WSPA NEWS FALL | WINTER 2012 MORE BEARS find sanctuary Making a world of difference – GLOBAL UPDATES One year later – COLLARS NOT CRUELTY protecting dogs

WSPA NEWS - Fall/Winter 2012

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News, photos and stories from WSPA's animal welfare work around the world.

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more stuff, so why not buy unique

and meaningful gifts. Every gift

purchased helps WSPA change

the lives of animals for the better.

From the unnecessary long distance

transportation of farm animals to

the awful truth about high intensity

farming, your gift will help us end

this inhumane treatment.


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4 From the Executive Director

5 Headlines

8 Making a world of difference – global updates


7 Freedom for more bears

10 Notes from the field

11 Rainbow of hope and a story of survival

12 One year anniversary for Collars Not Cruelty

13 Colliers Sans Cruauté pour lutter contre la rage

14 Running wild for WSPA

Editor: Elizabeth Sharpe

Contributors: Laura Flannery Shannon, Josey Kitson, Kirsty McFadden, Michaela Miller and Elizabeth Sharpe

Designed and produced by: Serina Morris

Printed by: DT&P Inc.

WSPA Canada 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 960 Toronto, ON M4P 2Y3 T: 416 369 0044 TF: 1 800 363 9772 F: 416 369 0147 E: [email protected] wspa.ca

Unless otherwise stated, all images are the copyright of WSPA.

WSPA News is published twice yearly by the World Society for the Protection of Animals.

WSPA News is printed on 100% recycled paper from post-consumer waste with vegetable-based inks.

WSPA is a registered Canadian charitable organization No. 12971 9076 RR0001 © WSPA 2012 12



World Society for the Protection of Animals

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Through your donations and voices of support, WSPA takes action to end the suffering and exploitation of animals in the wild (page 8), on factory farms (page 5), living in communities around the world (page 12) or caught up in a disaster (page 10). Today, WSPA is working in over 50 countries, collaborating with local communities and governments that can help us change animals’ lives for the better.

It is this combination of local “in the field” expertise and global policy reach that makes WSPA a force for animals. With your support we are transforming, on a global scale, the relationship between animals and people. We are demonstrating that animal welfare plays a part in solving some of the biggest problems we face in our world today, from safeguarding the livelihoods of people in developing nations, improving our health and food safety to protecting our environment.

Speaking with our inspiring donors, working with my colleagues from around the world and seeing firsthand how your support is saving animals is a truly energizing experience. We are all working hard to ensure that WSPA has a presence, being the voice for animals, at top tables where global leaders, influencers and decision-makers meet, debate and agree on policies that impact us all and our future.

Working together we have the opportunity to change the world for animals. Your support makes everything possible. I hope you enjoy this issue of WSPA News and thank you for your continued generosity and dedication to animal welfare.

Josey KitsonExecutive Director, WSPA Canada

WSPA is a force. Your generosity and

commitment has let us grow, over the last

30 years, into a major global organization and

the world’s leading animal welfare charity.

WSPA gives aid to animals impacted by disasters and provides training to prevent animal suffering from happening in the future. Here, WSPA’s Dr Sergio Vasquez examines a dog at a temporary shelter after heavy rains hit Rio de Janeiro last year.






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See amazing moments that can only be captured on video at wspa.ca/youtube

Become a fan of WSPA or add us as one of your causes at wspa.ca/facebook

Follow us for up-to-the-minute news at wspa.ca/twitter

READ ABOUT WSPA’s latest achievements for animals by visiting www.wspa.ca

WHAT’S ON YOUR PLATE?Since we launched the What’s On Your Plate? The Hidden Costs of Industrial Animal Agriculture in Canada report in April our team has been busy spreading the word about the importance of animal-friendly farming. Thanks to your support and letter writing efforts, we have been able to meet with more than 50 policymakers to discuss ways to improve the lives of animals in Canada.

Now we want your help again. We want you to make the world a better place for farm animals every day. Simply commit to making more humane choices when you shop and eat. Take our online pledge to show your support – then Farmify your face and join WSPA’s global barnyard. You’ll also get tips on making better choices.

