PAGE TWO THE STAFF of T. Geddes Grant Ltd., celebrated party held at the Marine Hotel yesterday. JON, EDWIN F. McDAVID Colonial Treasurer of Brit- ish Guiana, and Mrs. McDavid who. were holidaying in Barba- dos at Edgewater Hotel, Bathshe- ba left for B.G. via Trinidad by B.W.I.A. on Wednesday after- noon. Grenada Visit R. JAMES NICOL, Educa- tional Adviser to C.D. & W. was among the passengers leaving by B.W.1I.A. on thei: Grenada flight on Thursday. Another passenger on the same plane was Mr. John the British Council’s Arts Officer in the Caribbean, Mr. Harrison will visit St. Lucia and Trinidad, before returning to Barbados Was Holidaying With Relatives R. IVAN PSAILA and his mother Mrs. Phyllis Psaila who have been holidaying in Barbados left yesterday after- noon for B.G. by B.W.1.A. Mrs Psaila is the wife of the French Consul in Georgetown, and had been visiting her daughter Mrs. Jack Marson and other relatives She was staying ai Maple Manor, Hastings. Police Magistrate R, W. K, FERGUSON, Police Magistrate of Siparia and Ferguson returned to Trini- on Wednesday afternoon by .W.IA., after spending the hristmas holidays with their amily at “Ravenscourt”, Fonta- le, Coca Cola Representative R. EARLE HEIMPEL, Coca Cola representative re- turned to Trinidad by B.W.LA yesterday afternoon after a short stay in Barbados. Third Doctor RRIVED in the Leeward Islands is Dr. David Boyd, He is the third doctor of that Dominican farnily to return to the West Indies. Afier completing his course in Dentistry at Toronio University he practised in Toronto for some time and is now expected to take up an appointment in St. Kitts. He is at present spending a short holiday with his mother in Dominica. Barbados Turfite R. D. MAURICE SKINNER, Director of Messrs Man- ning & Co., Ltd., returned from Trinidad on Wednesday after- noon by B.W.LA. after attend- ing the Trinidad Turf Club's Christmas meeting. BY I WAS shot through with hor- ror to read the other day a complaint about the attendants in a railway restaurant car. The writer hoped that these attendants will be taught in their training school “that the correct way to serve sausages is not with the fingers.’ The first thought that occurs to me is that the cor- rect way to serve a_ railway sausage is at the end of a forty- foot barge-pole. However, on luxury trains I believe the attend- ants wear special gloves for serving this exotic dainty. Illi robur et aes triplex. Fear- less, indeed, was the first man who launched his fragile barque among the Railways Sausages. Harrison, Wedding ISS DOROTHY SEALE of Bank Hall was married on Sunday to Mr. Herman Hoyte at Bethel Church. The ceremony was performed by Rey. B Crosby. The bride Who was giv- en in marriage by Mr. Elton Forde wore a dress of crepe back satin. Her veil was kept in place by orange blossoms, and she carried a bouquet of . an- thurium lilies and Queen Anne's Lace. The Bestman was Mr. Wil- fred Best. The Bridesmaid was Miss Elsie Seale, sister of the bride, After the ceremony, a re- ception was held at Bank Hall. With Singer Machine Co. holidaying in AC PRESENT Barhados are Mr. and Mrs. tack Feruandes of British Guiana, They are staying with the Wall- bridges in Woodside Gardens. Mr, Fernandes is with the Singer Sewing Machine Company in Georgetown. Their two children are with them, B.G. Student M P. PETER WALLBRIDGE, 4. son of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Wallbridge who had been spend- ing the Christmas holidays with his family, left for B.G. yester- day afternoon by B.W.1LA. Peter is a student at St. Stanislaus, Roman Catholic College’ in Georgetown . Visited Their Daughters ON. AND MRS. H. A. CUKE who-spent a week’s holiday in British Guiana visiting their two daughters returned yesterday afternoon by B.W,1.A. With Bovell and Skeete R. DAVID MURRAY, who is in charge of Messrs Boveli and Skeete’s St, Vincent office returned to St. Vincent by