© 2013 IBM Corporation Industry Solutions B2B and Commerce WTX Release Contents Sunil Dandamudi – Architect, WebSphere Transformation Extender [email protected]

WTX Release Contents

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WTX Release Contents. Sunil Dandamudi – Architect, WebSphere Transformation Extender [email protected]. Agenda. Release Details Contents Q& A. Productivity - PARSE. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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© 2013 IBM Corporation

Industry SolutionsB2B and Commerce

WTX Release ContentsSunil Dandamudi – Architect, WebSphere Transformation Extender

[email protected]

© 2013 IBM Corporation2

Industry SolutionsB2B and Commerce



• Details• Contents• Q& A

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Industry SolutionsB2B and Commerce

A Parse function allows to parse and validate a data stream and associate the data structure with the a type structure on the LHS.

Syntax :


Return a parsed and validated data structure

Productivity - PARSE

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Industry SolutionsB2B and Commerce

Reduced complexity while dealing with data retrieved through External Functions (GET, RUN, DBQUERY) that needs to be parsed and mapped

Improves performance where data objects are currently parsed multiple times in parent/run maps

Supports Data Audit on type objects

Trace is available as part of corresponding output card trace

Map fails with Error Code 27 , Output Type contains Errors

Productivity - PARSE

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Usage Pattern


= PARSE (TEXT BLOB) + RULE Not Supported

= RULE + PARSE (TEXT BLOB) Not Supported

Productivity - PARSE

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Productivity - PARSE

=PARSE(GET("SPE", "-DURL jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/spe2;user=derbyuser;password=derbyuser -DBDRIVER org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver -MAP parsewds -TRANSFORM -T", Input))

=PARSE(GET("SPE", "-DURL jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/spe2;user=derbyuser;password=derbyuser -DBDRIVER org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver -MAP parsewds -TRANSFORM -T", Input))

Objects Populated with dataObjects Populated with data

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Introducing ASFUNCTION Function

A “ASFUNCTION” function allows to behave a functional map as a function in map rule

Syntax :

= ASFUNCTION(Function map)

Returns the data from the functional map as inline to the invoking map rule

Productivity - ASFUNCTION

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Supported only when a functional map returns a Item

Concept has been introduced in 8.4.1 as a general functional map behavior, but backed out due to mapping disruptions to our customers

Usage Patterns


Reduces mapping complexity when dealing with data returned from a functional map to be used as part of a rule

Productivity - ASFUNCTION

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Enhanced XVALIDATE function to support XML snippets

The XML document no longer need a Prolog to be validated through XVALIDATE functions

Productivity - XVALIDATE

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Native XML – XSDL Hints

Added Support for two new properties on Native XML output card

– xsi:schemaLocation– xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation

– The values specified for these properties will appear in the root of the xml document

– Refer to XML Specification for more details on these properties http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#xsi_schemaLocation

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Introduced Test Data Generation in Type Designer

Allows user to generate a test data for a specific group or item

Allows users to save the test data artifacts for further customization based on the needs.

Generate test data for first choice and the first partitioned group

Allows users to generate test data for optional elements and adds default data rules for items

Productivity – TEST DATA

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Select a group or item and use Generate Test Data context menu

Productivity – TEST DATA

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Adapter – SPE

The Standards Processing Engine (SPE) adapter connects WTX with Standards Processing Engine (SPE).

System Requirement :

The Standards Processing Engine (SPE) adapter function requires the installation of Standards Processing Engine and a solution Pack

Standards Processing Engine (SPE) adapter commands fall into two categories:

– Data harness functions – Adapter action commands.

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Adapter – SPE

DBURL Identifies the SPE database by either the database URL or the file URL of a

configuration file that contains the database connection information. If you

specify a configuration file, the SPE adapter uses only the database

connection information in the configuration file. The adapter ignores any

-DBDRIVER, -DBUSER, -DBPSWD, or -DBSCHEMA keywords on the adapter

command line.

The -DBURL keyword is required

DBUSER User NameDBPSWD User PassowordDBDRIVER Driver Name

DBSCHEMA Specifies the name of the SPE database schema.

