ylon Le Fevre grew up in a Christian household; his grandfather was a preacher, and his par- ents were gospel singers. But even though a gifted Mylon sang about Jesus at concerts with his family, he didn’t really know Him. Mylon was a rebel- lious teenager who only went to church as a formality. Throughout his childhood and youth, Mylon’s mother and father were very strict disciplinarians. They made sure that he went to church. Mylon’s parents also sent him to two Christian academies. When Mylon’s mother told him it was time for church, his father gave him no choice but to go to church. Mylon went to church obediently but not willingly and eventually forsook church atten- dance when he left his parents’ house. Mylon had always wanted to be a musician and at seventeen wrote a song about the Lord called “Without Him.” After he sang it for his mother, she had him perform it in Memphis at a Gospel Quartet Convention. Elvis Presley was at the convention and heard his song. Elvis liked it so much that he recorded it. This event began a floodtide of opportunity for Mylon and would open doors for him that would cost him to walk through. One hundred twenty-six artists recorded his song “Without Him.” Mylon wrote more songs over the next year. Soon he was able to form his own band, enabling him to finally hear his music played the way he heard it in his heart. “Before I had my own band, I would write a song and play it for someone in my family,” Mylon explained. “Then my family would perform it if they liked it, but because they were from the mountains of Tennessee and not the city, no matter what I wrote, it came out sounding like southern coun- try gospel music.” So partly in self-defense — to pro- tect his songs — Mylon started his band. At 19, he recorded his first album and has sold millions since that time. Control was the catalyst for Mylon’s eager ambition in the music world. But control was at the heart of a yet bigger issue: Mylon’s spiritual life. “I was just running from God and

ylon Le Fevre grew up in

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ylon Le Fevre grew up ina Christian household;his grandfather was apreacher, and his par-ents were gospel singers.But even though a giftedMylon sang about Jesus

at concerts with his family, he didn’treally know Him. Mylon was a rebel-lious teenager who only went to churchas a formality.

Throughout his childhood andyouth, Mylon’s mother and fatherwere very strict disciplinarians. Theymade sure that he went to church.Mylon’s parents also sent him to twoChristian academies. When Mylon’smother told him it was time forchurch, his father gave him no choicebut to go to church. Mylon went tochurch obediently but not willinglyand eventually forsook church atten-dance when he left his parents’ house.

Mylon had always wanted to be amusician and at seventeen wrote asong about the Lord called “WithoutHim.” After he sang it for his mother,she had him perform it in Memphis ata Gospel Quartet Convention. ElvisPresley was at the convention andheard his song. Elvis liked it so muchthat he recorded it. This event began afloodtide of opportunity for Mylon andwould open doors for him that wouldcost him to walk through.

One hundred twenty-six artistsrecorded his song “Without Him.”Mylon wrote more songs over the nextyear. Soon he was able to form his ownband, enabling him to finally hear hismusic played the way he heard it inhis heart.

“Before I had my own band, I wouldwrite a song and play it for someone inmy family,” Mylon explained. “Thenmy family would perform it if theyliked it, but because they were fromthe mountains of Tennessee and notthe city, no matter what I wrote, itcame out sounding like southern coun-try gospel music.”

So partly in self-defense — to pro-tect his songs — Mylon started hisband. At 19, he recorded his firstalbum and has sold millions since thattime.

Control was the catalyst forMylon’s eager ambition in the musicworld. But control was at the heart ofa yet bigger issue: Mylon’s spirituallife. “I was just running from God and

His call on my life,” Mylon admitted.“God had blessed me with a gift formusic, and I wanted to take that giftand turn it into something I could con-trol and use for my own end.

“I knew Jesus was the Son of God,and I knew that He was alive. I hadgone down to the altar as a child andasked God to forgive me for my sins.But I never made Him Lord of my life.I just gave Him my problems. I madeHim the Lord of the junk in my life butnot Lord of my hopes and dreams. Iwas still the lord of my life. Andbecause I didn’t know how to be lord, Imessed up my life big-time! I wasted alot of time in rock ’n’ roll pursuing aselfish lifestyle.”

