Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014 PO Box 40, 37 Gibbons Street, Yalgoo WA 6635 Ph: 08 9962 8042 Fax: 08 9962 8020 E-mail: [email protected]

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Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

PO Box 40, 37 Gibbons Street, Yalgoo WA 6635 Ph: 08 9962 8042 Fax: 08 9962 8020 E-mail: [email protected]

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

The deadline for articles and notices to go into the Yalgoo Bulldust is the second last Friday of every month. Contributions can be left at the Shire of Yalgoo Office or email to [email protected]

The Yalgoo Bulldust is published by the Shire of Yalgoo as a public service for the community. Contact— Shire of Yalgoo Mail— PO Box 40, Yalgoo 6635 Phone— 99628042 Fax— 99628020 Email— [email protected]

The opinions expressed have been published in good faith on the request of the person requesting publication, and are not those of the Shire of Yalgoo. All articles, comments, advice and other material contained in this publication are by way of general comment or advice only and are not intended, not do they purport to be the correct advice on any particular matter or subject referred to. No person should act on the basis of any matter, comment or advice contained in this publica-tion without first considering, and if necessary taking appropriate professional advice upon the applicability to their particular circumstances. Accordingly, no responsibility is accepted or taken by the Shire of Yalgoo, or the authors and editors of the Yalgoo Bulldust, for any damage or loss suffered by any party acting in reliance on any matter, comment or advice contained here in.

Do you want to promote what you have to offer?

At the Shire we can place an advertisement in the bulldust for the following charges:

Please call the Shire If you have any enquiries on 08 9962 8042

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The Yalgoo Bulldust can help you.

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

If you would like to see yours or even a loved ones birthday displayed in the bulldust for all to see Please contact the shire to let us know.

08 9962 8042

MAY 11 Shewanna Hodder 22 Narelle Hodder 27 Desmond Hodder

2014 Meeting Dates

Council Ordinary

Thursday 22 May 2014 Paynes Find

Thursday 19 June 2014 Yalgoo Chambers

Thursday 21 Aug 2014 Yalgoo Chambers

Thursday 25 Sept 2014 Paynes Find

Thursday 23 Oct 2014 Yalgoo Chambers

Thursday 16 Dec 2014 Yalgoo Chambers

Brain Teasers

Q: If you wrote all of the numbers from 300 to 400 on a piece of paper, how many times would you have written the

number 3? A:________________________________________________________________

Q: I come in different shapes and siz-es. Parts of me are curved, other parts are straight. You can put me anywhere

you like, but there is only one right place for me. What am I?


Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014



The library is open during office hours 9am to 4pm

New books arrive every month

Register at the front desk for your very own Yalgoo Library card

Yalgoo Nursing Post


As of the 3rd February 2014 Carol the nurse will be working one week on in

Yalgoo and one week off.

A nurse from Mt Magnet will attend the Nursing Post on Tuesdays & Thursday’s

while Carol is on her one week off

This is a trial for 3 months

The Nursing Post opening hours are 8:30am to 5.00pm

As usual Sondra Hodder our Community Health Worker is working her usual hours

If unsure please contact Sondra at the

Yalgoo Nursing Post on

08 9962 8600


Open Mondays to Thursdays

9am - 12pm

For any information regarding Drivers licence

Computer/Practical & Hazard Perception Test Bookings for Driving Assessments

Learners Permits vehicle registrations

Plate Changes Firearm Licence Renewals

Transfers of vehicles Transfer of Interstate/overseas Licence

Permits for Unlicensed vehicle Order & Replacement Copies of Licence

Or any other request

contact the

Shire of Yalgoo (08) 9962 8042

Ask for Elisha or Diane Email: [email protected]

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Unwanted Medication

If you have tablets or any other medication you no longer need or want

Please return them to the NURSING POST instead of

throwing them out.

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Race Day Saturday 5 April

What a great day everyone had at the annual races.

Six races, plenty of horses, plenty of winners, great entertainment from DJ Rev and Faye, the bouncy

castle, a Local Drug Action Group ‘mocktail’ stall, a fantastic home-made cake stall by locals and bril-

liant catering from George Hodder and his family.

We had 345 paying customers come through the gate and that does not include the under 18’s who

were all free and then there were all the volunteers, workers, trainers, strappers,

jockeys, stewards etcetera…so we had probably about 450 people all up. A great turn up. The rain

threatened but never caused any problems although the wind steadily increased through the day and

right at the start of Race 5 – The Yalgoo Cup, we had an incredible wind blow up to cause a real spec-

tacle as the horses competed for the Cup around the entire track.

The Yalgoo District Jockey Club would like to thank all of our very generous sponsors for

making the races possible. The Shire of Yalgoo, MMG, Mount Gibson Iron, Local Drug Action Groups

Inc., Mullewa Engineering Services, Proudloves Smash Repairs, Jason Signmakers, Coates Hire, West-

ern Bros, Ferrowest, Drennan O’Malley Motors, Veen’s Design & Drafting, Mine Trades and Mainte-

nance, SinoSteel, Greenfield Technical Services, Murchison Rammed Earth, Yalgoo General Store,

Yalgoo Hotel, Miners Rest Units - Mount Magnet, Young Motors, Combined Rural Traders, Furniture

Spot, Battery Mart, Geraldton Hire and Scaffolding, Scarlet Monkey Jewellery, Geraldton Skin Technol-

ogy, Face Facts Skin Care Centre, Gearing Butchers, Mick Davey Butchers, BBQ’s Galore, Getaway Out-

doors and Mid West Pest Management.

I also would like to thanks the many members of the committee and the community who

contributed the running of the race day. As usual we were understaffed but managed to pull off a

very successful day for all involved.

We look forward to another great day at the races in 2015.

Pip Parsonson


Yalgoo District Jockey Club

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Races 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

ANZAC Day – 25 April

It was a very special ANZAC day in Yalgoo this year as the Shire’s first Commemorative War Me-

morial was unveiled. Services were held at dawn and at 10.00 am. Visitors, relatives of men on the

Commemorative Wall, attended from as far afield as Perth and Geraldton.

For the first time in Yalgoo’s history, the National, State and Aboriginal flags were raised in front of

the names of 216 young men and women of Yalgoo who have served in Australia’s Defence Forces

over the past 115 years. Of the 216 people listed on the wall, 19 young men lost their lives while

serving their country.

The long over-due Commemorative Wall has finally come to exist four years after Council, (when

recent past President Terry Iturbide was at the helm), resolved to build it in 2010. The idea of the

Commemorative Wall was originally suggested by past President, Don Anderson.

It was apt that WA based military historian Sandra Playle was commissioned to undertake the re-

search as she was raised in Yalgoo through the 1950s. We were honoured that Sandra accepted the

invitation to fly to Yalgoo to be the guest of honour at our ANZAC services and it was also fitting

that both Don and Terry could also participate in the services.

Sandra took the opportunity to present to Shire President, Cl Neil Grinham a reproduction of a re-

nowned portrait of Corporal Jim Gordon V.C. who is acknowledged on our Commemorative Wall.

Jim Gordon grew up near Gin Gin but was a resident of Yalgoo at the time of his enlistment into the

Australian Army and it was felt fitting that he, as a recipient of the Victoria Cross in 1941, should fi-

nally be honoured in Yalgoo.


Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

SPOT the Difference

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014

Yalgoo Bulldust | Established 2004 MAY 2014