Caring about the lives of farm animals is a choice we all can make so go online now and take the pledge at www.wspa.ca

THANKS TO YOU: Bringing relief to animals in FijiYour generosity helped us save nearly 29,000 cattle, horses, goats and sheep in Fiji – victims of the worst flooding to hit the area in 30 years.

Thanks to you, our Disaster Relief Team worked quickly with local partners to distribute emergency food and veterinary supplies for livestock in the most severely flood-stricken areas. We also provided veterinary drugs to treat and protect animals from flood-borne diseases and parasites.

To keep up to date with our work to help animals affected by disasters, visit our blog at animalsindisasters.typepad.com






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RE-HOMING BOGOTÁ’S WORKING HORSESLast year, Colombia announced a national ban on using working horses in towns with populations larger than 100,000 people. Since then, WSPA has taken swift action to ensure that the working animals in capital city Bogotá have a happy and safe retirement.

With your help, we are working with the local authorities and partners to develop a re-homing plan for thousands of former working horses – many of whom have had little or no veterinary care and improper nutrition. These horses can look forward to happier and healthier days ahead.

THANK YOU From helping farm animals across Canada, to working horses in Bogotá, to bringing relief to farm animals in Fiji, your generosity has made a difference in the lives of thousands of animals around the world. On behalf of all these animals, thank you!

BEAUTIFUL THINGS with a positive impactWe have prepared 10 exclusive Live Beautiful for Animals bags that will be auctioned off on eBay from November 5 -9. The bags themselves have been generously donated by MATT & NAT as part of their “live beautifully” philosophy and are filled with incredible items to help you live beautiful for animals:

• AsignedcopyofVictorWatkins’ Bear Sanctuary book

• AsignedcopyofMissyMarston’sbook The Love Monster

• David’s Tea signed by supermodel and WSPA Canada Ambassador Liisa Winkler

• Asigned photo of celebrity supporter Leona Lewis

• AfreepasstothewinterWoofstock festival

• AModern Dog magazine subscription for a year

Visit www.wspa.ca during the week of November 5 to participate. All proceeds support WSPA’s work to protect animals around the world. For more information contact Jaimie Bondy, Leadership Giving Manager, at [email protected] or 416 369 0044.

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For most of their lives, these three bears: Zilla, Rene and Sihu have been used in bear baiting – an event where 2,000 spectators assemble to watch a tethered and clawless bear set upon by trained fighting dogs. But now, thanks to your support, these rescued bears can live out their lives in the beautiful grass enclosures of the WSPA-funded Balkasar Sanctuary with trees to climb and pools for swimming.

Just a few short weeks ago, these bears were fighting for their lives in brutal baiting events. Through the dedicated work of our local partner, the Bioresource Research Centre (BRC) these bears were given a life of freedom. As for the owners, in exchange for giving up the bears, they were entered into the WSPA-funded Alternative Livelihoods program so we can be sure they can support their families without having to go back to bear baiting.

Zilla – meaning “shadow” arrived at Balkasar weak and badly injured. The BRC team is pleased to report that she is getting stronger and bonding with the other rescued bears.

Rene – meaning “reborn” is the smallest adult bear to ever come to Balkasar. She is recovering well from a very damaged nose and apparently has the appetite of a bear twice her size.

Sihu – meaning “flower” is a very active bear and thanks to the work of the BRC team her coat is already growing thicker and glossier.

All bear photos are copyright © BRC.

NO LONGER FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES Three more bears rescued from bear baiting

UPDATE! Another two bears were rescued as this issue of WSPA News went to press! We are so thrilled to report that two more bears have been saved from a life of bear baiting. Robin, meaning “love,” and Yarrow, meaning “healing,” have joined the other residents of the Balkasar Sanctuary. To find out more about these lovely bears and to support WSPA’s life-saving work visit www.wspa.ca/bearbaiting




Robin Yarrow





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USA – Hawaii

The caring action of nearly 19,000 WSPA supporters has led to the Hawaiian State Legislature passing a bill – House Bill 2296 – to end the trade in bear gallbladders and bile. Before this landmark vote we believed that Hawaii’s lack of restrictions on the trade was indirectly feeding the demand for bear bile around the world. This is a critical step in ending the global bear bile trade which inflicts immense suffering on around 12,000 bears each year.