Adapter Command Line for SPE connectivity

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Adapter – SPE

Map Specifies the name of the map in the SPE database or, for WebSphere

Transformation Extender maps only, the file URL of the map on the local

file system. The -MAP keyword is required for TRANSFORM command

DOCID Specifies the document ID of the document in memory that overrides the first input card of the map

KEEP Retains the documents that are returned in the SPE response by storing the


ALLDOCS Specifies that SPE is to return all documents in the XML response file,

including type=INTERMEDIATE documents

BATCH Specifies the document ID of a single document to de-envelope

Adapter Command Line options for SPE

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Adapter – SPE

SENDER Specifies the document sender that is used to locate the envelope

information in the SPE database.

RECEIVER Specifies the document receiver that is used to locate the envelope

information in the SPE database

ALIAS Specifies the acceptor look-up alias to locate the envelope information in

the SPE database.

Adapter Command Line options for SPE

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Adapter – SPE

Data harness functions read and write to the underlying SPE database through a data harness, and are valid only when a map is running under SPE.

GetBinaryDocument Retrieves the specified binary document. This command is valid in a GETfunction.

getEnvelope Retrieves the specified field from an envelope. This command is valid in aGET function.

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Adapter – SPE

setCorrelation Updates the Standards Processing Engine correlation table with thespecified name/value pair for the document.

getProcessData Retrieves process data from the XML document object model (DOM)specified by the XPath

setProcessData Stores process data from the current field into the XML DOM that isspecified by the XPath

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Adapter – SPE

getCodeListItemBySenderCode Retrieves a trading-partner code-list entry from SPE by sender code.

getCodeListItemByReceiverCode Retrieves process data from the XML document object model (DOM)specified by the XPath

getTransactionRegister Compares the fields that you loaded into the Transaction Register with theinput data, returns a code, and clears the Transaction Register

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Adapter – SPE

setTransactionRegister Gets a delimiter from an SPE document envelope. This command is validin a GET function..

validateCodeWords Validates a series of code words defined by a delimited string

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Adapter – SPE

Adapter action commands are valid in maps that are running on WTX Launcher, Command Server, or the TX ProgrammingInterface

ADOC The -ADOC command adds one or more files on the file system as a document inmemory and returns the document ID to the map

GDOC The -GDOC command returns data from a document in memory or file system based on the document ID

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Adapter – SPE

ADOC The -ADOC command adds one or more files on the file system as a document inmemory and returns the document ID to the map

UDOC The -UDOC command replaces an existing document in memory with a new oneand returns the new document ID.

RDOC The -RDOC command removes one or more documents from memory. By default,documents are removed from memory when map processing completes.

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Adapter – SPE

TRANSFORM The -TRANSFORM (-TFM) command runs a map on the Standards Processing Engine (SPE) and returns a response from SPE in XML format. The -TRANSFORM command can run a WebSphere Transformation Extender map, a Sterling B2B Integrator map,or an XSLT map.

De-Envelope The -DEENVELOPE (-DENV) command de-envelopes a document as specified in the Standards Processing Engine (SPE) database and returns a response from SPE in XML format

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Adapter – SPE

Envelope The -ENVELOPE (-ENV) command envelopes a document as specified in theStandards Processing Engine (SPE) database and returns a response from SPE in XML format

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Adapter – SPE

The Adapter commands returns a XML response file contains the document IDs of the enveloped documents.

The metadata schema of the XML response is defined by the wtx_install_dir\Response.xsd file.

Users needs to map the Response file to a Output card and use the SPE adapter to process the data

WTX SPE Adapter documentation has a details lay out of the functions and their parameters

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Adapter – SPE (Response Message)

Status Status Message returned by SPE

Advanced Status Advanced Status message returned by SPE

Report Return Translation Report from SPE

Process Parameters process parameters - similar to Process Data name/value data

Version Version number of the Response Schema

Transform Correlation Gets the correlation object instances associated with transformations for a specific objectID

Documents SPE Documents are returned as DOC ID to the map

Correlations A list containing the correlations returned by SPE

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Adapter – SPE (DE-Envelope)

Add Card (Response Schema as Root)

Add Card (Response Schema as Root)

Invoke SPE Adapter (Card Adapter, GET)Invoke SPE Adapter (Card Adapter, GET)

Wrap GET with PARSE Wrap GET with PARSE

Based on Response Status, Retrieve each document by using SPE adapter with GDOC command. The Document

