Diocese of Dunkeld - Scottish Charity No. SC001810 @StJohnRCPerth www.dunkelddiocese.org.uk 7th Sunday of Easter Year B 17th May 2015 Welcome to all our visitors O n the seventh Sun- day of Easter, we always read from the seventeenth chapter of John’s Gospel. This chapter of John’s Gos- pel comes at the conclu- sion of Jesus’ farewell discourse delivered to the disciples at the Last Supper. This entire chap- ter is a prayer by Jesus, commending himself to the Father and express- ing his care and concern for his disciples. At the end of this prayer, Jesus and his disciples depart for the garden, and Jesus is arrested.Several impor- tant themes appear in this prayer. First, Jesus’ prayer reaffirms the complete union between himself and the Father. Through- out John’s Gospel, Jesus has been presented as the THE LIGHT and THE DARKNESS “Beloved, let us love one another because love is of God.” —1 John 4:7 Teas after the 11am Mass on Sunday and 10am Mass on Tuesdays For this Sunday’s liturgy Responsorial Psalm The Lord has set his throne in heaven. Gospel Acclamation I will not leave you orphans, says the Lord. I will come back to you, and your hearts will rejoice. Prayers Please pray for the repose of the souls of Betty McLaughlan, Dave Martin, Willie John Ma- cLellan, Ann Fraser, Allan Rowley, Rt. Rev. Mons. John Canon Mac- Neil, Krystyna Rospen- dowska, Helen Mackle, Leonila Francisca Ma- merto, Mina Rodgers, Frank Lunny and Donald McPhee and the souls of all the faithful departed. May their souls and the souls of all the faith- ful departed rest in peace. Amen. Priests for Scotland A LIFE WORTH LIVING one who preexisted with the Father and as the one sent by the Father to do his work on earth. In to- day’s reading, we hear Jesus include all his disci- ples in this union with the Father. We are reminded that Christ is the source of Christian unity. Through Christ, we are united with one another and with God Our Father.In this prayer, Jesus describes part of his mission in the lan- guage of protection. He has protected those who were given to him by the Father. In this we hear echoes of the dualism that is reflected throughout John’s Gospel. Beginning with the opening chapter, the Evangelist John has presented Jesus’ mission on earth in the context of a cosmic struggle between SUNDAY MASS in St JOHN’S RECONCILIATION in St John’s Saturday 5-6pm 6.30pm (Saturday Vigil) & on Sunday 9am, 11am, 6.30pm MSZA ŚW. PO POLSKU Niedziela 3pm Pojednania 14.30pm Priests: Rev. Dr.Tom Shields PhB STL PhD VE, St John’s Presbytery, 20 Melville Street, Perth, PH1 5PY (01738 622241) Youth Office (01738 635074) Fr Bogdan Palka SDS 16 Melville Street Perth PH1 5PY (01738 564182) St John the Baptist's, Perth WEEKDAYS Monday-Saturday at 10am, Tuesday 7pm Deacon: Len Moir good and evil, represented by light and darkness. In Jesus’ presence, his disci- ples have been protected from Satan. Now that Jesus is returning to the Father, he prays that his disciples will continue to be protected from the evil one. We can’t help but note here the echoes of the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples, the Lord’s Prayer. We also see in this chapter the distinction found in John’s Gospel between the world and the disciples. The disci- ples are in the world, but they do not belong to the world. Yet like Jesus, they are sent into the world for the world’s salvation. As Jesus’ teaching and min- istry was a source of con- sternation for some, Jesus knows that the world may not accept his disciples with open arms. Again, we hear ech- oes of John’s theme that salvation is worked out through the cosmic battle between light and dark- ness. The world, accord- ing to John, prefers the darkness. Yet the light will not be overcome by the dark- ness. Reading this prayer of Jesus during the Easter Season, through the lens of his Resurrection, we know that the light of Christ has overcome the darkness of sin and death in our world. In the open- ing line of this prayer, we hear Jesus pray that his disciples will be kept in the name that he was given by God. We know that the salvation is given to us in the name of Jesus, and that his name—“God saves”—announces his mission on our behalf. © 2013 Loyola Press. All rights reserved WORLD COMMUNICATIONS SUNDAY

Year B 17th May 2015 THE LIGHT and THE DARKNESS Welcome …€¦ · Pojednania 14.30pm Priests: Rev. Dr.Tom Shields PhB STL PhD VE, St John’s Presbytery, 20 Melville Street, Perth,