B.G. Airways on Wednesday. He had been spending a short holiday with his parents. Director Civil Aviation B.G. AJOR JACK NICOLE, Diree- 4 tor of Civil Aviation in B.G., arrived on B,W.1.A's flight yes- terday and will be here until January llth. He will then be going to Trinidad for a confer- ence, Travelling Auditor R, JAMES TILLSON, Travel- ling Auditor of the Singer Sewing Machine Cdmpany, who has been in Barbados for several weeks, left yesterday morning by B.W.1.A. for Puerto Rico Sausage Scholarships S to serving them with the fingers this certainly sug- gests a contemptuous gesture as of one who throws down a bit of food to a dog he rather dislikes. I can imagine the professors and lecturers at the School for Res- taurant Car .Attendants trying to persuade the rough recruit not to fling the food about: still less to expect travellers to plunge their hands into the dish. Busy pens scratch in notebooks. “A saus-< age should be served with quiet refinement, If it falls to the floor, do not kick it under the table, Remove it unostentatious- ly in a small aluminium shovel.” Nationalised British ,“Please, sir, what do we do if it bursts?” “Laugh the thing the fiftieth anniversary of their firm with a luncheon 75 Clowns EVENTY-FIVE clowns danced and praneed about the streets of St, John’s during the Christmas veason. They paid a visit to Gov- ernment House on the 28th when there was a party for Martin and Jean Blackburne. The Antiguan clowns enjoy clapping their whips but when they are vigorously smashing in all directions they cften make the mistake of landing blows on each other. Surprise {}OUR-YEAR-OLD Dennis Len- agan spent Christmas travel- ing half way around the world without a relative. What should have provided his ded, Mr. John Lenagan of Point- a-Pierre with a home-coming wel come, turned out to be a New Year’s Eve surprise. The delay was in Dennis’ stop over in Wash- ington two days. Dennis arrived from Australia via New York aboard El Presi- dente on Saturday night. On Sunday, he and his father arrived here by B.W.I.A. for a short Touring W.I. R. AND MRS. XAVIER BEN-~ ZIGER who came down on the Lady Nelson as far as Trini- dad, left ship there to return to Barbados for about twelve days. They are staying at the Para- dise Beach Club and after their visit here they plan to visit several other of the Caribbean islands. They hail Connecticut. Back to B.G. OT72R MARY DE SALLES, 0.8.U., and Mother Mary Paul, O.S.U., of the Ursuline Con- vent in B,G., returned by B.W.1.A. yesterday, They were accompan- ied by Mother St, Rita Ferreira, O.S8.U, Arriving from Greenwich, by the same ‘plane which took them to B.G., was Mother EK. Langridge who has come to take Mother St. Rita’s place at the Ursuline Convent here. Next Visit 1954 RK. NORMAN CHAPMAN who for the past three and a half months has been holidaying in Bar- bados with relatives returned to B.G. yesterday by B,W.I.A. His wife and child are remaining on for a longer holiday. Mr. Chapman is taking up a new appointment at Blairmont Estate in Berbice, His hext visit to Barbados he told Carib will be in 1954. THE WAY By Beachcomber off.” Then comes the great day when degrees are conferred. The man who serves you on the Man-~ chester train is probably an M.S. (Master of Sausages) or, anyhow, a B.S. (Bachelor of Sausages). ? é * (ENTER two Andaman Islanders) First A.L.: Warra ompi wa. Second A.L; Ompi te Worra. (EXEUNT, suik.ng.) Teck, Tek HEY say that ti.c Argentine is now $0 crammed with surplus meat that © > ‘nnot get about the strects, and that trafic is at q ste"" Yet there must be dogs all over the world who could do with more meat. | Parade; | Australia v, Engiand; BARBADOS ADVOCATE ACTING IS INTHEIRBLOOD BBC. Radio Programme / SATURDAY, January 6, 1951 1 100 am The News 1.10) am. | News Analysis 7.15 am. From the Evcttorials: 7.25 a.m. Programme Parade; | 73% am. From the Third Programme; 7.3 am. Interlude; 80) aah Seuttish Orchestra B46 ain Talk or Musie: 900 am. The New 9.10 | am. Home News From am, Close Down; 11.15 acm Britains tito} KroRe tagen | 11.20 aan. Interhude; 11... a i dd aan. @ ay MécPherson at the Theatre Orga", ger, (nooh) ‘The News; 12.10. pan Analysis; 12.15 oom. Clase Dowh 7} p.m, Strike Up i ne Musiv, 5.00 pam, Atig- | wélia v Engiaiud; 515 p.m, stoncaiy. - Robinson Present. 