YVAN Cancer Awareness Seminar in School of Nursing, Mbano Joint Hospital, Imo State

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Supported by: Isiala Mbano

Local Government

Page 2: YVAN Cancer Awareness Seminar in School of Nursing, Mbano Joint Hospital, Imo State


The cancer awareness seminar was set against the backdrop of widespread ignorance and lack of accurate and timely information on breast and cervical cancer – number one & two killer cancers of women. The objective of the seminar was to equip and empower the student nurses – who are potential change agents – with information on breast and cervical cancer which can be used to save lives through the spread of this information. We believe that as future health workers, the information and empowerment given to them during the seminar will bring about a multiplying effect which we hope they can translate into sensitising patients and non-patients who knows little to nothing about cancer. At the end of the seminar, the 150 participants gained better understanding on the current research, discovery, statistics, preventive and early detective measures couple with treatment of breast & cervical cancer. Finally, the participants were charged to be selfless, proactive and self-motivated to work towards tackling the cancer challenges. BACKGROUND:

Each year globally, cancer kills more people than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. Research suggests that one-third of cancer deaths can be avoided through prevention and

another third through early detection and treatment. However, the burden is rising and without action, the poorest countries, those currently least equipped to cope, will witness the largest increases in deaths by 2015. An urgent and immediate call for action is needed. The World Health Organization (WHO) projected that without immediate action the global number of deaths from cancer will increase by nearly 80 per cent by 2030, with most occurring in low- and middle-income countries such as Nigeria. However, millions of cancer deaths around the world could be avoided through proven prevention, early

detection and treatment approaches. If nothing is urgently done in terms of intensified and targeted awareness campaigns and programmes, it is expected that by 2020, cancer incidence for females may rise to 100,000 respectively.

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Essentially, the good news is that about one-third of the cancer burden could be decreased if cases were detected and treated early. Early detection of cancer is based on the observation that treatment is more effective when cancer is detected earlier. SEMINAR ACTIVITIES:

The seminar started in earnest with the opening prayer from Rev. Sister Emmaculate Christabel, a teacher at the School, while Ms. Bolanle Olagbemi; anchor, team leader planning committee and a 2010 Batch “B” National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Member had the honour of introducing the special guests to the high table among whom are; Rev. Sister Ibeh Liguori, the Principal-School of Nursing, Mbano Joint Hospital, Rev. Sister Mary Ikechukwu Amadi, Vice Principal, Hon. Chief (Mrs.) Ruby Emele, Chairman, Isiala Mbano L.G.A who was unavoidably absent, Lady Mrs. C.A. Chieke, Head of Health Department, Isiala Mbano L.G.A, Dr. Umeh Akachukwu, Mbano Joint Hospital, Rev.

Sister Thomas Anyanwu, Mbano Joint Hospital and Mr. Zaid Shopeju, Founder & Executive Director, Youth Vision Alliance Network (YVAN). RESOURCE PERSONS:

There were two (2) resource persons involved in the dissemination of information and empowerment session at the seminar; 1. Dr. Umeh Akachukwu, Mbano Joint Hospital 2. Mr. Zaid Shopeju, Executive Director, Youth Vision Alliance Network (YVAN)


In her opening remarks, Rev. Sister Liguori commended the organisers of the seminar that it came at a time when most youth are restive and involved in unproductive endeavours. She expressed that this was a noble and laudable project that needs to be encouraged. She however, admonishes the students to take advantage of this rare opportunity to learn about breast and cervical cancer as this is the most common cancer among women. She charged the students to strive to be good ambassadors of the nursing profession through their conducts by spreading accurate information that can save lives and help contribute to the development of healthcare for the benefit of mankind.

