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    Infosys TechnologiesTest Paper: 2|3| 4| 5|6| 7|8| 9| 10|>>

    PlacementWeek PapersHome>> Placementweek>>Inos!s>> Test Paper :8

    T"#s Inos!s Paper #s $#ewe% &! 1094 t#mes'ompan! (#st

    Test Paper :8

    Paper Type :)"ole Testpaper

    Test Date : 3 *an+ar! 2011

    Test Location : Her#ta,e Inst#t+te o tec"nolo,!- .olkata

    Posted By : /#"# r#a&"#- &"#sek

    Myself Mihi (Ariabhi) appeared in Infosys at Heritage Institute of technology, Kolkata on

    dated 3rd Janunary, 2!!"

    Appeared# $$%&ritten cleared# 322 ('ind it)inal selection# 3!$

    est pattern#Analytical and logical

    !) Analytical2) *easoning (+-I.A+)

    /erbal section

    !) 0nglish (1ery 1ery tough)

    Ho to prepare#

    Analytical and logical 3 uestions ($ 'ins)


    !5%" 4uestion on situations(6788+0 96051ry easy )do so'e *": Aggaral pu;;le portion

  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    t 'ake any calc, apply your basic instinct5(M K 6andey)


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    ships searched along the southern peninsula of :outh A'erica"

    inally they found the passage

    they sought near a latitude of % degrees :" Magellan na'ed this passage the :trait of All:aints, but today e kno it as the :trait of Magellan"

    ne ship deserted hile in this passage and returned to :pain, so feer sailors ere

    pri1ileged to

    ga;e at that first panora'a of the 6acific cean" hose ho re'ained crossed the'eridian e

    no call the International =ate +ine in the early spring of !%2! after ninety5eight days onthe

    6acific cean" =uring those long days at sea, 'any of Magellan>s 'en died of star1ationand


    +ater Magellan beca'e in1ol1ed in an insular conflict in the 6hilippines and as killed in a

    tribal battle" nly one ship and se1enteen sailors under the co''and of the Casuena1igator

    0lcano sur1i1ed to co'plete the estard ourney to :pain and thus pro1e once and forall that

    the orld is round, ith no precipice at the edge"

    !"he siFteenth century as an age of great eFploration"

    A" cos'ic

    C" land." 'ental

    =" co''on 'an

    0" none of the abo1e

    2" Magellan lost the fa1or of the king of 6ortugal hen he beca'e in1ol1ed in a political

    "A" entangle'ent

    C" discussion." negotiation

    =" proble's0" none of the abo1e

    3" he 6ope di1ided Ge &orld lands beteen :pain and 6ortugal according to theirlocation on

    one side or the other of an i'aginary geographical line % degrees est of -reenich thateFtends in a direction"

    A" north and southC" crossise

    ." easterly

    =" south east0" north and est

    $" ne of Magellan>s ships eFplored the of :outh A'erica for a passage across the

    continent"A" coastline

  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    C" 'ountain range." physical features

    =" islands0" none of the abo1e

    %" our of the ships sought a passage along a southern "A" coast

    C" inland

    ." body of land ith ater on three sides=" border

    0" anser not a1ailable

  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    introduced toneer and neer or(l)ds ith e1ery ne grid, the sol1er essentially is eFpanding the

    si;e ofthe boFL" he beauty of a crossord lies in the uality of its clues" A good crossord grid

    pro1ides clues that stri1e to tease and challenge the 'ind to think at a tangent" It

    de'ands of you to appreciate different 'eanings of the sa'e thing still knon in'anage'ent argon ascreati1ity and inno1ation"

    In fact a good crossord has clues that taF your brain for uite a hile and, hen you


    crack the', you tell yourself asnt that ob1iousL" +ets take an eFa'ple" .lue# saltyletters

    (NAN+)"Just in case you couldnt crack that, the anser is GA.+" :i'ilarly the anser forthe

    clue Makeup 'anL could be +IA*" It is e1ident s'art clues 'ake you think tangentially orout

    of the boF"

