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  • 8/13/2019 Www.kutub.info 12133


    English Grammar

    ) (

    [email protected]

    Tel. 6555 1170

  • 8/13/2019 Www.kutub.info 12133





    : 6555 1170

    to work at seven clock.goalwaysI

    nice meals.cooksusuallyShe

    .everydayhis homeworkwritesAhmed



    every/day /year/summer.

    Simple PresentThey = V.1-WeYouI

    HeSheIt - = V+ s

    English now.am studyingI

    at the moment.are watchingThey

    with the knifeis playing! the boyLook



    at the moment

    at the present time

    Present ContinuousI = am + V. + ing

    You We They = are + v + ing

    It = is + V+ ingSheHe

    .yetmy homeworkhaven't finishedI

    to the market.have just goneThey

    .yethas not comeAli

    already - just - yet

    recently - never - ever

    Present PerfectThey = have + V.3WeYouI

    HeSheIt = has + V.3

    2002.sinceherehave been workingI

    tenforin Kuwaithas been livingHeyears.


    .ContPerfectPresentThey= have-We-You-I

    been+V+ingHeSheIt = has been +V+ ing

    .agoa new car three daysboughtAli

    .Fridaytennis lastplayedWe


    in the pastlast

    This morningin 2012

    PastSimpleV.2 = played


    .were studyingthe bell rang , weWhen

    football , I fellwas playingIWhile



    Past ContinuousYouWeThey =were +V+ing

    It = was + V+ingHeSheI

    hebeforea roombookedhadHe

    traveled to London .my homework Ihad writtenIAfter

    went out.

    afterbeforeuntilas soon as - when

    Past Perfect

    had + V.3

    year.nextto Londonwill travelI

    tomorrowto the clubwill goWe


    in the futurein 2020

    this eveningnext

    Future Simplewill + V.1

    will havethe end of this month weBy

    all the exams.finished

    by this

    by the end of Future Perfect

    will have + V.3


    the exam .will passhard , youstudyyouIf-1 V1+willthe exam.will pass, shehardstudiessheIf V1+would.the examwould passhard , youstudiedyouIf-2 .3would have + Vthe exam .would have passedhard , youhad studiedyouIf-3

    more careful.had beenif hethe accidentwould have avoidedThe driver

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    Negation not 1- -:am -isare-was-ere-has-have- hadcancould-will

    would-shall-should- mustmay- might


    ( Make negative )(can't).swimcan notHe


    (aren't).playingare notThey

    2-( )()(doesn'ts .(sfootball .playsAli.Ex

    football .doesn't playAli

    3-( .(don't)s( .clubto thegoI.Ex

    .clubto thedon't goI

    (didn't)-4 .lunch.cookedShe.Ex

    lunch.didn't cookShe

    books.bought someI

    books.didnt buy anyI

    5-( (alwaysusuallysometimes never( (s

    gets up late .alwaysShe.Ex

    gets up late .neverShe


    : 6555 1170

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    ( ( Ask a question

    1-: am -isare-was-were-has-have- hadcancould-will-would-shall-should- mustmay- might.

    .swimcanHe.Exhe swim?Can

    ==.in the clubtennisThey are playing

    Whereare they playing tennis ?2-( .(s)(s)(does

    every summer.Ali travels to London.xEdoes Ali travel to London ?When

    3-( .s((do) ==twice a week.go to the clubI.Ex

    ?go to the clubyouoften doHow

    4-(did) .


    .by planeWe went to London.Ex did you go to London ?How

    )( How muchHow manyHow longHow oftenHow farHow oldHow


    )What( ()Why


    .(No or Yes)DidDoesDo: 6555 1170

    : .

    :I ))((we( ( you

    : (( my( our )your ))

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    ((Tag Questions()

    1- . .., .?arent youYou are a student 2-.,.?are youYou are not Ali,?..Ali is not here ,..is he.-34- . .., ..?isn't..sheHuda is clever

    ( (Tag QuestionsHuda can swim , can't she?

    You can't speak Spanish , can you?

    Ali will come soon , won't he ?

    He won't travel next summer , will he ?

    I am not a doctor , am I ?

    He has finished his homework, hasn't he ?

    He has a car, doesn't he ?

    She's gone to school, hasnt she ?

    She's playing tennis, isn't she ?

    Mary doesn't know Arabic , does she?Your father went to the mosque ,didn't he?

    We don't go to school on Fridays , do we ?

    Students go to school on Sunday , don't they?

    better)hadI=betterdI'(, hadn't I ?I'd better sleep early

    rather)wouldI=ratherdI'), wouldn't I?'d rather go homeI

    Let's go shopping ,shall we?

    Let us go shopping, will you?

    (Open the door ( ,will you?Dont Open the door , will you ?

    I am a student , aren't I ?

