NSCF Quarterly Update SPRING/SUMMER 2019 PRESIDENT Lisa Beregi It has been the craziest year for weather! Early hot temps in spring with more rain than we can handle in many parts of the country, and yet several ski resorts still taking in the snow and slopes! Hope you can enjoy whatever outdoor fun the weather is permitting you where you live this “off” season! I was unable to attend MTS this year in Whistler, but know that many of you were there. MTS is a great opportunity to share some runs with Federation friends and touch base mid-year. For those of you that were there, you know what a good networking experience MTS is and hope that you promote it for your member clubs. Everyone should have received the invite for the Annual Meeting in Jackson Hole! Registration opened mid May and goes to July 1 st . We have contracted rooms that have to be let go, so please register in a timely manner. Everyone in JH is preparing for hosting us and showing us a great time. The draft agenda went out with the invite and is attached to this update. We have informal discussion time, a full day with the industry topics and our business session. The registration fee includes Welcome reception, breakfast daily, two lunches, two dinners for everyone and three nights lodging for delegates. Any questions can be directed to Susan Donlan, Registrar. Each Officer and Committee Chair has been working all year, so please read what they have to tell you about their area in this Update! They are always looking for help, so come to the meeting with an idea of where you can help, or if someone in your council would be an asset to the Federation. It is election time for many councils, don’t forget to send us your updated Presidents information for the roster www.skifederation.or g Arizona Ski Council Bay Area SnowSports Council Blue Ridge Ski Council Central Council of California Chicago Metropolitan Ski Council Cleveland Metropolitan Ski Council Connecticut Ski Council Crescent Ski Council Eastern Inter-Club Ski League Eastern Pennsylvania Ski Council Far West Ski Association Flatland Ski Association Florida Ski Council Intermountain Ski Council Los Angeles Council of Ski Clubs Metropolitan Detroit Ski Council Metropolitan Milwaukee Ski Council Metropolitan New York Ski Council Midwest Sport/Ski Council National Brotherhood of Skiers New Jersey Ski & Snowboard Council New York Capital District Ski Council Northwest Ski Club Council Ohio Valley Ski Council Orange Council of Ski Clubs

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NSCF Quarterly Update


PRESIDENT Lisa BeregiIt has been the craziest year for weather! Early hot temps in spring with more rain than we can handle in many parts of the country, and yet several ski resorts still taking in the snow and slopes! Hope you can enjoy whatever outdoor fun the weather is permitting you where you live this “off” season! I was unable to attend MTS this year in Whistler, but know that many of you were there. MTS is a great opportunity to share some runs with Federation friends and touch base mid-year. For those of you that were there, you know what a good networking experience MTS is and hope that you promote it for your member clubs. Everyone should have received the invite for the Annual Meeting in Jackson Hole! Registration opened mid May and goes to July 1st. We have contracted rooms that have to be let go, so please register in a timely manner. Everyone in JH is preparing for hosting us and showing us a great time. The draft agenda went out with the invite and is attached to this update. We have informal discussion time, a full day with the industry topics and our business session. The registration fee includes Welcome reception, breakfast daily, two lunches, two dinners for everyone and three nights lodging for delegates. Any questions can be directed to Susan Donlan, Registrar. Each Officer and Committee Chair has been working all year, so please read what they have to tell you about their area in this Update! They are always looking for help, so come to the meeting with an idea of where you can help, or if someone in your council would be an asset to the Federation. It is election time for many councils, don’t forget to send us your updated Presidents information for the roster including their name, email and postal addresses, home, work, cell and fax numbers.It is also an election year, so please send Joe Harvis names (including yourself) of nominees for our elected positions.I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in Jackson Hole early September!


