WWII “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few” -Winston Churchill 1939 - 1945

WWII · Outcomes of WWII 1. Soviet Union Occupied Eastern Europe 2. Germany Is divided into East And West For 45 Years 3. World power transferred from Western Europe to the U.S. and

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Page 1: WWII · Outcomes of WWII 1. Soviet Union Occupied Eastern Europe 2. Germany Is divided into East And West For 45 Years 3. World power transferred from Western Europe to the U.S. and

WWII “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed

by so many to so few” -Winston Churchill

1939 - 1945

Page 2: WWII · Outcomes of WWII 1. Soviet Union Occupied Eastern Europe 2. Germany Is divided into East And West For 45 Years 3. World power transferred from Western Europe to the U.S. and

The Russian Revolution

● WWI left Russia and Czar Nicholas II

weak and on the verge of collapse

● Due to the political and social

frustrations of the people with Nicholas

II, a Provisional Government was


o came under the influence of Rasputin

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● Lenin promised “Peace, Bread and Land”

● Revolution broke out in 1917 and Vladimir Lenin

and the Bolsheviks (Communists) seized power

from the Provisional Government

The Russian Revolution

“Tell them my story,

Comrade Rowe!”

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The Russian Civil War (1917-1921) ● Lenin’s most pressing problem after the revolution was to deal with a full-scale

civil war that broke out in 1917

● Opponents were called the “Whites” and Lenin’s followers

were the “Reds”

● Leon Trotsky leads the Red Army to a bloody victory

● 15 million died

● Romanov family is murdered as a symbol of not going back

● Lenin now has full control

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Lenin’s Reforms

1. New Economic Policy (NEP)

2. Changed name to the Soviet Union (USSR)

3. Moscow replaces St. Petersburg as the new


● After Lenin’s death, Joseph Stalin is chosen as the new leader of the

communist party over Trotsky

o Farmers can now farm for profit

o Lands are given to peasants

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The Emergence of Joseph Stalin

● The Five Year Plans

“ We are 100 years behind the west, we must catch

up in 10 or we are doomed” - Stalin

○ Government control over businesses and lands

o Steel and Oil production quadrupled in 10 years!

o Confiscated land to form “collective farms”

○ Stalin wants to rapidly industrialize and increase

agricultural output to be able to compete with

capitalist nations

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Soviet Union

● Obey the government without question

● The Comintern was an organization established in 1919 to

spread Communism around the world

“A single death is a tragedy, but a million deaths is a

statistic” - Joseph Stalin

● Industrialization came at a great cost to

the people

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Fascism in Italy

● After WWI, Italy was in economic chaos and

political turmoil

● Mussolini and the Fascist Party rose to


● With the “Black shirts”, he terrorized

anyone who opposed his ideas (ex.

Communists or current officials)

○ Inspired by the Revolution of 1917 in

Russia, Italian peasants began to rise up

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Fascism in Italy

● In 1922, Mussolini led a March on Rome

with his followers and seized power

● Mussolini ruled as “Il Duce”

● Aggressive foreign policy

○ Conquered Ethiopia in 1936

○ Ethiopia received no assistance from UN

○ “Today it is us, tomorrow it will be you”

- Ethiopian Prime Minister

“I’ll make the trains run on


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Fascism VS Communism

Fascist Beliefs Communist Beliefs

1. Ultra-Nationalism 1. Internationalist

2. Denounced

Communism and


3. Emphasis on Militarism

Black Shirts =



who went around


Communists 4. Totalitarian

Benito Mussolini

Karl Marx

2. Believe in equality

3. Emphasis on Militarism

4. Totalitarian

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● WWI left Germany in turmoil and

economic disaster

Turmoil in Germany

● The War Guilt Clause made sure

Germany alone was responsible for the


● The Weimar Republic was established

at the end of WWI (1918)

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● Weimar Republic and democracy were

blamed for:

Turmoil in Germany

1. Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

2. Economic problems

3. Political and social unrest

a) Hyperinflation (money

became worthless)

b) 40% unemployment rate

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Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

“The creation of a


“Tell them my story, Rowe!”

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● In 1921, Hitler took the title “The Fuhrer”

and became the leader of the Nazi Party

(German Fascists)

● Beer Hall Putsch of 1923 - An attempted

coup that lands Hitler in jail; there he writes

Mein Kampf (My Struggles)

● In the election of 1932, the Nazis won the

majority of the Reichstag with 230 seats vs

12 seats in 1928.

The Rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany

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The Rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany

● In 1933, Hitler becomes the Chancellor of Germany through legal means

● After receiving emergency powers,

Hitler turns Germany into a Totalitarian

State and becomes dictator

● Germany is now called the “Third Reich”

o Appointed by the Weimar Republic to prevent civil war amid the

growing popularity of the Nazis

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Hitler’s Reforms

1. Hitler’s Goal➔ Lebensraum (more living space)

3. Helps economy recover with public works spending

2. Defied Treaty of Versailles and rebuilt army and navy

4. Germans were employed

● More Germans favored Hitler after he helped Germany prosper again

● Nazis had tried to exclude Jews from public life, but starting in 1935

they began enforcing biological segregation.

