10 to 15 minutes also have an astringent effect on the skin. Also, the amino acid in the tomatoes helps clear the skin.

* The white of an egg applied on the face (not around the eye area), however, and left on for 15 minutes has a tightening effect on large pores. Wash off egg white from the face with cool water.

* Make a soft paste by mixing powdered alum with a raw egg white and rose water. Pat on face avoiding eye areas. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and then wash off with cool water.

* Application of equal parts of vinegar and water mixed well on the face acts as an. astringent as well as skin tonic.

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* Make a paste of equal amounts of cornmeal and oatmeal in hot water. While the paste is still hot, pat it on the face, avoiding eye area. Leave it on for about 20-30 minutes before washing off with cold water. Then pat on an astringent. This helps to make the skin fine as well as to tighten pores. Home Remedies to Reduce Appearance of Skin Pores *Tomato has toning agents in it. If tomato juice has been applied on the skin regularly with a cotton ball and left for 20 minutes, helps in reducing the size of the pores. It shrinks the pores and makes them appear visibly smaller. You can add tomato juice to calamine powder or sandalwood powder, which are good to tone up the skin, which helps in even reducing the size of the pores. These packs help skin to reduce the sebum production and it helps in decreasing the size of the pores.

*Mashed papaya applied on the skin helps in toning the pores. You can directly apply a mashes papaya on your skin or can put it over a gauge. You need to wash it off with lukewarm water.

*White portion of the egg has skin toning and complexion enhancing ingredients. Whipped egg yolk applied on the skin with a few drops of lemon juice, improves the tone of the skin and reduces the pore size. This pack is extremely good for Middle Aged women.

*Honey is equally good to tone up the pores and reduce the oiliness from the skin. It can be applied in any of the facemask or can be directly applied on the skin with a little lemon juice and sugar to it. You can massage it on face and leave it for few minutes. Then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Honey added to milk powder too helps if applied on the skin.

*A paste made of salt and butter is helpful in reducing pore size if applied on them. Regularly use toner on your skin with a cotton ball. To some extent it helps in temporary reducing the size of the pores.

*Oatmeal and gram flour are good toning substance. You can add a little lemon juice, rose water and curd to them and apply on the skin. Wash this pack off when itdries. It tones the pores and enhances the complexion.

*If you have breakouts on your skin then avoid using lemon juice or any such thing on your skin without a doctor's knowledge. Calamine powder and sandalwood powder are safe to be applied on the pimples or acnes.

*Always remove make up while going to bed. Never sleep with your make up on. Let the skin breath. Heavy make up left on the skin for long hours too increase the size of the pores.

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*If you do wax your face, you have more chances to get open pores so always be careful while doing it. Always make sure that you apply a soothing face pack based on calamine or sandalwood on your face after waxing it to close the pores.

*You can rub an ice cube on your skin wrapped in a cotton cloth on your face to temporary reduce the size of the pores. Ice shrinks the size of the pores and it's a good way to make the pores appear smaller if you are going somewhere out as it even decreases the oil production on the skin for sometime.

Remedies For Blackheads 1. Make a paste of ground radish seed with water and applyon face to remove blackheads.2. Make a paste of roasted & powdered pomegranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over boils, pimple, blackhead removal and whiteheads.3. Apply a paste of fresh fenugreek on your face every night for 10-15 minutes and wash off with warm water. Repeat for two weeks.4. Mix mint juice with turmeric powder and apply on affected area. Leave for 15-20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water5. Lemon juice is good for blackheads and acne. Take a slice of lemon and rub over affected area daily until condition improves. This treatment is especiallyeffective around the nose, a common site for blackheads.6. A couple of garlic cloves, crushed and dabbed on the face 1-2 times a day helps you get rid of Blackheads.7.Mix 1 teaspoon lime juice in 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon (dalchini) powder and apply on affected areas frequently. 8.Mix 1 teaspoon each turmeric (haldi) powder and juice of fresh coriander (dhania) leaves and apply daily as a face pack before going to sleep.9.Remove blackheads gently so you don’t scar your skin. Combine 1/4 cup boiling water with one teaspoon Epsom salt and three drops of iodine. Let mixture cool until it’s comfortable to the touch. Saturate a cotton ball with mixture and dab on blackheads. This will allow them to loosen so they can be easily squeezed with a gauze pad.

Blackhead Remover Hey if you want to remove blackheads all you have to do is get a small container and in it have a little bit of sugar about 1/4 of a cup would be fine. Rub soap on your hands and dip it in the sugar then rub it all over your face and trust me you'll have a pore free face. This might hurt but the results are wonderful. Then wash your face and viola.

For blackheads Grind fine quality rice and powder it) 1 tsp of rice powder 1 tsp of almond powder 1 tsp of tomato juice Mix well and apply on blackheads regularly

Home Remedies for Black Heads

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*For blackheads, soak rice in the water in the night. Grind them and make a paste in the morning. Add a pinch of turmeric to it. Apply this paste on the face and scrub off when a little dries. It removes the black and white heads from the skin.

*Soak almonds in the water overnight. Peel them off in the morning and make a paste. Add honey to this paste and apply on the face. Scrub it off when dry or after 20 minutes. It removes the black heads and adds glow to the skin.

*Rubbing a lemon peel on the black heads too removes them and clears the skin. For better results take steam on the skin where you have black heads and then apply these scrubbers. It makes the pores loose so that the dirt comes up on the skin surface and it makes easy for the black head to come out of the skin. * Soak fenugreek seeds in water for 4 hours. Make a paste of it and add a half lemon juice to it. Apply it on the face and scrub it off when dries. It helps in removing the black heads.

