zadco An internal magazine issued by Zakum Development Company for its employees Issue No. 39 January - February 2009 World Future Energy Summit 2009

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zadcoAn internal magazine issued by Zakum Development Company for its employeesIssue No. 39 January - February 2009

World Future EnergySummit 2009

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� ZADCO’s eforts ofbeautification andplantation are flourishing tothe maximum in ZirkuIsland

� UAE map covered withthe national flag colors waspainted recently on theoriginal rocks of Zirkumountain

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The active current status lived by ZADCO

is reflected by a group of activities that

materialize its leading role as an oil and gas

producer within ADNOC Group of


An Award presentation ceremony was

recently held to recognize site long serving

employees who saved no efforts in serving

ZADCO all over the years.

Another milestone, was the Environmental

Award presented to ZADCO by Offshore

Arabia 2009 for its excellence in

environmental applications, which is a clear

evidence of ZADCO’s continued efforts in

enhancing the environment in Zirku and

Arzanah Islands.

Based on its interest to increase Contractors’

awareness in HSE issues since they carry

out a great deal of our projects, ZADCO

hosted recently the 7th ZADCO Contractors

HSE Managers’ workshop.

And recently was the environmental

campaign together with a relevant exhibition

which has attracted the appreciation of

different categories of visitors who were

impressed by the environmental components

it included.

World Future Energy Summit 2009

“zadco”, an internal magazine issued by

Zakum Development Company

for its employees

Contributions, enquiries and suggestions are welcomed.Please call ZADCO Public Relations Tel: 6052505 orsend e-mail to: [email protected]: www.zadco.com

E d i t o r i a l


ZADCO/Contractors HSE Managers’ Workshop

Awarding Site Long Serving Employees

1st UZOS workshop

ZADCO wins Offshore Arabia Award 2009

Tale of a city - Kuala Lumpur

Focus - Abdulla Al Mansoori

ZADCO Community Activities

Medical - Noise

Wind is one of the green energy sources for the future


C o n t e n t s



Front Cover








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H.H. Crown Prince of Abu DhabiInaugurates World Future EnergySummit 2009

2zadco JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2009

Under the patronage of H.H Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan UAE President, H.H Sheikh Mohammed binZayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forcesinaugurated the World Future Energy Summit and Conference 2009 at the Abu Dhabi National ExhibitionCentre on 19th January 2009.

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Elite speakers at the opening ceremonyof the 3-day event included Dr. SultanAl Jaber, CEO, MASDAR, Abu Dhabi

Future Energy Company, HRH PrinceWillem-Alexander of the Netherlands,Prince of Orange, The Netherlands, JamesAlix Michel, President, Republic ofSeychelles, Matthias Machnig, StateSecretary, Federal Ministry for theEnvironment, as the Representative ofFederal Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel,Germany.

Despite the doubts raised by the impact ofthe current global financial crisis on energysector in 2008, the renewable energy sectorcontinues to grow and make sense in thesedifficult times, according to Al Jaber in hisopening speech.

The summit hosted international andregional representatives from government,commerce and NGOs - and was supportedby a substantial conference. Over 15,000delegates representing 300 companies from20 countries attended the event which isconsidered the largest meeting of influentialfigures in the renewable energy community.The exhibition was extended to cover over20,000 sq meters.

This covered a wide range of themesincluding: energy policy, investment andfunding, green buildings, clean transport,solar and wind power and biofuels. Othertopics, and exhibits, of major investmentinterest are: ocean power, geothermal,waste to energy, fuel cells, carbonmanagement and environmental strategy.

Framework agreementbetween ADNOC andMASDAR

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)and Masdar signed a framework agreementto develop a series of ground-breakingprojects to reduce carbon emissions fromAbu Dhabi's oil and gas facilities andmonetize the emission reduction under theKyoto Protocol's Clean DevelopmentMechanism (CDM).Masdar is driven by the Abu Dhabi FutureEnergy Company (ADFEC), a wholly ownedcompany of the government of Abu Dhabithrough the Mubadala DevelopmentCompany.The partnership will represent a majorcarbon reduction and monetization initiativefor the oil and gas industry in the gulf region.


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The CDM, a project-based regulatory mechanismled by the United Nations, provides financialincentives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions incountries that do not have binding reductioncommitments under the Kyoto Protocol, by turningemission reductions into tradable assets or'Certified Emission Reductions' (CERs) or carboncredits.