    : 6555 1170

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    Comparison ( Comparative 2 ) & ( Superlative 2 (

    as as 2 er 2 est

    as fast as faster than the fastest

    as big as bigger than the biggest

    as heavy as heavier than the heaviest as as more than the most as modern as more modern than themostcommonas common as more common than themostmodern

    as beautiful as more beautiful than themost beautiful

    as important as more important than themost importantIrregular Adjectives ( comparative & superlative )

    Adjective Comparative Superlative Example

    good better the best Sara is the best girl at school.

    well (healthy) better the best fruit is better than sweets.

    bad worse the worst He is the worst driver Ive ever seen.

    a little less the least Food is less important than water.

    much - many more the most Water is the most important thing in life.

    far further the furthest My house is the furthest one.

    far farther the farthest My house is fartherthan yours.

    old (people in a family) elder the eldest Bader is my elder brother.

    old (general use) older the oldest Ali is older than Hamad.

    : 6555 1170

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    The Verb ( To be ) The forms of the verb (to be)

    be amis - are Was - were been

    Base form Pronouns be It can be simple.

    Simple Present

    I am I am here.

    You are You are here.

    He/She/It is She is here.

    We are We are here.

    They are They are here.

    Simple Past

    I was I was here.

    You were You were here.

    He/She/It was She was here.

    We were We were here.

    They were They were here.

    Simple Future

    I will be I will be here.

    You will be You will be here.

    He/She/It will be She will be here.

    We will be We will be here.

    They will be They will be here.

    Progressive form being He is being taken to school by bus.Perfect from been It has been done.

    The verb ( to be ) in passive Voice: :1-( is( )are. )2-( was( )were. )3-be ))(may- might - will - would - can - could-- mustshall - should(to -

    - 4( been)( havehashad)- 5( being )( - amis-arewas-were)

    : 6555 1170

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    The Verb ( To have ) ( havehas ) had Iyou- we - they have had had havinghe - she - it has had had having

    have - has

    Do you have a car? I have a car. I dont have a car.

    Do they have a car? They have a car. They dont have a car.

    Do we have a car? You have a car. You dont have a car.Do the boys have a car The boys have a car. The boys dont have a car.

    Does he have a car? He has a car. He doesnt have a car.

    Does she have a car? She has a car. She doesnt have a car.

    Does Ali have a car? Ali has a car. Ali doesnt have a car.

    have got - has got

    Have you got a car? I have got a car. I havent gota car.Have they got a car? They have got a car. They havent got a car.

    Have we got a car? You have got a car. You havent got a car.

    Have the boys got a car? The boys have got a car. The boys havent got a car.

    Has he got a car? He has got a car. He hasnt got a car.

    Has she got a car? She has got a car. She hasnt got a car.

    Has Ali got a car? Ali has got a car. Ali hasnt got a car.

    Have to Do you have to go? I have to go. I dont have to go. .Does he have to go? He has to go He doesnt have to goDid she have to go? She had to go. She didnt have to go.

    : 6555 1170

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    1-(is)(are). 2-(was)(were) . 3-be )( )may- might - will - would - can - could-- mustshall - should(to -

    - 4(been)(have has had)- 5(being)(- amis-arewas-were)

    . Examples:

    1- We keep falcons for hunting.Falcons are keptfor hunting .

    2- I write my homework everyday.

    My homework is written everyday.

    3- Thieves stole a precious painting from the museum.

    A precious painting was stolenfrom the museum.

    4- The governments prepared our schools very well.

    Our schools were preparedvery well.

    5- The man will build a big house next year.A big house will be builtnext year.

    6- Students should respect teachers.

    Teachers should be respected.

    7- Huda has finished the exams.

    The exams have been finished.

    8- We have finished the English exam.

    The English exam has been finished.

    9- We are studying English now .

    English is being studiednow .

    10-We are playing many sports in the club.

    Many sports are being played in the club.

    ))has(have: (wasis)(wereare.

    : 6555 1170

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    . .:



    Direct Speech

    " I am reading English now. "

    Ali said (that) he was reading English then .

    he sheI

    I- me usyou

    " We have won a prize "

    They said (that) they had won a prize.


    his - hermy

    " I will travel with my father to London."

    He saidhe would travel with his father to London.


    wasam is

    " I can do my homework alone."

    Mary said( that) she could do her homework alone.



    " I will give you this book tomorrow ."

    he would give me that book the following day.


    hadhave has

    " Don't speak up here ."

    The teacher ordered us ,not to speak up there.



    " We visited the zoo yesterday "

    They had visited the zoo the day before .


    the day aftertomorrow

    " You are having an exam today."

    We were having an exam that day.

    the day beforeyesterday

    that daytoday

    " Open the window."

    He ordered me to open the window.((toto open) (open

    not todont

    " Do you speak English?"

    He asked meif I spoke English.

    Ifdo- does -did

    " Where do you live ?"

    He asked me where I lived.

    had+ V3

    : 6555 1170

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    Language Functions

    : 6555 1170

    ApologyI'm sorry

    I 'm so sorryI didn't mean it

    AgreementI agree with you

    You are rightOk.