IDs are part of the Response object on the card

Based on Response Status, Retrieve each document by using SPE adapter with GDOC command. The Document

IDs are part of the Response object on the card

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Adapter – SPE (Transform)

Add Card (Response Schema as Root)

Add Card (Response Schema as Root)

Invoke SPE Adapter (Card Adapter, GET)Invoke SPE Adapter (Card Adapter, GET)

Wrap GET with PARSE Wrap GET with PARSE

Based on Response Status, Retrieve the document by using SPE adapter with GDOC command. The Document

ID is part of the Response object on the card

Based on Response Status, Retrieve the document by using SPE adapter with GDOC command. The Document

ID is part of the Response object on the card

Note : WTX map overrides first input card and last output card as part of Transform Note : WTX map overrides first input card and last output card as part of Transform

© 2013 IBM Corporation29

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Adapter – SPE (Envelope)

Add Card (Response Schema as Root)

Add Card (Response Schema as Root)

Invoke SPE Adapter (Card Adapter, GET)Invoke SPE Adapter (Card Adapter, GET)

Wrap GET with PARSE Wrap GET with PARSE

Based on Response Status, Retrieve each document by using SPE adapter with GDOC command. The Document

IDs are part of the Response object on the card

Based on Response Status, Retrieve each document by using SPE adapter with GDOC command. The Document

IDs are part of the Response object on the card

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Adapter – SPE Snapshot

=PARSE(GET("SPE", "-DURL jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/spe2;user=derbyuser;password=derbyuser -DBDRIVER org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver -MAP parsewds -TRANSFORM -T", Input))

=PARSE(GET("SPE", "-DURL jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/spe2;user=derbyuser;password=derbyuser -DBDRIVER org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver -MAP parsewds -TRANSFORM -T", Input))

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Enhanced Design Studio to integrate with Standards Processing Engine

– XSLT, Sterling and WTX map can be checked in to SPE Database

– XSLT, Sterling and WTX map can be tested on SPE Engine

– Allows to configure multiple databases to test SPE on. This simplifies on-boarding multiple SPE environments (Test, Development and Production) with ease

SPE – Design Studio

New CategoryNew Category

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SPE added to Design Studio Preferences

– Available only when SPE is installed

– Available with WTX Design Studio

– Allows to configure database settings, Deployment , Test and Logging Options

SPE – Design Studio (Preferences)

New Preference for SPENew Preference for SPE

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Allows to Define SPE Database Connectivity information

– Multiple Database connections can be setup for each user environment

SPE – Design Studio (Preferences - Connectivity)

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Deploy– Default comments

for check-ins– Unique Reference


Test– Default Input/Output

files generated for SI and XSLT

– WTX Resource Registry Configuration

Logging– Session Logs– Log Levels

SPE – Design Studio (Preferences)

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Allows to Check-in


– Sterling


Allow to Test maps inline on SPE engine


– Sterling


SPE – Design Studio

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Interoperability – RUN MAPS CACHE

Run Map can be cached while running maps through WTXAP (WTX for Application Programming) and WTXIS (WTX for Integration Servers)

Edit dtx.ini and specify the maximum number of run map to be cached.

;use the following to define the max number of RUN maps to be cached in the memory

;default value is 300, minimum value is 10

;set this value to -1 to disable RUN map caching


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Interoperability – DYNAMIC MAP CACHE (WMB/ IIB)

The WMB/IIB Local Environment (LE.WTX.DynamicMapName) is used with LE.WTX.DynamicMap and cacheMap switch.

If cacheMap is set on a DynamicMap, and there is a DynamicMapName, caching will be honored

DynamicMapName is limited to 32 characters.

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Interoperability – DYNAMIC MAP CACHE (WMB/ IIB)

When using LE.WTX.Dynamic Map, the default map location will be:

– MQSI_WORKPATH/common/log/WTX/<ExeGrpName>/<FlowName>/<WTXMapNodeName>/<MapName>

If cacheMap switch is on a DynamicMap, and there is no DynamicMapName , behavior is as prior - it will not cache the map.

eg : SET OutputLocalEnvironment.WTX.DynamicMapName = 'PreProcessEDI'

Any RUN maps required by the LE.WTX.DynamicMap, will be relative to the default map location.