    .rossord challenge o1er5confidence" ne 'ay sol1e nu'erous crossords and gradually

    de1elop preconcei1ed notions about a particular clue, not knoing that this ti'e it 'ay bedifferent" or eFa'ple, you 'ay kno that the anser for the clue .apital of India(%)L is

    =elhi"Hoe1er it is also a possibility that the anser is *upee" If you think you ha1e learnt the

    trick,try this one# three5letter ord for .apital of 8i'babeL"

    &ell, dont get annoyed, the anser is 8eeL" :o sol1ing crossords asks us to challenge

    our on ti'e5tested assu'ptions" It de'and thinking out of a different boF" &hilecrossords can help us think differently, that holds true only for god uality crossords"

    +ay off grids that you crack in a iffy" 01en if so'e clues look *egion5specific, the uality of

    a crossord 'akes it orth the effort" &hile a good 1ocabulary helps sol1e crossords, itis a 'isconception to belie1e that one cant do ithout it"

    :ol1ing crossords is 'uch 'ore about thinking than it is about 'e'ori;ing ords andtheir 'eanings" All said and done, you need enor'ous patience and diligence to really get

    the best outof sol1ing crossords" As ith life, good things take a long ti'e to happen"

    ?"&ith the brain introduced to neer and neer ords ith e1ery ne grid,the sol1eressentially is eFpanding the si;e of the boFL"&hat do you infer fro' this state'ent

    a).rossords differ in si;e b)e get to enrich our 1ocabulary by sol1ing crossords"

    c)A regular crossord sol1er eFpands his knoledge of the orld through ords"d)ur con1entional education does not help us eFplore the orld"

    @" Ho can can 'ake up 'an and +IA* be relateda)A 'ake up 'an can disgusted people and fool others

    b)&hen a person 'akes up so'ething,it 'eans he is trying to utter falsehoods to sa1e his

    skinc)&hen you cannot be present so'ehere you 'ake up for your absence by sending


  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    else"d)&hen you ha1e 'issed classes you 'ake up by studying harder

    !" According to the author you need all the folloing to sol1e crossords 0O.06a)A greatdeal of patience b)A passion for sol1ing the'

    c)great knoledge d)A good 1ocabulary

    !!" It can be inferred fro' the passage that

    a)he author is passionate about crossords b)odays youth has no patience forcrossords

    c).rossords are a aste of ti'e d).rossords ha1e lost their orginality

    !2" he idio' to think out of the boF in the passage 'eans

    a)to be con1entionalb)to be o1erconfident

    c)to be able to decipher different connotations of any stated thingd)not to look clues

    .o'prehension 3

    Marie .urie as one of the 'ost acco'plished scientists in history" ogether ith herhusband, 6ierre, she disco1ered radiu', an ele'ent idely used for treating cancer, and

    studied uraniu' and other radioacti1e substances" 6ierre and Marie>s a'icablecollaboration later helped to unlock the secrets of the ato'"

    Marie as born in !?

  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    !3" he .uries> collaboration helped to unlock the secrets of the ato'"A" friendly

    C" co'petiti1e." courteous

    =" industrious

    0" che'istry

    !$" Marie had a bright 'ind and a personality"

    A" strongC" lighthearted

    ." hu'orous

    =" strange0" en1ious

    !%" &hen she learned that she could not attend the uni1ersity in &arsa, she felt"A" hopeless

    C" annoyed

    ." depressed=" orried0" none of the abo1e


  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    .o'prehension $

    After adapting 6hoenician graphic5alphabet in @ C., the greek e'ployed a 1oel syste'

    andadded < 'ore letters (P o'ega, Q psi, R phi, S eta, theta, 8 ;eta) to 'ake it a 2$ letter


    0arlier, T as pronounced as Ub" Go in Modern -reek it is pronounced as U1"It took a long

    ti'e to de1elop the letter" here ere 'any greek dialects and there ere certaindifferences in

    their style of riting" +astly the lonian style of lettering as adopted" In general and after$