Your support is helping us build our campaign to protect river dolphins (or botos as they’re known in Brazil) that are illegally hunted throughout the Amazon for use as bait. Harpooned and tied up, these highly sociable and intelligent animals suffer intensely before being slaughtered. Working with our local partners in the Amazon we aim to motivate local people and businesses to take action and stop this cruelty.


Making a world of difference –global updates!On this map you can see all the great things you have accomplished for animals around the world. Every story of hope, rescue and protection simply wouldn’t have been possible without your dedication and support. Here are just a few highlights…

Spanish-style Pamplona bull runs, which force bulls to run through the streets with crowds of people, will not be allowed to happen in Costa Rica thanks to the work of our Central America, Mexico and Caribbean team. Their lobbying of the country’s Constitutional High Court has led to the Court banning the proposed events on the grounds that it was an infringement on animal welfare.






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WSPA and The Body Shop will be encouraging their customers to take action against Australia’s live export trade. Their goal is to have 60,000 shoppers stand up for the millions of animals who suffer horrific journeys from their farms to countries where there are often no laws to protect their welfare. Signatures from Body Shop Australia customers will be delivered to local MPs in the fall.

Your support of our Collars Not Cruelty program in Bali has saved over 300,000 dogs from being poisoned to death and has led to a significant drop in human rabies deaths on the island. The Balinese government, which is now running the vaccination clinics pioneered by WSPA, says the decline is due to the successful vaccination of dogs. Thank you for helping WSPA prove that Collars Not Cruelty is the answer. Learn more at wspa.ca/red-collar B


In the few months since we released our report, What’s on Your Plate? The Hidden Costs of Industrial Animal Agriculture in Canada, we have made some important steps forward. With your invaluable support and letter writing efforts, we took the report findings to Ottawa and met with over 50 policymakers discussing ways to protect animals on a provincial and federal level. C



AOur chilli pepper fence campaign to stop elephants from being injured by farmers protecting their crops around the Mikumi National Park has been a hot success! Because elephants are very sensitive to chillies they have kept away from the fences surrounding the farms. There have been no reports of them being shot or injured in the three villages that have been part of the program for more than a year.






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Close to 8,300 animals in Haiti were helped by WSPA after the area was hit by Tropical Storm Isaac in late August. One-by-one farmers from Bonga and Grand Fond, the two areas most affected by Isaac, came to the WSPA disaster response team with their cows, pigs, horses and sheep, to receive medical treatment and advice for their animals.

In August, WSPA and our partner, the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), delivered food to flooded communities in Manilla helping more than 7,500 dogs and cats. Laguna Lake recently overflowed following heavy rains and typhoons and many villages, like Angono pictured above, have been flooded for weeks.

Field Notes: Disaster Relief Teams protecting animals and saving lives


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GIVING HOPE to Haiti after Isaac

PROVIDING COMFORT and food in Manilla

BRINGING RELIEF to animals suffering in Vietnam

In July our response team began providing emergency feed and assistance to thousands of animals affected by the on-going drought in North West Vietnam. Over 60,000 animals in the Yen Thuy District are continuing to suffer from a lack of food after 70 percent of the spring harvest crops were destroyed by the extremely dry weather conditions. In addition to providing emergency feed, WSPA is conducting workshops for animal health officers to help prevent suffering like this from happening in the future.

To keep up to date with our work to rescue and protect animals affected by disasters or to find out how you can help, visit our blog at:


Visitour blog

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It’s hard to imagine, but just five months ago, Rainbow – who now happily roams around her enclosure at the Pegasus rescue centre – was lying badly injured by the side of a road.

Fortunately, Pegasus founder Zvika Tamuz and his assistant Shimi were able to rescue her. Here, Zvika tells Rainbow’s story...

When I got the call from police on Friday the 13th about a horrific accident that had killed one

donkey and injured another, I knew Shimi and I would have to get there fast if we had any chance of saving the animal’s life.

