SALES. ***** * &e Year foot 252.62. ?? PAST WEEK, - \u25a0» WU'flfi T|V||s ft Iff tt Tians mteF. m from Jeaeory I, 82.62. The nam- daring jia p»st ? record of the Iweil . U tSJSN u 5».7« M '. m . M MISS .*» mnjmm ecord Betnrday 44 .60. Following ts arae. Tremper A ooms 9,10,11 and ompsoa, lote, bleak arte, Ist a Mack t, lots Mto U, Mock ?wstt, let 4, Mosk 4, iek,sw«fße,aa .blook a Bpte, a L&Barnes,lsta7 to (S|ooQl lots, Mock aSMe» eraoa, lets Sends, \u25a0L Mley, leli 1 and a etswaf as aadJot itoard, let l,e< lake at, let Mi Mask tt, rkle, let a blsekt, iae la 22,31, s, |7ta Kksr, biock 22. Beat k Um s to t, Meek a . $487. SO. avllaad, lets hi Ar* wito, lot U, Meek 10, a to, lot 11, block 10, ieber, biosk M,aad t S.Sabnoa Bay Pk, its la Armonr'a, CL earn at aL, tract on Drew, lote la tao> M 4, Meek a Hie. tetj, Wi U to IS, adag at sL, lots 1 L myasr, psrt late 1 a Taaslag, paitlete 1 a njraar, part lete 1 eve sad sdbstioe J if> lets V and Mi a Meek a Seattle Nlet7, block a Seat* et t, black as, Benny . lets IS and la Meek i' . \u25a0* I. let U, Meek a «* lot 4, Mosk sa Ita let a Mosk 1. W, lets is aad Ml hetaL,latsJSteSa ' Ift Mi IS and 14, I * K aw of so, 14, SI, 4, awof se, a a 4 Jte, lot 10, block % la ' IS Off. »HeK«» Want e's Aid. trelsbave lost an (ar or agent of the M representations >y moral one, and \u25a0ding members of U., and by the ihes. succeeded in with the ladiee of Society to give t- The wretched i minstrels for the night convinced toon outrageously tty cancelled the J «b order will be short time, how* laying will be one u ever visited 8e- HL hmdlae Permit*. B|®*trtßg tellding permits have been , Bnd A- F - Gardner, ' ot " 14 *nd 15. block 3, \u25a0JEP**Mitton; c0at,52,250. Railway Company, re- frame on W. C. Hill \u25a0 two-story frame, lot 8, \u25a0fagpgi \u25a0wstoß Heights addition; coet, KB*w!j» W \, t . wo " Btory ' r *tne, lot 11, \u25a0\u25a0Hp adddition; cost, two-etory frame, lot 8, \u25a0 IjnC *ddition; cost, $3,200. BH|S! < 2 two-story frame, lot 16, addition; cost, *1,900. MS" tw° two-story frames, Renton addition; eoet, ** osto, T frame, lot 17, \u25a0KCtir. addition; cost, $1,900, \u25a0lpjjl ? **°-» tory frame, lot 9, \u25a0 coet $3,200. Carpenter* H. Stuart, who was «o«h Seattle front on Fri- from the rooms of Cross & under the auspices A number of were present Wlree Croesed. BS2aJl_ tielnE crossed with the \u25a0BbifCif 68 **? American District was compelled to cut lower end of tbe town will be repaired tgoooii tea ma. will ran two through i ta« Kajj, fearing Seattle at Time shortened twelve «teat; & tOnkla, °* ty ®°keny A Marem. _ "** °» muniunn. 1 mm*. "' Sr 9 syne P. *IMMw tani \u25a0ll J eSSJ22 1 ?mL # W*UftWiolp SPej sssfH 1] U «. OtoslSJ2*if- ??? **»**»« BS. ft V KSL-kSL F SCST £2^ Sifga-sj!a::sa **. a ** * 2225 ? &s*- 2 EST* ?? &?? 3 » figs-" Sis- gf'ggt *.:::: a&:-gaf * Mr m S"? 1 *?-? -?-? SMlmea... Ein«" tl SamuelV2»-V *' iJvSSh Jf^SSStw jj wtt&g- SSiSS: E ..Bitsvllle. 2el»~* B I]omlS. K S r£L *? - Gmjrs HuW Tnv, D. Dongensea A- fcttw, B -Yaneoovee. oSSlt"** UttM. cJilf«^° 0dm ?- ® OW- ?»? Mt JESS®'" 1 .*«««* wsrf,lt. D ftooa Palmer, Pomeroy. ASK Llta *1 OrtHmbn £M=*. SSSS: «"p EjuakUn. liESgft o. w. Lawtoo. n wi » Ddr,w S *?* Seattle. ?? W.T aBey .JL Seattle. a « *&?*' £ Seattle. ft a Taylor, & Seattle. ®»«lea F ft. Se.trte. Q. a de Steicuer, ft. Seattle. *. BattoO. Kirkland. E Keweestta, jj l - Stt'i? ra-aw* i£5S£Z* D Jaeob Hnnsaker, a. White aelssoo. Levis? l * <***?**?>>' WilaoaCmek. Mu»- ..Moudovt AH. Anderson, D Sheltoa. Okanoran-- F. Smith, D. Oeeoro riTfoT" U p * te#3r * B ?WUlapa at* Freak ft. Sytnatnt. ft... Pnyallnn. 3. O. Tutor, ft Ortiac. ft SSL >\u25a0 ftC«wS5Z'» '""".'.'.'fiin. Urroo Bartow, ft. Tacoma. A. ft Qeiietssu, ft. Taeoauk Smith, ft. Tacema. a M. Isbnssn. ft .......Lopes. Skactt?- wTF.Mrftey.ft Avon. W. a Scferioker, 8............LaC0nae5. Skamania? JaneaNavtn, D Snoboaiah? J. W. Frame, D Snohomiab. A. W. Frater, ft Soohomish. Spokane? David Lahsuuo, B. ~...P«0na. a L. FowelL a. Spokane Fall*. A. V. Banadele, ft. Spokane Falls. J. B. Oaady, ft Spokane PaUa. A. Q. Hansen, ft Spokane Faila L ftatakart, L Spokane fella Oeorc* Fellowa. ft Spanyl*. Walter, D. Obeaey. ft. Tbeda U. L. Collins, ft Baeoda. Cham beta, D Olrmpla. ft Brook field. Walla Walla? Joseph C Painter, ft Walla Walla. Sbarpateia, D Walla WaUa. M. Aadenmo, ft Park. A. W. Tlfia ijr, ft Farndala. J. M. Miller, ft Fair haven. Samnel Bass, D Sebotno. Whltmaa? NINE M EN IN CHAINS. Long-Tenners Taken to tile Penitentiary. WITH GYVES UPON THEIR WRISTS tha ngkmima, M At Pro- mm(m A to iaOw 'mlir-A WT# Tkml Mm rf tM priWMßi confined ia tbe eonnty jail, who nntni eentenen, Pri- ®*y bud, ranging fro® on* to thirteen In the penitentiary, vera taken from their sells by tbe sheriff and kit depotin Fnterday afternoon and pat oa the 1 o'clock train lor We&a Walla. The prieon- f> van William Gleason, thirteen yean; Jam«a Brown, tsrein yean; John Logan, Y>en; Fled Quirt, nine years; Jamee Many, aliaa King, one year; WUI- - Rellly, three yean; Myron T. White, \u25a0even years; John Boras, nine yean; Thomrn Walker, eight yean. The men wen not only handcuffed to* gather, bat were also chained by the legs, and marched two by two to the train. The odd man was Jamca Brown, a robber, who kad no partner. A heavy pair of hand- cnffs wan pat on bim, however, and stoat sbackin prevented kim from ranning away. Okaaoo. the highway robber, who shot Officer Hamilton, was also heavily ironed and aheekied to James Marry, n penitent criminal. He kad made the assertion that he weald never go to the "penthat he woold make his escape and get even with a prisoner named Payne, who had "blown" on him and prevented him la his attempt to dig his way oat of the county jail, and the officen did not intend to allow kfm any opportunity of carrying oat his threat and cheat the state. Vow of the prieonen ban any aflection for Jailer Pat Farraher. They an watched \u25a0o closely that they ban no show to carry Into execution any scheme they may have decided npon. When the nine prieonen wen marched oat into tho street from the jail, they stopped a moment to got In line. In tha interval Jailer Farraher stopped to make more aocun Qleason's shackles. John Logan, highway robber and ex-oon- vict, watched the jailer's movements, and with oath, nmarked: "I'm glad we're getting away from that man, and I don't can where I go." Qleason pot in, M Yoa fellows think yonr bavin' a hard time, bnt you're not. Pat's a fine fellow, aadJl've got no kick comin'. I've eeen a whole lot worn men than Fat." It took Gleaeon some time, however, to gat over the disappointment incident to his ineffectual attempt to dig hie way to liberty. He said: w Pat, if you had only given ns two boon mom time we woald ban been all right. We only wanted just two boon when you came down and caught ns la tha act." Recognizing the desperate men with whom he had to deal, Sheriff McGraw went with the prisoners himself, and took with him as deputies, Prank Keane r David Brooks, Gilbert Pbilbrick and A. W. Ryan. HIGH ART FOB ADVERTISING. Pusoss Pietarse Appropriated by Aeton esMl Swap Maaufoeturen. New York Saa. Doubtless many persons having no par- ticular nvennce for art have been shocked at the spectacle of rude cbromoa of Millet's famous "Angelas" displayed in grooers' windows as premiums to bayan of a certain brand of washing soap. It may be said that this subordina- tion of a great work of art to commerce ia not only a bad picture, bat is also in some messon an injustice to the original artist, although the reproduction may be so far removed from the original as to be bat a wretched caricature. The fate of "The Angelas" is not nnilke that of many other famous pictures. The two cherubs that an eeen et the base of "The Bistine Madonna," by Raphael, have been reproduced in many forms for adver- tising purposes. They served as the sug- gestion for a picture of Robson and Crane peeping over a wall in a poster for "The Two Dromios," and ban also been utilized for companion cats and dogs. Gerome's famous plcton of "The Char- iot Race" wae long used as the basis of a theatrical poster for John McCullough's ?