600 p.m. Misc . Dancing; 046 wom, .-TOgramme Fara; The Wews; 4.10 p.m. News Anelyeie; 7.15 pm. Behind the News: 74) pam. Sanay MacPherson ct © tat Theatre Organ: 6.60 em. nadia Newaree,, "15 pan. Composss of tag Ween: 2.30 pia. Kadio Theatre; 16.00 p.m, the Wews. 10.10 pum. From the Baltoriaie M.jo p.m, | Anything to Dec.iare; 10.46 p.m. Your: | Foithfully; 11,00 p.m. Your Song Parade, } With U.B.O.T. R. FRANK WESYVEKN who has been. holidaying in Borbados returned to Trinidad yesterday afternoon by B.W.1LA His wife and family will be re- maining on for another couple | of months. | Frank is with Shell U.B.O.T, | in Trinidad. Staying with Daughter RS. C. ©. BOURNE wa among the passengers leav- ing for Trinidad yesterday after- noon by B.W.LA., > spe month’s holiday with a daughter in St. Ann’s Porteof- Spain. ; Short Visit R. J. BERNSTEIN left for Trinidad yesterday by B.W.LA. He will be away for one week. 70, pm. The: third theatrical family of just made their stage. Nichola CROSSWORD Casson, wife Fir. She angel, a the Sheffield Terrace School, sington. Soon to be mupton. i? 3) i Suggests suspension to Anglese: (ore “4. Briedy ttle noe tas iy & beginner. Give the answer as home for a iy , i: lark 4 (4) ly. tions. j i Seed ected ! 41 g viously it’s n (4 i: tha, ttn 2. You may often Fesogtils bs by Ly, SN Og fhe nelp of this (4) pe tay, “i Ae Ry) Mea % “S Here you can find saps. (4) a Down \ This goes inte (9) 4 sounds dng tithe Bu 80) re made faster whan atl tin mee F in oy ie) nis olp means je over. (5) 8. Besltes, io) Any gardener can cafry one Permit at tennis. (3 A oraying inseet, (6 More than once. yet onip for tne Kflectionat t Affectionate name fo Ree chane ra wartime Oohveyor. (4) What Willie said has sone it it has driven away is Maureen and Paul O'HARA in: “BAGDAD” Extra: “FUN AT THE ZOO” MmeOorn Vo-night visit CLUB MORGAN The most Beautiful Night Club from Miami to Rio with a world-wide reputation for good food Music, Dancing Entertainment throughout the night Listen to the Club Morgan Hit Parade to-night on Radio Distribution at 8.15 eneration of the Casson have bow from the ven, great-niece of Sir Lewis and his Dame Sy*il Thorndike, was star in her school play. The little layed three parts; an ite rose, and a child, Small part player with her sis- ter was Diana, four; both attend en~ Elder sister Carola, nine, home. excited ad ye just too late,"’ says Mr. Bear. Too Rupert, and, forgetting all about Rosalie, he takes the paper and ) scampers back over the common, Sure enough, when he comes in sight of his own cottage the car is sll there, but in ape ie a lore he re breathlessly. r ; “You've just missed seeing your rich Aunt Bruinella,” she says. * Never mind. an the present she left for vou. ———— TODAY 5 and 8.30 p.m. to TUESDAY CHRISTIAN Diana plays the angel; star Nichola helps her to dress. THE. YOUNGEST CASSONS who goes to another ‘school; was a programme seller. They are the daughters of Mr. Hugh Casson, director of _archi- tecture for the Festival of Britain. Learned All The Parts Casson tells me his children ali dote on acting and dressing-up. Nichola, blue-eyed, wit fair hair, has a remarkable mem- ory, learned her own part and all the others in the play. —LES. cme nce cei EEL, LL LL LALLA, ** Bad luck, Rupert, you're for what?" spy Rupert Mrs. % fie Bear smiles. in and see HERE THEY ARE...... Tins Cocktail Sausages ars Pork & Beans » Mixed Vegetables » Carrots » Spaghetti & Cheese » Macaroni & Cheese Bots. Cocktail Onions » Olives ° » Cocktail Cherries . Peanut