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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



Subject Page

Art 2

Applied Business 4

Business 5

Citizenship 6

Computer Science 7

Dance 8

Drama 9

Economics 10

English 11

Food 13

Geography 14

History 15

ICT 16

Leisure and Tourism 17

Mathematics 18

Media 19

Modern Foreign Languages 20

Music 21

PE 22

Philosophy and Ethics 23

Product Design 24

Science 25

Sociology 27

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013




Y10 Subject Content

Students study for the AQA GCSE qualification. At Key Stage 4 students develop their understanding of the formal elements and produce a project based on a theme that they have chosen from a list provided by class teachers. Students complete unit 1 in year 10, and a mock exam which turns into unit 2 for Year 11. These 2 units form the basis of coursework for students (which is continued into in Year 11 and forms 60% of the final grade). The exam takes place at the end of Year 11 and is 40% of the final grade.

Award Content % Coursework: 60% % Examination: 40% Length of Exam: 10 hours,

Dates of Controlled Assessments

Mock exam – 10 week preparatory time Exam dates 5th & 6th of June. Exam is 10 hours in total.

November Entry? N/A

Equipment Needed Students will be given worksheets at the start of the course that outline all expectations and include assessment objectives, help sheets and expectations. These can be found on the shared area in school and are given out during lessons in the form of placemats. Students should have a set of drawing pencils, colouring pencils and basic equipment such as a sharpener, eraser, and ruler.

Additional Resources Students should aim to invest in a basic set of oil pastels, watercolours and acrylics so that independent study can be carried out as homework. A memory stick is also helpful for saving work and transferring information and images between home and school.

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Students have the opportunity to stay in Art at lunchtimes and after school for 1 hour everyday which we encourage. Parents can support their daughters by ensuring that a minimum of 2 hours of Art homework is completed. This will not always be set by the teacher and should be independent study as class homework tasks may not always be appropriate. Students are tracked in their lessons to a red/ green and amber process to show which work they have completed and what they are still outstanding. Parents can ask to see copies of students tracking to ensure that they are up to date and working at the expected level. Helping students learn the formal elements and definitions of each so that they know and understand how to apply them in their work. (Line/ Tone/ Colour/ Texture/ Shape/ Form/ Pattern/ Composition/ Scale) “A fresh eye” by helping students with the formal elements in their drawings. Help with writing about artists in the students own words – their thoughts and opinions rather than facts about the artist. How to use the artists style in their own projects. Helping students to evaluate their own work using specialist language and how to develop. Ensuring that the necessary time is spent on drawing tasks. Taking students to Art exhibitions and seeing practising artists.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013


Additional Information - Art

A01 – Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding. (20 Marks – 25%)

Study the work of artists/photographers for techniques composition, colour, shape etc. and apply this in your own work. Evaluating your own work; the idea; the media; the composition; the technique and the influence of artists and photographers. Effectively using specialist vocabulary. Evaluating the successes and failures of your work, identifying opportunities for to improve your own work.

A02 – Refine their ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes. (20 Marks – 25%)

Completing a visual brainstorm. Drawing ideas in a variety of combinations. Showing a range of ideas. Developing design ideas; layout, colour and medium.

A03 – Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms. (20 Marks – 25%)

Drawing from observation. Collecting relevant pictures. Taking your own photographs. Collecting magazine images. Visiting art galleries and libraries. Use of the Internet.

A04 – Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements. (20 Marks – 25%)

Developing an imaginative response. Taking the best design ideas forward for your final piece. Ability to develop a response that meets the specified exam question.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



GCSE Applied Business Studies

Y10 Subject Content

We are studying the OCR course where, through the study of business, students are encouraged to develop as effective and independent students and as critical and reflective thinkers who use their minds to explore the changing world of business. The majority of this course is based on producing a strong coursework portfolio. Students study two Units:

Unit 1: Business in action

Unit 2: Making your mark in business

Award Content 60% Coursework: 40 % Examination: Length of Exam: 1 hour 30 minutes

Dates of Controlled Assessments

In Years 9 and 10 of the course

November Entry? Not applicable

Equipment Needed A good quality calculator

Additional Resources Not applicable

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Please encourage your daughter to complete all research tasks set, read good quality newspapers, watch the daily news programmes and use the internet to visit sites like the BBC Bitesize, Tutor2u and Bized.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



GCSE Business

Y10 Subject Content

We are studying the Edexcel course where, through the study of business and economics, students are encouraged to develop as effective and independent students and as critical and reflective thinkers who use their minds to explore the changing world of business. Students study three Units:

Unit 1; Introduction to Small Business

Unit 2: Investigating Small Business

Unit 3: Building a Business

Award Content 25% Coursework 75 % Examination Length of Exam: 1 hour 30 minutes

Dates of Controlled Assessments

In Year 10 of the course

November Entry? Not applicable

Equipment Needed A good quality calculator

Additional Resources Not applicable

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Please encourage your daughter to read good quality newspapers, watch the daily news programmes and use the internet to visit sites like the BBC Bitesize, Tutor2u and Bized.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



GCSE Citizenship

Y10 Subject Content

Students follow the Edexcel Citizenship Studies course. The course includes topics such as: Government and politics, The Role of the EU, Commonwealth and the UN, The Media and Advertising, Democracy, Justice and the Rule of Law, Identity & Diversity.

Award Content 60% Coursework: Unit 2 = 30% (students complete this piece in Year 10 Spring Term) Unit 4 = 30% (students complete this piece in Year 11 Autumn Term) 40% Examination: Unit 1 = 20% - 1 hour Unit 3 = 20% - 1 hour 15 minutes (Students complete these exams in Year 11 Summer Term)

Dates of Controlled Assessments


November Entry? N/A

Equipment Needed Evidence of campaign and notes

Additional Resources COLLINS Citizenship Today textbook – Jenny Wales (desirable not essential)

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Parents can support their daughter by ensuring all campaign evidence has been collated in preparation for the write up.

Additional Information Students must not miss coursework deadlines.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



GCSE Computer Science

Y10 Subject Content

The Year 10 Computer Science curriculum gives students the grounding in the theoretical concepts and practical programming skills to successfully perform in their Year 11 written theory examination and controlled assessment programming coursework tasks.

Unit 1: Computing fundamentals

In preparation for the 90 minute written examination students sit in year 11 worth 40% of the qualification, students learn:

Computer structure covering the systems, hardware, CPU (Central Processing Unit), memory and secondary storage used to create a modern computer system. Your daughter will get to delve inside a computer and gain a thorough understanding of what makes a computer tick, from the inside out.

How computers are networked - from a small scale setup in your home using a networked device such as a printer to the interconnect World Wide Web. Your daughter will understand how your set top box returns your video on demand, what is required to facilitate these computer systems we take for granted.

To evaluate the impact of and issues related to the use of computer technology in society, for example security services monitoring of computer traffic.

Software development life cycle, from the client requirements to the delivery of a working solution, covering every step in between and what it takes to project manage a successful solution

Unit 2: Practical Programming

To prepare students for the two practical controlled assessment tasks set by the examination board each worth 30% of the qualification, students learn to:

Break down problems and solve them using the programming language Python

Understand a range of common algorithms used in programming and be able to apply them to solve a specific task that will involve developing traditional PC-based programs and computer games

Be able to analyse and debug programming code, making refinements to make the code more efficient and reliable

Equipment Needed Students would benefit from having their own USB storage pen (minimum 2GB)

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Encourage your daughter to attend the programming skills clinics after school, where further exploration and practise in applying your daughter’s knowledge to help accelerate her progress and confidence in using the programming tools effectively. Students should also join the online Code Academy to practise their coding skills at home and take part in national challenges with other students around country. http://www.codecademy.com/tracks/python

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



GCSE Dance

Y10 Subject Content

Students will participate in a variety of tasks that will prepare them for their final practical examination in Year 11.

Unit 1 – Theory work linked to two professional works. Students will be given revision packs and practise questions to help them prepare for the written examination.

Unit 2 – Set Dance focusing on performance for examination.

Unit 3 – Performance in a Duo or Group. Students will work in groups to create choreography based on a professional dance. Students will then concentrating on developing their performance skills for this dance. This dance will be 3 minutes long.

Unit 4a – Solo Choreography. Students will watch a professional dance and take three key movements from that dance. They will use this to create a solo dance which lasts 1 minute 30 seconds.

Unit 4b - Own Choreography. Students will create a piece of dance on their own. Students will select a theme from a list devised by the department. Students will need to structure the dance and find appropriate music for their dance. Students are required to include motifs which are key movements that explain what each section of the dance is about. The dance can either be a solo which must last for two minutes or a group which must last for 3 minutes.

Award Content 80% Practical examination

20% Written Examination - 1 hour

Dates of Controlled Assessments

Letters will be sent homework stating the dates of external examinations when these have been agreed with the exam board.

These will all take place in Year 11 but mock assessments will take place in Year 10. It is essential that students are present for all mock assessments as these are videoed in case any student is injured in Y11.