The agreement allows Masdar to identify anddevelop a portfolio of CDM projects at ADNOCgroup companies' facilities in Abu Dhabi on an on-going basis. Five CDM projects are currently underdevelopment by ADNOC, with the capacity toreduce four million tons of carbon dioxideemissions, are already in the pipeline forregistration at the United Nations by Masdar.

'ADNOC's partnership with Masdar raises the bar foroil companies looking to reduce their carbonfootprint. We are proud to work with Masdar suchthat the CDM can be effectively used to support ourefforts to reduce environmental impact and ensure asustainable future for the industry' said H.E YousefOmair bin Yousef, ADNOC's Chief ExecutiveOfficer.

As part of the agreement, MASDAR will monitor thelife cycle of the CDM projects in ADNOC's portfolioand assure their registration at the United Nations,the monitoring of emissions and the delivery ofcarbon credits.

'Our agreement with ADNOC is a step forwardtowards fulfilling the Abu Dhabi leadership'sdirectives to reduce carbon emissions," said Dr.Sultan Al Jaber, Masdar's Chief Executive Officer.

Introducing the CDM at ADNOC is an important stepinto building a successful and sustainable lowcarbon economy in Abu Dhabi and ADNOC facilitiespresent a tremendous opportunity for Masdar todeliver on one of its missions-, to become a carbonemission reduction solution provider at home,'Added Al Jaber.

There are a number of CDM projects in the pipelinewaiting for UN registration.

In Das Island, a natural gas flaring will be reducedby installing a new pipeline to recover the excessfuel and flash gases which will be reused as fuel.

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The ADGAS project will utilize the flared gas asfuel. Consequently, it will reduce carbon dioxideemission as well as the need for fuel.

The Takreer project will conserve the previouslyflared gas streams at the Ruwais refinery atTakreer. The collected gases will becompressed and sent to the fuel gas system inorder to partially replace the natural gasimported from a nearby gas field.

The FERTIL project, the first of its kind in theArab world, will recover the carbon dioxideemissions from flue gases generated due to fuelburning, to convert ammonia into urea inFERTIL's Ammonia/Urea plant in Ruwais.

The GASCO project will install energy efficientseals on the ground flare systems of the gasprocessing complexes at Bab, Buhasa andAsab to reduce fuel gas consumption needed topurge the flare header and avoid air entrance.

The GASCO project will recover the previouslyflared waste gases generated from the gasprocessing complex at Habshan. The recoveredgases will partially replace the imported fuelgas, thus CO2 emission will decrease andadditional fuel will be available to the otherconsumers.

Environment 2009 Exhibitionand Conference

Environment 2009 Exhibition '&' Conferencewas held under the patronage of His HighnessSheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Presidentof the United Arab Emirates in the Abu DhabiNational Exhibition Centre during the period 19-21 January, 2009. Environment 2009, the onlycomprehensive environment show in the region,provided an ideal platform to leveragesubstantial business opportunities presented bygovernment measures to addressingenvironmental concerns. This event was theperfect opportunity to gather, network andtransact business under one roof.

Environment 2009 was the meeting-point formajor decision-makers, suppliers, innovatorsand thinkers thus paving the way for majorbusiness opportunities through discussion andformulation of solutions and strategies.

The show was a comprehensive event wherecompanies from all over the world offersolutions on key environmental issuesconfronting the Middle East such as water andwaste management, harnessing renewableenergy, pollution control and sustainabledevelopment.

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6zadco JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2009

The 7th ZADCO / Contractor HSE managers’ workshop was held on 23rd December2008 in Abu Dhabi with the attendance of around 150 persons representing ZADCO andmore than 50 contractors. The workshop was hosted by ZADCO HSE Department andcame under the theme “Working together for better performance – Improvement oflabour conditions”.

Under the Theme “ Improvement of Labour Conditions”

The 7th ZADCO & ContractorHSE Managers’ Workshop Held

During the workshop, the efforts from HSE, CM, LI, GSM,other ZADCO teams and contractors were merged to servethe purpose of discussing and exploring means for theimprovement of labour conditions.The workshop was organized into morning presentationsfollowed by syndicate groups activity workshop in theafternoon.