Natural Home Remedies for Blackheads – Tips for Blackheads

*Use an oatmeal Or almond meal mask thoroughly to cleanse your face. Mix either oatmeal or almond meal with just enough water to make a soft paste that spreads easily on the skin. Rub it on your skin with your finger-tips, paying special attention to the problem areas. Leave to dry for about 10-.l 5 minutes and then rinse off with cool water.

*Apply undiluted lemon juice, two to three times a day, on the affected areas.

*Make a solution with about 36 grams of soda bicarbonate dissolved in about 8 ounces of distilled or boiled water. Rub on affected areas.

*Make a paste with about four ounces of grated almonds, two ounces of a glycerin soap one ounce Fuller's earth and a little distilled or boiled water. Apply on trouble spots. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off with cool water.

*Steam your face for about 5-7 minutes. With the help of facial tissue or sterilized cotton wool, squeeze out black heads gently. Rinse your face with cool water and then pat on an astringent.

*Warm a little honey and apply on trouble spots. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

*Treatment with the rays of an ultra-violet lamp two to three times a week is also good for a skin troubled with blackheads. To rid blackheads, mix cornstarch with vinegar, plaster on the area for 15-30 minutes; wash off with washcloth and warm water.6. Applying Peeled cucumber on face not only clears the acne, blackheads but also cools down your face leaving you feeling refreshed. Helps to get rid blackheads.7. Put a rub of tomato pulp on pimple, spot or blackhead, before going to bed. Leave on until the morning, then wash face. It will be dreid up at tomato has a natural antiseptic property within it. 8. An Effective remedy for Blackhead: Take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and 3 tablespoon of yoghurt. Mix and add tablespoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of olive oil. Blend and whisk well together in a bowl. Wash your hands then apply over

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infected area first, then all over the face. Leave in for 5-7 mintues and then rinse with cold water. Very effective for blackheads or to get rid of blackheads.9. Make a paste of roasted & powdered pomegranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over boils, pimple, blackheads and whiteheads.10. Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mix mixed with fresh lime juice, and apply on blackhead and dark spots -- an effective and easy to made home remedy for blackhead.11. Wash your face in very warm water, then squeese a fresh lemon and mix an a little salt. Apply on face let it air dry for about 20 minutes then wash face with warm water again. 12. Steam your face for 5 minutes with the help of sterilized cotton wool and facial tissue to squeeze out blackhead.

Blackheads Home Remedies *Apply paste of fresh fenugreek leaves mixed with water on the face every night and wash off with warm water in the morning to prevent blackheads.

*Make a paste of roasted & powdered pomegranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over boils, acne, blackheads and whiteheads.

*Use green tea as a face scrub to loose blackheads.

*Another cure for blackheads involves mixing two ounces of clover flowers, two ounces of nettle tops and two ounces of comfrey flowers with four pints of boiling water. Simmer this until the mixture is reduced to only two pints. A wineglass of the mixture is to be taken every three hours

*Fresh mint juice is a very effective remedy for blackheads. Apply this fresh mint juice on the face every night for the treatment of blackheads.

NATURAL HOME REMEDIES FOR BLACKHEADS*Mix one teaspoonful of groundnut oil with one teaspoonful of fresh lime juice and apply on the face to prevent formation of blackheads. *Mix one fourth cup of hot water and one teaspoonful of Epsom salt with 4 drops of iodine. Mix well and allow to cool. Dip a cotton ball and apply to the blackhead and surrounding areas. When mixture is dry gently remove with a clean cloth. *Mix fresh lime juice with grounded drumstick pods and leaves and apply on the blackheads. *Make a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves and apply on the face for 10-15 minutes every night and wash the face with warm water. This will prevent blackheads. *Steaming is also beneficial as it opens and softens the pores for easy removal of blackheads. *Make a face wash by mixing fresh lime juice with a glass of boiled milk and use it for the removal of blackheads. *Apply a paste of ground radish seeds in water on the blackheads. *To loosen the blackheads use a face scrub of green tea. *For the treatment of blackheads apply a poultice made of grated potatoes on the skin. *Application of almond powder mixed in rose water helps in the easy removal of blackheads. *Make a scrub of salt, lemon and honey; yogurt can also be added to it. Scrub the face for 5-10 minutes and later wash the face and pat it dry. Good Home Remedy for Blackheads. *Warm honey and apply on the blackheads, wash the face after 10-15 minutes.

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*Mix equal amounts of groundnut oil and fresh lime juice, apply on the affected area and leave it for 10-15 minutes, wash the face with warm water. Effective Home Remedy for Blackheads.*Beat the white of egg and apply on the face, wash the face with water and while drying scrub the face lightly with towel. *Make a solution of one and a half cup of hot water and half tablespoon of boric powder. Dip one face napkin in the solution and pat on the face for sometime. Later rub the face with a cotton ball. *Application of undiluted lemon juice 2-3 times a day on the affected areas will remove blackheads.Get Rid Of Scars

1. Apply Vitamin E Oil Caplets on the scarred area.2. Apply some tea tree oil (Mix it with some carrier oil like Sweet Almond)on the scar to help it heal faster.3. Put 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil mixed with Carrier Oil(You can use any carrier oil like Sweet Almond, Apricot Kernel etc.)on a cotton ball and apply on scar.4. Mix Aloe Vera and vitamin E gel caplets and apply to the scar.5. Rub honey on the scar as often as you can to make it heal.6. Rub some olive oil on scars 2-3 times a day.7. Apply Lacto Calamine lotion to get rid of scars.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Skin Care Tips for Black Spots1. Make a paste of saffron and add some honey, apply it on the face to remove black spots. 2. Apply the paste of turmeric and curry leaves on the face and wash it after 15 minutes. 3. Grind dried basil leaf, neem and mint. Add some turmeric powder and rose water to make it in a paste form and apply it on the spots. 4. Soak a chappathi in milk overnight. Make it into a paste and apply it on black heads. Repeat for several days. 5. Make a paste with mehndi and oil and apply on the face.