\u25a0Spartacus." The charming picture, "My Dog ana I." by a Munich artist, repre- senting a child sitting on a plank stretched over a stream, has been utilised in a hun- dred ways. One of the latest acts of van- dalism in regard to it wu to put a plaster on the child's back and un it as an adnr- tisement for a patent plaster. Some time ego Frith, the English artist, had a contest with an English mer- chant who bad bought one of bis pictuns and proposed to convert it to commercial purposes. The merchant was restrainsd by iudicial injunction, the court holding that tbe artist had a sufficient interest in his nputation to entitle bim to protection from such un of his work. D. M. Holt, D WawaL Ocesr E Yooag, ft.. Almota. F. L Moon. D Palouse City. Joseph Amsmith, ft Paloase City. Yakima? H. J. Snively, D North Yakima. \u25a0snato ftepablicaas 80, Democrats A House?Republicans SO, Democrats IE ftepublican majority on Joint ballot, SB BOTSILL NOTRft. Howe off tho Lsoal Saw aad Shingle Milla ?Fenaaal. OBOWTB or asm SUB. Xte Metrspelis af Faetfle Oasaty aM Wlllapo Barbm Sotrm Baan. Kov. MLHSpedatl-Ameng the poAlng Westera towaa tt la hard to Snd a mate Mvsb aettn plsee thaa Sooth Bsajl PmeHesliy itisnotvetaysereid, isr teat Jaaaary than wss not a hooss or tmildlng. when now staadsacitrwitofnror five hoadied bolld- lnn, stsns aad ssaaafaetorise, two beaks eada aiieapepw with aptaat that woald do ewdltte elerrerelty. lOaoerteta eatsat toe railraed thattheftoithenPaciSclsMW baildlag from Ch halls to this point has eometoJax to te with hsm dare opmaats, bat ptaek end enterprise have fall? at mack. Bet ieterthea lest (ferember it took a wheb week to get. from Astoria or Gray's hsibor to Booth Bead, while todsy tt only takes little one half a amy. I well remember a trip mode fatal AberSesa last November, whaa toe only way was to take the beat to Peterson's point, toon by a heavy spriaglam wsgonste«e from toet point ta North Oeve. Then then wsa a choioe et two avtls, either to take a sail boot ever a Mr- rtbie roafh sse to Sooth Bend at an expense of HO or tIS, or wait tar two days until the boat came op fir m flealaad with a certainty pi hav- ing to stay over ia death Bend, thea oaly a saiU tewa of team Sftesn hoasaa, tor at leeat two daya,aatil the boat stade the return trip. Breaaa late aa last June it wee not possible to get 1a under two daya South Bead is now look- it>S eaosrly forward to the time whoa people osn \u25a0et to eiUher Portland or the Soand la foaror fin hours, the Northern Pacific eommenoed the oonstntetion oI their line from Chehalia to Soeto Bead about July L though a staff of engi- neers had bssa In the field for several moaths previous to that They have now probably ahoat 600 saen at work at both ends of the Una There would be a very large fane only for toe feet that the oontraetors have also tbeeontsaet to build the liae to Gray's harbor, aid had to takeoffthe greeter pert of their saen to pet them to work on that line, ia order that they might eomplete it within the time celled tor by their eontmet Them men, toe contractors say, will be through in a few weeks at Isest, aad then the whole force new et work on the Gray's har- bor tine will be pat onto the Ghehalis and Sonth Bend liae. which willbe completed early in the spring The work on this line waa also somewhat retarded on eeeoont o( e cheage that*hadtobe mad* in toe first surrsy, toes running the line np Bock creek aad down the main valley of the WlOspe Instead of up Xlk creek, as arranged for In the first sarvey. Bo grading work had bean done on toe first ieeetioo, however, and only tar the uncertainty attending the seoood survey aotime woald heve been lott It is. however, pretty definitely settled that the line will ran over the seoond or Bock creek survey* which is completed. Contractor Webstar, who has the sab-ooatraot to coastraot this liae, is ia South Bend, and states that the rails an or- dered for fifteen milea of the line, and that they will oeaunenee Immediately laying down the track from the Ghehalis end, building their bridgea aa they go along. Them tacts an some- what contradictory of the statement reported to have been made by Colonel Heastis in a Seattle paper, which is BOW a corpse. In which he is represented to have said their grade had been ebeadooed; tost no further work woold be done until spring. Yonr correspondent has ssen a letter from the ohief engineer of the Northern Pacific railroad, coofiming all erf the above statements, and also aanoanciag that the rail- road company woald construct a temporary telegraph line from C&ehalia to South Bead to expedite the work of construction. Work is ia progress en toe Hotel Wlllapa, which will cert ever ead hs furnished throughout in most modern style with stsam, heat and electric light. They expect to oosa- plots it by about April L Priaea for ttoya aad Girls. 10 the boys aad girls selling the gnatest aam- ber of tickets for the entertainment to be given under the aaspioss of toe Women's Home So- ciety Thursday, November 37, (Thanksgiving) mei chants of Seattle have geaeroaaly offend the following prises; Fust prise for girls?One gold bead combtae* torn necklace, by W. a Gllger. Second prise?'Toilet set, by Btewsrt A Helmet Third prise?Picture, "la Love," with three- inch silver frame, by Balke, Cole A Co. Fourth prise?Hand satchel or pair of kM gloves, by City of Paris. Pint prim for boys?Bait of clothes for boy ander 16 yesrs of age, by Hyams, Pauaoa A Co. Seoond prise?One rubber ooat, by H. Hersh- berg A Oa. > Third prise?Sixty-two-shot air-gun or inn express wagon, by Golden Rule Basaar. Fourth prise?One boy's hat, by Gus Marks. First prises will be given to girl or boy selling tbe greatest number of tickets ovor forty, other prises in proportion. Tickets can be bed at Mrs. Parkhursfa VEBTIBULED TRAIN SERVICE Over the horthem Pacific railroad; dintag ears and sleeping can every day ia tae yeaa Seattle to Chicago 211 miles toe shortest nave. Seeoad* pesseagsta, tost an aifordod ttw'itfi eomaiodattona SBtarr-Taasa aeon AKD vatarr-stx atxtms baved to reaching Cbloego via this link A. Chiiberg. city tteaet egent, 714 Second sueet, Boston block; E. Tonkin, depot tteaet agent, Seattle For lew rates, excellent aeooteMeeettooa aad all the features that eoaatttate a suocessfalaad e&myehle trip to the Bast, take toe Bet toon Pa- «fi& Threuah vestibule watoe to St. PeaL Miaaeepolta. Duluto aad Cbicaco, eonststtnf at dtolag, drawlagroom and aleepiag eera. New tourist simpers under toe direction of toe PaU- maa Palace Car Compeay en attached to daily through trains. No better eerviee to be ioaad. A. Chuberg, city ticket agent, 714 Seoood stresc, Boetoa block; k Tonkia. depot tteket egent, Se> Hyn OFries or Oaaeov Inraovxaairr ConrAirv.f &BATTLB. Wash. I To all parties owlug aay deierr«d pa; menta on property bought of, or subaenptiona made to Elijah Smith or Port Yoenaend Sooth fa Railroad Company at Anacorwa or Port Townsend: Take notice that paymeats can be made to me In Seattle by <»?»