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The students where asked some Pre – Test questions in order to gauge their level of understanding of breast and cervical cancer. Some of the questions include: what is the major risk factor for cervical cancer? What is the meaning of HPV? Does drinking cause breast cancer? What is the meaning of BSE? What are the symptoms of breast cancer? What is the meaning of UICC? They were also taught a cancer song (with an “amazing grace” tone) partly

composed by Mr. Zaid Shopeju to help the students come to grasp with the phenomenal danger posed by cancer. Cancer Song:

Brothers and Sisters You must know this Guess you have not heard Now you must know CANCER is a KILLER! It is so REAL Wave bye to CANCER Live healthy life Chorus: I am a WINNER I know the TRUTH CANCER is a LOSER Can KILL no MORE! CERVICAL CANCER PRESENTATION:

Mr. Zaid Shopeju in his presentation highlighted the cancer epidemic as a global crisis that kills more people than AIDS, Malaria and tuberculosis combined together according to W.H.O. Fact Sheet Report 2010 and 80% of these death are in developing countries such as Nigeria. He defines cervical cancer as the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. He further stated that cervical cancer is the second most common cancer of women worldwide, trailing behind breast cancer. He decries the low level of awareness as only about 15% of women aged 20 – 65 years had heard about the disease and about 12% of women in Southwest Nigeria had pre-cancerous cervical lesions (Ayinde et al). Additionally, research has shown that cervical cancer is common among women from Calabar, Zaria and Eruwa in Nigeria.

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Mr. Zaid stated that the most important risk factor is infrequent cervical screening or lack of accessible cervical screening service, early age at sexual contact and most importantly Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection. He also mentioned that diet (low in fruits and vegetables, as well as obesity, may increase the risk for cervical cancer), weak immune systems (women living with HIV/AIDS) and smoking (women that smokes) may be predispose to having cervical cancer. He said cervical cancer and cervical pre-cancers usually have no symptoms. That is why it is important to go for periodic VIA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid) or Pap screening tests. A woman usually does not have any symptoms until the cells turn

into cancer and invade the deepest parts of the cervix or other pelvic organs. Some of the signs/symptoms of cervical cancer include abnormal vaginal bleeding, change in menstrual cycle, pain during sex, offensive watery (sometimes blood stained) vaginal discharge, backache, leg pain, bowel changes, weight loss etc. In conclusion, the students were admonished to maintain a positive lifestyle, shun high risk sexual behaviour and avoid exposure to HPV and other STIs through vaccination and abstinence free pre-marital sex, while he encourages them to go for periodic VIA or Pap smear screening test. He however recommended the VIA which is performed using 3 - 5% acetic acid (vinegar) to the cervix. Abnormal tissue will temporarily appear white when exposed to vinegar and viewing the cervix with naked eye to identify colour changes on the cervix. It is low in cost compare to Pap test and sustaining and the test results are available immediately. BREAST CANCER PRESENTATION:

Dr. Umeh Akachukwu in his presentation stated that the biggest predisposing/risk factor for developing breast cancer is being a woman and getting older. He also said other risk factors include but not limited to: age, family history of breast cancer in a close family member on either mother’s of father’s side, onset of menstruation before age 12, onset of menopause after age 50 and not having children or having a first child after age 30 among, one or two alcoholic drinks a day has been shown to slightly increase the risk of breast cancer. The greater the levels consumed, the higher the risk.

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He expressed that the most common signs of breast cancer is a lump or thickening in the breast, change in the size or shape of the breast, discharge from the nipples or change in the colour or feel of the skin of the breast or nipple (dimpled, puckered or scaly; warm, red or swollen). Dr. Umeh said that it is important to note that there may be no warning signs or symptoms. However, nutritious, low-fat diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables can help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. A high-fat diet increases the risk because fat triggers estrogens production that can fuel tumour

growth and Breast Self-Exams (BSE), clinical breast exams and regularly scheduled mammograms are vital in the screening and early detection of the disease. Dr. Umeh concluded his presentation by teaching the students the basic technique of BSE. He said BSE e should carried out 7-10 days from the day one of previous menstrual cycle. QUESTIONS:

The students were given opportunity to ask questions for clarification on both the breast and cervical cancer presentations. The quality of questions asked shows the high level of the students comprehension of the subject matters and was also encouraging, as it made clear that they are fully sensitised on the fact, myths and true nature of breast and cervical cancer. CANCER DRAMA:

The members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Isiala Mbano LGA, Imo State presented a drama to give cancer a human face. The drama centred on character of a fat lady who was nonchalant about her eating habit, exposure to second-hand smoke & sunlit and daily lifestyle. She believes that being fat is a sign of healthy lifestyle. She was joined in the notion by her two other friends, however, one of ladies discovered that she has lump in her breast and was afraid to go for a comprehensive test at the hospital. The drama ended when a

friend who is a medical student came on the scene and enlighten them about breast and cervical cancer and encouraged them to go for periodic checkups at the hospital to know

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their cancer status, which is the prerequisite of prevention against breast and cervical cancer. CANCER QUIZ COMPETITION: The students were divided into five (5) different groups: HPV Group, BSE Group, VIA Group, UICC Group and YVAN Group; with two (2) representatives from each group. Mr. David Samuel (NYSC corps member) presided over the competition. The quiz was highly competitive as each group tries to outdo the others. The questions were focused on the two (2) presentations on breast and cervical cancer. Eventually, VAI Group emerged the overall winner after scoring more marks than the others. CLOSING REMARKS:

Rev. Sister Mary Ikechukwu Amadi, the Vice Principal in her closing remark expressed delight and appreciation for this great platform of learning and empowerment for the students. She said the facilitators and the organisers have given breast and cervical cancer a new human perspective and have shown that it is imperative for the students to spread the message to others. She stated that it is sufficiently clear that cancer can be prevented, treated and even cured if detected early. The representative of the Head of Health Department, Isiala Mbano LGA stated that truly cancer is a deathly epidemic that needs everyone’s

involvement to stop it. The involvement must be holistic starting from the National to the grassroots levels. He further said initiative like this needs to be supported and people need to be enlighten from time to time. He concluded by thanking the NYSC members present and the Youth Vision Alliance Network (YVAN) for their service towards helping humanity. Mr. Femi Olugbesan, NYSC Corps Liaison Officer (CLO) Isiala Mbano LGA, thanks the school authority and the corps members for their support in making the seminar a successful one. He hopes that corps members will take a cue from the seminar and continue fighting against the spread of breast and cervical cancer.

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Mr. Zaid Shopeju in his closing remarks charged the students to think globally and act locally; saying the youth are the most viable tools for causing social change. He said beyond the seminar the student should start spreading the cancer message to the hinterland of Imo state and beyond. He said all the students will be added to YVAN’s network and promised to render technical assistance towards implementing change projects. Finally, he encouraged the students to please login to www.uicc.org/declalration to sign the World Cancer Declaration as a sign of personal commitment to eliminate cancer as a life-threatening disease.

VOTE OF THANKS: The Student Union President gave a vote of thanks on behalf of her colleagues, stating that through and true, the danger posed by breast and cervical cancer cannot be overemphasised. She said through this seminar the students now know the magnitude of the epidemic and are ready to act in bringing the knowledge to and sensitising the local people on how they can protect themselves against it and prevent the spread. She expressed gratitude to the school authority and YVAN for the empowerment seminar. CLOSING PRAYER: The seminar came to an end with closing prayer from a 300 level student of the school. SPECIAL THANKS: We wish to express profound gratitude to Cadbury Nigeria Plc and ME CURE HealthCare Ltd for their continued support in our fight against cancer. We also wish to thank the of Chairman Isiala Mbano LGA Imo State, the authority of School of Nursing - Mbano Joint Hospital, H.O.D Health Isiala Mbano LGA, Dr. Umeh Akachukwu and all the NYSC Corps Members in Isiala Mbano LGA Imo State. Special thanks to Dr. Yusuf Oshodi for his technical support and fatherly guidance. Website: www.youthvan.org Email: [email protected] , [email protected] Phone no: 2347082939714, 2348139427868, 23435552306