m 1 1 Aa h 0 r YfC I Custom Plowing New in By G WELLESLEY BRABBIT I = iti + t- cr NEW INDUSTRY that of power plowing has sprung up in the west and northwest within the last decade When the Dakotas Montana Canada and parts of Texas were opened to agriculture the farms were so large that horses could not supply the motive power necessary for the plowing of the great land tracts Traction engines were substituted and they dragged the plows over the vast stretches of land Thus power plowing had its beginning From this too sprung custom plowing an occupation now numbering many hundreds of men with an invested capital of several million These men do not own the farms upon which they work but plow them with their yaespecially made outfits for so much per acre An uptodate outfit or rig costs 4000 and consists of a 20 or 30 horsepower traction engine and a series of plows usually in groups of 10 12 or 14 called bottoms They are rated as 1012 or 14 bottom gang according to their number are attached to an angling platform on wheels and arranged in pairs diagonally along the back with each pair slightly ri in advance of the other Levers are attached to allso that they may be s r raised or lowered at discretion When going from one field to another the plows are elevated With this outfit the engineer or owner goes forth and breaks up the soil at from 3 to 5 per acre according to the char ¬ acter of the land If it be new more is charged if old less The farmer jrin both cases furnishes the coal In appearance the traction engine resembles the ordinary one seen during the threshing season in Illinois only it is larger with exaggerated back wheels They travel at the rate of two miles per hour over even ground and can turn under 25 to 30 acres daily From fiveto seven inches is the depth of the furrow The cost of rll folnI111Jg los Man to steer 150 water hauler 1 board 3 j Iced for one horse 50 cents sharpening plows 250 j on1fbout6 worth of coal is burned The good custom plower is bringing up the standards of his craft Having full knowledge that old world plowing methods are superior to those on this side of the water and realizing that the American farmer ° often sacrifices quality for quantity lie has set about to reduce plowing to European standards and has for the most Part produced satisfactory results With his steam engine he can secure quantity with practical knowledge he obtains quality There are breakers ahead of him though that will give him worry unless he bestirs himself at once to avoid the trouble and that is price cutting Qwing to its extreme youth the occupation has no organization to speak of no power to maintain a standard wage for plowing and tho result has been a lowering of wages until now in some portions of the west no money is male at all by it The farmer is glad and willing to pay as high as 5 an acre for breaking his land and why less than this should be asked is a mystery Thrcsl ermens trade papers conventions and meet- ings ¬ will change this and if worked aut in time the breakers may be avoided YankeesLearn It Value of- Printers Ink By JULES LATOUR ol Marseilles of- Farmels Becoming Menace p Iy MRS S rL Industry WesternFarm Custom plowing does not last the year around though but that matters little For by simply unship ping the gang plow from the tractor the latter may be used for threshing road working and in the winter time for hauling In Iowa for instance it hauls corn for miles from crib tp and from the country to railroad > points In fact there is employment to be be found all the time and where there is nothing else x c to do lumber may be cut There is no nation that has begun to develop the business of advertising as have the Americans The art of advertising has been carried to a pitch in the United States that puts it in a class by itself I happen to know that it is a rare tiling for anyof the big mercantile houses of Franco or the continent to spend as much as 10 000 a year on the newspapers They have not learned the value of printers inkas have the Some of your merchant princes will expend on a single issue in tell ¬ ing tho public of their wares as much as our leading establishments will pay out in three months Not only do your storekeepers use the press on a big scale but their way of telling the reader about their goods is the most plausible the most delightful the most winning thing in the line of literary coax ¬ ing imaginable and I can well see how such efforts attract customers by the thousand t l During my stay here I have become fascinated with the advertise- ments ¬ seen in your daily newspapers and I read them with unalloyed delight merely as a study in an art in which you have exceeded the entire worldI s V I Lack y RANDOLPH ¬ elevators Yankees At a convention held not long since in Chicago it was urged that the increasing lack of farmers now assumes the propor ¬ tions of a menace to the United States Here is onesmaUsolufion which will work out properly There are many homesup porting