Welcome SpeechIn his opening speech, ZADCO’s HSE Manager, Mr. AbdulHakeem Al-Muflehi, welcomed all attendees and expressedhis appreciation of ZADCO partners’ commitment which isreflected in the high number of attendees. This was a greatindication of ZADCO’s pursuit towards excellence in itsbusiness interactions with contractors. He also highlighted the great values achieved to date andemphasized on the importance of improving labourconditions not only to ZADCO but also to all ADNOC Groupcompanies and its contractorsMr. Al-Muflehi also stated that this workshop is to raise the

awareness of the contractors about ADNOC’s seriousconcern of labours working conditions and complying withcontractual standards in terms of safeguarding workers’rights, payment of agreed wages, living conditions andoverall workers welfare.

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Workshop Objective:

HSE-OC TL, Mr Mousa AlHajri, highlighted in his speechthat the main objectives of this workshop are to:Ensure compliance of ADNOC labour conditionsrequirementsRaise the awareness of the contractors related to thesubjectHow we can work together to improve the labour conditionsand address the impacts on HSE.Identify ZADCO / Contractors areas of concerns andRecommend suitable solutions to improve the situation.

HSE Minute:

The HSE minute was presented by Mr. KarimPachiyannakis, ZADCO HSE Engineer (Audits) about“Listen to your employees’ needs and requirements, as theirwelfare/ labour conditions can have a direct impact onHSE.”

1st Part of the workshop:

The 1st part presentation activities started by a presentationfrom the Commercial Department (CM) where Mr. Said Al-Madi, ZADCO CM Advisor, presented the contractualrequirements related to labour conditions where the wholeissue of moral / labour condition has been put in a practicalperspective.Dr. Ghassan Shaker, ZADCO GSM Occupational Healthofficer, delivered a presentation on the labour law medicalrequirements and the importance of complying with thelabour law.ZADCO contractors had an effective contribution to theworkshop activities. A key presenter was Mr. HamadahBakir, Corporate QHSE Manager of AlMansoori. Mr. Bakirpresented Al Mansoori labour conditions best practice andhighlighted their way of tackling the labour conditionsproblems in all sites they work.Mutawa Marine had its contribution in the 7th workshop byMr. Kamal Dutta, HSE Manager, who delivered apresentation on “Marine labour conditions best practices”identifying the marine labour conditions issues and theactions taken by Mutawa Marine to rectify these problems ina professional manner.The last presentation at the workshop was given by Mr. AdelWafi, HSE Advisor ZADCO, titled “New contractors unifiedHSE PQ procedure”.Mr. Wafi briefed the audience about the subject and theactions taken by ZADCO based on the concerns that wereregularly raised by contractors in the previous workshops.He further elaborated on the different pre-qualificationprocedures that are used by the ADNOC group companies,where different HSE standards are applied. Mr. Wafi, alsohighlighted the benefits of the proactive approach of unifyingthe HSE PQ process across all OPCO’s, thus qualifyingcontractors by one OPCO is considered as HSE pre-qualified by other ADNOC OPCOs. This will eventually helpin reducing the tendering cycle as well as enhancing andstandardizing the approved bidders list for services.

2nd Part of the workshop

The workshop attendees formed 8 syndicate groups todiscuss the syndicate topics. The syndicate focused on theconcerns of the contractual standards in terms ofsafeguarding workers’ rights, payment of agreed wages,living conditions and overall workers welfare. The outcome

from the discussion was of great value to ZADCO andcontractors as it outlines the way forward to improve thelabour conditions by both parties. At the end of the day, Mr. Moussa Al Hajri concluded theday by thanking all audience for their great and valuableparticipation and appreciated the open-heart discussionsduring the group syndicates.

He stressed on the mutual benefits made by this event tofurther enhance ZADCO / contractors partnership.

Mr. Al-Hajri said that such a way of direct contact betweenZADCO & its contractors would further deepen thepartnership and pave the way towards the targeted level ofperformance as well as improving the labour conditionssituation. He also highlighted that these valuablerecommendations resulting from the workshop will becompiled into an action plan.


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Upper Zakum Ceremony

In Upper Zakum field the ceremony was held onFebruary 11th to honor the site long serving employees,DGM-UZ Mr. Ali Hassan Al Marzouqi, thanked theawardees for their performance which is the main factorin ZADCO’s success. He expressed ZADCO’sappreciation to the site awardees for their long &dedicated service besides their continued endeavor tocarry out their tasks at world class standards. The DGMstressed on the importance of the smooth knowledgetransfer to the new employees in ZADCO.

Then Mr. Ali Hasan Al Marzouqi and UZ SeniorManagers participated in the long service certificatespresentation.