Butter Tins Peanuts Fruit Salad Pears Peaches , Sweet Corn » Plum Jam . Pineapple Jam Pkgs. Macaroni Slabs of mnepn STUART & SAMPSON LD. BEST RUM Headquarters for BARBADOS TURF CLUB NOTICE TENDERS are invited for the exclusive right to sell Liquor, R ments, etc.. at the Garrison Savannah on Race Days during i961. Tenders must be forward— ed in sealed envelopes mark- ed “TENDER FOR LIQUOR AND REFRESHMENTS” and addressed ‘to the Secretary not later than noon on Sat- urday, 13th January, 1951, The Committee does not bind itself to accept the highest or any other Tender. G. A, LEWIS Secretary, 4.1,51.—~4¢n. curly 1951 SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, en enna PLAZA Theatre—2sk/DGETOWN Matinee: THIS MORNING (Sat.) 9.30 A.M, & i130 P.M. (RKO Radio Double) | 3EORGE O'BRIEN in - - - - * ' “MARSHAL OF MESSA CITY” and | TIM HOLT in “INDIAN AGENT” ONE OF FHE GREATEST OF ALL BEST-SELLEL oe “THE FOUNTAINHEAD ?7ROM THE NOVEL BY AYN RAND One of the Greatest of all Warner Gros. Pictures: Starring Gary COOPER : Patricia NEAL: Raymond MASSEY | NOW PLAYING—2.20 & 8.40 pum, and Coertinuing at 4.45 & 8.0 p.m. | PLAZA Theatre OISTIN TODAY—5 & 8.20 p.m. and Continuing (Monegram Double) ADVENTURE Pius ACTION-PACKED EXCITEMENT ! “CAPTAIN CAUTION” Alan Ladd “CAPTAIN FURY" Brain Aherne Victor McLaglen : Victor (Samson) Mature (Monogram Double) “FALL GUY" MIDNITE SATURDAY, JAN. 6TH Lee Gorcey & The Bowery Boys in “MR. HEX" Robert Armstrong Clifford Benn i GAMETY—(THE GARDEN) ST. JAMES TODAY TO SUN, 8.30 p.m. MATINEE: Sun. 5 p.m. | Spectacular Action-Packed Special ! ! ! | Guy MADISON Rory CALHOUN Cathy DOWNS in i “MASSACRE RIVER” | we | Monday and Tuesday 8.30 p.m. | “FREDDIE STEPS OUT” & “I WOULDN'T BE IN YOUR ij 1} i] Freddy STEWART SHOES” AQUATIC CLUB CINEMA (Members Only) TONIGHT and TOMORROW NIGHT at 8.30 MATINEE: TODAY at 5 p.m. Cornel WILDE Maureen O'HARA in “THE HOME STRETCH” In Technicolor, with Glenn LANGAN Helen WALKER 20th Century Fox Picture ——— MONDAY and TUESDAY NIGHT AT 8.30 MATINEE: TUESDAY at 5 p.m. Clifton WEBB - Shirley TEMPLE . IN . MR. BELVEDERE. GOES TO COLLEGE _, 20th Century-Fox Picture. SUPPER DANCE IN OUR BALL ROOM TO-NIGHT From 7 p.m. to 1) p.m. Percy Green’s Orchestra : M. Goodridge, Director. MENU Supreme of Grapefruit Pottage Creole : Stuffed Flying Fish Maison Roast Kernel of Veal Creamed Gravey Potato Croquettes Carrots and Peas Scotch Trifle Cheese-Guava Demi-Tasse. Table Reservations 3513 DINNER: $3.00 ; Jelly-Crackers To-day 4.45 and 8.30 and | To-day to er 4.30 and Continuing M-G-M Presents Universal Double Howard DUFF and Ann BLYTHE George BRENT STORY Starring in “RED CANYON” and Greer Garson Walter Pidgeon with John Hodiak and Leo ct ‘6 BACK STREET " with ROXY Charles BOYER and Margaret SULLIVAN eee ecnepnihempesaeenitemantng ea SS ECO = alan SO ESF BEDDING ai “THE MINIVER To-day to Tuesday 4.45 and ee eee EMPIRE ROYAL A Mr. ARTISAN, GOODS 8.15 C x » OLYMPI Evans & Whitfields GET THE RIGHT TOOL Low in Price Tope in Columbia Pictures Presents eoskan. to: Mentor 4.24 snd FOR YOUR JOB |; rei ° : 1~G-M Big Double MATTRESSES (Fibre-filled) Washable Prints , $ Hand Saws 18—36 inch Saw Files | on bh ag ve domny WE YOUR 3 foot... _ .. -$13.17 apne: tows re Printed Spuns—$1.02 up setae SHOE STORFS re... ee Sanne Hand Drills 1 Ba a cae Bi oe". eee msl ee 3 Jerseys. (Plain and “TARZAN AND THE : \ tri —A8e. u SHEETS a’ enn |S Taffetas, Crepes, . APE MAN” WE Inspret the Wide range stocked by our Hardware x ettes, Satins, Anglaise, 80’x100" each_ _ _ _$7.08 and Ironmongery Department. : esha and 80"x 99" , ____ $6.61 ea bn 70x 100! oe * THANrS $ ROSE MARIE 4 es ae i THE HAREADOS CO-OPERATIVE $ FOR VALUES > with 63” x 100 beck care ie $5.38 COTTON FACTORY LTD iy Pr. we. mye Street z Nelson EDDY ~ : ; a: cag CU xe 7 $ ial 3466 Jeanette MacDonald Wee PILLO VV CAS te) 94c. & 97c. BN cota a \Cepsasoumaaveneaiaanbioiiae _ wo sciuangimninaiicemed t