« or approved paper, on or before Deoember 1 next. After that date them matters will go iato the legal department of the compaay with in- structions to close them up in accordance with the contracts respectively, p. p. Panoaa, Local Treasurer. The Huron Lumber Company have abut their logging ttny ud mill down for a abort tin*. They are having new wheels oast for the tender of their locomotive. Rots * Wilson gate a grand bail In tbeir new hall Friday evening, which was in- dulged In by a large number of yoang and old people Engine No. 9, on train 28, got off the eeet end of the side treok bere yesterday morning, and was delayed an boor and forty minutes. The trouble wee ceased by a broken rail. No one was hurt, Mrs. Rath Bothell, who for the pest three months has been visiting friends In lowa, returned this week. The Clipper Sbingie Company have shut their mill down by order of the Northern Paclfio Consolidated Sbingie Company. Some of Land seer's famous animal paintings have been nproduced as adver- tisements. His ideas have enn been utilised in tbe making of lager beer cards and labels on kegs. It is said that Meissonier nfused SIOO,- 000 for a pictun to be used as an advertise- ment, considering that it would be a detri- ment to his nputation and a degradation of art Fasersl mi Dr. Merrtek. The fnneral of the late Dr. C H. Merrick took place from the St Mark's Episcopal churob, corner of Fifth and Olive streets, yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. D. C. Garret officiating at the church. A large number of friends and relatives followed the remains to the Masonie oemetery. The fnneral was under the euspices of the Knight Templars, who rendered very im- pressive services at the cemetery. A large number of Odd Fellows were also in tbe procession. Professor Taylor, John F. MUler, F. Poretius, H. L. Wheeler, N. T. Peterson and Albro Gardner acted as pall- bearers. Death mt Uatsd A. Gethrte. Edmund A. Guthrie, an old settler who came here on the bark American Bay many years ago, died at Steilaooom on Saturday. Mr. Gathrie at one time was engaged in the pile driving business in tbis dtv. but about eighteen months ago bis mind became effected so seriously that be was sent to tbe hospital where he died. He was 41 years of age, and leaves a wife and three children. Tbe funeral will take from Cross A Co.'s rooms at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. At the Boepltala. Three patients were discharged from Grace hospital yesterdey. They were Mre. Yen Doran, Mm Nelson and Cart Eliees. The total number of patients now In Grace hospital is thirty-seven. At Providence hospital fear patients were received and one discharged. The designs of tome of tbe national pietaree in Washington bare been utilised as drop curtains by scenic artists. Nota- ble instances of tbis were "The Landing of Columbus," at tbe Grand opera-house, and "De Soto Discovering the Mississippi," at another theater. Ertie Essler, the actress, had a theatrical poster manufactured by reproducing tbe need of a Magdalen, by Gnido Reni, only she introduced a portrait of herself in piece of the original face. Margaret Mather got up a poster for her "Romeo and Juliet" by using tbe work of Carl Becker, rice president of tbe Berlin Academy. Tbe wine merchants and the to- bacconists have vied with each other in se s- ing upon the ideas of noted painters and working them over into advertising cards. The work of Rosa Bonbeur, no- tably "The Horse Fair," has been ruthlessly seised to make up advertisements for horse fairs and sales, end there seems to be no end of the ways in which tbe whole or parts of the great works of art are copied and rashed into tbe channels of trade. There is e certain lini- ment advertised with a picture of 8t An- ionics. surrounded by a halo. There is e certain Utters that has adopted as a trade- mark a famous picture of St George and the Dragon. Some time ego a Bowery jeweler got Eastman Johnson to paint for him a picture of a street gamin stealing a smoke from a cigar, which wee held be- hind hie back by a gentleman looking into a show window, ft was a comical Idea, and the owner of the picture circulated it far and wide. The enterprise and bold competition of modern busineee methods are doabtlees fully equal to the hiring of a Shakespeare to write a handbill or a Rembrandt to paint a sign. Nothing appears to be too sacred for the advertiser. The variety and cheapness of modern methods of reproduction have given a great Impetus to these artistic thefts. At pres- ent there seems to be no check or hin- drance to ft, and little if any protection for the originators of artistic ideas. mbtuui pacific narut oan. Tin 111 \u25a0lllfirf CM WWW SMttt X&S2SGi KS&mSZ ZSmm e* ?< trrrr"**"f tt?»- a. Clhlfcwg. ct a liakM aMBt 7M ftMHBd MHi SMMS HMlft t2ti2r*S»* uekw e*«^ fctufTOPwi ?T wwipai ta Om S-: .-'A^wi^us. \u25a0-.- ? aia^y-j The Northern PeciSe overland train leaviag Seattle at I t. m., on and ater September Ist, will run solid via Garrison, Butte and without cbaan of cars. Oa same date the Montana Uaioe will make eioae conaecttons at Garrisoa with overland trains leaviag Seattle et *:10 a m. for Butte, Anaconda, Deer Lodire ead points of that line. This gives direct service en all trains for east bound psasngsn to Omoa potato Take the Hortaera Pad fie railroad. vestibule sleeper end dinia«-«ar roata. foe til points lest \u25b2.Calibers. «ty toeaec agent. 7l« Beooad street Boston block; X. Tonkin. depot Octet agent Seattle. Pi* d drew goola. Doneny 6 Marum. AMVMMMKXTi. ARMORY HALL. J. F. CORDRAY * CO., Managem. Announcement Extraordinary I Grand Musical FesM! LIBERATI'S FAMOUS Military Band I so?MUSICIANS?SO A musical treat of a high atandard of excellence. THURSDAY GRAND CONCLRTS ,0.. 87 and 98. GENERAL ADMISSION 80c RESERVED SEATS SLOO on aalo at Leo 6 Bchlamp'a dmg store, cor. Seoond and Colombia Bt*. PR£B£RV£ If OUR OIQHT Arrested flee Aesanlt. A hobo MMi William Brooktr » Molted ? Bv«dft namod Hani Chitettan* MMI imtai, »4 «\u25a0\u25a0 tooted op ooa ofeargo of mmK Mi battery. Tte Bwade was kftftd ?? ft vitMM. M assjssi 37 -r-r .frr" >,*'*< - I - ; f'&K*: M s*» . , r -p} \u2713 ggz ,-/ -t - v T \ r :V-v y x 4 /,- i* " v " SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER MONDAY. NOVEMBER 24, ic*» SEATTLE OPII HOUSE BNAttUURT ntBAMSUUUrr. BBffTWIfIHH NIGHre, MMDIT, ROT. 24 ifiabsfleate Ikarsday. VBW AftTßm NrW COMPAXT, HEW COS- TtJMBS. ABBOTT! ****** GRIND ENGLISH OPERA CO. Tones!, Strongest, and only Successful *»r"* K Op ra Company la America. Abbott, Annandale, Mlrella, Michelena. Paohe, Kodolphi, Bo 8011, Pruette, Brodedck, Keady, Karl, Borovik. OMSB CHORUS ABB OKOfiStTKA, Haaa ALB BUT Eaiusu Director. In the Following Brilliant Bepertotn: MONDAY?Verdi's Beroio Opera, IBVfilX. BIOIA ABBOTT and Bntlre Compaay. TUESDAY? BeIIe's Sparking Opera, BOSS Off OASTILI, EMMA ABBOTT as Qaeen of Csstlle, Satin Company WEDBESDAY MATINBB Bella's Taaefal Opera, BOBBBIAM OIKU Two prime doanes and Entira Compeay. WEDNESDAY S p. sa.-~Ysrdi's Brilliant Opera, EASKIB BAIL EMMA ABBOTT and Entin Compaay. Gorreoas Costumes! Enchanting Masiel BrU- llxnt Mise fin Beena Bessrved Beata &.M General Admiaslon 1.00 Gallery .SO MATINEE PBICES: First Floor LOO Gallery AO Bow on sale at 116 Jamee street CORDRAY'S NEW THEATER, Cor. Third and Madison Streota. ASKOVNCEMSRT. The mansgement bets to eanooaee that oa aext Satarday, Nov. 29, at 2 o'tlock. ia toe afternoon and at 8 in the evening, the choioe seets far toe opeataf night, MONDAY, Dae. IST, will he disposed of at auction. Then will be no sst pries oa toe seats. Tae public con secure i them at their owe price. The sale will take Mace ia toe aadltoriam of the theater, corner Third ead Madison streets. Ladles sspeciaLy invited to the aatak JOHN F. CORDBAY 4 CO., (Inc.) Proprietors end Msasgete. BICKERTON A BELL. Aactloneers. ; GBAND OPENING Will take plan Monday Evening, Dee. Ist, 1890, Oar own Excelleat DRAMATIC COMPANY, In Bir Edward Balwer Lytton's famous play, The Lady of Lyons LOVE ABD PRIDE. Tm Grand lathtn W STUW)ATV* d MAGNIFICENT COSTDMBBI STRONG CAST OP CHABAOTBBS! BEAUTIFCJL SCENEBYI The Andltoriam replete with aa array of ab- solute novelties. Prices of admission to Auditorium. 