women in the cities and towns of this counttry who are working their lives out for a mere pittance widows with fam ¬ ilies to rear but who are compelled to let their children run the streets without s mothers care and wives daughters and sisters who are sole supporters of families Many of these long for homes on a farm but have not the means However the federal government or even the rich corporations who have such lands could advance the use of a few acres to such as are worthy adding to this in each case a small house furnishings food fuel seed agricultural implements and even a small sum of money it needed Fall this fully covered by an honest mortgage It this were dqno there would be very few foreclosures and many good fkrms and fajanera added to the credit of ibis country l n I lr Speech Vulgar and Profane HERE Is no need of going to Webster for the defini ¬ tlon of a cigarette Every ¬ body knows that it is a lit ¬ tie cigar It Is a bit of to bacco rolled uo Ina bit of paper add made to look both attrac- tive and karmless It is a cigar In Its infancy In time if the one who in dulges in cigarette smoking lives lon enough it will grow Into a cigar But the weed done up in the fine style of a cigarette is not thought to be quite so offensive and vulgar as when en- joyed in the form of a pure Havana 01 a big black Conestoga or a clay pipe It Is tobacco all the same whethe held together by a leaf from Its own stem or wrapped up In curl papers or crammed into the bowl of a moor schaum For obvious reasons it is the cigarette that is most affected by ladlesHowever it is not with cigarette smoking that we are now concerned but with cigarette swearing For there is a kind of profanity which bears the same relation to the coarser sort oi taking the name of tho Lord in vain that tho tempting little cigarette does to the full grown cigar This too Is tho form of swearing which is most indulged in by the fair sex It is not often fortunately that one hears a round plump oath from the lips ofa woman When one does it is unut- terably shocking especially if it be from the lips of a mother in the midst of her childrenH Profanity But profanity akin to this loud- mouthed ¬ and repulsive type and which suggests a Very strong inclina ¬ tion to use the more emphatic words were it allowable to do so Is not un common in the conversation of large numbers of our wellmeaning and oven cultivated ladies At every turn of surprise in the talk that Is going on on every little occasion when there seems to be a call for protest it ia Good Lord > Good heavens > My gracious I and so on through the list Sometimes there is more boldness in the expletive employed and one whose opinions on actions are not satisfactory Is denounced as nublanll Idiot Every one who hears the ex- pression knows exactly what the speaker wishes to say and the pften- ed substitute docs not much reeve the situation nor does the smile which goes round In the circle of listeners do much toward atoning fur the suggested blasphemy Habit a Vicious One Now there is no need here of wan ¬ dering off into wide ethical discus slons and trying to fix the precise measure or the comparative measure of guilt In Gods sight which there may be In this or that or the other form of profanity It Is enough to say that the cigarette habit of swear ing is not good Ic is a mild typo of profanity and because it is mild is more frequently put In evidence by women than men but it Is not good It is an offense to a refined tasto It is a debasement of language and tends all the time to reduce ones vo- cabulary of choice and appropriate words It lowers the mental tone of individuals and circles and under the delusive gulso of vivacity reduces thought to the cheap quality of a bar gain counter t The atmosphere of a home which is filled with these Explosives is not a wholesome one for children to breathe It Is bad anywhere and everywhere It Is impossible to believe that a dis- ciple ¬ of our Lord can be quite so spiritually minded can live in quite so close and vital a relationship with him who made that startling deliverance about our responsibility for even the Idle words that wo use and be quite so much like him in mind and aim and character if there Is no restraint of the kind of speech which savors even In a mild degree of the profane If one cannot express ones opinion and say ones say whether man or woman without swearing or So much as indicating a desire to swear it is better to remain silent Northwestern Christian Advocate Answers to Prayer The answer toprpyerto most prayersbegins on two sides Gods and our own Wo must be willing to work toward it and sacrifice for it and the sacrifice is sometimes so heavy that we shrink back If we ask for health for education for prosperity we know that we must work in the direction of our desire If we ask for spiritual gifts we rea ¬ lize that the snme Is true but too often when we plead for some special blessing for those we love for the lifting of a burden from their