way ..... .. ... . ,. . ••p• •••• • •r BER 22, 1975 \ PAGE FIVE :;~~:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;~:~:~:~:~;~;~:~:~~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: •• y ~ y ~ y I 00l111J1rackuillt I * ~ y ~ ~~~ C@1975 tGorrain.e~tanton ~~! ~ ~ ~ N ~ N ~ N ~ N ~ « ~ » ~ N ~ N * ~ .. : ,'.' * ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ v ~ v ~ V h V ~ Y ~ Y ~ y * ~ ~ y ~ y X ~ ~. ~.\ h Y ~ Y ~ ~ ~ ~ N 'h ~ ~. ~ h ~ h ~ h N h N & ~ h ~~ ~f ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ ~~, * ~ Y N' ~ ~ X « I (, " ,'.1 * ~ ~ ~. ~ « ~ ~. i~~~ Miller residence at 62 East Pine street, built in 1877 ~y Alfred Wison. :~:1 ~ ~ « ~ ~ ~ 1~: I had a most delightful visit with Frack- later bought by Webster Kehler and the :::; :::: ville's.own "Mitch" Miller and his wife, lumber was used for the building once :::: r,: .. ·~.· .. : Sara of 62East Pine street, Frackville. - Chalavled e beeth~ :~:~~~e~u~:::~~~:~: j.~.~.;. Mrs. Miller, the former Sara Wilsonhas '. ~ and it is now the Kehler's apartments. .••. ;::: lived in this house since 1907except lor A cowbarn was located on the side of ::~ ,0:' a six year period when she resided in .••. :::: Gilberton. Her grandfather, Alfred~ the old jailhouse and if cows were left :::: :::: r.: unattended in the fields, Mr. Lloyd .:.: ;:: Wilsonwas a miner and built this house :::: :.' in 1877. This is a brick house with placed them in this cowbarn and you .:.: ::~. had to pay fifty cents to get back your .::.: •... •.. twenty seven windows and nine outside ~:: doors. All Windowsand all but one door cow!' :::: ::: Mr. Miller reminisced about Mahanoy :::: '.. are the origm'al ones and Mr. Miller told '.' :.:. Plane and said it was one of the busiest :.:: '.' me, "10,000 bricks delivered on a .••. ::: freight car from Reading in 1877cost .railroad centers in the eastern United ::t :.: States. At one time one hundred engines :::: .'. 167.31,and wehave the bill to prove it!" d . ch .. , ::: A coal stove was used for heat and were housed there. In fact, sai Mit, :::; ::: "Gilberton is the only borough in the :~: ::.: kerosene lamps were used for light. The United States that has two post offices, :::' walls are a double thickness of bricks uld k t f Ct. ::: and it wo . ta e an ac 0 ongress 0 x ::: and the plaster was put right on top of change it." The Mahanoy Plane Band ~: :: the brick. Mr. Wilsonlived in this house was a great band many years ago. Mr ::: .: only three years when he passed away Tom Dorsey, Sr. was the director anc :.~ ~:.~".'~~~~il::nj~:~f ~~:~~~rS:~v~~ ~~~:::~~m~~e T~~m~o:~:t. J~i~~ 1::~1::: when she was widowed. She rented out played clarinet and saxophone am rooms to teachers and the rooms on the knew them quite _ 'IV~1l. :::: left of this house were rented to Mr. and '.', Mrs. Charles Hillanbrand when they Mitch reminisced about the basketball :::: were first married. She passed away at games in' the old days and said the :::: th g f 91 A 11 1 ted ' the players travelled to other towns in :::: e a eo. we was oca 10 covered trucks and Gilberton was the .:: •••. : garden for many years and many railroaders stopped to fill their jugs first school to hire a bus to travel to a ::~ with this fresh water. A hop vine garner He remembered that he and ::~ ::~ planted by Mrs. Wilson many years ago some of his friends rode a coal car up :::: :::: insists on growing in the garden. The the Plane many times to attend a game. :::: :::: Millers have used every method to kill These games were held in Waisi\es Hall :::: l.. :.~:.~ .. :.::, :~~l~~t~ n~:~;s p~~~~c:s~~Th~ ~~~ ~!