10c. Seats in Theater, SOe, 30a ead 4Q& Box seats, S0& Seata reeerved al« d ya in edvanoe at box office. IEV STANDARD THEATER JOHN CORT Proprietor. WIU COXKKMCIMO MOICDAY, HOVUBSB 17. Houses Packed to the Soon. TALK OF THE TOWN, ?THJ! WONDEEFCL?- -BTEEJN B Acyclone of Mystery, Wonderment end Mirth, Introducing remarkable wonders end startling revelation* Martha & Steen. the only living artist who gives a genuine exhibition of Silent Transmission of Thought and Mental Teleg- raphy. who has been acknowledged by the prees and peblie as the wonder of the universe Ably ssslrtsd by Prof. Charles N. Steen, the Great Magician and Expoeer of Spiritualism. The European Seneetion at a salary of fSOO per week, EDNA, The Wosaaa Who Walks in Spec* WOOD, The Ventriloquist, With the finest Automatons ever seen on any stage 30-GBBAT ARTISTS?OO |9>No advance la prieea^& ADMISSION ?ttc and 80e FOR REXT-TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms: cheap. Addrese Booms, ease fost- intelligences. Forty answers have been re- ceived from one insertion of an advertisement similar to the above, which may be in- serted in the "For Rent" columns of THE POST-INTEL- LIGENCER for two times for >5 cents. Bring til your "For Rent" ads to THE POST-INTEL- LIGENCES. \u25a0ok. wl o. mmri, mw. o. au luroioi von. #onr f. koit, VILLIAM E BAIUBT. MACRICB M«*ICKBB, t. K. USD, Jr.. W. R. rotusf. inoaoinii. OAR. J. A. HATNKLO. #.\u25a0.l. Afxnraox. IUXM» LATOIJK, A. CL ROtntS. OHAA LOOOH, N. lAKM IIAI9OK, n. w. a SB&imoir, W. L SAIZAK. A t. BOXALD, W. tm BIXIA (ohi & Tumr, ha oAioua bakib wraun. a a man, A L. CBAWrotO, & T. COKOTBB. KDW COUKTT UTHTIIIIt CO., VBANK BL WABI. JOBS A. WABI. DAMIBIa WABBBA BOBBBT ABBBXRBT, 1. A. VBBDBBIOB, ?BOBGt& BUDLOHO, J, C. SMART, JFOBB PABBIXtOB, W. O. CAMB, MAJOR X. A VIIUBA M. A. BADBB. A ML CRAWFORD, CAFT. PAUL D'HBIBBT» A F. THOMSOK* A A BBTZLBR, A B. C. LOCK WOOD. AA FARM. A A. BCHCX.TZ. H. A. DUBBING, T. A* OABBBTT, A F. COHAN*. C. A WBBT, BDGAR R. PIFRR, JAMBS HBALD, BOA ABBA A RCSSRIX. JAMBS ASIUIRB, CAPT.A W. McALUF, OAPT. F. D. MCOHB9| A F. BTRBA JOHB A DAT, chas. bcatdwrd, MISS IDA A* IPBIBSSTBAO, OMAA BA FRIG HARD* A A GOTTSTBIB. D. C. HTDB. A A CADIB9, J. B PITTS. V. A JBNBIIfGA C. M. PARKS, CAPT. B B CAIHBt A F. BBMTOH. A. B. BIFLBT, J. H. BEDSTADTBB, CAPT. JBSSH AMBA A. A SMITH, A B MUU.UAB, WL M. RRHMBTT, DR C. A. MOUKBA O. A MBBtSUUL W. & ÜBOBABD. JOHB HACGBTOK, W. F. ALLBB, D. F. BOWMAN, A. WIAZDISKI. ? MISS LOHSB BA BCBRS. J. A FOSBAT. M. O. IOLBKB4, W.B. OUVBCR. 080 808 COUPB, «. T. BRADX.BT, C. B WBIXS, HAROLD BTAKS, A. KBISTOFBBSOX. S. AROMSON. R. H. GBDnjBO, M. A. CARMICLB, A MORGABBTBIB* Th« ibofi ii ? liiiot those who turn purchased home si tea in Renton Addition You an invited to examine the list care- fully and draw your own conclusions. Many have already built handsome homes and Renton addition is already recognised as the most desirably located and choicest residence district In the city. Nearly all of the strests are being traded and side- walked and no other residenoe portion of the city has shown anything like snch marked Improvement during the past year M has Benton addition. We venture the prediction that twelve months hence Ben* ton addition will oontain more handsome residences than any other portion of Seat- tle. Nature has made it the Nob Hill of the city and the public is not slow to recog- nise the faot and to act upon it. An Opportunity Thar* la still an opportunity to mak* de- sirable selections at present prices, as there art still a few choioelcts on the market When these are sold no more will bo of- fered for a year at least Those intending to make selections should not delay. Many wore disappointed when the first 100 lota wore sold last year and many mora will regret thia year that they have procraati- nated whan the last of the lota art aobL Title and Terms The title la perfect Brery purchaser re- oateee a fall warranty deed from Captain William Senkm and an abstract of title. Lote are 60x120 feet In alse. Terma art wither cash, or half cash and half in one year, or one-third cash, one- third in one year and one-third kt two years to suit porchaaers. Malta Biildiig, ponni floor, SEATOiB, WAB3KUMWOM. REFERENCES?Every hank and boat- 8 WE HAVE PLACED ON SALE PJ 500 MIS SUITS II Jlft | * * \u25a0? - '' J'&l Best values ever sold for the price. ??? - =sasasgai grade of Bqits are sold right along from>s2|S to <lB. We offer this line of goods as ft special drive. S 10 Patterns to Select Iroij Goods can now be seen in our cora# window. Lose no time in making yoirHi lection. I TO MOTHEBS. We invite your attention to a line of Y*f P* " " BOYS' KNEE PANTS, ages from 4 / K A p A |J| to 14, at § j^Jgl goods sells right along for H. Hershberg & Co FINE CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS INI HATTBIS. 700-702 FRONT ST. NE. CORNER CfiERRY RAYMOND'S First Special Sale of Boots an! Staff, 808 FRONT STREET. Sale to Begin Monday, Hoy. 24, ud Continue On* Week. 11 yon an in want of ibt kind of Boou or Shoes, don't also this Ml*. Wa ham tfcß \u25a0lock erer brought to this city, and front some at the rery beet utel in ttM watM. ALL LEATHER COO OS REDUCED. Below U ? Itaifl* o* ttt PrMM Wt Sin Nut* Wooftt Ladles' French Kid Bntton Shot ..?. Prise P N M 0 Wtalft#! Lad.etf Preach Kid Button Shoee. " «98 " ll Ladies' French KM Button Shoes. IN M «\u25a0» Led let Imperal Batten Shoe* \u25a0 , .. \u25a0\u25a0 ** 880 " IIS Lad W Briyht Done Button Shoee _ " >3O ** K Lad let' Bright Dong Button "hi ee ~ H SOO ** Iff Lad tea' Brignt Dung Button Shoes * IN M i Ladies' Bright Dong Button Shoee ~~ " IN * iff Men's Ranu sewed, in Cordovan, Call or Kangaroo **B88 IB Men's Goodyear, in CordoTan. Calf or Kangarjq ** 888 " IB Mtn's Goodyear, Cork Sole Call..? ?. * 888 - «? Men's Goodyear, U. 8. A. Shoes , , " 888 * IB Men's Goodyear, Sewed Call Shoee? ...... * 4M ** BEI Men's Goodyear, Police Shoee..? , .1T- " IM * Men's McKay Bewed Buff. "188 " IB Men's Standard Sewed Veal Calf ...... " 838 " §\u25a0 Men's Kip Tap Sole Prise Brogans. "188 " iff- Ladiesr OxfordSjChtld's, Misses' and Boys' Shoee allJßedaeed, M wjuMja. jB-lM- qualify of gooda. This is not a bankrupt sale of old shop-won gesds. Sif_ a BWMfcllPll? One Week of eoaeof the best Boots and Shoee that can be made by snch Or \u25a0sesLapo, MH\u25a0 * Mitchell, of Philadelphia; Bdw n C. Bart, ?( Mew York; WrigM A Maa BsMMIK SlM||P' Meart, Mew Yotk; Edwin Clapp, Massachusetts, end many athaim. GEO. F, RAYMOND, 803 Front Street CehsM O«MISg, M. SELLER & CO-^r; WHOLMAI4K AHD UETAIL HMkIMU BU?- CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CUTLERY 3 AND PLATEDWARE. M l ' HOTEL AND BAB GOODS A SPECIALTY. Our stock is the largest, most | o* elegant and complete in all the hASD * WA "" < , 811 - M aborelines. | FKENOjSCM^MI LILLY, BOGAKDUS & CO, M WHOLESALE DIALERS IN , ? HAY, GRAIN -AJSTID Just received carload choicw Eastern WathiagMM fCtoto* I War*fc"«? Ow. W?t M< Ciltwrtiy Hfc-B>lw>*» t' MORAN-DTJRIE SUPPLY QCfr g BELTING, PACKING, HOSE. BRASS GOODS, PULLEYS, PIPE, FITTINGS, WORTHINGTON ST*A* PUMPS, Etc, Etc V ~imm bailboad mm, mm ykslib. siatbi HI «!scrlwi«oi^u^" Ihirs i Fur Grarments. LEVY BROa Olgarm To bapop '