lives or ours for some charge that holds good and happiness We fprget that its granting will surely claim from Us some price of sacrifIce or renuncia ¬ tion Whatever our prayer we needs must have a share in its answering not because of the Fathers unwilling ness but because of his love that knows us through and through When a mans heart is drying up In the desert of conceit hO tries to com- fort ¬ himself by looking at the slzof his head Unless a man makes the most of his opportunities he cant expect hit pp ort IIUIes tp rooks thQ most of Mm o J RESCUED FROM DEATH ON A RAFT OF ICE NEW YORK MAN FLOATING OUT TO SEA WHEN FEEBLE CRIES ATTRACT ATTENTION Now YorkrFoeblo cries for help that seemed tb come from far put on the East river were heard early ono morning recently by employes of tho municipal lorry at thQ pottery from a partially frozen man lying helpless a considerable distance off shore on a large ice floe on which he had floated for several hours For ton minutes the men were un ¬ able to seethe man who they be ¬ lieved was swimming toward the shore They called out but in response again heard only his faint cries for help At that instant the tide carried a number of Ice floes across the moon- lit ¬ part of the Waters and tho mans form was discovered Frank Dugan of 1311 Bristol street and Patrick McQann of 146 West Thirtyfifth street and several other employes launched a lifeboat from the ferry slip The man Was found lying on his back One leg extended over vtho ice floe and was dragging in the water His clothes were frozen to the ice His hair was Covered with ice and his body was rigid from the cold They lifted him off the floe after a great deal of dim fculty and took him ashore In the hospital he said ho was Wil ¬ liam Wlssman 42 years old and that he lived at 216 East Fortyfirst street On account of his condition it was hard to get a coherent statement from him AHo said he fell from a dock but he could not tell whether it was near the foot of the street whero he lives or in that Immediate vicinity Ho struggled to get to the shore but the tide carried him out to midstream His shoes and clothes made it difficult for him to swim He remembers see Ing = the lights of what he believes were the Williamsburg and the Brooklyn bridges Wood Seasoned By Electricity In France a method of seasoning wood through the agency of electricity Is credited 1 with much success It Is called the Nod nIirottonnean process The timber is nearly immersed in a tank of water containing ten per cent of borax five of resin and a little car ¬ bonate of soda and rests on a lead plate connected with tho positive pole of a dynamo Another similar plate lying on the exposed surface of the timber is connected with the negative pole Thus a current of electricity can be passed through the wood from which all the sap appears to be re < moved while the borax and resin take Its place in the pores In a few hours the timber is taken out and dried and the seasoning is said to be complete Luxury Though luxury is something which only fools go In for the incidental crumbs thereof are what toed tho mule titude It is proof that Providence doesnt wish the multitude to go hun- gry ¬ when fools with a knack for ma ¬ king money keep on being born If all men were wise and luxury therefore a thing unknown we might still be fed after a fashion but the sum total of happiness would be less Nobody would be happier except those few who have been permitted by trial to discover what a poor thing luxury is while the rest of us having nobody to envy would be miserable Puck An EightPound Square Tall Trout The largest square tall trout ever taken from Moosehead lake has just been hooked by a party of winter fish ermen near Tomheagan stream a lit ¬ tie north of K neo It was taken by Crawford Johnson one of the best known guides In the Maine woods and tipped the scales at eight pounds two ounces and measured nearly twentythree Inches in length Kineo correspondence Boston Herald Two Ways of Saying ft Then 1 am to consider myself re- jected ¬ asked the young suitor Your are to consoler your offer of marriage returned wjth thanks and the regret that it is impossible at this Unto jo accept 1ttaI4 the daughter of th- eiuaztne editor rt LouU star n un DRAWING INFERENCES Presidents Lincoln once told the fol story to DH Bates luunmser of the war department telegraph of ¬ See Im like an old colored man I know Ho spent so much of his time preach ¬ ing to the other slaves it kept him and them from their labors His master told him he would punish him the next Limo he was caught preaching But marsa said the old man with tears In his eyes I always has to draw Influences from Bible texts when dey comes In ma bald I jes calnt help It Can you mares Well said his master I suspect I Ido sometimes draw inferences But there is one text I never could under ¬ stand and if you can draw the right Inference from It Ill let you preach to your hearts content U What is do text mares asked the colored man I IThe