Awarding Long Serving Employees at SitesOn 11th & 18th February 2009 the General Management Team Members visited ZADCO offshoresites to honor the long serving personnel who have completed 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of service.

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Zirku Island

On February 18th Zirku Island honored its longserving employees. The ceremony started witha few verses from the holy Quran followed by awelcoming messages by both Site Managers.

AGM-ZR, Mr. Badr Al-Mansouri in his speechcongratulated Zirku awardees and conveyedZADCO’s Management appreciation for theirlong years of dedicated service. He alsothanked the Management for there continuedsupport to Zirku that allowed the site havingsuch a brilliant success.

Mr. Badr Al-Mansouri concluded that allachievements made during the progress ofZADCO in Zirku Island site is attributed to thecombined efforts of site employees besidestheir commitment to achieve ZADCO’s goals.

Mr. Badr Al Mansouri, then, presented the longservice certificates to the awarded personneland group photos were taken to be followed bya dinner party attended by all awardees.


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In Arzanah, AGM-SU Mr. Qasem AlKayoumi stressedon maintainingZADCO’sexcellence in all itsactivities. Thiscame during the

Long Service ceremony that was held onFebruary 18th and included Satah, Umm AlDalkh and Arzanah awarded employees.

Following this AGM-SU presented theawardees with their long service certificatesand prizes.

During the visit the 4th Quarterly (2008) SUBUPerformance Review Meeting was held atArzanah and attended by the AGM(SU), SA &UA Site Managers, Team Leaders &representatives from Abu Dhabi supportingunits to review the progress during the 4thQuarter of 2008.

Presentations were given by individual unitshighlighting the achievements during theperiod and areas of concerns.

Also a “NO LTI” club meeting was alsoorganized with all site personnel and AGM(SU)gave a brief of safety related issues: The importance ofthis club, its enhancement, the roles of each individualand the lessons learnt especially from an accident thatrecently occurred due to H2S gas release.

The visit was concluded by honoring some of theemployees whose achievements were excellent duringthe Year-2008. Appreciation letters and gifts weredistributed for their contributions.

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Upper Zakum Feild

30 Years ServiceRaghavan R. Prasad

25 Years ServiceAli Mahamoud Sheikhow RoblehBabujee BattulaKrishna S. SambamoorthyDahyabhai S. PatelGuruvareddiar GanesanLeslie ThomasAlwardoss MahalingamSatyawan L. ArolkarGopala K. KolliMookken J. GeorgeKolandai PanduranganMastour B. Ben MohamedYousuff SherriffV. NarayananAli A. Heba

20 Years Service

Radwan A. AltoumWijemuni A. PiyarathnaGopala Krishnan Anantha NarayananOmar A. Al Ja'bari

15 Years ServiceHossam A. GobranPothakutty I. MarattukalamBa Nilan H. BuckmanMohamed S. SalehAbdulla A. Al JufriSanthan D'silvaMohd. Jusef A. MadathilDeodato P. RasingIsagani A. EdrosalamDanilo G. TriaRomeo M. GonzalvoPaquito O. PatalinghogRicardo P. Geronimo

10 Years ServiceMohamed H. HusseinThani AlTayerNasser Salem N. Al-HassaniKhalid O. Al ZaabiAbdulla M. Al MarzooqiSaif S. Al QaydiSaleh A. Al WahediAbdulbaqi I. Al HosaniHassan K. KunjhumoiduAlbert F. XavierRajkumar N. Velayudhan

Sayed Abdul Z. Abdul RahmanRae F. MartinShibu K. Thomas


30 Years ServiceKelothe Abdul RahimanManjalivalappil Salim Haidros

25 Years ServiceSuliman BabikerMohamed H. SeidnaEl Mamoun I. AliOsman H. OsmanAhmed M. DaqaneJagajeevandas Shetty KodiyalbailSreenivasan BalachandranP. James JacobGulab Chandra ShuklaSabbir Ahmed FatiwalaFathi K. Al SaidiMahendra P. KukretyGamal A. AlyAnnamalai SwaminathanJamal Ali Al AmariAtef A. Aly

20 Years ServiceRafiqul Islam Abdul MajidJasem M. Al ShehhiNizam M. JaberRubaiya Mubarak Al NaemiKhaled A. Al-HosaniDavis V. John

15 Years ServiceAbdulqader A. Al KhouriMohamed S. Al QubaisiSultan M. Al Kharraz Al ZaabiKhamis S. Al KaabiMehrban B. KhanAhmed S. RobleDaud KhanReynaldo A. SilaBaldin ThobiasAli ShernazSridharan KiliyamvalappilAbdul Hamid Al Monajjed

