Concept We are at the pinnacle point of half a decade of BA(hons) Graphic Design at Leeds college of art. We are the fifth year of many more to come and want to deliver the idea that we are part of a continuous reel, revolving and evolv- ing through the integration of new students and future job prospects to those depating. The cover examples the numbers; 4, 5 and 6, with an emphasis on the 5 to connote which year we are, whilst holding a snippet of the 4 and 6 to convey where the course has come from and that it is constantly moving forward. The print processes will be utilised to empha- sise the five on the front but will be determined by budget at a later date. These are just a few of the variations that could be created incor- porating the concept of the continual progres- sion of the course. Pitch By ~ Matt Tucker Dom Rugman Oli Cassell James Flanagan 1 / 3


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We are at the pinnacle point of half a decade of BA(hons) Graphic Design at Leeds college of art. We are the fifth year of many more to come and want to deliver the idea that we are part of a continuous reel, revolving and evolv-ing through the integration of new students and future job prospects to those depating.

The cover examples the numbers; 4, 5 and 6, with an emphasis on the 5 to connote which year we are, whilst holding a snippet of the 4 and 6 to convey where the course has come from and that it is constantly moving forward.

The print processes will be utilised to empha-sise the five on the front but will be determined by budget at a later date. These are just a few of the variations that could be created incor-porating the concept of the continual progres-sion of the course.

Pitch By~Matt TuckerDom RugmanOli CassellJames Flanagan

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Graphic Design Yearbook

The course is heavily reliant on everybody involved pulling their weight, making up an overall body that works as a whole. The idea of everybody being an equal part, or cog making up the course is something we want to deliver through the use of simple shape and colour.

The contents page is an anonymous collection of everybody’s work, coloured vector shapes with corresponding page numbers to work, reinforcing the idea that everybody is equal.Each persons shape will then be present in the top left corner of each spread, working as a sub logo corresponding to the contents page.

The page numbers work on the same basis as the front cover, with a snippet of the page number before and after in view, almost as if the whole book is made up of a series of cogs working in unison, a continuos reel.

Pitch By~Matt TuckerDom RugmanOli CassellJames Flanagan

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Sample Spreads / Grids

The inside of the books will be printed on matte stock to emphasis the vibrant pantone. The pantone used is green 0921 C. Which would also be used for headers, page numbers and the shapes.

The layout within the body of the book will be consistent, type adhering to a simple 3 column grid with names and bios remaining fixed throughout, again reinforcing the idea of equality within the course.

Pitch By~Matt TuckerDom RugmanOli CassellJames Flanagan

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