Writing Posters These writing posters are meant to support beginning writers. They are here in pdf format, but if you'd like them in a Word Document, just let me know at [email protected]. That way you can eliminate, add, or change the vocabulary for your particular class. I would suggest reproducing them on card stock and laminating them for durability.

writing Posters - To Carlcarlscorner.us.com/Writing/Writing Poster Set.pdf · These writing posters are meant to support beginning writers. ... step half foster weekend ... flashlight

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Writing Posters

These writing posters are meant to support beginning writers. They

are here in pdf format, but if you'd like them in a Word Document,

just let me know at [email protected]. That way you can eliminate,

add, or change the vocabulary for your particular class. I would

suggest reproducing them on card stock and laminating them for


BBaasseebbaallll WWoorrdd LLiisstt baseball* mitt uniform

coach manager base

umpire catcher pitcher

home run catch shortstop

pitch outfield refreshments

stands hotdog peanuts

team rain steal

safe out strike

ball mascot dugout

foul ball inning hit

BBaasskkeettbbaallll WWoorrdd LLiisstt basketball score uniform

coach manager net

court referee bleachers

dribble catch free throw

travel whistle refreshments

hotdog peanuts bell

team pass steal

rim guard center

forward dunk timeout

foul clock floor

BBeeaacchh WWoorrdd LLiisstt beach sun sand

starfish popsicle towel

shovel bucket castle

beach ball shells hot

bathing suit* sandals lotion

sunglasses picnic waves

surfboard tides splash

goggles hat surfer

lifeguard sea ocean

BBiirrtthhddaayy WWoorrdd LLiisstt birthday cake candles

frosting ice cream party

presents* friends hats

balloons games surprise

card piñata bow

fun blow/blew wish

sing/sang happy favors

invite play celebrate

CCaammppiinngg WWoorrdd LLiisstt tent sleeping bag backpack

boots hike flashlight

logs campfire* lantern

water trees bugs

canoe squirrels compass

whistle map camera

ranger marshmallow tarp

nature songs stories

CChhoorreess WWoorrdd LLiisstt bed dust vacuum

dishes wash sweep

fold clothes make

trash car weeds

pull rake leaves

laundry baking* cooking

help dry toys

books clean empty

wipe scrub feed

CChhrriissttmmaass WWoorrdd LLiisstt Christmas decorate tree*

ornaments wreath tinsel

holly lights star

angel garland elves

gifts church caroling

Santa Claus reindeer sleigh

fireplace milk cookies

ribbons bows wrap

shop giving stocking

toys bell joy

CCoowwbbooyy WWoorrdd LLiisstt brand bullet corral

boots hat saddle

stampede herd holster

horse reins roundup

rodeo barn trail

dogie grub lasso

ranch bedroll chuck wagon

crew stirrups spurs

canteen sheriff posse

rustler cattle

EEaasstteerr WWoorrdd LLiisstt basket eggs brush

paint dye colors

grass hunt Sunday

find candy hide

bunny* rabbit bonnet

chick parade decorate

spring nest jellybean

chocolate under backyard

behind bushes boil

FFaaiirryy TTaallee WWoorrdd LLiisstt

angel fairy tale mermaid

king ghost clown

ballerina dragon queen

princess palace pirate

unicorn witch sword

forest gold crown

knight castle wolf

prince ogre troll

cottage wood cutter grandmother

FFaammiillyy WWoorrdd LLiisstt family mom dad

brother sister mother

father baby uncle

aunt grandma grandpa

mama papa cousin

niece nephew relatives

reunion home house

little big twins

step half foster

weekend younger older

together share love

FFaarrmm WWoorrdd LLiisstt farm barn* farmer

chicken cow horse

pig duck chick

duckling hay silo

sheep lamb tractor

goat country eggs

sty stable pasture

rooster piglet calf

field barnyard crop

turkey goose garden

FFaatthheerr’’ss DDaayy WWoorrdd LLiisstt

tie fishing* golf

candy chores cards

presents special love

baseball tools bowling

hugs piggyback cars

strong funny thanks

FFiisshhiinngg WWoorrdd LLiisstt fishing pole worm

bait hook canoe

summer pond lake

boat cast tackle box

bass trout catfish

float line net

catch caught hat

license sinker bobber

splash reel wiggly

FFrrooggss WWoorrdd LLiisstt Kermit tadpole froglet

egg amphibian pond

swim leap jump

life cycle gills lungs

insects enemies croak

webbed lakes camouflage

hatch tongue “ribbit”