~~~~sh~:~~~nf:i:~: ~~~ ~~~ some medicines and in malt beverages. in mine breaches, played many games ::: I dmi lid In t bl t of baseball, arid played football ~th a ::: a Ire a so I wa u mar e op salt bag filled WI·thleaves which was ~.,:. ::~ table and was told it was part of a :::: bedroom set brought at Nice's Fur- used as a football. To make baseballs ::: :::: niture Store for under one hundred they used a regular gum ball and ::: ::: dollars. The beautiful wooden banister wrapped it with string and if you had ~n ~~ :~ was also the original banister built the extra nickel you bought tape and taped ::~ ::~ same year as the house. The trees in the it. ::~ :~:~ lSardenwere given to school children of Mr. Miller moved to Frackville in 1941 i :::: the Frackville Schools on Arbor Day and when I asked him how he liked ::~ :~: many years ago. living in our town he said, "There isn't ::~ :::: East Pine street was a very busy street any place else that I'd,want to live ..... 1 ~:: ::~: ' in the early days of Frackville. think we have a very very nice town." I ::~ :::: Funerals coming up from Mahanoy agreed with him! He said he wasn't the ~:~: ~:: Plane came up over the tracks and up best liked person in Frackville when he .••. ::: this streeUo the cemeteries. Most often coached the Gilberton Basketball :::: '.' only two carriages were used and the Team, expecially when Frackville was :::: v N ::: mourners walked up the hill behind the running a winning streak with eighty :::: ::: hearse. A railroad tower located near consecutive league victories and we ~:: ::~ 'this house is well remembered by could have easily broken the National :::: ::~ Mitch. He recalled going up to the tower Record had we won but Gilberton beat :::; :::: with George Shiith who was the us37t036! He said his daughter, Sally, ::::_' :::: telegrapher, and listening to the World who was enrolled in the Frackville ~:~: :::: Series Games cOmingin over the wires. schools went to all the games and ::::. :::: Mrs. Miller attended the Frackville rooted against him! ! ;:::~ :::: Schools and remembers Alice Burns, Have you ever wondered why we call ::::.. :::: Ethel Morgan, Miss Pena, Hilda him "Mitch?" I did, so I asked him. "It :,::.: . ;::: Felsburg, Elva Berger and Mildred is not a nickname" he said. He was :::: ;::: Purnell as her teachers. She graduated christened the day after the first ::::: :~: in 1920.Mr. Miller was born and raised Mitchell Day and Father Hogan, who :::: :::: in Mahanoy Plane and lived next door was the Pastor at Mahanoy Plane was a :::: :::: to the Holy Rosary Rectory. He has· great admirer of John Mitchell, the ::::. :::: many fond memories of "the fOQt"and Union Leader. Mr. Miller did not know:::: ~~ was a frequent visitor to the priests at until he went for his birth certificate in ~:.~:. ': :.;. the rectory. Rev.,Hogan presented his 1941that the certificate lists him as ' :~ favorite 'shotgUIlito Mr. Miller's dad to John Mitchell Miller. ::~: ' :~ be held untn Mitch was of age and today After graduating from Gilberton he ::::.( ::: he has given this gun to his grandson, worked in the mines and on the railroad :::: ( ~: Bob Scharadin. , for three years before attending :::: ::: Mitch attended the Gilberton Borough Millersville Normal School. You did not :~:j , ::: Schools and graduated from it's three major in elementary or secondary ::::. $: year high school in 1918.He recalled education in college at that time. A ':::: . ~: being water boy for his class-which Golden Certificate was issued to all ::l ••l.:.: .. ::~ meant getting the water bucket filled graduates and they were qualified to ::~ with water which stood next to the teach any grade and any subject. Mr. .~~ ::~ teachers desk. Everyone drank .out of Miller graduat~ in 1923and this was .'. :::: the same dipper but the water boy had the last class to graduate with the :~: i~~: to thakekn the fthirstdrtink so that thde Golden Certihficate.d ;:.':.':,' :::: teac er ew e wa er was pure an He taught s op an mathematics at ::~ the water boy pulled no pranks! He Gilberton for thirty-seven years, three ::~, .'