    Good idea

    AdviceI advise you to + v

    You should + vIt's better

    If I were you ,I would PreferenceI prefer to

    I like more than

    I'd rather.

    I'd better.

    DisagreementI don't agree

    I disagree

    I'm not with you



    SuggestionLet's + v

    How about +v +ing

    What about + v +ing

    Why don't you

    I suggest we + v GratitudeThank youI can't thank you enough.

    I'm grateful

    ApprovalFantastic!Well done !

    Excellent !

    Great !

    Good !

    ObligationYou must + V I have to + v

    You have to + V

    It is not allowed Prohibition

    You mustn't

    you can't

    It is not allowed

    It is prohibited

    It is forbidden

    DisapprovalHow could you

    It is bad

    Not good

    I don't like it

    Opinion In my opinion

    I think

    As I see

    IndifferenceIt makes no difference to me

    It doesn't matter

    So what?

    Who cares?

    It is all the same to me

    BlameIt is your fault

    You are to blame

    What have you done

    I blame you

    You are wrong


    It can be

    It could be


    I think

    SurpriseOh !


    I am amazed

    I was surprised

    from blameReleaseNever mind

    Don't worry

    It is not your fault

    No problem

    RequestCan you ... Please?

    Could you .please?

    Can I .please?

    Would you mind +V+ ing

    SympathyHow sad /terrible/awful

    I was shocked to hear ..

    I was so sorry to hear

    Poor ( name )

    DisbeliefI don't believe that

    Nonsense !

    Rubbish !

    You are joking

    You must be dreaming

    WarningDon't ..


    Be careful !

    Look out !

    It is dangerous.

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    Combine the following.Short formLong formcountriescountry + s =1aren'tare not1

    familiesfamily + s =2isn'tis not2

    citiescity + s =3weren'twere not3

    wiveswife + s =4wasn'twas not4

    wolveswolf + s =5don'tdo not5

    thievesthief + s =6doesn'tdoes not6goesgo + s =7didn'tdid not7

    faxesfax + s =8I'mI am8

    watcheswatch + s =9he'she is - he has9

    wisheswish + s =10she'sshe isshe has10

    glassesglass + s =11I'veI have11

    fezzesfez + s =12I'dI hadI would12

    lyinglie + ing =13we'rewe are13

    tyingtie + ing =14you'reyou are14

    dyingdie + ing =15they'rethey are15

    livinglive + ing =16can'tcannot16

    makingmake + ing =17Sept.September17

    travelledtravel + ed =18Dr.Doctor18

    swimmingswim + ing =19Let'sLet us19

    hottesthot + est =20TVtelevision20

    usefuluse + full =21Mr.Mister21

    beautifulbeauty + full22Wed.Wednesday22

    triedtry + ed =23Thurs.Thursday23

    studiedstudy + ed =24)(won'twill not24 (shan'tshall not25((paid (pay +ed =25

    : 6555 1170

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    ParticipleSimple pastInfinitiveMeaning







    lockedlockedlock22admiredadmiredadmire1movedmovedmove23arrivedarrivedarrive2openedopenedopen24beggedbeggedbeg3packedpackedpack25bookedbookedbook4paintedpaintedpaint26chewedchewedchew5playedplayedplay27cleanedcleanedclean6prayedprayedpray28closedclosedclose7promisedpromisedpromise29cooledcooledcool8pulledpulledpull30criedcriedcry9pushedpushedpush31delivereddelivereddeliver10racedracedrace32excitedexcitedexcite11replacedreplacedreplace33finishedfinishedfinish12rushedrushedrush34floodedfloodedflood13scoldedscoldedscold 35foldedfoldedfold14sighedsighedsigh36giggledgiggledgiggle15smiledsmiledsmile37glitteredglitteredglitter16startedstartedstart38heatedheatedheat17travelledtravelledtravel39huntedhuntedhunt18unitedunitedunite 40introducedintroducedintroduce19visitedvisitedvisit41kissedkissedkiss20workedworkedwork42laughedlaughedlaugh21

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    ParticipleSimple pastInfinitiveMeaning




    ParticipleSimple pastInfinitiveMeaning

    leftleftleave21begunbeganbegin 1lentlentlend22brokenbrokebreak2lostlostlose23builtbuiltbuild3mademademake24boughtboughtbuy4runranrun25caughtcaughtcatch5saidsaidsay26comecamecome 6seensawsee27donediddo7satsatsit28drivendrovedrive8sleptsleptsleep29eatenateeat 9spokenspokespeak30fallenfellfall10stolenstolesteal31foundfoundfind11swumswamswim32flownflewfly12takentooktake 33gotgotget13toldtoldtell34givengavegive14wornworewear35gonewentgo15wonwonwin36heardheardhear16writtenwrotewrite37hithithit17

    beenwasam - is38hurthurthurt 18beenwereare39keptkeptkeep19