Year 1 ' ?? MIS SUITS II · ieber, biosk M,aad t S.Sabnoa Bay Pk, its laArmonr'a, CL earn at aL, tract on Drew, lote la tao> M 4, Meek a Hie. tetj, Wi U to IS, adag at sL, lots 1

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Page 1: Year 1 ' ?? MIS SUITS II · ieber, biosk M,aad t S.Sabnoa Bay Pk, its laArmonr'a, CL earn at aL, tract on Drew, lote la tao> M 4, Meek a Hie. tetj, Wi U to IS, adag at sL, lots 1




&e Year foot252.62.??


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ft Ifftt TiansmteF.

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.60. Following tsarae. Tremper Aooms 9,10,11 and

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wito, lot U, Meek 10,

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its la Armonr'a, CLearn at aL, tract on

Drew, lote la tao>

M 4, Meek a Hie.

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adag at sL, lots 1Lmyasr, psrt late 1aTaaslag, paitlete 1anjraar, part lete 1eve sad sdbstioe Jif> lets V and Mi

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'IS Off.

»HeK«» Wante's Aid.trelsbave lost an(ar or agent of theM representations>y moral one, and\u25a0ding members of

U., and by theihes. succeeded inwith the ladiee ofSociety to givet- The wretchedi minstrels for thenight convinced

toon outrageouslytty cancelled the

J«b order will beshort time, how*

laying will be oneu ever visited 8e-

HL hmdlae Permit*.B|®*trtßg tellding permits have been


Bnd A- F - Gardner,'ot" 14 *nd 15. block 3,

\u25a0JEP**Mitton; c0at,52,250.Railway Company, re-frame on W. C. Hill

\u25a0 two-story frame, lot 8,\u25a0fagpgi \u25a0wstoß Heights addition; coet,

KB*w!j» W\,t.

wo"Btory 'r *tne, lot 11,\u25a0\u25a0Hp adddition; cost,

two-etory frame, lot8,\u25a0 IjnC *ddition; cost, $3,200.BH|S! < 2 two-story frame, lot 16,

addition; cost, *1,900.MS" tw° two-story frames,

Renton addition; eoet,

**osto, T frame, lot 17,\u25a0KCtir. addition; cost, $1,900,\u25a0lpjjl ? **°-»tory frame, lot 9,\u25a0 coet $3,200.

Carpenter*H. Stuart, who was

«o«h Seattle front on Fri-from the rooms of Cross &

under the auspicesA number of

were present

Wlree Croesed.BS2aJl_ tielnE crossed with the\u25a0BbifCif 68 **? American District

was compelled to cutlower end of tbe town

will be repaired

tgoooii tea ma.will ran two through

i ta« Kajj, fearing Seattle atTime shortened twelve

«teat; &tOnkla,°*ty

®°keny A Marem.


"** °» muniunn.

1 mm*."'

Sr 9 syne P. *IMMw tani \u25a0llJ eSSJ22 1 ?mL #

W*UftWiolpSPej sssfH1] U «. OtoslSJ2*if- ??? **»**»«

BS. ft V KSL-kSLF SCST £2^Sifga-sj!a::sa**.a *** 2225 ? &s*-2 EST* ?? &??3 » figs-" Sis-gf'ggt *.::::a&:-gaf


Mr m S"? 1 *?-? -?-? SMlmea... Ein«"tl SamuelV2»-V *' iJvSSh Jf^SSStwjj wtt&g- SSiSS:

E ..Bitsvllle.

2el»~*B I]omlS. K S

r£L *? - Gmjrs HuWTnv, D. Dongensea

A- fcttw, B -Yaneoovee.oSSlt"** UttM.

cJilf«^°0dm ?- ® OW-?»? Mt

JESS®'" 1 .*«««*

wsrf,lt. D ftooaPalmer, Pomeroy.

ASKLlta*1 OrtHmbn

£M=*. SSSS:«"p EjuakUn.liESgfto. w. Lawtoo.n wi »

Ddr,wS *?* Seattle.?? W.TaBey .JL Seattle.a « *&?*'£ Seattle.ft a Taylor, & Seattle.®»«lea F ft. Se.trte.Q. a de Steicuer, ft. Seattle.

*. BattoO.Kirkland.

E Keweestta,

jjl- Stt'i? ra-aw*i£5S£Z* D

Jaeob Hnnsaker, a. White aelssoo.Levis?

l*<***?**?>>' WilaoaCmek.Mu»- ..Moudovt

AH. Anderson, D Sheltoa.Okanoran--

F. Smith, D. Oeeoro

riTfoT" U p*te#3r * B ?WUlapa at*Freak ft. Sytnatnt. ft... Pnyallnn.3. O. Tutor, ft Ortiac.

ft SSL>\u25a0 ftC«wS5Z'» '""".'.'.'fiin.Urroo Bartow, ft. Tacoma.A. ft Qeiietssu, ft. Taeoauk

Smith, ft. Tacema.a M. Isbnssn. ft .......Lopes.

Skactt?-wTF.Mrftey.ft Avon.W. a Scferioker, 8............LaC0nae5.

Skamania?JaneaNavtn, D

Snoboaiah?J. W. Frame, D Snohomiab.A. W. Frater, ft Soohomish.Spokane?David Lahsuuo, B. ~...P«0na.a L. FowelL a. Spokane Fall*.A. V. Banadele, ft. Spokane Falls.J. B. Oaady, ft Spokane PaUa.A. Q. Hansen, ft Spokane FailaL ftatakart, L Spokane fellaOeorc* Fellowa. ft Spanyl*.

Walter, D. Obeaey.

ft. TbedaU. L. Collins, ft Baeoda.

Cham beta, D Olrmpla.

ft Brook field.Walla Walla?

Joseph C Painter, ft Walla Walla.Sbarpateia, D Walla WaUa.

M. Aadenmo, ft Park.A. W. Tlfia ijr, ft Farndala.J. M. Miller, ft Fair haven.Samnel Bass, D Sebotno.



Long-Tenners Taken to tilePenitentiary.


tha ngkmima, M At Pro-mm(m A to iaOw

'mlir-A WT# Tkml

Mm rf tM priWMßi confined ia tbeeonnty jail, who nntni eentenen, Pri-®*y bud, ranging fro® on* to thirteen

In the penitentiary, vera taken fromtheir sells by tbe sheriff and kit depotinFnterday afternoon and pat oa the 1o'clock train lor We&a Walla. The prieon-f>van WilliamGleason, thirteen yean;Jam«a Brown, tsrein yean; John Logan,

Y>en; Fled Quirt, nine years;Jamee Many, aliaa King, one year; WUI--Rellly, three yean; Myron T. White,\u25a0even years; John Boras, nine yean;Thomrn Walker, eight yean.

