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  • 8/14/2019 WRITING A POSITION PAPER.pptx



  • 8/14/2019 WRITING A POSITION PAPER.pptx


  • 8/14/2019 WRITING A POSITION PAPER.pptx


    Your job is to take one side of the argument andpersuade your audience that you have well-

    founded knowledge of the topic being presented.

    It is important to support your argument with

    evidence to ensure the validity of your claims, as

    well as

    to address the counterclaims to show that you are

    well informed about both sides.

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    Issue Criteria

    To take a side on a subject, you should firstestablish the arguability of a topic that interests

    you. Ask yourself the following questions to

    ensure that you will be able to present a strong


    - Is it a real issue, with genuine controversy

    and uncertainty?

    - Can you distinctly identify two positions?

    - Are you personally interested in advocating

    one of these positions?

    - Is the issue narrow enough to be


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    Analyzing an Issue and Developing an


    Once your topic is selected, you should do some

    research on the subject matter. While you mayalready have an opinion on your topic and an ideaabout which side of the argument you want to take,you need to ensure that your position is wellsupported.

    Listing out the pro and con sides of the topic will helpyou examine your ability to support yourcounterclaims, along with a list of supporting evidencefor both sides. Supporting evidence includes thefollowing:

    - Factual Knowledge -Information that isverifiable and agreed upon by almost everyone.

    - Statistical Inferences -Interpretation andexamples of an accumulation of facts.

    - Informed Opinion - Opinion developed through

    research and/or expertise of the claim.- Personal Testimony -Personal experience

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    In determining your viewpoint, ask yourself

    the following:

    Is your topic interesting?

    Can you manage the material within thespecifications set by the instructor?

    Does your topic assert something specific andpropose a plan of action?

    Do you have enough material or proof tosupport your opinion?

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    Your introduction should lead up to a thesis thatorganizes the rest of your paper. There are three

    advantages to leading with the thesis:

    1. The audience knows where you stand.

    2. The thesis is located in the two strongest

    places, first and last.

    3. It is the most common form of academic

    argument used.

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    Recommended Position Paper Outline

    I. Background (perspective on the issue; pre-existing

    conditions/backdrop that lead to the clear understanding ofthe problem)

    II. Specific Problem/Issue

    III. Position (your view /approach on the issue)

    IV. Why the present set-up should be modified or changed

    Counter ArgumentsA. Summarize the counterclaims.

    B. Provide supporting information for


    C. Refute the counterclaims

    D. Give evidence for arguments

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    Position Paper Outline

    ArgumentsA. Assert point #1 of your claims

    1. Give your educated and informed opinion

    2. Provide support

    B. Assert point #2 of your claims

    1. Give your educated and informed opinion

    2. Provide support/proofC. Assert point #3 of your claims

    1. Give your educated and informed opinion

    2. Provide support/proof

    V. Strategies to effect changes (Plan of Action)

    VI. After Effects of the Proposal (immediate advantages and possible

    disadvantages or problems to be encountered)VII. Possible changes if proposal will be implemented (what will happen

    to the stakeholders; budget; morale; leadership; facilities; etc.)

    VIII. Evaluation of Proposal (How the changes will be assessed)

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    Sample Topics for Position Paper The Need for the Philippine Navy to send its

    Naval Aviators to take up Squadron OfficersCourse of the Philippine Air Force rather than theNaval Command and Staff Course of the

    Philippine Navy The Need to Amend AFP, GHQ Circular Number

    02 dated 16 March 1999, Specifically the Level ofIssuing Authority Pertaining to Visit Clearance forForeign State Vessels and Aircrafts

    The Need to Revive the PN Office of StrategicStudies

    The Need to Replace Paper-based SelectionProcess of the Promotion Board A with an IT-

    aided Process.

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    The Need to Revise the PN ResourceProgramming of the Annual Plans and Budget

    (APB) in the distribution of the Intelligence Fund

    (IF) of the Philippine Navy (PN)

    The Need to Revise the AFP Officer Appraisal

    Report System into a 360 Degree Feedback


    The Need To Review the Curriculum of NIOAC

    Conducted at NITI to have a Responsive POI for

    the Naval Intelligence Profession

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    Practicality Issue on Submitting Multiple

    Folders to Promotion Board A

    I. Background: DOTMPLFII. Specific Problem: Paper-based promotion

    process that causes wastage of paper andman-hour resource

    III. Position: Replace Paper-based SelectionProcess of the Promotion Board A with an IT-aided Process.

    IV. Why there should be a need to replace Paper-

    based selection process with an IT-aidedprocess?

    -wastage of paper

    - huge amount of man-hours lost

    - de-motivation on the part of the promotees

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    V. The Approach to Effect Changes

    A. Change Management

    B. Budget ManagementC. Process Management

    D. IT Management

    VI. After effect of the Proposal

    A. Accuracy

    B. Orderliness

    C. Ease

    D. Knowledge Management System

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    VII. Possible Changes if Proposal will be


    Impact on:- handling of records

    - eliminating de-motivation on the paper-


    - browsing of records by promotion boardmembers

    - freeing up space at offices and eliminating

    fire hazards

    - smooth facilitation of training

    VIII. Evaluation of the Proposal

    Measured through:

    - Accuracy