    C. the letters beca'e unifor'" he literature and art flourished 'ainly in the classicalgreek


    Although the dialects of -reek ere 'utually intelligible ithin a nor'al li'it of

    understanding,the pronunciation of ords and accents differed fro' period to period and fro' dialect to

    dialects" he short and long sounds of 1oels also 1aried in different dialects and thepolitical

    situations in the country also brought 'any changes ith the inter 'igration of thedialects" Cut,

    during the establish'ent of AleFanders e'pire in the $th century C. and after thebreakdon of

    old political barriers, unifor'ity took place in the spoken language" his for' of languageas

    called the Koine ('eans the co''on language) or Hellenistic -reek ($C.5

  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    beca'e eftaand okhto, paidia(boys) beca'e pedhya and so on" here ere also se'antic changes in

    certainords ust as # the ord alogho hich as pre1iously 'eant irrational, later it 'eant


    skia;o'eL hich pre1iously 'eant I a' in shadoL, later it 'eant I fearL"

    he 1ocabulary of greek language consists of local collections and borroings" .onsidering

    theorigin of -reeks , there ere 'any Mycenaean ords in 2nd 'illenniu' C. hose original


    corresponded to certain greek ords like +eon (+ion), onos (Ass), plephas (i1ory) etc"

    Cy using pre51erbs, by for'ing co'pounds and by adding prefiFes or suffiFes to this pri'e

    ords they enriched their 1ocabulary" +ater on they also borroed a considerable nu'berof

    ord fro' other sources, such as, Italian, urkish, rench and also +atin"

    2"&hat is the draback of the -reek dialects in spite of their being intelligible

    a)it e'ployed a 1oel syste' b)it took a long ti'e to de1elop the letterc)the pronounciation ans accept different fro' period to period and fro' dialect to dialect

    d)here ere difference in their style of riting

    2!"here ca'e unifor'ity in the language ith

    a)he breakdon of old political barriers in the $th century C"." during the establish'ent

    ofAleFanders e'pire

    b)the 1ariation in the long and short 1oels

    c)the changes that had occurred in the gra''ard)the inter'igration of dialeces

    22"&hat as the cause of the rift beteen the local 1ernacular and the literary -reeka)the change in the riting of 6lato and =e'osthenss

    b)the adoption of the 6hoenician graphic alphabetc)the differences in the style of riting of -reeek dialects

    d)the spoken language kept changing hile there as i'pro1e'ent ith the rittenlanguage

    23"Ho as the 1ocabulary of the -reek language enricheda)by for'ing co'pounds,using pre51erbs and adding prefiFes and suffiFes to the 'ain

    ordsb)by local collections and borroings

    c)ith the use of of 'any Mycehaean ordsd)ith the se'antic changes in certain ords

    2$"&hich of the folloing state'ents isVare true,according to the passagea)'any 0uropean language ha1e ords borroed fro' the -reek

    b)de'otic language ca'e into being because of the rift beteen the 1ernacular and theliterary

    for' of -reekc)In the Modern -reek,there is only one dialect

  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    a)A only b)C only c)A E . d). only

    .o'prehension %

    Mount /esu1ius, a 1olcano located beteen the ancient Italian cities of 6o'peii and

    Herculaneu', has recei1ed 'uch attention because of its freuent and destructi1eeruptions" he 'ost fa'ous of these eruptions occurred in A" =" B@"

    he 1olcano had been inacti1e for centuries" here as little arning of the co'ing

    eruption,although one account unearthed by archaeologists says that a hard rain and a strong ind

    haddisturbed the celestial cal' during the preceding night" 0arly the neFt 'orning, the

    1olcanopoured a huge ri1er of 'olten rock don upon Herculaneu', co'pletely burying the city

    andfilling in the harbor ith coagulated la1a"

    Meanhile, on the other side of the 'ountain, cinders, stone and ash rained don on6o'peii"

    :parks fro' the burning ash ignited the co'bustible rooftops uickly" +arge portions ofthe city

    ere destroyed in the conflagration" ire, hoe1er, as not the only cause of destruction"6oisonous sulphuric gases saturated the air" hese hea1y gases ere not buoyant in the

    at'osphere and therefore sank toard the earth and suffocated people"

