Yavapai County Sheriff's Office (Arizona) - 287(g) FOIA Documents

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  • 8/14/2019 Yavapai County Sheriff's Office (Arizona) - 287(g) FOIA Documents



    SheriffMs. Julie MyersAssistant SecretaryUS Immigration and Customs Enforcement425 1St. N.W. Room 7100Washington, DC

    Dear Assistant Myers:

    "Serving 1864"2001 flll1R 21 IWl 1 36 March 1 2007

    I am writing to participation in the Delegation of Authority Program pursuant to of theenablemmigration Naturalizalion Act. Given our relationship witb ICE, this "'". . ,.... ..."'"us to better serve meet the needs of Yavapai Arizona.I have been in communication with your office in ... , . " r ,p

  • 8/14/2019 Yavapai County Sheriff's Office (Arizona) - 287(g) FOIA Documents


    ~ A P r i l l l t 2001

    SheriffStevo WaughYavapai County Sherif'rsOffice255 East Gurley St.Prescott. AZ 86301Dear SheriffWaugh:Thank you for your interest in he 2 8 1 ( 8 ~ P e l ~ g a t i o n ofAuthority p . , , ~ . This letter is tonotify you that theOffiee of ileA,sSi_ Secretary for U . S ~ I m m i _ t i o ~ a n d CustomsE n f o ~ t ( I C E ) ~ . ~ e c ; I ~ ~ u e s t for 281(8) DlftegatWil:/ofAu\hority training forthe Yavapai County stmiffs O f t i e ~ On AprilS, 2007, the PrQamtn M a m t ~ r for 287(g) D e l e g a ~ ofAuthority at ICEHeadctuarters f ~ d e d your M l ~ for participation in the " ' (g) p r o ~ to theSpecialAgent in Charge (SAC), and the Yteld Oftiee Director (FOD) for the PkdeDix AZ areaofresponsibility (AOR). The (SAC) and (FOO). along with a member ofyour staffwill need toconduct a feasibility aSsessment study. After completion, the assessment willbe reviewed atICE ~ l ' S a n d adetennination will be made to either a c ~ p t or deny your request to ,participate in the program.

    require i n f ( ) l 1 m , l ~ coneeming the status ofY9ur request to participate in the8 7 0 I r j j t o g r ' ~ your loealtCBpointofcontaet'isOepUly ~ p e e . i a l .. ," inCI1aIJe who w i ~ ....287(g) progmm for the SAC Chicago office. DSAC can be reached__you for your interest in the ICE 281(8) Dele,' ,. ~ ( 7 .;rity Program . (kJ

    Unit ChiefDetlenti

  • 8/14/2019 Yavapai County Sheriff's Office (Arizona) - 287(g) FOIA Documents


    April 11,2007

    Sheriff Steve WaughYavapai County Sheriff's Office255 East Gurley SI.Prescon, AZ 86301Dear Sheriff Waugh:

    l T and Rlm(fVQ1 OffICIIU...,. . ...rtme:nl or Homd.. S425 I Sind, NWWashington. OC' 20$ 36

    " ' " " ' " (b_ CI U.S. Immigration ; and Customs..o . ~ e ' " Enforcement

    Thank you for your interest in the 287(g) Delegation of Authority program. This letter isnotify you that the Office of the Assistant Secretary for U.S. Immigration and CustomsEnforcement (ICE) has received your request for 287(g) Delegation ofAuthority trainingthe Yavapai County Sheriffs Office.On April 5,2007, the Program Manager for 287(g) Delegation ofAuthority at ICEHeadquarters forwarded yoUI' request for participation in the 287(g) program to the SpeciaAgent in Charge (SAC), and the Field Office Director (FOD) for the Phoenix AZ area ofresponsibilily (AOR). The (SAC) and (FOD), along with a member of your staff will neeconduct a feasibility assessment study. After completion, the assessment will be reviewedICE Headquarters and a determination will be made to either accept or deny your requestparticipate in the program .Should you require infonnation concerning the status ofyour request to participate in the287(g) program, yo ur local ICE point of contact isDepuly Special Agent in Charge who woversee the 287(g) program for the SAC Chicago office. DSAC Henely can be reached at514-7392. Thank you for your interest in the ICE 287(g) Delegation ofAuthority Program

  • 8/14/2019 Yavapai County Sheriff's Office (Arizona) - 287(g) FOIA Documents


    Mt'.i5teve WaugbS h ~ r l f f y tVapal County ShClift'fS'25'5 East Gurley StreetP : r e s c o t t ~ AZ 863m

    i'JearMr. Waugh,OCT 182007

    D f l J c e o f l ~ t k m $ tlf.S. tUH. .@ j J ~ i I I W W ~ - ~ 0 5 ~

    This ie1ier is to notify you that JuUe L. M y e r s ~ Assistant Secretary tor tile U.s. lle,artment ofH Q ~ l I n d Seeurity (DRS}, Immijrattoaand Customs Enfo.reement (ICE) ~ r o v e a t h e r ~ l ~ i'cu';!11f) Delegation of A u t h 0 t t ! f . y T r a t t ' t i ~ j f Q r t h e Yavapai CQW1ty ~ U f ' s ~ m ~ . TMs ~ t t e r alst) ~ e s as a l10tice of intent negtJtiate aMemorandum ofAgree:t:l'mnt (MDA) betweenmeDHSflt:'E and the Yavapai Coua!y S1reviffs; Offioo.DIJS/lCE is looking torward to the partnership and the success ofthis jpittt V @ 1 } t t I l , ~ . Tne 2 ~ 7 t g ) program has produced some very good suceesses in other l o ~ t i { ) n s and I ~ v e no doubt it wmcontinue to be ::.'UCcessful in Arizona. '. fPXJXiJ)The local ICE point J ( 1 ~ J ~ < t J

    A s s t ~ n t Director~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Depm1meJtj f ' k l ~ Securit}!:m_igration and ( ; h s l O ~ E m ( } ~ l e m

    and Custoxns Enforcement