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Page 1: Year B 17th May 2015 THE LIGHT and THE DARKNESS Welcome …€¦ · Pojednania 14.30pm Priests: Rev. Dr.Tom Shields PhB STL PhD VE, St John’s Presbytery, 20 Melville Street, Perth,

Diocese of Dunkeld - Scottish Charity No. SC001810 @StJohnRCPerth www.dunkelddiocese.org.uk

7th Sunday of EasterYear B

17th May 2015

Welcome to all our

visitorsOn the seventh Sun-day of Easter, we always read from

the seventeenth chapter of John’s Gospel. This chapter of John’s Gos-pel comes at the conclu-sion of Jesus’ farewell discourse delivered to the disciples at the Last Supper. This entire chap-ter is a prayer by Jesus, commending himself to the Father and express-ing his care and concern for his disciples. At the end of this prayer, Jesus and his disciples depart for the garden, and Jesus is arrested.Several impor-tant themes appear in this prayer. First, Jesus’ prayer reaffirms the complete union between himself and the Father. Through-out John’s Gospel, Jesus has been presented as the

THE LIGHT and THE DARKNESS“Beloved, let us love one another because love is of God.” —1 John 4:7

Teas after the 11am

Mass on Sundayand

10am Masson Tuesdays

For this Sunday’s liturgy

Responsorial Psalm The Lord has set his throne in heaven.

Gospel Acclamation I will not leave you orphans, says the Lord. I will come back to you, and your hearts will rejoice.

Prayers Please pray for the

repose of the souls of Betty McLaughlan, Dave Martin, Willie John Ma-cLellan, Ann Fraser, Allan Rowley, Rt. Rev. Mons. John Canon Mac-Neil, Krystyna Rospen-dowska, Helen Mackle, Leonila Francisca Ma-merto, Mina Rodgers, Frank Lunny and Donald McPhee and the souls of all the faithful departed.

May their souls and the souls of all the faith-ful departed rest in peace. Amen.

Priests for Scotland


one who preexisted with the Father and as the one sent by the Father to do his work on earth. In to-day’s reading, we hear Jesus include all his disci-ples in this union with the Father. We are reminded that Christ is the source of Christian unity. Through Christ, we are united with one another and with God Our Father.In this prayer, Jesus describes part of his mission in the lan-guage of protection. He has protected those who were given to him by the Father. In this we hear echoes of the dualism that is reflected throughout John’s Gospel. Beginning with the opening chapter, the Evangelist John has presented Jesus’ mission on earth in the context of a cosmic struggle between



6.30pm (Saturday Vigil)& on Sunday

9am, 11am, 6.30pm

MSZA ŚW. PO POLSKU Niedziela 3pm

Pojednania 14.30pm

Priests: Rev. Dr.Tom Shields PhB STL PhD VE, St John’s Presbytery, 20 Melville Street, Perth, PH1 5PY (01738 622241) Youth Office (01738 635074) Fr Bogdan Palka SDS 16 Melville Street Perth PH1 5PY (01738 564182)

St John the Baptist's, PerthWEEKDAYS

Monday-Saturdayat 10am, Tuesday 7pm

Deacon: Len Moir

good and evil, represented by light and darkness. In Jesus’ presence, his disci-ples have been protected from Satan. Now that Jesus is returning to the Father, he prays that his disciples will continue to be protected from the evil one. We can’t help but note here the echoes of the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples, the Lord’s Prayer.

We also see in this chapter the distinction found in John’s Gospel between the world and the disciples. The disci-ples are in the world, but they do not belong to the world. Yet like Jesus, they are sent into the world for the world’s salvation. As Jesus’ teaching and min-istry was a source of con-sternation for some, Jesus knows that the world may not accept his disciples

with open arms. Again, we hear ech-

oes of John’s theme that salvation is worked out through the cosmic battle between light and dark-ness. The world, accord-ing to John, prefers the darkness.

Yet the light will not be overcome by the dark-ness. Reading this prayer of Jesus during the Easter Season, through the lens of his Resurrection, we know that the light of Christ has overcome the darkness of sin and death in our world. In the open-ing line of this prayer, we hear Jesus pray that his disciples will be kept in the name that he was given by God. We know that the salvation is given to us in the name of Jesus, and that his name—“God saves”—announces his mission on our behalf.