    1er the years, eFca1ations of 6o'peii and Herculaneu' ha1e re1ealed a great deal about

    thebeha1ior of the 1olcano" Cy analy;ing data, 'uch as a ;oologist dissects a speci'en

    ani'al,scientist ha1e concluded that the eruption changed large portions of the area>s geography"

    orinstance, it turned the :arno *i1er fro' its course and raised the le1el of the beach along

    the Cay of Gaples" Meteorologists studying these e1ents ha1e also concluded that /esu1iuscaused a

    huge tidal a1e that affected the orld>s cli'ate"

    In addition to 'aking these in1estigations, archaeologists ha1e been able to study the

    skeletonsof 1icti's by using distilled ater to ash aay the 1olcanic ash" Cy strengthening the

    brittlebones ith acrylic paint, scientists ha1e been able to eFa'ine the skeletons and dra

    conclusions about the diet and habits of the residents" inally, the eFca1ations at both6o'peii and Herculaneu' ha1e yielded 'any eFa'ples of classical art, such as eelry

    'ade of bron;e,

    hich is an alloy of copper and tin"

    he eruption of Mount /esu1ius and its tragic conseuences ha1e pro1ided us ith aealth of

    data about the effects that 1olcanoes can ha1e on the surrounding area" oday1olcanologists can locate and predict eruptions, sa1ing li1es and pre1enting the

  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    destruction of cities and cultures"

    2%"Herculaneu' and its harbor ere buried under la1a"

    A" liuidC" solid

    ." floing=" gas

    0" anser not a1ailable


  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    his busy life"

    3!" !" If the books ha1e been catalogued last eek, hy ha1ent they been placed on the

    shelf2" If the books ha1e been catalogued last eek, hy arent they placed on the shelf

    3" If the books ere being catalogued last eek, hy ha1ent they been placed on theshelf

    $" If the books ere catalogued last eek, hy ha1ent they been placed on the shelf

    32" !" 0lected to the house of representati1es in !@%?, the congress had the first black

    fe'ale'e'ber as :herley .hishol'"

    2" 0lected to the house of representati1es in !@%?, :herley .hishol' beca'e the firstblack

    fe'ale 'e'ber of congress"3" 0lected to the house of representati1es in !@%?, :herley .hishol' beca'e the first and


    black fe'ale 'e'ber in the congress"$" 0lected fro' the house of representati1es in !@%?, the congress had the first blackfe'ale

    'e'ber as :herley .hishol'"


    !"Ani'al eFperts ha1e noticed that, in carefully controlled studies, cats retain infor'ationfor a

    shorter a'ount of ti'e then dogs, but that cats ha1e a faster recall ti'e"2" Ani'al eFperts ha1e noted that, in carefully controlled studies, cats can be able to


    infor'ation for a shorter a'ount of ti'e then dogs, but that cats ha1e a faster recall ti'e"3" Ani'al eFperts ha1e noticed that, in a carefully controlled studies, cats retain

    infor'ation for a

    shorter a'ount of ti'e than dogs, but that cats ha1e a faster recall ti'e"


    !" In studying an assign'ent, it is ise to read it o1er uickly at first, then see the 'aorpoints,

    and finally outline the 'aterial"2" In studying an assign'ent, it is ise to read it o1er uickly fro' the first, rather then

    see the'aor points, and finally outline the 'aterial"

    3" &hile studying an assign'ent, it is iser to read the' o1er uickly at first, than see the'aor

    points, and finally outline the 'aterial"$" In studying an assign'ent, it is 'ore iser to read it o1er uickly at first, than see the

    'aorpoints, and finally outline the 'aterial"


    !" If he ould ha1e re1ised his first draft, he ould ha1e recei1ed a better grade"2" If he had re1ised his first draft, he ould ha1e recei1ed a better grade"

    3" If he ould re1ise his first draft, he ould ha1e recei1ed a better grade"

  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    $" If he had re1ised his first draft, he ould recei1e a better grade"$" Ani'al eFperts ha1e noticed that, in carefully controlled studies, cats retain infor'ation

    for ashorter period of ti'e then dogs, but that cats ha1e a faster recall ti'e"