Froggy Jeremy Fisher

hibernate tail trees

streams speckled warty

GGeeooggrraapphhyy WWoorrdd LLiisstt bay beach cave

creek desert earth

stream swamp valley

waterfall woods forest

hill island lake

mesa mountain ocean

peak plain plateau

pond prairie river

riverbed sea woods

HHaalllloowweeeenn WWoorrdd LLiisstt Halloween costume trick-or-treat

candy mask carnival

games apples pumpkins

decorations scary ghost

witch spider broom

skeleton spooky candy corn

haunted Boo! caramel corn

parents safety Frankenstein

flashlight candle jack-o-lantern*

JJoobbss WWoorrdd LLiisstt artist astronaut baker

butcher cashier cook

dancer doctor electrician

fireman gardener* janitor

judge lifeguard mailman

mechanic nurse pilot

plumber policeman singer

teacher waiter waitress

barber banker actor

farmer soldier salesman

dentist musician magician

““LLiittttllee BBooyyss”” WWoorrdd LLiisstt trucks trains mud

bugs balls tractors

blocks army pirates

robots climb hunt

kickball fishing worms

slingshot overalls frogs

snakes puddles ponds

treehouses race cars puppies

sticks rocks cowboys

““LLiittttllee GGiirrllss”” WWoorrdd LLiisstt mommy tea party dad

daddy jacks jump rope

doll tiara roller skates

wand princess dress up

ballerina tutu beauty parlor

makeup Barbie sugar/spice

kittens baby doll Cinderella

coloring hula hoop gymnastics

dance bracelets rings

music singing purse

brush comb sleepover

cookies party tea set

MMootthheerr’’ss DDaayy WWoorrdd LLiisstt flowers* breakfast love

candy chores cards

presents special tea

cookies hugs coupons

bake cuddle thank you

May Sunday

PPeettss WWoorrdd LLiisstt puppy* kitten goldfish

collar leash flea

vet bed blanket

dish food turtle

gecko hamster dog

cat canary parakeet

cage rabbit aquarium

fur exercise attention

feathers guinea pig water

PPiiccnniicc WWoorrdd LLiisstt picnic basket* blanket

food sunshine park

grass ants hotdogs

cooler chips watermelon

drinks mustard potato salad

ketchup barbecue summer

hot friends family

lunch outside plates

cups playground ice

napkins tablecloth pickles

PPllaannttss WWoorrdd LLiisstt plant* seed stem

petal weeds water

soil flower garden

rake hoe shovel

sunlight grow root

leaves seedling sprout

thorn rain pick

eat bulb blossom

bud air minerals

RRaaiinnyy WWeeaatthheerr WWoorrdd LLiisstt rain boots umbrella

storm splash* raincoat

mud puddles drops

clouds thunder lightning

cloudy wet pouring

rainbow drizzle raindrop

flood inside outside

sprinkle float downpour

RReecceessss WWoorrdd LLiisstt recess playground hopscotch*

drink fountain snack

kickball aide Bandaid

field blacktop jump rope*

swings tether ball slide

bars four square play

teams games ball

sand exercise friend

bully outdoors fresh air

climb jump run

SScchhooooll DDaayyss WWoorrdd LLiisstt desk teacher books

students backpack recess

math reading writing

principal bus crayons

pencil ruler scissors

glue chair spelling

cafeteria secretary lunch

SSnnoowwyy WWeeaatthheerr WWoorrdd LLiisstt snow snowman* snowball

fort snowflakes mittens

hat gloves boots

cold sled sleigh

scarf ski ice skate

melt icicle snowstorm

plow slip ice

winter blizzard white

frost fireplace hot cocoa

SStt.. PPaattrriicckk’’ss DDaayy WWoorrdd LLiisstt Irish Blarney March

Ireland clover leprechaun

green shamrock gold

Dublin saint luck

Patrick fiddler rainbow

potato harp jig

top hat parade emerald

TTeeddddyy BBeeaarr WWoorrddss paws ribbons bows

nose furry ears

cuddle hugs teddy

friend picnic honey

TThhaannkkssggiivviinngg WWoorrdd LLiisstt turkey gobble gravy

stuffing potatoes cranberry

cook food family

friends relatives football

game watch T.V.

parade float celebrate

Pilgrims Indians first

thankful feast share

help beads fish

feather canoe pumpkin pie


TTrraannssppoorrttaattiioonn WWoorrdd LLiisstt airplane bicycle* boat

bus car helicopter

horse jet ski scooter

sled tractor truck

train unicycle jeep

RV camper motorcycle

moped tricycle submarine

skis skates skateboard

subway taxi jet

ship trolley toboggan


VVaaccaattiioonnss WWoorrdd LLiisstt duffle bag suitcase luggage

trunk camera trip

travel passport hotel

reservation inn motel

sightsee parks camping

customs boarding ticket

GPS rental car postcard

souvenirs restaurant menu

Disneyland SeaWorld* photos

VVaalleennttiinnee WWoorrdd LLiisstt valentine February candy

hearts party cupid

arrow bow love

like flowers card

red friendship pink

lace chocolate holiday

forever friend gift

send write date

stamp mail sweet

WWrriittiinngg WWoorrddss aanndd PPhhrraasseess first next then

finally at last character

setting problem solution

topic word sentence

describe paragraph for example

therefore in fact as a result

eventually however meanwhile

once upon a time . . .