When we arrived we saw a donkey lying in a broken huddle by the side of the road. She was so weak that we couldn’t get her to stand. Being able to stand is so critical to the survival of a donkey that I began to think she might be so badly injured that she would die.

When Roni, our vet examined her, he gave her painkillers and told us not to give up

hope. We kept the animal warm and dry, and Shimi spent hours looking after and comforting her.

After two days, even though the injured donkey looked better, she still could not stand. Shimi and I knew we had to call Roni, and ask him to end her suffering. We sadly prepared ourselves to say goodbye.

But then, a miracle happened. Just before Roni arrived, the donkey suddenly got up on her own. At that very moment, the sun also came out and a rainbow appeared.

We were stunned. When Roni arrived, he smiled and reminded us that we should never give up hope: “Donkeys will surprise you! They overcome challenges – when they are ready,” he said.

We named the donkey Rainbow to commemorate that incredible moment. For those who still believe that Friday the 13th is bad luck – Rainbow is proof that every story can still have a happy ending.

WSPA supporters have helped Pegasus make a difference to hundreds of horses and donkeys in Israel. To read more amazing stories of hope and recovery visit www.wspa.ca





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La Société mondiale pour la protection des animaux (WSPA) est bien connue pour protéger les chiens contre la cruauté et la rage. Nous avons lancé à Bali, au Sri Lanka et en Amérique Latine des programmes de vaccination de masse qui ont réussi à éviter la mort à plus de 300 000 chiens. Nous travaillons avec des partenaires et des gouvernements locaux pour faire cesser le massacre de chiens, en instaurant des cliniques de vaccination—la seule méthode efficace, sensible et durable pour combattre la rage chez les populations canines et humaines.

Depuis le lancement de notre campagne Colliers sans cruauté, l’an dernier, nous avons œuvré avec des partenaires de plusieurs villes au Bangladesh pour vacciner plus de 20 000 chiens et leur mettre un collier rouge. Maintenant, la communauté sait que ces chiens

WSPA has a history of protecting dogs against cruelty and

rabies. We have launched successful mass vaccination programs in Bali, Sri Lanka and Latin America saving more than 300,000 dogs from being killed. We work with local partners and authorities to stop the killing

of dogs and instead set up vaccination clinics – the only effective, humane and sustainable way to combat rabies in dogs and people.

Since the launch of the Collars Not Cruelty campaign last year, we have been working with partners in several cities across Bangladesh vaccinating more than

COLLARS NOT CRUELTY in the fight against rabies

COLLIERS SANS CRUAUTÉ pour lutter contre la rage

One year on in our global campaign and we are proving that compassion works – protecting dogs, safeguarding communities and stopping rabies. With your support we have been able to save dogs from unnecessary and brutal deaths due to people’s fear of rabies.

Après une année de campagne mondiale, nous pouvons dire que la compassion fonctionne : elle réussit à protéger les chiens et la communauté en contenant la rage. Avec votre appui, nous avons réussi à sauver des chiens d’une mort inutile et brutale causée par la peur de la rage. ©







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sont sans risque, ils ne sont plus tués et tous sont protégés contre la rage.

Aujourd’hui, pour le premier anniversaire de Colliers sans cruauté, la WSPA annonce fièrement son partenariat avec le gouvernement du Bangladesh dans un plan d’action national pour éradiquer la rage dans tout le pays et pour faire cesser, une fois pour toutes, le carnage inutile de chiens. Cette année, la WSPA inaugure également un programme d’immunisation aux Philippines et en Indonésie, mené en partenariat avec l’Alliance mondiale contre la rage et les gouvernements nationaux. Nous sommes fiers de pouvoir à nouveau compter sur l’appui de Ricky Gervais à cette campagne. Pour voir le message de Ricky et pour en apprendre davantage sur Colliers sans cruauté, visitez-nous à www.wspa.ca/red-collar

Part of WsPA’s original Collars Not Cruelty campaign, a vaccinated dog in bali.

A dog in bangladesh sits proudly in a red collar after being vaccinated against rabies.

