WStandard Election Scorecard 2012.v1b

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  • 7/31/2019 WStandard Election Scorecard 2012.v1b


    2012 Election Scorecard

    Keep your own running tally of electoral votes (270 needed to win!) as the polls close Tuesday night.




    R O Romney 0bama

    6:00 Indiana Safe for Romney, but weakened Mourdock may cost GOP a Senate pick-up. 11


    Safe for Romney: Georgia (16), Kentucky (8), Missouri (10), South Carolina (9)

    (Senate: In Missouri, Akin moved up late. Good spot for GOP pick-up, coattails for R.) 43

    Vermont Safe for Obama 3

    VirginiaMay have tightened late, but should break for Romney. If vote margin hits 4 or 5

    percent and George Allen gives GOP a Senate pick-up, will spark coattails talk.13


    No. Car. A must-win for Romney that he should take easily. 15

    OhioCincinnati leans R, and Cleveland tilts D, so watch the capital Columbus and

    Franklin County suburbs around it. Romney can hit 270 without Penn. orOhio,

    but it would be very dicult. Senate: Josh Mandel could win if R has coattails.


    West Va. Safe for Romney 5


    Florida Romney must and should win here; big win could lift Connie Mack, Allen West. 29

    New H. Could signal a good night for R, as O won in 08, led late. Must-win if Ohio goes blue. 4

    Penn.Romney had the momentum late. If he wins here, Ohio matters much less. Senate

    could be a GOP pick-up and is actually close, but tickets are often split in PA.20

    Safe for Romney: Alabama (9), Oklahoma (7), Tenn. (11), Texas (38) 65

    Safe for Obama: Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), D.C. (3),Illinois (20), Maine (4),

    Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), New Jersey (14), Rhode Island (4)


    8:30 Arkansas Safe for Romney 6


    Arizona Likely Romney win. Senate: Should be a GOP hold unless Dems pull osurprise. 11

    Colorado R favored though O won in 08, but its close. Must-have for R if he loses PA & OH. 9

    Michigan A home-state long shot for R that he can win without. Senate a likely Dem. hold. 16

    Minn. Democrats were a little worried here in early Oct., but Obama should win here. 10

    WisconsinPrez & Senate races look like toss-ups, as did Walker recall in June before a big

    GOP win. R must win here if he loses PA & OH. Senate: Good place for GOP gain.10

    Safe for Romney: Kansas (6), Louisiana (8), Miss. (6), Neb. (5), SD (3), Wyoming (3)

    (Senate: In Neb., Bob Kerrey was rising, but this is still a top GOP pick-up prospect.) 31

    Safe for Obama: New Mexico (5), New York (29), 34

    10:00Iowa Total toss-up. Another Romney must- have if he loses PA & OH. 6

    Nevada Mormons could tip NV for Romney (needed if he loses PA & OH). Senate stays GOP. 6

    Safe for Romney: Montana (3), Utah (6) (Senate: In Mont., disappointingly tight) 9


    Oregon Should go for Obama unless GOP is running the swing-state table nationwide. 7

    Washingt. Safe for Obama 12

    SAFE for Obama: California (55), Hawaii (4) (Senate: In Hawaii, GOP nominee is a

    long shot but is still a popular, former-two-term governor and could surprise.) 59

    SAFE for Romney: Alaska (3), Idaho (4), North Dakota (3) 10

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