All mock assessment dates will be written in the students’ planner.

November Entry? N/A

Equipment Needed Correct kit, music for Unit 4b Own Choreography.

Additional Resources Students will be required to find appropriate music for their Unit 4b their own choreography.

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Ensure that your daughter attends all lessons and participates to the best of their ability so they are fully prepared for assessments. This is essential for group work as missing a lesson effects the whole group that your daughter is working with. Encourage your daughter to attend the extracurricular classes that are being offered. These have been put into place to support students.

Ensure that your daughter is fully prepared for all assessments and has correct kit at all times.

Additional Information Students will be required to attend extra rehearsals at breakfast clubs, lunch time and after school sessions.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



GCSE Drama

Y10 Subject Content

Students work towards the Edexcel GCSE in Drama qualification.

They will undertake Unit 2 in which they practically explore a challenging and thought-provoking play text through the medium of drama and in 6 assessed workshops under controlled conditions. Students write a no more than 2000 word documentary response to support, analyse, and review their practical exploration.

Students are expected to commit to rehearsals outside of scheduled lesson times however all documentary evidence must be completed under controlled conditions i.e. within lesson times and only with the drama teacher.

Homework tasks can take a variety of forms including reading, research, observation, and evaluation. We recommend that students spend up to an hour on homework and refer to their homework brief so that they know what is expected to be handed in.

Students should aim to attend theatre trips and workshops outside of school where possible to support their practical and critical development.

Unit 1: Drama Exploration: 30% Unit 2: Exploring Play Texts: 30% Unit 3: Drama Performance: 40%

Award Content 60% Coursework: Unit 1 and Unit 2 40% Examination: Unit 3 Length of Exam: This is a performance of 15 - 45 minutes which is assessed by an external moderator in Year 11

Dates of Controlled Assessments

Ongoing assessment – a letter with key dates will be distributed before workshops are commenced.

November Entry? N/A

Equipment Needed A pen. Students are provided with a Drama exercise book

Additional Resources Relevant reading:

Edexcel GCSE Drama: Student Book by Mike Gould and Melissa Jones (Edexcel; 2009) GCSE Bitesize Drama by Andy Kempe (BBC Active; 2006) The Student Handbook for Drama by Brian McGuire (Pearson Publishing; 1998) http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/drama/

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Take on trips to experience live theatre.

Encourage participation in the extra-curricular drama activities.

Encourage reading of play texts.

Ask to see Drama exercise book and encourage creative and accurate work.

Additional Information All students are expected to make a commitment to rehearse outside of lesson times. They are also required to participate in theatre visits during the course.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



GCSE Economics

Y10 Subject Content

We are studying the OCR course where, through the study economics, students are encouraged to examine economic activity in the UK and develop an independent approach to analysing world events. Students develop into critical and reflective thinkers, who examine how competitive markets work. Students study three Units: Unit 1: How the Market Works Unit 2: How the Economy works Unit 3: The UK Economy and Globalisation

Award Content 0% Coursework: 100 % Examination: Length of Exam: 1 hour 30 minutes

Dates of Controlled Assessments

Not applicable

November Entry? Not applicable

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Please encourage your daughter to read good quality newspapers, watch the daily news programmes and use the internet to visit sites like Tutor2u and Bized.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013


Subject: English Language

English Literature

Y10 Subject Content

Writing coursework for English Language iGCSE; these will be completed in Year 10. Students will do more than the three minimum, allowing them to choose their best pieces for their coursework portfolio.

Three pieces of written work, which are not done under controlled conditions:

Writing to inform, analyse or argue

Imaginative, descriptive or narrative writing

Writing to respond to a literary non-fiction text

In addition, we will practice examination skills for the following exams:

English First Language iGCSE Reading Examination: 1 paper (2 hours)

Three questions on two passages of literary non-fiction:

Qn 1: directed writing

Qn 2: writers’ effects

Qn 3: summarising different aspects of the two passages

English First Language iGCSE Speaking & Listening Exam (10 minutes)

3 minute individual talk to the teacher

7 minute conversation on the same topic with the teacher (both recorded)

In Year 11:

Controlled Assessment for English Literature

Shakespeare and the English literary heritage

English Literature GCSE Examination: 2 papers

Unit 1: Exploring Modern Texts (1 hour 30 minutes)

Two questions, one on “Of Mice and Men” and one on an anthology of short stories supplied by AQA

Unit 2: Poetry Across Time (1 hour 15 minutes)

One question on a cluster of poems from the AQA Anthology and one on an unseen poem

Course Books and Equipment

AQA Anthologies: “Moon on the Tides” and “Sunlight on the Grass”