The men wen not only handcuffed to*gather, bat were also chained by the legs,and marched two by twoto the train. Theodd man was Jamca Brown, a robber, whokad no partner. A heavy pair of hand-cnffs wan pat on bim, however, and stoatsbackin prevented kim from ranningaway.

Okaaoo. the highway robber, who shotOfficer Hamilton, was also heavily ironedand aheekied to James Marry, n penitentcriminal. He kad made the assertionthat he weald never go to the "penthathe woold make his escape and get evenwith a prisoner named Payne, who had"blown"on him and prevented him la hisattempt to dig his way oat of the countyjail, and the officen did not intend toallow kfm any opportunity of carrying oathis threat and cheat the state.

Vow of the prieonen ban any aflectionfor Jailer Pat Farraher. They an watched\u25a0o closely that they ban no show to carryInto execution any scheme they may havedecided npon. When the nine prieonenwen marched oat into tho street from thejail, they stopped a moment to got In line.In tha interval Jailer Farraher stopped tomake more aocun Qleason's shackles.John Logan, highway robber and ex-oon-vict, watched the jailer's movements, andwith oath, nmarked: "I'm glad we'regetting away from that man, and I don'tcan where I go." Qleason pot in, MYoafellows think yonr bavin' a hard time, bntyou're not. Pat's a fine fellow, aadJl've gotno kick comin'. I've eeen a whole lotworn men than Fat."

Ittook Gleaeon some time, however, togat over the disappointment incident tohis ineffectual attempt to dig hie way toliberty. He said: wPat, if you had onlygiven ns two boon mom time we woaldban been all right. We only wanted justtwo boon when you came down andcaught ns la tha act."

Recognizing the desperate men withwhom he had to deal, Sheriff McGrawwent with the prisoners himself, and tookwith him as deputies, Prank Keane r DavidBrooks, Gilbert Pbilbrick and A. W. Ryan.


Pusoss Pietarse Appropriated by AetonesMl Swap Maaufoeturen.

New York Saa.Doubtless many persons having no par-

ticular nvennce forart have been shockedat the spectacle of rude cbromoa of Millet'sfamous "Angelas" displayed in grooers'windows as premiums to bayan ofa certain brand of washing soap.It may be said that this subordina-tion of a great work of art to commerce ianot only a bad picture, bat is also in somemesson an injustice to the original artist,although the reproduction may be so farremoved from the original as to be bat awretched caricature.

The fate of "The Angelas" is not nnilkethat of many other famous pictures. Thetwo cherubs that an eeen et the base of"The Bistine Madonna," by Raphael, havebeen reproduced in many forms for adver-tising purposes. They served as the sug-gestion for a picture of Robson and Cranepeeping over a wall in a poster for "TheTwo Dromios," and ban also been utilizedfor companion cats and dogs.

Gerome's famous plcton of "The Char-iot Race" wae long used as the basis of atheatrical poster for John McCullough's?\u25a0Spartacus." The charming picture, "MyDog ana I." by a Munich artist, repre-senting a child sitting on a plank stretchedover a stream, has been utilised in a hun-dred ways. One of the latest acts of van-dalism in regard to it wu to put a plasteron the child's back and un it as an adnr-tisement for a patent plaster.

Some time ego Frith, the English artist,had a contest with an English mer-chant who bad bought one of bis pictunsand proposed to convert it to commercialpurposes. The merchant was restrainsdby iudicial injunction, the court holdingthat tbe artist had a sufficient interest inhis nputation to entitle bim to protectionfrom such un of his work.

D. M. Holt, D WawaLOcesr E Yooag, ft.. Almota.F. L Moon. D Palouse City.Joseph Amsmith, ft Paloase City.

Yakima?H. J. Snively, D North Yakima.

\u25a0snato ftepablicaas 80, Democrats AHouse?Republicans SO, Democrats IEftepublican majority on Joint ballot, SB


Howe off tho Lsoal Saw aad Shingle Milla?Fenaaal.

OBOWTB or asm SUB.

Xte Metrspelis af Faetfle Oasaty aMWlllapo Barbm

Sotrm Baan. Kov. MLHSpedatl-Ameng thepoAlng Westera towaa tt la hard to Snd a mateMvsb aettn plsee thaa Sooth Bsajl PmeHesliyitisnotvetaysereid, isr teat Jaaaary thanwss not a hooss or tmildlng. when nowstaadsacitrwitofnror five hoadied bolld-lnn, stsns aad ssaaafaetorise, two beaks eadaaiieapepw with aptaat that woald do ewdltteelerrerelty. lOaoerteta eatsat toe railraedthattheftoithenPaciSclsMW baildlag fromCh halls to this point has eometoJax to te withhsm dare opmaats, bat ptaek end enterprise

have fall? at mack.Bet ieterthea lest (ferember it took a wheb

week to get. from Astoria or Gray's hsibor toBooth Bead, while todsy tt only takes littleonehalf a amy. Iwell remember a trip mode fatalAberSesa last November, whaa toe only waywas to take the beat to Peterson's point, toonby a heavy spriaglam wsgonste«e from toetpoint ta North Oeve. Then then wsa a choioeet two avtls, either to take a sail boot ever a Mr-rtbie roafh sse to Sooth Bend at an expense ofHO or tIS, or wait tar two days until the boatcame op fir m flealaad with a certainty pi hav-ing to stay over ia death Bend, thea oaly asaiU tewa of team Sftesn hoasaa, tor at leeattwo daya,aatil the boat stade the return trip.Breaaa late aa last June it wee not possible toget 1a under two daya South Bead is now look-it>S eaosrly forward to the time whoa people osn

\u25a0et to eiUher Portland or the Soand la foarorfin hours, the Northern Pacific eommenoedthe oonstntetion oI their line from Chehalia toSoeto Bead about July L though a staff of engi-neers had bssa In the field for several moathsprevious to that They have now probablyahoat 600 saen at work at both ends of the UnaThere would be a very large fane only for toefeet that the oontraetors have also tbeeontsaetto build the liae to Gray's harbor, aid had totakeoffthe greeter pert of their saen to pet themto work on that line, ia order that they mighteomplete it within the time celled tor by theireontmet Them men, toe contractors say, willbe through in a few weeks at Isest, aad thenthe whole force new et work on the Gray's har-bor tine will be pat onto the Ghehalis and SonthBend liae. which willbe completed early in thespring The work on this line waa also somewhatretarded on eeeoont o( e cheage that*hadtobemad* in toe first surrsy, toes running the linenp Bock creek aad down the main valley of theWlOspe Instead of up Xlk creek, as arrangedfor In the first sarvey. Bo grading work hadbean done on toe first ieeetioo, however, andonly tar the uncertainty attending the seooodsurvey aotime woald heve been lott It is.however, pretty definitely settled that the linewill ran over the seoond or Bock creek survey*which is completed. Contractor Webstar, whohas the sab-ooatraot to coastraot this liae, is iaSouth Bend, and states that the rails an or-dered for fifteen milea of the line, and that theywill oeaunenee Immediately laying down thetrack from the Ghehalis end, building theirbridgea aa they go along. Them tacts an some-what contradictory of the statement reported tohave been made by Colonel Heastis in a Seattlepaper, which is BOW a corpse. In which he isrepresented to have said their grade had beenebeadooed; tost no further work woold be doneuntil spring. Yonr correspondent has ssen aletter from the ohief engineer of the NorthernPacific railroad, coofiming all erf the abovestatements, and also aanoanciag that the rail-road company woald construct a temporarytelegraph line from C&ehalia to South Bead toexpedite the work of construction.

Work is ia progress en toe Hotel Wlllapa,which will cert ever ead hs furnishedthroughout in most modern style with stsam,heat and electric light. They expect to oosa-plots it by about AprilL

Priaea for ttoya aad Girls.10 the boys aad girls selling the gnatest aam-

ber of tickets for the entertainment to be givenunder the aaspioss of toe Women's Home So-ciety Thursday, November 37, (Thanksgiving)mei chants of Seattle have geaeroaaly offendthe following prises;

Fust prise for girls?One gold bead combtae*torn necklace, by W. a Gllger.

Second prise?'Toilet set, by Btewsrt AHelmetThird prise?Picture, "la Love," with three-

inch silver frame, by Balke, Cole A Co.Fourth prise?Hand satchel or pair of kM

gloves, by City of Paris.Pint prim for boys?Bait of clothes for boy

ander 16yesrs of age, by Hyams, Pauaoa A Co.Seoond prise?One rubber ooat, by H. Hersh-

berg A Oa. >

Third prise?Sixty-two-shot air-gun or innexpress wagon, by Golden Rule Basaar.