Mylon recorded with artists includ-ing George Harrison from the Beatles,Ron Wood from the Rolling Stones,Mick Fleetwood from Fleetwood Mac,Eric Clapton, Alvin Lee from Ten YearsAfter, Steve Winwood, Little Richard,and The Who.

His life had gone from drinkingKool-Aid and eating cookies as a childwhile his parents sang Gospel music togetting stoned and hanging out withrock stars who had once been only dis-tant heroes. Mylon had everything hethought he wanted, yet still felt emptyinside. To numb his conscience, he tookdrugs. He spent ten years of his lifeusing cocaine, which then led to 41/2years as a heroin addict.

Then one night in 1973 before thebiggest rock ’n’ roll tour of his life,Mylon overdosed on heroin. The over-dose caused him to stop breathing forso long that some of his brain cellsdied. When he regained consciousness,he couldn’t remember the words to hisown songs, much less lead his band ona world tour.

At the height of Mylon’s success, itwas all over. His hopes and dreamshad been shattered by drugs.Realizing his wrong choices in lifewere leading him in the wrong direc-tion, Mylon finally conceded that heneeded a Savior. So he did the onlything he knew to do. He opened aGideon Bible that he had picked upsomewhere in his travels and began toread it. This defining moment beganhis journey back to the Lord. Changesin his life didn’t occur overnight, but

the process began as Mylon opened hisheart to the idea that God had a des-tiny for him to fulfill.

It took seven long years for Mylonto totally commit to Jesus. In 1980 herededicated his life to the Lord at aChristian concert featuring a bandcalled “The Second Chapter of Acts.”At the end of the concert, the man run-ning the sound, Buck Herring (whomMylon had worked with in the past),led the people in a prayer. Buckprayed, “Lord, fill us with Your Spiritand help us think and live and dothings Your way.” After praying thatday, Mylon’s life was never the sameagain. He’d finally made Jesus theLord of not only his sins, but of hiswhole life. It was then that God turnedhis life around.

Mylon quit rock ’n’ roll and servedas a janitor for almost two years at hischurch in Atlanta. It was there that helearned to submit to the Lord. Mylonwas so hungry for the Word of God

that he attended Bible studies fivedays a week.

In 1982 Mylon and his band begantraveling across the country, singingand preaching to kids who came to hisconcerts. “I told them that if Jesuscould deliver me, He could deliver any-one,” Mylon said. More than 211,000kids came to the Lord in the next tenyears.

Mylon knew that Jesus had forgivenhim and let him start over in life. Hewas intimately acquainted with God’sforgiving power. He knew God wouldforgive, but he was unsure if Godwould also heal. For ten years afterrededicating his life to God, he success-fully avoided the issue of healing.

“I knew Jesus as Savior and Lord ofmy life, but I didn’t know Him as theHealer of my body. I knew He couldheal and that many times, He didheal. But was healing always His will?I wasn’t sure, so I simply avoided theissue,” Mylon said.

But he wasn’t able to avoid theissue forever. In one awful moment,healing went from being just an issueto being a matter of life and death.

Late one night in August 1989, theband “Mylon and Broken Heart” wason their way to Nebraska for a concertthey were going to perform with theChristian band “Whiteheart” on whatwas ironically called “The HeartAttack Tour.” Mylon was in the back ofthe tour bus talking with some of hisband members when, suddenly, hisheart hurt so bad that he couldn’t evenbreathe.

“I couldn’t move. I couldn’t talk. Ithought I was on my way to meet God,”Mylon remembered. “I felt like I wastrapped under water — fighting to getto the surface, but running out of airand beginning to panic. The differencewith a heart attack is you don’t get totake a breath before you go under.”