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Interoperability – DYNAMIC MAP CACHE (WMB/ IIB)

Once a DynamicMap with a DynamicMapName is run with cacheMap, the DynamicMap does not have to be retrieved from a repository on an upstream node for subsequent invocations, although, the DynamicMap LE must still be passed in (at least one "bogus" byte) along with the DynamicMapName that was previously used.

SET OutputLocalEnvironment.WTX.DynamicMap = X'00';

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Interoperability – Product Support


Sterling Integrator

Business Processor Advanced 8.5

IBM Integration Designer 8.5

IBM DB2 10.5

IBM Pure Systems V1.1 FP1/FP2 -- Pending Certification

Smart Cloud Orchestrator v2.3 (SCO) – Pending Certification

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TLS V1.2 Protocol and NIST Compliance

The advanced TLS V1.2 protocol and NIST compliance security mode are now supported by the HTTP and FTP Adapters as well as the Launcher Agent

Introducing GSKIT security module that provides this higher level of SSL/TLS security, but will only be activated once the accompanying IBM GSKit product is installed and configured.

If the IBM GSKit is not installed and configured on the library path of your platform, the legacy TLS/SSL module, will continue to be used.

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The IBM GSKit installation modules are provided in the "GSKit" sub-directory location of the WTX installation

The IBM GSKit also provides X.509 certificate generation capabilities.

An example is also available that will guide you along the installation and setup steps that are required to ensure that existing and new maps can be seamlessly run with greater levels of SSL/TLS-based security

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Transformation & Standards Packs

New GA pack products… IBM Standards Processing Engine Pack for Healthcare PayerIBM Standards Processing Engine Pack for Supply Chain EDI

Updated pack products …Healthcare

WTX Pack for HIPAA EDI and Pack for HL7 and Pack for NCPDP and

Supply Chain EDIWTX Pack for EDI (Pack for ASC X12, Pack for EDIFACT, Pack for

TRADACOMS)WTX Trading Manager Pack SAP R3

Financial Services and InsuranceWTX Pack for SWIFT 4.3.2WTX Pack for SEPA 4.3.2WTX Pack for FIX 4.2.6WTX Pack for ACORD Insurance Integrator SWIFT/NACHA

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IBM SPE Pack for Healthcare Payer

New Content… All Functionality in the WTX Pack for HIPAA EDI …PLUSWEDI/SNIP Type 5 External Code Set Validation

• Choice of supplied Code Sets or Pattern Match enablement for commonly applied validations

Partner/Message Type configuration• WEDI/SNIP Levels 1-5 selections• Claim Specific processing options• Acknowledgement Reporting selections

Partner/Message Type specific processing enablement• Deenvelope (Debulk) Processing• Transformation Designation (using WTX, SI Mapper or XSLT)• Envelope (Bulk) Processing

Partner/Message Type specific acknowledgments• Control Number Schemes• Syntax Overrides

© 2013 IBM Corporation45

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IBM SPE Pack for Supply Chain EDI

New Content… Partner/Message Type configuration

• Acknowledgement Reporting selectionsPartner/Message Type specific processing enablement

• Deenvelope (Debulk) Processing• Transformation Designation (Using WTX, SI Mapper or XSLT)• Envelope (Bulk) Processing

Partner/Message Type specific acknowledgments• Control Number Schemes• Syntax Overrides

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WTX Pack for ACORD Insurance 1.0.3

New Content… ACORD DTCC ExampleDTCC Data Structures for parsing and transformationDTCC to/from ACORD XML TXLife format

Updated Content… Updated ACORD PCS Version SupportUpdated ACORD TXLife Version SupportUpdated ACORD RLC Version Support

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New Content… Full Health Insurance Exchange (HIX) Payment 820 support – 005010X306Example HIX 834 Enrollment support 005010X220A1

• Example parsing, and transformation using the CMS FFE

New Content… Full ASC X12 PACDR Support

• Professional Claim Post Adjudication Reporting – 005010X298• Institutional Claim Post Adjudication Reporting – 005010X299• Dental Claim Post Adjudication Reporting – 005010X300

Example HIX 834 Enrollment support 005010X220A1• Example parsing, and transformation using the CMS FFE

Updated Content… Extension of Configurable Rules module

• Support Rule Driven WEDI/SNIP type 2 rules• Continued support of WEDI/SNIP type 3 and 4 configuration


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