For Black Spots

*Make a paste with mehndi and oil and apply on the face

*Make a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and glycerin and apply it on the spots

*Apply the paste of turmeric and curry leaves on the face and wash it after 15 minutes.

*Apply a mixture of mehndi and turmeric. For a piece of turmeric, 2-3 leaves of mehndi are used

*Grind dried basil leaf, neem and mint (100 gm each). Add some turmeric powder and rose water to make it in a paste form and apply it on the spots.

*Grind betel leaf and add a little coconut oil and apply it on the spots

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*Soak a chappathi in milk overnight . Make it into a paste and apply it on black heads. Repeat for several days

*Make a paste of saffron and add some honey , apply it on the face to remove black spots.

*To remove black spots… apply a paste of turmeric and basil.

*If there are dark color spots or freckles on face than take sesame oil & turmeric & grind it in lukewarm milk. It will remove spots from face.


Home Remedies to Reduce Blemish *Lemon is the best thing available in our kitchen to reduce the marks and blemishes from the skin. It can be applied directly on the skin or can be mixed in many other things and packs to be applied on the skin. You can rub a lemon peel on the skin with a little sugar on it or without the sugar. After rubbing it leave it on the skin for at least 10 minutes. If you practice this regularly you can reduce the acne and pimple marks finely.

*Here is a homemade pack, which reduces the blemishes from the skin and improves the complexion. Take two spoonful of gram flour, add a pinch of turmeric to it as turmeric have some agents in it which reduces the marks, few drops of lemon juice and make a paste with a spoonful of curd. Apply this pack on the face regularly and you will notice drastic changes in your skin.

*Grate potatoes, wrap them in a cloth and take out the juice. Mix few drops of lemon juice and honey to it and apply it on the face. If you don't want to apply it all over the face then apply only on the marks. Wash off after 20 minutes. Potato has bleaching agents, which reduces the blemishes. It's better if you apply on the entire face as it is very useful in reducing pigmentation and marks caused by sun tan and burn.

*Make a mixture of tomato juice and lemon juice. You can fill it in a bottle and keep it in the refrigerator. You can apply this mixture on your face daily with a cotton ball. It lightens the skin tone and facial hair and reduces the blemishes.

*A combination of honey and lemon with a pinch of turmeric to it reduces the marks and blemishes if applied on the skin regularly.

*Sandalwood is very good in keeping the complexion clear and reducing the blemishes. You can apply sandalwood paste on skin made with rose water. It even soothes the acne, pimples and boils from the skin.

*A paste of neem leaves or boiled neem leaves water if applied on the skin reduces the blemishes.

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*You can rub a papaya peel and banana peel on the skin and leave it for at least 15 minutes. It reduces the blemishes from the skin.

*Honey added in milk powder helps in reducing the blemishes if applied on the skin.

*If you have real dark blemishes on the skin make a powder of dry lemon peels and orange peels. You can keep this powder for further usage. Whenever you want add some rose water or curd water to it and apply on the skin. Its regular usage reduces the spots and blemishes from the skin.

*A paste of honey and turmeric reduces the marks if applied on the skin regularly. *For better and fast results you can apply grated potato on your skin. Leave it on at least for 30 minutes. Rinse off with water after 30 minutes. Try this at least once a week to reduce the marks.

*Orange abstracts are very useful for the skin and reducing the marks and in evening out the skin tone. You can dry orange peels in the sun and make a powder of it. Apply this powder by making a paste of it on the skin with rose water, milk cream or curd. It lightens the skin tone also.

*Drink lots of water to keep the skin hydrate and detoxified.

*Whenever you make orange or sweet limejuice at home apply some with cotton ball on the skin and leave it on for half an hour. Rinse off after few minutes. It helps in lightening the facial blemishes.

*Soak almonds in water overnight. In the morning peel them off, make a paste and add some honey and lemon juice to it. It you apply this everyday on your skin for 15 minutes; you can get a beautiful blemish free skin with a clear complexion.

*Blemish :Whenever you have a blemish, but a warm tea bag on the blemish. This will cure it.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pimples, Blemishes, Home Remedies for Pimples and Blemishes

Dry Up Blemishes Dry up Blemishes by dabbing with lemon juice few times a day. It will also take the redness out of the blemished area.

Dry Blemishes For a stubborn blemish, crack open an egg, peel off part of the inner lining of the egg and place it directly on the blemish. This does wonders as it dries up the blemish....You will be amazed.

