Date: Level 4F Notes bpm bpm Chords 4-Note A Chords Drills Bar Chords Review all each week Arpeggios With Practice Progression Villa-Lobos 1 RH P-IM Cleaner, faster, more detail (for all patterns) 6@80 P-MI 6@75 P-MA T115 P-AM T115 I-MA T115 A-MI T115 P-I-MA S70 P-A-MI S70 Tremolo S65 Scales 5 Scales Shapes S65 Segovia C# minor Practice Others Segovia, Chromatic, etc. Exercises Ornament Exer. Practice-along videos Slurs 1234-4321-1434-1424 S65 Past exercises As desired/needed Independence Ex Odairs Sight-reading SR Practice Focus on weakest links Phrasing Transitions Back up the rit. Rubato Exercises; in music Review previous Long-short, dynamics, others ©2019AllenMathews ClassicalGuitarShed.com

WS-level 4F practice log - Classical Guitar Shed · 2019. 10. 29. · - Repeat each exercise until slight fatigue. Then rest, and continue to the next. - Each exercise is written

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WS-level 4F practice logDate:
Level 4F Notes bpm bpm Chords 4-Note A Chords Drills Bar Chords Review all each week Arpeggios With Practice Progression Villa-Lobos 1 RH P-IM Cleaner, faster, more detail
(for all patterns) 6@80
P-MI 6@75 P-MA T115 P-AM T115 I-MA T115 A-MI T115 P-I-MA S70 P-A-MI S70 Tremolo S65 Scales 5 Scales Shapes S65 Segovia C# minor Practice Others Segovia, Chromatic, etc.
Exercises Ornament Exer. Practice-along videos Slurs 1234-4321-1434-1424 S65 Past exercises As desired/needed Independence Ex Odairs Sight-reading SR Practice Focus on weakest links
Phrasing Transitions Back up the rit.
Rubato Exercises; in music Review previous Long-short, dynamics, others
©2019AllenMathews ClassicalGuitarShed.com
Weekly Check-In! 1) What am I most proud of this week?
2) How well did I practice according to my practice log?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3) Did I consistently write down (or check off) what I practiced? yes no
Did I record my daily metronome speeds? yes no
4) How well did I stay focused while practicing?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5) How well did I keep good form and fundamentals in mind while practicing?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6) Which of my expectations/goals did I meet this week?
7) Which of my expectations/goals did I NOT meet this week?
Why not?
8) What can I do to make my practice even more effective next week?
©2019AllenMathews ClassicalGuitarShed.com

- Perform each exercise in rhythm with a metronome.
- Repeat each exercise until slight fatigue. Then rest, and continue to the next.
- Each exercise is written here in the first position, but may be moved to any string
and any position.
- Observe the accents and exaggerate the contrast between accented and
unaccented notes.
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