.' recalled how he and his friends fished years with the Mahanoy Plane Schools ::: :~:~ whiskey bottles out of the creek and and in 1963 came to the' Frackville ~~:.~ , :::: sold them to the saloons. They got a Schools and taught for three years. He .'.' :~: penny for half pints, two cents for pints retired in 1965and substituted for five ::::- :::: and a nickel for quart bottles. With this years. :::: ~ N .:.: money they then went to the movies and He recalled a pep rally held on October .••.. :::: bought peanuts to munch on while 22, 1965at the High School and with 1~~~ ~:: watching the movie and threw the great love and tears told me of the ::::, :::: shells over the balconY,onpeople sitting' surprise birthday celebration held that ::::• :::: on the main floor! He was a member of day. Mitch Miller was asked to go to the ;::: :::; ~the Holy Rosary Cadettes and auditorium and when he opened the :::: :::: remembered Frank Mekailek, a door to enter, the Student Body and ~:: 1~~~ veteran of the Spanish American War Frackville High School Bank broke out :::: :::: as the drillmaster. They attended the with "Happy Birthday To Mitch" and ::: ::~ laying of the corner'5tone and the he will never forget that day. "Parents, ::: :::: dedication of St. Joseph's Churcl1in a faculty, administr,ation and students of ::: :::: group. Frackville were all marvelous to me," ::: ~ y .••. The Frackville jail was located on said Mr. Miller with happy tears in his ::: ~~;i Cherry Alley many years ago. Jt was eyes. ~:~ ~ * ~~~:.:.:':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;:-=:=:~:=:=:=:=:~:=:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:.:.:.:.:':.:.:.:.:;:.:.:.:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;=;=;~:=;:;::::=;::=;=;::~:~:=:~:~:::~::: l

y ~ y ~I 00l111J1rackuillt yI - Pennsylvania State Universitylas8/OFTpdfs/1975/1975-11-22.pdf · 22/11/1975  · when she was widowed.She rented out played clarinet and saxophone

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way ..... • • .. ... .,. . • • • p • •••• • • r

BER 22, 1975\


:;~~:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;~:~:~:~:~;~;~:~:~~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;:.:.:.::=•• y~ y~ y

I00l111J1rackuillt I* ~y ~

~~~ C@1975 tGorrain.e~tanton ~~!~ ~~ N~ N~ N~ N~ «~ »~ N~ N* ~..: ,'.'* ~~ ~* ~~ v~ v~ Vh V~ Y~ Y~ y* ~~ y~ yX ~~. ~.\h Y~ Y~ ~~ ~N 'h~ ~.~ h~ h~ hN hN &~ h

~~ ~f~ ~~ ~:~ ~~,* ~Y N'~ ~X «I (," ,'.1* ~~ ~.~ «~ ~.i~~~ Miller residence at 62 East Pine street, built in 1877~y Alfred Wison. :~:1~ ~« ~~ ~1~: I had a most delightful visit with Frack- later bought by Webster Kehler and the :::;:::: ville's.own "Mitch" Miller and his wife, lumber was used for the building once ::::

r,:..·~.·..: Sara of 62East Pine street, Frackville. - Chalavledebeeth~:~:~~~e~u~:::~~~:~: j.~.~.;.Mrs. Miller, the former Sara Wilsonhas'. ~ and it is now the Kehler's apartments. .••.;::: lived in this house since 1907except lor A cowbarn was located on the side of ::~,0:' a six year period when she resided in .••.:::: Gilberton. Her grandfather, Alfred~ the old jailhouse and if cows were left :::::::: r.: unattended in the fields, Mr. Lloyd .:.:;:: Wilsonwas a miner and built this house :::::.' in 1877. This is a brick house with placed them in this cowbarn and you .:.:::~. had to pay fifty cents to get back your .::.:•...•.. twenty seven windows and nine outside~:: doors. All Windowsand all but one door cow!' ::::::: Mr. Miller reminisced about Mahanoy ::::'.. are the origm'al ones and Mr. Miller told '.':.:. Plane and said it was one of the busiest :.::'.' me, "10,000 bricks delivered on a .••.::: freight car from Reading in 1877cost .railroad centers in the eastern United ::t:.: States. Atone time one hundred engines ::::.'. 167.31,and we have the bill to prove it!" d . ch .. ,::: A coal stove was used for heat and were housed there. In fact, sai Mit, :::;::: "Gilberton is the only borough in the :~:::.: kerosene lamps were used for light. The United States that has two post offices, :::'