ass snuffeth up thq cast wind Now what inference do you draw from that Well mares Is nober heard dat text befo nohow but I specie tiP In fruenco am she got to snuff a long time befo she got fat His Secret- I dont see how you make your butter Brown said to tho modern farmer Ive been around your farm for a week now but I havent soon a sign of a churn Ho laughed pleasantly partly be- cause of Browns stupidity and partly because of his success in keeping his method a mystery Oh my scheme Is a cinch he explained UAll I hay to do is to take a flvcmllo trip along tho roughest road on my motorcycle with a bucket of cream strapped on behindI Natural Born Pessimist A Denver man says he was standing on the platform of a small town rail ¬ road station not very far from this city recently when a youth from the country came up and began gazing at tho train report blackboard On the board was written All trains on time Sept 1 After studying tho board a couplo of minutes tho young man turned around owning All trains on time cept one he said Ill bet that there one Is the very one I have come hero to meet WANTED IT ALL HIMSELF PlgHeyl little boy keep out of my mudpuddle Cant you read that sign Y v Then and Now I In the days of old Tho knights were bold But In days of now Tho nights are cold Egotists Its lucky for the world that some of us are succesful In life 4 remarked the man who made his pile Whats the answer we queried If all men bad Jd remain 10awcek clerks their selfimportance would sot the atmosphere on fire explained tho party of the first part Not the Same Naters What has become of Emma Tyenotter since she married Tollers Why she and her husband have gone to light housekeeping some- where ¬ in Arizona NatersIs that so I didnt know there were any lighthouses In Arizona Usefulness vWhy are the funny men always kicking about the turkey hash Give It up I think Its a good thing It makes the descent from white meat to corned beef kind of gradual like Y < Too Dangerous An aviator cannot lboastofhli family Y + Why not 7 Because In his profession there is no cause for boasting of descent A change Jigsby is all up Itf the air about bas recently purchased traveling machine What Has he anew motor car No aeroplane j Fitting Garb How does Jack look in his hunting costume Simply killing The Variety What kind of stars take beat 1n Ihe melodramatic circuit 1 su 8f it U tbf hootin UntH it RURAL JOY RIDES J L 1 tf M Joy riding T Huh These city chaps srei r boasting all the while I Of whizzing past In motor cars irltliCltf h gals In style They let theIr sIren whIstles shriek UB J ° wflt they almost stun And flashing by like comet tails they < think IB tots of tun nut though tho big machines can speed i and cost a princely price They never give the pleaauro or to me I seem quite no nlco j k All JOY rIdes the farm boys have a gx with Both or Sue 1 ey Down tho old road by moonlight < j rtc JJI tt l horse sleigh built for two s 2 IN POLITICS < Tho CongressmanCan you rco > a w mend me to a good political C3rpef1 MJ The SenatorPolitical carpenter What do you want done Tho CongressmanI want to sail J come campaign lies Waiting Though tho wind may shako the shutter And tho days bring Icy rain Well possess ourselves In patience 4 Till the June bug comes again The Stand She Would Take Rodrick Yes tho lady orator is one of tho most stern unemotional looks Ing women I over met Why I believe if there was an earthquake she would bo standing in tho same place attar It ir x was overy Van AlbertThats ridiculous What 4 would sho bo standing on 1 4 1 jjclso i ° her dignity e i t v So It Was A young man In Baltimore was 1 i dining with a friend and happened to J1 > j get hold of n second joint of a chick z JJ en which ho found rather hard to t without the use of consid ¬ f erable forcet i Gee but this is a tough Joint ha t r said to his friend < i4 It is that replied his friend itv ought to bo pulled I rw > Mystifying Seymour Why did you leave Elafl I nigans boarding house Ashley There was too much sleightofhand work golngon- SoymourSJelghtofhnnd i work got tho coffee and tho toa from tho same r pot Gritty Reason Kind LndyAnd you ate going to Nicaragua and become a soldier of fortune Why not go in search of theof north Gr i tty Georgek 1of snowballs f Why Go So Far DoreUa1I1 take a long walk every ry morning for my complexionr MordelleWhYrI thought there was a drug store just around the corn nor v Gallant HawkinsAre you in favor of worn an suffrage f DawkinsNo I think women ought to be spared suffering as much as po sible t ACCOMMODATING f jJ Guest Thin lobster is very hard Waiter Yes sIr We ware all out I of lobsters but you insisted upon hay- Ing one and thats the paper machs c lobster out of tho window No Meat on the Platter 5 > Jli n j t For they are both tabooing t Their diet Is the bean i ThIs Way 1 IoDp you think this age travels IV cycles 1 1 Y ire cyclesy t l Contrary Prospect This year bids fair to break toe t t Well I IH it will mead the ptce i a 5 S