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1. Create a solution of one part lemon juice and one part rose water. Leave this mixture on the face for 30 minutes to help with pimples and other blemishes.2. Take an egg and crack it over the sink and let the white of the egg go into a bowl; use the white to dab on your pimple. Leave on overnight or for 20 minutes. 3. Put egg whites all over your face (like a mask)..egg whites are driers and will remove all the impurities from your face. Leave it on until every spot is dry (depends on the type of skin you have) it works so well. use for 2-3 days or continue use. It works wonders for curing Pimples!!4. Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever. 5. Apply a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles. 6. 1 tsp. Groundnut oil mixed with an equal amt. of lime juice may be applied daily to prevent formation of blackheads, pimples etc7. Turmeric paste mixed with chana dal powder or whole wheat flour is very effective home remedy for all minor skin blemishes. Haldi powder mixed with sugarcane juice helps to remove pimples.8. Make orange peel paste by grinding it in some water. Apply on and around pimples.

9. Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications.

10. Mix 1 tablespoon groundnut oil with 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples .

11. Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, & other skin infections.

commonly used home remedy for pimples, acne and blackheads are listed below:

** Garlic Juice with 3 parts water is an excellent cleansing agent. Raw garlic applied ( rubbed) on the face can make persistent pimples disappear without a scar with repeated applications. The external use of garlic helps to clear the skin of spots, pimples & boils.

** The milky juice of unripe papaya applied locally removes pimples.

** Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the acne. A simple pimples home remedy.

** Extract juice of one lemon and mix with equal quantity of rose water. Apply this mixture on the face and let it stay for about half an hour. Wash the face with fresh water. About 15 days application helps cure pimples and reduces blemishes and scars.

** Wipe your face with a cold wet rag everyday before setting out for the day. Wipe it again went you get in and once more before bed. Your pores will stay closed.

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do you hate pigmentation?i hate it 2 but i try this. Powder orange peel and blend in curd. Apply on scarred or pigmentation areas and wash off after 15 minutes with cold water.

Walnut Pack For Tanned Skin 5-6 WalnutsAlmond Oil- 1 TeaspoonMilkRose Water

Take 5-6 walnuts, powder it well, put a little almond oil for moisturizing. Add some milk and rose water and make a paste of these ingredients. Spread the paste all over your tanned skin and wash off once it dries. Use this pack every alternate day for 15 days and your skin will get its natural colour back.

**Apply coconut water with the help of cotton on face. After getting dry wash your face. This mask removes spots & tanning from face.

Sun tan scrubMix besan with curd and a pinch of turmeric. Apply this on the hands, neck and feet. Keep it on for 15 minutes and remove it by rubbing it off gently. This can be a daily pre-bath treatment for removing a tan.On the tan, which you have got due to sun, you can apply a mixture of honey and tomato juice. Honey has some agents in it, which lightens the skin and removes the suntan.

Sun-Tan Removers - Recipes for Sun-Tan *ll sunburn aids - vinegar, milk, potato juice and cucumber juice- are good for removing sun-tan.

*Basically, these sun-tan removers have a drying effect on the skin. If you have a dry skin, make sure that you use a moisturizer after these treatments.

*Grape juice also has the same bleaching qualities that lemon juice has. It is, however, a milder bleach than lemon juice.

*After washing a small bunch of grapes thoroughly, sprinkle it small quantity of table salt and powdered alum on it. Wrap either in aluminium foil or brown paper. Bake in the oven at a low temperature for about 10-15 minutes. Squeeze out the juice and apply to face. Leave onto dry for about 15-20 minutes. Then wash off with cool water.

facemask of egg white and honey gently removes the tan from your face.Home Remedies For Suntan, Sunburn And Sun Poisoning

Applying aloe vera juice or gel as it helps in soothing the skin to reduce pain, redness and itchiness You can also apply calamine lotion You can apply vinegar or apple cider vinegar on you skin which acts as a great remedy for sunburn

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Keep wet towels around the affected area for 10-15 minutes several times a day to soothe the sunburn Wash the affected area with anti-bacterial soap to prevent any other kind of an infection A cool milk compress is one of the best remedies for sunburn.

Dab your skin with cool whole milk for 20 minutes and the rinse it off with cool water. You can apply cod liver oil for sunburns Make a mixture of grated cucumber with milk and apply it on the sunburned skin Remove juice from grated potatoes to be applied on the sunburned skin. This provides good relief for sunburns Mix one egg white with one tsp honey and hazel. Apply this on the bruised area and leave it for 5-10 minutes.

Later wash it with luke warm water. Including treatments for sunburns vinegar, milk, potato juice and cucumber

juice can do wonders to remove your suntan. Add 20 drops lavender and chamomile essential oil for a cool and soothing

bath In four ounces of water put 20 drops of calendula tincture which bids the pain

goodbye. You can make a cool compress of baking soda, Epsom salt or witch hazel to

provide relief to your burns. Rub bruised onions on sun burn to provide the ample relief Applying peppermint oil on the sunburned skin also helps in cooling the

sunburn Pour sugarless cool mint tea on the burnt area. The tannins in the tea help in

the healing process You can spread cucumber slices on the burn as it would provides you the

needed relief You can soak yourself in oatmeal in tepid bath water for few minutes and then

dry yourself To help the healing process apply the area with oil and cover it with ginger

this would help in the much needed quick recovery A warm shower may sound weird but it sure works at this time as it increases

the blood circulation Add 20 drops of urtica urens tincture in four ounces of water and bathe the

bruised area. This would provide relief from the itchyand prickly skin sensation

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sunburn-Soothers * Cod-liver oil, often used for baby's skin irritation, helps when applied to painful areas. Or try a mixture of half a pint of milk and a mashed cucumber.

* Vinegar patted on sun burnt areas is very soothing.

* Pat sun burnt areas immediately with half a cup of milk to which a pinch of borax has been added.

* Grate one fresh raw potato. Extract juice by squeezing in a cheese-cloth. Apply to painful areas. This treatment also provides immediate relief.