Worked with Lisa Beregi on the contract for the meeting and scheduling events. Also assistedwith discussions on pricing, sponsorships and communications with industry for the meeting inJackson Hole, Wyoming


Arizona Ski Council

Bay Area SnowSports Council

Blue Ridge Ski Council

Central Council of California

Chicago Metropolitan Ski Council

Cleveland Metropolitan Ski Council

Connecticut Ski Council

Crescent Ski Council

Eastern Inter-Club Ski League

Eastern Pennsylvania Ski Council

Far West Ski Association

Flatland Ski Association

Florida Ski Council

Intermountain Ski Council

Los Angeles Council of Ski Clubs

Metropolitan Detroit Ski Council

Metropolitan Milwaukee Ski Council

Metropolitan New York Ski Council

Midwest Sport/Ski Council

National Brotherhood of Skiers

New Jersey Ski & Snowboard Council

New York Capital District Ski Council

Northwest Ski Club Council

Ohio Valley Ski Council

Orange Council of Ski Clubs

San Diego Council of Ski Clubs

Sierra Ski Council

Texas Ski Council

Western Pennsylvania Ski Council

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SECRETARY Sheri ParshallThanks to everyone who got their reports to me in a timely manner.

TREASURER Greg SchmidThe financials are attached for review.


Agenda Cheryl MannFinalized draft agenda. Draft agenda was sent to industry and delegates

Audit Susan DonlonNothing new to report at this time.

Benefits Joe HarvisPlease visit our website at www.skifederation.com for information about all of our member benefits. We have fabulous products and offers so check them out.

We have no new benefits to add this quarter. Michael Calderone has been in discussions with the Heat Factory for a possible discount for their hand and foot warming products, however, nothing has been forthcoming from them as yet.

If you know of any vendors, we can add to our program please send me their contact info. Feel free to make first contact and approach them about partnering with us.

Reminder to all making travel plans, we have a new Travel Insurance provider with International Medical Group through their iTravelInsured group. Check out their program on the Benefits page.

In addition, please continue to send NSCF benefit offers to your council and your club members. We have worked hard to bring you these benefits, so let’s use them!

Add links on your club and council websites if you haven’t already done so? How about listing these benefits in your newsletters and announce them at meetings?

Please help us to make our offerings known to all our members. Get the word out often.

As always, if you know of a product/vendor we should pursue, please notify us at [email protected].

Bylaws Juli BraceNothing new to report at this time.

International Michael CalderoneI have been working with Mark Harris on this. We have been in talks with Brides les Bains, France. They had sent us a proposal. They chose March 14-21, 2020 for the dates. I will be speaking with the board about this to see how to proceed with this.

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Long Term Planning Cheryl ManWorked with Lisa Beregi and agenda committee and added a long range planning panel toagenda. Worked with Lisa on determining the panelists.

Membership Lydia HillThere is nothing new to report at this time.

Nominating Joe HarvisDo you know that it’s an election year for the Federation? Would you like to run of office? All 4 offices are up for election. If not you, maybe there is someone you would like to nominate? Candidates can be anyone from your council but should have first service in an elective office at either the club or council level. Job descriptions for each office are attached .

Please consider carefully who you think should be our officers for 2019-2021. If you would like to nominate someone or yourself, please email me your nomination to [email protected]. If you plan on nominating someone other than yourself, please discuss it with said person first before submitting their name to get their consent. I will then confer with the nominee and get their approval before announcing their candidacy.

I have asked all four of our officers if they would like to run again this year and one has confirmed their intention to run. They other three are giving it some serious thought. Our secretary, Sheri Parshall has agreed to run for another term.

Nominations are open now.

Public Affairs Jo Simpson

Newsbeat. Published issues for Nov-Dec, January and February. Here’s an interesting article from Ski Area Management (SAM) about growing our sport that you may find interesting. https://www.saminfo.com/the-magazine/this-issue/item/164948-growing-together


Eastern Margaret CrumCrescent Ski Council celebrated their 50th Anniversary at their Spring Convention, April 25-28, at Kingston Plantation, North Myrtle Beach, SC.

 The Metro NY Ski Council is winding down its season.  2 meetings  are left and they are doing now is planning their  trip to Japan next season, having our elections in June and setting up the schedule for next season.

Maureen Kline of Albany Ski Club shared this update:

We had a open table discussion about upcoming trips where any member could participate. It was very well received by the members as they saw their input really mattered to the club. Others that were not able to attend were invited to send information to us electronically.

We had a representative at MTS and then had 10 members of our trip planning team attend the Paul Webber show in NJ. We even all had matching club vests! All who attended the NJ show benefited from the tour operators presentation prior to

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the show. It has some great topics and allowed for audience participation as well. Then, they had an opportunity to meet with the numerous industry representatives and learned from them too. It was a great day!