10 Years ServiceKhaled H. Al WahediNader Obaid Al Ketbi

Yousif Abdulla M. Al JunaibiAhmed Ali Mohammed Al MullaMohamed Ali Al QamziMohammed Rashed Al ShamisiAbdelkader BouchelaghemMohamed H. Al HammadiKhalid Obaid Al MansouriMark A. CreightonTerrence P. DolanKhaled A. Al MazrouieKhaled Saif Al KetbiAbdulrahman A. AlraisAhmed M. Al HosaniAli Jumaa Al RomaithiAli M. Al ShehhiFaris Abdulla BanafeaYaaqoub J. Al HosaniMujib U. RahmanRagab M. BadreldinGanapathy PandiMohamed Ould bouhJayaram VankatakrishnanSaidu Mohamed AshrafHaris K. V.Dilip N. Patil


25 Years ServiceIbrahim Yusuf Hassan

20 Years Service

Jumaan Mohammed Al Askari

15 Years Service

Eduardo E. GarciaNitin Jashbhai Patel

10 Years ServiceSalem Hussein Abdullah Al HashimiIbrahim Fayez Abdulsalam AtiallaSiraj Fakir Shaikh


15 Years ServiceThomas John


AGM-ZR celebrating the long service award presentation with Zirku employees


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“UZOS Group Aligned Themselves for“UZOS Group Aligned Themselves for2009 UZ Enhanced Performance”2009 UZ Enhanced Performance”

The 1st UZOS Workshop was conducted in November 2008. Under the theme: “ Align Ourselves to Enhance UZOSPerformance”, Mr. Ihab Tarmoom (ADGM-UZOS), led his team members to review 2008 achievements andhighlighted several areas that will help enhance OS 2009 Performance.

12zadco JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2009

The participants were grouped into five sessions.The findings of each group were presented andfull use was made of the open discussions. The

Participants got the chance to interact with other teammembers and understand Operations Supportinternal & external constraints. The concerns and lessons learned were formulatedand an Action Plan has been developed with actionsand way forward items.

The Workshop was concluded with a focused 2009Vision for all OS team members.

Finally, ADGM-UZOS gave a clear message on hisexpectations for processes standards to improve OSPerformance through collective team efforts andpersistent desire for further team improvement in linewith company’s mission and vision.


Group photo of the workshop participants

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ZADCO was recently presented with a prestigious award “Excellence in Environmental Applications”, in the OffshoreArabia 2009 event. ZADCO submitted the paper “ZADCO… years of continuous commitment” (co-authored by Mr.Saeed Al Yafei and Ms. Samar Al Hameedi) highlighting the collaborative efforts on the islands with ERWDA and theEmirates Heritage Club since 2001 to date.

ZADCO Wins OffshoreArabia 2009 Award

This major event is held annually under thepatronage of H.H Sheikh Mohammed BinRashid Al Maktoum, Vice President & Prime

Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai. HRH. PrinceTurki Bin Nasser Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud (President,Presidency of Meteorology & Environment, Kingdomof Saudi Arabia) and H.E. Khamis Jumaa Bu Amim(RESCO CEO) were special guests of the awardceremony along with a number of high profileofficials.

Offshore Arabia is an international conference andexhibition that targets the management of oil and gasoperations with utmost regard to the surroundingenvironment. Therefore, winning this award is astrong testament and regional recognition ofZADCO’s efforts in protecting and enhancing thenatural environment on its islands, Zirku andArzanah. Ms. Samar Al Hameedi and Mr. Saeed Al Yafei winners of the

Offshore Arabia 2009 Award

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Is the largest city of Malaysia,making up an area of 244 km2has an estimated population of

1.6 million in 2006. Greater KualaLumpur, also known as the KlangValley, is an urban agglomeration of7.2 million. It is the fastest growingmetropolitan region in the country,in terms of population as well aseconomy. Kuala Lumpur is the seat of theParliament of Malaysia. It is also thecultural and economic centre ofMalaysia due to its position as thecapital. Beginning in the 1990s, the city hasplayed host to many internationalsporting, political and culturalevents including the 1998Commonwealth Games and theFormula One World Championship.In addition, Kuala Lumpur is hometo the 2nd tallest twin buildings inthe world, the Petronas TwinTowers. Protected by the TitiwangsaMountains in the east andIndonesia's Sumatra Island in thewest, Kuala Lumpur has a year-round equatorial climate which iswarm and sunny, along withabundant rainfall season fromSeptember to April. Temperaturestend to remain constant. Maximumshover between 31 °C and havenever exceeded 37°C, whileminimums hover between 22°C andhave never fallen below 19°C.Kuala Lumpur typically receives2,266 mm (89.2 in) of rain annually Kuala Lumpur's rapid development,triggered huge influx of foreignworkers from Indonesia, Nepal,Burma, Thailand, Bangladesh,Vietnam and China into Malaysia.

