Writer Writer Ravi Kumar Paluri Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters Presenters Vicky Vicky & & Joanna Joanna Instructor Instructor Alice Chen Alice Chen Writer Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters Vicky & Joanna Instructor Alice Chen

Writer:Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters:Vicky & & & & Joanna Instructor:Alice Chen Writer : Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters : Vicky & Joanna Instructor : Alice

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Page 1: Writer:Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters:Vicky & & & & Joanna Instructor:Alice Chen Writer : Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters : Vicky & Joanna Instructor : Alice

WriterWriter :: Ravi Kumar PaluriRavi Kumar PaluriPresentersPresenters :: Vicky Vicky && JoannaJoanna

InstructorInstructor :: Alice ChenAlice Chen

Writer : Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters : Vicky & Joanna Instructor : Alice Chen

Page 2: Writer:Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters:Vicky & & & & Joanna Instructor:Alice Chen Writer : Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters : Vicky & Joanna Instructor : Alice



Think about it

Read together



Word review

Page 3: Writer:Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters:Vicky & & & & Joanna Instructor:Alice Chen Writer : Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters : Vicky & Joanna Instructor : Alice


If you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence, you can achieve anything.

Page 4: Writer:Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters:Vicky & & & & Joanna Instructor:Alice Chen Writer : Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters : Vicky & Joanna Instructor : Alice

Think about it (Part Ⅰ) With your group, answer these questions.With your group, answer these questions.I want to be a successful person like…? Why?I want to be a successful person like…? Why?

Wang Yung-ching Jay Chou

Ma Ying-jeou Chien-Ming Wang

I am a rich man !!

I am brilliant singer !!

I am very powerful !!

I am a proud of Taiwan !!

Page 5: Writer:Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters:Vicky & & & & Joanna Instructor:Alice Chen Writer : Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters : Vicky & Joanna Instructor : Alice

Bill Gates – A story of Success

Please look at your paper Please look at your paper

Part ⅡPart Ⅱ

Page 6: Writer:Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters:Vicky & & & & Joanna Instructor:Alice Chen Writer : Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters : Vicky & Joanna Instructor : Alice

Question & Word review (PartⅢ)

Look again “Bill Gates –A story of success”and answer the questions.

1.When was Bill Gates born ? On October 28,1955.2.In what year did “Programmers Group” form ? In late 1968.3.Who does Bill Gates often discuss with ? His friend Paul Allen. 4.What was Bill Gates and his friend interested in ? They were interested in computer.5.What doesn’t Bill Gates believe? He doesn’t believe in mere luck or God’s grace.

Page 7: Writer:Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters:Vicky & & & & Joanna Instructor:Alice Chen Writer : Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters : Vicky & Joanna Instructor : Alice

Vocabulary1.intelligent (a.) able to learn, understand, and use information well,smart ex : If you are intelligent and know how to apply

your intelligece,you can achieve anything.2.ambitious (a.) wanting success ex : Bill was ambitious,intelligent and competitive.3. attain (v.) to achieve, reach ex : These qualities helped him to attain top position in the profession he chose.

Page 8: Writer:Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters:Vicky & & & & Joanna Instructor:Alice Chen Writer : Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters : Vicky & Joanna Instructor : Alice

Vocabulary4.remain (v.)to continue to be a certain way ex : Gates and his friend remained in close

contact even though they were away from school.5.grace (n.)kindnessex : He doesn’t believe in mere luck or God’s

grace.6.stomp (n.)to step down strongly with the foot ex : He will continue to stomp out the

competition until he dies.

Page 9: Writer:Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters:Vicky & & & & Joanna Instructor:Alice Chen Writer : Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters : Vicky & Joanna Instructor : Alice

Read these texts. Think about the synonym in the italia wordBill believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence, you can achieve anything. From childhood Bill was ambitious, intelligent and competitive. These qualities helped him to attain top position in the profession he chose. Bill’s parents came to know their son's intelligence and decided to enroll him in a private school. It was a very important decision in Bill Gate's life where he was first introduced to a computer. Bill Gates and his friends were very much interested in computer and formed "Programmers Group" in late 1968.













Page 10: Writer:Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters:Vicky & & & & Joanna Instructor:Alice Chen Writer : Ravi Kumar Paluri Presenters : Vicky & Joanna Instructor : Alice