© 2013 Loyola Press. All rights reserved


Page 2: Year B 17th May 2015 THE LIGHT and THE DARKNESS Welcome …€¦ · Pojednania 14.30pm Priests: Rev. Dr.Tom Shields PhB STL PhD VE, St John’s Presbytery, 20 Melville Street, Perth,

Parish website: www.stjohns-perth.org.uk Discover us @StJohnRCPerth


„Wobec tajemnicy piekla…”

wypelnienia swej misji na ziemi zaznacza, ze nikt nie zginal, z wyjątkiem „syna za-tracenia”. Nieco wczesniej w rozmowie

z Apostolami zaznaczyl, ze „lepiej by było dla tego człowieka, gdyby się nie narodzil”. Wypow-iedzi Jezusa wzywaja do refleksji nad tajemnica piekla. Na początku tej refleksji trzeba jednak jasno przypomniec kilka punktow nauki ob-jawionej, by wykluczyc możliwość ewentualnych nieporozumień. Pierwszy z nich to twierdzenie: Pan Bog nie jest tworca piekla. On ani piekla nie stworzyl, ani stworzyc nie może. Bog jest miłością i nie może tworzyc swiata bez miłości.

Parish Library

Borrow from our extensive range

iż mogą sugerowac, ze człowiek ten, mimo bardzo bliskiego kontak-tu z Chrystusem, odrzu-cil Jego milosc i wybral swój wlasny swiat. Pieklo jest tez konsekwencja zle wykorzystanej wolności przez człowieka. Nikt tez z potepionych nigdy nie będzie miał preten-sji do Boga, będzie miał wyłącznie do samego siebie wiedzac, jak wiel-kiego szczescia sam sie-bie pozbawil. Pieklo jest w sercu człowieka, który nie umie kochac, który egoizm uczynil prawem swojego zycia. Pieklo to nie tyle miejsce, co stan człowieka, który nie umie kochac nikogo na ziemi, a w wieczności nienawidzi nawet same-go siebie. Rozwazajac Biblijne obrazy mówiące o mekach piekla, trzeba

mieć na uwadze ubóstwo naszego jezyka, który nie jest w stanie odd-ac grozy nieszczęścia człowieka swiadomego odpowiedzialności za zniszczenie tak wiel-kich darow Boga, jak wolność i milosc. Obrazy sa jedynie proba, zreszta nieudolna, ukazania ta-jemnicy nieszczęścia człowieka potepionego. Ktokolwiek odkryje czym jest milosc Boga, ten z łatwością dostrzeże, ze na przeciwległym bie-gunie, jako konsekwenc-ja jej odrzucenia, zionie przepasc piekla.

Uroczystosc Zeslania Ducha sw.

W najblizsza niedzie przypada Uroczystosc Zeslania Ducha sw. na Apostolow i Matke Na-jswietsza czuwających na modlitwie w Wiecz-erniku. Pamietajmy, ze każdy z nas przeżył swoje wielkie Zeslanie Ducha sw. w dzien bierzmow-ania. W te zblizajaca się Uroczystosc przezyjmy na nowo wlasne Zesłanie Duch sw. w mojej duszy, aby odnowic moc swojej wiary przez Dary Ducha sw. Niech uczestnictwo we Mszy sw. i Komuni sw. będzie tym źródłem darow Ducha sw.,które Bog ponownie pragnie wlac w nasze osłabłe nieraz serca. Oczyscmy również na ten dzien nasze serca w Sakramen-cie Pokuty.

Swiety William z Perth – Party

Serdecznie zaprasza-my na kolejna już w tym roku celebracje organ-izowana przez młodzież naszej parafii zwiazana ze swietem sw. Williama z Perth. Plan całodniowej imprezy jest następujący: 10am Msza sw. Od godz. 11 do 12:30 „male jed-zonko” z kawa i herbata. Od godz. 2pm do 4 pm przedstawienie teatralne o zyciu sw. Williama, a nastepnie od godz. 4pm do godz. 8pm barbecue dla wszystkich uczest-nikow. Będzie wesolo i z korzyścią dla podniebie-nia tez. Ceny biletow dla dorosłych na caly dzien 4 funty albo 2 funty jeśli tylko będzie udzial czy to poranny czy tylko po po-ludniu. Dzieci maja ud-zial za darmo. Zaprasza-my!!!

Spowiedz i Msza sw.

W każdą niedzielę spowiedz od godz. 2:15pm. Zapraszamy do regularnej spowiedzi i do pelnego uczestnictwa w niedzielnej Mszy św. o godz 3pm.