Range of novels including “Of Mice and Men”

Planner, pens, pencils, English book, folder, eraser, ruler

The exam boards’ websites hold a wealth of further information – www.aqa.org.uk and www.cie.org.uk

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013


Award Content For English Language: % Coursework: 40 % Examination: 60 – 40% for the Reading paper and 20% for the Speaking & Listening exam. Length of Exam: 2 hours 10 minutes

For English Literature: % Coursework: 40 % Examination: 60 Length of exams: 1 hour 30 minutes and 1 hour 15 minutes

Dates of Controlled Assessments

There is one controlled assessment to do for Literature which will be done in Year 11 with the rest of the Literature GCSE. Some of the short stories may be covered initially in Year 10 and revised in Year 11.

November Entry? In Year 11 for English Language. This may change, depending on the Secretary of State for Education.

Equipment Needed Writing materials, a dictionary

Additional Resources Any revision guides for the Literature texts you may feel are necessary. There are several available.

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Take an active interest in the coursework assignments; they are on interesting topics! Help with grammar, spelling and punctuation where possible. Encourage daily private reading. Ensure that homework is done on time.

Additional Information These timings and arrangements may change in the light of further announcements from the DfE. We may enter some students for both the writing and the treading papers (using the Writing Paper (a further 2 hours of exam, worth 40%) rather than the coursework, depending on our analysis of Year 11’s results and your daughter’s performance in both coursework and mock exams.

We would urge you to keep an eye on any public announcements in the media to do with English GCSEs.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



GCSE Food Technology

Y10 Subject Content

Students learn and extend their food preparation skills and study the organisation of the Catering Industry. During Year 10 students complete 20% of their GCSE controlled assessment.

Award Content % Coursework: 60% % Examination: 40% Length of Exam: Written GCSE exam 1 hour 30 minutes 45 hours of controlled assessment

Dates of Controlled Assessments

Task 1 controlled assessment Spring term in Year 10, 20% GCSE Task 2 controlled assessment Autumn term in Year 11, 40% GCSE

November Entry? No

Equipment Needed Ingredients to practise recipes and exams

Additional Resources Crockery and cooking utensils, if making specialist recipes

‘Chef’s whites’ to be worn during practical lessons

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Support the organisation of practical work by providing ingredients

Additional Information Inform Mrs Cassell if assistance is needed with ingredients.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



GCSE Geography

Y10 Subject Content

Your daughter has already studied Hazards (Year 9) and most of Coasts (Year 10). She is in the process of doing her Controlled Assessment Task 1: Local investigation including fieldwork. This is linked to the Hastings trip that she attended in September. This year your daughter will complete the Coast unit and the Controlled Assessment 1. She will be retested on Hazards and Coasts. In the Summer term we will start the Urbanisation Unit.

Award Content % Coursework: 25%. Local investigation including fieldwork (15% of the full GCSE) and Geographical issue investigation (10% of the full GCSE) Your daughter will complete Controlled Assessment 2 in Year 11. % Examination: 75% (37.5% per paper) Paper 1: Coasts and Urbanisation. Paper 2: Hazards and Globalisation of Industry.

Length of Exams: 1 hour 30 minutes

Dates of Controlled Assessments

Your daughter is currently completing her Controlled Assessment 1. The due date for completion is January 2014. She will be given more specific details closer to the time. All work is done in class under teacher supervision.

November Entry? No

Equipment Needed Pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, colouring pencils, scissors, calculator and glue.

Additional Resources Your daughter needs a file for her class notes and she was issued with a textbook at the beginning of Year 9 that she is using this year and will use next year too.

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Geography is all around us! A large part of Geography requires students to give case study information relating to the different processes that we learn. Keeping up with current affairs is vital and will help to develop her knowledge bank. Having an atlas in your home and ‘exploring’ it on a regular basis will help to develop place skills and a sense of wonder. It also helps to ask your daughter to explain what she has been learning in lessons. Check her homework, encourage the accurate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar. Provide a quiet area conducive to study in order for her to do homework and more importantly revise for tests and exams. Check that she is being organised about equipment and meeting homework deadlines. Discuss your daughter target grade with her and ask her how she is making progress towards her target.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



GCSE History

Y10 Subject Content

In Year 10, students complete the second half of their unit of work on Medicine Through Time. This traces the development of medicine from the Renaissance to the modern day and includes a detailed study of the development of germ theory, the progress made in surgery and the improvement of public health in industrial Britain. Following this, students undertake a unit of work on modern Northern Irish history in preparation for their controlled assessment. In this topic, students will investigate the long-term historical causes of the division of Ireland, the causes and development of the modern troubles in Northern Ireland and the course and progress of the peace process.