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Mistreatment of Jews

● At the annual Nuremberg Rally, Hitler announced the Nuremberg Laws

1. Denied Jews of citizenship

2. Prohibit marriage or sexual relations between Jews and people of

“German or related blood”

3. People with three or more Jewish

grandparents are Jewish, despite their

current religious identity

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Militarism in Japan

● Military leaders seize Japan during the the global

economic depression

● The outbreak of the war emboldened Japan to expand

to Asia

● Allied with Italy and Germany; signed a neutrality

agreement with the USSR

● As a new totalitarian fascist state, Japan launched a

full out invasion of China in 1937

o General Tojo and Admiral Yamamoto

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WWII: The Bloodiest War in History

● More devastating and deadly than WWI


● Total War = demands for the fullest exploitation of materials, increased

productions, and intensive bombing of civilians

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The Road to War

● Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

o Training ground for the war as Germany and

Italy supported the Fascists and the Soviet

Union supported the Republicans

o The Fascists won with the open support of

Germany and Italy

o This allowed Germany to test their new

weapons and war tactics

● 1936 - Hitler marches his troops into the

Rhineland, a demilitarized zone according

to the Treaty of Versailles

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● In 1938, Hitler annexed Austria

● Then he demanded the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia

● Munich Conference was held to settle the crisis

● Policy of Appeasement - Making concessions in

hopes of avoiding war

● 1939 - Hitler occupies Prague and takes the

rest of Czechoslovakia

o Germany was given the Sudetenland and

Hitler promises no more “territorial demands”

in Europe

Road to War

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● Next Hitler demands parts of Poland

● France and Great Britain announced their

support for Polish independence

● The Soviet Union signed a Nazi-Soviet Non

Aggression Pact (1939)

● 1939 - Germany invades Poland

● Two days later Britain and France declare war

on Germany, World War II had begun

Road to War

o The secret provisions divided Poland between

Germany and the Soviet Union

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Early Victories

for the Axis Powers (1939-1942)

● Germany crushed Poland in 2 weeks: Germany

took half of Poland and the Soviet Union took the

other half

● By 1940, Stalin and the Soviet Union had taken

over Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland

● Then for 6 months after the invasion of Poland

Hitler did nothing (Phony War)

● In April 1940, Germany conquered Norway,

Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium and


● Germany next struck France and conquered

them by June

● Germany’s style of war: Blitzkrieg = Lightning


Blitzkrieg Planes

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Effects of Blitzkrieg

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British Involvement

● Hitler made the crucial mistake of allowing 338,000 French and British

Soldiers to escape at Dunkirk

● Battle of Britain - a yearlong air battle for supremacy

over the skies of Great Britain

o 600 die per day from German bombing

● Planes lost: Germany = 2,300 ; Great Britain = 900

o Great Britain invented radar and used and

enigma machine (used to decipher German


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Winston Churchill

The Prime Minister of Great

Britain during WWII who

succeeded Chamberlain in 1940

and refused a treaty with Hitler

(1874 - 1965)

“We will never, ever surrender!!”

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Hitler Invades Soviet Union

● Hitler invades the Soviet Union, breaking their

non aggression pact, in June 1941

● The Soviets respond by following a Scorched

Earth Policy, where they burn everything in

their path of retreat

● The USSR suffered the most in the war with

22.5 million deaths

● “General Winter” stopped the Germans right

outside of Moscow and Leningrad

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● In 1937, Japan invades China and

expands to South Asia by July 1941

● War in the Pacific

● The U.S. opposes actions and cuts off

supplies (especially oil) to Japan

● December 7, 1941: Japan launches

unsuspected air attack on Pearl Harbor

o 2,403 died; hundreds of ships and

planes destroyed

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● The next day, the US declared war under the

leadership of Franklin D. Roosevelt

America Enters the War

● On December 11, 1941, Germany and Italy

declare war on the US.

● The tide turns as another major world

power enters the war

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Turning Points for the Allies

Pacific: Battle of Guadalcanal

● America goes on the offensive

after defeating Japan

Russia: Battle of Stalingrad

● Soviet Union goes on the

offensive after defeating Germany

North Africa: Battle of El Alamein

● Great Britain goes on the offensive after

defeating Germany

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Victories for the Allies (Europe) D-Day (June 6, 1944) - The allied

invasion of France

V.E. - Day (May 7, 1945) - Allies accept

Germany’s unconditional surrender

● Largest amphibious attack in history

● In Italy, Mussolini and his wife were

overthrown and hung

● Hitler commits suicide (April 30, 1945)

● Dresden - German town where 125,000

died by fire bombs

● Marked the end of WWII in Europe

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Victories for the Allies (Japan)

● V.J.-Day (August 14, 1945) - Japan’s


o America successfully produces an

atomic bomb in the secret Manhattan


o Japan was defeated after America

dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima

and Nagasaki

Hiroshima (August 6) = 80,000 died

Nagasaki (August 9) = 40,000 died

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The Aftermath ● 45 million are dead, half are from

the Soviet Union

● Hiroshima and Nagasaki are

decimated from the world’s first

successful atomic bomb

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The Holocaust ● Hitler’s “final solution” to

the Jewish problem


● Jews were targeted by

being forced to wear the

Star of David at all times

● 6 Million Jews die from

the Holocaust

● 13 million total died in

concentration camps

like Auschwitz and


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Outcomes of WWII

1. Soviet Union Occupied Eastern Europe

2. Germany Is divided into East And West For 45 Years

3. World power transferred from Western Europe

to the U.S. and Soviet Union

4. Nationalism grows in the colonies

5. The world has entered the Nuclear Age

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