Sin Talk Joel Quilé 3.4.13

Young life sin talk show

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Page 1: Young life sin talk show

Sin Talk

Joel Quilé


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How are you today?

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Is your first response to say

“fine” or “good” out of habit?

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Even if you are having a crappy


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I mean, when was the last time

you really screwed up?

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Did you tell someone about it?

Or did you try to hold it in?

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Ever feel like no one cares or

would want to listen if you were

honest about your life?

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Or maybe you’re just too

ashamed to confess?

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Have you ever felt hopeless?

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Can you see yourself in any of


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“I’m about to turn 16. My mom

wants to throw me a party. I said

no. I didn’t tell her it is because I

don’t have any friends.”

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“I’m too fat for anyone to think

I’m good looking.”

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I tell people that I don’t drink.

I do.


Often a lot.

It helps with my insecurity.

But being fake is even worse.”

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“The boy I liked since the start of

school started liking my best


I told her it was cool…

to go ahead and date him.

I’ve cried myself to sleep for

almost a week.”

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“I treat my parents like sh#t!”

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“I hate that my dad left.

It makes me want to leave. Not

leave the house.

To leave life.

I think of suicide all the time. I’m

scared the thinking will turn to


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“I used to be close to my sister.

We never talk now. I can’t

remember the last time I was

nice to her.

What in hell have I done?”

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“I live my life to be liked by

others. Like that is my goal.

It has cost me.

It has cost me happiness…

and hope.

Living to please others is


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“I am constantly afraid my

parents will find out the truth

about me.

They will kill me.

You know what sucks?

Keeping it a secret from them is

killing me too.”

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“I let my boyfriend take my


And my self worth.

He dumped me 2 weeks after he

slept with me.

I’ve regretted that night every f-

ing day for almost 3 years.”

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“Every time I look at my mom I

can’t help but think how she

deserves a better son.”

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“I’m afraid I love my boyfriend

way more than I love Jesus.

Worse yet. I’m afraid that

I’m okay with that.”

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“I smoke weed every Friday.

I go to church on Sunday.

I go to Young Life on Monday.

I hate Tuesdays. That’s when I

realize I’m to scared to change.

Living two lives will mess with

your head.”

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“I didn’t go to the party. Not

because of the beer. Because of

the bikinis.

Every girl looks better in a bikini

than I do.”

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“I’m disgusted by how many lies

I tell.”

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“I’m so popular. People say it is

because I’m so nice to people. If

they only knew that I’m nice to

them because I’m terrified of not

being loved.

How horribly ironic?”

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“I’m terrified to go to college.

People like me here.

I’m comfortable at Byron.

I hate thinking about my future.”

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“I never feel satisfied.

I have to think that there is more

to life than this.”

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“I am jealous of my friends who

have both parents living at

home. I’m never getting married.

Divorce sucks.”

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“I fear Friday nights. Seriously. I

never have any plans.

Being alone makes me feel…


Feeling unloved is hell.”

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“I told Jesus that he was my

entire life a long time ago.

I haven’t told anyone else about

Jesus in my entire life.

I wonder if I’m even a Christian.”

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“I’m haunted by the fear that my

boyfriend might break up with


So I keep giving him sex.

And it is breaking my heart.”

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“My pastor says Jesus will

forgive me.

He has no idea of how much

porn I look at.

Jesus ain’t forgiving me.”

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“The devil is an f-ing liar.

I’ve slept with 5 girls this year. I

don’t feel like a man. I feel like a

boy. Like a weak, selfish boy.”

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“If the God of heaven has

forgiven me then why in hell

can’t I forgive myself?”

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“Where are you God?”

I used to feel so close to you.”