Award Content % Coursework: 25% % Examination: 75% Length of Exam: Paper 1 - 2 hours; Paper 2 – 1 hour 30 minutes

Dates of Controlled Assessments

Controlled Assessment will take place in the Summer term 2014

November Entry? No

Equipment Needed Pen, pencil, ruler, rubber & highlighter pens

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Read the information provided in your daughter’s History folder, which outlines the structure of her course in greater depth and explains how her work is marked. Encourage & monitor your daughter’s revision, using the tailor-made revision materials available on Mr. Godman’s website. (www.mrgodman.co.uk) Discuss your daughter’s classwork with her and ask her to explain to you what she has learnt in her History lessons. Discuss your daughter’s feedback with her. Ask her what she needs to do to improve and help her to make corrections to her work where necessary. Encourage your daughter to watch quality historical documentaries on television, particularly where they are related to the material she is covering in class. Encourage your daughter to read historical materials outside class. These might include both fiction and non-fiction books which interest her or are related to the periods of history which she is studying in class.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013




Award in Digital Applications (AiDA equivalent to one GCSE) Level 1 (Grades C-G) and Level 2 (Grades A* - C)

Y10 Subject Content

The Year 10 ICT curriculum gives students the grounding in the theoretical concepts and practical software application skills to successfully perform in the Year 11 written theory examination and the controlled assessment practical coursework task.

Unit 1: Living in a Digital World

In preparation for the 90 minute written examination in Year 11 worth 40% of the qualification, students learn:

The range of personal digital devices that are available to individuals that impact on the way organisations work and the rapid developments in the features, functionality and potential uses of digital devices

The ways in which personal digital devices exchange data and communicate with each other and with the larger systems supporting online organisations

How organisations and individuals operate safely online and protect themselves from risk

The range of online services and investigate their impact on individuals, organisations and society

Unit 2: Using Digital Tools

To prepare students for the practical controlled assessment task set by the examination board worth 60% of the qualification, practical lessons focus on:-

Broadening and enhancing students ICT skills and capability in a range of software applications (database, spreadsheet, web authoring, graphic editing and other multimedia software).

Working with a range of digital tools and techniques to produce effective ICT solutions in a range of contexts

Learning to reflect critically on their own and others’ use of ICT

Equipment Needed Students would benefit from having a USB storage pen (minimum 2GB)

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Encourage your daughter to:

Attend the software skills clinics after lessons to develop her confidence in using the features in software applications she is less familiar with to solve problems independently and to prepare for the controlled assessment task

Use the knowledge check and practise tests in the course text book

Use the tests in the interactive teaching resources in the ICT suites to reinforce understanding of technical vocabulary

Discuss her use of ICT and encourage her to learn more about new technology and its uses in the world of work, entertainment and learning.

Read news articles and watch video clips about ICT. http://www.teach-ict.com/newstopics.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006m9ry/clips

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



GCSE Leisure and Tourism

Y10 Subject Content

Students study for 2 years to gain the GCSE in Leisure and Tourism and are required to complete two units: Unit 1 and 2.

Within these unit students will explore the different types of leisure and tourism organisations in the UK, their facilities and the products/services they offer. The course will also introduce students to the business operations of leisure and tourism organisations, including the main functional areas, aims and objectives, sales and marketing and rapid pace of change.

The GCSE Leisure and Tourism allows students to identify different selling situations, promotional techniques and materials in leisure and tourism contexts, and evaluate the effectiveness. There will also be the opportunity to research the impact of new technology and business systems on the operations of leisure and tourism organisations.

Award Content % Coursework: 60% (controlled assessment) % Examination: 40% Length of Exam: 1 hour

Exam and Controlled Assessments

Unit 2: Sales, Promotion and Operations in Leisure and Tourism (April 2014)

There is one controlled assessment for this qualification, this means that students are not able to work on or complete their coursework at home. This element of the qualification focuses on encouraging students to research and investigate the content of Unit 2, and to apply this to real organisations from key components of the leisure and tourism industry.

Unit 1 The Leisure and Tourism Industry

Students are required to complete a 1 hour exam at the end of Year 11 this will count as 40% of their overall GCSE grade.

November Entry? N/A

Equipment Needed Students will need access to a PC in order to use the Vision2Learn site for research and revision.