Kuala Lumpur and its surroundingurban areas form the mostindustrialized and economically, thefastest growing region in Malaysia.The city remains as the economicand business center of the country.In fact, the city is a center forfinance, insurance, real estate,media and the arts of MalaysiaThe Gross Domestic Product (GDP)for the city is estimated at RM25,968 million in 2007 with anaverage annual growth rate of 4.2percent.Other important economic activitiesin the city are education and healthservices. Kuala Lumpur also hasadvantages stemming from the highconcentration of educationalinstitutions The tourism sector also plays animportant part in the city’s economy,providing income, employment andexpanding business opportunities.Many large worldwide hotel chainshave presence in the city. KualaLumpur has also developed into aninternational shopping destinationwith a wide variety of shoppingcenters and mega malls which carrywell-known global and local brands.Conference tourism has alsoexpanded in recent years and isbecoming a very importantcomponent of the industry.Hotels, from five-star to budgettypes, have cropped up everywhereto accommodate the influx oftourists each year. Kuala Lumpur alone has 66shopping malls and it is the retailand fashion hub for Malaysia.Shopping in Malaysia contributes(USD 2.26 billion) or 20.8 percent ofthe tourism receipts in 2006.

Kuala Lumpur has designatednumerous zones in the city tomarket locally manufacturedproducts such as textiles, fabricsand handicrafts..The architecture of the city is ablend of old colonial influences,Asian traditions, Malay Islamicinspirations, modern, andpostmodern architecture mix. Allyear around.The Perdana Lake Gardens, a 92-hectare (230-acre) manicuredgarden near the MalaysianParliament includes a ButterflyPark, Deer Park, Orchid Garden,Hibiscus Garden and Kuala LumpurBird Park.Kuala Lumpur is a hub for culturalactivities and events in Malaysiasuch as the National Museum andIslamic Arts Museum which housesmore than seven thousand Islamicartefacts The premier performing arts venueis the Petronas Philharmonic Hall.The resident orchestra is theMalaysian Philharmonic Orchestra(MPO), consisting of musiciansfrom all over the world and featuresregular concerts.Kuala Lumpur has numerous parksand open spaces for recreationalpurposes. It is one of the host cities for theFormula One World Championship,the open-wheel auto racing A1Grand Prix and the MotorcycleGrand Prix. The City is enjoying a wide medianetwork covering all activitiesbesides proper transportation netallowing visitors and touristsenjoying the beautiful features ofAsia first city.

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Mr. Abdulla Al Mansoori joinedZADCO in 1996. He graduated fromADNOC Technical Institute. Hestarted his career life as a mechanicaltechnician at Zirku for 8 years; Then hewas nominated and promoted to a newassignment as UZM mechanicalworkshop supervisor at ZADCO HQ.His job is to carry out most of themanufacture, refurbishment andfabrication of equipment parts at localworkshops as per site request throughwork orders and ensure that the aboveactivities are carried out as perrequirement of UZME scope, FIapplicable best practices, codes andstandards he is also responsible formanaging and releasing various RFQ,Blanket Contract and issuing service tocontractor and finally inspects the jobquality and compliance with therequired specification. Mr. Abdulla explains that he facedsome challenges while shifting fromZirku business unit to UZ business unit;as he moved to a new environment

with a totally different job tasks &responsibilities. Also findingaccommodation in Abu Dhabi wasdifficult, add to it driving to his workarea in Mussafah on a daily basis.However, with time he started toaccommodate with thesecircumstances and got on with hisdevelopment program looking forwardto a bright future.Abdulla believes his success camefrom ZADCO’s professionalenvironment and teaming up with hiscolleagues in order to executeexcellent results.Abdulla advises new employees totake advantage of being part ofZADCO and by taking care of theirattendance in order to grip their job anddevelop themselves as much aspossible. In his free time Abdulla enjoys reading,swimming, camping and travelling longdistances by car. He is married with 4children Afnan, Rashid, Anfal andZayed.