Y. JANUARY 6. 1951 Qakxb Qaltinq I.I.C.ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/09/89/64/02476/00029.pdf · PAGE TWO BARBADOS ADVOCATE S\TIRD\Y. JANUARY 6. 1951 Qakxb Qaltinq I.I.C. Radii Prttri

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Page 1: Y. JANUARY 6. 1951 Qakxb Qaltinq I.I.C.ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/09/89/64/02476/00029.pdf · PAGE TWO BARBADOS ADVOCATE S\TIRD\Y. JANUARY 6. 1951 Qakxb Qaltinq I.I.C. Radii Prttri


THE STAFF of T. Geddes Grant Ltd., celebrated

party held at the Marine Hotel yesterday.


Colonial Treasurer of Brit-

ish Guiana, and Mrs. McDavid who. were holidaying in Barba-

dos at Edgewater Hotel, Bathshe- ba left for B.G. via Trinidad by B.W.I.A. on Wednesday after- noon.

Grenada Visit


tional Adviser to C.D. & W. was among the passengers

leaving by B.W.1I.A. on thei:

Grenada flight on Thursday. Another passenger on the same

plane was Mr. John the British Council’s Arts Officer

in the Caribbean, Mr. Harrison

will visit St. Lucia and Trinidad, before returning to Barbados

Was Holidaying With Relatives

R. IVAN PSAILA and his mother Mrs. Phyllis Psaila

who have been holidaying in Barbados left yesterday after- noon for B.G. by B.W.1.A. Mrs Psaila is the wife of the French Consul in Georgetown, and had been visiting her daughter Mrs. Jack Marson and other relatives She was staying ai Maple Manor, Hastings.

Police Magistrate R, W. K, FERGUSON, Police

Magistrate of Siparia and Ferguson returned to Trini- on Wednesday afternoon by

.W.IA., after spending the hristmas holidays with — their amily at “Ravenscourt”, Fonta-


Coca Cola Representative R. EARLE HEIMPEL, Coca

Cola representative re- turned to Trinidad by B.W.LA yesterday afternoon after a short stay in Barbados.

Third Doctor RRIVED in the Leeward Islands is Dr. David Boyd,

He is the third doctor of that Dominican farnily to return to the West Indies. Afier completing his course in Dentistry at Toronio University he practised in Toronto for some time and is now expected to take up an appointment in St. Kitts. He is at present spending a short holiday with his mother in Dominica.

Barbados Turfite

R. D. MAURICE SKINNER, Director of Messrs Man-

ning & Co., Ltd., returned from Trinidad on Wednesday after- noon by B.W.LA. after attend- ing the Trinidad Turf Club's Christmas meeting.

BY I WAS shot through with hor-

ror to read the other day a complaint about the attendants in a railway restaurant car.

The writer hoped that these attendants will be taught in their training school “that the correct way to serve sausages is not with the fingers.’ The first thought that occurs to me is that the cor- rect way to serve a_ railway sausage is at the end of a forty- foot barge-pole. However, on luxury trains I believe the attend- ants wear special gloves for serving this exotic dainty. Illi robur et aes triplex. Fear- less, indeed, was the first man who launched his fragile barque among the Railways Sausages.



ISS DOROTHY SEALE of Bank Hall was married on

Sunday to Mr. Herman Hoyte at Bethel Church. The ceremony was performed by Rey. B Crosby. The bride Who was giv- en in marriage by Mr. Elton Forde wore a dress of crepe back satin. Her veil was kept in place by orange blossoms, and she carried a bouquet of . an-

thurium lilies and Queen Anne's

Lace. The Bestman was Mr. Wil- fred Best. The Bridesmaid was Miss Elsie Seale, sister of the bride, After the ceremony, a re-

ception was held at Bank Hall.

With Singer Machine Co.

holidaying in AC PRESENT Barhados are Mr. and Mrs.

tack Feruandes of British Guiana, They are staying with the Wall- bridges in Woodside Gardens.

Mr, Fernandes is with the Singer Sewing Machine Company in Georgetown. Their two children are with them,

B.G. Student

M P. PETER WALLBRIDGE, 4. son of Mr. and Mrs. Pat

Wallbridge who had been spend- ing the Christmas holidays with his family, left for B.G. yester- day afternoon by B.W.1LA. Peter is a student at St. Stanislaus, Roman Catholic College’ in Georgetown .