Approximately one-third of Mylon’sheart had stopped working. The CATscan showed only two-thirds of hisheart pumping blood; the other thirdwas black, which meant there was noheat — no blood — flowing through it.

Doctors explained to Mylon that allhis years of cocaine and heroin abuseand all his years of rough living inrock ’n’ roll were the causes of hisheart attack. They also warned himthat if he didn’t get off the road, hewould die.

Mylon was floored by the prognosis.He was in a good denomination withmany wonderful people who weregoing to Heaven, but on the subject ofhealing, they didn’t have any answers.If God didn’t do something fast, Mylonwas going to Heaven before everyoneelse! He needed a miracle.

“I didn’t know then what I knownow,” Mylon said, “but even then I

Mylon the rock star before making Jesusthe Lord of his life.

Without Him

The Prodigal Returns

T h e Wo rd o f F a i t h 25

knew that God wasn’t killing His chil-dren. He especially wouldn’t harm any-one who was obeying Him. God was theOne who told me to go into all theworld and teach and preach and makedisciples. And that’s what I was doing.I was doing it with all my heart, and Iknew He wasn’t killing me for it. I justdidn’t know what to do about beinghealed. I hadn’t learned that yet.”

At the time of the heart attack,“Mylon and Broken Heart” was doingwell. Mylon had won a Grammy andtwo Dove Awards. And the band hadwon two Dove Awards. They were sell-ing millions of records. God was bless-ing them. But, booked a year inadvance, they were on the road con-stantly. So despite the doctors’protests, Mylon honored their scheduleand continued traveling with the band.

In January 1990, “Mylon and

Broken Heart” took a previouslyscheduled missionary trip to thePhilippines. Doctors had warnedMylon not to go to the Philippines,because if anything went wrong withhis heart, he could die over there with-out the proper medical attention. ButMylon went on the trip, anyway.

After approximately thirty hours inthe air, Mylon got off the plane in thePhilippines very tired and worn out.While waiting to check in at the hotel,he wandered around the lobby andwent into a gift shop.

“I thought I was just killing time,”Mylon said. “I didn’t know that what Iwould find in that gift shop would

change my lifeforever. As Iw a n d e r e daround theshop, the titleon a littleorange bookcaught my eyebecause it wasthe only bookin the store inEnglish. Infact, the littlebook, God’sMedicine byKenneth E.Hagin, wasn’teven with theother books. Itwas sitting ona shelf next to

shaving cream and other similar prod-ucts.

“I didn’t recognize the author,”Mylon continued, “but I picked it upand went to the counter to pay for it.The lady working there said, ‘I don’tknow where that came from. We don’tsell those here. You can have it.’”

Mylon went back to his hotel roomand began to read that little book aboutGod’s medicine. He read it from cover tocover, but didn’t understand it all atfirst. At the time, he didn’t know whoKenneth E. Hagin was and wondered ifwhat this man was saying was true. ToMylon, it seemed like a breath of freshair to a suffocating soul, but he hadnever been taught some of the thingshe was reading about. It also seemedtoo good to be true.

Mylon had been warned by good-intentioned people that those in “wordof faith” circles were out of balance, sohe studied the Bible to find out forhimself. With eagerness and in desper-ation, Mylon began looking up theBible verses that Kenneth Hagin gavein God’s Medicine. He read the sur-rounding verses and even whole chap-ters to make sure they were beingquoted in context.

During the week-long crusade in thePhilippines, 10,200 kids came to knowJesus. Mylon was in pain the entire time.

Back in the States, he continued todo what the doctors told him to do. Hechanged his diet and exercised more,but he was still hurting all the time.

“Sometimes I would feel the pressurebuilding the way it did before the heartattack, and it really scared me,” Mylon

said. “I would pray, ‘God, I don’t under-stand all this.’ But I continued lookingup the scriptures I found in BrotherHagin’s book. I spoke them over mybody, and I thanked God for them.”