walls are a double thickness of bricks uld k t f Ct.::: and it wo . ta e an ac 0 ongress 0 x::: and the plaster was put right on top of change it." The Mahanoy Plane Band ~::: the brick. Mr. Wilsonlived in this house was a great band many years ago. Mr :::.: only three years when he passed away Tom Dorsey, Sr. was the director anc :.~

~:.~".'~~~~il::nj~:~f ~~:~~~rS:~v~~ ~~~:::~~m~~e T~~m~o:~:t. J~i~~ 1::~1:::

when she was widowed. She rented out played clarinet and saxophone amrooms to teachers and the rooms on the knew them quite _'IV~1l. ::::left of this house were rented to Mr. and '.',Mrs. Charles Hillanbrand when they Mitch reminisced about the basketball ::::were first married. She passed away at games in' the old days and said the ::::th g f 91 A 11 1 ted' the players travelled to other towns in ::::

e a eo. we was oca 10 covered trucks and Gilberton was the .::•••.:garden for many years and manyrailroaders stopped to fill their jugs first school to hire a bus to travel to a ::~with this fresh water. A hop vine garner He remembered that he and ::~

::~ planted by Mrs. Wilsonmany years ago some of his friends rode a coal car up :::::::: insists on growing in the garden. The the Plane many times to attend a game. :::::::: Millers have used every method to kill These games were held in Waisi\es Hall ::::

l..:.~:.~..:.::,:~~l~~t~ n~:~;s p~~~~c:s~~Th~ ~~~~!~~~~sh~:~~~nf:i:~: ~~~ ~~~some medicines and in malt beverages. in mine breaches, played many games :::I dmi lid In t bl t of baseball, arid played football ~th a :::

a Ire a so I wa u mar e op salt bag filled WI·thleaves which was ~.,:.::~ table and was told it was part of a:::: bedroom set brought at Nice's Fur- used as a football. To make baseballs ::::::: niture Store for under one hundred they used a regular gum ball and :::::: dollars. The beautiful wooden banister wrapped it with string and if you had ~n ~~:~ was also the original banister built the extra nickel you bought tape and taped ::~::~ same year as the house. The trees in the it. ::~:~:~ lSardenwere given to school children of Mr. Miller moved to Frackville in 1941 i:::: the Frackville Schools on Arbor Day and when I asked him how he liked ::~:~: many years ago. living in our town he said, "There isn't ::~:::: East Pine street was a very busy street any place else that I'd,want to live .....1 ~::::~:' in the early days of Frackville. think we have a very very nice town." I ::~:::: Funerals coming up from Mahanoy agreed with him! He said he wasn't the ~:~:~:: Plane came up over the tracks and up best liked person in Frackville when he .••.::: this streeUo the cemeteries. Most often coached the Gilberton Basketball ::::'.' only two carriages were used and the Team, expecially when Frackville was ::::v N::: mourners walked up the hill behind the running a winning streak with eighty ::::::: hearse. A railroad tower located near consecutive league victories and we ~::::~ 'this house is well remembered by could have easily broken the National ::::::~ Mitch. Herecalled going up to the tower Record had we won but Gilberton beat :::;:::: with George Shiith who was the us37t036! He said his daughter, Sally, ::::_':::: telegrapher, and listening to the World who was enrolled in the Frackville ~:~::::: Series Games cOmingin over the wires. schools went to all the games and ::::.:::: Mrs. Miller attended the Frackville rooted against him! ! ;:::~:::: Schools and