Adoracja Na-jswietszego Sakramentu

Wystawienie i adorac-ja Najswietszego Sakra-mentu zostaja z pow-rotem wznowione po przerwie wielkanocnej i już od najbliższego poniedziałku 20 kwietnia będzie możliwość spot-kania z Chrystusem Eu-charystycznym w ciagu calego dnia az do godz. 6:30pm. Serdecznie zapraszamy do tej osob-istej modlitwy, która ma moc dac nam sile i duch-owe wsparcie na codzi-enne trudy zycia.

Sakramen-ty święte: Chrzest, I Ko-munia swieta, Bierzmowanie, Malzenstwo

Przyjecie które-gokolwiek z powyżej wymienionych sakra-mentow musi być wczesniej zgłoszone i zatwierdzone przez Proboszcza Parafii – Fr. Toma. W przypadku bariery językowej w załatwieniu potrzebnych formalności, Fr. Bogdan może służyć pomoca. Proszę o przestrzeganie tej procedury

pamiętając, ze to Proboszcz Parafii jest odpowiedzialny za udzielanie wszystkich sakramentow świętych.

Nie można zatem Boga obwiniac z pow-odu istnienia piekla. Pieklo może stworzyc jedynie istota wolna, która świadomie i do-browolnie odrzucila swiat Bozej miłości. Is-toty wolne, stworzone przez Boga, w imie zle wykorzystanej wolności mogą zbudowac swój wlasny swiat bez Boga. Ponieważ jest to swiat zbudowany z egoizmu, a wiec z zaprzeczenia miłości, jest pieklem. Ciagle otwarte jest pyt-anie, czy ktos z ludzi jest już tu na ziemi potepiony na wieki.O nikim z cala pewnością nie można tego powiedziec. Jedyny człowiek o którym Ko-sciol pozwala nam mo-wic, ze jest potepiony, to Judasz. Wypowiedzi Je-zusa o nim sa tak twarde,

Miesiac MajR o z p o c z e l i s m y

miesiąc Maj - poswieco-ny szczególnie Matce Najswietszej. W naszej pieknej polskiej trady-cji ten miesiąc pachnący wiosna, zielenia i kwiata-mi zawsze był czczony jako miesiąc Maryjny.

Dlatego żyjąc tutaj na szkockiej ziemi dalej kultywujmy te gleboko zakorzeniona tradycje i uczcij my Matke Najswi-etsza przez odmawianie Litanii Loretanskiej ku Jej czci lub jakas inna modlitwe, udekorujmy Jej wizerunki w naszych domach, a przez to niech ta nasza wiez z Ojc-zystym krajem i Krolowa Polski wleje w nasze ser-ca źródło Bozych lask, ukoi tęsknotę za Ojc-zyzna, a Maryja niech-swa Matczyna opieka wyprasza Boza opieke dla kazdej Polskiej rodz-iny w tym kraju.

Page 3: Year B 17th May 2015 THE LIGHT and THE DARKNESS Welcome …€¦ · Pojednania 14.30pm Priests: Rev. Dr.Tom Shields PhB STL PhD VE, St John’s Presbytery, 20 Melville Street, Perth,


Anyone being married during the coming year should please check with Fr Tom regarding paper-work as soon as possible.

There will also be a Marriage Preparation Class in the Hall on Sat-urday, 27th June 11am– 1.30pm.

Music groupAre you young? Are

you old? Do you play a musical instrument? Do you sing? Frankie, Fer-gus and Sue would love you to come along to the Sunday evening Mass and join our music group.

We are particularly interested in young peo-ple who want to devel-op their playing skills as well as help lead worship! Please come along!

Podwyższenie Krzyża świętego - Aby nikt nie zginął …

CollectionsMany thanks for your

generosity; last week’s income was offer-tory £1,729.69; Papers £49.66; Votive Candles £58.48; Shop £50.80; SCIAF £2; and 3GY £20.

Lunch ClubOur Lunch Club con-

tinues on Mondays at 12noon in the Church Hall - all welcome.

Legion of MaryThe Legion of Mary

are having a Pilgrimage for Peace on Wednesday, 13th May in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Nethergate, Dundee. The Fatima Ro-sary is at 7pm followed by Holy Mass.

Union ofCatholic Mothers

Tuesday 19th, Mass at St Mary’s Lochee with Fr. Michael Carrie, fol-lowed by Fish Suppers. Meet at St John’s 6.10pm

Adoration andBenediction

Exposition continues on Mondays after the 10am Mass ending with Benediction at 6.30pm.

Lay SocietiesVisits will be made by

members of the Lay So-cieties of the Diocese to talk after the Masses on 17th May, 31st May, 21st June and 9th August.