Fourth prise?One boy's hat, by Gus Marks.First prises willbe given to girl or boy selling

tbe greatest number of tickets ovor forty, otherprises in proportion. Tickets can be bed atMrs. Parkhursfa

VEBTIBULED TRAIN SERVICEOver the horthem Pacific railroad; dintag earsand sleeping can every day ia tae yeaa Seattleto Chicago 211 miles toe shortest nave. Seeoad*

pesseagsta, tost an aifordod ttw'itfieomaiodattonaSBtarr-Taasa aeon AKD vatarr-stx atxtmsbaved to reaching Cbloego via this link A.Chiiberg. city tteaet egent, 714 Second sueet,Boston block; E. Tonkin, depot tteaet agent,Seattle

For lew rates, excellent aeooteMeeettooa aadall the features that eoaatttate a suocessfalaade&myehle trip to the Bast, take toe Bet toon Pa-«fi& Threuah vestibule watoe to St. PeaLMiaaeepolta. Duluto aad Cbicaco, eonststtnf atdtolag, drawlagroom and aleepiag eera. Newtourist simpers under toe direction of toe PaU-maa Palace Car Compeay en attached to dailythrough trains. No better eerviee to be ioaad.A.Chuberg, city ticket agent, 714 Seoood stresc,Boetoa block; k Tonkia. depot tteket egent, Se>Hyn

OFries or Oaaeov Inraovxaairr ConrAirv.f&BATTLB. Wash. I

To all parties owlug aay deierr«d pa; menta onproperty bought of, or subaenptiona made toElijah Smith or Port Yoenaend Sooth faRailroad Company at Anacorwa or PortTownsend: Take notice that paymeats canbe made to me In Seattle by <»?»«

or approved paper, on or before Deoember 1next. After that date them matters will go iatothe legal department of the compaay with in-structions to close them up in accordance withthe contracts respectively, p. p. Panoaa,

Local Treasurer.

The Huron Lumber Company have abuttheir logging ttny ud mill down for aabort tin*. They are having new wheelsoast for the tender of their locomotive.

Rots * Wilson gate a grand bail In tbeirnew hall Friday evening, which was in-dulged In by a large number of yoang andold people

Engine No. 9, on train 28, got off theeeet end of the side treok bere yesterdaymorning, and was delayed an boor andforty minutes. The trouble wee ceased bya broken rail. No one was hurt,

Mrs. Rath Bothell, who for the pestthree months has been visiting friends Inlowa, returned this week.

The Clipper Sbingie Company have shuttheir mill down by order of the NorthernPaclfio Consolidated Sbingie Company.

Some of Land seer's famous animalpaintings have been nproduced as adver-tisements. His ideas have enn beenutilised in tbe making of lager beer cardsand labels on kegs.

Itis said that Meissonier nfused SIOO,-000 for a pictun to be used as an advertise-ment, considering that it would be a detri-ment to his nputation and a degradationof art

Fasersl mi Dr. Merrtek.

The fnneral of the late Dr. C H. Merricktook place from the St Mark's Episcopalchurob, corner of Fifth and Olive streets,

yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. D. C.Garret officiating at the church. A largenumber of friends and relatives followedthe remains to the Masonie oemetery. Thefnneral was under the euspices of theKnight Templars, who rendered very im-pressive services at the cemetery. A largenumber of Odd Fellows were also in tbeprocession. Professor Taylor, John F.MUler, F. Poretius, H. L. Wheeler, N. T.Peterson and Albro Gardner acted as pall-bearers.

Death mt Uatsd A. Gethrte.Edmund A. Guthrie, an old settler who

came here on the bark American Bay

many years ago, died at Steilaooom onSaturday. Mr. Gathrie at one time wasengaged in the pile driving business in tbisdtv. but about eighteen months ago bismind became effected so seriously that bewas sent to tbe hospital where he died.He was 41 years of age, and leaves a wifeand three children. Tbe funeral will take

from Cross A Co.'s rooms at 10

o'clock Tuesday morning.

At the Boepltala.Three patients were discharged from

Grace hospital yesterdey. They were Mre.Yen Doran, Mm Nelson and Cart Eliees.The total number of patients now In Gracehospital is thirty-seven. At Providencehospital fear patients were received andone discharged.

The designs of tome of tbe nationalpietaree in Washington bare been utilisedas drop curtains by scenic artists. Nota-ble instances of tbis were "The Landing ofColumbus," at tbe Grand opera-house,and "De Soto Discovering the Mississippi,"at another theater.

Ertie Essler, the actress, had a theatricalposter manufactured by reproducing tbeneed of a Magdalen, by Gnido Reni, onlyshe introduced a portrait of herself in pieceof the original face. Margaret Mather gotup a poster for her "Romeo andJuliet" by using tbe work of CarlBecker, rice president of tbe BerlinAcademy. Tbe wine merchants and the to-bacconists have vied with each other in se s-ing upon the ideas of noted painters andworking them over into advertising cards.The work of Rosa Bonbeur, no-tably "The Horse Fair," hasbeen ruthlessly seised to make upadvertisements for horse fairs and sales,end there seems to be no end of the waysin which tbe whole or parts of the greatworks of art are copied and rashed into tbechannels of trade. There is e certain lini-ment advertised with a picture of 8t An-ionics. surrounded by a halo. There is ecertain Utters that has adopted as a trade-mark a famous picture of St Georgeand the Dragon. Some time ego a Boweryjeweler got Eastman Johnson to paint

for him a picture of a street gamin stealinga smoke from a cigar, which wee held be-hind hie back by a gentleman looking intoa show window, ft was a comical Idea,and the owner of the picture circulated itfar and wide.

The enterprise and bold competition ofmodern busineee methods are doabtleesfully equal to the hiring of a Shakespeareto write a handbill or a Rembrandt topaint a sign. Nothing appears to betoo sacred for the advertiser. Thevariety and cheapness of modern methodsof reproduction have given a greatImpetus to these artistic thefts. At pres-ent there seems to be no check or hin-drance to ft, and little if any protection forthe originators of artistic ideas.

mbtuui pacific narut oan.Tin 111 \u25a0lllfirf CM WWW SMttt

X&S2SGi KS&mSZZSmm e* ?< trrrr"**"ftt?»- a. Clhlfcwg. ctaliakMaMBt 7M ftMHBdMHiSMMS HMlftt2ti2r*S»*uekw e*«^

fctufTOPwi ?T wwipai ta Om

S-: .-'A^wi^us. \u25a0-.-? aia^y-j

The Northern PeciSe overland train leaviagSeattle at I t. m., on and ater September Ist,will run solid via Garrison, Butte andwithout cbaan of cars. Oa same date theMontana Uaioe will make eioae conaecttons atGarrisoa with overland trains leaviag Seattle et*:10 a m. for Butte, Anaconda, Deer Lodire eadpoints of that line. This gives direct service enall trains for east bound psasngsn toOmoa potato

Take the Hortaera Pad fie railroad. vestibulesleeper end dinia«-«ar roata. foe til points lest\u25b2.Calibers. «ty toeaec agent. 7l« Beooad streetBoston block; X. Tonkin. depot Octet agentSeattle.

Pi* d drew goola. Doneny 6 Marum.



Announcement Extraordinary I

Grand Musical FesM!LIBERATI'S


Military Band Iso?MUSICIANS?SO

A musical treat of a high atandard ofexcellence.



on aalo at Leo 6 Bchlamp'admg store, cor. Seoond and Colombia Bt*.


Arrested flee Aesanlt.

A hobo MMi William Brooktr »

Molted ? Bv«dft namod Hani Chitettan*MMIimtai, »4 «\u25a0\u25a0 tooted op ooaofeargo of mmK Mi battery. Tte

Bwade was kftftd ?? ft vitMM. M assjssi 37-r-r .frr"

>,*'*< - I - ; f'&K*: M s*» . , r -p} \u2713 ggz ,-/ -t - v T \r :V-v y x 4 /,- i* " v "




NIGHre, MMDIT,ROT. 24ifiabsfleate Ikarsday.VBW AftTßm NrW COMPAXT, HEW COS-



GRIND ENGLISH OPERA CO.Tones!, Strongest, and only Successful *»r"*K

Op ra Company la America.Abbott, Annandale, Mlrella, Michelena. Paohe,

Kodolphi, Bo 8011, Pruette, Brodedck,Keady, Karl, Borovik.

OMSB CHORUS ABB OKOfiStTKA,Haaa ALBBUT Eaiusu Director.In the Following Brilliant Bepertotn:

MONDAY?Verdi's Beroio Opera,IBVfilX.