  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    C" A 'usical instru'rent." /ain atte'pt

    =" song of praise or oy

    $3" his section deals ith the re'o1ing the odd 'an fro' the folloing options" hat

    'eansthe options are gi1en and e ha1e to pick out the odd one hich is not related to the


    options" o do this e 'ust be fa'iliar ith the ords and their relation ith the otherords"

    Here e ha1e gi1en so'e freuently asked uestions and its 1ery si'ple to do"L

    A) .urd C) Cutter .) .heese =) il 0) .rea'C) *ose C) +otus .) Marigold =) +ily 0) ulip

    .) Hostel C) .lub .) Inn =) Hotel 0) Motel=) 6ound C) 9en .) unce =) rance 0) =ollar

    0) :leet C) og .) Hailstone =) /apour 0) Mistcorrect the underlind part"

    $$ he public is not so angry about corruption in go1ern'ent than it is disgusted ithinflation"

    !" Got so angry about corruption in go1ern'ent that it is disgusted"2" Got so angry about corruption in go1ern'ent as it is disgusted"

    3" Got so angry about corruption ith go1ern'ent as it is disgusted"$" Got so angry ith corruption in go1ern'ent as it is disgusted


    $% &hile inspecting the ranks, the officer seen that the ne recruit lay his rifle in the 'ud


    got it dirty"!" the officer sa that the ne recruit had laid his rifle in the 'ud and got it dirty"

    2" the officer had seen that the ne recruit lied his rifle in the 'ud and got it dirty"

    3" the officer sa that the ne recruit had laid his rifle in the 'ud and got it dirty"$" the officer 'ust ha1e seen that the ne recruit lay his rifle in the 'ud and got it dirty"


  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    2" *aesh and i ere left a legacy by an aunt ho had alays liked us both"3" " *aesh and i as left a legacy by an aunt ho likes us both"

    $" " *aesh and i had left a legacy by an aunt ho had alays liked us both"

    $@" It is his last and final ish that the 'oney should be gi1en to charity"

    !" It is a last and final ish of hi'2" It has been his last and final ish

    3" It is his last ish

    $" It is the latest and final ish of his

    % " ne ell knon characteristic of earth houses is their passi1e solar capacity5 itstendency

    for keeping ar' in the inter and keep cool in the su''er"!" their ability to keep ar' in the inter and keep cool in the su''er"

    2" their ability to keep ar' in the inter and keep cool in the su''er"3" their ability for keeping ar' in the inter and to keep cool in the su''er"

    $" their capacity to keep ar' in the inter and keep cold in the su''er"

    %! " I ha1e 'y library card since August last year hence I a' honored so'e pri1ileges!" I ha1e 'y library card fro' August of last year, hence I ha1e so'e honorary pri1ileges2" I ha1e had 'y library card since August last year, hence I a' honored ith so'e

    pri1ileges3" I bought 'y library card since August last year ne1ertheless I as honored so'e

    pri1ileges$" I ha1e 'y library card since August last year but still I a' honored so'e pri1ileges

    %2" he staff 'e'bers, but not the chair, 55555555 not to teach on /alentines day"!" has decided 2"ha1e decided 3"is deciding $"as deciding

    %3"An organ is a group of tissues capable 55555555 of so'e special function, as , foreFa'ple,

    the heart, the li1er, or the lungs"!"of perfor'ing 2" o perfor' 3"in perfor'ing $"and perfor'

    %$ "Got one in one hundred children eFposed to the disease 5555555 to de1elop sy'pto'sof it"

    !" ha1e chances 2" Has chances 3"is likely $" Are likely

    %%" Al'ost all books ha1e 5555555555 the care taken to check their proof pages before the


    !" a little errors in the' in spite of2" a fe errors in the' in spite of

    3"a fe errors in the' despite of$" little errors in the' despite


  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    toedit into the station"

    !"ho 2"ho' 3"the oner of $" he right oner23"ertili;ers are used pri'arily to enrich soil and yield