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* Calamine lotion (available at most chemists) applied liberally on affected areas and left on to dry is also a great sunburn soother.

* To one raw egg white add one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of hazel. Apply on affected areas, leave on for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with tepid water. Home Remedies for Wrinkles Treatment

Apply a paste of turmeric powder with sugarcane juice to prevent skin aging and remove wrinkles.

Apply the leftover eggwhites in the bottom of the shell to the lines under your eyes.

Glycolic acid is the most active and beneficial of the Alpha-Hydroxy-Acids (AHAs) in skin care. Once inside the cells, the acid triggers new formations of collagen to plump cells and the ground substances in the skin to reduce wrinkles on the skin's surface.

Rub the core of pineapple on the face for a few minutes and leave for ten tot fifteen minutes. This is a great remedy for fine wrinkles.

Green tea's anti-inflammatory and anti-growth qualities are found in many skin care products designed to reduce the appearance of puffiness, wrinkles, fine lines and large pores.

Prick 3 capsules of vitamin E and drain into small bowl. Add 2 tsps plain yogurt, 1/2 tsp honey and 1/2 tsp. lemon juice. Apply to face with cotton ball. Leave on skin for about 10 minutes. Rinse.

Clean the face and remove make-up to open the pores of the skin. Start massaging your skin starting at the neck and ending at the forehead. Apply a good antiwrinkle cream with a firm pressure. Do not apply pressure around the eyes. Continue the massage for about fifteen minutes and wipe off the face with a wet cotton.

Apply odorless castor oil to the crepe-like skin under the eyes or on the throat.

Wash the face with lukewarm water. Wipe with a rough towel, and apply mixture of cream of milk and four drops of lemon on the face in the night till it is completely absorbed. Bath after about half an hour or wash with water. With daily application for 15-20 days wrinkles are eliminated and black spots too much clean.

• Massage gently with olive oil. It is also very effective natural cure for wrinkles.

• Cold water is effective in preventing wrinkles. Do not wipe the face immediately after washing, instead pat it with hands to dry, so that some amount of water enters the skin; keeps the face beautiful and fresh.

• Drink half gram of carrot juice daily for two weeks. It is also proven cure for wrinkles.

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• Take a piece of ripe papaya and apply on the face. Bath after sometime. The daily application of papaya cures wrinkles and make the skin fair. Also apply on the neck and massage. It cleans and brightens the neck and removes wrinkles.

• Place a piece of cucumber around the eyes and on the forehead and lie down relaxed. The wrinkles around the eyes and forehead will be cured within two weeks.

• Apply lemon juice on the face. Rub the peels of lemon rubbed on it. Your face will become beautiful and soft.

• Massage in the opposite direction of wrinkles. Massage from bottom to top on the forehead and towards the temporal region.

• Include green vegetables and fruits in your diet for retaining youth and freshness.

• Avoid tension and stress. Always try to entertain yourself.

Wrinkle Removal Recipe

Banana is wonderful as an anti-wrinkle treatment.

Mash 1/4 banana until very creamy. Spread all over face and leave for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water followed by a dash of cold. Gently pat dry.

Young Skin Forever This is a very simple way to keep your face skin looking young. Every night, rinse your skin with 100% pure apple juice. If you do it every day, you won't get wrinkles.*one tablespoon of baby oil in very warm bath water for smooth skin. Watch the wrinkles go.

*Apply coconut oil on the portions of skin and face where wrinkles set in and gently massage every night at bed time.

*Soak shredded ginger (adrak) in honey. Eat a spoonful every morning. Yellow pigmentation in eyes due to jaundice

*Grind ¼ teaspoon black cumin seeds (kala jeera) in breast milk and introduce a pinch into the nostrils.

*Massage your skin with vitamin E based cream with the help of your fingertips to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

*Almonds are a rich source of vitamin D if 2 soaked almond have been eaten in a day, makes lots of difference to your skin.

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*The white portion in egg has the skin tightening agents. You can take white egg yolk, whip it in a bowl and apply it on face by adding few drops of lemon juice and honey to it. Wash it with lukewarm water when dries.

*Calamine powder is equally good in toning up the skin. You can make a paste by adding milk cream or raw milk to calamine powder and apply it on face and neck. Rinse off when dry. Remember that you never talk or laugh when you have these packs on the skin or you will increase the wrinkles on your face than decreasing.

*Sandalwood powder applied on face by making a paste with rose water decreases the fine lines and tones up the skin. Honey is a good toning agent. Take a spoonful of honey, add some vitamin E oil or a vitamin E capsule to it, and add few drops of lemon and some milk powder to it. Apply it on the face and leave for 10-15 minutes. It reduces the blemishes and decreases the wrinkles from the skin.

*Papaya is a good fruit even if applied on the skin. It is extremely useful in tightening the skin. You can mash a papaya and apply the paste on the skin. Apply it directly or over a gauge on the skin. Let it be there on the skin for 20 minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water.

*Soak some almonds overnight in water. Make a paste of them and add honey to it. Apply it on face and scrub off when dries. It is extremely good in adding life to your skin plus it feeds the skin with its vitamins.

*Make powder of dry orange peels and apply it on the skin with milk cream. It decreases the wrinkles and clears the complexion.

*You can make a pack by taking equal proportions of calamine powder, sandalwood powder, orange powder, add honey to it, a pinch of turmeric powder to it and make a paste with raw milk. Apply it on face and neck and rinse off when dries.