Visited Their Daughters

ON. AND MRS. H. A. CUKE who-spent a week’s holiday

in British Guiana visiting their

two daughters returned yesterday

afternoon by B.W,1.A.

With Bovell and Skeete


in charge of Messrs Boveli and Skeete’s St, Vincent office returned to St. Vincent by B.G. Airways on Wednesday. He had been spending a short holiday with his parents.

Director Civil Aviation B.G.

AJOR JACK NICOLE, Diree- 4 tor of Civil Aviation in B.G., arrived on B,W.1.A's flight yes- terday and will be here until January llth. He will then be going to Trinidad for a confer- ence,

Travelling Auditor

R, JAMES TILLSON, Travel- ling Auditor of the Singer

Sewing Machine Cdmpany, who has been in Barbados for several weeks, left yesterday morning by B.W.1.A. for Puerto Rico

Sausage Scholarships S to serving them with the fingers — this certainly sug-

gests a contemptuous gesture as of one who throws down a bit of food to a dog he rather dislikes. I can imagine the professors and lecturers at the School for Res- taurant Car .Attendants trying to persuade the rough recruit not to fling the food about: still less to expect travellers to plunge their hands into the dish. Busy pens scratch in notebooks. “A saus-< age should be served with quiet refinement, If it falls to the floor, do not kick it under the table, Remove it unostentatious- ly in a small aluminium shovel.”

Nationalised British ,“Please, sir, what do we do if it bursts?” “Laugh the thing

the fiftieth anniversary of their firm with a luncheon

75 Clowns

EVENTY-FIVE clowns danced and praneed about the streets

of St, John’s during the Christmas veason. They paid a visit to Gov- ernment House on the 28th when there was a party for Martin and Jean Blackburne. The Antiguan clowns enjoy clapping their whips but when they are vigorously smashing in all directions they cften make the mistake of landing blows on each other.

Surprise {}OUR-YEAR-OLD Dennis Len-

agan spent Christmas travel- ing half way around the world without a relative.

What should have provided his ded, Mr. John Lenagan of Point- a-Pierre with a home-coming wel come, turned out to be a New Year’s Eve surprise. The delay was in Dennis’ stop over in Wash- ington two days.

Dennis arrived from Australia via New York aboard El Presi- dente on Saturday night. On Sunday, he and his father arrived here by B.W.I.A. for a short

Touring W.I.

R. AND MRS. XAVIER BEN-~ ZIGER who came down on

the Lady Nelson as far as Trini- dad, left ship there to return to Barbados for about twelve days.

They are staying at the Para- dise Beach Club and after their visit here they plan to visit several other of the Caribbean islands.

They hail Connecticut.

Back to B.G. OT72R MARY DE SALLES, 0.8.U., and Mother Mary

Paul, O.S.U., of the Ursuline Con- vent in B,G., returned by B.W.1.A. yesterday, They were accompan- ied by Mother St, Rita Ferreira, O.S8.U,


from Greenwich,

by the same ‘plane which took them to B.G., was Mother EK. Langridge who has come to take Mother St. Rita’s place at the Ursuline Convent here.

Next Visit 1954

RK. NORMAN CHAPMAN who for the past three and a half

months has been holidaying in Bar- bados with relatives returned to B.G. yesterday by B,W.I.A. His wife and child are remaining on for a longer holiday.

Mr. Chapman is taking up a new appointment at Blairmont Estate in Berbice,

His hext visit to Barbados he told Carib will be in 1954.

THE WAY — By Beachcomber off.” Then comes the great day when degrees are conferred. The man who serves you on the Man-~ chester train is probably an M.S. (Master of Sausages) or, anyhow, a B.S. (Bachelor of Sausages).

? é *

(ENTER two Andaman Islanders) First A.L.: Warra ompi wa.

Second A.L; Ompi te Worra. (EXEUNT, suik.ng.)