YfC Custom New Industry Speech Vulgar in and Profane cr tf 1...m 1 Aa h 0 r YfC I Custom Plowing New in = iti By G WELLESLEY BRABBIT I +t- cr NEW INDUSTRY that of power plowing has

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    By G WELLESLEY BRABBIT I= iti+t- crNEW INDUSTRY that of power plowing has sprung up inthe west and northwest within the last decade

    When the Dakotas Montana Canada and parts of Texaswere opened to agriculture the farms were so large that horsescould not supply the motive power necessary for the plowingof the great land tracts Traction engines were substitutedand they dragged the plows over the vast stretches of landThus power plowing had its beginning From this too sprungcustom plowing an occupation now numbering many hundredsof men with an invested capital of several million These men

    do not own the farms upon which they work but plow them with theiryaespecially made outfits for so much per acre

    An uptodate outfit or rig costs 4000 and consists of a 20 or 30horsepower traction engine and a series of plows usually in groups of 1012 or 14 called bottoms They are rated as 1012 or 14 bottom gangaccording to their number are attached to an angling platform on wheelsand arranged in pairs diagonally along the back with each pair slightly

    ri in advance of the other Levers are attached to allso that they may bes r raised or lowered at discretion When going from one field to another

    the plows are elevated With this outfit the engineer or owner goes forthand breaks up the soil at from 3 to 5 per acre according to the char¬acter of the land If it be new more is charged if old less The farmerjrin both cases furnishes the coal

    In appearance the traction engine resembles the ordinary one seenduring the threshing season in Illinois only it is larger with exaggeratedback wheels They travel at the rate of two miles per hour over evenground and can turn under 25 to 30 acres daily From fiveto seven inchesis the depth of the furrow

    The cost of rllfolnI111Jglos Man to steer 150 water hauler 1 board 3 j Iced for one horse50 cents sharpening plows 250 j on1fbout6 worth of coal isburned

    The good custom plower is bringing up the standards of his craftHaving full knowledge that old world plowing methods are superior tothose on this side of the water and realizing that the American farmer

    ° often sacrifices quality for quantity lie has set about to reduce plowing toEuropean standards and has for the most Part produced satisfactoryresults With his steam engine he can secure quantity with practicalknowledge he obtains quality

    There are breakers ahead of him though that will give him worryunless he bestirs himself at once to avoid the trouble and that is pricecutting Qwing to its extreme youth the occupation has no organizationto speak of no power to maintain a standard wage for plowing and thoresult has been a lowering of wages until now in some portions of thewest no money is male at all by it The farmer is glad and willing to payas high as 5 an acre for breaking his land and why less than this shouldbe asked is a mystery Thrcsl ermens trade papers conventions and meet-



    will change this and if worked aut in time the breakers may beavoided


    It Value of-PrintersInk

    By JULES LATOURol Marseilles




    Iy MRS S rL


    Custom plowing does not last the year aroundthough but that matters little For by simply unshipping the gang plow from the tractor the latter maybe used for threshing road working and in the wintertime for hauling In Iowa for instance it hauls cornfor miles from crib tp and from the countryto railroad > points In fact there is employment to bebe found all the time and where there is nothing else

    x cto do lumber may be cut

    There is no nation that has begun todevelop the business of advertising as havethe Americans The art of advertising hasbeen carried to a pitch in the UnitedStates that puts it in a class by itself Ihappen to know that it is a rare tiling foranyof the big mercantile houses of Francoor the continent to spend as much as 10000 a year on the newspapers They havenot learned the value of printers inkashave the Some of your merchantprinces will expend on a single issue in tell ¬ing tho public of their wares as much asour leading establishments will pay out in

    three months Not only do your storekeepers use the press on a big scalebut their way of telling the reader about their goods is the most plausiblethe most delightful the most winning thing in the line of literary coax¬ing imaginable and I can well see how such efforts attract customers bythe thousand


    l During my stay here I have become fascinated with the advertise-ments


    seen in your daily newspapers and I read them with unalloyeddelight merely as a study in an art in which you have exceeded the entireworldI s VI







    At a convention held not long since inChicago it was urged that the increasinglack of farmers now assumes the propor¬tions of a menace to the United StatesHere is onesmaUsolufion which will workout properly There are many homesupporting women in the cities and towns ofthis counttry who are working their livesout for a mere pittance widows with fam¬ilies to rear but who are compelled to lettheir children run the streets without smothers care and wives daughters andsisters who are sole supporters of familiesMany of these long for homes on a farm

    but have not the means However the federal government or even therich corporations who have such lands could advance the use of a fewacres to such as are worthy adding to this in each case a small housefurnishings food fuel seed agricultural implements and even a smallsum of money it needed Fall this fully covered by an honest mortgageIt this were dqno there would be very few foreclosures and many goodfkrms and fajanera added to the credit of ibis country