Additional Resources Students may need to arrange visits to specific organisations and arrange interviews in order to aid their controlled assessment

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Parents can support their daughters by ensuring that a minimum of 2 hours of Leisure and Tourism research and revision is carried out using the Vision2Learning platform. This will not always be set by the teacher and should be independent study as class homework tasks may not always be appropriate.

Supporting students to ensure that they are on track and working towards meeting or exceeding their target grade – this can be done by ensuring that all homework tasks are complete and providing opportunities for their daughter to research specific organisations in the Leisure and Tourism industry.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



GCSE Mathematics

Y10 Subject Content

Students work in ability sets learning the 4 key areas of





Students will be working at any GCSE grade up to A* depending on their Maths set.

Award Content % Coursework: 0 % Examination: 100 Length of Exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

Dates of Controlled Assessments


November Entry? Possible for selected students only

Equipment Needed Calculator (scientific if they are in sets 1-3), ruler, pens, pencils, protractor, compass, rubber and sharpener

Additional Resources GCSE Revision guide for Edexcel

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Check they are doing their homework Ask to see their Maths books and discuss what their daughter is studying in Maths lessons. Be positive about Maths at home

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



GCSE Media Studies

Y10 Subject Content

Autumn Term: Unit One – Newspaper and Website Homepage projects.

Spring Term: Unit Two – Cross Media Case Study: Film Promotion.

Summer Term: Exam Preparation – Television News

Award Content Coursework: 60%

Examination: 40%

Length of Exam: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Dates of Controlled Assessments


November Entry? NA

Equipment Needed Computer, Microsoft Office including Word and PowerPoint. Digital camera and Adobe Photoshop/Photoshop Elements desirable although not essential.

Additional Resources NA

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Check Homework has been completed.

Proof read written work.

Encourage daughters to watch the news, take an interest in current affairs, read broadsheet newspapers/use broadsheet newspaper websites.

Encourage daughters to re-draft written and practical work.

Assist daughters in structuring homework/revision time.

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GCSE French / German / Spanish

Y10 Subject Content

The GCSE examination course is very much a continuation of the Key Stage 3 National Curriculum course, and students will revise and build up the vocabulary and grammar learned in the topic Areas of Experience studied in Years 7-9.

The topic areas are as follows:

Media and culture

Sport and Leisure

Travel and Tourism

Business, work and employment

Students use the textbook endorsed by Edexcel and complete various exercises to acquire new vocabulary and grammar and practise the four skills of Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking.

Award Content Students complete two written controlled assessments and two spoken controlled assessment which are worth 60% of the GCSE. The reading and listening exams count for 40%, see below.

Dates of Controlled Assessments

Speaking Assessment w/c 16th June 2014* Writing Assessments: Your daughter’s Language teacher will allocate a time period.

November Entry? N/A

Equipment Needed A bilingual pocketsize dictionary is a useful tool.

Additional Resources Your daughter can work from the many websites available to GCSE students online. We subscribe to Linguascope, an excellent resource for all Language students. Your daughter will be issued with the log in details.

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Encourage your daughter to constantly review her work. She will also have been offered support sessions to help with exam preparation and for controlled assessments. Ensure that she takes up every opportunity. Your daughter is normally given 20 words to learn and a written piece of homework a fortnight. The written homework is a very important as often parts of it are used for controlled assessments.

Skill Mode of assessment Percentage Length of Exam

Writing 3-6 controlled assessments – (best 2 submitted)

30% (15% per task)


Speaking 2-4 controlled assessments - (best 2 submitted)

30% (15% per task)


Listening Exam 20 % Higher:35 minutes (+5 minutes reading time)

Foundation:25 minutes (+5 minutes reading time)

Reading Exam 20 % Higher: 50 minutes Foundation: 35 minutes

*This is subject to change according to examination time issues

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013




Y10 Subject Content

Listening Performing Composing

Award Content % Coursework: 60% % Examination: 40% Length of Exam: 1 hour 30 minutes

Dates of Controlled Assessments

One performance at the end of each term. Composition 1 – June 2014 Composition 2 – March 2015

November Entry? No

Equipment Needed Keyboard

Additional Resources If possible – access to music software on computer.

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Check that coursework is up to date. Listen to performances regularly at home.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



Core PE

Y10 Subject Content

Students participate once a week in core PE lessons. They can choose which activity they wish to participate in from a variety of options including: Swimming, Basketball, Fitness, Netball, Trampolining and Badminton.

Award Content N/A

Equipment Needed Full and correct PE Kit

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Encourage attendance to extracurricular activities. Encourage students to read sports article and keep up-to-date with sporting issues in the news.

