通報(輔)210604《關注 神在太平洋的信息&作為》 " WHAT IS GOD SAYING ? " By Michael Maeliau with Milo Siilata A email received from Milo Siilata, 2021.6.2 ※中譯: 地極禱告站, [*]本站譯註 WHAT IS GOD SAYING by Michael Maeliau 神正在當下說什麼 Michael Maeliau From: Michael Maeliau Sent: Sunday, 30 May 2021 10:10 PM To: Milo Siilata Subject: WHAT IS GOD SAYING. Dear Milo, 親愛的 MiloShalom Pacific Family. 太平洋的家人們平安! Late last year about the time of the U. S. elections I begun to receive these thoughts. I will share them if they are worth anything. 去年年底大概在美國大選的時候,我開始領受到這些意念。若它們有什麼價值,我願在此分享。 The US General Elections marks the beginning of the death and the end of Democracy. 美國的本次大選標誌著死亡的開始和民主制度的終結。 Here is a brief summary of my thoughts. In the Pacific for some time now Democracy is just a nice word. What really rules was money, bribes, corruption, empty promises and the likes. For some time now, I have been saying that the writings are on the wall for Democracy. And now with the rise of technology and the increase of the media, the ways to influence mass decisions are multiplied. And so democracy in its innocent form as one person one vote voluntarily has long gone. There are now so many clever ways to cover up so that it all appears to be honest, innocent and legal. At least it is very difficult to prove any corruption in a court of law. 以下是我領受的一個簡要總結。在太平洋地區一段時間以來民主都是一個很好的詞彙。但實際掌權 的卻是金錢、賄賂、腐敗、空洞的誓言等等諸如此類的東西。而一段時間以來我一直都在講說民主的 各樣不祥之兆。現今隨著科技的提升,傳媒的增長,影響大眾決定的方式在倍增著。一個人自願投 出一票的民主純真形式早已經一去不復返了。現在有許多聰明的方法可以遮掩真相,使一切看起來 都是誠實的、無罪的、合法的。至少在法庭上很難證明有任何的腐敗存在。 Now with the tie in elections in Israel 4 times in two years and now once in Samoa. What is God saying to us. In my humble opinion, God is saying that the time for democracy is up. It is now time for the Kingdom of God. And the Kingdom of God is not democracy but Theocracy. Israel should show the world how, but they do not as yet know how. May be Samoa should rise up to the challenge. 關於以色列兩年舉行了四次大選和薩摩亞本次大選,這兩者之間的聯繫,神正在當下對我們講說什 麼呢?以我卑微之見,神在講說民主制度的壽數已盡。如今是神國的時間。而神的國不是民主制 度,而是神掌權。以色列本應向全世界顯明如何讓神掌權,但他們到如今還是一無所知。也許,薩 摩亞應該興起迎接這個挑戰。


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通報(輔)210604《關注 神在太平洋的信息&作為》


By Michael Maeliau with Milo Siilata

A email received from Milo Siilata, 2021.6.2 ※中譯: 地極禱告站, [*]本站譯註

WHAT IS GOD SAYING by Michael Maeliau 神正在當下說什麼

Michael Maeliau From: Michael Maeliau Sent: Sunday, 30 May 2021 10:10 PM To: Milo Siilata Subject: WHAT IS GOD SAYING. Dear Milo, 親愛的 Milo,

Shalom Pacific Family. 太平洋的家人們平安!

Late last year about the time of the U. S. elections I begun to receive these thoughts. I will share them if they are worth anything. 去年年底大概在美國大選的時候,我開始領受到這些意念。若它們有什麼價值,我願在此分享。

The US General Elections marks the beginning of the death and the end of Democracy. 美國的本次大選標誌著死亡的開始和民主制度的終結。

Here is a brief summary of my thoughts. In the Pacific for some time now Democracy is just a nice word. What really rules was money, bribes, corruption, empty promises and the likes. For some time now, I have been saying that the writings are on the wall for Democracy. And now with the rise of technology and the increase of the media, the ways to influence mass decisions are multiplied. And so democracy in its innocent form as one person one vote voluntarily has long gone. There are now so many clever ways to cover up so that it all appears to be honest, innocent and legal. At least it is very difficult to prove any corruption in a court of law. 以下是我領受的一個簡要總結。在太平洋地區一段時間以來民主都是一個很好的詞彙。但實際掌權





Now with the tie in elections in Israel 4 times in two years and now once in Samoa. What is God saying to us. In my humble opinion, God is saying that the time for democracy is up. It is now time for the Kingdom of God. And the Kingdom of God is not democracy but Theocracy. Israel should show the world how, but they do not as yet know how. May be Samoa should rise up to the challenge. 關於以色列兩年舉行了四次大選和薩摩亞本次大選,這兩者之間的聯繫,神正在當下對我們講說什