remembers Alice Burns, Have you ever wondered why we call ::::..:::: Ethel Morgan, Miss Pena, Hilda him "Mitch?" I did, so I asked him. "It :,::.:.;::: Felsburg, Elva Berger and Mildred is not a nickname" he said. He was ::::;::: Purnell as her teachers. She graduated christened the day after the first ::::::~: in 1920.Mr. Miller was born and raised Mitchell Day and Father Hogan, who :::::::: in Mahanoy Plane and lived next door was the Pastor at Mahanoy Plane was a :::::::: to the Holy Rosary Rectory. He has· great admirer of John Mitchell, the ::::.:::: many fond memories of "the fOQt"and Union Leader. Mr. Miller did not know::::~~ was a frequent visitor to the priests at until he went for his birth certificate in ~:.~:.'::.;. the rectory. Rev.,Hogan presented his 1941that the certificate lists him as ':~ favorite 'shotgUIlito Mr. Miller's dad to John Mitchell Miller. ::~:':~ be held untn Mitch was of age and today After graduating from Gilberton he ::::.(::: he has given this gun to his grandson, worked in the mines and on the railroad :::: (~: Bob Scharadin. , for three years before attending ::::::: Mitch attended the Gilberton Borough Millersville Normal School. You did not :~:j,::: Schools and graduated from it's three major in elementary or secondary ::::.$: year high school in 1918.He recalled education in college at that time. A ':::: .~: being water boy for his class-which Golden Certificate was issued to all ::l••l.:.: ..

::~ meant getting the water bucket filled graduates and they were qualified to::~ with water which stood next to the teach any grade and any subject. Mr. .~~::~ teachers desk. Everyone drank .out of Miller graduat~ in 1923and this was .'.:::: the same dipper but the water boy had the last class to graduate with the :~:i~~: to thakeknthefthirstdrtink so that thde Golden Certihficate.d ;:.':.':,':::: teac er ew e wa er was pure an He taught s op an mathematics at::~ the water boy pulled no pranks! He Gilberton for thirty-seven years, three ::~,.'.' recalled how he and his friends fished years with the Mahanoy Plane Schools ::::~:~ whiskey bottles out of the creek and and in 1963 came to the' Frackville ~~:.~,:::: sold them to the saloons. They got a Schools and taught for three years. He .'.':~: penny for half pints, two cents for pints retired in 1965and substituted for five ::::-:::: and a nickel for quart bottles. With this years. ::::~ N.:.: money they then went to the movies and He recalled a pep rally held on October .••..:::: bought peanuts to munch on while 22, 1965at the High School and with 1~~~~:: watching the movie and threw the great love and tears told me of the ::::,:::: shells over the balconY,onpeople sitting' surprise birthday celebration held that ::::•:::: on the main floor! He was a member of day. Mitch Miller was asked to go to the ;::::::; ~the Holy Rosary Cadettes and auditorium and when he opened the :::::::: remembered Frank Mekailek, a door to enter, the Student Body and ~::1~~~veteran of the Spanish American War Frackville High School Bank broke out :::::::: as the drillmaster. They attended the with "Happy Birthday To Mitch" and :::::~ laying of the corner'5tone and the he will never forget that day. "Parents, ::::::: dedication of St. Joseph's Churcl1 in a faculty, administr,ation and students of ::::::: group. Frackville were all marvelous to me," :::~ y.••. The Frackville jail was located on said Mr. Miller with happy tears in his :::~~;i Cherry Alley many years ago. Jt was eyes. ~:~

~ *~~~:.:.:':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;:-=:=:~:=:=:=:=:~:=:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:.:.:.:.:':.:.:.:.:;:.:.:.:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;=;=;~:=;:;::::=;::=;=;::~:~:=:~:~:::~:::::::::~:::::::::~:~:~:~:::~:':.:::;~