    !" or increasing 2"increasing 3"to increase $"increase

    %?" Go other uality is 'ore i'portant for a scientist to acuire 555555 carefully"

    !"as to obser1e 2"but to obser1e

    3"than obser1ing $"than to obser1e

    %@" he ai' of education should not be solely to prepare students to get obs, but toi'bibe the

    right attitude to li1e a uality life in society" As children gro up they de1elop a orld1ieof

    their surroundings based on their perception as either 'ale or fe'ale" he perspecti1e ofopposite seF is also i'portant to establish a good rapport, and de1elop a balanced


    and udg'ent of 'atters"*easonable inference!" he 'ain ai' of education is to prepare students to get obs

    2In the present conteFt, education does not pro1ide the right attitude to li1e a uality life3" .oeducation is 1ery i'portant to obtain right perspecti1e of the orld"

    $" An aareness of gender differences is crucial to an euitable understanding of things"

    inding Ge'o, he incredible, Alladin and the list goes on" his is not to lea1e out ourbelo1ed

    o',Jerry,E 6op5eye"he orld of ani'ation is one filled ith eFcite'ent E har'less

    eni'ity"he antics E acti1ities of these e1ergreen characters 'ake us break into peals oflaughter"!" he cartoon characters ha1e no lost their char'"

    2" Ani'ation in 'o1ies has 'ade / cartoons redundant3" .artoons ha1e a uni1ersal appeal and enthrall audience across all age groups

    $" Ani'ated 'o1ies E serials perpetuate har'less eni'ity a'ong the characters"

  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    entertain'ent li'ited,a leading co'puter ani'ation E 1isual effects studio,MAA. todayhas

    o1er $%centres in India E abroad MAA. pro1ides courses in areas of 3= ani'ation,digitalfil'

    production,post production E 1isual effects"

    !" MAA. is the pioneer in ani'ation E 1isual effects corses2" he Acade'y offers training on :ophisticated technology in ani'ation3" It is essentially a oint 1enture co'pany

    $" MAA. doesnot co''it its post production ser1ices to other types of 'o1ies

  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    $) check, gulf%) 'ini'ise, standards

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    3) :ana5 :u'antro$) :ana5 :harbani

    %) Ankit5:harbani

    B2" &hat is the approFi'ate ratio beteen the su' of percentages of 'arks obtained by

    *a'arin History and Hindi and percentage 'arks obtained by :harbani in Maths

    !) B#$

    2) $#B3) B#%

    $) ?#%

    %) %#@

    B3" 6ercentage of 'arks obtained by :u'antro in 0cono'ics is hat percent 'oreVless as

    apercentage of the percentage 'arks obtained by Ankit in Maths

    !) !%W

    2) !W3) !3W$) !@W

    %) 23W

    B$" 6ercentage of 'arks obtained by Joseph in all subects together is


  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    A) *e1ealing C) Modern .) persistent =) de'anding 0) persistent

    B?" It as al'ost i'possible for hi' to put out of his 'ind the YYYYY ords hich he

    heard fro' his cle1er father5in5laA) Inspiring C) itty .) sarcastic =) soothing 0) eFhortati1e

    B@" Integrity of character, honesty, dependability and disciplineYYYYY ith a genuine

    interest in your ork ill go a long ay in the achie1e'ent of success in your professional

    life"A) .oupled C) adoined .) fiFed =) attached 0) oined

    ?" he soldiers ere instructed toYYYYYYYY"restraint and handle the situationpeacefully"

    A) 0Fercise C) control .) pre1ent =) enforce 0) re'ain

    ?!" Ishar .handra /idyasagar as one of the chiefYYYYY of o'ens rights

    A) 6ro'oters C) facilitators .) instigators =) organi;ers 0) protagonists

    ?2" Her parents ill ne1er gi1e their YYYto such an unsuitable 'atch"

    A" illingness C" agree'ent ." consent d" acuiescence

    ?3" He is YYY dancer

    A" a skilled C" an adept ." an adapt d" an adopt

    ?$" he degrees ere aarded in the annualYYYYYYYY"