Additional Information For those participating in offsite PE consent forms will need to be signed and handed in to the PE department



Y10 Subject Content

The course is a mixture of practical and theory lessons. In a 2 week cycle you will have 2 practical and 3 theory lessons. After each theory lesson you will be set homework which often involves going to the library to research topics, revising for end of unit exams, completing worksheets/answering questions, etc. Practical units covered include: Netball, Basketball, Trampolining, Rounders, Athletics, Fitness, Personal Survival and coaching. In theory lessons topics covered in Year 10 include; The Cardiovascular system, The respiratory system and their coursework unit.

Award Content % Coursework: 60 % Examination: 40 Length of Exam: 90 minutes

Equipment Needed Full and correct PE Kit Exercise book (provided)

Additional Resources Whistle for coaching Log book

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Encourage attendance to extracurricular activities. Ensure their daughters are completing homework and that personal study is taking place. Encourage participation in sport outside of school. Encourage students to read sports article and keep up-to-date with sporting issues in the news.

Additional Information To improve on your practical skills it will be expected of you to attend clubs, both at lunch times and after school. You will also be advised to attend out of school clubs within the community. To improve your knowledge of officiating in various sports you may also be asked to help run lower school clubs. This subject requires commitment from students to give up a lot of free time.

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GCSE Philosophy and Ethics (Religious Studies)

Y10 Subject Content

The course consists of two papers: Religion & Life and Religion & Society. Students study moral, philosophical, religious and social issues such as, the problem of evil and suffering, what science and religion has to say about the origins of the world, euthanasia and why wars occur. Students are expected to articulate reasons for their views on these topics.

Award Content There is no coursework 100% Examination Length of Exam: Two exams, 1 hour 30 minutes each

Dates of Controlled Assessments


November Entry? N/A

Equipment Needed N/A

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Please encourage your daughter to complete all homework to the best of her ability. It would be useful for your daughter to be aware of discussions on moral, philosophical, religious and ethical significant that are presented in the media.

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GCSE Product Design

Y10 Subject Content

Students will complete 3 design and make tasks to support subject learning. During the Autumn term students will study the 6R’s, globalisation, sustainability and the responsibilities of the designer. A mock controlled assessment will be given in the Spring term in preparation for Year 11 work. Students will study design development and presentation, including first and third angle projection. During the Summer term students will gain a greater understanding of methods of production and the use of industrial machinery. Students will look at the influences of design and the needs of different user groups when designing products.

Award Content 60% Coursework: One piece of timed controlled coursework of 30 hours 40% Examination: Length of Exam: 2 hours

Dates of Controlled Assessments

Controlled assessment will take place in the Autumn/Spring terms of Year 11. This is a requirement set by the exam board. The controlled assessment question cannot be released to students before September 2014. Students will be set summer homework which could be used to support coursework. Homework tasks will be set to support controlled assessment tasks. In order to attain target grades it is essential that students fully complete all tasks set on time.

November Entry? No

Equipment Needed Range of drawing materials including 2B and 2H pencils. Students may occasionally wish to purchase additional materials to enhance project/coursework. For example some current Year 11 students have chosen to purchase some silver wire and sheet to enhance their coursework.

Additional Resources CGP GCSE D&T Product Design Revision Guide and CGP GCSE D&T Product Design Answer booklet are useful revision aids.

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Continue to question how products have been constructed; how products can be improved. Visit exhibitions and museums to look at work of artists/designers and how products have evolved over time with the use of new materials and technologies.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



GCSE Core Science

Y10 Subject Content

Module 1 has been completed and Module 2 is well under way. In module 2 they will study:

Biology – Understanding our Environment

Chemistry – Chemical Resources

Physics – Living for the Future

Award Content The Core GCSE is made up of:

% Coursework: 25 % Examination: 75 - two exams in the Summer of 2014.

Length of Exam: Module 1 – 1 hour 15 minutes Module 2 – 1 hour 30 minutes

Dates of Controlled Assessments

To be completed sometime in the first half term after Christmas. Topic to be chosen and arranged by teachers.

November Entry? No

Equipment Needed Black pen, pencil, long ruler, rubber, calculator

Additional Resources Revision guides and text books are available to purchase via the Science department.

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Make a note of key dates, encourage them to attend revision sessions, ask to see their homework.

Additional Information After the 2014 Summer exams the students will move onto the Additional Science GCSE with 2 more exams in 2015 and a controlled assessment. There are 3 classes not doing any exams in Year 10 as they have only just switched to GCSE Science, they will take the 2 core exams in the summer of 2015.

