WYFC Newsletter June 2015 1 Yfc social media You can keep up with what's going on with Wolverhampton YFC on our social media pages! You can Find us on Twi<er! Search @Wolvesyfc and you will get tweets on upcoming leaders breakfasts, challenges set and pics from our youth nights. We are also on Facebook! Our official page is Wolves YFC. Like our page and share it. On Facebook we put up posts about events, such as our showcase and Frontline GeneraHon Youth Conference, as well as informaHon about Live WiRE Youth, YFC Conference and more. Live Wire Youth also has a Facebook page. You can find it by searching Live WiRE WCC. There we post our crazy Live WiRE news videos , pictures and informaHon about church services. We have a new email address following issues with our previous one. So please make a note of [email protected] and delete the old one. You can contact us via this email address for informaHon or as a local church to request to join our mailing list. Schools ministry The schools work has took off in a fantasHc way over the past couple of months. So first of all, a big thank you to those who keep WYFC in your prayers. An opportunity arose for us as YFC to join up with TLG, The educaHon charity, and members from All NaHons ChrisHan Centre and InternaHonal Life Centre, to provide Early IntervenHon coaching with students at The Kings Church of England school based on Regis Road in Wolverhampton. AUer doing training with TLG, we began coaching four students for an hour a week. Each of the students have different reasons why they had been selected by the school to be coached. With issues varying from aggressive, violent behaviour and language barriers to those with poor a<endance and lack of concentraHon. The aim of the coaching is to help the students gain important life skills and help them to conHnue their educaHon. The resources given by TLG have been instrumental in providing excellent quality sessions with the students. A meeHng was held with St. Peter's Collegiate School. The head of R.E. was very pleased at what we could offer parHcularly in the area of charity work within schools. He arranged a meeHng with a board of staff, in which we put forward a presentaHon of what we would do in creaHng a student led charity commi<ee and creaHng reflecHve artwork called 'An Easter Journey'. The artwork loosely followed the staHons of the cross and put forward quesHons and reflecHons on the emoHons Christ would have experienced leading up to the crucifixion and aUer His resurrecHon along with some personal quotes from students who had experienced things such as betrayal and being accused. The artwork was put up on plasma screens all around the school and a response sheet was created for students to explore further with more scripture and topics to discuss. A YFC Rock Solid lunchHme group has been created in Wednesfield High School. This has been provided parHcularly for students who the staff have idenHfied as vulnerable or in need of support. The group is relaxed with fun games, acHviHes and discussion as well as being somewhere these students can feel safe and talk about issues they may be facing. Please conHnue to pray for the work in schools. They are effecHve and a blessing to us.

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  • WYFC Newsletter June 2015


    Yfc social media

    You can keep up with what's going on with Wolverhampton YFC on our social media pages!

    You can Find us on Twi

  • WYFC Newsletter June 2015

    Live wire youth

    Every Friday evening we run a local youth

    group at Wedneseld ChrisHan Centre

    which opens its doors to a range of

    dierent ChrisHan and non ChrisHan

    teenagers from around the area.

    The past couple of months we have

    spoken on dierent areas of inuence in

    our lives and how it aects our outlook and the decisions we

    make, opening the youth's eyes to some of the things they are

    actually taking in everyday without even realising it.

    The past couple of weeks we've been looking at where we get our

    guidance from. This has been an eye opening topic as the youth

    put forward where they would go to for advice. InteresHngly a lot

    of them said they would turn to online forums or search online,

    rather than speak to people.

    Rachel Jones gave her

    tesHmony of when she

    needed guidance about

    whether to go university

    or start up a full Hme

    children's ministry. She

    spoke of the diculHes

    she faced and how she

    spoke to God through

    prayer, talked and prayed

    with her parents, the

    church pastors, and read the Bible for direcHon on what path she

    should take.

    A few of the youth came to speak to leaders about what guidance

    and support they currently have in their lives and it was a great

    Hme to share as leaders how having God, the Bible and good

    godly council has made such a dierence in our personal lives.


    Wolverhampton YFC needs YOU!

    Wolverhampton Youth For Christ relies upon the generosity and support of local churches and individuals. Without partnership from churches and individuals we could not do the work we do across the city. We provide events, networks and schools outreach in Wolverhampton, that an individual church can't always oer. So please consider partnering and supporHng us.


    A powerful tool hat God has given us that will protect, build up, strengthen and support this ministry.

    Regular giving

    Please consider supporHng YFC by giving nancially towards the work that we do across the city with young people. This can be done through standing orders and direct debits. For informaHon on se\ng up regular giving and payment details, please email [email protected]

    One off donations

    If you are unable to make regular contribuHons, one o donaHons can also be made in cash or cheque (payable to WOLVERHAMPTON YOUTH FOR CHRIST).

    If you are a UK taxpayer, we can also claim giU aid on your donaHon.