    A" conference C" con1ention ." .on1olution =" con1ocation

    =irections# In each uestion, a part of sentence is printed in italics" Celo each sentence,


    phrases are gi1en hich can substitute the italici;ed part of the sentence" If the sentenceiscorrect as it is, the anser is UGo correction reuired

    ?%" He did 'any 'ischiefs

    A" 'ade 'any a 'ischiefs C" 'ade 'uch 'ischief." .o''itted 'any 'ischiefs =" Go .orrection reuired


  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    =" Go .orrection reuired

    ?@" &hat is the ti'e in your atch

    A" on C" by ." fro' =" Go .orrection reuired

    @" .olu'bus in1ented A'ericaA" searched C" traced ." disco1ered =" Go .orrection reuired

    @!" &ise 'en catch ti'e by the forelock"

    A" Hold C" sei;e ." take =" Go .orrection reuired

    @2" A bird in hand is orth to in bush

    A" to in the bush b" to at a bush c" to on bush =" Go .orrection reuired

    =irection # *ead the folloing infor'ation E anser the uestions based on the'

    *agha1 E 'ohit are friends"*agha1 has three sons hile 'ohit has 2"6roduct of the agesof

    Mohits sons is eual to the product of ages of *agha1s sons"he 'aFi'u' E 'ini'u'age

    difference beteen any to of *agha1s sons are 2years E ! year respecti1ely"he age

    difference beteen the sons of Mohit is !year"ne of Mohits sons had fallen sick hen heas @

    yrs old"Mohit had got 'arried on feb2@th,!@yrs back"Ages of all the sons of *agha1 EMohit are


    @3" &hat is the age of the youngest son of *agha1a)!yr b)2yr c)3yr d)none of these

    @$" &hat is the age of the eldest son of *agha1a)@yrs b)!yrs c)Byrs d)=ata Inadeuate

    @%" &hat is the su' of ages of *agha1s sonsa)

  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    I" F2 X ! II" 9X!

    @@" Ho 'any days does it take to co'plete a ob if A E C ork on alternate days

    I"A takes ! days E C takes !% days to do the ob orking all alone"II"A orks on the first day"

    !" Ho 'any leap yrs are there fro' year A to year C

    I" C [ A X $

    II"here is no 'ultiple of ! falling beteen the years A E C

    !!" A1erage speed of a car for return ourney is

    I"It tra1elled eual distance each ti'eII"i'e taken for onard E return ourney as %! 'ins E $B'ins,respct1ly"

    !2" Ho 'any girls does a class ha1eI"here are a total of $ students in the class"

    II"he product of the no" of boys E the no" of girls is 3"

    =irection # :tudy the folloing graph carefullyEanser the ns gi1en belo it"

    H7MAG *0:7*.0 IG=0O AG *-AGI8AIG * H0 -I/0G 9*:#

    !3" &hat is the percentage increase of hu'an resource indeF fro' !@@3 to !@@@

    a)2% b)3 c)2B% d)Gone of these

    !$"he indeF in !@@? as hat percent of that of !@@

  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    !@" &hich subect does 7 teacha)-eography b):ociology c)-eo or :ociology d)Gone

    !!"&ho teaches Ciologya)6 b): c)* d)Gone

    !!!"If all the teachers are arranged in descending order of their ages,hat ill be the

    position of

    the to 'ale teachers respecti1elya)II E /I b)I/ E /I c)III E /I d)Gone

    !!2"&ho is the youngest in the groupa)4 b) c)6 d)Gone

    =irection # 0ach n contains siF state'ents folloed by four sets of co'binations ofthree".hoose the set in hich the state'ents are logically related"