    ln I lr

    Speech Vulgarand Profane

    HERE Is no need of goingto Webster for the defini ¬tlon of a cigarette Every¬body knows that it is a lit¬tie cigar It Is a bit of tobacco rolled uo Ina bit of

    paper add made to look both attrac-tive and karmless It is a cigar In Itsinfancy In time if the one who indulges in cigarette smoking lives lonenough it will grow Into a cigar Butthe weed done up in the fine style ofa cigarette is not thought to be quiteso offensive and vulgar as when en-joyed in the form of a pure Havana 01a big black Conestoga or a clay pipeIt Is tobacco all the same whetheheld together by a leaf from Its ownstem or wrapped up In curl papersor crammed into the bowl of a moorschaum For obvious reasons it is thecigarette that is most affected by

    ladlesHowever it is not with cigarettesmoking that we are now concernedbut with cigarette swearing For thereis a kind of profanity which bears thesame relation to the coarser sort oitaking the name of tho Lord in vainthat tho tempting little cigarette doesto the full grown cigar This too Istho form of swearing which is mostindulged in by the fair sex It is notoften fortunately that one hears around plump oath from the lips ofawoman When one does it is unut-terably shocking especially if it befrom the lips of a mother in the midstof her


    But profanity akin to this loud-mouthed


    and repulsive type andwhich suggests a Very strong inclina ¬tion to use the more emphatic wordswere it allowable to do so Is not uncommon in the conversation of largenumbers of our wellmeaning and ovencultivated ladies At every turn ofsurprise in the talk that Is going onon every little occasion when thereseems to be a call for protest it iaGood Lord >Good heavens > My

    gracious I and so on through the listSometimes there is more boldness inthe expletive employed and onewhose opinions on actions are notsatisfactory Is denounced as nublanllIdiot Every one who hears the ex-pression knows exactly what thespeaker wishes to say and the pften-ed substitute docs not much reevethe situation nor does the smilewhich goes round In the circle oflisteners do much toward atoning furthe suggested blasphemy

    Habit a Vicious One

    Now there is no need here of wan¬dering off into wide ethical discusslons and trying to fix the precisemeasure or the comparative measureof guilt In Gods sight which theremay be In this or that or the otherform of profanity It Is enough tosay that the cigarette habit of swearing is not good Ic is a mild typo ofprofanity and because it is mild ismore frequently put In evidence bywomen than men but it Is not goodIt is an offense to a refined tasto Itis a debasement of language andtends all the time to reduce ones vo-cabulary of choice and appropriatewords It lowers the mental tone ofindividuals and circles and under thedelusive gulso of vivacity reducesthought to the cheap quality of a bargain counter

    tThe atmosphere of a home which

    is filled with these Explosives is not awholesome one for children to breatheIt Is bad anywhere and everywhereIt Is impossible to believe that a dis-ciple


    of our Lord can be quite sospiritually minded can live in quite soclose and vital a relationship with himwho made that startling deliveranceabout our responsibility for even theIdle words that wo use and be quiteso much like him in mind and aimand character if there Is no restraintof the kind of speech which savorseven In a mild degree of the profaneIf one cannot express ones opinionand say ones say whether man orwoman without swearing or So muchas indicating a desire to swear it isbetter to remain silent NorthwesternChristian Advocate

    Answers to PrayerThe answer toprpyerto most

    prayersbegins on two sides Godsand our own Wo must be willing towork toward it and sacrifice for itand the sacrifice is sometimes soheavy that we shrink back If weask for health for education forprosperity we know that we mustwork in the direction of our desireIf we ask for spiritual gifts we rea ¬lize that the snme Is true but toooften when we plead for some specialblessing for those we love for thelifting of a burden from their lives orours for some charge that holds goodand happiness We fprget that itsgranting will surely claim from Ussome price of sacrifIce or renuncia ¬tion Whatever our prayer we needsmust have a share in its answeringnot because of the Fathers unwillingness but because of his love thatknows us through and through

    When a mans heart is drying up Inthe desert of conceit hO tries to com-fort


    himself by looking at the slzofhis head

    Unless a man makes the most of hisopportunities he cant expect hit pp

    ort IIUIes tp rooks thQ most of Mmo






    Now YorkrFoeblo cries for helpthat seemed tb come from far put onthe East river were heard early onomorning recently by employes of thomunicipal lorry at thQ pottery from apartially frozen man lying helpless aconsiderable distance off shore on alarge ice floe on which he had floatedfor several hours

