WRITING the Research Problem

WRITING the Research Problem. Statement of Problem... 1.Tells what will be done 2.Identifies variables and relationships to be studied

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WRITING the Research Problem

Statement of Problem ...

1.Tells what will be done2.Identifies variables and relationships to be studied.

To help IDENTIFY your research problem for your thesis, ask yourself such questions as:

1.What was the issue/problem you want to study?2.What is the concern being addressed “behind” this study?3.Why do you want to undertake this study?4.Why is this study important to the scholarly community?

DESIGNING & WRITING THE STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM1.The research problem within this study2.Justification for the problem (based on past research and practice)3.Shortcoming of past research or practice4.The importance / significance of the problem

Types of research questions1. Descriptive – when a study is designed primarily to describe what is going on or what exists.

Types of research questions2. Relational – when a study is designed to look at the relationships between two or more variables.

Types of research questions3. Causal – when a study is designed to determine whether one or more variables cause or affect one or more outcome variables.

Statement of the Problem

This research attempts to find evidences to The Women as the Other: Its Impact and Causatum to Third Party Themed Films Audience. More specifically it seeks to find the answers to the following questions:

1.Which among the films shown about infidelity affected women as individual?2.How do these films affect women regarding their spiritual outlook in life?3.How do these films change women’s physical standards?4.How do these films change the view and perspective of single women when it comes to their outlook for men’s loyalty?5.How do these films affect women emotionally?


Writing the Research Objectives

The scope of your research is determined by what you want to achieve (your objectives) and the types

of decisions it needs to help you make.

This is the most important part of the process and will avoid wasting time and effort in later stages. Ask yourself these three questions:

1.What is the purpose of the research?

2.What information is being sought?

3.How will the information be used?

Conducting a successful research study involves four separate stages:

1.checking if the same or similar research has been carried out in the past;

2.reviewing any existing relevant data;

3.determining when the information is needed and how much you can spend to obtain it; and

4.deciding how the data will be used, and by whom.

Objectives of the Study:

This study on The Women as the Other: Its Impact and Causatum to Third Party Themed Films Audience seeks to attain the following objectives:

1.To produced a research based data with regard the three effects of Third Party Themed films to the audiences.

2.To open new discussions about cultural and moral societal issues on and about third party themed films.

3.To document a certain study about women being used as a major conflict in a film and producing a domino effect on Philippine Cinema .

4.To further identify the psychological effect of these films to men and especially to women.

5.To determine possible effects of single women of third party themed films with their view of marriage.


Writing the Significance of the Study

- An explanation of the significance of a study may include the meaning of the research work to you personally and should include how your research benefits or impacts others in part or whole.

-Discuss what people or groups of people might benefit from reading your research.

-Show how this project is significant to developing a body of knowledge.

-If your investigation will contribute to a portion of a larger investigation, describe that larger investigation as well.

-This section, often referred to as the "rationale" is crucial, because it is one place in which the researcher tries to convince an audience that the research is worth doing and could persuade someone to support, or fund, a research project.

One way to do this is by describing how the results may be used. This is where your purpose for research, a decision that you made earlier when you composed your research proposal statement, becomes very important. The purpose for your research may also be incorporated into your thinking about the purpose for your investigation, too.

Consider the following questions to help you decide what your research investigation's is:

1. Why is this work important?2. What are the implications of doing it?3. How does it link to other knowledge?4. How does it stand to inform policy making? Save money? Improve or reduce something?5. Why is it important to our understanding of the world?6. What new perspective will you bring to the topic?7. What use might your final research paper have for others in this field or in the general public? 8. Who might you decide to share your findings with once the project is complete?

Think about how your research:

1.may resolve lingering questions or gaps in knowledge in your field of study

2.may develop better theoretical models in your area

3.may influence public policy

4.may change the way people do their jobs in a particular field, or may change the way people live.

Writing Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of research refers to the areas that were covered in the research such as research populations, while the limitations of research are areas that were not included as part of the research. Limitations are usually determined by budget and time.

The bound section of your research paper is where you set out all of the boundaries that you will face. You need to explain how far the project will go and where the research will stop. You will also list things, explicitly, that you will not be doing in your project as they are out of the bounds of your project. This section allows readers to understand the real extent of your research paper.

'In this study, I have gathered some statistics about high school students and their education, who are enrolled in both private and public high schools.

Example for Scope:

Example for Limitations:

'I did not, however, study students that are in alternative educational establishments, and those who are in juvenile detention facilities.

Submit the following Next Meeting:

1.Statement of the Problem2.Objectives of the Study3.Significance of the Study4.Scope and Limitations of the Study5.Definition of Terms

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