    !!3" A":o'e buildings 'ay ha1e rain

    C"orests ha1e buildings.".ities ha1e forests="orests ha1e 'onkeys

    0"orests ha1e rain".ities ha1e rain

    a).=0 b)A. c)A0C d)0CA

    !!$" A":o'e people are corrupt

    C"6oer corrupts ith ti'e."He is poerful

    =".orrupt ppl ha1e poer0"He is corrupt

    ":o'e ppl ha1e poera).C0 b).0C c)A= d)A=

    !!%" A"Krishnan E /inod are friendsC"/inod likes Krishnan E 1ice 1ersa

    ."Krishnan likes 1inod="riends are ene'ies

    0"riends are 'utual liking"/inod is Krishnans ene'y

    a).0A b)0= c)A0. d)0AC


  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    ."All nail polishes donot contain oil="All nail polishes contain che'icals

    0"+ak'e has oil"+ak'e contain che'ical

    a) C.0 b)A0C c)=A d)A0

    !!?" A o'en buys so'e shoestrips n then $ ti'es of that she buys

    packet pins n then ? ti'es of shoestrips she buys handkerchiefs""n

    she has a bill of *s3"2$""n she pays for each article as 'any paiseas there r articles(of tht particular ite')"Go hats the nu'ber of


    !!@" Ms"Anitha got her salary n she spent half of it in shopping n ga1e!*: to a beggar"After that !V2 of the re'aining 'oney she spends in

    a hotel n she gi1es *s"2V5 as a tip to aiter"n then !V2 of there'aining she spends again n she gi1es 3 *: as charity""n after that

    finally she is left ith *s !V5 hen she co'es out"&hats the actual

    'oney she had

    !2" A person is cycling in a circular track"At so'e point he noticesthat !V% of people in front of hi' and %V< of people together

    condtitute the total no" of cyclists"ind the total no" of cyclists"

    !2!"rains lea1e fro' Ge 9ork to &ashington e1ery hour on the

    hour(!#,2#"""")"rains lea1e fro' &ashington to Ge 9ork e1ery

    hour on the hour and half hour(!#,!#3,2#,2#3"""")"It takes a train %hrs to co'plete its ourney fro' &ashington to Ge 9ork as ell as

    fro' ne york to ashington"A train lea1es fro' ne york to ashington" ind

    out ho 'any trains it ill 'eet before it reaches ashington"

    !22" A pen, pencil and eraser together cost \!"" if 2026, and 6Z$0 then hat a single

    pen illcost

    !23" In a class there are less than % students " hen it is di1ided by 3 it gi1es a holenu'ber"

    si'ilarly hen it is di1ided by $,% or B gi1es a hole nu'ber"find the no" of students in theclass"

    !2$" After three years, father>s age ill be ten years 'ore than tice the son>s age"&hat is the father>s present age"

    !2%" ind the 1alues of each of the alphabets"G G

    : G M G


    J 7 G 0


  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    Hence !!F#2$##!@F#

    !2B" A car is tra1elling at a unifor' speed"

    he dri1er sees a 'ilestone shoing a 25digit nu'ber"After tra1elling for an hour the dri1er sees another 'ilestone ith the sa'e digits in


    After another hour the dri1er sees another 'ilestone containing the sa'e to digits"

    &hat is the a1erage speed of the dri1er"

    !2?" he 'inute and the hour hand of a atch 'eet e1ery ' fro' Charasat"

    :ir# Carasat I 1isited the place for 'ore than once"

    Me# Gice relie1e in 'y face"

    :ir# =o you kno so'e places in Carasat" Clah blah""Me# old

    :ir# 9our :chooling fro'

    Me# old

    :ir# :o you are fro' Cengali 'ediu' =o you ha1e ny proble' in co''unication english

    Me# Go sir, about :6G=G !2 years in ben 'ed school I ha1e got good score consistently in

  • 7/23/2019 (Www.entrance Exam.net) Showpaper3infosys


    'y 3 years of C"ech" In -= 0. Clah Clah"

    :ir# :o your o1erall -=, you need a bit of polish in 0nglish this I"

    Ha1e a nice day"Me# hank you sir"

    I as sure after gi1ing 'y inter1ie that I ha1e 'ade it" It as nice"

    G re'e'ber# you don>t need any .A 'aterial keep your cool and go for the ritten test"

    :ee you in Infosys, Mysore"Cest of luck, -uys and be confident"

    nter o+r 'omments

    nter !o+r searc" terms +&m#t searc" orm


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