    For ton minutes the men were un ¬able to seethe man who they be¬lieved was swimming toward theshore They called out but in responseagain heard only his faint cries forhelp At that instant the tide carrieda number of Ice floes across the moon-lit


    part of the Waters and tho mansform was discovered

    Frank Dugan of 1311 Bristol street

    and Patrick McQann of 146 WestThirtyfifth street and several otheremployes launched a lifeboat from theferry slip

    The man Was found lying on hisback One leg extended over vtho icefloe and was dragging in the water Hisclothes were frozen to the ice His hairwas Covered with ice and his body wasrigid from the cold They lifted himoff the floe after a great deal of dimfculty and took him ashore

    In the hospital he said ho was Wil ¬liam Wlssman 42 years old and thathe lived at 216 East Fortyfirst streetOn account of his condition it washard to get a coherent statementfrom himAHo said he fell from a dock but he

    could not tell whether it was near thefoot of the street whero he lives orin that Immediate vicinity

    Ho struggled to get to the shore butthe tide carried him out to midstreamHis shoes and clothes made it difficultfor him to swim He remembers seeIng = the lights of what he believes werethe Williamsburg and the Brooklynbridges

    Wood Seasoned By ElectricityIn France a method of seasoning

    wood through the agency of electricityIs credited 1 with much success It Iscalled the Nod nIirottonnean processThe timber is nearly immersed in atank of water containing ten per centof borax five of resin and a little car ¬bonate of soda and rests on a leadplate connected with tho positive poleof a dynamo Another similar platelying on the exposed surface of thetimber is connected with the negativepole Thus a current of electricitycan be passed through the wood fromwhich all the sap appears to be re<moved while the borax and resin takeIts place in the pores In a few hoursthe timber is taken out and dried andthe seasoning is said to be complete

    LuxuryThough luxury is something which

    only fools go In for the incidentalcrumbs thereof are what toed tho muletitude It is proof that Providencedoesnt wish the multitude to go hun-gry


    when fools with a knack for ma ¬king money keep on being born

    If all men were wise and luxurytherefore a thing unknown we mightstill be fed after a fashion but thesum total of happiness would be lessNobody would be happier except thosefew who have been permitted by trialto discover what a poor thing luxuryis while the rest of us having nobodyto envy would be miserable Puck

    An EightPound Square Tall TroutThe largest square tall trout ever

    taken from Moosehead lake has justbeen hooked by a party of winter fishermen near Tomheagan stream a lit¬tie north of K neo It was taken byCrawford Johnson one of the bestknown guides In the Maine woodsand tipped the scales at eight poundstwo ounces and measured nearlytwentythree Inches in length Kineocorrespondence Boston Herald

    Two Ways of Saying ftThen 1 am to consider myself re-


    asked the young suitorYour are to consoler your offer of

    marriage returned wjth thanks and theregret that it is impossible at this Untojo accept 1ttaI4 the daughter of th-eiuaztne editor rt LouU star



    Presidents Lincoln once told the folstory to DH Bates luunmser

    of the war department telegraph of¬See

    Im like an old colored man I knowHo spent so much of his time preach ¬ing to the other slaves it kept him andthem from their labors His mastertold him he would punish him thenext Limo he was caught preaching

    But marsa said the old manwith tears In his eyes I always hasto draw Influences from Bible textswhen dey comes In ma bald I jescalnt help It Can you mares

    Well said his master I suspect IIdo sometimes draw inferences Butthere is one text I never could under¬stand and if you can draw the rightInference from It Ill let you preach toyour hearts content

    U What is do text mares askedthe colored man

    I IThe ass snuffeth up thq castwind Now what inference do youdraw from that

    Well mares Is nober heard dattext befo nohow but I specie tiP Infruenco am she got to snuff a longtime befo she got fat

    His Secret-I dont see how you make your

    butter Brown said to tho modernfarmer Ive been around your farmfor a week now but I havent soona sign of a churn

    Ho laughed pleasantly partly be-cause of Browns stupidity and partlybecause of his success in keeping hismethod a mystery Oh my schemeIs a cinch he explained UAll I hayto do is to take a flvcmllo trip alongtho roughest road on my motorcyclewith a bucket of cream strapped onbehindI