Abdulla Al Mansoori Workshop Supervisor (UZSC)

“ZADCO provides the rightenvironment to be productive andprofessional”

Abdulla Al Mansoori


NNeeww ggrroouupp ooff eemmppllooyyeeeess jjooiinn ZZAADDCCOOA group of new employees joined recently ZADCO, out of them many UAE Nationals were absorbed to work in different sites andexperience the planned training in connection with their jobs. This practice reflects the continuous success of the Emiratisationpolicy adopted by ZADCO.

Name Work Location

Munther Al Baloushi UZWO

Abdurrahman Al Massabi SUFD

Ahmed Al Mazrooei UZFP

Khaled Al Azizi UZFP

Sami Ahmed HRA

Sultan Al Hebsi ZRFMM

Ebrahim Al Mansori EPP

Name Work Location

Eiman Al Mekhaini HRR

Sudhakar Shanmugam UA-MECH

Chatterje Sukuamar UZFM

Chalessery Joy UZFP

Mohammed Khalil UZGS

Raafat Abbas UZWO

Suriyaprakash Sundram FI

Abdurrahman Al Massabi Ebrahim Al Mansori Ahmed Al Mazrooei Khaled Al Azizi Sami Ahmed Sultan Al Hebsi Munther Al Baloushi

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16zadco JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2009

Social Activities

EnvironmentalAwarenessCampaignHSE Department in coordination with

PR Department organized during

February 2009 an Environmental

Awareness Campaign which included a

number of activities started with an

environmental exhibition that was held

for one week in Sheikh Khalifa Energy


Mr. Saif N. Al Suwaidi, ZADCO General

Manager inaugurated the exhibition at

the presence of Mr. Jasem Ali

Al Sayegh, TAKREER General

Manager and other officials from

ADNOC Group of Companies in

addition to ZADCO GMT members and

department Managers who toured

around the sections of the exhibition

and listened to the presentations of the

Emirates Heritage Club, Environment

Agency - Abu Dhabi and other

environmental bodies. The exhibition

Social Activities

GMT members and their guests visited the different sections of the exhibition

GM inaugurating the exhibition

Environment Exhibition

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also included live samples of the mangrove

plantation projects in Zirku and Arzanah

islands, “Art for recycling” art works,

environmental bookstand, and an

environment educational section for

children that received a number of schools

from Abu Dhabi Educational Zone. The

visiting children of each school spent

around two hours in the different sections

of the exhibition where they were

introduced to the huge efforts spent by

ZADCO and other national organizations in

order to maintain the rich environment of

our beloved country. After that the children

were left to practice their coloring hobby

with a selection of fish from the UAE


The Environmental Campaign included

also awareness sessions, a survey and a

quiz to test the visitors information about

the environmental issues.

The awareness opening session was

attended by ZADCO GMT members and a

number of interested employees where

HSE employees presented the policy of

ZADCO explaining how we take foremost

account of protecting the natural

environment in accordance with the local,

federal and international environmental

laws in all our activities and operations

The presentations described ZADCO’s

environmental goals as to:

� Protect the environment and minimize

the negative impact of its activities

� Strive to progressively reduce

emissions, discharges and waste

� Continuously improve the efficient use

of energy and natural resources

� Safeguard places of historical and

cultural importance localized near company


Over the exhibition week the visitors from

ZADCO and other ADNOC group

companies expressed their admiration to

the quality of the educational environment

shows and the different activities organized

during the exhibition.



Mangrove plantation model

Visiting the environmental books stand

Environmental awareness opening session

Children from Abu Dhabi schools visited the exhibition

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18zadco JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2009

Zirku CelebrateNew FacilitiesZirku celebrated recently two special

occasions that effected positively on the

well being of its employees.

The first occasion was the inauguration

of its new airport which was

reconstructed with state of the art

design and equipped with the latest


AGM-ZR Mr. Badr Al Mansouri attended

the inauguration ceremony

accompanied by the Island official

authorities and the Site Manager.

The second occasion was the new gym

official opening where AGM-ZR

celebrated with the site employees the

island’s new 5 stars physical training

equipment that are available now for

Zirku residents and visitors.New physical training equipment at Zirku

AGM-ZR inaugurating the new gym

The New Airport celebration

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Golf clubA dozen or so intrepid ZADCO golfers all

travelled down to the Al Ain Park golf

course last February for a fabulous day’s

golf on Al Ain’s very own Equestrian Club


The day was marked with most refreshing

morning of clear blue skies with a slight

easterly breeze on a beautifully manicured

9 hole grass course which was both

challenging because of the many water

hazards and infuriating as the dense rough

was so unforgiving …. indeed seemingly to

‘eat’ golf balls at every opportunity!