*Tomato juice is good for skin. You can add it in any of the packs and apply. You can even put it on the skin with a cotton ball. It tones up the skin. Reduces the pore size and make the complexion even.

* To remove wrinkles on the face, apply a mixture of sandalwood powder, rosewater and glycerin. Wash with cold water after some time


Wrinkle Reducer - Home Remedy for Line and wrinkles 1. A potato mask effectively improves the skin texture, lightens wrinkles, makes them fainter, and tightens your skin. Take 2 potatoes, peel and grate them. Apply the grated potatoes all over forehead, face and neck. Leave it on for a few mintues. The feeling of "pinching" and tightening of the skin will be acute. Rinse off with cold water. Cleans and tightens the skin.

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2. Pick 3 capsules of vitamin E and drain into small bowl. Add 2 tsp's plain yogurt, 1/2 tsp honey and 1/2 tsp. lemon juice. Apply to face with cotton ball. Leave on skin for about 10 minutes. Rinse.

3. Glycolic acid is the most active and beneficial of the Alpha-Hydroxy-Acids (AHAs) in skin care. Once inside the cells, the acid triggers new formations of collagen to plump cells and the ground substances in the skin to reduce wrinkles on the skin's surface.

4. Warm a little honey and apply on the face. Wash off after 10-15 minutes. A good way to reduce wrinkles on the face.

5. Take ¼ cup comfrey infusion¼ cup witch hazel10 drops patchouli essential oilMix well. Store in a clean bottle. Apply to effected areas with a cotton ball.

6. Green tea's anti-inflammatory and anti-growth qualities are found in many skin care products designed to reduce the appearance of puffiness, wrinkles, fine lines and large pores.

7. Take half cup yoghurt and add 2 tablespoons of chickpea powder. Stir to a smooth paste. Apply a thick coat all over the face and neck. Let it stand for 10 mintues. Wash off, repeat this every alternative day. An ideal application for wrinkle reducer or to get rid of wrinkle .

8.An Effective remedy for Wrinkle: Rub the core of pineapple on the face for a few minutes and leave for ten tot fifteen minutes.

9. Clean the face and remove make-up to open the pores of the skin. Start massaging your skin starting at the neck and ending at the forehead. Apply a good antiwrinkle cream with a firm pressure. Do not apply pressure around the eyes. Continue the massage for about fifteen minutes and wipe off the face with a wet cotton. Reduce Lines and Wrinkle by Coconut oil Wrinkle TreatmentApply coconut oil on the portions of skin and face where wrinkles set in and gently massage every night at bedtime.

Facial Mask for Mature Skin to soften wrinkles and provide moisture.2 drops Geranium essential oil 2 drops Frankincense essential oil 1 drop Myrrh essential oil Add the above essential oils to the mask recipe in the next section. Apply the mask to the entire facial area and neck. Leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water to remove.

Natural remedy for softening your face wrinkles

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Soak a few almonds in milk overnight. Grind the almonds into a paste in the same milk after taking off its peel. Make sure you do not make the paste runny by adding too much milk. Apply the mixture and let it sit for twenty minutes on your face before rinsing off. Almonds rich in Vitamin A moisturize the skin, and the milk clears the complexion and cleanses it naturally.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Home Made Make Up Removers for Skin Care *Take a tablespoonful of raw milk in a bowl; add a small pinch of turmeric powder and a few drops of lemon juice to it. Apply this mixture on the face and neck from the area where you want to remove the make up. Use a cotton ball for application. Leave it on the skin for few minutes and then wash the face with lukewarm water. It will cleanse your pores and remove the dirt and make up from the skin. The agents in turmeric and lemon also reduce the blemishes from the skin.

*Apply plain curd on your face; leave it on for few minutes and then rinse off. Curd has bleaching agents, which cleanses the skin and clears the complexion.

*Rub milk cream on the skin and then wash the face with Luke warm water. If your skin is oily then take a pinch of milk cream and add a few drops of lemon juice to it. It is very good to remove the dirt and make up.

*Take two spoonful of wheat flour and add raw milk to it. Make a thick paste and rub it on the skin on reverse direction as a scrubber. This paste makes the skin smooth and glowing. Makes it clean and clear by removing all the dirt from it. You can apply this mixture before going to a party or function as skin really glows after using it.

*If the skin is tanned and oily then you can apply honey on it by adding one spoonful of rose water into it. It removes the tan and cleanses the skin. This mixture is quite useful for oily skin.

*Wiping the skin with baby oil removes the make up traces, dirt and dust and has no side effects on the skin.

* Take two spoonful of gram flour; add few drops of lemon juice and a spoonful of curd to it. Make a paste and apply it on the skin. When half dried, remove it from the skin in adverse direction. It removes the make up traces, dirt and small facial hair from the skin.

*Mixture of olive oil and baby oil is good in removing eye make up. You can dip a cotton ball in the raw milk and wipe the face with it. It cleanses the facial dirt, dust and make up.

*Rubbing lemon peel on the oily skin is a very good cleaning procedure. It removes the grease and oil from the skin and makes it look fresh.

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*Splashing or applying coconut water on the skin is a good way of cleaning.

*Rubbing oatmeal paste on the skin removes dead skin and dirt from it.

*Take a spoonful of tomato juice and add few drops of lemon juice to it. Apply this solution on the skin with a cotton ball and leave it on the skin for 5-10 minutes. It cleans the skin, enhances the complexion and reduces the size of open pores. If your skin pores are really large, you can use this solution daily on your skin. Tomato juice has bleaching agents in it so it clears the color of the skin and highlights the facial hair.