And...many of us came in a RV decorated with ski stuff so all could see us on our 3 hour ride to NJ. It created a great bonding time upon our arrival as we had lunch together and a pre trip plan for the show. We had 3 teams and broke the show vendors  up regionally. Then, each team focused on specific eastern and western mountains as well as certain tour operators before going back and saying hello to all. We hope we saw everyone ! 

We worked together with our tour agent, Marcie Hawks, from Ski.Com to provide an opportunity for our club members to get IKON passes with a benefit for the club as well. Everyone who participated in the promotion received a free club membership for 2019/2020 and the club will receive perks provided by Ski.com on our upcoming trips. We tripled the amount of people from last year on this great opportunity.

We are planning our summer picnic and tubing event for July where we will welcome local industry reps to come join the fun. In August, we are planning a club day at the Saratoga Track. 

Central Ray PiwowarczykThere is nothing new to report at this time.

Western Jane Gutierrez Far WestJust finished up with a successful Convention on June 13-16th at the Hyatt Hotel in Indian Wells, California

RFP Cheryl MannFormed a RFP committee to work on updating the RFP. Members include Andrew Kwang, VailResorts, Sara Clemons, Sports America, Gloria Raminha, FWSA, Diane Andrews, Crescent.Forwarded to industry for consideration

Social Media Pat HarveyThe NSCF Facebook page growth has been amazing. Last year this time we were trying to get to 500 likes and we are now currently up to 855 likes and 915 followers. Thanks to everyone for spreading the word to your Councils and Clubs. Please continue to do so. Our page was visited 104 times and we added 18 new likes in just the past 28 days. Thanks to the Social Committee members who continue to add posts of interest from all over the ski world. Just keeping up with the additions to the Ikon and Epic Passes has become a full-time job!! We are also on Twitter and Instagram so spread the word on NSCF. Our next goal is to reach the 1,000 mark on likes for the NSCF page. We need your help to make that happen!! Questions, suggestions, and ideas are always welcome. Contact Pat Harvey, NSCF Social Media Chair, at [email protected].

Virtual Silent Auction Michael CalderoneI have sent out the most of the donation requests, still have a little more left. Started filling out the online donation requests. Building relationships with hard good manufacturers to help promote them and in turn get donations for auction. Will be working with 32 Auctions again for the online auction services. Hope to have everything set up in time for the annual meeting.

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Website Joe Harvis We’ve had some good articles posted to our site recently, but with the winter waning into spring there will likely be less Snowsports related posts over the summer months. I hope you are enjoying our weekly blog post emails. We try to post articles we believe will be of interest to our members. Suggestions are welcome.

The only recent changes/updates to the website have been for the annual meeting registration. Registration pages were modified for this year’s host, Jackson, Wyoming and the related sponsors.

We had some minor issues with the site being offline for a weekend in April due to a Word Press upgrade and issues with some of our plugins that make the site run. Those issue have been resolved satisfactorily. We have engaged a new developer to take over for Web Considerations which was purchased by a more expensive provider. We have already engaged our new developer, Thomas Tremain of Web911.com during our recent offline issues and he has proven to be very good at resolving issues quickly.

A Web Committee meeting will likely be held shortly after the annual meeting If you are interested in getting involved please let me know.

We invite you all to submit suggestions and/or content for the website. If you find something you feel will be of interest to the membership, please forward it to us and we will get it posted.

Please remember to remind your clubs to post their trips and activities to our database. It’s a great way to get more exposure for your events and trips.

Reminder we have code available to allow Federation Councils and Member Clubs to display their Clubs’ trips and events, that have been entered into the NSCF database—ON THEIR OWN WEBSITE. It is available to all at the asking. It will be customized for each council and club.

This is a key benefit. Each Council should encourage their clubs to enter their trips and other events, meetings, trade shows, etc. into the database and request the customize code for their club or council. Contact Joe ([email protected]) with to request your customized search code.

Enjoy the slopes and be safe.