“I’m backing WSPA’s Collars Not Cruelty campaign, to help end the unnecessary deaths of millions of dogs, killed every year, because of our fear of rabies”




20,000 dogs and giving them a bright red collar so the community knows these dogs are safe; preventing them from being killed and protecting everyone from rabies.

Now, to mark the one-year anniversary of Collars Not Cruelty, WSPA is proud to announce a partnership with the Bangladesh government on a national action plan to stamp out rabies across that country and end the unnecessary killing of dogs for good. This year, WSPA is also rolling out vaccination programs in the Philippines and Indonesia in partnership with the Global Alliance for Rabies Control and national governments. We are also thrilled to once again have the support of Ricky Gervais for this campaign. To watch Ricky’s message and to learn more about Collars Not Cruelty visit www.wspa.ca/red-collar

Watch the


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Every time you use your BMO WSPA MasterCard to make a purchase, a payment is made to WSPA from BMO Bank of Montreal at no additional cost to you.

To date the BMO WSPA MasterCard has generated more than $240,000 to help alleviate animal suffering. These funds help WSPA carry out life-saving animal programs around the world. Every time you shop a percentage of every purchase will go to WSPA. To apply or to find out more visit www.bmo.com/wspa

Help animals while you shop

Running Wild for WSPAWSPA supporter Derek Anaquod recently ran the race of his life when he participated in the North Face Canadian Death Race to raise money for animals. The challenging Alberta-based course covers 125 kilometres in 24 hours – including three mountain summits and 17,000 feet of elevation change.

Despite suffering pinched nerves, serious blisters and a torn knee ligament along the way, Derek successfully completed the gruelling run, raising a total of $1,470 for WSPA in the process.

“This was definitely one of the toughest things I have ever done and I am very proud that I completed it. I’m happy that I could raise money for a good cause in the process,” said Derek, who is currently serving in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Participating in a Really Wild Event for WSPA is a great way to achieve your goals and help animals at the same time. Don’t want to run a marathon? Why not walk, swim or host a bake sale? If you feel inspired to get active for animals just register online at ReallyWildEvents.ca and you’ll be given a personal donation page where your friends and family can sponsor you.

Visit www.ReallyWildEvents.ca or call 416-369-0044 to find out more. You can still support Derek’s run by donating through the Really Wild Events website under ‘Sponsor an Event’.

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Give to WSPA and help make more good news stories for animals.

WSPA Canada90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 960 • Toronto, ON M4P 2Y3 • Telephone 416 369 0044 or Toll-free 1 800 363 [email protected] • www.wspa.ca Canadian charitable registration #12971 9076 RR0001

Connect with WSPA

visit www.wspa.ca/donate to make an online donation

call 1 800 363 9772 to donate by phone

The work described in this magazine would not be possible without the financial support

of individuals who, like you, are passionate about animals. Strengthen your support for

WSPA today and help stop the needless suffering of animals around the world.

Donate to WSPA today. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $20 or more.

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A day with Dr Henry MutembeiWhen the rains failed to come to Kenya’s Mwingi district for the third year running, animals were at risk of dying by the thousands. But thanks to your support more than 35,000 animals were saved. Dr Mutembei, shares one of his days...

The team members meet and are briefed. We divide into teams and all the vehicles are loaded with veterinary drugs and other essentials.

My team sets off through Nairobi and heads for the dusty terrain of the Mwimbi region. As we drive we see many farmers trekking with their donkeys in search of water.

We arrive at Mutosya, a village of 2,500, where we find many farmers waiting for us in the sun with their cattle, sheep, goats and donkeys. The team immediately begins work, giving the suffering animals multivitamins, food and treatment.

At Kasiluni our team helps hundreds of farmers and their animals, mainly livestock and camels.

Now to Tseikuru, we meet with a team that has handled 902 animals today.

We arrive at Mwingi Cottage for our debriefing exercise. The teams have made an incredible impact today – helping more than 3,000 animals. I call these amazing figures in to the WSPA office.

We have a quiet dinner and I cannot stay awake any longer. I’ll need all my energy for tomorrow when I head for more areas that need our help.

To read more about what your support is doing in Kenya and around the world visit www.wspa.ca

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