*Potato juice can be applied on the skin the same way as tomato juice. It reduces the blemishes and dark circles from the skin and removes the dirt from it.

*Cucumber juice can be taken on a cotton ball and applied on the skin to remove the dirt and make up. You can add a few drops of baby oil in it for better results.

*Whenever you make and drink orange juice at home, apply a little of it on your skin to clean the complexion.

*Same way you can apply papaya pulp or watermelon on the skin to hydrate it and make it look clean, clear and supple.-----------------------------------------------------------Home Made Scrubbers and Creams for Healthy Skin

*Milk cream can be taken out from the milk, which appears on the milk as a layer. You can separate it from the milk, whip it in a bowl and keep it in the refrigerator. You can apply this cream on your entire body before taking bath. It's extremely good for a dry skin and has no side effects.

*Add camphor in coconut oil and you can use this oil to massage on your body in winters. It even heals the itching on the skin caused by dryness.

*A mixture of glycerin and lemon oil is very good for dry skin if applied regularly in winters.

*Honey and milk powder mixture is very good to remove blemishes and tan from the skin. You can make a paste of milk powder and honey, fill it in a small glass bottle and keep it in the fridge for further usage. It is very beneficial in reducing dark circles if applied on them.

*Take almond oil, olive oil and tea tree oil in equal proportion. You can apply it on all over your skin. It reduces the dryness of the skin, makes it smooth and supple and adds glow to it. You can even add some vitamin E oil in it. This combination can be applied even on the nails to enhance them.

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*Take two spoonful of gram flour oil; add a spoonful of curd to it, a pinch of turmeric powder and a few drops of lemon oil. Make a thick paste and apply it on the face and neck. You can even apply it on all over your body. Scrub it off when dry. It removes the dead skin cells, black heads and dryness from the skin. It clears the skin complexion and makes the skin tone even.

*Soak rice in the mil overnight. Grind them in the morning and make a paste. Use this scrubber on your face like any other readymade scrubber. You can make and keep this mixture in your refrigerator for few days.

*Dry orange and lemon peels in the sun. Make a powder of it. Now add some milk or rose water to this powder and apply it on the face. You can leave it on the face for ten minutes and scrub it off when half dried. It tones the skin, rejuvenates the skin and improves the complexion a lot where others can make out the difference in your skin.

*Soak 4 almonds in the night for overnight. Peel them in the morning and make a paste. Add some honey to this paste and apply it on your skin. Leave it for few minutes and then scrub it off. It does drastic difference to your skin. It enhances the skin complexion and is extremely helpful for dry skin.

*Mixture of sandalwood powder, calamine powder and rose water is very good for oily skin. Make a paste of it and apply on the skin. Wash it off when dries. It reduces oiliness from the skin and reduces the fine lines.

*Take wheat flour or gram flour, add the juice of a tomato to it, add some milk to it and apply on the skin. Remove it from the skin in adverse direction when half dried. It tones the skin as tomato has toning agents in it. Skin becomes clean and smooth.

*If your skin is problematic and is prone to acne and pimples then grind neem leaves and mix them in either sandalwood powder or calamine powder. Apply it on your skin and scrub it off when half dry. It helps in reducing blemishes and pimples from the skin.

*Make a paste of banana and papaya and rub it on the face. Apply it on the skin and remove when half dried.

* Gram flour power, sandalwood powder and calamine powders are the base for any home made scrubber or face pack. You can add cucumber juice, tomato juice,potato juice or orange juice in any of these bases to make a paste. They all have different agents to improve the skin. Scrubbing them off from the skin in reverse direction removes the dull, black skin and black heads.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stretch Marks –

*A family member told me years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter to rub pure cocoa butter twice daily over my stomach and breasts. When my daughter was born, there

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were no stretch marks at all on my stomach. Now in my fifties, I've been passing this information on to my daughter, daughters of friends and anyone I knew who was pregnant. My daughter now has 3 sons and no stretch marks. But once you have stretch marks it is difficult to get rid of. The key is prevention.I use to buy the Hersheys cocoa butter directly from a pharmacy.

*Rub Premium olive oil over stretch marks after every shower and watch them disappear.

*Here is a recipe that has been in my family for a long time...to rid your body of stretch marks do this: take pure coco butter, and about 1/4 cup of olive oil. Mix well before applying to stretch marks. Cleanse skin with lemon juice, then apply olive/coco butter mix do this every night until they are gone!

Stretch Mark Cream Yield: 3 ounces

1/4 cup cocoa butter 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil 1 teaspoon light sesame seed oil 1 teaspoon apricot kernel oil 1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil 2 teaspoon grated beeswax 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)

Mix together all ingredients except vanilla extract. Heat the mixture gently until the cocoa butter and beeswax have melted. Remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract, if desired. Allow to cool completely. Store in a clean jar with a tight fitting lid. Massage into your skin.

*****************************************************************Freckles*cover the face with almond paste  and then pat lemon juice into the skin which will remove some of the freckles.  Keep out of the sun and hot wind  and do not go into the sun when the face, hands and arms  are wet.*In Israel, brown spots are treated with a paste made by mashing 1/3 cup of chickpeas in a little water. Smear on  the paste and leave it on until dry and crumbly. Wash completely. You can apply this mixture daily.The citric acid in lemons provides a safe, but powerful, astringent, drying out excess skin oils. The juice also helps to lighten freckles, especially if treated areas are carefully exposed to sunlight. Short term exposure to the sun has a bleaching effect. Long term exposure just creates more freckles.******************************************************************Recipe for Blackheads Treatment: For natural home skin care remedies steaming out black heads works wonders. When steaming at home, do this no longer than 5-7 minutes once or twice a week It will cleanse the skin and the black heads but may loosen the skin, and which may create early wrinkles.