After the first 9 holes we switched to the

more challenging ‘Black’ tee boxes for the

second half of the match.

Results:� Albert Berundang Bedus (ZADCO

HSEPS), The overall winner with 42 points

� Antonio Longalong (ZADCO UZFE), The

overall runner up with 38 points.

� Wayne Cross (ZADCO UZFDS DM),

The 3rd position with total score of 37


Individual prizes:� Frederic : longest drive on hole 12

� Antonio :Nearest the Pin hole 4

� Catherine: Nearest the Pin hole 16

� Ian:Longest drive hole 18

� Waynes : longest drive hole 8

Snooker clubSnooker club organized recently the end of

year snooker tournament. A good no. of

players (20 employee) participated in the

tournament and the winner was Hesham


Ladies & Children ClubZSRC Ladies & Children Club organized

Universal Concept of Mental Arithmetic

System U.C.M.A.S. course for all ZADCO

employees’ children from Ages 7 -10.

U.C.M.A.S. program presents an

opportunity to discover the hidden potential

of children and equip them with lifetime


The course offers International Grading &

Certification, which ensures similar

standards are maintained in all countries.



Golf activity

Golf tournament participants

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20zadco JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2009

Noise is medically defined asan audible sound energy thatcan affect humans both

physically and psychologically. Thatis why most industrial countrieshave set the limits of humans’exposure to noise, especially inindustrial areas, and have laid downvarious rules and regulations in thisregard.

Sources of exposure to noise

Means of transport are one of themost important sources of exposureto noise, which increases at the flowof traffic especially when vehiclesstart moving after a green light, onturns and at heights. Anotherimportant source is the echo whichis always found in streets that aresurrounded by high building, wherethis physical phenomenon leads todoubling the level of noiseexposure.

Moreover, factories are also one ofthe biggest sources of noise, wherethe level of exposure varies fromone industry to another.

Furthermore, our modern homesare nowadays full of sources ofnoise such as the various electricalappliances. Even practicing somehobbies like hunting using fire arms,shooting, or even listening to musiccan be considered as sources ofexposure to noise.

The effects of noise on health

The ear is the organ which is mostaffected by noise, whether acute orchronic. When exposed to high,impact noise like explosions and

cannon sounds, the ear is affectedin many ways including the damageto the eardrum or the middle earossicles which is usuallyaccompanied by severe pain andpossible haemorrhage.

Long-term exposure to noise alsoaffects neural cells of the inner earresulting in a gradual irreversibleloss of hearing in both ears. This isone of occupational illnesses uponwhich the level of disability andcompensation is estimated.

On the other hand, various studieshave proved the negative effects ofnoise on the psychological health. Itis noted that the people exposed tonoise consume more psychoactivedrugs than the ones who are not. Itis also noted that some other healthissues like anxiety, insomnia,headache, nausea, loss of appetite,and hot temper are caused bynoise. Moreover, some studiesindicate that the number of smokersis larger among the people exposedto noise than the ones who are notexposed.

The effects of noise onperformance and productivity

Noise negatively affects carrying outthe appointed tasks that requirespecial skills such as fullconcentration and largelydepending on one’s memory. Aperson might go through someperiods when his efficiencydecreases if his work requires highlevels of concentration in a place fullof noise.

Noise and accidents

Various studies have shown thatnoise is one major cause ofaccidents in general and workincidents in particular. Workers innoisy places are more likely toexperience work incidents since it isknown that noise affects the level ofconcentration and leads to slowreaction. Also in such places it ishard for a worker to hear hiscolleagues warning him about someeminent danger. It is also hard forhim to hear the sound of a machineheading towards him. Therefore,many factories tend to use lightsignals to indicate such dangers.

N o i s eN o i s eHEALTH

Noise is one of the negative results of modern life that is no more exclusive to industrial areasas some might think. It is actually present in all areas, but with different caliber. Furthermore,it is not exclusive to some jobs without the others. One might be exposed to noise at work, athome or both.

Prepared by: Dr. Ghassan Skakir MahmoudOccupational Health Physician / ZADCOIts Adverse Effects on Individuals and Community Health