Teck, Tek HEY say that ti.c Argentine

is now $0 crammed with surplus meat that © > ‘nnot

get about the strects, and that trafic is at q ste"" Yet there must be dogs all over the

world who could do with more meat.

| Parade; | Australia v, Engiand;


ACTING IS IN THEIR BLOOD BBC. Radio Programme / SATURDAY, January 6, 1951 1

100 am The News 1.10) am. | News Analysis 7.15 am. From the Evcttorials: 7.25 a.m. Programme Parade; | 73% am. From the Third Programme;

7.3 am. Interlude; 80) aah Seuttish Orchestra B46 ain Talk or Musie: 900 am. The New 9.10 | am. Home News From am, Close Down; 11.15 acm

Britains tito} KroRe tagen |

11.20 aan. Interhude; 11... a i dd aan. @ ay

MécPherson at the Theatre Orga", ger, (nooh) ‘The News; 12.10. pan — Analysis; 12.15 oom. Clase Dowh 7} p.m, Strike Up i ne Musiv, 5.00 pam, Atig- | wélia v Engiaiud; 515 p.m, stoncaiy. - Robinson Present. 600 p.m. Misc .

Dancing; 046 wom, .-TOgramme Fara; The Wews; 4.10 p.m. News

Anelyeie; 7.15 pm. Behind the News: 74) pam. Sanay MacPherson ct © tat Theatre Organ: 6.60 em. nadia Newaree,, "15 pan. Composss of tag Ween: 2.30 pia. Kadio Theatre; 16.00 p.m, the Wews. 10.10 pum. From the Baltoriaie M.jo p.m, | Anything to Dec.iare; 10.46 p.m. Your: | Foithfully; 11,00 p.m. Your Song Parade, }

With U.B.O.T. R. FRANK WESYVEKN who has been. holidaying in

Borbados returned to Trinidad yesterday afternoon by B.W.1LA

His wife and family will be re- maining on for another couple | of months. |

Frank is with Shell U.B.O.T, | in Trinidad.

Staying with Daughter RS. C. ©. BOURNE wa among the passengers leav-

ing for Trinidad yesterday after- noon by B.W.LA., > spe month’s holiday with a daughter in St. Ann’s Porteof- Spain. ;

Short Visit R. J. BERNSTEIN left for

Trinidad yesterday by B.W.LA. He will be away for

one week.

70, pm.

The: third theatrical family of just made their stage. Nichola




Fir. She angel, a

the Sheffield Terrace School, sington.

Soon to be mupton. i? 3) i

Suggests suspension to Anglese: (ore “4. Briedy ttle noe tas iy & beginner.

Give the answer as home for a iy , i: lark 4 (4) ly. tions. j ‘ i Seed ected ! 41 g viously it’s n (4 i: tha, ttn 2. You may often Fesogtils bs by Ly, SN Og fhe nelp of this (4) pe tay, “i Ae Ry) Mea % “S Here you can find saps. (4)


Down \ This goes inte (9) 4 sounds dng tithe Bu 80) re made faster whan atl tin mee F in oy ie)

nis olp means je over. (5) 8. Besltes, io) Any gardener can cafry one Permit at tennis. (3 A oraying inseet, (6 More than once. yet onip for tne

Kflectionat t Affectionate name fo Ree chane ra wartime

Oohveyor. (4)

What Willie said has


it it has driven away


Maureen and Paul

O'HARA in:





CLUB MORGAN The most Beautiful Night Club from Miami

to Rio

with a world-wide reputation for good food

Music, Dancing Entertainment

throughout the night

Listen to the Club Morgan Hit Parade

to-night on Radio Distribution at 8.15

eneration of the

Casson have bow from the

ven, great-niece of Sir Lewis and his

Dame Sy*il Thorndike, was star in her school play. The little

layed three parts; an ite rose, and a child,

Small part player with her sis-

ter was Diana, four; both attend en~

Elder sister Carola, nine,

home. excited ad ye

just too late,"’ says Mr. Bear. Too Rupert, and, forgetting all about

Rosalie, he takes the paper and

) scampers back over the common, Sure enough, when he comes in sight of his own cottage the car is

sll there, but in ape ie a lore he re

breathlessly. r ; “You've just missed seeing your

rich Aunt Bruinella,” she says. * Never mind. an the present she left for vou.


TODAY 5 and 8.30 p.m. to TUESDAY


Diana plays the angel; star Nichola helps her to dress.

THE. YOUNGEST CASSONS who goes to another ‘school; was a programme seller.

They are the daughters of Mr. Hugh Casson, director of _archi- tecture for the Festival of Britain.

Learned All The Parts Casson tells me his children ali

dote on acting and dressing-up. Nichola, blue-eyed, wit

fair hair, has a remarkable mem- ory, learned her own part and all the others in the play.


cme nce cei EEL, LL LL LALLA,

** Bad luck, Rupert, you're

for what?" spy Rupert Mrs. % fie Bear smiles.

in and see


Tins Cocktail Sausages ars

Pork & Beans » Mixed Vegetables » Carrots » Spaghetti & Cheese » Macaroni & Cheese

Bots. Cocktail Onions » Olives ° » Cocktail Cherries

. Peanut Butter Tins Peanuts

Fruit Salad Pears Peaches

, Sweet Corn » Plum Jam . Pineapple Jam

Pkgs. Macaroni Slabs of mnepn


BEST RUM Headquarters for



TENDERS are invited for the exclusive right to sell Liquor, R ments, etc.. at the Garrison Savannah on Race Days during i961.