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Combine 1/4 cup of hot water and 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts with 4 drops of iodine. Heat slightly to dissolve, mix well and let it cool until it is lukewarm. Submerge a cotton ball in to the mixture and apply to the troubled area. When the mixture dries, remove it gently with a washcloth. Do not use a Kleenex tissue as this contains paper particles that may add to clogging of the pores.Use Green Tea as a face scrub to loosen blackheads.Combine equal parts baking soda and water in your hand and massage gently on your skin and allow it to set up for 2 to 3 minutes once or twice a week to exfoliate. Do not exfoliate longer than 2-3 minutes per usage as this can break down too much skin tissue at one time. Rinse with warm water by touch your skin lightly with your hands.If you choose to use a moderately warm washcloth, use with care as the roughness may also create skin break down. Apply the washcloth to your skin, and allow it to absorb the mixture on it’s own. Then use a blotting method to remove mixture from nose and creases.Drink plenty of water daily. Always cleanse twice a day with warm water and use your astringent with each cleansing. Many people with black heads hesitate to use moisturizers. A moisturizer helps protect the skin from future wrinkles. Moisturizers for oily skin should be very lightweight.Many people have black heads under the eye area. It is most important to remember this is a very sensitive area of the face. This area of the skin is much thinner and home remedies as well as over the counter products must be used with caution and care. Some natural remedies may be too heavy for this area and cause under eye swelling. Try Rosewater, Lavender and Alcohol at equal portions. Steaming is the best method. Do not squeeze, blot with washcloth as instructed above.Black heads under the eye area are very difficult to treat and this takes patience with time for results.Another Home Remedy for blackheads:Take a tablespoon each of curd, multani mitti powder and mint powder. Soak multani mitti and mint powder in curd for half an hour and then blend well. Apply it on your face for 15 minutes. When dried, wash off with lukewarm water followed by a cold-water rinse. This is an ideal mask for oily skin. Take one egg white, a teaspoon of multani mitti powder, a few drops each of peppermint extract and water. Soak multani mitti powder in the water for half an hour. Beat the egg and blend in all the ingredients together. Mix the soaked multani mitti powder in the mixture. Apply this on the face for 15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. This is also a good mask for oily skin.If you have a patchy skin make the following face pack. Take a tablespoon each of curd and multani mitti and a teaspoon of mint powder. Soak multani mitti in curd for half an hour, then mix mint in it. Apply the paste on the face. Leave it to dry and wash off with lukewarm water followed by a cold-water rinse.Mix an egg white, a tablespoon curd, a teaspoon each multani mitti and honey as a mask for normal to oily skin. Mix a tablespoon each of curd and multani mitti with half a teaspoon of honey and one eighth teaspoon of baking soda for a mask for normal to oily skin. A simple mask of multani mitti with besan and gulabjal (rose water) is effective for treating sunburn. Some multani mitti mixed with tomato juice applied it to your skin is also good for treating sunburn.To remove pimple marks, grind two or three neem leaves into a paste and mix with a tablespoon of multani mitti soaked in water. Apply this to clean skin and let it dry completely before washing it off. Do this daily for 15 days.

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Mix together one fourth cup of multani mitti, one fourth cup dried orange peel and two tablespoons full of oatmeal powder. Take a spoon full of this mixture, add some water to make a paste and apply it all over the face and neck. Work the paste gently into the skin in a circular motion. Concentrate on the nose and chin area. Wash off with water. This scrub deep cleans oily skin and helps unclog pores. Mix four ounces of powdered almonds, two ounces of glycerine soap and one ounce of multani mitti in a little water. Rub this exfoliating scrub on the blackhead-affected areas on your face. Make an exfoliating scrub with multani mitti, orange peel, sandalwood and tomato pulp. Massage it on the skin and rinse off.Mix together multani mitti, oatmeal and almond paste. Apply all over face and wash off after 10 minutes. Mix together multani mitti, besan and sandalwood powder in equal quantities and store the mixture in an airtight container. Use a teaspoon of this scrub mixed to a paste with water to cleanse the skin of flakes and dirt.*******************************************************************Home remedies for blemishes, brown spots, freckles - Get rid of skin blemishes - Say bye bye to blemishes 1) Heat honey slightly and apply to face, tap face gently with your fingers. Wash honey off with warm water then rinse with cool water. A bit of wheat germ may be added to the honey before applying. 2) Blotchy skin: Make a mixture of 1 part apple cider vinegar and 8 parts water. Store in a decorative bottle in the bathroom. Rinse face 1-2 times a day with the solution.3) Apply odorless castor oil or vitamin E nightly.4) Apply lemon juice as a bleach to the spots5) An old folk remedy for freckles: Dissolve some suger in the juice of one lemon. Apply mixture to each freckle with a camels hair brush!!!!6) Honey is a great remedy for skin blemishes and acne because the honey kills bacteria. - Submitted by ChelseaAn awesome way to get rid of freckels *1.Take a Lemon and cut it in two halves. *2.Take a teaspoon of apple vinegar and pour it on the half of the lemon. *3.Let the vinegar soak in the lemon and then rub it on face for 30 minutes or more. It depends on how many freckels you have.*****************************************************************