FootballSt John’s Football

Team is looking for fresh talent. Please see Frankie or email him at [email protected]

Parish Shop Open after all Sunday Masses stock includes

Sunday Missals, greetings cards,

rosaries and much more

PapersA range of magazines and newspapers is avail-able in the porch. These are a help to our faith and keep us all informed. If the price is too much then please feel free to make a donation towards their cost.

First Communion

A meeting for the par-ents of children at non-Catholic Schools prepar-ing for First Communion will be held on Saturday 30th May at 10.30am in the Presbytery.

Diamond JubileeMgr Hendry will cel-

ebrate the 60th anniver-sary of his ordination on Friday 3rd July with Mass at 7pm in St Mary Magdalene’s followed by a reception in the Gle-nearn Community Cam-pus.

There is a notice at the back of the church for the names of those who wish to attend (for catering purposes). Thank you.

The Acts of the Apostles “I shall pour out my Spirit on all humanity. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old people will dream dreams and your young people see visions” Joel 3, 1; Acts 2, 17

With the Acts of the Apostles as our guide and inspiration Fr Tom will lead five ses-sions on how we re-energise our church and bring others back to full communion with us.

Believing that we have the same Spirit that descended upon the Apostles at Pentecost we know that we can witness to the Good News in our lives and spread the message of salvation by our own devotion and ac-tions.

Fr Tom invites you to join him on a journey of discovery of the early Church and how we can be supported in our primary task – evangelisation.

Thursday 21st May 7pm in the Presbytery

‘Why the Church suffers – mostly through self inflicted wounds!’

Thursday 28th May7pm in the Presbytery

‘The future church – us!’

Italian Association

The next meeting of the Italian Association will take place on Sat-urday 30th May, at 1pm, in St John’s - followed by Rosary, Benediction, and the May Procession culminating with the Crowning of the statue of Our Lady.

St William of Perth23rd May10am Mass

11-12.30 Refreshments& Bake Off Competition

(with adult and kids prizes)

2-4pm Exhibition and Dramaabout the Life of St William

4-8pm Barbecue (BYOB)Day Ticket £4 (am/pm £2)

KIDS GO FREEHosted by the Perth Catholic Youth Project

Italian ClassesClasses for those wish-

ing to learn or improve their Italian - Saturdays at 4.15pm, in St John’s Church Hall.

Youth groupWe welcome mem-

bers of our Youth Group, 3GY, to 9am Mass this morning before they set off on their trip to Loch Lomond Sea Life Centre and Dumbarton Castle.

New members wel-come.

Page 4: Year B 17th May 2015 THE LIGHT and THE DARKNESS Welcome …€¦ · Pojednania 14.30pm Priests: Rev. Dr.Tom Shields PhB STL PhD VE, St John’s Presbytery, 20 Melville Street, Perth,

Parish website: www.stjohns-perth.org.uk Discover us @StJohnRCPerth

World Youth Day EventsBy now you will have seen the leaflets about the

World Youth Day 2016 and Stirling 2015.

Forms are available from Frankie McGuire and Justyna Jablonska for the Stirling 2015 youth event.

The cost is £150.

We would also like to start gathering names for Po-land 2016.

NOW is the time to book your slot.

Anyone who will be 15 years of age by June 2016 is eligible to apply


Name _________________________ Hospital ___________________Ward _____

Please complete/ tear off and return with your collection - or hand to Fr Tom after Mass

Dunkeld Diocesan 2015 Pilgrimage

to Lourdes10–17th July 2015Any Sick or Disabled Pil-grims interested in go-

ing should contact

Mrs. C. Van Der Boon01382 281 5292

[email protected] for further information

Training Course in Spiritual Accompaniment

Garden Cottage Spirituality Centre,Kilgraston, Bridge of Earn

October 2015 - November 2016

Explore the skills and gifts of accompanying others on their on-going spiritual journey in a secular world.

The course aims to encourage participants to help both themselves and others to become more sensi-

tive to the presence of God in life.

Information and application form from the Administrator

[email protected]

Tel 01738 813618

Bursaries available

Each week our Childrens’ Liturgy is at 9am Sunday Mass and we are looking for new members to join the team.

If you wish to participate in leading a session (every 5 weeks) or would like more information please

get in touch with a member of the team

Call Dianne Mitchell01738 627700 or text to 07954 139141.

Please support the Scottish Catholic International Aid FundNEPAL EMERGENCY APPEAL