Tenders must be forward— ed in sealed envelopes mark- ed “TENDER FOR LIQUOR AND REFRESHMENTS” and addressed ‘to the Secretary not later than noon on Sat- urday, 13th January, 1951,

The Committee does not bind itself to accept the highest or any other Tender.

G. A, LEWIS Secretary,




en enna PLAZA Theatre—2sk/DGETOWN

Matinee: THIS MORNING (Sat.) 9.30 A.M, & i130 P.M. (RKO Radio Double) |

3EORGE O'BRIEN in - - - - * ' “MARSHAL OF MESSA CITY” and |




One of the Greatest of all Warner Gros. Pictures:

Starring Gary COOPER : Patricia NEAL: Raymond MASSEY |

NOW PLAYING—2.20 & 8.40 pum, and Coertinuing at 4.45 & 8.0 p.m. |

PLAZA Theatre — OISTIN TODAY—5 & 8.20 p.m. and Continuing (Monegram Double)




Brain Aherne — Victor McLaglen : Victor (Samson) Mature —

(Monogram Double)


Lee Gorcey & The Bowery Boys in “MR. HEX"

Robert Armstrong — Clifford Benn



Spectacular Action-Packed Special ! ! ! |

Guy MADISON — Rory CALHOUN — Cathy DOWNS in i


we | Monday and Tuesday — 8.30 p.m. |




MATINEE: TODAY at 5 p.m.

Cornel WILDE — Maureen O'HARA in

“THE HOME STRETCH” In Technicolor,

with Glenn LANGAN — Helen WALKER

20th Century Fox Picture




Clifton WEBB - Shirley TEMPLE . IN .

MR. BELVEDERE. GOES TO COLLEGE _, 20th Century-Fox Picture.



TO-NIGHT From 7 p.m. to 1) p.m.

Percy Green’s Orchestra : M. Goodridge,


MENU Supreme of Grapefruit

Pottage Creole :

Stuffed Flying Fish Maison

Roast Kernel of Veal

Creamed Gravey Potato Croquettes — Carrots and Peas

Scotch Trifle Cheese-Guava Demi-Tasse.

Table Reservations 3513

DINNER: $3.00 ;


To-day 4.45 and 8.30 and | To-day to er 4.30 and Continuing

M-G-M Presents Universal Double

Howard DUFF and Ann BLYTHE

George BRENT STORY ” Starring



Greer Garson Walter Pidgeon


John Hodiak and Leo ct ‘6 BACK STREET "


ROXY Charles BOYER and Margaret SULLIVAN




= alan




To-day to Tuesday 4.45 and

ee eee


A Mr. ARTISAN, GOODS ‘ 8.15 C x » OLYMPI Evans & Whitfields GET THE RIGHT TOOL Low in Price Tope in Columbia Pictures Presents eoskan. to: Mentor 4.24 snd

FOR YOUR JOB |; rei ° : 1~G-M Big Double

MATTRESSES (Fibre-filled) Washable Prints , $

Hand Saws 18—36 inch Saw Files | on bh ag ve domny WE YOUR 3 foot... _ .. -$13.17 apne: tows re Printed Spuns—$1.02 up setae SHOE STORFS re... ee Sanne Hand Drills 1 Ba a cae Bi

oe". eee msl ee 3 Jerseys. (Plain and “TARZAN AND THE : \ tri —A8e. u

SHEETS a’ enn |S Taffetas, Crepes, . APE MAN” WE Inspret the Wide range stocked by our Hardware x ettes, Satins, Anglaise,

80’x100" each_ _ _ _$7.08 and Ironmongery Department. : esha and 80"x 99" , ____ $6.61 ea “ bn 70x 100! oe * THANrS $ ROSE MARIE


63” x 100 beck care ie $5.38 COTTON FACTORY LTD iy Pr. we. mye Street z Nelson EDDY ~ : ;

a: cag CU xe 7 $ ial 3466 Jeanette MacDonald

Wee PILLO VV CAS te) 94c. & 97c. BN cota a \Cepsasoumaaveneaiaanbioiiae _ wo sciuangimninaiicemed t