    Natural Born PessimistA Denver man says he was standing

    on the platform of a small town rail ¬road station not very far from thiscity recently when a youth from thecountry came up and began gazing attho train report blackboard On theboard was written

    All trains on time Sept 1After studying tho board a couplo of

    minutes tho young man turnedaround owning

    All trains on time cept one hesaid Ill bet that there one Is thevery one I have come hero to meet


    PlgHeyl little boy keep out ofmy mudpuddle Cant you read thatsign Y v

    Then and Now IIn the days of old

    Tho knights were boldBut In days of now

    Tho nights are cold

    EgotistsIts lucky for the world that some

    of us are succesful In life 4 remarkedthe man who made his pile

    Whats the answer we queriedIf all men bad Jd remain 10awcek

    clerks their selfimportance would sotthe atmosphere on fire explained thoparty of the first part

    Not the SameNaters What has become of Emma

    Tyenotter since she marriedTollers Why she and her husband

    have gone to light housekeeping some-where


    in ArizonaNatersIs that so I didnt know

    there were any lighthouses In Arizona

    UsefulnessvWhy are the funny men always

    kicking about the turkey hashGive It upI think Its a good thing It makes

    the descent from white meat to cornedbeef kind of gradual like Y <

    Too DangerousAn aviator cannot lboastofhli

    family Y+ Why not 7Because In his profession there is

    no cause for boasting of descent

    A changeJigsby is all up Itf the air about bas

    recently purchased traveling machineWhat Has he anew motor carNo aeroplane j

    Fitting GarbHow does Jack look in his hunting

    costumeSimply killing

    The VarietyWhat kind of stars take beat 1n

    Ihe melodramatic circuit1 su 8f it U tbf hootin UntH


    RURAL JOY RIDES J L 1tf MJoy riding T Huh These city chaps srei r

    boasting all the while IOf whizzing past In motor cars irltliCltf h

    gals In styleThey let theIr sIren whIstles shriek UBJ °wfltthey almost stunAnd flashing by like comet tails they <

    think IB tots of tunnut though tho big machines can speed i

    and cost a princely priceThey never give the pleaauro or to me I

    seem quite no nlco j kAll JOY rIdes the farm boys have a gxwith Both or Sue 1 ey

    Down tho old road by moonlight a wmend me to a good political C3rpef1MJThe SenatorPolitical carpenterWhat do you want done

    Tho CongressmanI want to sail Jcome campaign lies

    WaitingThough tho wind may shako the shutter

    And tho days bring Icy rainWell possess ourselves In patience 4

    Till the June bug comes again

    The Stand She Would TakeRodrickYes tho lady orator is one

    of tho most stern unemotional looksIng women I over met Why I believeif there was an earthquake she wouldbo standing in tho same place attar It irxwasoveryVan AlbertThats ridiculous What 4would sho bo standing on 1 4 1jjclso i °her dignity e i tv

    So It WasA young man In Baltimore was 1 i

    dining with a friend and happened to J1 > jget hold of n second joint of a chick z JJen which ho found rather hard to twithout the use of consid ¬ ferable forcet iGee but this is a tough Joint ha t rsaid to his friend < i4

    It is that replied his friend itvought to bo pulled I rw >Mystifying

    Seymour Why did you leave Elafl Inigans boarding houseAshley There was too much

    sleightofhand work golngon-SoymourSJelghtofhnnd


    gottho coffee and tho toa from tho same rpot

    Gritty ReasonKind LndyAnd you ate going to

    Nicaragua and become a soldier offortune Why not go in search of theofnorth

    Gr itty Georgek1ofsnowballs fWhy Go So FarDoreUa1I1 take a long walk every rymorning for my complexionrMordelleWhYrI thought there

    was a drug store just around the cornnor v

    GallantHawkinsAre you in favor of worn

    an suffrage fDawkinsNo I think women ought

    to be spared suffering as much as posible t


    f jJGuest Thin lobster is very hardWaiter Yes sIr We ware all out I

    of lobsters but you insisted upon hay-Ing one and thats the paper machs clobster out of tho window

    No Meat on the Platter 5 >Jli n j tFor they are both tabooing tTheir diet Is the bean iThIs Way 1IoDp you think this age travels IVcycles 1 1 Y irecyclesy t lContrary Prospect

    This year bids fair to break toe tt

    Well I IH it will mead the ptce

    ia 5