News from the Councils

New Jersey Ski & Snowboard Council Susan DonlanThe New Jersey Ski & Snowboard Council was pleased to make donations to the following non-profit organizations with monies raised at the Council’s Annual Expo: Adaptive Sports Foundation, Windham, NY; Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports, Killington, VT and Ski4All, Franklin Lakes, NJ. The donations are made possible by items contributed by ski industry vendors that are raffled as prizes. The Council is busy this summer organizing upcoming 2020 trips to Park City, Lake Placid and Sunday River.  Crescent Ski Council Pat HarveyCrescent Ski Council turned 50 this year. The main celebration was held at Crescent’s Spring Convention in Myrtle Beach in April. Some of the Clubs put together tables displaying their history over the years. Three of the Council’s members who have been with Crescent since it was formed back in 1969 were in attendance and

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had the honor of cutting the anniversary cake. Pictures of the weekend are posted on Crescent’s Facebook page. The celebration will continue at the Council’s Fall Conference in October in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and in December in Steamboat at the Council’s annual Ski, Ride and a Race Camp.

News from the IndustrySteamboat Ski Resort is Getting a New Gondola for 2019-2020! Larry YoungThe Doppelmayr-designed gondola will feature all new level-walk-in cabins, with 12 added to the line, increasing from 125 to 137 total new cabins. The current ride time will go from 12 minutes to less than 10 with increased speeds from five meters/second to six, increasing uphill capacity nearly 38 percent from 2,600 people per hour, to 3,600. The new gondola cabin design will allow the resort to streamline freight hauling, eliminating guest impact while hauling more than 10,000 pounds of food up per day to support on-mountain dining. The new gondola will feature all new drives, brakes, line equipment and top-station bull wheel, along with all new towers to support the new machine. With an approximate construction timeline, the new gondola is expected to open in November 2019

Aspen/Snowmass Mary ManningSnowmass Bike Park Opens for Summer Operations Jun. 21 This summer, the Snowmass Bike Park continues a multi-year, trail expansion project in collaboration with Gravity Logic. Once completed, the expansion project will result in a total of nine new trails across 14.4 miles of terrain serving riders of all skill levels, from beginner to expert.Three new trails will open this summer, along with a refresh of the Vapor Trail. The first of the new trails, Gonzo, will be ranked as an extremely difficult freeride trail, similar to the feel of Valhalla, and will extend .7 miles along biker’s right of the Valhalla trail. The second trail will cover a mile of terrain bikers left of Valhalla and will be classified as a more difficult freeride trail. The third trail will extend off of Viking for .7 miles and be ranked as a more difficult single track trail. This trail will be incorporated into the Tuesday Night SBP Race Series Track. Snowmass Bike Park will be open daily for the Summer 2019 season Jun. 21 and operate through Sept. 2. Fall weekend operations will run from Sept. 6 through Oct. 6 and will now include Fridays. In addition, the Snowmass bike park will add an extra hour of operation for summer 2019, opening at 9 a.m. and closing at 4 p.m.

Telluride Lisa MorganTelluride Ski Resort was once again named the #1 ski resort in North America by Conde Nast Traveler (that’s 6 out of the last 7 years)! It is easy to see why with the legendary terrain, spectacular scenery, charming town, and the ease of getting around. The resort’s most recent improvements have been focused on operations, on-mountain eateries, and expanding gladed terrain. Telluride Ski Resort has entered into a long-term season pass alliance with Vail Resorts. Telluride will offer Epic Pass holders up to seven days at our resort. This benefit applies only to the full Epic Pass, Epic 4-, 5-, 6-, and 7-Day Epic Pass products. NEW for summer 2019- Telluride Bike Park will be a completely unique lift-served experience with a variety of interconnected trails (Freeride, Technical & Cross-Country), camps and guides for all abilities from beginners and never-evers to experts.

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Canopy tours will also be a new summer activity option starting in 2020. No matter the season Telluride continues to make guest experience our top priority!

Mammoth Mountain Stephanie PollardVisitors to Mammoth Lakes this summer will find several new ways down from the top of California. From zip lines to rock climbing routes to mountain bike trails, new options for gravity-fueled excitement abound. In town fresh new restaurants, events and amenities highlight a destination that continues to evolve as California’s premier mountain playground. Of course, some things never change. With close proximity to Yosemite’s eastern gate and surrounded by landscapes that Ansel Adams made famous, Mammoth Lakes’ greatest natural assets aren’t new at all. It’s that mix - of the timeless and the timely - that combine to make Mammoth Lakes one of the hottest travel destinations for summer 2019. 

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