In our journey as a Prayer Movement we are already well aware that Solomon Islands is supposed to be the nursery, Vanuatu is supposed to be the model and Papua New Guinea is supposed to be the demonstration. 在我們的禱告運動旅程中,我們已經充分領受到所羅門群島應成為苗圃,瓦努阿圖(萬那杜)應成為


In our last Prayer Assembly in Samoa two years ago in 2019, Prophet George Annadorai said in one of his sessions, I remember George saying - I do not think he even remembers it. But whether he remembers or not and whether it was intentional or was it just a slip of the tongue or a rhema but I heard it. He said something like this, - “That the Restoration of the Kingdom of God must start in Samoa and then end up in Jerusalem.” Whatever it was, God must be up to something. Let us all put on our thinking caps. 我們上次的禱告聚集是在兩年前即 2019 年在薩摩亞舉行,我記得先知 George Annadorai 在他的一





Michael Maeliau. 邁克˙勉旒

Response by Milo Siilata


The nation of Samoa led by Rev Nuu Siaosi and team celebrated their Covenant with the God of Israel on Wednesday night 26 May 2021. It coincided with the Super Moon and Lunar Eclipse on that same evening. I sensed that God was starting something from Samoa where every day begins with Tokelau and Kiribati. 在 Nuu Siaosi 牧師和其團隊代領下,薩摩亞這個國家於 2021 年 5 月 26 日週三晚上慶祝與以色列




*[譯註] 從現今「國際換日線」來看,薩摩亞、托克勞(紐西蘭海外領地之一)與吉里巴斯都位在

同一時間/地理區塊,亦即歸屬世界的每天日出之地。此處的薩摩亞係指獨立的 ‘西薩摩亞’,不

含美屬 ‘東薩摩亞’。




The main revelation for this year was downloaded by Papa Michael Maeliau on the 5


2021: Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, “The LORD reigns!” Let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them! Then the trees of the forest will sing, they will sing for joy before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth. 1 Chronicles 16: 31-33.

2021 年 2 月 5 日關於今年的主要啟示被下載給父老邁克˙勉旒(Michael Maeliau):


都歡樂。那時,林中的樹木都要在耶和華面前歡呼,因為祂來要審判全地。代上 16:31-33


So how is He going to judge the earth during the Day of the LORD? I believe Psalm 2; Psalm 24; Psalm 110; Isaiah 24, & 63; etc, clearly explain the nature of the coming judgment of God for our planet earth. 所以在雅威的日子期間祂要如何審判全地呢?我相信詩篇 2 章,詩篇 24 章,詩篇 110 章,以賽亞

書 24 和 63 章等很清楚地解釋了即將到來的神對全地審判的本質。 8 Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your

possession. 9 You shall [h]break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s

vessel.’ ” Psalm 2:8-9


摔碎。 詩 2:8-9

The Lord is at Your right hand; He shall [a]execute kings in the day of His wrath. 6 He shall judge among the nations, He shall fill the places with dead bodies,

He shall [b]execute the heads of many countries. Psalm 110:5-6


中打破仇敵的頭。 詩 11:5-6

During our fellowship last Sunday 30 May 2021, I offered the whole Pacific to the Lord to begin His judgment with us. Through Judgment, God’s people will be refined like gold in the fire, and the nations will learn righteousness. I also believe that Divine Judgment will prepare the ground for God’s Restoration on earth. If the manifestation of the Kingdom of God starts in the Pacific, then His Judgment must also start in the Pacific. 2021 年 5 月 30 日,在我們上個週日的團契裡,我將整個太平洋奉獻給主,讓祂開始施行審判。透



Regarding Samoa as a candidate to start the Kingdom of God in the Pacific, they are not ready for this yet. There is no one with revelation and courage to start the Kingdom of God in Samoa right now. I can say the same thing for the whole Pacific except for Malaita Province in the Solomon Is and Samna Province of Vanuatu. BUT, if the Lord start His judgment in the Pacific, we will be more than willing to start building His Kingdom in our region. I believe we need the Lord to crush our nations before we can build the Kingdom of God here. No one builds a new house on an old house. We always destroy and remove the old house before we can build a new house in its place. So let us all rejoice because the King of Glory is here to judge the earth. He is the divine Bulldozer that will crush and remove every ungodly system of Babylon from our nations. Let all creation rejoice, for the Lord is coming to judge the earth! 至於薩摩亞作為神國在太平洋啟動的一個候選國,他們還沒有預備妥當。當下還沒有人得著啟示和







Regarding the current political impasse in Samoa, their Head of State proclaimed that only God can help them. I wonder how the Covenant God of Samoa will respond.



Milo Siilata 米羅˙希拉塔