BIOIA ABBOTT and Bntlre Compaay.

TUESDAY? BeIIe's Sparking Opera,


EMMA ABBOTT as Qaeen of Csstlle, SatinCompany

WEDBESDAY MATINBB Bella's TaaefalOpera,


Two prime doanes and Entira Compeay.

WEDNESDAY S p. sa.-~Ysrdi's Brilliant Opera,EASKIB BAIL

EMMA ABBOTT and Entin Compaay.Gorreoas Costumes! Enchanting Masiel BrU-

llxntMise fin BeenaBessrved Beata &.MGeneral Admiaslon 1.00Gallery .SO


Bow on sale at 116 Jamee street

CORDRAY'S NEW THEATER,Cor. Third and Madison Streota.


The mansgement bets to eanooaee that oaaext Satarday, Nov. 29, at 2 o'tlock. ia toeafternoon and at 8 in the evening, the choioeseets far toe opeataf night, MONDAY, Dae. IST,will he disposed of at auction. Then will be nosst pries oa toe seats. Tae public con secure

i them at their owe price. The sale will takeMace ia toe aadltoriam of the theater, cornerThird ead Madison streets. Ladles sspeciaLyinvited to the aatak

JOHN F. CORDBAY 4 CO., (Inc.)Proprietors end Msasgete.

BICKERTON A BELL. Aactloneers.

; GBAND OPENINGWill take plan

Monday Evening, Dee. Ist, 1890,Oar own Excelleat

DRAMATIC COMPANY,In Bir Edward Balwer Lytton's

famous play,

The Lady of LyonsLOVE ABD PRIDE.

Tm Grand lathtn W STUW)ATV*d


BEAUTIFCJL SCENEBYIThe Andltoriam replete with aa array of ab-

solute novelties.Prices of admission to Auditorium. 10c. Seats

in Theater, SOe, 30a ead 4Q& Box seats, S0&Seata reeerved al« d ya in edvanoe at box office.



Houses Packed to the Soon.


-BTEEJN BAcyclone of Mystery, Wonderment end Mirth,Introducing remarkable wonders end startlingrevelation* Martha & Steen. the only livingartist who gives a genuine exhibition of SilentTransmission of Thought and Mental Teleg-raphy. who has been acknowledged by theprees and peblie as the wonder of the universeAbly ssslrtsd by Prof. Charles N. Steen, theGreat Magician and Expoeer of Spiritualism.

The European Seneetion at a salary offSOO per week,

EDNA,The Wosaaa Who Walks in Spec*

WOOD, The Ventriloquist,With the finest Automatons ever

seen on any stage

30-GBBAT ARTISTS?OO|9>No advance la prieea^&

ADMISSION ?ttc and 80e

FOR REXT-TWO NICELY FURNISHEDrooms: cheap. Addrese Booms, ease fost-


Forty answers have been re-ceived from one insertion ofan advertisement similar tothe above, which may be in-serted in the "For Rent"columns of THE POST-INTEL-LIGENCER for two times for >5cents. Bring til your "ForRent" ads to THE POST-INTEL-LIGENCES.

\u25a0ok. wl o. mmri,

mw. o. au luroioivon. #onr f. koit,


t. K. USD, Jr..W. R. rotusf.inoaoinii.

OAR. J. A. HATNKLO.#.\u25a0.l. Afxnraox.



N. lAKM IIAI9OK,n. w. a SB&imoir,


W. tm BIXIA(ohi & Tumr,

ha oAioua bakib wraun.a a man,





















chas. bcatdwrd,


















W.B. OUVBCR.080 808 COUPB,





R. H. GBDnjBO,


A MORGABBTBIB*Th« ibofi ii ? liiiot those who turn

purchased home si tea in

Renton AdditionYou an invited to examine the list care-

fully and draw your own conclusions.Many have already built handsome homesand Renton addition is already recognised

as the most desirably located and choicestresidence district In the city. Nearly all ofthe strests are being traded and side-

walked and no other residenoe portion ofthe city has shown anything like snchmarked Improvement during the past year

M has Benton addition. We venture theprediction that twelve months hence Ben*

ton addition will oontain more handsomeresidences than any other portion of Seat-

tle. Nature has made it the Nob Hill ofthe city and the public is not slow to recog-

nise the faot and to act upon it.

An OpportunityThar* la still an opportunity to mak* de-

sirable selections at present prices, as there

art still a few choioelcts on the market

When these are sold no more will bo of-fered for a year at least Those intendingto make selections should not delay. Manywore disappointed when the first 100 lotawore sold last year and many mora willregret thia year that they have procraati-

nated whan the last of the lota art aobL

Title and TermsThe title la perfect Brery purchaser re-

oateee a fall warranty deed from Captain

William Senkm and an abstract of title.Lote are 60x120 feet In alse.

Terma art wither cash, or half cash andhalf in one year, or one-third cash, one-third in one year and one-third kt twoyears to suit porchaaers.

Malta Biildiig, ponni floor,SEATOiB, WAB3KUMWOM.

REFERENCES?Every hank and boat-



| * *


- '' J'&lBest values ever sold for the price.

??? -


grade of Bqits are sold right along from>s2|S

to <lB. We offer this line of goods as ft

special drive. S

10 Patterns to Select IroijGoods can now be seen in our cora#

window. Lose no time in making yoirHi

lection. I

TO MOTHEBS.We invite your attention to a line ofY*fP* "


BOYS' KNEE PANTS, ages from 4 / KA pA|J|to 14, at § j^Jgl

goods sells right along for




First Special Sale of Boots an! Staff,808 FRONT STREET.

Sale to Begin Monday, Hoy. 24, ud Continue On* Week.11 yon an in want of ibt kind of Boou or Shoes, don't also this Ml*. Wa ham tfcß

\u25a0lock erer brought to this city, and front some at the rery beet utel in ttM watM.

ALL LEATHER COO OS REDUCED.Below U ? Itaifl* o* ttt PrMM Wt Sin Nut* Wooftt

Ladles' French Kid Bntton Shot ..?. Prise P N M 0 Wtalft#!Lad.etf Preach Kid Button Shoee. " «98 " llLadies' French KM Button Shoes. IN M «\u25a0»Led let Imperal Batten Shoe* \u25a0 , .. \u25a0\u25a0

** 880 " IISLad W Briyht Done Button Shoee _ " >3O ** KLad let' Bright Dong Button "hi ee ~

H SOO** Iff

Lad tea' Brignt Dung Button Shoes * IN M iLadies' Bright Dong Button Shoee ~~ .»

" IN * iffMen's Ranu sewed, in Cordovan, Call or Kangaroo **B88 IBMen's Goodyear, in CordoTan. Calfor Kangarjq ** 888 " IBMtn's Goodyear, Cork Sole Call..? ?.

* 888 - «?Men's Goodyear, U. 8. A. Shoes , ,

" 888 * IBMen's Goodyear, Sewed Call Shoee? ......

* 4M ** BEIMen's Goodyear, Police Shoee..? , .1T- " IM * f»Men's McKay Bewed Buff. "188 " IBMen's Standard Sewed Veal Calf ......

" 838 " §\u25a0Men's Kip Tap Sole Prise Brogans. "188

" iff-Ladiesr OxfordSjChtld's, Misses' and Boys' Shoee allJßedaeed, M8» wjuMja. jB-lM-

qualify of gooda. This is not a bankrupt sale of old shop-won gesds. Sif_a BWMfcllPll?One Week of eoaeof the best Boots and Shoee that can be made by snch Or \u25a0sesLapo, MH\u25a0*Mitchell, of Philadelphia; Bdw n C. Bart, ?( Mew York; WrigM A Maa BsMMIK SlM||P'Meart, Mew Yotk; Edwin Clapp, Massachusetts, end many athaim.

GEO. F, RAYMOND, 803 Front Street CehsM O«MISg,



HOTEL AND BAB GOODS A SPECIALTY.Our stock is the largest, most | o*

elegant and complete in all the hASD * WA""<

, 811 - Maborelines. | FKENOjSCM^MI


HAY,GRAIN -AJSTIDJust received carload choicw Eastern WathiagMM fCtoto* I

War*fc"«? Ow. W?t M< CiltwrtiyHfc-B>lw>*» t'


PULLEYS, PIPE, FITTINGS, WORTHINGTON ST*A*PUMPS, Etc, Etc V ~immbailboad mm, mm ykslib. siatbi HI

«!scrlwi«oi^u^"Ihirs i Fur Grarments.

LEVY BROaOlgarm To bapop '