In March 1990, Mylon finally gotsome time off, so he went to stay at hisbrother’s condo in Panama City Beach,Florida. He didn’t know it at the time,but Rev. Kenneth and Gloria Copelandwere also there ministering, and theywere staying in a condo about 100yards from Mylon.

Mylon was using his time off inFlorida to pray and fast. About thethird day into the fast, he was walkingalong the beach, kicking the surf andreading T. L. Osborn’s book Healingthe Sick that a friend had given him.Everything it said agreed with the lit-tle orange book God’s Medicine byKenneth Hagin.

Mylon said to God that morning,“Father, I need to understand this. Iknow the Word says that the truth willset me free, and, evidently, there’ssomething in the Word of God that Idon’t understand yet. There’s sometruth in Your Word I haven’t receivedyet because I’m not free. I’m hurting allthe time and having fears. God, even ifYou need to send an angel, please sendsomeone to help me to understand.”

As he was walking on the beachthat day, he walked in front of awoman who would later be introducedto him as Gloria Copeland. As Mylonwas pouring his heart out to God, Godwas speaking to Gloria. The momentMylon walked past her, the Lordrevealed to her that He wanted her tominister to Mylon.

Later, by divine appointment a mutu-al friend introduced Mylon to theCopelands. Gloria Copeland immediate-ly recognized him as the man on thebeach that God had spoken to her about!The Copelands invited Mylon to theircondo, and they shared testimonies.

Gloria said to Mylon, “When youwalked past me at the beach, the LordGod spoke to me that He’d called youto do something, that there was some-thing wrong in your body, and that Hewanted to heal you. God also told methat I should teach you what He hadtaught me about the things Jesus saidand did concerning sickness, disease,

26 February 2 0 0 0

God’s Medicine

Christian band “Mylon and Broken Heart” in 1987. In one decade theband led more than 200,000 teenagers to Christ.

Divine Appointment

and healing. God told me that I was tolay hands on you, and He was going toheal you.”

Kenneth Copeland got right downto business. He said to Mylon, “Mywife doesn’t play church. If God toldher He’s going to heal you, then it’s adone deal. He’s going to heal you. Sodon’t think about that anymore.

“But we need to be in agreementabout this,” he continued, “because theBible says there is power in agreement.If I’m praying in faith and you’re justhoping, we’re not going to be in agree-ment. So we’re going to get into theWord for a little while, and we’re goingto look at what Jesus said and did con-cerning sickness, disease, and healing.”

“Brother Copeland took me on what

I call ‘a tour of the red words,’ ” Mylonremembered. “We studied the NewTestament to find everything Jesussaid and did in regard to healing. Aftertaking that tour through Scripture, Iknew that healing was a part of mysalvation. I was ready to ‘believe Ireceived when I prayed’ according toMark 11:22-24.”

The Copelands then laid hands onMylon and prayed. Even though he did-n’t feel any different physically, heknew something had changed in hisspirit. He believed God had healed him!

The next day while riding along thebeach in his car, he heard a song in hisheart just as if it were playing on theradio. With tears rolling down hischeeks, he began praising God. Thissong, “Invincible Love,” would laterbecome number one on the Christiancharts.

Afterwards, Mylon spent some timefellowshipping with the Copelands inPanama City Beach. Before they partedcompany, Gloria said to him, “I havesome tapes I want you to listen to.God’s done a miracle for you, and youhave to keep it. If I send you thesetapes, will you promise me you will lis-ten to them?”

Mylon responded, “Yes, ma’am.”When he received the tapes in the

mail, Mylon was shocked. He thoughtthat Gloria would send him a tapeseries from their ministry, but insteadshe sent him “The Believer’sAuthority,” an audiotape series byKenneth Hagin. As Mylon listened tothose tapes over and over again and

looked up every scripture that wasmentioned, the Word of God becamerooted in his heart.