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013



GCSE Triple Science

Y10 Subject Content

Module 1 and 2 have been completed and Module 3 is almost finished. By the end of Year 10 they will have completed module 4 as well. In module 4 they will study:

Biology – It’s a Green World

Chemistry – The Periodic Table

Physics – Radiation for Life

Award Content Each subject has:

% Coursework: 25 % Examination: 75 - 2 exams for each subject

Length of Exams: Module 1, 2 and 3 exam – 1 hour 15 minutes Module 4, 5 and 6 exam – 1 hour 30 minutes

Dates of Controlled Assessments

To be completed sometime in the Spring term, one for each subject. Topic to be chosen and arranged by teachers.

November Entry? No

Equipment Needed Black pen, pencil, long ruler, rubber, calculator

Additional Resources Revision guides and text books are available to purchase via the Science department.

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Make a note of key dates, encourage them to attend revision sessions, ask to see their homework.

Additional Information 6 exams in total, all in the Summer of 2015

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GCSE Sociology

Y10 Subject Content

Students will work through three topics within the Sociology GCSE course; Social Inequality, Mass Media and Studying Society (methodological study). In these units they will investigate the impact various types of inequality has on different groups within society. They will look at the idea that Britain is a meritocracy and aim to understand the debate surrounding this idea. In the Mass Media unit students will study various models created to show how the audience reacts to the media in our society and the impact technological changes is having on how we communicate. The final section is to look at how sociologists find out their information by analysing and evaluating different methods.

Award Content % Coursework: There is no coursework option in this course. % Examination: Mock exam at the end of Year 10 Length of Exam: 1 hour 30 minutes

Dates of Controlled Assessments


November Entry? N/A

Equipment Needed Students are required to bring their folder to every lesson.

Additional Resources Students should be watching the news regularly and be aware of current affairs as extra credit is awarded to students who can make links with their unit of study to current issues.

How parents can support their daughter in Year 10

Parents can support their daughters through motivating them to read their folder of notes regularly and help them learn their keywords by perhaps testing them. To achieve the top grades it is imperative to use key sociological words within exam answers. Students will be required to complete past papers for homework and so should be doing at least an hour a week on Sociology homework. One of the best ways to learn content is to talk about them and so try to encourage your daughter to discuss areas of study and perhaps debate societal issues with her.

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Keeping your child eSafe

TOP TIPS FOR PARENTS 1. Set up an account for each user on your PC at home and only give yourself administrator access. This will allow you to keep control of the settings and the installation of software. Each user account can be password protected. You can do this in the ‘Control Panel’. 2. Add a screen saver protected by a password to your account so that if you leave the PC for 5 minutes you will have to enter your password. You can do this in the ‘Control Panel’. 3. Encourage your family to use technology in a public part of the house, and not in the bedroom, where it’s easier to monitor what your children are doing. This applies not just to PCs but also to laptops and games consoles. If a predator sees a living room/kitchen in the background on the webcam rather than a child’s bedroom, they will be less likely to embark on attempting to groom your child. 4. Remember that many games consoles come with family settings. For example if you want to disable or limit ‘Xbox Live’ on the Xbox 360 you can do so by going to ‘Settings, Parental controls’. There is also the option to add a mask to voices so that a youngster’s voice sounds like that of an adult or even a robot. See the ‘Online Gaming and Games Consoles’ section for further information. 5. Encourage your child not to open emails from unfamiliar email addresses and to avoid opening suspicious attachments. As far as possible you should encourage your child to use the school’s email system and Learning Platform as this provides a safer environment. 6. Set your favourite search engine to do ‘safe searches’. This will make sure that a search returns content suitable for all ages. For example, to set Google to do safe searches click on search settings on the homepage and then ensure that moderate or strict filtering is enabled. 7. Tell children not to give out their personal details whilst online. If they want to subscribe to any online services or websites make up a family email address to receive the mail. 8. The internet is a great resource for homework, but remember to use more than one site in research to get broad, balanced information and always reference your research sources. 9. Involve your children in writing your own family code of ‘Acceptable Computer & Internet Use’. Remember that what’s acceptable for a teenager isn’t necessarily okay for a primary school-aged child, so get their input. See the ‘Activities for use at home’ section. 10. Surf together and engage in their world. Go online with your child and become part of their online life – add them as friend on a social networking site (once they’re old enough), text them and discover what their game consoles can do. Keep up...today’s technology is tomorrow’s antique!

For more information visit http://www.knowthenet.org.uk/ or www.thinkuknow.co.uk

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Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2013

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Surrey SM5 2QX

t: 020 8647 8294 - f: 020 8773 8931

[email protected] - www.chsg.org.uk