As soon as Mylon returned home to

Atlanta, he began telling everyone thathe was healed. When anyone askedhim about the pain, he would say, “Mychest still hurts sometimes, but it’s justa symptom. I know I’m healed, and Iknow those symptoms are leaving mybody in the Name of Jesus.”

Some people told him that he wasputting God to a foolish test by contin-uing to minister when doctors weretelling him to get off the road. But hejust replied, “God said, ‘I sent My Wordand healed them,’ and ‘My words arelife to those who find them and healthto all their flesh’” (Ps. 107:20;Prov. 4:22).

When Mylon first had the heartattack and was diagnosed, God didn’tstrike him with a lightning bolt, so tospeak, and fix all his problems. Godrequired Mylon to seek and believeHim. He had opened His Word to him,and Mylon was responsible to applythat Word in his life.

Night and day he immersed himselfin the Word of God. For months helistened to “The Believer’s Authority”

tapes, read and confessed the Word,and thanked God that he was healed.

Mylon’s excitement about the Wordhe was learning motivated him to dis-tribute twenty copies of KennethHagin’s tape series to his band and someof the ministers in his church. Yet to hisdismay, most did not receive the revela-tion that had saved his life or his rela-tionship with the Copelands.As a result,Mylon’s ministry at his own churchbecame limited. Eventually, Mylon’sdesire to learn to live by faith and hisrecognition of the divine appointmentwith Kenneth and Gloria Copelandcaused him to move to Texas. He nowministers under the spiritual covering ofEagle Mountain International Church.

Only one year after meeting theCopelands, Mylon returned to PanamaCity Beach a new man. Instead of onlybeing able to walk along the beach, hewas able to jet ski and have a great time.

Nothing more accurately describesGod’s love, mercy, and healing powerthan the words of his number-onesong, “Invincible Love.” As related inthe words of the song, God’s wordsreplacing Mylon’s words was the keyto his healing:

I looked across the great divideTo a place called healed.I needed to reach the other side

Touring the ‘Red Words’

Invincible Love

Mylon Le Fevre ministering in song at Kenneth Hagin Ministries’ Campmeeting 1999 inTulsa, Oklahoma.

T h e Wo rd o f F a i t h 27

Mylon Le Fevre celebrates God’s love, mercy, and healing power in his album, “Faith, Hope & Love.” Thisalbum is the reflection of the changes God made in Mylon, his family, and his band through the promisesof God’s Word. These songs testify to God’s power, love, and faithfulness to believers everywhere.

Song titles include:• Invincible Love• Holy Is the Lord

• Give Thanks• Closer Than a Friend

• Faithful

Compact Disc

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Offer #815


$10.00($13.50 Canada price)

Plus Shipping andHandling

Offer #816


When I saw the truth revealed.Then I crossed the line And saw the glory of His words

replacing mine, just in time.His invincible love was all that

could save me.Invincible love was the love that He

gave me.Invincible love coming down from

above. Invincible love.Jesus has become his Savior, Lord,

and Healer. He took Mylon and hisbroken heart and made them bothbrand-new.

Since making Jesus the Lord of hislife in 1980, Mylon has released 11albums, traveled more than one mil-lion miles, been honored with aGrammy award and two Dove awards,sold millions of records, and has seenmore than 200,000 people come toknow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Today Mylon and his wife Christiare ministering the Word of faith inchurches all over the world. They areinvolved in teaching the Word of God,music ministry, music videos, teachingtapes, children’s videos, internet min-istry, and prison ministry. Mylon’s lat-est album, “Faith, Hope, and Love”focuses on worship and praise. A new

album will be released later this year.If you would like Mylon to come andminister in your church, please usethe information below.

Mylon Le Fevre MinistriesP.O. Box 822148

Fort Worth, TX 76182(817) 281-2700

(817) 281-3797 faxwww.mylon.org

Left: Mylon ministers the Word of God atEagle Mountain International Church in FortWorth, Texas.

Above: Mylon and his wife Christi worktogether in reaching the world with theGospel of Jesus Christ.